Captivate 7: work HTML5 Widgets (wdgt)

I try to use some HTML5 Widgets in my Captivate class. I have existing Widgets I did in Flash that I try to use as well as some of those that come with Captivate 7 by default. In both cases, I am unable to get any of the Widgets to work in HTML5. I followed this page as a guide - but it leaves much to be desired in the Department of clarity.  When you publish a course, in publication settings, if I select "HTML5" only - Widgets do not appear in the output of HTML5. However, if I check also SWF, then the Widget is is displayed (as expected) the HTML file using a SWF embedded content and widget - HTML5 only content still however does not display the Widget.

Does anyone have a working HTML5 widget, they can share or can provide more specific instructions that Adobe made in the above referenced site?

Thank you, in advance!

You test this output locally on your hard drive of the PC or did you downloaded and tested from a web server?  If not the last, I would do that first.

Tags: Adobe Captivate

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    Just a note, you can also use the file-> add files to download (instead of the manual way of FTP) option and select your captivate6_file.swf so he can download when you publish the site. The file will be transferred to the folder/assets /, so you can update the code to refer to this file. This approach will allow you to preview the SWF playing in the preview of Muse as well.

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    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Captivate 9 x64\HTML\assets\htmlimages

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    Have you tried simply to publish the draft Construct2 and using the web object (which is just an iframe) to include in your course of Captivate? It should work without problem.

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    If you are talking about the video not working do not out of HTML5, download your content published on a web server to test and make sure that the video files of your specific MIME type helped the web administrator.  Don't bother trying to test your local drive HTML5 content.  Always use a web server.

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    Thank you

    Not possible, sorry. You will never be able to open the CP9 files in version 5.

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    Using a shared LAN drive as a server for the release of Captivate location often eventually questions. If your content is focused on the SWF, all end users will need to configure the LAN drive as a trusted location in their Global Flash security settings or links may not work etc etc.

    Your best option is to download your content on a web server, either the company intranet or internet General and reschedule.

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    Please take a look at this post on the forum for a similar discussion:

    Kind regards


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    ~ Jason

    You insert the SWF, not the wdgt file.

    You should be able to just to click the Interaction icon to insert left (finger pressing a button) and choose it from the list.

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    Suggestions as to what might keep the window close?

    Thank you


    You can test this to close the window of course:

    Insert 3 buttons or smart shape used as buttons (like buttons of end of course).

    The first button apply an action to run javascript and in the script window, use this script: parent.close)

    The second button apply an action to run javascript and in the script window, use this script: top.window.close)

    The third button, perform a standard action and set "cpCmndExit" (System variable) with 1.

    Publish the course, then transfer it to your LMS and check if any of these work for you?

    Thank you.

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    Dan Cavender

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    Thank you


    Already done 4 webinars on topics advanced to Adobe... but everything for free.

    Maybe I'll try to organize online training... If I find participants and manage the organization.

  • Captivate 9 Widgets are not Compatible HTML5 am using a sensitive project and Widgets work Firefox not IE 11


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    You need not create a project as a receptive simply to play on tablets or mobile devices.

    If widgets are known to be NOT HTML5 compatible, it is better to not use them at all.  IE11 usually works with the release of HTML5 in Captivate, but your widgets are probably not going to work in this case.

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