Cambio di rotta, unico server.

Tempo FA ho scritto merito al sistema Server + storage external my cambio di rotta sono stato alla CEBIT e vedendo con lo storage external occhio e testandolo in quello che mi è stato domai... nada...

A questo punto pensavo brain a 8 HP scsi in raid 10 Server not having may back HP no yes Dove cominciare.

Che modello/controller/brain/processore/ram consigliate?

DEVE far run 2 macchine due 2008 e linux. Gestionale, Shedulatore, mail server, storage.

Th che it progetto offers 1 Server esxi sistema raid possibilmente con hotswap e rigenerazione del disco con sistema avviato.

Storage intorno has 1, 2 TB

Altra domanda molto important oltre a UN consiglio sui modelli ecc ecc...

So come dear rigenerazione del guasto disco?

Nel senso dubito che in licenza esxi free this sia a tool by the gestione del controller, quindi mettiamo caso che he sistema venga spento in following rigenerazione del faccio in post sul controller raid all the ' launch del sistema?

Grazie come sempre


by how far I DL380, by cosa cute partire dal answers you can understand fast spec ti:

Nelle che hai reported remember add the write cache controller sui di configurazioni


Tags: VMware

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    You must have the address of IP internet sober, puedes revisarla desde o Hay applications para ello. In the case of CANTV in Venezuela aqui, ellos no you dan una IP fija, sino as cada cierto tiempo the are, you pueden dar una fija pero you cobrarian mas pienso.

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    Kind regards

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    MUCHAS Gracias


    Between 2 workstation are posible realize ese tipo configs of forma limpia.

    El problema're (sniffer lo of UN pones veras TR), Los nodos assume ip-spoofing y arp spoofing cuando salen por tarjeta of Red led host.

    Para hacer eso as pides, deberias workstation pasar an esxi.


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    Fsigu hola!

    A veces una imagen vale mas mil palabras, asi has lo mejor you're mas facil interpretar con UN par imagenes sin las desmerecer los compañeros son muy precisas Departamento.

    Kind regards!

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    [INFO] vCenter Server installation, version
    [INFO] vCenter Server installation, version
    [ERROR] vCenter Server version not supported
    [WARNING] VMware vCenter Server does not meet the condition sine qua non of migration
    Continue the backup...? There | n: y

    [INFO] VMware vSphere Update Manager version checking...
    [INFO] VMware vSphere Update Manager version is
    [INFO] VMware vSphere Update Manager version is
    [ERROR] Supported version of VMware Update Manager not taken for backup
    [WARNING] VMware Update Manager does not meet the condition sine qua non of migration
    Continue the backup...? There | n: y

    [INFO] Verification of the CVO version and install the path...
    [INFO] found vCenter Orchestrator installed in d:\Program Files\VMw
    [INFO] found vCenter Orchestrator installed in d:\Program Files\VMw
    [ERROR] vCenter Orchestrator version not supported for backup
    [WARNING] VMware vCenter Orchestrator does not fulfil the condition sine qua non of migration

    [ERROR] Error: vCenter Server, VMware Update Manager or VCO did not Rahul
    required components creation
    [ERROR] Output of...

    I connect mi non dicono molto di più di quanto viene visualizzato video e comunque, to avatar.3D.DVDSCR.XviD I di versione dal File python there, lo script termina comunque con UN error no ben specificato. VCenter ora risiede su una macchina Windows Server 2003 in English.

    Non mi pare di aver trovato nulla in giro e non credo di essere stato Unico ad aver questa need ed aver trovato lo script bacato. It could some dritta darmi Qualcuno?

    Grazie anticipatamente




    SE e it SQL Express da simultaneously con vCenter 4, e the 2005 version.

    Questa non e più supportata da vCenter 5.0, che invece SQL Express 2008 line.




    Luca Dell'Oca


    vExpert 2011

    [Assegnare punti a useful risposta e una a modo di say thank you]

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    Express no esta en entornos production practice. Esta limitada has 3 GB of ram, 4 GB of DB y UN unico del micro core.

    Perfectly validated para mind in una VM BBDD para servidor haga you're VC (pero not you aconsejo Quebec sea el mismo) y otra para update manager if you want to.

    In total there speaks esto al extremo con 4 esxi y cabina iscsi y el restaurant por virtual, en 35 MV ago begins ser y lento con 45're intratable

    If esta u otra respuesta're util, por favor su marca used notificador.

    Gracias / looks

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    VCP 410


    Copiala. Las tienen una muy similar version tools y lo unico has lo mejor have that touch are rback2 (depends if esta por con nat knew dhcp o en bridge)

    Para hacer una copia limpia yo diria copies of you jerk the Máquina apagada solo los file hard (discos y descriptores) y .vmx (Máquina) of the United Nations in directory accesible por el wks (asumo than esta in 2 maquinas distintas).

    Cuando el workstation the abra register there you say that if has copiado the o movido. Responde "I copied it" para el nuevo uuid generated Quebec y las mac red (can that no change)

    If esta u otra respuesta're util, por favor su marca used notificador.

    Gracias / looks

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    entonces, y ponia era Quebec 100, pero in el servidor ESX estaba como autonegociable, mi tarjeta fisica puesta of are red with 1000 he have changed manualmente a 1000 full duplex, y al apply, there is no puedo access.

    Alguien me could decir como puedo volver has change eso, para poder entrar in el servidor, ago that tengo todas las Máquina ahi.muchas gracias. a greeting.


    There you can try connect via putty al servidor traves of the comandos change el Parâmetro linea con el comando esxcfg-vNIC.

    Contactar via putty no tendras that hacerlo on raton y teclado y pantalla en el server directly in su ubicación.


    If you find this or any other answer useful please consider giving points by checking the answer useful or appropriate.

  • No service after upgrade the server to 5.2 on El Capitan

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    I restarted the server after the update and restarted the server itself several times but keep getting connection via a browser failures.

    I did the upgrade even on other servers as well as the upgrade of Sierra. This server is running El Capitan, and is the only one that gave me problems. 5.2 server is not compatible with El Capitan?

    Some additional info:

    I can connect to the server through ftp and other services; just no web service.

    Port tests show that port 80 is not blocked

    Using the IP address I can get to the window of the home server.

    Accessibility means no services available

    Websites is on and I can't find anything that is not defined in law or is different than before the update.

  • Remove data from the HD Server?

    I've recently updated my OS to 10.12 Sierra and went to install However, when trying to install Mac OS Server, I received the following message:

    "This the server version does not support upgrading the server from data on this volume. To upgrade your database server, you need to install an older version of the server and OS X."

    ***? In what universe would be an acceptable solution? Now, the fact is that I probably had installed before on a very old version of Mac OS (not sure which) and just never bothered to upgrade during the last major revision of OS X or more.

    What that is, how can I get rid of these old "data server" so I can install a new copy? Thank you.

    Wondering how to remove the data from the server that you had before the upgrade to Sierra? If so, delete the folder/Library/Server and to / applications. Then go to the App Store and buy the latest version of the server. I'm guessing that your last purchase server had Yosemite and that's why try to install the server to the App Store / Shopping does not work. I did purchase the server from Yosemite.

  • Delete older backups time machine from the server

    I have a small number of iMacs here that back up using Time Machine on our local network to an external hard drive on an iMac running server. I added a second external hard drive and I say most of the Mac to use instead. Once they have saved once the new drive safely - how can I remove the old backup of the first disc? Is it safe to just delete the sparsebundle to it? Or is there a way to do it properly



    Yes, it is safe to delete the sparsebundle in the old media from backup after you remove as the backup location and create your 1st upward on the new location. Since your iMac is now pointing to the new backup media, they are more associated in the former. If you have no other Mac backup on old media, you can simply reformat.

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    I can not send (but can receive) mail to my address ID on my Macbook Pro. It; s a pain because I have to keep switching servers when I try to send. I can paste it into another server to stop it, but why can't the address has its own mac for outgoing mail server? He has one for incoming. I think that it started after I upgraded to El Capitan but am not sure.

    Hey studiowriting,

    If I understand correctly, you have difficulties, sending mail from the Mail application in Mac OS.  Looks like you have changed servers in order to send.  I recommend you to read this article, it may be able to help solve the problem.

    If you cannot send or receive e-mail on your Mac.

    You can also use this link to find the settings for your e-mail account
    Search for e-mail settings

    Thank you for using communities of Apple Support. Have a good.

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