Can I update my link via a ToolbarButton?

Can I update my link via a ToolbarButton?

I tried to call this method:

DCBindingContainer dcBindings = (DCBindingContainer) BindingContext.getCurrent () .getCurrentBindingsEntry ();
DCIteratorBinding iterBindTable = (DCIteratorBinding) dcBindings.get ("getRootFolder1Iterator");
dcBindings.refreshControl ();
iterBindTable.executeQuery ();
iterBindTable.refresh (DCIteratorBinding.RANGESIZE_UNLIMITED);

but it did not work, anyone know why?

Published by: user8674781 on 12/04/2009 05:35


Do you mean, your table (which is based on the iterator, you're refreshing), isn't getting updated?

If so, use the addPartialTarget method to update the table of the bean to support

Something like

/* In the jspx page */


/*In your backing bean */
private RichTable yourTable;
public RichTable getYourTable(){...}
public setYourTable(RichTable....) {...}

/* In your action listener, after the execute query */




Tags: Java

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