Disable previous Dates for date picker in the column in a table

Hi all

I'm in the form of the building where it contains details of the Transaction and I want to provide validations for start date and end date by disabling dates previous calendar datepicker.

I wrote Javascript code in page load >service and global variables declaration:

function f_disable_date(pThis){
    var row_id  = pThis.id.substr(4);  
    var start_date = $('#f02_'+row_id).val(); 
    //$(function() {
    $( "#f02_" ).datepicker({ minDate: -4});

But it is not disable dates. Please provide suggestion to make it work.


Kind regards.

See page 3

I created a dynamic action

real action on page load

$("td [en-têtes = 'START_DATE'] entrée")

. DatePicker ("option", "minDate", $v ("P3_X"));

in P3_X

matches the element hidden with select (sysdate-4) double value;

its working fine

But at the time of the Add_row()

Just call it by making it as a javascript function so that it is also applicable to the new line

I hope you got the point

Tags: Database

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    can someone please help.

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    Current functionality. But when the validation page gets updated and the user is able to select earlier dates.

    To restrict the datePicker for new lines changed the URL of the button 'Add Row '.


    In the page edit, I added this to "Javascript > function and Variable global statement.

    function myAddRow()

    { apex.widget.tabular.addRow();

    $("td[headers='DETAIL_DATE'] input:last")



    .datepicker("option","maxDate",$v("P2_MASTER_MONTH_MAXDATE")); };


    w/u/p: nani5048/test/test

    App 92603 5 page

    Thank you


    I created a dynamic action

    the loading of the page

    $("td [en-têtes = 'STATUS_DATE'] entrée")

    . DatePicker ("option", "minDate", $v ("P5_MASTER_MONTH_MINDATE"));

    as well as the global javascript function

    function myAddRow() {}

    apex.widget.tabular.addRow ();

    $("td [en-têtes = 'STATUS_DATE'] entrée")

    . DatePicker ("option", "minDate", $v ("P5_MASTER_MONTH_MINDATE"));


  • change the data type of the columns

    Oracle 10g version.
    I have a table with 150 columns.
    I would like to change the data type of the columns in my table to varchar.
    Do we have a query for this task?

    Thank you.

    Not knowing yet what you meet John:

    If your table is empty, you can use the datadictionary to generate a statement and run the query to a file that makes the DDL using dynamic SQL or spool and run that...


    MHO%xe> create table bla (col1 number, col2 number);
    Tabel is aangemaakt.
    MHO%xe> select column_name, data_type from user_tab_columns where table_name = 'BLA';
    COLUMN_NAME                    DATA_TYPE
    ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    COL1                           NUMBER
    COL2                           NUMBER
    MHO%xe> declare
      2    l_sql varchar2(4000);
      3    l_sep varchar2(1);
      4  begin
      5    l_sql := 'alter table BLA modify ('||chr(10);
      6    for rec in ( select column_name from user_tab_columns where table_name = 'BLA')
      7    loop
      8      l_sql := l_sql||l_sep||' '||rec.column_name||' varchar2(50)'||chr(10);
      9      l_sep := ',';
     10    end loop;
     11    --
     12    dbms_output.put_line(l_sql||' )');
     13    --
     14    execute immediate l_sql||' )';
     15    --
     16  end;
     17  /
    alter table BLA modify (
     COL1 varchar2(50)
    , COL2 varchar2(50)
    PL/SQL-procedure is geslaagd.
    MHO%xe> select column_name, data_type from user_tab_columns where table_name = 'BLA';
    COLUMN_NAME                    DATA_TYPE
    ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    COL1                           VARCHAR2
    COL2                           VARCHAR2
  • date picker - remove the calendar icon


    is there a way I can remove the calendar date picker icon?

    Thanks for the help!

    Kind regards


    -Change the page element date picker
    -Find the "Settings" section
    -Select "development" to the selection list 'Show '.

    To hide the date picker calendar icon.

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    I want to retrieve the data type of a column in a table. At the moment I'm querying attribute 'OCI_ATTR_DATA_TYPE', but it is SQLT_CHR varchar2 and nvarchar2 data type columns. I need to make a distinction between these columns of two separate data types. Y at - it all API through which I could get the exact data type of a column, i.e. "nvarchar2?

    Thanks in advance.



    It is not a very direct way to do it. What you can do is to call OCIDescribeAny on the table that you want to get information. You can then get the OCI_ATTR_CHARSET_FORM attribute for the column. If the value of the attribute that you get is SQLCS_IMPLICIT, that would mean its a varchar/char/varchar2 column regular. If you get SQLCS_NCHAR, this means that the column is NCHAR. You can get the example of it here:


    Just look for the section "Recovering for a Table column Datatypes".

    Thank you

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    Is QUESTION 1 Systemtable of the data types of the column?


    IF REGEXP_SUBSTR (p_datatype, "[''!" [¤ % & / =? *; >: <]') IS NOT NULL

    We say: you can not write that! » ¤ % & / = ? ' ^ * ; >: <-each of each example ">".

    How can I say... you can NOT write PENIS, NIPPLES, hole word "NIPPLES".

    Published by: user619226 on 19-sep-2008 01:15

    Do you mean something like this...

    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  declare
      2    v_txt VARCHAR2(200) := 'FRED,JOE';
      3  begin
      4    IF regexp_like(v_txt, '^[[:alnum:]]*$') THEN
      5      dbms_output.put_line('Text is OK as it contains just a word');
      6    ELSE
      7      dbms_output.put_line('Text is not OK.  Must only contain a single word');
      8    END IF;
      9* end;
    SQL> /
    Text is not OK.  Must only contain a single word
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  declare
      2    v_txt VARCHAR2(200) := 'FRED';
      3  begin
      4    IF regexp_like(v_txt, '^[[:alnum:]]*$') THEN
      5      dbms_output.put_line('Text is OK as it contains just a word');
      6    ELSE
      7      dbms_output.put_line('Text is not OK.  Must only contain a single word');
      8    END IF;
      9* end;
    SQL> /
    Text is OK as it contains just a word
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  declare
      2    v_txt VARCHAR2(200) := 'FRED JOE';
      3  begin
      4    IF regexp_like(v_txt, '^[[:alnum:]]*$') THEN
      5      dbms_output.put_line('Text is OK as it contains just a word');
      6    ELSE
      7      dbms_output.put_line('Text is not OK.  Must only contain a single word');
      8    END IF;
      9* end;
    SQL> /
    Text is not OK.  Must only contain a single word
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
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    It works for only the first line


    Grant read, write on DIRECTORY XMLDIR to the public;

    () dbms_xslprocessor.clob2file

    beef in CLOB,


    "testfile2.txt" IN VARCHAR2);


    buf CLOB.



    IN buf


    where rownum = 1;

    dbms_xslprocessor.clob2file (buf, 'XMLDIR', 'testfile2.txt');



    -This error code


    Grant read, write on DIRECTORY XMLDIR to the public;

    () dbms_xslprocessor.clob2file

    XData in CLOB,


    "testfile2.txt" IN VARCHAR2,

    CSID in NUMBER: = 0);


    CURSOR xmlmycur IS SELECT H15_DOC


    where rownum = 102140;

    l_clob CLOB.

    XData CLOB.


    DBMS_LOB.CREATETEMPORARY (l_clob, true);


    OPEN xmlmycur.


    SEEK xmlmycur INTO xdata;

    dbms_xslprocessor.clob2file (xdata, 'XMLDIR', 'testfile2.txt');

    EXIT WHEN xmlmycur % notfound;


    CLOSE Xmlmycur;



    ORA-21560: 3 argument is null, invalid or out of range

    ORA-06512: at "SYS." DBMS_LOB", line 991

    ORA-06512: at "XDB". DBMS_XSLPROCESSOR', line 324

    ORA-06512: at line 15 level

    FYI, it seems that the file being created will exceed 5 gig

    Yes, it is a known issue with DBMS_XSLPROCESSOR.clob2file with big files.

    Here is a slightly modified version of the code that I posted earlier, fixing WRITE_ERROR except:


    v_file utl_file.file_type;

    -write a unique to clob

    procedure write_clob (p_content in clob) is

    v_buffer varchar2 (32767).

    V_POSITION pls_integer: = 1;

    v_amount pls_integer: = 32767;




    DBMS_LOB. Read (p_content, v_amount, v_position, v_buffer);


    When no_data_found then exit;


    UTL_FILE.put_raw (v_file, utl_raw.cast_to_raw (v_buffer), true);

    V_POSITION: = v_position + v_amount;

    end loop;



    -Open the file

    v_file: = utl_file.fopen ('TEST_DIR', 'testfile2.txt', 'wb', 32767);

    -loops through the lines

    for r in)

    Select h15_doc

    of h15test.h15_stage



    write_clob (r.h15_doc);

    end loop;

    UTL_FILE.fclose (v_file);



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    How can I make a cell formula will apply for the entire column? For example D2 appears B2 - C2. How can I copy this formula for each cell in the column?

    If you want the formula is the same (B2 - C2) in the cell of each column you must change it as ($B$ - 2$ C$ 2). Then copy it, select the whole column and paste.

  • Find the name of the column in all tables

    How to find the name of the column in all tables in the database for any column to reveal the name of the person?

    We have over 1000 tables looking for.and in some places, the name column FNAME LNAME, First_NAME, DNAME

    For example we have Customer table, Table EMPLOYEE and the ORDER Table


    Customer table


    EMPLOYEE table

    DEPT_NAME (we don't want this column as it is not a name column)
    Last_name (he must propose this column because it is named)


    CONTROL Panel


    ORDER_NAME (we don't want this column as it is not a name column)
    Last_name (he must propose this column because it is named)


    Dept table


    DEPT_NAME (we don't want this column as it is not a name column)

    Please advise...

    Thank you.


    What exactly do you do?

    If you want to display the tables containing these columns, you can query the view data dictionary USER_TAB_COLS (or ALL_TAB_COLS, or, if you have privileges, DBA_TAB_COLS).

    For example:

    SELECT table_name, column_name

    Of user_tab_cols

    WHERE nom_de_colonne IN ('DNAME', 'FNAME', 'FIRST_NAME', 'LAST_NAME', 'LNAME') - or else

    ORDER BY table_name, column_name


  • Deactivation of the column in a table based on the setting in the search box

    Hi all

    I use Oracle Apex 4.1. I have two region

    1. search box

    2. in the form of a table

    In the search box, I have a LOV field where the user can select the value. Based on this LOV in the search box, tabular column f06 must disable or read-only.

    For example if I select THREE in LOV then only column f06 is expected on the other it must disable. How to get there.

    Thanks in advance


    Hi Bobo,

    Hope link below will solve your query.

    Disable the column in a table.



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    How can I know the position of the column in a table...
    For example: -.
    I have a table



    I want to know the Empid is in 1st position, ename is 2nd and sal is in 3rd place.

    is this possible?

    SELECT *.
    Of user_tab_cols
    WHERE table_name = 'EMP ';


  • Update the value of the column based on another value of the column to another table

    Hi all

    I have something very confused me and need your help.

    Having two tables A and B.

    Table A have 2 column (+ id + and desc1)

    Table B have column 2 also (+ transnum + and desc2)

    Now, I want to update the column desc2 of table B identical desc1 of table was where transnum of Table B same as the id of the table has.

    I use this SQL

    update of a2 set a2.desc2 = a1.desc1 of a2 on a2.transnum = a1.id inner join a1

    but this error occurs

    Error from line 5 in order:
    update of a2 set a2.desc2 = a1.desc1 of a2 on a2.transnum = a1.id inner join a1
    Error in the command line: 5 column: 35
    Error report:
    SQL error: ORA-00933: SQL not correctly completed command
    * 00933. 00000 - "command not properly ended SQL."
    * Question: *.

    * Action. *

    Hope someone can help me. TQ for help...
    SQL> create table a1 (id number(2),des varchar2(10));
    Table created.
    SQL> create table b1 (transnum number(2),des varchar2(10));
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into a1 values (1,'maran');
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into b1 values (1,'ram');
    1 row created.
    SQL> commit;
    Commit complete.
    SQL> update b1 set des=(select des from a1 where b1.transnum=a1.id);
    1 row updated.
    SQL> select * from b1;
    ---------- ----------
             1 maran
  • Update calendar with a date picker and the text field


    I have a box of text, dates and a button selector. When I click on the button, I want the calendar in a region to be updated with the details.

    For example: I select date: August 15, 2012 and text: meeting customer. When I click on the button (Update), calendar should display my meeting details for the respective date.

    Any suggestions please


    Although Santosh

    It's a normal insert processes for the elements of the Page.

    for example: insert into EMP (ENAME, HIREDATE) Values(:P3_NAME,:P3_HIREDATE);

    And you need to create a calendar of sql to do this for the extraction of data from this respected roll on this date...

    You must provide a query Select normal for this calendar of Sql

    For example, it is the request that I used in this page...
    Select ENAME from EMP HIREDATE

    Thank you

  • Change data type for the column in a table - Oracle 8i


    I need to change a VARCHAR2 column in number.

    ALTER table xyz change number abc;

    By giving the above statement, it says I need empty this column before you change.

    I can't change the data type before emptying this column.

    Please indicate any other solution. Give me some suggestions.

    Empty the column for me here BIG task.

    user11081688 wrote:
    I can't change the data type before emptying this column.

    Not according to the documentation:

    You can change the data type of any column or decrease the size of the entire column if all rows in the column contains NULL values.

    Please indicate any other solution. Give me some suggestions.

    You can add another column with the correct data type.

    UPDATE TABLE xyz SET def = TO_NUMBER(abc);
    UPDATE TABLE xyz SET abc = def;

    If I remember correctly, Oracle 8i does not support the change of name of column if this solution is a bit more complicated than 9i and above. Another option would be to create a new table with CREATE TABLE AS... SELECT, drop the old one and rename a new one to the old.

  • How can, during the collection of data, start a new column in my table every 100 data points?

    Hello! I have a problem with my data - I get in a wide range of 1 x 1000, but it's the repeated measures, each taking about 500 data points. I want to break this table for this data string start a new column in my table every 500 points given. I don't know how to do it-please help!

    datacompiler100 wrote:

    Hey thanks for the sponsor and the first off I must apologize for the State, I am attaching my VI. I put the part of the VI that I am working on (my team has access, so didn't post everything here) and also attached the data file (when just written in a spreadsheet file, not through the attached VI). I want to convert the long row of data and then start a new column every 50, 100, 5 points (user-defined).

    Using the data from the file, you can reshape everything simply (as you already!), followed by transposition (since you want columns instead of rows). 2D arrays must always be rectangular, so the last column is filled with zeros if necessary. Is that what you want?

    Of course if you try to add a new column in a file, that will not work. You can only add lines in an existing file because of the way the data is organized. To add columns, the entire file must be read, intertwined and all re-written new data in the file.

Maybe you are looking for

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