clientListener 'click' guy went in nested templates

I have the following situation (JDev

-an ADF library with template has javascript and some pages based on A template
-a project using the library with its own model based on the model A B and more javascript, and some pages based on model B

Model has an outputText with a clientlistener, the code is as follows:
                    <af:outputText id="medbtn1" value="X" styleClass="mededelingenbutton"
                     visible="#{portalBean.showMededelingen}" >
                       <af:clientListener method="hideMededelingen" type="click"/>
                       <af:serverListener type="jsServerListener"
the javascript so that it looks like this:
function hideMededelingen(evt) {
    document.getElementById('pt1:pt_pbl1').style.display = 'none'; 
    AdfCustomEvent.queue(evt.getSource(), "jsServerListener",     {    },true);
This only works in pages based on the model A, but I want also that it works in pages based on the template (B) I noticed that the id of the item that I hide evolves according to the model used, that's fine.
I can change the code to do this:
function hideMededelingen(evt) {
    document.getElementById('pt1:pt_pbl1').style.display = 'none'; // main_template
    document.getElementById('pt1:mpt1:pt_pbl1').style.display = 'none'; // reinigingsrecht_template
    AdfCustomEvent.queue(evt.getSource(), "jsServerListener", { },true);
but it does not work.
I know that the javascript is available at/context-root/faces/js /, I tested that. But it seems that in the pages based on the model B, the clientListener is gone competely!


We don't recommend JavaScript accessing the DOM in ADF Faces. However, the problem comes from the use of naming containers in JSF. Page templates naming container, and thus influence the client ID of the contained components. The solution is to use search (findComponent (id)) relative or absolute search. ADF Faces has a complete client architecture that allows to search components relative or absolute. Relative, you can access them as

 function hideMededelingen(evt) {
     var outputTextField =  evt.getSource();
     //if the outputText component is in the same naming container with the component to
     //change or hide, use
    var componentToChange = outputTextField.findComponent('pt_pbl1');
    // ... do whatever you want here


If the two components are not in the same naming container, then I recommend the use of a customer attribute. The outputText component is supposed to textField1 somewhere on a view in an access model

1. create a managed bean and bind of JSF (subject links) component to the text field
2 expose a clientId property on the managed bean (getter/setter) that return of the textField1.getClientId (FacesContext.getCurrentInstance ())
3. Add an af:clientAttribute to the af: outputText and call it for example "lookupId. Assign the value # {managedBean.cientId}
4. your JavaScript code should be modified as shown below

 function hideMededelingen(evt) {
     var outputTextField =  evt.getSource();
     var clientIdToLookup = outputTextField.getProperty("lookupId");
    var componentToChange = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponentByAbsoluteId(clientIdToLookup );
    // ... do whatever you want here


In this way, independent of where a component is, you get its id on the displayed HTML code dynamically. If the JS code is in a JS library, then you want to go with a different approach and use a JS reminder, so you do not add the requirement of a clientAttribute. Using a JS reminder, you can change the call to clientListener to

function hideMededelingen(lookupClientId) {
   return function(evt){
       var outputTextField =  evt.getSource();
       var clientIdToLookup = outputTextField.getProperty("lookupId");
      var componentToChange = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponentByAbsoluteId(lookupClientId);
      // ... do whatever you want here


Tags: Java

Similar Questions

  • Error in adding an editable region in the nested template header

    I have a basic model for the website (creation of main menus) and a secondary model using this basic model, which establishes a common table, on the one hand of the site layout. After you create the PHP to drive page, I need to lock this secondary nested region - otherwise any edit I make on my secondary & quot; -definition of table & quot; model is not passed to the last pages using the secondary model. I created a secondary edit box successfully in every part of the & lt; body & gt; region, and of course, it locks text outside the secondary editable help DW says it should. So far so good.

    Now the problem - I can not create a region inside the & lt; head & gt; combo box to lock this region too. Normally we'd like keywords and so on to be variable from one page to another, but as I am filling variable keywords from a database, it makes sense to lock the & lt; head & gt; Too much. Does anyone know why that generates an error & quot; failed to create an optional region here & quot;? Is there anything we can do about it?

    > by whom?
    This is DW CS3 help on nested models:

    A nested template is a template whose design and editable regions is based on another model. Nested models are useful for the control of content in the pages of a site that share many design elements, but have some differences between pages. For example, a basic model can contain broader design areas and be usable by many contributors of content on site, while a nested model can further define the editable regions in the pages of a specific section of a site.

    > the solution
    I just figured out how to lock the header in the document of reference to TechNote 16416. It is referenced in the called DW CS3 help page

    Prevent an editable region to a nested model

    In summary - insert the marker @@("") @ in the editable area.

    I tried it and it works perfectly! The cephalic region is now locked in the nested template, so the changes in this area went from child pages. That's the answer.

    > your book
    Yes, I saw it on Amazon. Kudos to you for publication.

    > your suggestion extracted
    Thanks for that. This looks like a more manual approach, however.

    > mysteriously missing paragraphs
    Very strange, I can see them on my screen in Firefox and IE7.

    Best regards

  • Nested Templates / div

    I created a standard template in Dreamweaver

    2 columns with a content of head region, the sidebar and the footer. Creating a nested template is easy, but I want to remove the sidebar or the second column (Div) of the nested model.
    I would like to than the other attributes of model to stay and day when I make changes to the original model as the Drop Menu that consists of the drop downs.
    Coherence of the whole of a site is important and I want to avoid the update to the bars of men.

    Any ideas on how to accomplish this task?

    I use Dreamweaver CS5.5

    If I understand correctly, you have a sidebar (in part) on your main template, you do not want to include on certain pages of the child.

    Article {width: 75%; float: left}

    side {width: 25%; float: left}

    You can use CSS on these pages of the child.

    side {display: none ;}}

    Article {width: 100 %}}

    Nancy O.

  • Nesting templates: child-model Pages does not fully to the Editable vs a-Editable regions

    Me kay, so first of all, it's all done within Dreamweaver CS5. How can I explain this, is that I have a series of Master-models for my site, then accompanied by child-models related to offshore of / nested my master-models. So far it's going wonderfully, until what I'm trying to make a page of one of my children-models.

    The page of my child-model accurately comment on an non editable (region in which is editable in the master model, but left as ONLY editable within the child-model) as long as I add an EDITABLE area it contains. In the circumstances I have DO NOT add an editable region in the editable area of the master model, the area within the Page is appearing always editable.

    For example:


    Model Master:

    <!-TemplateBeginEditable name = "ChildTemplateCSSLinks"->

    Model child CSS links here.

    <! - TemplateEndEditable - >


    Child model:

    <!-InstanceBeginEditable name = "ChildTemplateCSSLinks"->

    Model child CSS links here.

    <!-TemplateBeginEditable name = "ChildPageCSSLinks"->

    Child CSS PAGE links here.

    <! - TemplateEndEditable - >

    <! - InstanceEndEditable - >


    The child page:

    Model child CSS links here. (Precisely appearing not editable - {editable area of the master model tags appearing exactly invisible})

    <!-InstanceBeginEditable name = "ChildPageCSSLinks"->

    Child CSS PAGE links here. (Accurately appearing editable)

    <! - InstanceEndEditable - >


    It is a WORKING example of editable regions. In the child Page "Template CSS child links here." Appearing in comment and therefore not editable in the child Page, as if it was supposed to be. This time allows the 'child PAGE CSS links here' to be editable with PRECISION within the child-Page.

    Now for an example of what does not work:


    Model Master:

    <!-TemplateBeginEditable name = "ChildTemplateCSSLinks"->

    Model child CSS links here.

    <! - TemplateEndEditable - >


    Child model:

    <!-InstanceBeginEditable name = "ChildTemplateCSSLinks"->

    Model child CSS links here.

    (As you can see, I've added an extra editable within the editable area of the master model. This is an area which is supposed not to be editable within the child-model and NOT the child-Page, which seems to be up to NOW accurate.)

    <! - InstanceEndEditable - >


    The child page:

    <!-InstanceBeginEditable name = "ChildTemplateCSSLinks"->

    Model child CSS links here.

    (For a reason, THAT as long as I DO NOT add an additional child-model - edit box in the editable area of the master model, this area is appearing ALWAYS visible but also editable in the child Page.)

    <! - InstanceEndEditable - >


    So, in this circumstance, it seems that the only way I can leave ALONE the editable region of the master model can be changed within the child-model and NOT editable in the child Page is leaving an ADDITIONAL editable produced through the child-model somewhere within the editable region EVERY SINGLE, produced by the master model. Unless I do something bad, it seems this until a potential defect/bug in Dreamweaver CS5. I can't imagine how this would be correct, otherwise child/Nested-Templates would be not possible to do. What could I do it wrong? Is it possible that I can specify in the master model is an editable editable ONLY within the child-model and NOT yet child-Pages (A Page based on the template of the child)? Or maybe is it possible that I can specify the child-model that an area can be changed WILL NOT be editable in the child Page? Furthermore, no, I DON'T want to make "Optional Regions", so please do not suggest that.

    I know it's all probably a little confusing, but I hope the examples above more than descriptions aside. As you can probably assume, it is definitely a HUGE complication in my site if it does not end up being a solution, especially with all the time I put into making the child models, which I hope to rely on. It would be really silly if I had to script - in an editable region extra in each master-model-editable-region unique available within my child-model just so that I can update my child-model, in addition to my changes to my child-Pages, to fall as much as it would maintain the content that I never wanted to be editable in the child Page in the FIRST place.

    Some help would be appreciated sincerely, as soon as possible, if I could ask politely.

    Thank you. Sincerely,

    ~ Miss Cat

    = _ = I can't believe that I say this, after having written ALL that a period, but thanks to 'Dreamweaver CS5 for Dummies,' I just found out that if you place: @@("") @ in the editable area of the desired child/Nested model DO NOT passed down for your child-Pages, it won't appear not editable. God knows why such a discrete formula was the answer, but I guess that everything works. ... WHY WAS IT SO DIFFICULT TO FIND INFORMATION? @_ @ Information about nested templates in general seems quite hard to find, however, so I'm glad that I thought that this output /not/ never a full hour / after writing all this upward and detachment. #__#  ... At least my child models can work perfectly now, though. Then... FIXED scenario. ^^

    I hope that now this information will appear useful to someone else hunting for that information via Google or other search engine in the future. And if there is nothing at all that I'm still officially missing, then do feel free to add to food and let me know, because the last thing I need now of law are more surprising difficulties also slow down the productivity of this vast project I worked on... @_ @... But so far things seem to be going well. ^^ So I can just incredibly grateful that he will eventually be a solution to this ridiculous after all.


    Miss Cat

    [info promo signature removed by Moderator]

  • Problem to the &lt; title &gt; tag editable inside a nested template

    Thank you very much in advance for the help with my problem below.

    -I'm going to build a website using Dreamweaver CS4.

    -J' have a model of main site including some code html pages are correctly built out of.

    -J' also have a nested blog model built on the main model for the blog site section and built 5 HTML pages out of this blog template nested start with.

    -With the site ready to launch, I try to go into each HTML page and update my tages < title > and then my < metatags description >. I put the < title > tags in the HTML pages out of my main template.

    -My problem is with the < title > tags in the HTML pages, built on the model of the blog nested. I can only change the < title > tag in the template real blog nested itself, and not the nested HTML built out of this blog template pages.

    -To try to solve the problem, I tried to move the tags surrounding area editable "doctitle" to different positions within the < head > tag on the main model and nested model of the blog. This includes surrounding the editable attribute code and also put an editable region around the entire < head > tag. But all produce errors when Dreamweaver tries to update the pages based on the given model.

    -The head of <>tag code to the main model of nested blog and an HTML page out of the nested model blog is below. I hope someone can help?


    < head >
    < meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = text/html"; charset = utf-8 "/ >"
    <!-TemplateBeginEditable name = "doctitle"-->
    mainTemplate < title > < /title >
    <! - TemplateEndEditable - >
    "" < link href = "... / css/main.css ' rel ="stylesheet"type =" text/css"/ >
    "" < link href = "... / pictures/faviconIcon.ico" rel = "shortcut icon" / >
    <!-TemplateParam name = "indexClass" type = "text" value = "holder"->
    <!-TemplateParam name = "domesticClass" type = "text" value = "holder"->
    <!-TemplateParam name = "commercialClass" type = "text" value = "holder"->
    <!-TemplateParam name = "blogClass" type = "text" value = "holder"->
    <!-TemplateParam name = "contactClass" type = "text" value = "holder"->
    <!-TemplateParam name = "bodyClass" type = "text" value = "main"->
    < / head >


    < head >
    < meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = text/html"; charset = utf-8 "/ >"
    <!-InstanceBeginEditable name = "doctitle"-->
    < title > < /title > 1111
    <!-TemplateParam name = "blogClass4" type = "text" value = "holder"->
    <!-TemplateParam name = "blogClass3" type = "text" value = "holder"->
    <!-TemplateParam name = "blogClass2" type = "text" value = "holder"->
    <!-TemplateParam name = "blogClass1" type = "text" value = "holder"->
    <!-TemplateParam name = "blogClass5" type = "text" value = "holder"->
    <! - InstanceEndEditable - >
    "" < link href = "... / css/main.css ' rel ="stylesheet"type =" text/css"/ >
    "" < link href = "... / pictures/faviconIcon.ico" rel = "shortcut icon" / >
    <!-InstanceParam name = "indexClass" type = "text" value = "holder"->
    <!-InstanceParam name = "domesticClass" type = "text" value = "holder"->
    <!-InstanceParam name = "commercialClass" type = "text" value = "holder"->
    <!-InstanceParam name = "blogClass" type = "text" value = "current"->
    <!-InstanceParam name = "contactClass" type = "text" value = "holder"->
    <!-InstanceParam name = "bodyClass" type = "text" value = "blog"->
    < / head >


    < head >
    < meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = text/html"; charset = utf-8 "/ >"
    < title > < /title > 1111
    <!-InstanceParam name = "blogClass4" type = "text" value = "holder"->
    <!-InstanceParam name = "blogClass3" type = "text" value = "holder"->
    <!-InstanceParam name = "blogClass2" type = "text" value = "current"->
    <!-InstanceParam name = "blogClass1" type = "text" value = "holder"->
    <!-InstanceParam name = "blogClass5" type = "text" value = "holder"->
    "" < link href = "... / css/main.css ' rel ="stylesheet"type =" text/css"/ >
    "" < link href = "... / pictures/faviconIcon.ico" rel = "shortcut icon" / >
    < / head >

    First of all, there are ways to achieve what you want without using nested templates.  A bit of CSS and server-side includes will do the job admirably.

    Next - you will be surely able to insert an editable region in thetag in the 2nd generation in changing it - model<p class="reply"> <p class="reply"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" --><br> <title>Untitled document

    on this subject.

    Untitled document

    If you want to use nested templates, you will need to learn how to think like one.  It is not easy.  And it will take you to put your hand in the code sometimes.  This is only one of the reasons why I think that using them is a mistake.

  • Touch screen, keyboard clicks suddenly went very soft

    I have this strange new problem in my 5130 DVP. I used to have a pretty strong STROKE keyboard clicks as I type. All of a sudden this afternoon, keyboard clicks went very soft as I type. Y at - it an adjustment to increase the volume of clicks back to normal? Thank you

    By any chance, did you recently applied Windows 8.1 1 update recently? Microsoft has decided to lower the volume of the keyboard with her, apparently after receiving requests to do so, of course, many now want it back to what it was before (or Hey, even better: a low-medium-high option!).

  • Change &amp; lt; body &amp; gt; nested template tag

    Good morning people,

    I work on a customer site and have been using for the main navigation Tree Menu Magic of PVII, I use models and nested models. As I have pages that are not in the tree itself, but are under the general section in the tree, I went on the site Web of PVII for a how-to on the opening of the section of a page that is not listed in the tree. They have a solution! However, this solution requires that I have change the < body > tag.

    Is there a workaround for this in a nested model? I saw cases where insertion FW8 HTML in a document based on a nested model will change the < body > tag for me, but how / can do it myself? Thanks a lot for any input. the customer site the customer site


    Thank you. I had to go the nested model, out of which rested my page and edit > model properties > allow nested models control this. Now it works! I submitted an email to PVII, however, because using the onload = "P7_TMopenUrl(1,'index.php')" actually triggers the index.php all pages of the site instead of just the one in the folder where the page updated resides the. " I tried to dig (.. /.. / folder/index.php) but who produces nothing at all.

    Thanks again for the help!

  • Optional editable areas in templates Documents nested

    Hello - I am running Mac DW MX 2004 (Version 7.0.1) and having a problem with the help of editable optional regions. Have not worked much with the models before, so am probably not see something simple that causes this problem.

    I searched Dreamweaver documentation and help, online support and this forum and have not found anything that is directly related to the question and I was wondering if anyone has any ideas.

    We build a new customer's Web site and have created a quite General (mainly to block in the design of box header and footer) main template for the site as a whole.

    From there, I created a template nested for all inside pages, that defines the design elements more or less common inside pages (home page will be different from the inside of pages, with the exception of the areas defined in the master site).

    Inside that I define, among other things, several editable optional regions in order to allow the lower level models and the pages out to control these elements (for example to allow an optional photo in a given region).
    Example code:

    <!-TemplateParam name = "IncludePhoto" type = "text" value = "Yes"->
    <!-TemplateBeginIf cond = "IncludePhoto == 'Yes'"--> <!-TemplateBeginEditable name = "Photo optional" - > < img class = "mmhide_LftColPic" src ="'... / imgs/lftcolpics_PHOTONAME.jpg" alt = "Photo" width = "138" height = "187" hspace = "0" hspace = "0" border = "0" align = "right" > "
    <! - TemplateEndEditable - > <! - TemplateEndIf - >

    This insidepages_master.dwt, I created another level of models nested to allow me to define specific sections of the site page design items and to allow more control in individual pages, while maintaining control over the elements common to all internal pages design. The about_master.dwt, for example, is for the site, section 'a way'.

    In such a nested model, because I want to let individual pages within a section to control if or not they display things like the photo option in the above example, I check the 'allow nested templates to control this' for these regions. For the example above, the IncludePhoto parameter, I check the box in the model properties dialog box command.

    But when I create an individual page of a model as the about_master.dwt and try to disable an optional region as for the pictures, above, (by setting IncludePhoto to 'No' with the command properties of the model), DW shows a dialog 'Inconsistent region names' box for this editable optional region, complaining that it is «< unresolved >» Box invites me to 'Move the content to a new region', with a drop of places I can stick, but, since everything I'm trying to do is tell the thing to not include this optional editable region on a page says in a section of the site, I don't understand why I even would see this box in the first place.

    This result keeps me from being able to control these optional editable regions in individual pages generated by these models nested, that is unacceptable. I know where I would tell him to stick, but it doesn't give me that option. :-)

    All the ideas I (probably) doing wrong?

    Please feel free to email me with questions about my ad, because I realize it can also be difficult to follow.

    Thanks in advance-

    Sheldon J. Potter
    Owner, the critical link



    > As much as "people who have not much used template.
    > Those are your words, not mine.

    > Really? Maybe you should re-read your previous post, where the foregoing
    > was
    > a direct quote.

    Your first post said-

    "Have not worked much with the models before.

    I have paraphrased that, and I think I captured the meaning of it.

    Look - it's not a p * ssing contest. Let's get solve your
    problem, OK?

    Or are you interested in trying to find a solution?

    Murray - ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you * MUST * write me, don't don't LAUGH when you do!)
    ================== - template Triage! - DW FAQs, tutorials & resources - DW FAQs, tutorials & resources - Macromedia (MM) Technotes

    "Sheldon Potter" wrote in message


    > As much as "people who have not much used template.
    > Those are your words, not mine.

    > Really? Maybe you should re-read your previous post, where the foregoing
    > was
    > a direct quote.
    > Well maybe if. If you or someone else have a better idea, I'm all ears.

    So tell me why you feel you need to use, and I'll tell you a
    > alternative approach which I think is a better way.

    > Had you read the words associated with my position as first and second, which would have
    > summer
    > clear. I'm not the habit of repeating myself.

    > If you do not speak to some fans of rank here. Sonny Boy.
    > In the order of things, boy, you're a whippersnapper! (8) but, clear
    > to top
    > a bit and we'll have all supported you.

    > Let's see, first you have insinuated that people who are only learning a
    > technology
    > should not use it, and rather condescending way, I might add, and
    > now
    > you have direct reference to me as a 'whippersnapper '...
    > Yeh, I'll lose my time, leaving a condescending, snot nose
    > arrogant
    > little * as you insult me further. Where is it written all
    > expertise you
    > maybe in some obscure technology, minor gives you register for
    > communicate
    > with people who are just asking for help in a disrespectful way?
    > Sonny boy, I shit bigger than you. Maybe you (think you) wrote the book
    > on
    > this particular technique, but, to use your words, in the grand scheme of
    > things, with this kind of pissy attitude, it is you who are the siphon
    > snapper.
    > God save us from the arrogant self-appointed experts.
    > I'm outa here.

  • CC 2015 sticks, stutters, buzzes and clicks on and don't connect clips

    Hi guys

    I use Win7 64-bit SP1, with a card Nvidia Quad FX3800.

    I finished all my projects for a long time started in CC2014 and did my first full project (a 10 min interview) by using CC2015 earlier this week. It wasn't a bad experience after all that I had read it, so I used it yesterday for my next project (another interview of 10 minutes with a date limit). It was a disaster.

    Basic editing went well (using the .mov & mpg2 files with a color correction very badic), but I needed to import some opening credits, lower third and generic end, I created for this customer in CEP. The opening is a bit complex, because I use several clips. However, half of them would not bind after importation, even though I have relinked them through the import process. The link button is gray, so I couldn't try to reissue manually after importing to the new timeline of the project. A few excerpts that link do not show in preview reader, as if they had been hidden. I tried to replace some of these clips with new clips and paste the attributes of effects, but would not paste attributes.

    As I played around with all this, whenever I introduced in preview, playback begins to stutter more and my audio began to acquire clicks and buzzes that weren't there.

    After losing the goodness of know how long, I had an accident, who banjaxed my strips of rubber audio and moved the points around, so go up and down levels in the wrong places.

    After all this, I finally had a project to export for the Web. I exported in average quality with a low flow. However, it took more than an hour to export the project 12 min with 750 MB file size! The only good thing was a lot of clicks and buzzes from the reading of time line were gone.

    Then I did the basic changes in an hour or two, but lost 4 or 5 hours just he finish and export (which should have been 30 / 40 minutes!) To make things worse, it is almost identical to the project that I finished earlier this week in the clips, length and effects. Makes me uncomfortable as this suggests I don't know what to expect whenever I start a new project with CC2015.

    I know I've covered a lot of ground here (and my chest is down a load), but everyone knows one or more of these problems? Am I the only one having a slow export experience using CC2015? Any advice would be welcome, especially on stuttering and clicks that went up in the reading and importing old clips / binder.

    Kind regards


    I would like to convert it into an editable format easy as dnxhd or even Cineform footage.

    I find mpeg2 a pain to change.

    If some parts of the timeline give wrong during editing I export to a lossless format and replace it with the new file.

  • Trying in vain the nested model CS4

    I created a page with a header and footer with 1 available pass header and footer fixed and most later recorded as a model after I had designed page like I wanted. I had put a Spry menu bar in the header area and the editable main content div after implementation of the model. Creating child pages from this model is is very well conducted. Then, I decided to add a secondary navigation bar on the side for a second series of pages on the site after reading DW CS4 Missing Manual (p. 755 McFarland). He gave this example as a good time to use nested templates. I created a new template (nested model) on the original model, then add a div tag in the div of the main content (the editable area only) placed a new bar from Spry menus in the div tag I added the div as compound selector, named .oneColFixCtrHdr #sidebar.

    Everything went smoothly, except one (planned, I guess) coupling. Being in an editable area, the side menu is editable as well, and wanted further changes to the sidebar of the nested model to reflect down to child pages. So, I followed McFarland and insert an editable region empty in the sidebar div to overcome this obstacle. That did not work as he claimed he would. Although changes in the sidebar now appear on the pages of the child, the main content div was more editbable in the pages of the child. I tried a creative work around trying to temporarily insert an editable region empty in the div sidebar to change the sidebar that would lead down to the pages of the child; then after making these changes, remove the editable empty that I inserted, so that the main content div would resume its editibility in the pages of the child. It worked, except a serious hitch - when changes have been made to the menu in the sidebar model nested (with the inserted editable empty), content for the main content div of the nested model is transferred to the child pages as well - lose any content already existed in the pages of the child. That won't work!

    I wonder if originally the sidebar should be put in place in the main model as a separate region of the div. of main content but, I didn't have a sidebar in the original model, which seems to complicate things.

    I also wonder if what I'm doing could not achieved by the implementation of the sidebar as an optional region in the main model instead of trying to achieve with a nested model (have not already tried optional regions, so I don't know). I'm not too deeply in the design, so I'm ready to go direction to get the best possible results, even if I have to go back a bit. I spent many hours trying to understand this point, and it baffled me. It's all part of the learning process, I guess...

    Oh, you're right. You put some of the menus in optional regions. Well, why not put javascript code at the bottom of the page also in optional areas? Then you can turn off the power when you don't need them both on when you need it.

    In this way, the javascript code to show nor cause warnings warning because it won't be there!

    About how the var at the bottom of the page code work with menu bars, don't forget that there are also linked javascript file which is the real engine behind the functioning of the menu bar. And you may also notice, especially on the pages where you have two menu bars, each variable set at the bottom of the page is unique. If I have read and understood a little better Javascript, I could be more specific, but suffice it to say that these assignments to variables at the bottom of the page file as much as say in javascript, "see this MenuBar1 up there? Do the work for me... And see MenuBar2 up there? This work, also. »

    For the brothers of the Atonement, my link is the Director of Internet Communications at Graymoor. He praised the work of an artist in New York. Then he hired me to do the job of the Spry menu bar (in all kinds of weather... so to speak). We got along well, and he decided that he would rather call all the coding to me. But we have worked very closely together... He knew what he wanted in the end, and I knew how to get there. When one of us has tried something new, we have conferred and came with the best result.

    Now, I'm writing a description of how the functions of the site (for its use and this possibility "in the case of one of getting us hit by a bus"... hopefully it never comes to that!) The interesting part of the employment relationship, is that I never met the gentleman face to face until after the site was launched, and we worked on it for 9 months.

    Ah, modern life!


  • I can't make a new folder by right-clicking of the mouse or by clicking om new folder at the top bar.

    I Can' t make new folders. What happened and how do I fix it. I used to know how to add to the list of things when I right click and went again. There will be folders, briefcases and so on. Someone help me, please.


    You have discovered a problem with Windows 7. To resolve this problem, I recommend a program called FileMenu Tools. You can download it from this link: or the version portable freeware from here: .

    After having downloaded and installed the program, you will notice that, by default, each option is checked. I would be much more selective on this subject, otherwise your context menu will be a full page long! When the main window opens, you will see a list on the right side of all the elements that can be added to the context menu. Start weeding through the list and every one to take away, you don't need the United Nationsby checking the box.

    Once you have completed your selection (de-selections) make sure that you click the green check mark in the row of icons at the top of the left window of the interface to 'Apply' of your choice. The program can do much more, but that answers your specific question. I am told that the program has a good help file, so try here if you are interested.

    Let me know how you fare.

    Kind regards


  • Why my nested sequence is superimposing the effects?

    Hey everybody,

    So after I fix the colors my master clips, I sync them, remove the audio not desired, then nest them. BUT in the nested sequence, it seems that all the layer of video tracks video effects throwing my nested sequence in a horrible color landscape of overexposed or more colorful clips! Can someone help me?

    Mike Diaz

    1. create a sequence corresponding to your support.

    2. Add the clips, synchronization manually.

    3. create a second sequence corresponding to your support.

    4. nest the first sequence in the second sequence.

    5. right click this sequence of nested, then choose multicamera > activate.

    6 change now.

    Once you're done editing, add effects cc for clips in the first sequence, created in step 2.

  • VM nesting error

    Hi guys,.

    Nesting, I'm trying to make is the following:





    VMware Workstation








    ESXi 4.1

    I get this error message:

    "Running on a virtual machine VMware Workstation requires the external virtual machine is configured to run a VMware ESX guest operating system." You may not power on a virtual machine until the external virtual machine is reconfigured. »

    I tried to do what is suggested here with no luck:

    Any help will be greatly appreciated!

    Welcome to the community,

    with the current products of VMware, you can run all nested 64-bit operating systems, because VT (required for 64-bit clients) is not passed through to a guest.


  • Nesting problem sequences

    Hi, I am unable to embed clips on the timeline using the "drag and drop". I saw all the tutorials and each told to create a new sequence, then drag the sequence you want nested on the timeline. But when I do that, the program is not nesting the sequence (giving me one audio and one video-segment track) it is simply falling all individual clips on the timeline. Also, when I try highlighting the individual items and right-click on them to nest them, the program niche only video clips, but leaves all the audio clips in their individual format. Any help with this dilemma would be much appreciated.

    THre is an icon on the Timeline to disable this behavior.

    Thre Snap left magnet icon

  • How to bind a click event to a button that is embedded in another symbol


    I'm sure it's easy, but you know...

    So I a menu on the main stage which has 18 buttons.  These buttons are nested inside a symbol called MC_MENU_CONTAINER.  I'm animating this symbol to show/hide the buttons on the main stage, which works very well.  What is Id like to bind an event click for these nested buttons of the main stage.  I was able to access the buttons nested with this code sym.getComposition () .getStage ().getSymbol("MC_MENU_CONTAINER").$("BTN_INTRO").hide ();  This hides the first button, but when I try to attatch a click for 'BTN_INTRO' event, it does not work.  I have the code stored on the stage using compositionReady.

    Any ideas?



    The Stage.compositionReady event, you should be able to attach a click on the symbol nested like this event:

    sym.getSymbol("MC_MENU_CONTAINER").$("BTN_INTRO").bind ("click", function() {alert ("button clicked") ;});

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