error on insert registration form


I created the registration forms approximately 1 million insert without any problem, but for some reason any I get the same error when I tried to create the form on pages, with different recordsets and everything I can think of, but I get this error (here is the error and code):

You have an error in your SQL syntax; consult the manual for your version of the MySQL server for the right syntax to use near "(où, quand, whotocontact) VALUES (2, 'stand', 'mikew', ', 'h' ' at line 1)"

The error occurred in C:\ColdFusion9\wwwroot\mymindsnotrightcopy\supportgroupFormNeedsInclude.cfm: line 47

45:, < cfif IsDefined ("FORM.whotocontact") AND #FORM.whotocontact # NEQ "" > "".
46: cfqueryparam value = "" #FORM.whotocontact # "cfsqltype ="cf_sql_clob"maxlength ="2147483647">"
47: < cfelse >
48: "
49: < / cfif >

< cfset GetFileFromPath = CurrentPage (GetBaseTemplatePath ()) >
< cfif IsDefined "(FORM. MM_InsertRecord") AND the FORM. MM_InsertRecord EQ 'form1' >
< cfquery datasource = "mymindsnotrighttest" >
INSERT INTO supportgroups (supportgroup_id, supportgroup_name, user_id, username, description, howlong, state, where, when, whotocontact)
VALUES (< cfif IsDefined ("FORM.supportgroup_id") AND #FORM.supportgroup_id # NEQ "" > "")
< cfqueryparam value = "" #FORM.supportgroup_id # "cfsqltype ="cf_sql_numeric">"
< cfelse >
< / cfif >
, < cfif IsDefined ("FORM.supportgroup_name") AND #FORM.supportgroup_name # NEQ "" > "".
< cfqueryparam value = "" #FORM.supportgroup_name # "cfsqltype ="cf_sql_clob"maxlength ="65535">"
< cfelse >
< / cfif >
, < cfif IsDefined ("FORM.user_id") AND #FORM.user_id # NEQ "" > "".
< cfqueryparam value = "" #FORM.user_id # "cfsqltype ="cf_sql_numeric">"
< cfelse >
< / cfif >
, < cfif IsDefined ("FORM.username") AND #FORM.username # NEQ "" > "".
< cfqueryparam value = "" #FORM.username # "cfsqltype ="cf_sql_clob"maxlength ="65535">"
< cfelse >
< / cfif >
, < cfif IsDefined ("FORM.description") AND #FORM.description # NEQ "" > "".
< cfqueryparam value = "" #FORM.description # "cfsqltype ="cf_sql_clob"maxlength ="9999">"
< cfelse >
< / cfif >
, < cfif IsDefined ("FORM.howlong") AND #FORM.howlong # NEQ "" > "".
< cfqueryparam value = "" #FORM.howlong # "cfsqltype ="cf_sql_clob"maxlength ="65535">"
< cfelse >
< / cfif >
, < cfif IsDefined ("FORM.state") AND #FORM.state # NEQ "" > "".
< cfqueryparam value = "" #FORM.state # "cfsqltype ="cf_sql_clob"maxlength ="65535">"
< cfelse >
< / cfif >
, < cfif IsDefined ("FORM.where") AND #FORM.where # NEQ "" > "".
< cfqueryparam value = "" #FORM.where # "cfsqltype ="cf_sql_clob"maxlength ="2147483647">"
< cfelse >
< / cfif >
, < cfif IsDefined ("FORM.when") AND #FORM.when # NEQ "" > "".
< cfqueryparam value = "" #FORM.when # "cfsqltype ="cf_sql_clob"maxlength ="2147483647">"
< cfelse >
< / cfif >
, < cfif IsDefined ("FORM.whotocontact") AND #FORM.whotocontact # NEQ "" > "".
< cfqueryparam value = "" #FORM.whotocontact # "cfsqltype ="cf_sql_clob"maxlength ="9999">"
< cfelse >
< / cfif >
< / cfquery >
< cflocation url = "supportgroup_details.cfm? supportgroup_id = #FORM.supportgroup_id #" >
< / cfif >
< cfquery name = "rsSupportGroups" datasource = "mymindsnotrighttest" >
OF supportgroups
< / cfquery >
< cfquery name = "rsStates" datasource = "mymindsnotrighttest" >
< / cfquery >
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< table width = "97%" border = "0" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "0" >
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< td width = "44%" > < span class = "blogtitle" > support groups: </span > < table >
< td width = "56%" align = 'right' class = "redlink" > < strong > start a group/add your group to the list of < facilities > < table >
< /tr >
< /table >
< class p = 'blogtitle' > < / p >
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"< td bgcolor ="#B9B9B9"> < img src ="images/px1.gif"width ="1"height ="1"alt =" "border ="0"> < table >
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"< td background =" images/fon02.gif"colspan ="3"> < img src =" images/blogoftheweek.jpg "width ="563"height ="43"alt =" "border ="0"> < table >"
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< b >
< td colspan = "3" align = "left" valign = "top" > < blockquote >
< p > < / p >
< p > < / p >
< p > < / p >
< are method = "post" name = "form1" action = "< cfoutput > #CurrentPage # < / cfoutput >" >
< table align = "center" >
< tr valign = 'of basic">
< td align = 'right' nowrap > Supportgroup_name: < table >
< td > < input type = "text" name = "supportgroup_name" value = "" size = "32" > < table > "
< /tr >
< tr valign = 'of basic">
< td align = "right" valign = "top" nowrap > Description: < table >
< td > < textarea name = cols "description" = "50" lines = "5" > < / textarea > < table >
< /tr >
< tr valign = 'of basic">
< td align = "right" valign = "top" nowrap > Howlong: < table >
< td > < textarea name = "howlong" cols = "50" rows = "5" > < / textarea > < table >
< /tr >
< tr valign = 'of basic">
< td align = 'right' nowrap > status: < table >
< td > < input type = "text" name = "State" value = "" size = "32" > < table > "
< /tr >
< tr valign = 'of basic">
< td align = "right" valign = "top" nowrap > where: < table >
< td > < textarea name = "where" cols = "50" rows = "5" > < / textarea > < table >
< /tr >
< tr valign = 'of basic">
< td align = "right" valign = "top" nowrap > when: < table >
< td > < textarea name = "when" cols = "50" rows = "5" > < / textarea > < table >
< /tr >
< tr valign = 'of basic">
< td align = "right" valign = "top" nowrap > Whotocontact: < table >
< td > < textarea name = "whotocontact" cols = "50" rows = "5" > < / textarea > < table >
< /tr >
< tr valign = 'of basic">
< td align = 'right' nowrap > < table >
< td > < input type = "submit" value = "insert disk" > < table >
< /tr >
< /table >
< input type = "hidden" name = "supportgroup_id" value = "< cfoutput > #IncrementValue (rsSupportGroups.RecordCount) # < / cfoutput >" >
< input type = "hidden" name = "user_id" value = "< cfoutput > #rsGetUserID.user_id # < / cfoutput >" >
< input type = "hidden" name = "username" value = "< cfoutput > #Session.MM_Username # < / cfoutput >" >
< input type = "hidden" name = "MM_InsertRecord" value = "form1" >
< / make >
< p > < / p >
< p > < / p >
< p > < / p >
< p > < / p >
< p > < / p >
< p > < / p >
< p > < / p >
< p > < / p >
< / blockquote >
< p > < / p >
< p > < / p >
< p > < / p >
< p > < /p > < table >
"< td bgcolor ="#B9B9B9"> < img src ="images/px1.gif"width ="1"height ="1"alt =" "border ="0"> < table >
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"< div align ="left"> < img src ="images/px1.gif"width ="1"height ="1"alt =" "border ="0"> < / div >
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< table border = "0" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "0" width = "188" height = "67" background = "images/left_bot.gif" >
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< td valign = "bottom" >
< class p = "left" style = "margin-bottom: 0px;" left margin: 20px; "> copyright
& copy; 2010 < br > < br >
All rights reserved < /p >
< table >
< /tr >
< /table >
< table >
< /tr >
< /table >
< table border = "0" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "0" width = "100%" height = "77" background = "images/fon_bot.gif" >
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< td valign = "top" width = "780" >
< template = "bottomBar.cfm cfinclude" > < table >
"< td > < img src ="images/px1.gif"width ="1"height ="1"alt =" "border ="0"> < table >
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"< td > < img src ="images/px1.gif"width ="780"height ="1"alt =" "border ="0"> < table >
"< td > < img src ="images/px1.gif"width ="1"height ="1"alt =" "border ="0"> < table >
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< table >
"< td valign ="bottom"background =" images/bg_right.gif"> < img src =" images/bg_right.gif"alt =" "width ="17"height ="16"border = '0' > < table >
"< td width ="50% "background =" images/bg.gif"valign ="top"> < img src =" images/px1.gif "width ="1"height ="1"alt =" "border ="0"> < table >"
< /tr >
< /table >
< / body >
< / html >

Once you get past the key words, your next problem is that you have if/else logic in the context of the values of the query, but not the part of fields.  If anything it returns false, you'll have more fields than the values.

Tags: ColdFusion

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    Here's my trigger (note - I do not use the EXCEPTION clause or (declaration of it) because it throws an error msg = >: 'This is my message'.) Here, any help would be great as well.)

    for each row
    duplicate_info EXCEPTION;
    PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(duplicate_info, -00001);
    insert into SH_EMPLOYEES
    (:new.EMP_ID, :new.DEPT_ID, :new.JOB_DESC_ID, :new.EMPNO, :new.EMP_FIRST, :new.EMP_LAST, :new.USER_NAME, :new.USER_INI, :new.DEPTNO, :new.DEPT_DESC);
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       msg=> 'Duplicate employee');


    ORA-20505: DML error: p_rowid = 1001,.
    p_alt_rowid = EMP_ID, p_rowid2 = 2, p_alt_rowid2 = ROLES_ID. ORA-01779: cannot change
    a column that is mapped to a table not preserved key


    ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL in
    ("SPICE_HUNTER1". "" "" SH_EMPLOYEES '. "" EMP_ID") ORA-06512: at
    "SPICE_HUNTER1. BI_SH_ADD_EMPLOYEES_VW', line 3 ORA-04088: error during execution
    relaxing ' SPICE_HUNTER1. BI_SH_ADD_EMPLOYEES_VW' ORA-06512: at
    'SYS. WWV_DBMS_SQL', line 549 ORA-06512: at "APEX_040000.WWV_FLOW_DML", line 1121
    ORA-22816: feature not supported with RETURNING clause

    Error Impossible to process line on table SH_ADD_EMPLOYEES_VW

    I see you manage emp_id is null, you must assign a value if null sequence... This column cannot be null, where the error, and "Edit" a column of this table the DML to this id value.

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    Display name must be placed in a Hashtable as follows:

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    < name cfquery = "input_comments."

    DataSource = "" #DSN # ""

    username = "" #DSNUSER # ""

    password = "#DSNPASS #" >

    INSERT INTO (comments)







    "#form.commenter #"

    "#form.comment #"

    "#form.datetime #"

    "#form.post_id #".


    < / cfquery >

    It is all fine data, by simply inserting not, because it says:

    "INSERT INTO comments (speaker, comment, datetime, post_id) VALUES ('Anonymous', 'test commentary.', 25 April 12 22:55 ', ' 2').

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  • Problem with the update of the registration form

    I have a registration form to update that uses a < cfquery > function and has (among other areas), an optional file input field and two separate fields to specify the file name and the file type. I don't get any errors when I submit the form, but it does not update the record and not redirects to the page specified in the < cflocation > function. Instead, it reloads the page updated with all the deleted values record. The cfquery function is copied below. Any ideas what I'm missing? I am relatively new to CF and sql, but comparing to other forms of record update I have for other tables, I can't find a problem.

    <cfif IsDefined("FORM.MM_UpdateRecord") AND FORM.MM_UpdateRecord EQ "content_edit">

      <cfquery datasource="everettweb">UPDATE Content

    SET Page_URL=<cfif IsDefined("FORM.Page_URL") AND #FORM.Page_URL# NEQ "">





    , Page_Category=<cfif IsDefined("FORM.Page_Category") AND #FORM.Page_Category# NEQ "">





    , Content_Description=<cfif IsDefined("FORM.Content_Description") AND #FORM.Content_Description# NEQ "">





    , Content_Heading=<cfif IsDefined("FORM.Content_Heading") AND #FORM.Content_Heading# NEQ "">





    , Content=<cfif IsDefined("FORM.Content") AND #FORM.Content# NEQ "">





    , Image_URL=<cfif IsDefined("FORM.Filename") AND #FORM.Filename# NEQ "">







      <cflocation url="#FORM.Page_URL#">


    Thanks for any help you can provide!


    Okay, so I rebuilt the page, and it worked. When I compared both versions it looks like when I did a montage for the sql, I had a bit of redundant code in the form that would throw things off. Thanks for all your help!

    Dan, with regard to the two types of variables, the URL variable that's so I can fill in the form with the data in the existing record. Here's the process:

    -Main page has a link to change the content, which is identified by the ID number.

    -The link change calls the form of update: content_editor.cfm? recordID = #ID #.

    -A queries on the calls page of content_editor.cfm for the data Records using the url variable (because at this point, it is the only remaining identifier from the previous page) to fill out the form.

    -A second query updates the record on form.

    If there is another way to do it, I don't know. I left Dreamweaver show me one way, and then I adapted this method to a couple updated various registration forms. I'm certainly open to other suggestions!


  • Flash/php registration form

    Hi all

    I created a product registration form for my website and the basics of this beautiful work, IE when I click on send the info gets successfully by e-mail to me. I want extend the functionality of it, however. As it is, I get an email without worrying about whether the fields are filled or not. I would like to be directed to an error page when the e-mail field is empty and a thank you page otherwise, users. How can I do this? I guess it's possible either directly in flash or would the php load the browser to access the error page or thank you? Key is that I don't want the form to be present if the email is empty.

    My flash code:


    submit_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, sendMessage);

    function sendMessage(e:MouseEvent):void {}

    var my_vars:URLVariables = new URLVariables();

    my_vars. Serial = serials_txt.text;

    my_vars. Model = model_txt.text;

    my_vars. Name = name_txt.text;

    my_vars. Address = address_txt.text;

    my_vars. Country = country_txt.text; = email_txt.text;

    my_vars. Phone = phone_txt.text;

    my_vars. Retailer = retailer_txt.text;

    my_vars. City = city_txt.text; = date_txt.text;

    var my_url:URLRequest = new URLRequest ("mailer.php");

    my_url. Method = URLRequestMethod.POST;

    my_url. Data = my_vars;

    var my_loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();

    my_loader. DataFormat = pouvez;

    my_loader. Load (my_url);


    home_button.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToWebPage_3);

    function fl_ClickToGoToWebPage_3(event:MouseEvent):void


    navigateToURL (new URLRequest (""), '_self');



    <? PHP

    $to = " [email protected] "; "

    $subject = ($_POST ['name']);

    $message = ($_POST ['serials']);

    $message. = « \n ». $_POST ['model']. "\n";

    $message. = ($_POST ['name']);

    $message. = « \n ». $_POST ['address']. "\n";

    $message. = ($_POST ['country']);

    $message. = « \n ». $_POST ['email']. "\n";

    $message. = ($_POST ['phone']);

    $message. = « \n ». $_POST ["retailer"]. "\n";

    $message. = ($_POST ['city']);

    $message. = « \n ». $_POST ['date']. "\n";

    $message. = « \n\n-\n » ;

    $headers = "from:". "." $_POST ['name']. "" < "." $_POST ['email']. "> \n";

    If (@mail ($ $subject, $message, $headers))

    ? >

    Thanks in advance for the help.

    You can check this email within the sendMessage function field if you wish and then have it just show an error message rather than direct the user to another page (movieclip).  If send you them to another page, they can lose all entries that they admitted already depneding on how you designed the structure of the page.  You can have this movieclip error resemble the image of the page you showed...

    function sendMessage(e:MouseEvent):void {}

    If (email_txt.length > 0) {}

    treat all the code to send the data that you have now

    } else {}

    show the movieclip error



  • T4850CT: Error Message: "error HDC - insert system disk".


    Can anyone help? I think I know what the error message means... but don't know how to fix it. Any ideas? I am currently trying to find a system disk for this old laptop - online

    To start... the laptop has in his memory and displays this error message:

    Error HDC
    Insert system disk in drive

    I can access the configuration system and which seem to be about! ? The bar... it status QuickRead recognizes / active hard and floppy drive.

    Any help is appreciated completely ([email protected])

    Post edited by: anjasomething


    Is it possible that the HARD disk is not recognized correctly?

  • Error in inserting data to the database

    I use SQL to store the data when I'm insterting the data in my table and then I get the error 2147217833.

    The image that is attached to the table structure and PROCESS as I am recording insterting. I use LV2011.

    I am able to connect to the database but error by inserting

    Soved. UerId 5 and I've been insterting 6.

  • shared files Windows server 2008 when I try to access the logged error shows try 704 form again later.

    shared files Windows server 2008 when I try to access the logged error shows try 704 form again later. While it uses this file from the last three months

    Hi Maury,

    Your question is more complex than what is generally answered in the Microsoft Answers forums. It is better suited for Windows Server on TechNet forum. Please post your question in the TechNet Windows Server 2008 R2 Networking - read only forum.

  • Error: «Please insert a blank disc into the CD drive (E :).» Once Windows Media Player detects a new disc, it will start automatically burning"

    Hi, we are currently running Windows XP SP3.  My daughter tries to download a song from Windows Media Player, she needs for her class dance.  It just download the song bad by accident without problem.  Now she's trying to download the song using the same CD (CD - R80) and it gives sound this error: «Please insert a blank disc in the CD drive (E :).» Once Windows Media Player detects a new disc, it will start automatically burning."  Someone please help.  She needs this to practice his senior dance solo.

    As I understand it, the CD was already burned once, and now she's trying to burn on the same CD again? This is not possible, as the CD - Rs can only be burned once. She will need a new blank CD - R, like the error message.

  • How to use several adf 12 shape and insert the form data in to table during the click on "submit" button

    How to use several adf 12 shape and insert the form data in to table during the click on "submit" button. Can we use several form from adf or not?

    Make sure that you dragged the VO based EO.

    Also make sure that the VO attributes based EO Updatable property.

    The query according to VO is used only to add LOV to the column of the original VO ModelId.

    See you soon


  • In a Muse Site registration forms

    Hi guys!

    I'm developing a site for a client event. Y at - it anyway to include a registration form which is accessible only by the list of customer contacts. In other words, we don't want anyone to record who does not receive an email from us.

    The rest of the site doesn't have to be protected. Or maybe it does?

    Thank you

    Christopher Nelson

    Sounds pretty difficult...

    At least, you can't with the help of Muse in the normal way.

    There is no standard function that will help you with this, except for the creation of a page with a name a little 'secret' and let it display in any menu. That give this direct address to the person on the list. Possible to set the Options Property Page to exclude page in the Sitemap for Google, so it will not be found as a result of research.

    Ways stronger to protect a page are with a third party like this widget:

    Adobe Muse password by MuseThemes Widget

    More technical ways to use ordinary protection of web servers, can be read here:

    Can I create a login/password in the Muse for a HTML5 page or two?

    But they are all based on the issuance of a page name or a password to visitors.

  • Can I insert a form created somewhere else?

    Hello world!

    I have trouble creating a form in Dreamweaver, so is it possible to insert a form already created in the CoffeCup Web form builder?

    If not, can someone please help me with a simple form that I can incorporate into a Web site?

    Thank you very much


    Dreamweaver is a code editor, so if you have designed a form in the form designer CoffeCup Web and gives you the. HTML and script files (.) Yes PHP), you can use the code in Dreamweaver

    Go through the link, he will explain the way to generate the form of embedded code generator of form CoffeCup Web: Chapter 7: what to do with a finished form | CoffeeCup Software

    You can use/copy the form of embedded code generator of form CoffeCup Web to use in your designed Dreamweaver file (.) HTML)

    You can also go to the Alt-Web Design & Publishing link to learn how to create a sensitive form in Dreamweaver CC 2015.

    Thank you

    Prabhakar Kumar

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