Cannot conect - access denied

I recently changed provider hosting and simply all the files in my past to my new public directory public_html folder. However, when I open contribute and the attempt to connect to my site, I get a message "access denied - file does not exist or might be a permissions problem. I see that Contribute is to start to download a file of test called "cthub337f0ela5ba0875f.csi". I have no idea what it means. I've updated name/password FTP IP information and the user for the new host. Why this is happening and what I can do about it?

Just a suggestion here, based on our experience of the CPS in movement to a new server. ATTENTION: I would make this knowledge move everything you need to know about your new connection: the URL, the default home page is (index.htm or index.html, the FTP connection settings, etc.). Also be sure to save your xml with the user files and other mission critical files so you don't lose them. You should be ok because you're not re-setup of CPS, but it is always good to be safe.

You can restore your connection to remove the old and creating a new. First open Contribute and even if she isn't the connection, just to get the homepage. Then click on change--> my connections to open the dialog box that shows your connection "old." You can choose and click on the button Delete. Then, you can click on the button create to walk through the process of creating a connection to the new server.

Again, BE sure THAT you know what is on your new connection before attempting this, so that you know how to create. Passage of the files is not likely to help your login process is filled with several writings and readings on the server via FTP and the best thing to do is to create a new connection (and a new key encrypted accordingly connection) that this sets up completely. Once you are re-connected, you enter in the Admin section and access the list of possible files by default the server may use (e.g., default.htm, index.html, index.htm, default.html, etc.) so that your home page can be recognized.

I hope this helps.

Tags: Adobe

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    Use the other methods in the convenience store posted above to be sure all malware
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    {E: rd /s "filename"}

    {Are you sure O N}

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    Thanks for posting your query to the Microsoft forum. I will definitely help you with this.

    This problem occurs because the Recycle Bin does not recognize mounted volumes. For example, assume that the structure of the next unit is used:

    C drive is drive 1 gigabyte (1 GB) that uses the NTFS file system.
    C:\Host-dir is the mount point for a separate 9-GB drive.

    If you try to delete a folder with the path C:\Host-dir\Mydir, Windows Explorer interprets the folder as being on drive C and tries in vain to move it to the trash on the C drive.

    Use the SHIFT + DELETE key combination. This allows to bypass the Recycle Bin.

    I would suggest trying the following methods and check if it helps.

    Method 1: I suggest you run the command in elevated command prompt and see if it helps below.

    1. Go to Start, click all programs and open the Accessories.
    2. Right-click on command prompt in the list programs, and then select run as administrator. If you are prompted for an administrator password or for confirmation, type your password, or click OK.
    3. In the command prompt, type the following command and press ENTER:
    • TAKEOWN /F C: /A

    4 then try to run the following command.

    • TAKEOWN /F C:

    This will give you the admin and your permissions of full account to all files on the C: drive

    Method 2: Activate hidden admin account

    1. press Windows + R keyboard button.

    2. type cmd in the run bar.

    3. in the command prompt , type this command: net user administrator / Active: Yes

    4. press enter and restart the computer.

    Try to delete the folder Window.old .

    If you are able to do so disable the hidden admin account.

    To do this, follow the steps:

    1. press Windows + R keyboard button.

    2. type cmd in the run bar.

    3. in the command prompt , type this command: net user administrator / active: No.

    4. press enter and restart the computer.

    You can also check this link: (WS.10) .aspx #BKMK_Anchor1

    Let us know if you need more assistance. We will be happy to help you.


    Thank you best regards &,.

    Isha Soni

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    You are unable to download the updates?

    Try the following steps to resolve the problem:

    Method 1: Temporarily disable any security (including firewalls) software and check if the problem persists.

    Check out these links:

    If disabling the security software solves the problem, then contact the manufacturer of the specific security software to fix the problem.

    Important: Antivirus software can help protect your computer against viruses and other security threats. In most cases, you should not disable
    your antivirus software. If you do not disable temporarily to install other software, you must reactivate as soon as you are finished. If you are
    connected to the Internet or a network during the time that your antivirus software is disabled, your computer is vulnerable to attacks.

    Method 2:
    See the article mentioned below and run the Fixit diagnostic tool to fix the error 643.

    You receive error code 80070643 0 x or 0 x 643, code error when you use the Windows Update or Microsoft Update Web sites to install updates:

    Kind regards
    Afzal Taher-Microsoft Support.
    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

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    Hi David,

    ·         What is the location of these files?

    Try the following.

    Method 1: Check if you can change the location of the files and then remove them.

    Method 2: Start the computer in safe mode and try to delete the files.

    Method 3: Check to see if this article helps you.

    Troubleshoot "access denied" when opening files or folders

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    HKLM\software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component base Servicing\Sqm
    HKLM\software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component base Servicing\Sqm\Package_for_KB955430~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~
    HKLM\software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component base Servicing\Sqm\Package_for_KB955430~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~\InstallCounter
    HKLM\software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component base Servicing\Sqm\VistaSP1-KB936330~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~
    HKLM\software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component base Servicing\Sqm\VistaSP1-KB936330~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~\InstallCounter
    HKLM\software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component base Servicing\Sqm\VistaSP2-KB948465~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~
    HKLM\software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component base Servicing\Sqm\VistaSP2-KB948465~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~\InstallCounter

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    Now what?

    I got suggesr you publish to Windows Vista, THIS Pro forum. It is more technical and more depth there, but looks like you can handle this.

    This is the main link to Vista from Windows IT Pro:

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    Since Windows Vista and Windows 7, a logon administrator account always uses a standard or limited account for certain purposes. To access these properties, you can run a program using the "Run as administrator". To run as an administrator, you right-click on a program and select "Run as Administrator" in the right click menu.

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    What shd do now... pls help me...

    Hello Veronica,.

    Thanks for posting your question on the Microsoft community.

    Thank you for details on the issue.

    When you encrypt fixed data usingBitLocker Drive Encryptionreader""or encrypt a removable drive using BitLocker, you choose a method to unlock the drive. The method you choose depends on the type of drive that you encrypt the flexibility you want and all the requirements defined by your organization.

    I suggest you use the steps in this article and check if it helps.
    How to use the unlock options in BitLocker Drive encryption?

    Additional information:
    Scenario 6: Specification of how unlock the operating system protected by BitLocker drives (Windows 7) (v = ws.10) .aspx

    Scenario 7: Specifying how to unlock the fixed or removable data drives (Windows 7) BitLocker-protected (v = ws.10) .aspx

    Note: Changing the BIOS / semiconductor (CMOS) to complementary metal oxide settings can cause serious problems that may prevent your computer from starting properly. Microsoft cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the configuration of the BIOS/CMOS settings can be solved. Changes to settings are at your own risk.

    I hope this information helps.

    Please let us know if you need more help.

    Thank you

  • Cannot reactivate windows 7: 0xC004F025 access denied error

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    Hi David

    I can't activate windows 7 ultimate again after hardware problem. I reinstalled clean hard disk and now it tells me that it is locked. I tried what you suggested in the run dialogue box, but it does not work. Rpet error: 0xC004F025 access denied: the requested action requires elevated privileges. Help, please!


    "heritagej" wrote in message News: 55f9a23f - 5a 92-411 c-932f-ee143dc68ad0...

    I bought Windows 7 Ultimate on ebay.

    Unfortunately, your key is an account MSDN is not intended for resale. You must ask for an immediate refund from the supplier - do NOT accept the offer of a new key and do NOT waste time with an RMA number (whatever they are trying to do is to go beyond the claims of 45 days or avoid you window send evidence of their crimes to authorities)
    Please read the following checklist...


    Hackers got VERY good at this during the last years, as material for making packages prices, and as plants open in the less well cultivated country.
    See also this post...



    Noel Paton | Nil Carborundum Illegitemi | CrashFixPC | The lazy three fingers

  • Cannot open a temporary file Access Denied

    I use Windows 7 64-bit. In recent weeks I have had problems to open some files downloaded from the internet. Here are the standard files from known reputable sources. The most recent is Firefox setup 28.0.exe. (I thought that my browser Chrome could be the cause of the penalty)

    Others are fdminst.exe, Virtualbox - 43.4 - 91207win.exe and Avast-browser - cleanup.exe.

    I click and get the usual message run or save. I click on Run and get the error message '' Cannot open File C:\stuart\appdata\local\temp\filename .tmp'. The message has sometimes 7Zip under the title name. I have never use 7Zip and that you have not installed it. The error messages vary a little - even for two attempts in the same file. But are always on the same sometimes with Access Denied.

    There are no other users.

    I have a virus? I use AVG and also periodically Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, but they found nothing.

    Finally, I downloaded other files and opened without any difficultyy.

    Can anyone help?

    Being that the usual 'temp' directory is different for each user, a possible workaround solution would be for you to create another user on a computer that has administrative privileges.  Then log out of your normal user account and connect you to your computer as the new user and try to do some of your facilities while connected as the new user to the administrator.  It * must * use a brand-new directory clean 'temp' to proceed with the installation.  I hope that it will work.

    Another thing: on my computer, there is a folder "C:\Windows\Temp".  It is possible that this is the directory that he tries to use instead of the usual user profile temp directory.  If you have this folder, you can click on it-> properties-> Security (tab) and check that 'Administrators' have full access to this directory.



  • Access denied drive C, cannot change default permission

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    Access denied to the C drive, not yet able to access C: > properties > titles > Permission or Effective permission.
    Unable to change permissions,
    The system to boot normally, but in the properties of the drive C its display of 0 (zero) bytes,
    I am not yet allowed to create / copy any file on my desktop.
    Most applications open, which are installed in the system, for example: MS Office does not, Adobe Reader not working, utorrent works not, CC Proxy doesn't work don't not... error code:-0x800704b3
    Just trying to change the permissions for the C: error message "cannot open access control editor. Access Denied»
    Please help me...

    With the current flawed system, I am not able to do the repair CD,
    Make a CD of repair in another system with the same config - will this work?

    Yes - why don't give you it a try?
    If you have 20 GB of very important data on your hard drive, then there is an urgent need for you to review your backup strategy. This is a question which must be addressed before a disaster occurs, not after.
  • Cannot delete files to the trash (Recycle Bin access denied)

    System: Windows 7 Ent SP1 x 64, i7 930, 24GO RAM with all updates

    When I try to delete files in Windows Explorer, I get the following error (most of the time, but not always):

    Window with the title 'Recycle Bin access denied' and the message

    " cannot be moved to the trash. Do you want to permanently delete it? »

    I can then permanently delete the file, even if I sent to the trash.

    I tried the following (nothing works):

    -checked to see if the file is locked with Process Explorer (find handle or DLL)-it is not (and it can be removed permanently)

    -deleted all the recycle bins on all drives & restarted. New recycling bins have been created, but it did not help.

    -changed of owner of baskets and all files as (with the takeown command). Corrupt system baskets complained, emptied their and restored to their previous state. This did not help the primary problem.

    -set the maximum size to the size of the disk on all baskets. It has no effect on the main problem.

    -J' also checked the security for the folders tab $RECYCLE. BIN on all readers and define "Full control" for users. SYSTEM and administrators had already 'Full comtrol. This did not help also.

    What is strange (and new), is when I open the Recycle Bin, the files are always considered to be "Tiles" (which I did not). If I put it in 'Détails', the change is not permanent - the next time I open the Recycle Bin, the files are showed once again as "Tiles".

    What can I do to be able to delete (all) files via the Recycle Bin?

    Thanks Mike for the response, but none of the methods helped. There was no malware and even in safe mode, I could not delete files to the Recycle Bin. In addition, the original administrator account could not delete to the Recycle Bin.

    But I think I found the culprit:

    Apparently, this problem showed that in the downloads folder, to which I had many junctions (to be easily accessible). Due to lack of space on the C: drive, I remembered that I have moved through properties-> location on a disk with more space. Instead of the old folder in C:\Users\ downloads I put a junction pointing to the new location.

    Now, I had old junctions pointing to C:\Users\personal, which in turn was a junction pointing to a new location. Registration/creation/look at one/etc files in folder downloads accessible through 2 junctions was of course OK, but delete somehow was not able to delete files to the Recycle Bin. When I fixed the remaining junctions to point directly to the new location of the download folder, delete started working OK again.


    Delete the file (SHFileOperation?) is not able to use the trash, if the file is accessible via junction 2 points (or more?).

  • Set security on 'Decline' for users of Windows/object, cannot access a drive C and d. 'Access denied'-[[problem solved]]

    last updated *.

    Problem is SOLVED. Read my response at the bottom of this thread.

    * Update *.

    Solved for drive D as now but it is still not accessible. Help the Microsoft Experts kindly. By clicking on the C drive, I got "access denied."

    Hello world.

    I need help. I have windows 8, 64 bit computer laptop.  This system has 3 active accounts now. Account_One that is my administrator account. I have another

    "limited account" created on my machine Account_two and the third one is "Guest account" account that is enabled.

    Before you lend my cell phone to a friend in Account_two login I tried to restrict access to drives C and D of this Account_two which is a limited account.

    While I was doing it, I put approval for object 'Windows users' 'decline '. This object is usually the last in the list of objects on the window that appears when we sail to click with the right button on C drive > properties > Security. I realized that instead of

    for Account_two I did for Windows users / which means maybe Windows/users / * which covered my admin account too and that too on the drive root C.

    When I connected to my Account_one account that is an administrator account, I'm not able to access drive C and D where I put the authorization of 'decline' for all the attributes as shown above to object/Windows users.

    One of the folder that was on my desktop allows me to go inside the d drive as I kept this shortcut for easy access, but there is no way to navigate from c or d ' training on domestic issues. Not just me even Windows can not access important services such as 'Restore' and many others built in utilities of windows which simply will not charge blinking message windows has no access to it!

    Please help how to access drive C and D for my administrator account. I am connected to this account now, but can not access drive C or d. when I go to the Security tab in the drive C and D right click Properties I get the screen it as: you must have read allowed to view the properties of this object. Click Advanced to continue. When I click on advanced, I see the "advanced security settings for local disk (d :)), where the owner is presented as: unable to display current owner."  Exchange (Link) when I click on 'Change' I get the error message: cannot open access control editor access is denied.

    So I put the Windows/user object to "deny" on the tab security for all read and writes, and I'm not able to access anything whatsoever since my administrator account.

    Please let me know how to change access to 'allow' for c and D drive for the object user/Windows. From now there is no way to access this object by result cannot set permissions there.

    Help, please.

    Thank you very much.

    Thank you very much.

    Problem is SOLVED!

    After three days of effort I was finally able to fix this mess.  It took me three days after going through many similar positions as mine but no final answer or fix, so I kept

    through the 'access denied' messages on this community and won an idea on what

    had happened and what needed to be done. What I found that there are several hundred people

    like me, who have faced this problem and there is no final official help file to explain how to fix

    He IS but he MICROSFT official 'support chat' where they ask for $149 to connect remotely and difficulty

    the problem!

    in any case, here's how I solved my problem for people who need to fix it in case it happens to you.

    How the problem began; Read my original post above on top. In short, I set the security setting to refuse to

    Users of Windows/under the Security tab that comes after a right click drive then properties > Security. I put it and lost access to all readers!

    How I fixed it.

    Thanks to some nice people on this page of the community who have posted knowledge. A man had displayed the creation of "Administrator" "guest account of orders that I did now, I could sign out of my account and get on the 'Administrator' account with admin privileges so that I could fix it the mess on my account problem. So if you have similar problem first create the command prompt administrator account. However this only solved the problem partially as I could reverse the problem only on drive D and not on the drive C. I was able to go to security settings and set the properties 'allow' for drive D, but I was not able to read the page of security for drive C as he said I haven't read privilege he even newly created admin account.

    Now if I needed the "Access denied" problem on drive C. I continued through messages of so many "access denied" here and discovered about utilities like SFC, TAKEOWN, ICACLS, but none of them worked from the command prompt I always said "access denied."

    Thing was to take the mouse to the right of the screen and get this blue bar, then settings > change PC settings > General - Advanced startup-press the button -. Then he made up the blue screen, where you have the option called troubleshooting... go there and then advanced setting > look to start Windows from the command prompt. Do you have a command prompt with C:\windows\system32 on the command prompt. Here, my order was accepted both takeown and icacls. If I shot a command there: TAKEOWN /F /R C:\/a and I also tried icacls to give permissions after checking using the syntax on the command line itself. All commands ran successfully this time, but be careful what you give in the command. It's under a lien high built based on the account of Windows 8.

    Takeown command executed successfully and it solved my problem. I leave the command prompt then connected to this administrator account. This time, I could go to the Security tab of the C drive and set allow it for users here. Still on some issues, I was getting no access permission, but I was asked to change it to allow me to access to and I was able to do.

    For access to the C drive on the Security tab, you need to go to the 'Advanced' and change the owner too.

    in any case I'm happy this is finally resolved even if I wasn't getting much help responds I used the previous positions of other threads to solve.

    Since he was not an official help of WINDOWS or MICROSOFT on that page, I'm sure I did the security setting while making the methods of trial and error on my machine which may not be the right setting from the point of view of security in general, so I'll try to reset the default state machine as my problem is now solved.

    So I fixed it. If you need help let me know and I'll try to help you, and I do not charge $149 or $99.  ;-)

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