Conversion string in number

Why the number does not contain the entire string and how to solve?

VI is attached

Tags: NI Software

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  • String to number conversion problem

    I have a VI that pulls in data from a device using VISA, and I got it on another computer to work a few weeks back. I had to transfer the VI to a laptop computer to run a few tests, and now I can't make it work. I am unable to put my VI because the laptop on it's is unable to access the network companies, I will do my best to explain it all, I apologize for the inconvenience! My problem is not however with VISA, it's with an exit VISA number conversion chain.

    I have attached a painting drawing of VI to better explain it.

    I use the block series Visa football match in baud rate and all that many good things to the unit and port settings set of device management. Then, a while loop is entered. The loop will run until you press the stop"" button. The next block of visa is the writing block, he asks for a reading of the device. The next block of visa is the first block of reading, he returns playback in the form of "NA-XXX. X' where x are numbers. The next block of visa is the second reading block, this block just echoes back the command sent to the device. Playback of the first visa read block, "NA-XXX. X' is going exponential/fractional chain to digital converter.

    When you perform a run/debug to highlight run, the release of visa reports the correct value, is the value of the device reading - however the string to number converter generates a 0,000, no matter what channel number is. I am at a loss as to what may be wrong because it's the EXACT set up I had to work very well a few weeks ago!

    I'm using Labview 10 on the laptop, the old computer was labview 7. I'm guessing that this is perhaps the rub... I Redid the VI from scratch, although I have not opened the old VI in labview 10.

    Any help would be appreciated. Again, sorry I am unable to attach the VI.

    DARB wrote:

    I have attached a painting drawing of VI to better explain it.

    Would it not have been easier to just post a screenshot? You might also have used the Tool of Capture of Code. (Which reminds me that I need to install it to my previous versions of LabVIEW, as evidenced by the screenshot I took. )

    As to the question: you probably either:

    • employee analysis of chain initially and when you rewrote the VI you used the regular string conversion functions.
    • Wired an offset value in the string to the number function.

  • "Decimal string to" bug in LabVIEW 2009 SP1

    The "decimal string to' seems to be the conversion of the input data in the type int32 internally even when the input tape in vi data is expanded floating point (no points of constraint).  This is causing me grief.  See attached vi

    This bug is still present in LabVIEW 2010?

    Thank you

    Richard Ballantyne

    There is no bug. You use the wrong function (see Help) If you want a floating point output. Use Fract/Exp string to a number.

  • Sub - VI with the entry as a string og number

    At this small Subvi. I wonder if I could make it more flexible and be able to take the string and number as a value ('value dbl' market) entry.  Is there some sort of variable of variant type that could be used?

    Michael.Koppelgaard wrote:

    At this small Subvi. I wonder if I could make it more flexible and be able to take the string and number as a value ('value dbl' market) entry.  Is there some sort of variable of variant type that could be used?

    It is possible with the key to write OpenG (varying) But the problem is that when you want to read this back, you need to know what type it is. If you write to a different section of the config file each with a specific type, the TI will work. With this solution, you must use the key to reading OpenG (varying) to read and convert the value to LV

    Another way is to use Get Type of the Variant Data Type palette. The trick here is to convert double or string before saving it in the config file (wire structure dealing with the output type of the vi and do conversions in the case of type dbl and string). Here, too, you must use a different section, one for dbl for string. Here, you use the standard Read button live file configutaion palette.


  • How convert string to number

    How convert string to number

    my character

    Select form double to_number ('1,6,9,4'); my putting here 1,6,9,4

    get the character of number conversion error.


    Published by: vr on March 31, 2011 23:59

    Published by: vr on March 31, 2011 23:59

    VR says:
    Getting error while the conversion of character to the number in instring is possible to get the position of the channels at one time

    I have the following table, called pack

    Acct_No pack2 pack3 pack1
    1000 10101011 111111101 01010101111

    Select * Pack
    where instr (pack2, ' 1') and * (to_number (replace('1,6,9,4',','))); * - getting values of function as string '1,6,9,4'

    If you want to retrieve lines where the position of the first "1" in the pack2 chain is one of the positions in your list number e.g. position 1, 6, 9, or 4?

    Something with regexp_like can help...

    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  with pack as (select '1000' as acct_no, '10101011' as pack1, '111111101' as pack2, '01010101111' as pack3 from dual union all
      2                select '1001', '10101011', '000011111', '10101010110' from dual union all
      3                select '1001', '10101011', '000000001', '10101010110' from dual)
      4  --
      5  -- end of test data
      6  --
      7  select pack.*, case when regexp_like('1,6,9,4','(^|,)'||to_char(instr(pack2,'1'),'fm9999')||'(,|$)') then 'Yes' else 'No' end as x
      8* from pack
    SQL> /
    ACCT PACK1    PACK2     PACK3       X
    ---- -------- --------- ----------- ---
    1000 10101011 111111101 01010101111 Yes
    1001 10101011 000011111 10101010110 No
    1001 10101011 000000001 10101010110 Yes
  • How to convert string to number in TS?


    Anyone know how to convert string to number in TS?

    I couldn't find the Num() function.

    Thank you


  • Whole singed to hexadecimal string to number converter

    HI guys...

    I want to convert the number to hex string to number converter but when I connect integer, otherwise it does not change the value (as if you write 'EC78' you should get "-5000", but I get the value in the range of 60 thousand ")...

    Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance...


    Hi Eric,.

    clearly, the OP asked for signed integers!

    Use this approach:


    It will mean by '-' 5000 for your example EC78h...

  • The decimal string to number Conversion, cutting necessary zeros

    I'm new to the forum, but have been using labview for awhile. Finally found something that really puzzled me, hope I can find someone who is smarter than me! It may be something obvious too, but here goes. The attached vi is the cause of the error. I have a serial number I need to convert a decimal string into a number, I use later the number of "math" so he need as a number. The system always receives a serial number of 6 characters (ie. 123456), but today the system has received a serial number with two leading figures of the scale (ie. 003456) zeros. This compensation of all the bells of alarm stream (sent 4 digits), but the error found that started the 'intelligence' at the beginning of the monitoring program. I would like to know if there is a way to force the zeros in the decimal number in string to not shave off the coast of the 6-digit value above.

    File is located in LabVIEW 2014

    Ideas or comments, thank you!

    The problem is not the string functions.  This is the display format for your digital indicator.  Change the properties on that.

  • Basic question on the string-to-number conversion


    I have a string, for example '23,2445,45'
    I want to extract the numbers of this string and put it in an array of numbers.

    Any keyword SQL is available. What is the best way to do it.

    Thank you

    Try this

    type vnum is varray(20)  of number;
    vnum1 vnum :=vnum();
    j number;
    j:= 1;
       for i in (
       with t as (
       select '23,2445,45' product_string from dual
       SELECT   *
           FROM (SELECT
                                           INSTR(',' || product_string||',', ',', 1, n),
                                             INSTR(',' || product_string||',', ',', 1, n + 1)
                                           - INSTR(',' || product_string||',', ',', 1, n))),
                              ' ,') AS prod
                   FROM t,
                        (SELECT     ROWNUM n
                               FROM DUAL
                         CONNECT BY LEVEL < 10))
         WHERE prod IS NOT NULL)
         vnum1(j):= to_number(;
         end loop;

    vnum1 vnum: = vnum (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);

    I did it because I don't know how to initialize the array. Need to read more about it.

    This will put the values in the vnum1 table.

    If you need to do something with the numbers in the string

    so you can do the following without using a table.

       for i in (
       with t as (
       select '23,2445,45' product_string from dual
       SELECT   *
           FROM (SELECT
                                           INSTR(',' || product_string||',', ',', 1, n),
                                             INSTR(',' || product_string||',', ',', 1, n + 1)
                                           - INSTR(',' || product_string||',', ',', 1, n))),
                              ' ,') AS prod
                   FROM t,
                        (SELECT     ROWNUM n
                               FROM DUAL
                         CONNECT BY LEVEL < 10))
         WHERE prod IS NOT NULL)
    -----Do what ever you want with the number.
         end loop;

    Published by: alvinder on March 11, 2009 15:18

    Discovered how to initialize the array.

  • How to convert string to number

    Hi everoyne, I need to make a program simple calculation of the GPA in 5 classes. Where A, B, C, D, F are the entries for each other...

    Here's what I've done so far.

    But it seems that it is not recognized when I assigns numeric values to each letter. So I would appreciate any help. I tested for the release of "GP" and input A (4) = CT. The answer for GP should be 4 x 3 = 12. But I get a number beyond that.

    I'm relatively new to Labview so sorry if this is a stupid question.


    I would like to make a table of the clusters.  Each element of the array corresponds to a single course.  Inside of the bunch, I would have a string for the name of the course, an enum for the grade and a digital for the number of credit hours.  Use an enum for the grade, so you can make sure that the user space only in the values that you no longer the enum is actually a number.  No actual conversion.  Then you just use a loop FOR (autoindexing) including some shift registers to keep your totals, then divide the totals of the year by the credit hours.

  • conversion string to bytearray very very slow on iOS

    Dear members,

    I want to convert the string value of image read xml to bytearray to an iOS Application file.

    By asking Google, I discovered that there is an existing class from Base64 written by Subhero for AS3.

    I have attached the code below for your references

    However, during testing, I found that the _decodeSring(str); function call is really really slow. It took hundreds mini-secondes to run. My image string length is about 90 k.

    Has anyone else tried with this room code and what is the performance.

    Is there another way to do the conversion, even with the best performance?

    Thank you

    *  A Base64 encoder/decoder implementation in Actionscript 3
    *  This work is made available under
    *  @author [email protected]
    *  @version 0.5

    package formatter {
    // import ->
    import flash.utils.ByteArray;
    import flash.errors.EOFError;
    // <- import

    // Base64 ->
    *   A class used for transforming a ByteArray to a Base64-encoded string and vice versa.
    *   Since the "built-in" class (mx.utils.Base64Encoder) is not documented yet, this class can be 
    *   used for Base64 encoding/decoding in the meantime.
    *   The class will be deprecated as soon as Macromedia/Adobe decides to fully release the
    *   "native" AS3 Base64 class (Flex2 full release respectively).
    *   Its implementation is based upon a HowTo {@link},
    *   a Java implementation {@link} and an
    *   AS2-implementation by Jason Nussbaum {@link}

    public class Base64 {
    // mx.utils.StringUtil
    public static function isWhitespace(char:String):Boolean{
    switch (char){
    case " ":
    case "\t":
    case "\r":
    case "\n":
    case "\f":
    return true;   
    return false;

    // the Base64 "alphabet"
    private static var _b64Chars:Array=new Array(
    // the reverse-lookup object used for decoding
    private static var _b64Lookup:Object=_buildB64Lookup();
    // the boolean to insert linebreaks after 76 chars into the Base64 encoded string
    private static var _linebreaks:Boolean;

        *   The class method for encoding an array of bytes to a Base64 encoded string.
        *   @param bArr A ByteArray containing values to encode
        *   @param linebreaks A boolean to insert a linebreak after 76 Base64-chars
        *   @return The Base64 encoded string

    public static function Encode(bArr:ByteArray, linebreaks:Boolean=false):String
    = linebreaks;
    return _encodeBytes(bArr);

        *   The class method for decoding a Base64 encoded string to an array of bytes.
        *   @param str A Base64 encoded string
        *   @return An array of bytes

    public static function Decode(str:String):ByteArray
    return _decodeSring(str);

        *   The private helper class method to build an object used for reverse B64 char lookup.
        *   @return An object with each B64 char as a property containing the corresponding value

    private static function _buildB64Lookup():Object
    var obj:Object=new Object();
    for (var i:Number=0; i < _b64Chars.length; i++)
    return obj;

        *   The private helper class method to determine whether a given char is B64 compliant.
        *   @param char A character as string (length=1)
        *   @return A boolean indicating the given char *is* in the B64 alphabet

    private static function _isBase64(char:String):Boolean
    return _b64Lookup[char] != undefined;

        *   The private class method for encoding an array of bytes into a B64 encoded string.
        *   @param bs An array of bytes
        *   @return The B64 encoded string
        *   @see formatter.Base64.Encode()

    private static function _encodeBytes(bs:ByteArray):String
    var b64EncStr:String = "";
    var bufferSize:uint;
    var col:uint=0;
    while (bs.position < bs.length)
    = bs.bytesAvailable >= 3 ? 3 : bs.bytesAvailable;
    var byteBuffer:ByteArray=new ByteArray();
    .readBytes(byteBuffer, 0, bufferSize);
    += _b64EncodeBuffer(byteBuffer);
    if (_linebreaks && col%76 == 0) {
    += "\n";
    return b64EncStr.toString();

        *   The private class method for encoding a buffer of 3 bytes (24bit) to 4 B64-chars
        *   (representing 6bit each => 24bit).
        *   @param buffer An array of bytes (1 <= length <= 3)
        *   @return The byte buffer encoded to 4 B64 chars as string
        *   @see formatter.Base64._encodeBytes()

    private static function _b64EncodeBuffer(buffer:ByteArray):String
    var bufferEncStr:String = "";
    += _b64Chars[buffer[0] >> 2];
    switch (buffer.length)
    case 1 :
    += _b64Chars[((buffer[0] << 4) & 0x30)];
    += "==";
    case 2 :
    += _b64Chars[(buffer[0] << 4) & 0x30 | buffer[1] >> 4];
    += _b64Chars[(buffer[1] << 2) & 0x3c];
    += "=";
    case 3 :
    += _b64Chars[(buffer[0] << 4) & 0x30 | buffer[1] >> 4];
    += _b64Chars[(buffer[1] << 2) & 0x3c | buffer[2] >> 6];
    += _b64Chars[buffer[2] & 0x3F];
    default :   trace("Base64 byteBuffer outOfRange"); 
    return bufferEncStr.toString();

        *   The private class method for decoding a string containing B64 chars to an array of bytes
        *   @param s The B64 encoded string
        *   @return A decoded array of bytes
        *   @see formatter.Base64.Decode()

    private static function _decodeSring(s:String):ByteArray
    var b64EncString:String="" + s;
    var b64DecBytes:ByteArray=new ByteArray();
    var stringBuffer:String="";
    var lgth:uint=b64EncString.length;     
    for (var i:uint=0; i < lgth; i++)
    var char:String=b64EncString.charAt(i);
    if (!isWhitespace(char) && (_isBase64(char) || char == "=")) {
    += char;
    if (stringBuffer.length == 4) {
    .writeBytes( _b64DecodeBuffer(stringBuffer) );
    return b64DecBytes;

        *   The private class method for decoding a string buffer of 4 B64 chars
        *   (each representing 6bit) to an array of 3 bytes.
        *   @param buffer A string containing B64 chars (length = 4)
        *   @return An array of bytes containing the decoded values
        *   @see formatter.Base64._decodeBytes()

    private static function _b64DecodeBuffer(buffer:String):ByteArray
    var bufferEncBytes:ByteArray=new ByteArray();
    var charValue1:uint=_b64Lookup[buffer.charAt(0)];
    var charValue2:uint=_b64Lookup[buffer.charAt(1)];
    var charValue3:uint=_b64Lookup[buffer.charAt(2)];
    var charValue4:uint=_b64Lookup[buffer.charAt(3)];
    .writeByte(charValue1 << 2 | charValue2 >> 4);
    if (buffer.charAt(2) != "=") bufferEncBytes.writeByte(charValue2 << 4 | charValue3 >> 2);
    if (buffer.charAt(3) != "=") bufferEncBytes.writeByte(charValue3 << 6 | charValue4);
    return bufferEncBytes;
    // <- Base64

    Found another sample of code

    It is waaaay faster than the code I post above, if someone wants to convert ByteArray Base64 string, can reference it.

  • Convert the string with number of floats a number

    How to convert the string as "- 8.9E - 03" to a number of TestStand?

    Thanks in advance


    Try to use the Val() function

    In the expression, it looks like this

    People of the country

    .nValue = val (Locals.strValue)

    Locals.nValue = Val("-8.9E-03")

    Hope this helps


  • binary string to number


    I would like to convert a binary string of the form: "000011' to a numeric value (3).

    I tried to use Byte Array to the string and then use the decimal number string, but I gives me 0 all the time

    Thank you

    Use a function of Scan chain with %b as a format string.

  • String to number list

    I have separate numbers by- and fate as string. I need numbers in select statements as a list of numbers.

    Can someone please help me to get this done?

    Example of a string: "7001-5001-8001.

    I must use this as

    Select * from table1 where id in ( 7001,5001,8001);

    Any help on this will be greatly appreciated.

    Based on Frank's proposal, Oracle has a blog about it

    How to split string separated by commas and pass to the clause of the select statement

    Here's my example

    DROP TABLE t1;
    INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (7001);
    INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (5001);
    INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (8001);
    INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (9001);
    WITH datum AS
         (SELECT REPLACE('7001-5001-8001', '-', ',') AS token
            FROM dual)
    SELECT *
      FROM t1
     WHERE id IN (SELECT TO_NUMBER(REGEXP_SUBSTR(token, '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL)) AS ids
                    FROM datum
                 CONNECT BY REGEXP_SUBSTR(token, '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL) IS NOT NULL);

    The output is:

    Elapsed: 00:00:00.02
  • How to cast from object to String or number (oracle.jbo.domain.Number)


    How can I throw it a data type string or object in numbers (oracle.jbo.domain.Number)?

    Thank you.

    Please see below the code.

    Number of numValue = new (strVal);

    BR, 906099

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