Dynamic action to set the value to select the text box list


I want the value in the list box select text box i.e list selection with 5 static values and on the user's selection, this value must be added in a box.

I am using dynamic measurements. I tried with dynamic action and created the change list box select evnent but now how to set the value of the selection list to
text box that I don't know.

Help, please.

Thanks in advance


I changed the dynamic on this page action to make it work now. I changed the "value Type" action 'Set value' 'Expression JavaScript' and "JavaScript Expression" do the following:


This example gets the value of the page element 'DESPROGES', bypassing the server for nothing, as you did before.

I hope this helps. Let us know if you have any other questions.

Kind regards

Tags: Database

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    I wish can create dynamic action to manage the two above the Room select list (: P9_ROOM) and building (: P8_BUILDING).

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    I thank you,


    I forgot to mention, for the PL/SQL Code, because you are working with items in the selection list, the return values are different from the display on your LOV values, you must instead use the return values.

    Thank you


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    Kind regards

    Hi Sarah,.

    Yo can use Java script for this...

    Dynamically the value will enter in the text box.

    Use the script below.


    See you soon,.

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    Depends on how you set up the document in the first place. If the text block is aligned with margin guides, allow the adjustment of the layout and change the margins of the master page.


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    Thanks in advance

    Hi, Estelle,.

    You can use the dynamic action 'Code from PL/SQL Execute' to fix your application. For example, your code might look like


    Page items to submit: P1_DISPLAY_MODE

    P1_DISPLAY_MODE would be the element on your current page where you select the desired value.

    Hope that you give something to play with.

    My Blog: http://www.inside-oracle-apex.com
    APEX Plug-Ins: http://apex.oracle.com/plugins
    Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/patrickwolf

  • Dynamic action - check if the size of the texfield values does not exceed limit


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    The order of the day called P6_USERNAME which can be more than 10 characters long.

    So I tried to create a dynamic Action with the following parameters in the region when .

    EVENT: Press button
    SELECTION TYPE: jQuery Selector
    jQuery SELECTOR: $("P6_USERNAME").val () .length
    CONDITION: above
    VALUE: 10

    Of ACTION GENUINE, I had a view only showing a message "you have exceeded the limit.

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    $v("P6_USERNAME").val () .length

    that no longer works.

    Any suggestions on how I can achieve this? The only options I got in the Type of selection are: point, area, object DOM and jQuery Selector. What I'm really after is retrieving the value of the element, so I can use it for comparison with the value to run my Real Action

    APEX 4.0 - Oracle XE 11 G - Windows 7 32 bit

    It is not necessary to use a validation/dynamic action. Set the maximum width for the element attribute and the browser will prevent users to enter values longer than that.

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    Please help because it really bugs me!

    Thank you

    Try to screen Live Edit/Preferences/Interface/design/immediate

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    is this possible.please suggest me

    Thank you

    Published by: Nisha Rani on September 3, 2009 23:14


    There are a number of topics? You can create a form on your table that has all THE topics on it and then use a setting of Condition to hide the ones you don't need.


  • help on the use of dynamic action to update the items in a table (more precisely, the radio button) based on the collection

    Hi everyone, I posted this question in the past and made huge strides with the help of Denes Kubicek: https://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=31517:294:115851992029365: based on my previous question posted: https://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=2537494

    I'm fighting with a single element in my tabular presentation.  There is a radio button.  The choices all seem correctly, but the value is not saved in the collection (and therefore not recorded in the table).  All the other elements in the form of tables to record properly.

    Here's what I have for the query.   This is element c024 (which maps to;) ("F03'), which is defined as a radio based on an existing LOV LOV.

    Currently I have:

    2 items on the page:



    Dynamic action called COLUMN of CHANGE:

    event: CHANGE

    selection type: jQUERY Selector


    Select jQuery = input [name = "f03"], select [name "f08"], select [name = "f09"], input [name = 'f10'], input [name = 'f11'], input [name = 'f12'], select [name = "f40"], input [name = "f21"], input [name = 'f22'], input [name = "f23"], input [name = 'f50']

    scope of the event: Dynamics

    real action #1: set the P110_ID javascript expression this.triggeringElement.id

    real action #2: set the P110_VALUE javascript expression this.triggeringElement.value

    action 3: run pl/sql code

      v_member number;
      v_seq number;
      v_member := TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (:p110_id, 2, 2));
      select ltrim(substr(:p110_ID,5,4),'0') into v_seq from dual;

    refreshment area true creation #4: LANDINGS_COLLECTION

    the tabular presentation is based on the query:

    apex_item.text(1,seq_id,'','','id="f01_'||seq_id,'','') "DeleteRow",
    seq_id display_seq_id,
    apex_item.text_from_LOV(c004,'SPECIES')||'-'||apex_item.text_from_LOV(c005,'GRADE')||'-'||apex_item.text_from_LOV(c006,'MARKETCODE')||'-'||apex_item.text_from_LOV_query(c007,'select unit_of_measure d, unit_of_measure r from species_qc') unit,
    apex_item.select_list_from_LOV(8,c008,'DISPOSITIONS','onchange="getAllDisposition('||seq_id||')"','YES','0','  -- Select Favorite --  ','f08_'||seq_id,'') Disposition,
    apex_item.select_list_from_LOV(9,c009,'GEARS','style="background-color:#FBEC5D; "onFocus="checkGearPreviousFocus('||seq_id||');"onchange="getAllGears('||seq_id||')"','YES','3333','-- Select Favorite --','f09_'||seq_id,'') Gear,
    apex_item.text(10,TO_NUMBER(c010),5,null, 'onchange="setTotal('||seq_id||')"','f10_'||seq_id,'') Quantity,
    apex_item.text(11,TO_NUMBER(c011),5,null,'onchange="getPriceBoundaries('||seq_id||')"','f11_'||seq_id,'') Price,
    apex_item.text(12, TO_NUMBER(c012),5,null, 'onchange="changePrice
    ('||seq_id||')" onKeyDown="selectDollarsFocus('||seq_id||',event);"','f12_'||seq_id,'') Dollars,
    decode(c013,'Y',apex_item.text(14, c014,30,null,'style="background-color:#FBEC5D;" onClick="onFocusAreaFished('||seq_id||');"','f14_'||seq_id,''),'N','N/A') Area_Fished,
    decode(c017,'Y',apex_item.text(18, c018,4,null,'style="background-color:#FBEC5D; "onBlur="setUnitQuantity('||seq_id||')"','f18_'||seq_id,''),'N','N/A') UNIT_QUANTITY,
    decode(c017,'Y',apex_item.text(19,'CN',3,null,'readOnly=readOnly;','f19_'||seq_id,''),'N','N/A') UNIT_COUNT,
    c024 hms_flag,
    decode(c050,'Y',apex_item.checkbox(21,'Y','id="f21_'||seq_id||'" style="background-color:#FBEC5D; " onClick="alterYes('||seq_id||');" onKeyPress="alterYes('||seq_id||');"',c021),'N','N/A') FinsAttached,
    decode(c050,'Y',apex_item.checkbox(22,'N','id="f22_'||seq_id||'" style="background-color:#FBEC5D;" onClick="alterNo('||seq_id||');" onKeyPress="alterNo('||seq_id||');"',c022),'N','N/A') FinsNotAttached,
    decode(c050,'Y',apex_item.checkbox(23,'U','id="f23_'||seq_id||'" style="background-color:#FBEC5D;" onClick="alterUnk('||seq_id||');" onKeyPress="alterUnk('||seq_id||');"',c023),'N','N/A') FinsUnknown,
    decode(c050,'Y',apex_item.textarea(28,c028,3,null,null,'f28_'||seq_id,''),'N','N/A') Explanation,
    decode(c024,'N',apex_item.select_list_from_LOV(29,c029,'HMSNATURE','onchange="saveNature('||seq_id||')"','YES','A','-- Select Nature of Sale --','f29_'||seq_id,''),'U',apex_item.select_list_from_LOV(29,c029,'HMSNATURE','onchange="saveNature('||seq_id||')"','YES','A','-- Select Nature of Sale --','f29_'||seq_id,''),'Y','N/A') Nature_Of_Sale,
    'N','N/A') HMS_AREA_CODE,
    'N','N/A') Sale_Price
    from apex_collections
     where collection_name = 'SPECIES_COLLECTION' order by seq_id

    I noticed the following:

    When I change the column C011 (price) the following values are defined in dynamic action:

    P110_ID = f11_1

    P110_VALUE is everything that I change the price.

    When I change the column C024 (hms_flag), the following values are defined:

    P110_ID = f03_0001

    P110_VALUE = change everything what I hms_flag to.

    the region is updated in my dynamic action, and change of hms_flag does not take.  I tested the SQL query that generates the value of v_SEQ in the dynamic action.   Both a change of price and HMS_FLAG, it seems valid

    Select ltrim (substr(:p110_ID,5,4),'0 ') in the double v_seq;

    If f11_1, v_seq: = 1

    If f03_0001, v_seq: = 1

    Thank you!

    solved.  sort of.

    domain c024 references f03.

    dynamic ACtion, step 4 calculated v_member as a substring of P110_ID... and in all other areas, the column and the field (fxx) displayed the same value... otherwise c024.

    I'm not exactly sure how solve it, but see the problem.

  • Dynamic action to display the button

    Hi all

    I use Apex 4.1

    I want to build a dynamic action:
    If a value in the select list is changed - a button must be indicated.

    It does not work!

    Yes, I did:

    In the model of button:

    < button value = "" #LABEL # "class ="grey button"type ="button""
    < span > #LABEL # </span >
    < / button >

    or this:

    "< button value =" "#LABEL #" class = "grey button" type = "button" onclick = "#LINK #
    < span > #LABEL # </span >
    < / button >

    The button:
    The button attributes:
    ID = "button_dyn_action".

    In dynamic action:

    Event: change
    Selection type: elements
    Product (s): P51_KW_ID
    Condition: No strings attached

    Action: show
    Fires when the result of the event is: true
    Fire when the Page loads: no

    Items affected
    Selection type: DOM object
    DOM object: button_dyn_action

    Would be nice to get help in this forum about this, as a dynamic action to display the buttons are not described anywhere!

    Published by: oraman on December 12, 2011 07:42


    I think this thread is cursed. He deleted my answer!

    I made a mistake in my first post. Your model of button should look like this:


    and you must include the following in your attributes of button, then your button is hidden when the page loads:


    Here's a demo: http://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=43401:34:0

    See you soon,.
    Janet Tyson

    Published by: Tyson Janet December 12, 2011 10:30

    Published by: Tyson Janet December 12, 2011 10:33

  • Dynamic action to refresh the region-&gt; see the message to user


    I have a page in the apex 4.2.2.

    In this page, I have an interactive report and a filter sets, users can choose.

    When users choose one of the filters, I implemented a dynamic action to refresh the interactive report region, so it should refresh the data being shown without submitting it.

    So far so good... but... when the region is refreshing there is point 'charge of circle' which displays and allows the user to know he is done on the page. But this icon is not so obvious.

    What I want is to add a message, for example to display a region, which showed a message like "being the updating of the report, please wait" (something like that).

    I tried to insert in my dynamic action, as 1st action, to SHOW this area and as the last action to HIDE. But nothing is done, the region is never shown.

    How can I perform this task? All I need is to be able to display a message, for the duration of the dynamic action, to inform the user that he or she must wait until the task is completed.

    All real common actions have been reported to "wait for result", if I didn't get this wrong, it means that he expects the previous real action remaining to be done, in order to trigger the next... This should show the region and then hide it, but it does not work.

    Can someone help me with this? Maybe give an idea?

    Kind regards.

    You can actually go several routes with a solution for this. A refresh of the IR will start forward and after updating the events that you can hang on to dynamic actions or jQuery, so you can show something at the start of the update and then hide it again. And since you can do all this in jQuery you could easily hold it in a javascript file and attach it to every page of the ir. This is probably the cleanest solution and more independable.

    Another way is to use the already existing waiting icon and play with his presentation a little. You know, that you are talking about loading icon. You can change this to something much better with minimal effort!


    Run when the page loads, to execute javascript code:

    Please wait. Refreshing the data.

    Add this css to inline css in the page:

    span#apexir_LOADER {
    display: block;
    width: 150px;
    text-align: center;
    background-color: white;
    border-style: solid;
    border-radius: 5px;
    border-width: 2px;
    top: 20%;

    It'll make a little white box with black borders rounded around the loading icon and put a text below.

    You can get the html code to add a bit more generic, or you can raise some html of the page if necessary. You can put it in a dynamic action on the load, put in a js file, or whatever. The css can be put in a page template or a css file.

    It's only less independable hanging in front or after updating because we are taking advantage of the system in place, which means that maybe he could change in the future - but this is hardly on the same scale as the 'hacking' the ir for example javascript.

  • Update of dynamic Action with the text box

    This goes along with: update records with the text box

    APEX: 4.0.2


    SERVER: Oracle-Application-Server-10g/ Oracle-HTTP-Server

    I created an example with more comments on the page:

    workspace: stevendooley34

    username: dev01

    password: dev01

    application: examples of Forum

    page: update example

    I've implemented just as I think it should be put in place, but records only updates by clicking on my Refresh"" button.

    Keep in mind that the example is found in the apex 4.2.5 but I will implement this in 4.0.2.

    Thank you


    Hi Steven,

    I think the main thing that was missing was adding the elements used in the PL/SQL "Page to go".

    The reason this is necessary is so APEX know what values of point on the browser should be sent (as part of the AJAX call) to the browser.

    IF you had all the elements that must be returned to the screen, then you will use the 'Page field items to return.

    I've also corrected a few things, P6 instead of P6 and P6_SEARCH_TYPE instead of SEARCH_TYPE, but they were just small "bugs" in the example.

    I also added another real action to refresh the report after the update.

    Thank you


    PS. I do not validate that your code works for multiple, but the first glance entries and a quick test, it seems to work fine.  I focused only on the DA.

  • Dynamic action to change the point label

    Hi all

    How can I use dynamic action to change the point label?

    Thank you.


    I don't think that there is a solution out-of-the-box for it. However, it seems that the Apex 4 correct uses of the elements of the label HTML for labels. So you can use a jQuery selector that is simple to get and manipulate the tag of an element.

    Something like this:

    $('label[for="P1_CUSTOMER_NAME"]').html ("new label");

    Note that there is sometimes a scope nested within the tag tag.

    You can use a type of dynamic action "run the javascript" to do.


  • Set the focus to the text box of the embedded NumericStepper control

    I have an application that requires I use NumericStepper edit control as ItemEditor of a DataGrid column.

    I have two problems that I can't seem to overcome, one being the result of the solution to another:

    (1) I need to instantiate the component NumericStepper during execution, because I don't ' know advance what columns it will require.  More important still, I need to specify default attributes (styles, min, max, width, etc.).  I can't understand how to specify these attributes other than in a .mxml file.  To handle this, I have crreated a component 'wrapper' that's an HBox with a NumericStepper inside her, and I can specify my attributes on the tag NumericStepper.

    (2) now that I did #1 above, although, when I click a DataGrid cell that uses this component editing, the editor comes back but the text box is NOT centered, which means that the user must click a second time if he wants to type a number.  It's very irritating, but I do not know how to manage the focus such as when my HBox-with-embedded-NumericStepper' control rises, it concentrates and its selected data, NumericStepper, just as the 'base' is.

    So, my questions are:

    (1) can I somehow assign property values to a standard when executing NumericStepper, so that I can avoid using my built-in custom control HBox?

    (2) how can I manage the focus so that when my control HBox is in place, the text box is selected and fucused?

    That sounds confusing, but I have a small program to demonstrate this.  The "QtyBad" column uses my own NumericStepper HBos-based and not to be put in the correct focus when activated.  The "QtyGood" column has demonstrated APPROPRIATE behavior, as exposed by the native NumericStepper component, but I can't specify additional attributes / s on this subject.

    Here are all of the program - called "DGNumStepperDemo" - here:


    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"? >
    " < = xmlns:mx mx:Application ' http://www.Adobe.com/2006/MXML "layout ="absolute"creationComplete =" onInitialize () "> "
    < mx:Script source = "DGNumStepperDemo.as" / >
    < mx:DataGrid id = "dg1" editable = "true" top = "20" left = "20" width = "350" height = "124" >
    < / mx:DataGrid >
    < / mx:Application >


    ActionScript file
    Import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
    Import mx.controls.DataGrid;
    Import mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn;
    //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
    private var gridData:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([{Qty:0},{Qty:5},{Qty:10}]);

    private function onInitialize (): void
    CDL of the var: Array = new Array();
    var dgc:DataGridColumn;

    DGC = new DataGridColumn ("QtyBad");
    dgc.dataField = "Qty";
    DGC. Width = 75;
    dgc.itemEditor = new ClassFactory (EditorDGNumericStepper);
    dgc.editorDataField = "value";
    cols.push (DGC);

    DGC = new DataGridColumn ("QtyGood");
    dgc.dataField = "Qty";
    DGC. Width = 75;
    dgc.itemEditor = new ClassFactory (mx.controls.NumericStepper);

    dgc.editorDataField = "value";
    cols.push (DGC);

    DG1. Columns = cols;
    DG1. DataProvider = gridData;


    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"? >
    " < = xmlns:mx mx:HBox ' http://www.Adobe.com/2006/MXML ""4"verticalAlign ="middle"paddingRight ="4"paddingLeft = verticalScrollPolicy ="off"horizontalScrollPolicy ="off"> "
    < mx:Script >
    <! [CDATA]
    public function get value(): number {return itemQuantity.value ;}
    []] >
    < / mx:Script >
    < mx:NumericStepper id = "itemQuantity" value = "{data.". Qty}"minimum maximum ="0"="100"/ >
    < / mx:HBox >

    If anyone who bothers to run it, you can see what I mean about the focus problem in the QtyGood and QtyBad columns.

    Any help is appreciated!

    Quick response to the #2 is to change the EditorDGNumericStepper.mxml to the following:

               verticalAlign="middle" paddingRight="4" paddingLeft="4"
               verticalScrollPolicy="off" horizontalScrollPolicy="off"

    The only thing I did was put the NumericStepper to 100% width so it fills the column like the standard NumericStepper and it looks a bit better and I added a creation complete event handler that sets the focus to the NumericStepper.  I tested it and it will be emphasis each time on it like a standard stepper.  There may be a more "preferred" way, but it's simple and effective.

    On the #1 question, you want to change the properties, styles, etc. of a NumericStepper standard once it has been added to the data grid?

  • Test whether the text box is empty - tip action


    I have a form that the user is required to fill out. When the user tries to advance to the next slide, I would test to check that none of the text boxes are empty.

    Ideally something like;

    If ((Textbox1) == null) {}

    See the legend of failure

    } else {}



    I know you can use advanced actions but I'm unable to set the null value. I even tried to create a new variable and leave empty and tests textbox against that, but apparently not worked either.

    I'm probably missing something simple as I am very new to Captivate.

    Is it possible to submit the code of the advances in stocks using AS?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!




    I had the same problem.

    The user must enter his name.

    I preset the variable of the text using the feature box "what would happen if you reach this slide." You can find it if you double-click the slide with your text box, and then find the area of "navigation". I have a German version of the A4 the names of functions differ...

    Declare the variable of your text box we'll say "ABC123".

    With a collateral action, you can check if the text inside the variable passed as ABC123 to something else:


    variable_name is not equal to ABC123



    on the other


    If the variable is always ABC123 I jump to another slide with an error message.

    An example, which you can find here:


    Kind regards


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