Basic user process triggers

I'm just trying to perform some tests trigger process basic user. I did the following:

1. creates an adapter that makes a SET VARIABLE < firstname > < middlename > =, with middlename as adapter return value
2. in the workflow designer, I added a new user event by using the 'change name' search
3. I have attached the adapter specified in step 1 to the process task user Xellerate 'name change', with the mapped variables (firstname = first name, middlename = name)

Keeping in mind that it is only for testing purposes, I understand that the expected behavior should be that the middle name is updated with the first name.

However, I don't get this update. I login as xelsysadm / administrator, changing the first name of the user and the result is always the same. Am I missing a crucial step somewhere?

I use OIM (no update bp)

Thank you

I don't think you can delete the default rule on the assignment on a task tab. If you sign in to the administration Console, click Advanced, click the approval policies, strategies, research don't you see that the user change the value for the automatic approval?

Tags: Fusion Middleware

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    You have no integrated security program. Microsoft Security Essentials is free.

    Microsoft Security Essentials

    You have WordPad on the start menu. All programs | Accessories. Alternatively, it is a good word processing program 'Office as'

    Open Office

  • map a user process oracle for the process of the BONE?

    Hi all

    When a client connects to the Server DB and oracle user
    process (< SID > oracle) is started in (dedicated solaris
    Server mode), how can I know who is the actual process
    Is this connection?

    for example: sid is db1

    ps - ef | grep oracledb1
    0 S 17406 1 0 39 20 oracle? 2159176? 09:50:09? 0:31 oracledb1 (LOCAL = NO)
    0 S 22198 1 0 39 20 oracle? 2158821? 10:18:37? 0:01 oracledb1 (LOCAL = NO)
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    Thank you very much!

    user8803644 wrote:
    Hi all

    When a client connects to the Server DB and oracle user
    process (oracle) is started in (dedicated solaris
    Server mode), how can I know who is the actual process
    Is this connection?

    for example: sid is db1

    ps - ef | grep oracledb1
    0 S 17406 1 0 39 20 oracle? 2159176? 09:50:09? 0:31 oracledb1 (LOCAL = NO)
    0 S 22198 1 0 39 20 oracle? 2158821? 10:18:37? 0:01 oracledb1 (LOCAL = NO)
    0 S 9873 1 0 39 20 oracle? 2158275? 12:14:06? 0:01 oracledb1 (LOCAL = NO)

    How will I know which of the oracledb1 belongs to a customer connection?

    Thank you very much!

    Do as below

    SQL> connect user1/user1
    SQL> !ps -ef | grep LOCAL
    oracle   32331 26842  0 20:36 ?        00:00:00 oraclev112 (DESCRIPTION=(LOCAL=YES)(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=beq)))
    bcm      32332 26842  0 20:37 pts/0    00:00:00 /bin/bash -c ps -ef | grep LOCAL
    bcm      32334 32332  0 20:37 pts/0    00:00:00 grep LOCAL
    SQL> select
       v$session b,
       v$process a
       b.username = 'USER1'
       a.addr = b.paddr
    /  2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12   13  
    USERNAME                     SID    SERIAL# SPID
    ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ------------------------
    USER1                          146     1288 32331

    Handle: user8803644
    Status level: Beginner
    Join date: December 29, 2010
    Messages total: 13
    Total Questions: 5 (5 open)

    Why EACH question still unanswered?

    Published by: sb92075 on February 15, 2012 20:43

  • Loading symbols for the Linux user process


    I'm trying to debug an application multi-threaded running inside a virtual machine, both in live replay mode. The virtual machine is running RHEL 5, kernel 2.6.18 - 164-2-1. I tried the gdb remote running on the host computer for this virtual machine (also a RHEL 5 machine) as well as of a box of Ubuntu 8.04. The results in both cases are identical. I am running VMWare Workstation 6.5.3.

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    I was wondering what is the correct procedure to make it work. The user manual has instructions for some of this, but they seem to be for Windows. GDB and Linux are not mentioned at all.

    Thank you


    Hi Ray,

    6.5.3 workstation does not support replay debugging gdb.  Do us, however, publish a new Workstation Release Candidate, that supports Linux gdb debugging replay.  You can download from  The gdb user manual debugging replay is  Let us know how it goes.

    Thank you


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    So that each of them will receive good performance. I found on Google, but not exactly the solution affinity.

    Thank you

    What you're looking for can be.

  • Popup of user input triggers Acrobat before selecting a stamp


    I am trying to create a stamp for my bills. I want to trigger the user to insert the date and rating.

    The problem is that when I want to add the stamp to the document, Acrobat invites me with the popup of entry when I rollover "Dynamic" in the dropdown of stamps, before reaching same list stamps Dynamics. In order to obtain the list of stamp, I have to click OK twice, and then only, I get to the list of dynamic stamp. When I select my stamp finally he invited me again.

    What triggers it? Why? I invited only after that I selected the stamp from the list of stamp.

    I have two fields Date and notes. These are two scripts that I use:


    var cResponse = app.response({)

    cQuestion: "insert the date of payment,:

    CTitre: "Date."

    cLabel: "Date:


    If (cResponse == null) {}

    Event.Value = util.printd ("dd-mm-yyyy", new Date);


    on the other

    Event.Value = cResponse;


    var cResponse = app.response({)

    cQuestion: "insert a note comment,:

    CTitre: "Note."

    cLabel: "Note:


    If (cResponse == null) {}

    Event.Value = "";


    on the other

    Event.Value = cResponse;

    That's when the popup is triggered:

    Screen Shot 2016-01-12 at 14.09.05.png

    This is how the custom stamp looks like, with two fields:

    Screen Shot 2016-01-12 at 14.11.25.png

    Thank you.

    These dynamic stamps in Acrobat are not insignificant - as you have discovered. Take a look at this tutorial:

    The element that is not in your script to stamp is the check for event.source.forReal and the name of stamp. For this reason, your stamp dialog fires even when the user is not this particular stamp.

  • OIM 11 g R1: Usr process triggers does not not on simultaneous calls


    I'm doing two API calls to change a password.

    The first call uses the ADMIN for generates a random password for a user.

    The second call uses the user to change his own password.

    I'm getting a problem where calls doesn't kick off the trigger Usr.

    In this case as tent 1 to 15.

    Is this a bug or am I missing some time?

    Below is the test code.

    import java.util.Hashtable;

    import java.util.Random;

    to import java.util.logging.Logger;

    Import oracle.core.ojdl.logging.ODLLogger;

    Import oracle.iam.identity.usermgmt.api.UserManager;

    Import oracle.iam.platform.OIMClient;

    Import oracle.iam.selfservice.self.selfmgmt.api.AuthenticatedSelfService;

    public class Test


    public static final Logger logger = ODLLogger.getLogger (Test.class.getName ());

    Public Shared Sub main (string args []) throws Exception


    String authwlConfigPath = "/ home/oracle/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_IDM1/designconsole/config/authwl.conf";

    System.setProperty ("", authwlConfigPath);

    String ctxFactory = "weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory";

    String ServerURI = "t3: / / localhost:14000";

    Hashtable env = new Hashtable();

    env.put (OIMClient.JAVA_NAMING_PROVIDER_URL, serverURL);

    env.put (OIMClient.JAVA_NAMING_FACTORY_INITIAL, ctxFactory);

    OIMClient oimClient = new OIMClient (env);

    OIMClient userOimClient = new OIMClient (env);

    Admin user password changes

    oimClient.login ("xelsysadm", "Password1".toCharArray ());

    UserManager usrMgrOps = oimClient.getService (UserManager.class);

    String generatedPassword = 'a' + generateRandomUserPassword (30);

    System.out.println ("password generated:" + generatedPassword);

    usrMgrOps.changePassword ("tstark", generatedPassword.toCharArray (), true);

    The user changes his password

    userOimClient.login ("tstark", generatedPassword.toCharArray ());

    String MonMotpasse = "Password20";

    AuthenticatedSelfService authOps = (AuthenticatedSelfService.class) userOimClient.getService;

    authOps.changePassword (generatedPassword.toCharArray (), myPassword.toCharArray (), myPassword.toCharArray ());

    System.out.println ("password:" + mypassword);

    oimClient.logout ();

    userOimClient.logout ();


    public static String generateRandomUserPassword (int length) {}

    If (length < 1)

    throw new IllegalArgumentException ("< 1 length:" + length);

    Char [] = new char [62] characters;

    Char [] randomUserPassword = new char [length];

    Random random = new Random();

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++ I)

    the [i] = (char) character ('0' + i);

    for (int i = 10; I < 36; ++ i)

    [i] = (char) characters ('a' & i - 10);

    for (int i = 36; I < 62; ++ i)

    [i] = (char) characters ('A' + i - 36);

    for (int i = 0; i < randomUserPassword.length; ++ I)

    randomUserPassword [i] = characters [random.nextInt (characters.length)];

    return new String (randomUserPassword);



    Set the flag 'offline' in your task of process «Change User Password»

  • Disable create the task of user process


    I'm provisioning of resources through code using the IOM Client APIs, but I need to disable "Create User" task of the process so that it does not run at the time of the provision of resources. We have to produce similar effect to the reconciliation of the target. How can he be disabled?



    In the console design, go to respective process definition, proceed to task for the user to create and uncheck 'Necessary for completion' and check the conditional.

    Hope it will work.

  • Problem running the application as a public user process


    I proceeded on request PL - SQL that returns data to fill a selection list on the page with optional values. This process is called with a call from the event on a date object. When authenticated, it returns correctly and when it is called as a public user it fails with this in the XML declaration:

    {XML Parsing Error: no element found the location: moz-nullprincipal:{1edfa653-8146-43f8-8ea9-a26d3e29cf8a} line number 1, column 1:

    The call should return this:
    14-JUN-12 DSKYSTH
    <option value="Single">Single Rate = $10.00</option>
    With the help of this event on the date element:
    call this code:
    function get_AJAX_SELECT_FB(pThis,pSelect){    
        var l_Return = null;   
        var l_Select = html_GetElement(pSelect);   
        var ajaxResult = new htmldb_Get(null,&APP_ID.,'APPLICATION_PROCESS=SetBasis',0);   
        gReturn = ajaxResult.get('XML');   
        if(gReturn && l_Select){ 
            var options_Contents = gReturn.getElementsByTagName("option");
            l_Count = options_Contents.length;
           l_Select.length = 0; 
            for(var i=0; i<l_Count;i++){   
          var l_Opt_Xml = gReturn.getElementsByTagName("option"); 
    appendToSelect(l_Select, l_Opt_Xml.getAttribute('value'), l_Opt_Xml.firstChild.nodeValue)
    get = null;

    function appendToSelect(pSelect, pValue, pContent) {  
    var l_Opt = document.createElement("option");
    l_Opt.value = pValue;
    l_Opt.innerText = pContent;

    When inspecting with Firebug I can only see a difference in the request headers between the public user and authenticated user where the cookie value is -1 on the public user.
    Public User:
    *Accept     text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8*
    *Accept-Encoding     gzip, deflate*
    *Accept-Language     en-us,en;q=0.5*
    *Connection     keep-alive*
    *Content-Length     181*
    *Content-Type     application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8*
    *Cookie     LOGIN_USERNAME_COOKIE=roger; WWV_PUBLIC_SESSION_129=5245818196882971; ORA_WWV_REMEMBER_UN=ROGER:PTX-DEV; ORA_WWV_USER=A29423F6BE2220D0; WWV_CUSTOM-F_969127929331871_129=-1*
    *User-Agent     Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:13.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/13.0*
    Authenticated user:
    *Accept     text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8*
    *Accept-Encoding     gzip, deflate*
    *Accept-Language     en-us,en;q=0.5*
    *Connection     keep-alive*
    *Content-Length     182*
    *Content-Type     application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8*
    *Cookie     LOGIN_USERNAME_COOKIE=roger; ORA_WWV_REMEMBER_UN=ROGER:PTX-DEV; ORA_WWV_USER=A29423F6BE2220D0; WWV_CUSTOM-F_969127929331871_129=A29423F6BE2220D0*
    *User-Agent     Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:13.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/13.0*
    I'm it's probably something stupid that I'm doing and hope someone can help

    user4101020 wrote:
    Thank you, but my browser crashed and ended up with a double... I see that now, but the question remains unanswered.

    Close this message and wait for one response on the other.

  • Access to another user process attachments

    We have a process and concerned users can add attachments in it. Sometimes, we need to grant access (ability to display) for these attachments to other users who are not included in this process. Are there ways to do? We wanted these mechanisms in ACL, but its options are not good enough - you can only view attachments if you claim the task, or if the owner of the task you send it for consultation. But we need a way to do it without any movement of the task owner, maybe even without his knowledge. Task may not be completed at this time.

    Description of all the ways that can be used for access to the attachments process is highly necessary.

    Export to a database separate after each step of the user. Write an interface to recover this database and return. The interface could simply be a short process accessed through REST:

  • Import of user-defined triggers


    I need to import multiple triggers defined by the user from a diagram of a DB to another DB. Is this possible in 11G? Can someone help out me.

    Thank you

    If you need only export and import triggers, you need to generate the script for all the triggers (manually or by using the DBMS_METADATA.) GET_DDL.

    DBMS_METADATA. GET_DDL (object_type => "TRIGGER", name => 'TEST_TRIGGER');

    to get the script of all triggers associated with a table

    SELECT dbms_metadata.get_ddl (object_type-online "TRIGGER", name-online trigger_name) IN user_triggers WHERE table_name = 'EMP ';

    Maybe this can help you.

  • need help with the privilege of the user and triggers


    I need to create users in general that can insert a row into a table, but should not be able to remove all the data, so what minimuim privileges I have to assign.
    Grant connect session and grant resources or something else?

    and a prob more in the triggers, I wrote a trigger to trigger if expamt is greater than eclimit. I'm getting errors

    create or replace

    Error (7.30): PLS-00103: encountered the symbol "%" when expecting one of the following values: = (; not null default range symbol '%' character has been ignored.)
    Error (12,235): PLS-00103: encountered the symbol ";" when expecting one of the following values :), * & | = - + <>/ is mod remains not rem = >... < a superscript (*) > <>or! = or ~ = > = < = <>and LIKE2_ LIKE4_ LIKEC_ or between overlapping | Member of type multiset year DAY_ SUBMULTISET_ the symbol ")" has been replaced by a ';' to continue.
    Error (14.5): PLS-00103: encountered the symbol "TR_EXCEEDLIMIT" when expects it one of the following values: If
    create or replace

    line 6, it should be

  • Enforcement process triggers based on a specific State.

    We use IOM 9.1 and have a rather strange problem. We have TFTP HR as our reliable source with AD and Exchange as two of our target systems.

    In AD SAMAccountName is generated based on a combination of last name and first name of the user. Also the french characters in the name are converted into English characters before the sAMAccountName is generated. For example, e is converted into e.

    When someone gets married and changes her last name it is updated by IOM and the sAMAccountName changes also. The last name is changed in the IOM webapp and all process tasks run based on the lookup table Lookup.USR_PROCESS_TRIGGERS. that is when USR_LAST_NAME Exchange there are several process tasks that run both AD and Exchange.

    What I have to be able to do is when the sAMAccountName is the same before and after the change (don't forget that french characters are converted) I don't want to execution of the tasks to be performed. Here's a scenario:
    1. the user is provided with a sAMAccountName "Bell" - Note that there are no accents in name
    2. the user last name is changed to "berube" - Note the accents
    After you run the names through our conversion (Java method), they are both the same "berube = Bérubé (convert french characters). If this is the situation, then I won't process change USR_LAST_NAME to run tasks. Is there a way to do this?

    Another way to express this is "can I do the tasks listed in the conditional Lookup.USR_PROCESS_TRIGGERS table?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    If you don't want something to run when the value is the same, I suggest you always update the form that contains the values and then let the update task to update the target. If your value is the same thing twice and you attempt to update the field with the same value twice, it would trigger only the first time because there will be a change on the second.


  • Assistance of activity defined by the user process flow


    I am trying to create a process flow that renames a file. I use the activity of the users defined, but I encountered some problems. First some background info, Oracle 10 G are the DB and it runs on a Unix system, the Oracle user account has read/write access in the used directories.

    For the parameters of the activity, I set myself
    Order > I tried everything here
    Setting > Virgin
    Script >
    filefullname = ip_xref.dat
    fileext = ${filefullname # *.}
    "DATE ='date + %m %d %Y"
    NewFileName = "${filename} _ {DATE}." "${fileext}.
    MV $filefullname $newfilename
    MV $newfilename backup.

    in the command section, I tried out this way, I can think of: / usr/bin/ksh, / bin/ksh, ksh, / bin/bash, done a script outside owb with the same thing and robbed on that and yet all I get is "/ bin/bash: not found" or "/ usr/bin/ksh: not found»
    Ideas/suggestions, I'm open to anything.

    As side note, I tried to do with UTL_FILE, but our DBA has informed me that it has been disabled for security, it's on.

    For safety reason process UDA isn't the environment variables (including PATH variable that used by shell to search for executable files).
    If you need to specify the full path to the executable file or set the PATH environment variable that you need (use as the first command in your script
    export PATH = / bin: / usr/bin).

  • On the user process start/exit Windows memory leak

    I have more question just ask why batch file back in before the current ordering process properly release the .exe file, I see that some memory is not released at all. In other words, once again, I create and execute processes in the loop (here, to increase performance I do in parallel threads)

    off @echo

    IF "% ~ 2" == "" GOTO args

    SET /A FIRST_ARG = "% ~ 1" * 1

    IF % FIRST_ARG % EQU 0 goto single_thread

    : multithreaded
    for/l %% in (1, 1, % 1))
    Start % ~ n0 thread % t %2
    end goto

    : single_thread
    echo from %1 %2
    : pushd z:

    for/l %% in (1, 1, % 2))
    Echo % iteratation 1%.
    echo int hand ^ (^) {int a = 0; for ^ (; a ^< %%x00000="" ;="" a++^);="" return="" a;}=""> %1.c)}
    GCC %1.c-o %1.exe - lm
    : popd
    end goto

    : args
    echo Usage1: % ~ n0 threadID executions
    Use: 2 Echo% ~ n0 ^ ^. 
    ECHO have first created a number of discussions and execution second order with them
    : output

    You start with 30 1000 arguments to have 30 parallel processors in batches, each compiles a 1000 times program and runs it. The problem is that the memory develops its use

    It's mine bug, you say? Where? In the end, I finished all batch processes. Memory consumption continued to increase. Yet, you see, he is not released. Is this ok? I noticed that my PC is starting to get excited. I can't even move a mouse after some 1000 CCG performs a loop with my simple program execution. PC becomes slow as hell and nothing helps to recover its restart performance but the machine. It seems that some memory leaks in Windows. It's not all recover when the process stops. Is this a known issue?

    It seems to be question of Windows Professional. I can't reproduce it in Windows 7 Enterprise, which also gets the requested CPU easily 100%.



    Note that this cannot be an antivirus because I have disabled all the and here is the card memory of mine

    Image name PID Session name Session # Mem use
    ========================= ======== ================ =========== ============
    System Idle Process 0 0 24 K Services
    System 4 0 1 320 K Services
    Smss.exe 340 Services 0 144 K
    Services of csrss.exe 516 0 992 K
    Csrss.exe 592 Console 1 4 568 K
    Wininit.exe 600 Services 0 256 K
    Winlogon.exe 648 Console 1 292 K
    Services.exe 692 0 6 056 K services
    Lsass.exe 712 0 4 988 K services
    LSM.exe 728 Services 0 1 680 K
    Services svchost.exe 824 0 3 848 K
    nvvsvc.exe 884 Services 0 252 K
    nvSCPAPISvr.exe 908 Services 0 1 K 100
    Svchost.exe 952 Services 0 4 396 K
    Services svchost.exe 132 0 9 K 420
    Services of svchost.exe 588 0 701 588 K
    Services svchost.exe 780 0 6 484 K
    Services svchost.exe 840 0 25 628 K
    audiodg.exe 1088 Services 0 14 848 K
    Services svchost.exe 1236 0 8 908 K
    Spoolsv.exe 1364 Services 0 4 780 K
    Services svchost.exe 1400 0 5 112 K
    Services svchost.exe 1436 0 11 684 K
    Services armsvc.exe 1548 0 216 K
    AppleMobileDeviceService.     1576 services 0 1 396 K
    BOINC.exe 1676 Services 0 2 704 K
    mDNSResponder.exe 1768 Services 0 2 004 K
    GfExperienceService.exe 1828 Services 0 268 K
    Services of XSrvSetup.exe 1876 0 292 K
    jtagserver.exe 1916 Services 0 272 K
    httpd.exe 1948 Services 0 548 K
    NvNetworkService.exe 1256 Services 0 412 K
    Services nvstreamsvc.exe 1456-0-688 K
    nvxdsync.exe 1584 Console 1 1 104 K
    nvvsvc.exe 1340 Console 1 556 K
    SNMP.exe 1428 Services 0 1 168 K
    Services svchost.exe 2096 0 292 K
    Services httpd.exe 2164 0 6 180 K
    vmnat.exe 2244 Services 0 532 K
    Services gcbarsvc.exe 2560 0 204 K
    vmnetdhcp.exe 2600 Services 0 392 K
    VMware - 2648 Services 0 524 K usbarbitrator64.ex
    Services nvstreamsvc.exe 2676 0 3 132 K
    conhost.exe 2684 Services 0 212 K
    Vmware - authd.exe 2764 0 1 912 K services
    Services mvraidsvc.exe 2960 0 3 432 K
    Services svchost.exe 3548 0 264 K
    ALG.exe 3588 Services 0 240 K
    WUDFHost.exe 3752 Services 0 244 K
    TaskHost.exe 4584 Console 1 6 988 K
    4604 Console 1 928 K nvstreamsvc.exe
    conhost.exe 4624 Console 1 400 K
    DWM.exe 4840 Console 1 35 676 K
    Explorer.exe 4864 Console 65 1 228 K
    Console NvBackend.exe 4968 1 3 628 K
    Console RAVCpl64.exe 5020 1 1 004 K
    Console AppIntegrator64.exe 5052 1 252 K
    GoogleCrashHandler.exe 944 Services 0 320 K
    GoogleTalk.exe 160 Console 1 4 308 K
    MSOSYNC. EXE, 1172 Console 1 2 284 K
    Console Workrave.exe 264 1 10 308 K
    Skype.exe 2860 Console 1 52 876 K
    3556 Console 1 968 K nusb3mon.exe
    acrotray.exe 3876 Console 1 476 K
    boinctray.exe 624 Console 1 460 K
    3504 Console 1 480 K gcbrmon.exe
    gcbrmon64.exe 772 Console 1 412 K
    5228 Services 0 252 K GoogleCrashHandler64.exe
    Services wmpnetwk.exe 6100 0 4 236 K
    Services svchost.exe 1864 0 26 684 K
    Wuauclt.exe 1304 Console 1 420 K
    Procmon.exe 705132 Console 368KO 1
    Procmon64.exe 705204 Console 1 4 696 K
    PROCEXP64.exe 1374272 Console 1 126 K 620
    WmiPrvSE.exe 1377420 Services 0 6 864 K
    chrome.exe 1015464 Console 1 127 740 K
    chrome.exe 700500 Console 1 66 000 K
    chrome.exe 1013924 Console 1 39 968 K
    chrome.exe 1014888 Console 32 1 508 K
    chrome.exe 639844 Console 1 69 256 K
    WinRAR.exe 4236 Console 1 26 748 K
    RAMMap.exe 1342448 Console 5 1 K 200
    RAMMap64.exe 1331116 Console 1 790 112 K
    chrome.exe 124224 Console 32 1 584 K
    Notepad ++ .exe 1377448 Console 30 1 712 K
    chrome.exe 634932 Console 1 93 284 K
    cmd.exe 392796 Console 1 3 596 K
    conhost.exe 1377564 Console 1 10 184 K
    Tasklist.exe 1343860 Console 1 6 536 K
    WmiPrvSE.exe 5124 Services 0 6 964 K

    Note that there is nothing near the gigabytes. RamMap report, takes into account a few gigabytes

    and the "Process" tab contains some gcc thouthand, cc1, as.exe, ld.exe, collect2.exe and other process that I started with gcc tools. I don't see in the list/process manager task, nor Process Explorer howerver. I can't RamMap them where?

    I got the answer (Sentinel) Aladdin drivers blocked the destruction of the process after it is removed from the list of processes.

Maybe you are looking for

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