I'm new to the performance tuning. I wanted to know if someone can give me some suggestions to the CWA and ADDM of Oracle Enterprise Manager? I use Oracle 10 g release 2. I wanted to determine what I can do to improve performance for some def SQL queries. Thank you.


Here are a few more links in addition to tutorials on how to read and interpret the



Tags: Database

Similar Questions


    Hi all

    AIX 5L (quadcore, 16 gram) 6.1

    I'm still confused how to take full advantage of these monitoring tools.

    In fact our performance database is currently satisfactory, except occasionally some minutes of CPU spikes high > 80.

    I just want to catch the culprit process/program responsible for this tension, as I have no I idea of who he is.

    Is it wise to run ASH, AWR, ADDM with a time entry 01:00 to 01:00 the next day?

    I mean, I will analyze a 1 day period, so that I can catch the program/process with the cpu/memory more for day use.

    Is this possible?

    Thank you very much


    yxes2013 wrote:

    THA app works well with this thing of UPDATES. Once in a 'blue moon' PPE would not account for this.  I suspect that this could be explained by hardware bugs?

    Do you have any evidence to believe that the problem is a hardware bug?  Of course, it is possible for the material to go wrong.  But the absence of evidence, a hardware failure is radically less likely that an application coding problem.


  • By comparing the AWR & ADDM

    Hi all

    AIX 6.1 5L

    I took the State of using ADDM and AWR performance over the same period of wink to my database.

    And here's the result:



    Why is that ADDM report say that the database has no activity while AWR says the database is busy?

    Please help in the analyses.

    Thank you very much



    I think that, when the CPU work less, then a minute earlier, busy is not word, I would choose. You have four processors so more than 60 minutes, I'll study reports a little longer.

    Best regards


    PS: 1 hour and no switch Journal of archivle, this is not an optimal configuration.

  • Difference between AWR, ADDM, ASH


    Can someone explain to me the difference between database AWR ASH AND ADDM reports please

    Thank you



    ASH - history of the Active Session. Name says it all.


  • ADDM/AWR report

    Just a simple question. How old AWR/ADDM report I can run in default on 10 gr 2

    Thank you

    7 days by default:


  • ORA-13605: the specified task or object ADDM: < task > does not exist.

    I use ORACLE 11g R2 & RHEL 5 DB.

    My task of bottom line is I want to send an AWR & ADDM report by mail to myself and the other members of my team all the hours for a particular user. I did a procedure for the same thing. When I perform this procedure from the sys user then it is run successfully and we even receive emails with attachments well. When I try to run this procedure from the particular user, it gives me the following error: -.

    "ORA-13605: the ADDM:1987121644_4118 of task or a specified object does not exist for the current user."

    When I explored my procedure, I found that the error was in the query that is used to generate the report of the ADDM. The same query within an enforcement procedure s successfully with the sys user, but not in the other user. The query is as below: -.
     select dbms_advisor.get_task_report(task_name,'TEXT','ALL') as ADDM_report
                         from dba_advisor_tasks
                        where task_id =
                              (select max(t.task_id)
                                 from dba_advisor_tasks t, dba_advisor_log l
                                where t.task_id = l.task_id
                                  and t.advisor_name = 'ADDM'
                                  and l.status = 'COMPLETED')
    When I accessed the sight of dba_advisor_tasks separately then I saw that each task the ower name was "SYS" user. So its gives me error when I have the fire of the other user. When I run it from SCOTT I get the following error: -.
    ORA-13605: The specified task or object ADDM:1987121644_4017 does not exist for the current user.
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.PRVT_ADVISOR", line 3189
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_ADVISOR", line 590
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    ORA-06512: at "SCOTT.SEND_MAIL_FOR_AWR_ADDM_REPORT", line 72
    ORA-06512: at line 2
    I tried to use the view data dictionary with 'USER_'... like USER_advisor_tasks, but this returns null if it doesn't produce any report ADDM.

    What should I do to run my (other than the user SYS) user SCOTT procedure and must generate the ADDM report.

    Thanks in advance.

    Look at the signature of the function:

    function get_task_report (task_name      in varchar2,
                              type           in varchar2 := 'TEXT',
                              level          in varchar2 := 'TYPICAL',
                              section        in varchar2 := 'ALL',
                              owner_name     in varchar2 := NULL,
                              execution_name in varchar2 := NULL,
                              object_id      in number   := NULL)
      return clob;

    See owner_name.


    select owner,task_name,
           (t.task_name,'TEXT','TYPICAL','ALL',t.owner) as ADDM_report
                         from dba_advisor_tasks t
                        where task_id =
                              (select max(t.task_id)
                                 from dba_advisor_tasks t, dba_advisor_log l
                                where t.task_id = l.task_id
                                  and t.advisor_name = 'ADDM'
                                  and l.status = 'COMPLETED');
  • 1Z0-024 1Z0-054 vs Performance Tuning


    obiously, they are tests for very different versions (8i vs 11g), but if you take that into consideration, I think they are very similar... But in Oracle 8i you had to pass 5 exams (Yes FIVE!) If you want to get your OCP. Today, you get 11G OCP with 3 tests... and if you pass 1Z0-054 you have one cerfitication others...

    Is this true?

    Are different so the two reviews?, it seems that they are very similar (all similar which can be oracle 8i and oracle 11g)

    Anyone who has had 1z0-024 (there are almost 13 years) took 1z0-054?


    Is this true?

    I guess that what you are asking to be true is that the 11g OCP requires three exams (TRUE) and passing the 1Z0 - 054 you grant OCÉ certification in addition to the 11 g OCP (also TRUE).  Theoretically, you could also win the 11g tuning certification without an OCP, but there're so much, we need practical training that must also be met.

    Are different so the two reviews?, it seems that they are very similar (all similar which can be oracle 8i and oracle 11g)

    Well, I don't have a handy list of topics for 1Z0 - 024, so I'll work from subjects for 1Z0 - 054 and extrapolate. First of all, I will list some of the topics in 054 which are features that did not exist in 8i:

    Automatic maintenance AWR, ADDM, tasks, reports of ASH, database Resource manager, planner of the Oracle, SQL tuning automatically, planning Plan SQL, SQL Performance Analyzer, Database Replay, Automatic Shared Memory Management, automatic memory management, space management auto Segment, Segment retractable, Automatic Storage Management, Statspack.

    Please note that the list above is perhaps not complete.  I might have missed some.  However, I think I can answer your question with confidence, saying: "Yes - the two reviews are very different."

  • New performance problem

    Hi all

    We encounter a performance problem once again

    The batch deletes lines 1 M every night which took regular 30 minutes.

    But last night (midnight) it took more than 2 hours and crashes.

    Help if I run gather_schena stats regularly when it is constant DELETE on the table?

    Please help me check our ASHES, AWR, ADDM to solve the problem.




    Thank you...


    yxes2013 wrote:

    Are you & twin SB

    Good for say you that because you have a minimum of charges/taks in you and your company is paid too high

    For me, Im so overwhelmed with a lot of assignments include not less than the ff:

    GG, DBV, TDE, Ebiz, MySql, Sqlserver, Db2, Sybase, Foxpro, RMAN, Dataguard, database security audit, database administrator, etc., & etc.

    And I get paid only USD1, 500 per month. Is this reasonable?

    Why is - all the dba from here seem to not complain about their jobs?

    Do you mean most of you have minimum assignments with your respective companies and is paid at the top?

    Thank you

    Fair enough. He turns off the stage (again) and is going no where.

    Action mod.: blocking of the thread.


  • New to Oracle DBA

    Recently I have been thrust into a role of DBA (kicking and screaming). My supervisor put me through the Oracle Sys Admin I & II workshops, but it's a starting point; It seems that many of the features that have been addressed are not used in our environment (ASM, AMM, RMAN, EM) that makes my life less funny!
    My job now is to monitor the database for all performance issues, the prevention of proactive failure, the backup and restore (BU / R is managed by NetBackup/BCV with Symmetrix disk mirrored between).

    I was an admin systems for many years, and I've been able to generate scripts a few sanitary controls outside the DB; at the level of the BONE. I'm starting to look at some of the views v$ that allow me to see what is happening in our system.
    I have a few generalized questions, I would ask (if I need a separate thread for each of the questions let me know and I'll repost):
    1. How can I determine what features are used by the database (outside the features mentioned above)?
    2. what should be followed on a base < interval > (hourly, daily, monthly)?
    3. what should I look for when I followed him? (right now I look at the alert log every day for entries "ORA" - and send alerts...)

    I'm sure I'll have many more questions, but these are ones I have on my mind right now.
    I apologize for the generality of my questions, I'm sure we'll get more accurate that the discussion continues.

    We had the following:
    Oracle 11 g 2 HA (Veritas Cluster NOT oracle cluster or grid control) mode running on Solaris 10...
    Thanks in advance for helping me understand this complex beast!


    1. How can I determine what features are used by the database (outside the features mentioned above)?
    A >

    Under query will give the features that are currently enabled on your database.
    Select * option $ v where the VALUE = 'TRUE '.

    This will give you the details usage report features db if used


    2. what should be followed on a basis (hourly, daily, monthly)?
    A >
    S/n should be followed always schedule/carefully, but you can't be human control grid or cronjobs (with automatic e-mail alerts) should be programmed.
    AWR/ADDM features are available that allows you to go back in time & see what was going on in DB giving excellent statistics of the DB

    3. what should I look for when I followed him? (right now I look at the alert log every day for entries "ORA" - and send alerts...)
    A >
    As grid needs licenses the simplest to be a SYSTEM administrator is to make some shell scripts and place a few jobs long life in cron
    This cron so captured ORA-, err, corrupted fail, warning, down, stop channels alerts log
    Apart from this you can also have scripts in place for session locking/blocking in DB, cpu/memory/IO TOP consuming SQL at the request to ship you once use Server metrics goes high
    One of the most important is alert, space free OS space, tablespace space free sql must always be runing in cron every min

    Thank you
    Ajay more

  • Database is slow

    How can I check why the database is slow? I have received a complaint from a user saying that the database is slow, how can I check which takes process long?
    Select * from v$version;
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    "CORE     Production"
    TNS for HPUX: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production


    You have configured Enterprise Manager? Using 'EM is the best and easiest to see what the problem is with your database.

    Otherwise, if the performance is slow in the last minutes, you can use reports history of Active Session (ASH) to check top queries. You will notice also the top wait events in the same.

    If the performance problem is consistent in these last hours, you better check the AWR & ADDM reports. They will give you a better way to find out if there are performance problems and vision. Since the events of high expectation of the page, you can see if the bottleneck exists in the database or outside of the database.

    If there is a query that performs poorly all of a sudden, you can first try to collect stats of the tables involved.

    Kind regards
    Rizwan Wangde
    SR Oracle DBA.

  • TKProf in 11g

    Hello *.

    How is processed (or intended to be treated) TKPROF tool in version 11g?
    There are a lot of tools GUI/API setting and monitoring (all kinds of advisers and ladies, AWR, ADDM), and I wonder if average DBA should bother on this subject.
    I can imagine it is always practical for many people, but to be honest - is superior (and how is somehow) more g 11 advisors?
    Can TKPROF replaced entirely with features of GUI/API 11 g?

    I ask especially those who used both solutions and can be compared. THX

    The biggest problem with Tkprof is that it must 'you' be competent enough to interpret what it reveals and that's what Oracle is trying to improve with the auto components that it introduced in the two latest versions. See this thread on Asktom where Tom tells how to use effectively the Tkprof and what its all about.


  • Top of page user CPU


    EBS 11i on RHEL 4.6

    I'm following up memory and CPU use in our server EBS, by using the 'top' command, and I found this:
    Tasks: 441 total,   2 running, 438 sleeping,   0 stopped,   1 zombie
    Cpu(s): 24.4% us,  0.8% sy,  0.0% ni, 74.8% id,  0.0% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.0% si
    Mem:   9351560k total,  9013220k used,   338340k free,    23504k buffers
    Swap:  5116620k total,     3692k used,  5112928k free,  7808292k cached
     2797 oraprod   25   0  100 103:18.79  3.4  661m 313m 274m R oracle
    12462 root      16   0    1   0:00.19  0.0  3972 1244  796 R top
        1 root      16   0    0   0:01.46  0.0  2020  600  512 S init
        2 root      RT   0    0   0:00.02  0.0     0    0    0 S migration/0
        3 root      34  19    0   0:00.00  0.0     0    0    0 S ksoftirqd/0
    2797 PID worked all day, I don't know if it's a suspended/runaway process.

    Can I study this process using its OAM tool on the right Oracle Apps?

    I can it kill just without studying? I have most of the time, and I do not hear complaints from users ;)
    But it would be better if I know that the process is :(

    Thank you very much

    Ms. K


    STATSPACK is 9i, 10 g, that we started to use the ASH-AWR-ADDM.

    For statspack, pelase check below:

    Installation and configuration of Package StatsPack [ID 149113.1]
    FAQ - Statspack reference complete [ID 94224.1]
    Create a report of performance StatsPack [149124.1 ID]
    How to understand the report AWR / Statspack report [ID 842884.1]
    What is StatsPack and where are the files Readme? [149115.1 ID]
    Systemwide Tuning with STATSPACK [228913.1 ID] reports
    Oracle Applications and StatsPack [ID 153507.1]
    Oracle9i Database Performance Tuning Guide and reference-using statspack

    Also I suggest to check:
    How to identify SQL Intensive resources to the Doc ID:232443.1 agreement
    TROUBLESHOOTING: Possible Causes of poor SQL Performance Doc ID:33089.1

    It may be useful
    Respect of

  • Oracle AWR and ADDM report for a multiple instance Oracle database 11 g 2 (RAC)


    How to create an Oracle AWR and ADDM report for a multiple instance (RAC) Oracle database 11 g 2?



    Oracle DB 11 g 2 AWR Global report before 11 GR 2, the awrrpt.sql generation

    under $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin only generates the report awr for the local instance.

    You will need to collect for each RAC instance awr report.

    11 GR 2, there are two new scripts awrgrpt.sql AND awrgdrpt.sql for CARS

    awrgrpt. SQL - AWR Global report (RAC) (global report)

    awrgdrpt. SQL - overall Diff AWR (RAC) report.

    Some other important scripts under $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin

    spawrrac. SQL - Server Performance RAC report

    awrsqrpt. SQL - statement of the standard ANSI SQL92 report

    awrddrpt. SQL - period diff on the current instance

    awrrpti. SQL - workload repository Instance (RAC) report

    REF link:

    ADDM enhancements in Oracle Database 11 g & mdash;

  • AWR and ADDM

    How can I know for sure that AWR and ADDM is enabled in our environment?

    I'm going to EM, Administration tab, link Automatic workload repository and I the number of snapshots . I was able to click on one of the IDS and 2 tabs are available to me - Details and report. When I click on the report, I see any kind of summary. In addition, I was able to click on the View ADDM executed on the upper right.

    Are these signs that AWR and ADDM is turned on? If so, how can I check OS_USER them walking, and when it was turned on. Snapshots dated back to last week. Is this a good idea? And how do I turn it works back?

    But I thought AWR and ADDM requires a special permit; extra cost package, isn't?

    Yes, and these not requiring license.



    I want to run ADDM/AWR OEM or something like TOAD, what privileges do I need exactly. I assumed it was just him SELECT ANY DICTIONARY. I'm missing others?

    Grant ADVISOR you;

Maybe you are looking for