Extra character and String worksheet line to read

Hi all

I tried to look, but no idea yet. I'm using labview 7.1 and try to play a file spreadsheet string in an array of strings, but I got the extra character at the beginning of the file and an additional line in each line. I tried to insert a value in the offset of the point of sale, can solve the problem of extra character, but he does not feel. Text file, source code and attached result. Can anyone explain that?

Thank you very much.

Hello Nefertari,

your file contains this extra character (I think it's a unicode file), but they do not show the normal Editor. You can see if you open your file with Word.


Tags: NI Software

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    Add a ' if else ' statement to apply the fill color to the second to the last character only if the last character is a space. otherwise apply the fill color for the last character.

    myDocument var = app.activeDocument;

    myLine var = myDocument.stories.everyItem ().lines.everyItem () .getElements ();

    for (i = 0; i


    Chantal var = myLine [i] .texts [0] .silence;

    If (myCon.match (/ \n| IM)! = null) {}

    try {}

    If (myLine [i].characters.item-(1) .silence == "'" ") {}

    myLine [i].characters.item-(2) .fillColor = myDocument.colors [2];

    } else myLine [i].characters.item-(1) .fillColor = myDocument.colors [2];

    } catch (e) {};



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    > ls \302\256


    > ls \u00AE


    > ls \xc2\xae

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    Have you tried zsh instead of bash?

    I think bash supports \u starting only 4.2

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    It is absolutely wrong to say that reading worksheet cannot begin until the first line. There is an entry called 'start reading offset '.

    Reading in blocks is to use this with a shift register. For example, if you wanted to read 1000 rows at a time, you must specify that the number of lines to read and the release of 'brand after reading' would be connected to a shift to the right and left, register wired to the "start of playback. The shift register may be initialized to 0.

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    Use the subset of the table?

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    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: only objects serializable or ByteBuffer can be used as data with the format of data [subListPlayers]

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    at javafx.scene.input.Clipboard.setContent(Clipboard.java:230)

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    public class player


    private String name;

    public player (String name)


    myIdName = name;


    public String getName()


    return the name.


    public void setName (String name)


    myIdName = name;



    public boolean equals (Object o)


    If (this == o) return true;

    If (o == null | getClass()! = o.getClass ()) return false;

    A player = o (player);

    If (name! = null? name.equals (player.name): player.name! = null) return false;

    Returns true;



    public int hashCode()


    return the name of! = null? name.hashCode (): 0;



    SerializableAttribute public class JavaFXDnDApplication extends Application


    private final static ListView < drive > playersListView = new ListView < drive > ();

    private final static ObservableList < drive > /playerslist is FXCollections.observableArrayList ();.

    private final static ListView < drive > teamListView = new ListView < drive > ();

    private final static GridPane rootPane = new GridPane();

    private DataFormat dataFormat = new DataFormat ("subListPlayers");

    Public Shared Sub main (String [] args)


    Launch (args);



    public void start (point primaryStage)


    primaryStage.setTitle ("Drag and Drop Application");





    primaryStage.setScene (new scene (rootPane, 400, 325));

    primaryStage.show ();


    Private Sub initializeListeners()


    playersListView.setOnDragDetected (new EventHandler < MouseEvent >)



    public void handle (event MouseEvent)


    System.out.println ("setOnDragDetected");

    Dragboard dragBoard = (TransferMode.MOVE) playersListView.startDragAndDrop;

    ClipboardContent content = new ClipboardContent();

    content.putString (playersListView.getSelectionModel () .getSelectedItem () .getName ());

    Content.put (dataFormat, playersListView.getSelectionModel () .getSelectedItems ());

    dragBoard.setContent (content);



    teamListView.setOnDragOver (new EventHandler < DragEvent >)



    public void handle (DragEvent dragEvent)


    dragEvent.acceptTransferModes (TransferMode.MOVE);



    teamListView.setOnDragDropped (new EventHandler < DragEvent >)



    public void handle (DragEvent dragEvent)


    String player = dragEvent.getDragboard () .getString ();

    ObservableList < drive > drive = dragEvent.getDragboard () .getContent (dataFormat) (< drive > ObservableList);

    String player = dragEvent.getDragboard () .getString ();

    teamListView.getItems () .addAll (New Player (player));

    playersList.remove (new Player (player));

    dragEvent.setDropCompleted (true);




    Private Sub buildGUI()


    rootPane.setGridLinesVisible (true);

    rootPane.setPadding (new Insets (10));

    rootPane.setPrefHeight (30);

    rootPane.setPrefWidth (100);

    rootPane.setVgap (20);

    rootPane.setHgap (20);

    rootPane.add (playersListView, 0, 0);

    rootPane.add (teamListView, 1, 0);


    Private Sub populateData()


    () playersList.addAll

    New Player("Adam"), New Player("Alex"), Player ("Alfred") New Player("Albert") new,.

    New Player("Brenda"), New Player("Connie"), Player ("Derek") new new Player ("Donny").

    Player ("Lynne") new, New Player ("Myrtle"), Player ("pink") New Player("Rudolph") new,.

    Player("Tony") new, New Player ("Trudy"), Player ("Williams") New Player ("Zach") new


    playersListView.setItems (playersList);


    Private Sub initializeComponents()


    playersListView.setPrefSize (250, 290);

    playersListView.setEditable (true);

    playersListView.getSelectionModel () .setSelectionMode (SelectionMode.MULTIPLE);

    playersListView.setCellFactory (new reminder < < drive > ListView, ListCell < drive > > ())



    public call for ListCell < drive > (ListView < drive > playerListView)


    return again ListCell < drive >)



    protected void updateItem (player, boolean b)


    super.updateItem (reader, b);

    If (player! = null)


    setText (player.getName ());






    teamListView.setPrefSize (250, 290);

    teamListView.setEditable (true);

    teamListView.getSelectionModel () .setSelectionMode (SelectionMode.MULTIPLE);

    teamListView.setCellFactory (new reminder < < drive > ListView, ListCell < drive > > ())



    public call for ListCell < drive > (ListView < drive > playerListView)


    return again ListCell < drive >)



    protected void updateItem (player, boolean b)


    super.updateItem (reader, b);

    If (player! = null)


    setText (player.getName ());









    Yes, it is a pain. I filed https://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-29082 earlier. Go ahead and vote in favour if you're inclined...

    I think that the problem in your case, it is the observable list provided by MultipleSelectionModel.getSelectedItems () is not serializable. So even if you make your player Serializable class, the list is not. The first thing I would try, I think, is to make player implements Serializable and pass in an ArrayList instead of the observable list. If you can do

    content.put(dataFormat, new ArrayList(playersListView.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItems()));


    List player = (List) dragEvent.getDragboard().getContent(dataFormat);

    If it does not, a solution is simply to store the "slipped" into a property list:

    final ListProperty draggedPlayers = new SimpleListProperty();
    // Drag detected handler:
    // Drag dropped handler:
    if (dragboard.hasString() && dragboard.getString().equals("players")) {
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    Any suggesstions?

    The file: Protocol takes 3 slashes after the colon for some reason any.

    Is your shell allow you to right click on the file and open it in Firefox? That would be the quick and dirty way to discover the path that prefer Firefox.

  • Keyboard typing extra character

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    If I restart my machine, the problem seems to be resolved for some time, but suddenly then he worked he start coming again. Is there any solution for this?
    Recently I installed the new edition of Windows 7 Ultimate on my Dell Inspiron 1545.
    Note: I am typing this query of the same laptop, but until that moment, that I don't get any extra Charter printed when I type "b", "v", "n" or "m". More important still, is happening now with only those 4 letters.
    Any advise?
    Thanks in advance,

    Looks like you may have something stuck in your keyboard. Try turning upside and it blow. Do a Google search on how to remove the keyboard and clean under them safely. If a can of compressed air can often be used effectively.

  • How to modify and update a line later was inserted and updated in the doDML() method?

    Mr President

    Jdev worm is 12.2.1

    How to modify and update a line later was inserted and updated in the doDML() method?

    I added two rows in my table a method of action-listener in bean managed and secondly with operation doDML() as below.

    Method 1-first row in managed bean

        public void addNewPurchaseVoucher(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
            // Add event code here...
            BindingContainer bindings = BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();        
            DCIteratorBinding dciter = (DCIteratorBinding) bindings.get("VoucherView1Iterator");        
            RowSetIterator rsi = dciter.getRowSetIterator();        
            Row lastRow = rsi.last();        
            int lastRowIndex = rsi.getRangeIndexOf(lastRow);        
            Row newRow = rsi.createRow();        
            rsi.insertRowAtRangeIndex(lastRowIndex +1, newRow);         
            BindingContainer bindings1 = BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();        
            DCIteratorBinding dciter1 = (DCIteratorBinding) bindings1.get("VdetView1Iterator");        
            RowSetIterator rsi1 = dciter1.getRowSetIterator();        
            Row lastRow1 = rsi1.last();        
            int lastRowIndex1 = rsi1.getRangeIndexOf(lastRow1);        
            Row newRow1 = rsi1.createRow();        
            rsi1.insertRowAtRangeIndex(lastRowIndex1 +1, newRow1);         

    Method of doDML() of line 2 seconds in the entityImpl class

        protected void doDML(int operation, TransactionEvent e) {        
            if (operation == DML_INSERT)  
                           if(operation == DML_UPDATE)
            super.doDML(operation, e);
        private void insertSecondRowInDatabase(Object value1, Object value2, Object value3, Object value4)  
                    PreparedStatement stat = null;  
                      String sql = "Insert into vdet (VID,LINEITEM,DEBITST,AMOUNT) values 
       ('" + value1 + "','" + value2 + "','" + value3 + "','" + value4 + "')";  
                      System.out.println("sql= " + sql);    
                      stat = getDBTransaction().createPreparedStatement(sql, 1);  
                    catch (Exception e)  
                      catch (Exception e)  
                  private void updateSecondRowInDatabase(Object value1, Object value2, Object value3, Object value4)  
                    PreparedStatement stat = null;  
                      String sql = "update vdet set vid='"+ value1+"',lineitem='"+ value2+"',DEBITST='" 
       + value3 + "', AMOUNT='" + value4 + "' where VID='" + VID + "'";  
                      System.out.println("sql= " + sql);      
                      stat = getDBTransaction().createPreparedStatement(sql, 1);  
                    catch (Exception e)  
                      catch (Exception e)  

    Now the problem is that when later I change the quantity and price of the first line isn't updated but second row, because I used the command

     <af:button actionListener="#{bindings.Commit.execute}" text="Commit"

    This button update the first line added by bean managed, but the second row remains unchanged.

    Please help how to update the two lines with the same button or something else.


    DML_UPDATE will call only if there is some change data attributes.

    I guess that the update statement is false because vid looks like a primary key for the table, then, how update you the primary key of the update statement and how the update condition statement where the vid = '0'

    I assume the update statement should look like:

      private void updateSecondRowInDatabase(Object value1, Object value2, Object value3, Object value4)
        PreparedStatement stat = null;
          String sql =
            "update vdet set lineitem='" + value2 + "',DEBITST='" + value3 + "', AMOUNT='" + value4 +
            "' where VID='" + value1 + "'";
          System.out.println("sql= " + sql);
          stat = getDBTransaction().createPreparedStatement(sql, 1);
        catch (Exception e)
          catch (Exception e)
  • By creating a form that has several text boxes to a single character on the same line, how can I get the cursor to go in the next text box automatically after inserting a character?

    By creating a form that has several text boxes to a single character on the same line, how can I get the cursor to go in the next text box automatically after inserting a character?

    Create a text field and use the option 'comb n characters.

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    Thank you!!!   works now! If all goes well there will be an update soon.

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    I implemented the Oracle text search in my database. Now I have this query

    Select ctx_thes.syn ('RED', 'MY_THESAURUS') of double;

    the output is displayed as


    and I want to get the words in separate lines, i.e.


    Mixture of Red

    Red table

    Red wine

    How to split the string into lines?

    SELECT *
                       REGEXP_SUBSTR ('{RED}|{RED BLEND}|{RED TABLE}|{RED WINE}',
                                      '({)([A-Z]+ *[A-Z]*)(})',
                  FROM DUAL
            CONNECT BY LEVEL <=
                            REGEXP_COUNT (
                               '{RED}|{RED BLEND}|{RED TABLE}|{RED WINE}',
                          + 1)
  • Sequence of character and Date



    Is there any way by which I can get next character and date as it takes the sequence number please? Suppose that in my table below is data:

    and I would like to get this type of sequence of object / function. Similar work if possible, date also please.

    Thank you.

    You are looking for something like this?

    create table test (col1 varchar2(2),col2 date,id number);
    select max(trunc(nvl(col2,sysdate)))+1
    into :new.col2 from test;
    select x1.seq
    into :new.col1
      (select chr( ascii('A')+level-1 ) letter
         from dual
      connect by level <= 26
    select l1.letter || l2.letter as seq,rownum as rr
        from letters l1, letters l2
    ) x1
    where x1.rr=(select count(*) from test)+1;
    SQL> insert into test(id) values (1);
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into test(id) values (2);
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into test(id) values (4);
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into test(id) values (5);
    1 row created.
    SQL> select * from test;
    CO COL2              ID
    -- --------- ----------
    AA                    1
    AB 07-JUN-13          2
    AC 08-JUN-13          4
    AD 09-JUN-13          5

    Idea received from http://asktom.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=100:11:0:P11_QUESTION_ID:4136198000346693074

    Example, above work for 676 lines, because I gave the length of col1 like 2. If you want to develop in more lines, then follow the link that I write here.

    If you want to start your date column from a specific date, then in the code above to triger:
    Select max (trunc (nvl (col2, sysdate))) + 1
    You can give your date for sysdate instead

    and you did.

    If the above doesn't work, or you're looking for something different, then let us know.

    Girish Sharma

  • TextBox multiline missing the first character after the new line

    Hello, I do a pdf report that swaps 2 pages back (the content is the same except for one table), essentially what happens when you click on the button 'page swap' is:

    1. get all the values of the fields in the page that will be deleted in a table "buffer".
    2. delete the page
    3. Insert the other page
    4. Fill out all field values values in the buffer

    So the thing is that in line with several text boxes is missing the first character each new line after this process if I change the content, if I do not change the content, while I share the pages and transfer field values, it makes it ok, it doesn't matter what line change it and how many lines I change in the text box together multiline each new line, I get a character less at the beginning of a new line (except for the first character of the first line).

    I'll try to work program autour with text.replace ('\n', '< br >') or something if I miss a few key configuration for this.

    I use Acrobat Pro 11.0.06 on a Windows 7 Professional client on a 20(3.13.10-200.fc20.x86_64) of Fedora host.

    Thanks in advance

    If you remove the option of formatting rich text for the field, it works fine. "In addition, I don't understand why you need the whole thing to replace line breaks with.
    "tags...". It is not at all necessary.

Maybe you are looking for