Computer Dell laptop hangs up after a period of inactivity

If I continue to use the laptop I have no problem. If it sits idle for a period of time (can be as short as 10 minutes) when I try to use the mouse works and I can click on programs and they will show the circle turns but nothing ever happens. I never see any occurring of the disk activity. Start displays menu and the list of programs, but when I click on that it doesn't do anything. When I click with the right button on the taskbar and try to implement the task mgr nothing happens. It's as if the hard drive went to sleep and doesn't wake up. I put all THE options standby and Hibernate forever, have set the screensaver to zero, have you checked the bios to check that it does not go in mode 'sleep' and tried to run a task every 5 minutes has nothing done, but copy a file (thinking that prevents him from entering an idle state) but nothing worked.

I found an answer to this problem. When I tried to use the computer, after that it became locked up this last time Blue filtered it. When I started, I made the search for a solution and found a fix. I installed it and the computer has not locked once since, even after the rest several times for 1 hour or more. The KB Article number: 967102 contains the information for the fix as well as several warnings on not to install a hotfix that has not been fully tested. Turns out to be a problem with a usb port which was become invalid.

Tags: Windows

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