CS3 navigation help please please please


My head is made with the new AS3. I just can't figure out how to make it work properly. I have to click twice on buttons and transitions are not smooth at all.

I have 2 buttons in my film that I called but1, but2. When the user click but1 the film called mc_pampered should fade upward and play and when the user click but2 mc_learn film should fade upward and play. The films mc_pampered and mc_learn have the same size and each other so that they cannot all be visible at the same time...

Anyone that can help please I would be so grateful.

My code that I used it it is:

Import fl.transitions.Tween;

Fl.transitions.easing import. *;


But1.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, MousedownPamper);

but2.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, MousedownLearn);

mc_pampered.Alpha = 0;

mc_learn.Alpha = 0;

mc_main.Alpha = 1;

function MousedownPamper(event:MouseEvent): void {}

mc_pampered.alpha = 1;

mc_learn.alpha = 0;

mc_main.alpha = 0;

mc_pampered.play ();


function MousedownLearn(event:MouseEvent): void {}

mc_learn.alpha = 1;

mc_pampered.alpha = 0;

mc_learn.play ();

mc_main.alpha = 0;


Thank you, Aileen

If the intention is to click on the buttons, then I recommend you use CLICK instead of MOUSE_DOWN.  As far as transitions go, you do not have everything, so I don't see why they would not smooth.  You import the Tween classes but does not have any code to use.  You must search the help documents the TWeen class and see how to set the constructor to create an instance of the Tween.

Tags: Adobe Animate

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