Display dashboard layout variable name

I would like to place a text object on a dashboard page.  This text object should display this exact string:

@{My_PV} {horse}

This is a reference to a variable presentation called My_PV, with a default value of "Horse."  Only the exact string is what I want to see on the dashboard - braces, everything.  And that's what shows me the little overview section.  But when appears in the dashboard, I see this:


The dashboard is to interpret the presentation variable reference.  I tried to place the reference in apostrophes, but then I get 'Horse' (single quotes).  I can't understand how do the dashboard interprets NOT the presentation variable and just show me the exact characters that I typed.


Mark, your channel must be like @{My_PV}{@{My_PV}}{Horse}

Tags: Business Intelligence

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    Thank you


    Unless it's a variable substitution at the server level, it would need to be fully qualified, for example if you have a 'Test' associated with Sample.Basic variable, you must:

    display variable Sample.Basic.Test;

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    As far as I KNOW, you can't get yesterdays date without calculation in java.


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    I don't think that the problem is in the code from the outside. I guess that's probably on the query.

    Please, make sure that all values that are joined correspond to the data type:

    Number 4 and number (6) do not cause the error.

    can you show me the errors with the ORA-01036? Have you tried to reproduce the query in sqlplus? Maybe you can get more information...

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    Thank you

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    Hi Chris,

    You can find the details of the $user_arguments data dictionary view settings.

    select argument_name from user_arguments where object_name = 'PROCEDURE_NAME';
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    Kind regards


    Published by: jarola December 19, 2011 02:44

    I found there are wwv_flow_utilities.get_binds of the function not documented in APEX packages that do what I want.
    Usage example
    set serveroutput on
      binds DBMS_SQL.varchar2_table;
      binds := wwv_flow_utilities.get_binds('select :P1_TEST from dual');
      FOR i IN 1 .. binds.count
      END LOOP;
    anonymous block completed
    But I would not use these functions without papers as those who can change or there is no future versions APEX.
    Is there a documented function or the custom function that do the same thing as wwv_flow_utilities.get_binds?

    Some old basic example code of my friends. Also the media getting the bind variable of PL/SQL code blocks anon.

    SQL> create or replace function GetBindVariables( statement varchar2 ) return TStrings is
      2          --// bind variables names are terminated by one the following special chars
      3          SPECIAL_CHAR    constant TStrings := TStrings(' ',')','+','-','>','<','*',',','=',';',CHR(10),CHR(13));
      5          --// max size of a bind var name
      6          MAX_VARSIZE     constant integer := 100;
      8          pos     integer;
      9          pos1    integer;
     10          occur   integer;
     11          varName varchar2(100);
     12          varList TStrings;
     13  begin
     14          varList := new TStrings();
     16          --// looking for the 1st occurance of a bind variable
     17          occur := 1;
     19          loop
     20                  pos := InStr( statement, ':', 1, occur );
     21                  exit when pos = 0;
     23                  varName := SubStr( statement, pos, 100 );
     25                  --// find the terminating char trailing the
     26                  --// bind variable name
     27                  pos1 := Length( varName );
     28                  for i in 1..SPECIAL_CHAR.Count
     29                  loop
     30                          pos := InStr( varName, SPECIAL_CHAR(i) ) - 1;
     31                          if (pos > 0) and (pos < pos1) then
     32                                  pos1 := pos;
     33                          end if;
     34                  end loop;
     36                  --// extract the actual bind var name (without
     37                  --// colon char prefix)
     38                  varName := SubStr( varName, 2, pos1-1 );
     40                  --// maintain a unique list of var names
     41                  if not varName member of varList then
     42                          varList.Extend(1);
     43                          varList( varList.Count ) := varName;
     44                  end if;
     46                  --// look for the next occurance
     47                  occur := occur + 1;
     48          end loop;
     50          return( varList );
     51  end;
     52  /
    Function created.
    SQL> select
      2          column_value as BIND_VAR
      3  from TABLE(
      4          GetBindVariables('select * from foo where col=:BIND1 and day = to_date(:B2,''yyyy/mm/dd'')')
      5  );

    PS. just realize this code is case-sensitive, while variable bind is not. Should throw a upper() or lower() by adding the name of the var to the list - never really a problem for me because I'm pretty tense when it use cases correctly in the code. ;-)

    Published by: Billy Verreynne, December 19, 2011 06:19

  • Add a variable name?

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    for (var i:Number = 0; i < xmlData.object_count; i++){
            //create movie clips
            var boxContainer_mc:boxContainer = new boxContainer();
            boxContainer_mc.x = 325 * i;  // set the number here to the width of the movie clip being repeated
            //sound info
            var snd[i]:Sound = new Sound();
            snd[i].load(new URLRequest("creak128.mp3"));
            boxContainer_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playSound, false, 0, true);
            function playSound(event:MouseEvent):void {

    The NDS is what I'm trying to add with the County I.

    If you see this message once, it is one of these url loop for which do not exist.

    and you must never nest named functions and playSound shouldn't be in a loop for.

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    When they move to the next page, I used a 'text dyanamic' field so I can call by name on this page.  This works.  However, when I test the game, on the first page, where the first name is entered, it shows the _level0.firstname instead of just a blank for them to enter their name.

    I know I've fixed this in the past and it was something simple, but I don't remember how to do it.  I would be grateful to anyone who helps!

    Thank you.

    do not assign a variable name for the textfield object. or, at least, do not use the same name of the textfield variable and instance name.

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    var functionName:String = '' + currentItem.id;

    var myData:Array = this [functionName] (parameter1, parameter 2, parameter3);

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    var myData:Array = UploadApps.customUploadFunctions.this [functionName] (parameter1, parameter 2, parameter3);

    but it does not work.  Any ideas on how to call a function with a variable name in another package?


    My suggestion is to stop using the methods at the level of the package. Just do static methods in a utility class as we do in the framework in the mx.utils package. Then you can easily call them UtilityClassName [functionName] (param1, param2, param3). Given that the programming in AS3 is 99.9% on classes, I don't know why AS3 allows even the methods package level.

    Gordon Smith

    Adobe Flex SDK team

  • Using the definition of a variable as a variable name

    I have a string variable with the definition that I use as a variable name.

    For example, it is super simple:

    var newVariable = 'it's working. "
    var partOne:String = "new";
    var partTwo:String = "Variable";
    var partThree = partOne + partTwo;

    trace ("my variable is" + partThree);

    Instead of tracing partThree literally partOne + partTwo (which traces "newVariable"), I would like to trace the definition of partOne + partTwo (which is 'it works').

    I hope this makes sense, help or advice is appreciated.

    var partThree = this partOne [+ partTwo];

    trace ("my variable is" + partThree); will the traces: my variable is it works


  • Use a variable name in a function?

    Here's my function...

    myInterval = setInterval (TTMO, 15);

    function TTMO () {}
    InstanceNameOfMovieClip._x = (InstanceNameOfMovieClip._x - _xmouse) / 10;
    InstanceNameOfMovieClip._y = (InstanceNameOfMovieClip._y - _ymouse) / 10-2;

    Can I use a variable name instead of using the "InstanceNameOfMovieClip"? I tried, but it does not work. I also tried to use the correct hierarchy, as this ._parent. VariableName too.

    you have to concat the link with the movieclip using your variable of string like this

    var mcName_str = "bigBox_mc";

    This [mcName_str] ._x = 20;

    You can use this method to loop through the objects named in an incremental way

    for (var i: Number = 0; i<>
    This ["mc" + i] ._x = 20;

    hope that helped

  • Valid Variable name Funciton

    Is there a function to test a valid variable name? For example: IsValidVariableName () returns the boolean value. I know I can CFTRY/CATCH on a cfset, but prefer to test before if possible.

    Try the function IsValid with NomDeLaVariable

  • evaluate the variable name in a loop in cs3

    I want to generate names of variables in a loop and assign it a library object.

    e.g. public var missing1_mc:MissingGameObjects;
    public var missing2_mc:MissingGameObjects;
    public var missing3_mc:MissingGameObjects;
    public var missing4_mc:MissingGameObjects;

    Now, in a loop, I want to do the following:

    var ClassReference: Class;
    var missing_obj:String;

    for (var i = 0; i < usedNo.length; i ++) {}
    missing_obj = main_obj + usedNo [i] + '_', '_x ';
    ClassReference is getDefinitionByName (missing_obj) classroom;.
    'lack' + (i + 1) + "_mc" = new ClassReference(); wrong code
    'lack' + (i + 1) + "_mc".setpos (150 100); wrong code

    How could I do that. Any help is appreciated.

    If you try to use the object variable names and classes of the variables, you can use the following (assuming that everything is set):

Maybe you are looking for

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