Does anyone else have problems with their https connection for their hardware. I'm getting false positives stop TLS hardware access

Access some of my hardware to make changes has become impossible with the last attempt to ensure low SSL or TLS certificates. I can't access my Modem via as long as FF is not accept the certificate to the device. This change is ve

restore historical data from iTunes backup

Return back you can go to restore the backup of the iPhone data?

Web pages empty every time, even when I work around cache!

I checked with managers from sites that the pages are not really empty. But firefox only shows the Virgin every time. (Even when I bypass cache by pressing SHIFT and click on the update.) How can i solve this? Here is a space that should not be: http

How to avoid the backup files in Finder Searches

When you use the Finder to search for files on my iMac search results often include my support of Carbon Copy Cloner of files located on an external hard drive permanently connected. Is there a way to tell Finder do not turn to this external drive wh

my game does not work!

When I press on play a game is says wrong serial number. What should I do?

running some demos aand games on my pc - it says d3dxg_43.dll is not present, install the file and try to run Setup again

original title: big problem - d3dxg_43.dll Hi Ive had problems several times for running some games of aand demos on my pc States d3dxg_43.dll - it is not present, install the file and try to run the Setup again

Aspire X 3950 button / stop

Where can I get a replacement? Mine has become very difficult to turn due to the contacts of the switch. A search on Google, found nothing. Thank you

A500 Tablet needs a new charger but fails.

My Acer A500 needs a new charger and I can't find one anywhere! I got one from Amazon and did not. Just had one on eBay today and he had the same numbers on it but the plugin post was too much! Zero is not the phone. For all the help and the online s

Problem opening of disk C: & D:

C: & D: drive in my laptop will not open when I click on the readers is a list and asking to select a program to open. I can able to open only via a right click and explore their.

My Realtek HD Audio builtin speaker output has great sound

Hello Help me I'm exuasted, fraustrated as my laptop builtin Realtek HD Audio output of the late speaker give continious strong noisesI am not able to keep as this noise bothers my neighbor.

CD/DVD drive not working do not error code 41 in Device Manager

Original title: code41 I went to the Manager of devices-uninstalled cd & dvd, rebooted, devices are see the watch but always error code41. When I insert a music cd, the Unit looks like it is will start up, then stop? I also tried the Fix - it on the

DV7 motherboards are interchangeable?

Hello I have a DV7 4065dx, who has a bad integrated gpu (graphic design errors on bios, windows don't is loading not, etc), I know already that my number of card system 605496-001 but it's rather hard to find or expensive to find one in good working

DELL Inspiron CPU fan 3650 did not respond ERROR

Hello I would like to help here. I recently bought DELL Inspiron 3650 and when I started the computer for the 1st time, error below came out. When I clicked on the button continue, the system will restart and the error will come out again but sometim

Pavillion chromebook do not update google chrome os

New Pavilion chromebook. I put for beta channel in the settings but reports on the generation 23stable channel butterfly. Can't get updates on reboot. I thought it was supposed to auto-update feature or is chrome like android - I'll be ages of waitin

DisplayPort monitor does not wake from sleep

Hello just bought a Sapphire Radeon HD 7790 & realized, I could connect three monitors - yay. A few times the small monitor connected via displayport has not awoken from his sleep.  I have a beep as if remove the USB device.  The monitor power on / a

JavaLoader w / Simulator?

Hello I'm trying to use the javaloader with the Simulator, but do not succeed. When I simulate the USB cable connected, the pocket computer is listed by javaloader but I can't connect and load my application. Can anyone give me a tip? C:\_WORK\Projec

IP phone Agent in HA environment

We have IPCC 4.05 has. To use IPPA in an environment HA will create 2 intellectual property services in Bishop's call.? 1 service pointing to each server? Or is there a service that can be used that will try a server then Server B? Thank you Trae

I closed my shot explorer.exe process in my task manager and now I can't load my computer, control panel and these files, can someone help me? When I try to open their message comes that no such interface supported.

I closed my shot explorer.exe process in my task manager and now I can't load my computer, control panel and these files, can someone help me? When I try to open their message comes that: {26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683} not this interface supp

BlackBerry Smartphones Blackberry Protect is failling to save

BlackBerry Protect on my Torch fails to back up until today he tried 35 times without success!  This is the first time that this has happened - can anyone help?

Failed to connect to the SQL Server integrated with foglight

Hi all I try to connect with MS SQL Server embedded foglight Management Server and failed to do so due to the error below. Could someone help me on this ASAP: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: error creating bean with name "fog