dynamic table overlap other objects!

Hello world

I created a dynamic table with button to add a line

Please can someone tell me how to avoid the overlapping of dynamic array objects below when several lines are created?

what I wish is that the table bumps everything on its way like MSWord packaging option

Please provide a flash tutorial if you can train a lot of people ask this topic


Use fluid page layout to avoid overlapping of table on other objects. This fluid layout must be set on the container parent (form/subform) of the table. Put also other objects in the same container. It results in dynamic container resizing, whenever the new row is added.

Thank you.



Tags: Adobe LiveCycle

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    Dear friends,

    I move a movieclip to the screen every where on the screen during the movement I will hit or overlap other objects on the screen. I want to find the name of objects that overlap my movieclip or hitting.

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    Please help me... its like a game project.

    Thanks in advance,

    Syed Abdul Rahim

    My fault, I got typo in my loop:

    var i: int = 0; 1<>

    should be

    var i: int = 0; i<>

    Now it works as expected

  • Dynamic table returns only a line

    Hello world

    I try to use a Recordset:

    "SOME concerts. EventDate, concerts. Location, concerts. Notes


    WHERE the concerts. "EventDate > = CURRENT_DATE.

    When I test the Recordset, I get 3 of the 5 records returned, which is exactly as it should.

    However, when I try to create a dynamic table to display the results - if I choose to show all records, or the default of 10 at a time, it shows the first line results from the Recordset.

    When I try to create a master-detail table and ask him to show one record at a time, it's there for that, but using the next/back navigation links, it takes me to other records, though one at a time.  That tells me that he doesn't know that there should be three records, but it only shows one.

    What am I doing wrong with the dynamic table, here?

    Thank you!

    I suggest that you start the page completely from scratch, because it seems that you made the rookie mistake classic to remove a dynamic object in Design view without realizing that any other PHP code is connected with it. When you work with dynamic objects, keep an eye on what is listed in the server behaviors panel. To remove a server behavior, select the referencing in the Panel and click the button "-" to remove it properly.

    In fact, you have two sets of records on the same page, that do the same thing. One is called to come, the other is called UpcomingShows. You get only a line showing in your table is because you use the recordset "to come". The Dreamweaver recordset code automatically retrieves the first record and then uses a do... while loop to create the region repeated in the table. What has happened is that your changes to the page have resulted in this line who appear before the repeat region:


    This destroys the rest of the result of database before using it again. Therefore, only trace never appears.

    Dreamweaver always puts mysql_free_result() after the closing tag. Thus, it seems that your changes caused Dreamweaver to lose track of all the relevant parts of the server behavior. If you move this line to the bottom of the page, your table should work. However, as I said before, I think that it is better to start from scratch.

    One last thing: your SQL query contains the following WHERE clause:

    WHERE gigs.EventDate >= CURRENT_DATE

    It is an incorrect syntax for MySQL. It should be like this:

    WHERE gigs.EventDate >= CURRENT_DATE()

    CURRENT_DATE() is a MySQL function, not a constant.

    If all goes well, a little less head banging.

  • AF:dynamic table Concept

    Scenario is,


    The Image above is of form 6i, which I am to convert ADF file.

    You can see above, there are two attributes of no and no contract Plan, both are LOVs. they are cascade LOVs. Plan of LOV values depends on the value of selected LOV contract. A single contract can have multiple Plans. and a plan can have many more details.

    When the user select A contract North, then Plan No. After this detail table fills with data of this Plan. as I said a contract can have a lot of Plans, when the user returned to Plan LOV and select other lines of this plan a plan then detail fills too, but this does not remove the previous lines of populated areas. This means selecting a plan add up rows in detail.

    How can I accomplish this? Is dynamic table suitable?

    Ashish Awasthi

    J Dev Version:

    Are saying you that you need to recover a table based on the selection of data Plan and have the data be inserted into another table when recording?

    If Yes, you can view the lines feature the EO according to VO. Once you select a Plan, run the readonly VO and insert lines in the EO based VO dynamically.

  • I have a problem with a CS6 dynamic table creation

    I have 2 tables, 1 of them is caled 'user', the other a "cars" they are inked with a foreign key in the table of cars there is a column called UserID and takes the value of "user", so my question is I tried to make it dynamic table when the user is connected to display its cars that have his Userid on them only unfortunetly when I do this I get a blank table with nothing in it anyone can help me solve this problem. This is the code I use:

    <? php require_once('Connections/MyConnection.php');? >

    <? PHP

    initialize the session

    If (! isset {})



    * Log out the current user. **

    $logoutAction = $_SERVER ['PHP_SELF']. » ? doLogout = true;

    If ((isset & & ($_SERVER ['QUERY_STRING']! = "")) {})

    $logoutAction. = '& '. htmlentities($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);


    {If ((isset($_GET['doLogout'])) & & ($ {_GET ['doLogout'] == "true"))}

    to completely disconnect a visitor, you must delete the session varialbles

    $_SESSION ['MM_Username'] = NULL;

    $_SESSION ['MM_UserGroup'] = NULL;

    $_SESSION ['PrevUrl'] = NULL;




    $logoutGoTo = "/ cars/LogOut.php";

    If {($logoutGoTo)

    Header ("Location: $logoutGoTo");




    ? >

    <? PHP

    If (! isset {})



    $MM_authorizedUsers = '1', 2;

    $MM_donotCheckaccess = "false";

    Restrict access to Page: grant or deny access to this page

    Function isAuthorized ($strUsers, $UserGroup, $strGroups, $UserName) {}

    For safety, first assuming that the visitor is NOT allowed.

    $isValid = false;

    When a visitor is connected to this site, the MM_Username of Session variable value equal to their username.

    So, we know that a user is NOT logged if this Session variable is empty.

    If (! empty ($UserName)) {}

    In addition to being connected, you can restrict access to only certain users based on a created ID when they connect.

    Analyze the channels in the tables.

    $arrUsers = explode (",", $strUsers);

    $arrGroups = explode (",", $strGroups);

    If (in_array ($UserName, $arrUsers)) {}

    $isValid = true;


    Or, you can restrict access to only certain users based on their user name.

    If (in_array ($UserGroup, $arrGroups)) {}

    $isValid = true;


    If (($strUsers == "") & & false) {}

    $isValid = true;



    return $isValid;


    $MM_restrictGoTo = "/ cars/Home.php";

    If (!) {(((isset($_SESSION['MM_Username']))) & & (isAuthorized ("", $MM_authorizedUsers, $_SESSION ['MM_Username'], {$_SESSION ['MM_UserGroup']})))}

    $MM_qsChar = ';?

    $MM_referrer = $_SERVER ['PHP_SELF'];

    If (strpos ($MM_restrictGoTo, "?")) $MM_qsChar = "&";

    If (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) & & strlen($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) > 0)

    $MM_referrer. = « ? ». $_SERVER ['QUERY_STRING'];

    $MM_restrictGoTo = $MM_restrictGoTo. $MM_qsChar. "accesscheck =". UrlEncode ($MM_referrer);

    Header ("Location:".) $MM_restrictGoTo);



    ? >

    <? PHP

    If (! function_exists ("GetSQLValueString")) {}

    function GetSQLValueString ($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "")


    If (via PHP_VERSION < 6) {}

    $theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc()? stripslashes ($TheValue): $theValue;


    $theValue = function_exists ("mysql_real_escape_string")? mysql_real_escape_string ($TheValue): mysql_escape_string ($theValue);

    Switch ($theType) {}

    case 'text ':

    $theValue = ($theValue! = "")? « " ». $theValue. "" "": "NULL";


    case "long":

    case "int":

    $theValue = ($theValue! = "")? intval ($TheValue): 'NULL ';


    case "double":

    $theValue = ($theValue! = "")? doubleVal ($TheValue): 'NULL ';


    case "date":

    $theValue = ($theValue! = "")? « " ». $theValue. "" "": "NULL";


    case "set":

    $theValue = ($theValue! = "")? $theDefinedValue: $theNotDefinedValue;



    Return $theValue;



    If (! function_exists ("GetSQLValueString")) {}

    function GetSQLValueString ($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "")


    If (via PHP_VERSION < 6) {}

    $theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc()? stripslashes ($TheValue): $theValue;


    $theValue = function_exists ("mysql_real_escape_string")? mysql_real_escape_string ($TheValue): mysql_escape_string ($theValue);

    Switch ($theType) {}

    case 'text ':

    $theValue = ($theValue! = "")? « " ». $theValue. "" "": "NULL";


    case "long":

    case "int":

    $theValue = ($theValue! = "")? intval ($TheValue): 'NULL ';


    case "double":

    $theValue = ($theValue! = "")? doubleVal ($TheValue): 'NULL ';


    case "date":

    $theValue = ($theValue! = "")? « " ». $theValue. "" "": "NULL";


    case "set":

    $theValue = ($theValue! = "")? $theDefinedValue: $theNotDefinedValue;



    Return $theValue;



    $maxRows_cars = 10;

    $pageNum_cars = 0;

    If (isset($_GET['pageNum_cars'])) {}

    $pageNum_cars = $_GET ['pageNum_cars'];


    $startRow_cars = $pageNum_cars * $maxRows_cars;

    $colname_cars = "-1";

    If (isset($_SESSION['MM_Username'])) {}

    $colname_cars = $_SESSION ['MM_Username"];


    @mysql_select_db ($database_MyConnection, $MyConnection);

    $query_cars = sprintf ("" SELECT * FROM cars WHERE UserID = %s ", GetSQLValueString ($colname_cars,"int")");

    $query_limit_cars = sprintf ("%s LIMIT %d, %d", $query_cars, $startRow_cars, $maxRows_cars);

    $cars = mysql_query ($query_limit_cars, $MyConnection) or die (mysql_error ());

    $row_cars = mysql_fetch_assoc ($cars);

    If (isset($_GET['totalRows_cars'])) {}

    $totalRows_cars = $_GET ['totalRows_cars'];

    } else {}

    $all_cars = mysql_query ($query_cars);

    $totalRows_cars = mysql_num_rows ($all_cars);


    $totalPages_cars = ceil($totalRows_cars/$maxRows_cars)-1;

    $colname_user = "-1";

    If (isset($_SESSION['MM_Username'])) {}

    $colname_user = $_SESSION ['MM_Username"];


    @mysql_select_db ($database_MyConnection, $MyConnection);

    $query_user = sprintf ("SELECT * FROM 'user' WHERE Email = %s", GetSQLValueString ($colname_user, "text") ");

    $user = mysql_query ($query_user, $MyConnection) or die (mysql_error ());

    $row_user = mysql_fetch_assoc ($user);

    $totalRows_user = mysql_num_rows ($user);

    $colname_user = "-1";

    If (isset($_SESSION['MM_Username'])) {}

    $colname_user = $_SESSION ['MM_Username"];


    @mysql_select_db ($database_MyConnection, $MyConnection);

    $query_user = sprintf ("SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM 'user' WHERE Email = %s", GetSQLValueString ($colname_user, "text") ");

    $user = mysql_query ($query_user, $MyConnection) or die (mysql_error ());

    $row_user = mysql_fetch_assoc ($user);

    $colname_User = "-1";

    If (isset($_SESSION['MM_Username'])) {}

    $colname_User = $_SESSION ['MM_Username"];


    @mysql_select_db ($database_MyConnection, $MyConnection);

    $query_User = sprintf ("SELECT * FROM 'user' WHERE Email = %s", GetSQLValueString ($colname_User, "text") ");

    $User = mysql_query ($query_User, $MyConnection) or die (mysql_error ());

    $row_User = mysql_fetch_assoc ($User);

    $colname_User = "-1";

    If (isset($_GET['MM_Username'])) {}

    $colname_User = $_GET ['MM_Username"];


    @mysql_select_db ($database_MyConnection, $MyConnection);

    $query_User = sprintf ("SELECT * FROM 'user' WHERE Email = %s", GetSQLValueString ($colname_User, "text") ");

    $User = mysql_query ($query_User, $MyConnection) or die (mysql_error ());

    $row_User = mysql_fetch_assoc ($User);

    $colname_User = "-1";

    If (isset($_SESSION['MM_Username'])) {}

    $colname_User = $_SESSION ['MM_Username"];


    @mysql_select_db ($database_MyConnection, $MyConnection);

    $query_User = sprintf ("SELECT * FROM 'user' WHERE Email = %s", GetSQLValueString ($colname_User, "text") ");

    $User = mysql_query ($query_User, $MyConnection) or die (mysql_error ());

    $row_User = mysql_fetch_assoc ($User);

    $colname_User = "-1";

    If (isset($_SESSION['MM_Username'])) {}

    $colname_User = $_SESSION ['MM_Username"];


    @mysql_select_db ($database_MyConnection, $MyConnection);

    $query_User = sprintf ("SELECT * FROM 'user' WHERE UserID = %s", GetSQLValueString ($colname_User, "int") ");

    $User = mysql_query ($query_User, $MyConnection) or die (mysql_error ());

    $row_User = mysql_fetch_assoc ($User);

    ? >

    < ! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional / / IN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd" > ""

    " < html xmlns =" http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml ">

    < head >

    < link href = "CSS/Layout.css" rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" / > "

    < link href = "CSS/Menu.css" rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" / > "

    "< link href="/Cars/CSS/VerticalMenu.css "rel ="stylesheet"type =" text/css"/ >

    < meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = text/html"; charset = utf-8 "/ >"

    < title > Untitled Document < /title >

    < / head >

    < body >

    < div id = 'Holder' >

    < div id = "Header" >

    < div id = "HeaderContentRight" >

    < table width = "0" border = "0" align = "right" >

    < b >

    < td > logged in as: <? PHP echo $row_user ["FirstName"];? > <? PHP echo $row_user ['name'];? > < table >

    < td > < a href = "<?" PHP echo $logoutAction? > "> sign out < /a > < table >"

    < /tr >

    < /table >

    < / div >

    < / div >

    < div id = "NavBar" >

    < nav >

    < ul >

    "< li > < a href="/Cars/HomeAccount.php "> home < /a > < /li >

    < /ul >

    < / nav >

    < / div >

    < div id = "Content" >

    < div id = "PageHeading" >

    Welcome < h1 >, <? PHP echo $row_user ["FirstName"];? > <? PHP echo $row_user ['name'];? >! < / h1 >

    < / div >

    < div id = "ContentLeft" >

    Control Panel < h6 > < / h6 >

    < p > < / p >

    < ul id = "MyMainMenu" >

    < li > < a href="/Cars/Account.php" > account < /a > < /li > ".

    < li > < a href="/Cars/UpdateAccount.php" > update account < /a > < /li > ".

    < li > < a href="/Cars/CarManagment.php" > car management < /a > < /li > ".

    < /ul >

    < / div >

    < div id = "ContentRight" >

    < table border = "1" align = "center" >

    < b >

    CarBrand < td > < table >

    CarModel < td > < table >

    YearOfProduction < td > < table >

    < /tr >

    <? PHP {? >}

    < b >

    < td > <? PHP echo $row_cars ["CarBrand'];? > < table >

    < td > <? PHP echo $row_cars ["CarModel'];? > < table >

    < td > <? PHP echo $row_cars ["YearOfProduction"];? > < table >

    < /tr >

    <? PHP} while ($row_cars = mysql_fetch_assoc ($cars));? >

    < /table >

    < / div >

    < / div >

    < div id = "Footer" > < / div >

    < / div >

    < / body >

    < / html >

    <? PHP

    mysql_free_result ($CARS);

    mysql_free_result ($User);

    ? >

    Thank you for your time!

    Nowhere on this page I see that you have found the "UserID" variable that is used to query the database of cars everywhere.

    You must get that table "user" when a successful connection occurred.

    Go to your login page and find the code which queries the database (it will look something like the below, your request will be slightly different)

    $LoginRS__query = sprintf ("SELECT username, password loginUsers WHERE username = %s AND password is %s",

    MAKE SURE YOU add to THE QUERY "UserID" (see below.) This is the column of your 'user' table and the foreign key record unique identifier in your table 'cars')

    $LoginRS__query = sprintf ("SELECT UserID, username, password AND password loginUsers WHERE username = %s is %s",

    Then, find the lines of code below:

    $LoginRS = mysql_query ($LoginRS__query, $MyConnection) or die (mysql_error ());

    $loginFoundUser = mysql_num_rows ($LoginRS);

    Include these two lines of code directly after the above code:

    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc ($LoginRS);

    $UserID = $row ['UserID']

    Can find these lines of code:

    If {($loginFoundUser)

    $loginStrGroup = "";

    Declare two session variables and assign them

    $_SESSION ['MM_Username"] = $loginUsername;

    $_SESSION ["MM_UserGroup"] = $loginStrGroup;

    Add this line of code directly after the above code:

    $_SESSION ['username'] = $UserID;

    Now, go to the login page of success (whatever you call that)

    Find the code at the top of the page below:

    If (! isset {})



    Add the line of code below:

    If (! isset {})


    $userID = $_SESSION ['username'];


    Look for the query:

    @mysql_select_db ($database_MyConnection, $MyConnection);

    $query_cars = sprintf ("" SELECT * FROM cars WHERE UserID = %s ", GetSQLValueString ($colname_cars,"int")");

    $query_limit_cars = sprintf ("%s LIMIT %d, %d", $query_cars, $startRow_cars, $maxRows_cars);

    $cars = mysql_query ($query_limit_cars, $MyConnection) or die (mysql_error ());

    $row_cars = mysql_fetch_assoc ($cars);

    and replace with:

    @mysql_select_db ($database_MyConnection, $MyConnection);

    $query_query_cars = "SELECT * FROM cars WHERE userID ="$userID "";

    $query_cars = mysql_query ($query_query_cars, $MyConnection) or die (mysql_error ());

    $row_query_cars = mysql_fetch_assoc ($query_cars);

    $totalRows_query_cars = mysql_num_rows ($query_cars);

    Now, you can pass the details of the car associated with the user ID in the 'user' table and a foreign key in the table "cars."

    You probably want to use a / while loop to get all the information from the database. With a DW repeat region behavior.

  • How to add a dynamic table in DW CC?

    I'm relatively new to DW.  I am trying to set up a database where I can enter an area code and returns an array with the associated data (diseases in this area, for example).  I need a dynamic table for this, but DW CC does not have an object dynamic link in the "Insert" menu  Any help?  I am running on a Mac

    1. Click on the button "+" on the databases tab and create a database connection
    2. Under the links tab, create a recordset object
    3. In Design view, create a table
    4. Drag the names of the fields in the Bindings tab in a table cell

    1. At the bottom of the view Design make sure that 'table' is highlighted
    2. In the server behaviors tab, click the plus sign and the repeating region
    3. Click OK, save your work, and you have finished creating your first dynamic table.

  • Alternatives to the dynamic tables for the display of dynamic data

    What methods are available for the display of the data to MySQL with PHP on a web page? Is there an alternative to a dynamic table when him varies the amount of data? whatever it is the basis of CSS?

    Thank you very much

    May 27, 2006 to macromedia.dreamweaver, mother of Pingus wrote:

    > if I could just output a div for example?

    Or a paragraph, or a

    , an unordered list, or any other container
    Tag, or the attribute src on a tag, or a combination any of the
    above. Consider the case where the database includes press releases-
    date, title, body. You might, say, do the repeat as this region:

    Press releases

    <& headlinefromdatabase="" &="">

    <& datefromdatabase="" &="">-<& bodyfromdatabase="" &="">

    Contact Information

    Joe Makowiec
    E-mail: http://makowiec.net/email.php

  • Content of the table and other content not displayed

    mobile Adobe Reader does not display the content of the (a) tables and other graphics.image.png

    Hello Marco,.

    Please contact us for the detailed report. This is much like a bug we have identified in our latest release and are about to get a fix for. I'll send you an invitation to the beta. If you want to join and try it, you should see that the content is fixed. If this isn't the case, I'd obviously love to hear. You are also welcome to send me the file so I can confirm that he has set myself at [email protected].

    Thank you!


  • Inference of object with other objects or alignment Center page.

    Is someone can you please tell me how I throw inference guides that highlight when I move an object on the page are centered vertically or horizontally, or in line with other objects. I mean, I want to be able to move objects such as spaces for images and text around frames on my pages and have the alignment guides appear when objects are centered page or in accordance with other objects. It seemed to work when I started experimenting InDesign, but seems to have stopped working in the last day or two, probably because of something I did!

    Little assistance of love!


    I think you want to say "bearings commented. You can adjust in the InDesign preferences. Here is the tutorial of Sandee Cohen on them: http://creativepro.com/align-and-space-objects-indesigns-smart-guides/

  • How to copy animations to other objects without messing up the starting position?

    When I have an animation on an object (say the displacement of left side of the screen to the right), and I want to copy paste this animation to other objects, how should I do this?

    If I copy the animation and paste it on other objects, they will end up in the position where I want them to start.

    Placing them on their final position will not give results, I would like to have either. Only when I put all the changes (e.g., rotation, scale, etc.), it will work.

    Is there a faster way to do this?

    Thank you!


    You can copy the animation, make sure to place the playhead to the desired start position, select the target object, and use Paste special-> Transitions paste of another. It should give you the desired result.


  • How to identify the last instance of a dynamic table row

    Hi all

    I'm trying to figure out how to create an action for my form in Livecycle Designer ES2, which will affect the last instance of a dynamic table row. I have a table with a repeatable row where the user will enter information about a part purchased and I have buttons that allow the user to add and remove the lines. I need to create a line extra addition button which will add a new instance of the repeatable table line (this is not a problem) and disable and change the background color of the first cell in the row added. The problem I have is how to have an action that affects the last instance of a line.

    If anyone knows how to do this in Javascript, I would appreciate some advice/help.


    I think that it is beyond providing an action. You will have a need to write JavaScript directly.  When you call the addInstance method it returns the new line, if you can do something like;

    var line = Table1._Row1.addInstance ();

    line. TextField1.border.fill.color.value = "255,0,0";

    line. TextField1.access = 'protected ';

    To find the last line and do the same thing, you can do something like;

    var line = Table1.resolveNode ("Row1 [" + (Table1._Row1.count - 1) + "" "]" ");

    line. TextField1.border.fill.color.value = "255,0,0";

    line. TextField1.access = 'protected ';



  • AS3 to get the position of the object in the other object

    Please I need help, I have an object inside this object I have other objects, (MC. Part1, MC. Part2, MC. Part3... etc), the MC spin in the stage, thanks to the tween, flash tools, it's ok, the parent of the object rotate and the child with him, but I want to get the child (MC1 coordenate. Part1.x, MC1. Part1.y, MC1. Part1.z, etc.), I try with trace (MC1. Part1.x) and always give me the same coordenate, I think that the coordenate in the parent, but I want the coordinates of the child when the parend is running.

    Please help me

    The coordinates of the child objects do not change compared to the parent who keeps them if the parent is moved, then they will report the same values all the time.  If you want to know the location of the main stage, you must use the localToGlobal() method.  Try Google search using terms like "AS3 localToGlobal tutorial" for an explanation of how to use it.

  • Why the race appear above other objects?

    Please see the screenshots

    On the right side, each of the four objects placed on layer 2 and the objects on the left side are placed on the left side.

    The problem is with the layer 2.

    You can see the line of the object is visible to other objects while the background is not displayed. In addition, I applied shadow on layer 2 by targeting.

    I think if there is something else that's why terms appears on other objects.

    Please tell me what is happening in reality.

    Target 'Layer 2' and in the appearance Panel, move his race under the 'content '.

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    When I "pin" all objects to the top of the page, and then preview the page, the pinned objects are behind all other objects on the page... How can I fix it?

    Thank you!

    If your menu is on a master page, try to stick it on the actual page: it worked for me. Also: right click on the menu item and go to the fix > put to the, to make sure is above everything else.

  • Cannot access the tables in other patterns of database Oracle

    Hello. We got our Oracle database administrator to install APEX in our Oracle database. She created a login and a schematic for my Oracle database user so that I can work with APEX a bit. Here is the information about the version of the SUMMIT we installed:

    Information about the Version of database
    Oracle Database 11 g Enterprise Edition Release - 64 bit Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE Production
    AMT for IBM/AIX RISC System/6000: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production

    I found that my user can access the Oracle tables within my own diagram of Oracle database. Most of our main tables are in 3 other schemas and I need access to all the tables of all these schemes. Now, whenever I meet a drop-down list of values for the schema, by own schema is available in the list of values.

    Is there something that our Admin can do to make these tables in other patterns available on my user account?


    This documentation should point you in the right direction. It will show you how to add multiple schemas to a workspace.


    See you soon,.
    Janet Tyson

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    LabVIEW seems to be the software simple and straigh - before using NI USRPs. I don't know much about LabVIEW but I know a bit about programming with GNU radio. It seems extremely flexible and attractive, at least for a programmer. So my question is t

  • Installer of heel

    I'm still working with XP and I get a popup that says "Installer Stub" has stopped working.  It gives me the option to send an error report or not to Microsoft.  Of course he doesn't let me because Microsoft does not support XP more.  But I can't get

  • is Omni 120-1024 Office a touch screen PC?

    I just brought Omno 120_1024 28, today, I saw that they can do the touch screen in the store, but once I go home, I have been unable to do.  is Omni 120-1024 Office a touch screen PC? If it is, im unable 'enable '. How to activate it. Thank you.

  • Sensor of HDX footprints: how to retrieve the attempt to update driver?

    HP HDX18 - NK148AV W7 Ultimate (64-bit) Through drivers available in S & D section looking for updates that can fix various annoyances.  Picked prints digital driver AND Fingerprint Software  Install the driver then the ap