Build an array of object?

Hey people BBerry...

I hope that these issues become less basic, but...

This is baffling me... I go through the "MemoryDemo" sent with the samples.  In the method below, if the getContents() returns a null value, it is filled with the "empty folder" (to use a term of database).  What I'm having problems understanding (and if someone could point me to the documentation on that, I would appreciate it) is how we can do it at all (at least based on playback on Java, I did until now).

It seems one can declare which * seems * to be a table based on the structure of an object (this object is not on the same file .java) then add ot this table by a simple declaration of 'new '.  Is this correct?  Everything I've read so far on tables says that this should not be so.

What I'm missing here?  Thanks in advance, (truncated) chiselled code is below (the rest is in the inventory of "MemoryDemo" app in the file).


// Members -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private PersistentObject _persist;
private CustomerRecord [] _customerRecords;

CustomerList() private
_persist = PersistentStore.getPersistentObject (PERSIST);
_customerRecords = (CustomerRecord []) _persist.getContents ();

If (_customerRecords is nothing)
_customerRecords = new CustomerRecord [0];
_persist.setContents (_customerRecords);
_persist.commit ();

You said

"Foobar foo [] = Foobar new [5];

It will give me a table which has 5 "ranks" and 3 "columns" (speaking in terms of a database)? »

Not really.  All you have done is created of references to objects of Foobar 5.  You have not created the objects.  So, if you tried to do:

String firstEntryLastName = foo [0] .getLastName ();

This fails with a null pointer exception, because foo [0] does not exist.

If you did then a loop initialization as I did above, you would have 5 ranks "empty."

"it will work even if the class is elsewhere"

Absolutely, although of course the class that should be able to find the p [package containing Foobar.

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    ID (primary key)

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    Table of tenants:

    ID (primary key)

    TenantName (data)

    TenantID (unique identification number)

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         <!---- properties ---->
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         <!---- properties ---->
         <cfproperty name="ID" column="ID" type="numeric" ormtype="int" fieldtype="id"  /> 
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         <cfproperty name="Tenants"
                                    <!--- can be array or struct --->  
                        <!---structkeytype="int" structkeycolumn="ID"--->

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    protected function loadRawData(e:MouseEvent):void {
                        var ro:RemoteObject = new RemoteObject();
                        ro.source = 'cfcs.DataTest.PropertiesService';
                        ro.destination = 'ColdFusion';
                        ro.addEventListener( ResultEvent.RESULT, onRawDataResult );
                        ro.addEventListener( FaultEvent.FAULT, onRawDataFault );

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    I struggled with this for hours a few weeks back.  Add the remotingfetch = "true" attribute to your relationship like this:


    I hope this helps!

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    NVM. I found an answer:

  • Build an array of values of the difference

    Dear members,

    With reference to the attached LabVIEW 2010 Student Edition file...

    From the incoming data via the .csv "Reading of the spreadsheet", I want to display a picture of the difference between the n and n-1 data value if the data set is 10, 20, 25, 35, 50, then the difference will be 10, 5, 10, 15.

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    It will probably be a trivial problem for more experienced LabVIEW programmers.  Advice or assistance is welcome.

    Kind regards

    Since you have 1 column of 800 lines, then use table to Index first to get only the first column.  This will give you a table 1 d of 800 items.  Then the idea to use this table, as well as the subset of the table for the 2nd through the remaining lines, subtract one from the other, work.

    I can't comment on the simulation loops because I don't have that and never used.

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    test.push(new Foo("a"));
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    Uncaught TypeError: Property 'localStorage' of object [object Object] is not a function

    The work around this problem is to stringify before saving and then analyze before loading.

    Although I said, it is better to use IndexDB.

  • How to upgrade an array of objects?

    Dear friends,

    I have a number of objects stored in a table.
    It seems that the table does not point to objects, but has copies.
    The element of the array is only updated with the notation table [index] prop, not with the object.prop notation.

    It would be possible to always use the prop table [index] notation for an update of the issues, but I want to understand why the other method does not work. And of course, there should be no copy...

    var objArray = [oObject0, oObject1, oObject2];    
    function oObjTpl (name, scheme, start, incr, current, decimals, items) { // 'prototype' definition
      this.Name =       name;
      this.Scheme =     scheme;                       // numermic | roman | ROMAN | text
      this.Start =      start;                        // start value
      this.Incr =       incr;                         // increment, may be a formula string
      this.Current =    current;                      // Last inserted value or item
      this.Decimals =   decimals;                     // relevant only for numeric scheme
      this.Items =      items;                        // array of list items, relevant only for text scheme
    var items0 = ["one","two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "zz", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten"]; 
    var oObject0 = new oObjTpl ('CountingEN', 'text',     1,  1, undefined, undefined, items0);
    var oObject1 = new oObjTpl ('oObject1',  'numeric', 17, -1, undefined,         0, undefined);
    var oObject2 = new oObjTpl ('oObject2',  'roman',    1,  1, undefined,         0, undefined);
    // replace the zz by soemething else
    oObject0.Items[6] = "AAAA";       // this does not update objArray
    $.writeln (objArray[0].Items);
    objArray[0].Items[6] = "BBBB";    // this updates objArray
    $.writeln (objArray[0].Items);
    oObject0.Items[6] = "CCCC";       // update of objArray effective in next run
    $.writeln (objArray[0].Items);

    When you run the script 3 times, I get this console output:

    Result: undefined
    Result: undefined
    Result: undefined

    Thank you Apollo, but this has not been around.

    But I found that the order of definitions is crucial here. The following works as it should:

    function oSeries (name, scheme, start, incr, current, decimals, items) { // 'prototype' definition
      this.Name =       name;
      this.Scheme =     scheme;                       // numermic | roman | ROMAN | text
      this.Start =      start;                        // start value
      this.Incr =       incr;                         // increment, may be a formula string
      this.Current =    current;                      // Last inserted value or item
      this.Decimals =   decimals;                     // relevant only for numeric scheme
      this.Items =      items;                        // array of list items, relevant only for text scheme
    //return this;      // ahs no effect
    var items0 = ["one","two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "zz", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten"];
    var oSeries_0 = new oSeries ('CountingEN', 'text',     1,  1, undefined, undefined, items0);
    var oSeries_1 = new oSeries ('oSeries_1',  'numeric', 17, -1, undefined,         0, undefined);
    var oSeries_2 = new oSeries ('oSeries_2',  'roman',    1,  1, undefined,         0, undefined);
    var aSeries = [oSeries_0, oSeries_1, oSeries_2];    
    var a1 = aSeries[2].Scheme;      // roman
    $.writeln (a1);
    // replace the zz by octogon
    oSeries_0.Items[6] = "AAAA";   // this does not update aSeries
    $.writeln (aSeries[0].Items);
    aSeries[0].Items[6] = "BBBB";  // this updates aSeries
    $.writeln (aSeries[0].Items);
    oSeries_0.Items[6] = "CCCC";   // update of aSeries effective in next run
    $.writeln (aSeries[0].Items);

    The order is now: implement the objects and then set up the array of objects.

  • Arrays are objects — really?

    Dear experts and gurus,

    More I read the more I am confused. Every now and then the talk is "JS arrays are objects and where they are passed by reference. However, simple experiences leave my perplexed: it is the same as for light (depending on the view, it behaves as waves or particles):

    gaSomething = ["a","b", "c"];
    Update (gaSomething);
    alert (gaSomething.join("\n"));         // the global array has changed
    DeleteItem (gaSomething, "7");
    alert (gaSomething.join("\n"));         // the global array has not changed
    function Update (array) {
      for (var j= 0; j < 9; j++) {
    function DeleteItem (array, item) {
      var index = IsInArray (array, item);
      var lower = array.slice (0, index);   // lower part
      var upper = array.slice (index+1);    // upper part
      var locArray    = lower.concat(upper);
      array = locArray;                     // transfer data
    alert ("in DeleteItem:\n" + array.join("\n"));

    The only safe assumption is that JS arrays are not treated like objects and are therefore passed by value. It is so difficult to implement functions to remove items from several bays: for each table a separate function is necessary!

    Any ideas for a general DeleteItem function?

    Hi Klaus,

    It's very dangerous!

    1 array.length = array.length - 1 means: remove the last item in an array

    Array.Length = array.length - 5 removes the last 5 items in a table

    Delete array [index] Deletes only the VALUE of the element.

    When you sort, it's the end of the array and so you have managed to delete.

    My code in my last post IS WRONG:

    It must be:

    1. for (var j = 9; > 5; j - j) {}
    2. Array.Slice (j, 1);
    3. }

    However, I want to remove an item in the table. Unfortunately, there is no function of welding in'RE...

    It's slice - do Splice not!

    Need to remove reverse items.

    Try this function. It removes 3 and 2 points

    function DeleteItem (array, index)
     for (var j=3 ; j > 1; j --)
        $.writeln("delete: " + array[j]);
  • An array of objects with a filling loop. Noob PHP question.

    Hey guys,.

    You are all such a great help! Here's another one for you, the simple code below should create an array of objects of pizza (and it does) then display each item in the order. However... each object in the table seems to inherit the properties of everything what was the last item entered for a reason any.

    Copy the following code:

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    class pizza{
              public $price;
              public $description;
              public $name;
    $menu2=fopen("pizzaMenu2.txt","r") or exit("System Error!");
    $pizzas = array();
    //This loop does all of the READING and populating of variables
                //First get the array position
                                  $arraypos = (int)fgets($menu2);
              //Then Put in Title in title2 array
                                  $pizzas[$arraypos2] = new pizza(0,0,0);
                                  $pizzas[$arraypos2]->title = fgets($menu2);
                                  $pizzas[$arraypos2]->description = fgets($menu2);
                                  $pizzas[$arraypos2]->price = fgets($menu2);
      } //End of reading loop
    //begin writing data
    while ($arraypos <=3){
              echo "the array is in position: ".$arraypos;
              echo "<br />";
              echo $pizzas[$arraypos2]->title;
              echo "<br />";
              echo $pizzas[$arraypos2]->description;
              echo "<br />";
              echo $pizzas[$arraypos2]->price;
              echo "<br />";
    }//end of writing data loop

    This returns:

    the array is in position: 1
    Test Pizza Two 
    The same as one with an extra one, yum! 
    the array is in position: 2
    Test Pizza Two 
    The same as one with an extra one, yum! 
    the array is in position: 3
    Test Pizza Two 
    The same as one with an extra one, yum! 

    When it should return this:

    the array is in position: 1
    Test pizza One 
    Loaded with all that test pizza goodness! Lots and lots of ones 1111! 
    the array is in position: 2
    Test Pizza Two 
    The same as one with an extra one, yum! 
    the array is in position: 3
    Test Threeza! 
    Do you see what I did there? I added a three to pizza, hahaha, I am so punny. 

    using the following text file pizzaMenu2.txt:

    Test pizza One
    Loaded with all that test pizza goodness! Lots and lots of ones 1111!
    Test Threeza!
    Do you see what I did there? I added a three to pizza, hahaha, I am so punny.
    Test Pizza Two
    The same as one with an extra one, yum!

    Now, I did line-by-line analysis and showed that the values are entered in the objects in the appropriate table, but everything that happens ultimately crushes all other objects, so ultimately, I have 3 objects in my table which are all the same. I don't know what I'm missing here.

    $pizzas [$arraypos2]

    must be:

    $pizzas [$arraypos]

  • Power supply an array of objects returned by a remote object using AMFPHP remote procedure calls.

    Hi guys,.

    I'm working on an AIR Application that uses Flex Remoting AMFPHP, the data type returned is an array of objects that contains a shot of a url to an image on the server, how to link it to a tilelist component, so I have a list with images representing the icons and the string representing the Tilelist labels?

    We assume that the object has these fields:


    Thus, you can first pass the array to the dataProvider of the TileList and make an ItemRenderer (with a label and an image). Then, in the ItemRenderer, go to the fields with the data objects:


  • Place an array of objects on stage

    I'm trying to place an array of objects to a scene where they fall vertically. I was able to do by placing the array objects in an object called 'bag' but have found that the object of the bag contains the object id last table I can not apply actions various one-dimensional array objects.

    Also my objects don't loop and appear only once.

    Here's the code to date.

    var tempArray:Array = new Array(); Values of randomized stores

    var bagArray:Array = new Array ("gslow_id", "gshigh_id", "glow_id", "ghigh_id", "gdiv_id",

    'gcall_id', 'gbust_id', 'gbull_id', 'gboom_id', 'gbear_id'); List of names of bag

    function createBags() {}

    if (tempArray.length == 0) {/ / check if the table is empty}

    for (var i: Number = 0; i < target; i ++) {/ / loop - creat variable bagName to the value of the target}

    var bagName: String = bagArray [i];

    var depthLevel:Number = this.getNextHighestDepth ();

    / / movies, set in the time line

    this.attachMovie (bagName, bagName, depthLevel, {_x:random (350) + 100, _y:random (0) + spacing});

    += 45 spacing;

    tempArray.push (bagName);

    / / trace (tempArray);

    bag = _root [bagName]; create an object of the bag containing the variable bagName

    trace (bag);

    bag.onEnterFrame = function() {}

    If (this ._x < 570 & & this ._y > 0) {}

    this ._y += speed * random (8);

              } else {

    this ._x = random (500);

    } / / end if (this ._x < 570 & & this ._y > 0)

    } / / end bag.onEnterFrame)

    bag.onPress = function() {}

    / / if the bag is pressed selection action

    //trace (bag);

    xPos = this ._x

    yPos = this ._y

    unloadMovie (this);

    score += 1000

    scoreText_txt.text = score;

    / / trace (score);


    { } / / end bag.onPress)

    / / trace (targets);

    / / trace (bagName);

    { } / / end for (var i: Number = 0; i < target; i ++)

    { } / / end if (tempArray.length == 0)

    } / / End createBags()


    var bagA:Array = [];

    var bagArray:Array = new Array ("gslow_id", "gshigh_id", "glow_id", "ghigh_id", "gdiv_id",

    'gcall_id', 'gbust_id', 'gbull_id', 'gboom_id', 'gbear_id'); List of names of bag

    function createBags() {}

    If (tempArray.length == 0) {/ / check if the table is empty}

    for (var i: Number = 0; i< targets;="" i++)="" {="" for="" loop="" -="" creat="" variable="" bagname="" to="" the="" value="" of="">

    var bagName: String = bagArray [i];

    var depthLevel:Number = this.getNextHighestDepth ();

    tie movies to the time line

    bag of the var: MovieClip = this.attachMovie (bagName, bagName, depthLevel, {_x:random (350) + 100, _y:random (0) + spacing});

    bagA.push (bag);

    spacing = 45;

    trace (bag);

    bag.onEnterFrame = function() {}

    If (this ._x < 570="" &&="" this._y=""> 0) {}

    This speed of += ._y * random (8);

    } else {}

    This ._x = random (500);

    } / / end if (this ._x < 570="" &&="" this._y=""> 0)

    } / / end bag.onEnterFrame)

    bag.onPress = function() {}

    If the bag is pressed selection action

    trace (bag);

    PosX = this ._x

    yPos = this ._y

    unloadMovie (this);

    score += 1000

    scoreText_txt.text = result;

    trace (score);


    } / / end bag.onPress)

    trace (targets);

    trace (bagName);

    } / / end for (var i: Number = 0; i< targets;="">

    } / / end if (tempArray.length == 0)

    } / / End createBags()

  • indexOf() function for search object. &lt; property &gt; in an array of objects

    Hello world!
    OK, I know that the subject of this sounds a little awkward wire, with an example, it will be much clearer.
    I have a series of tables that contain strings, now named "label"; These tags can only produce only once in each table (which is therefore a 'set' of the mathematical definition of 'package', tags), but more than one table may contain a given tag (intersections of the sets are not always zero).
    I want to write a function that goes through all the tags in all tables and counties, which gives the result in a separate table called tag_counter that contains the objects of the tag. A tag object contains two fields: 'value', which is the tag itself, and 'events', which takes account of the time the tag was found.
    The function logic is simple: for each table, cycle all its labels. If the tag already exists in the tag_counter table, increment the counter 1; If not, add a new entry in the table with the given tag tag_counter. The line in bold-italics is exactly in the place of my question, because I don't know how to search within an array of objects by a property of such an object. Here is the code:

    private function harvest_tags(dt:DataTable):Array {
        var tag_counter:Array = new Array();
        for each(var site_feeds:Object in {    //cycle through the Arrays
            for each(var tag:String in site_feeds.t) {  //cycle through the tags
                if(tag == '') continue;     //in case an empty tag is found, skip it
                tag = tag.replace(',', ''); //strip commas
                var i:int = tag_counter.indexOf(tag); //this needs fixing!
                if(i != -1) {
                else {
                     tag_counter.push(new Tag(tag));
         tag_counter.sortOn("occurrences", Array.NUMERIC | Array.DESCENDING);
         return tag_counter;

    and the class of tag definition:

    public class Tag {
            private var value:String;
            public var occurrences:Number;
            public function Tag(value:String) {
                this.value = value;
                this.occurrences = 1;

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    I think you want to use a hash table.  The object class is often used for this.  It is much faster than searching for an array of strings.

    private void harvest_tags(dt:DataTable):Array {}

    var tag_counter:Object = new Object();

    for each (var site_feeds:Object in {//cycle through the berries

    for each (var: string tag in site_feeds.t) {//cycle by tags

    if(tag == '') continue;     where is an empty tag, pop it

    tag = tag.replace (',', "); Strip commas

    If (tag_counter [tag])

    tag_counter [tag] ++;

    on the other

    tag_counter [tag] = 1;



    var tag_array:Array = new Array();

    for {(var p:String in tag_counter)

    var tagObj:Tag = new Tag (p);

    tagObj.occurences = tag_counter [p];


    Alex Harui

    Flex SDK Developer

    Adobe Systems Inc..


  • Array of objects display BPM with JSP HOWTO


    Could someone please tell me, how to list the elements of an array of objects BPM with JSP? The object has attributes, and I do not know the length of the array in advance, so I would need some kinf of loop.

    I have not found any documentation or forum thread on this subject, and I'm out of ideas.

    Thanks for any help!


    Please find the code below. Hope this code will help you

    <% int count = 0; %>

         <% count++ ; %>


  • Insert references VI in an empty array of objects

    Hi all

    I shopped, but I can't seem to find the answer to this particular question.

    Platform: TestStand 4.2.0 LabVEW 8.6.1.  Customer resists upgrade.

    I am trying to build a list of VI references to a variable of TestStand.  TS is an empty array of references to object called Step.VI_References.

    BT, I take the context of the sequence (from "ThisContext") and read it as an object of property.  I then take this reference and use it with search GetPropertyObject Step.VI_References.  I have a table of references VI (of type TS. PropertyObject) that I am an iteration more to extract each reference.  It is then to be inserted by using SetPropertyObjectByOffset.  See the attached picture for the relevant bit of code.

    My problem is I'm getting an error-17300 - essentially a "NULL pointer unexpected shipping reference" SetPropertyObjectByOffset call - even with just a reference to be inserted.

    It doesn't seem to be a mistake to place else, but whenever I try to access VI_References in table form (using any table API), it gives the same error.

    What obvious (or subtle) thing I'm missing?

    Thank you


    If these are references, you must use SetValInterfaceByOffset instead of SetPropertyObjectByOffset.

    Hope this helps,


  • Build an array of clips


    I have a main document class and a class array (among others).

    I don't know how to build the table however. Here is my attempt so far. But I get the following error code.

    TypeError: Error #1009: cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

    to LetterArray / initLetters)

    at LetterArray()

    BugGoopFSGame() //This is my main document class.

    What I am doing wrong?

    Thank you

    Images of recommended

    in the main document class

    public var letterArray:LetterArray = new LetterArray (internship);

    in the array class



    import flash.display.MovieClip;



    import flash.display.Stage;

    SerializableAttribute public class extends MovieClip LetterArray


    private var _stage:Stage;

    / * Here are video clips that need to go in a table so that they can be handled together.

    Classes A, F, G, H, I, N, O, S and T were created all dynamically by flash.*.

    Do I still need these here?

    public var a:;

    public var f: F;

    public var g:G;

    public var h:H;

    public var i: I;

    public var n: n;

    public var o: O;

    public var changement;

    public var t:T;

    public void LetterArray(s:Stage)


    several = stage;



    private function initLetters (): void


    var LetterArray:Array = new Array (a, f, g, h, i, n, o, s, t);


    remains irrelevant



    You declare a bunch of objects, but you do not instaintiate them.

    public var a:;  declare but do not yet exist

    public var a: A = new A();   declared and there are

  • build an array with 2 values assigned to 1 dimension

    I am wanting to build a 1 d array where the two values are assigned to each dimension.  For example:

    Index 0 would have a 1 and 4 are attributed to him

    Index of 1 would have a 2 and 3 which are entrusted

    Index 2 could make a 0 and 1 that are entrusted to him.

    So can I unbundle the arrayand grab the two les deux valeurs values of index 0, index 1, etc...  I want to put this inside a control of the typedef table.  Is this possible?

    What is the meaning of the index 0 vs 1 against 2?  What is the significance of 1 and 4 for index 0?  2 and 3 for 1 index? ....

    It could certainly be a 2D array.  The line index would be the equivalent of your current 0, 1, 2 indices.  The column index would be the equivalent of the if you want 1 or 4 or 2 vs 3.

    That's all just a matter of how you want to extract data out of the data structure and pass it to your other duties, such as Fieldpoint DAQmx, a façade, a text file...  If it is a 2D array, you can use the index picture, to get a line, column, or a specific line and column item.  If this is a cluster, you can use the index table to get your line, unbundling for the first or the second product off the part of the cluster.

    What data structure is the best one to use really depends on what you're trying to do with the data.  You want two numbers?  Do you want a number and a Boolean value?  You will need to figure out which is best for your application.

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