Extract all numerical values of > = 10 length

Hi all

I have a table named "STS_HISTORY".
in which I have 2 fields
Number STSID
History varchar2 (4000)

I need to create another table that has 2 fields
stsid, mynum
where stsid is the same from the table of sts_history
and mynum will contain the numerical value of > = length 10.

for example
will he be stsid: 1 the history field is
"123456789 1234567890 here 12345678901 123456789012 1234567890123 data please 12345678901234 seprate 1'
You must then put

1 1234567890
1 12345678901
1 123456789012
1 1234567890123
1 123456789012345

is there way to sm to do using only does not xmltable

of course there are:

SQL> with sts_history as (
 select 1 stsid, '123456789 here 1234567890 is 12345678901 some 123456789012 data 1234567890123 plz 12345678901234 seprate 1' history from dual union all
 select 2 stsid, '123456789 here 1234567890 is 12345678901 some 123456789012 data 1234567890123 plz 12345678901234 seprate 1' history from dual
select stsid, regexp_substr (history, '\w+', 1, level) history
  from sts_history
 where rtrim (regexp_substr (history, '\w+', 1, level), '0123456789') is null
       and length (regexp_substr (history, '\w+', 1, level)) >= 10
connect by     level <= length (history) - length (replace (history, ' '))
           and prior stsid = stsid
           and prior sys_guid () is not null
--------------- ---------------
              1 1234567890
              1 12345678901
              1 123456789012
              1 1234567890123
              1 12345678901234
              2 1234567890
              2 12345678901
              2 123456789012
              2 1234567890123
              2 12345678901234 

10 rows selected.

Tags: Database

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    You can do with nested REGEXP_REPLACEs:

    SELECT   sortcol
    ,      REGEXP_REPLACE ( REGEXP_REPLACE ( sortcol
                                 , '([0-9]+)'
                              , '000\1'
                   , '[0-9]+([0-9]{4})'
                   , '\1'
                   )     AS four_digits
    FROM       t
    ORDER BY four_digits

    You probably don't want to display the string converted; you want to just ORDER BY it. It is included in the SELECT clause only if you could see what it was, for the tests.

    --------------- ------------------------------
    222 zzz 30/5.5  0222 zzz 0030/0005.0005
    222 zzz 30/17.5 0222 zzz 0030/0017.0005
    aa 6.25% 12.5   aa 0006.0025% 0012.0005
    aa 10% 12.5     aa 0010% 0012.0005
    xxx 5 MG yyy    xxx 0005 MG yyy
    xxx 10 MG yyy   xxx 0010 MG yyy
    xxx 28 MG yyy   xxx 0028 MG yyy

    As you can see, the inner REGEXP_REPLACE adds 3 leading 0 to each number, if she need to 0, 1, 2, or 3. This means that each number will be at least 4 digits, but maybe more. The external REGEXP_REPLACE replaces 4 digits with the last 4 digits only.

    Thanks for posting the sample data in a useful form. The description of the problem was very clear, and it was useful to see that you had already tried and your results on why it does not work. I wish we could mark questions as "Correct." This one was really were.

    Published by: Frank Kulash, January 21, 2011 16:20

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    Hi Charles,

    The example of the 'new town' was based on the assumption that the city would be the value stored on the table rather than a foreign key.

    I've updated your process to get the ID for the new item and pass back to the home page:

     vID NUMBER;
      IF vCOUNT = 0 THEN
      END IF;
     END IF;

    (Note that I had a lot of problems to actually make a value - the definition of the table displays the fields with a type of NUMBER(*,0) - I think that this should be just NUMBER - you might want to change these, I've updated PK_CLASS_NAME_ID)

    The PTH. PRN (vID) line passes the PK of the folder to the javascript function call that past on it (the "ret" in the code value) return to the homepage and the new classname:

    function saveClassName()
      var classname = document.getElementById('P3_CLASS_NAME').value;
     if (classname == '')
      alert('You must enter in a name');
      return false;
      var get = new htmldb_Get(null,$v('pFlowId'), 'APPLICATION_PROCESS=CREATE_CLASS_NAME',3);
      ret = get.get();
      opener.updateClassNameList(ret, classname);
      get = null;

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    Hi ddehn,

    The SQL_... orders () are the old method for DIAdem to connect to SQL databases, using the ODBC approach.  Since the tiara 10.2 the ADO approach is the recommended method.  This is the function that I used to use to make sense of the values SQL_ColType():

    Function GetODBColTypes()
    Dim j, jMax, ChTypes
    jMax = SQL_ResultCols
    < 1="" then="" jmax="">
    ReDim ChTypes (jMax)
    FOR j = 1 TO jMax
    IF SQL_ColType (j) = 93 THEN
    ChTypes (j) = "DateTime".
    Else if SQL_ColType = - 1 OR SQL_ColType (j) (j) > 8 THEN ' STRING
    ChTypes (j) = "String".
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    END IF ' SQL_ColType (j)
    NEXT ' j
    GetODBColTypes = ChTypes
    End Function ' GetODBColTypes()

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    Best regards

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    srrashme wrote:

    I'm not clear. Can you please attach an example?

    What you don't understand?

    When the Boolean logic is used on integers, the logic is made on a basis by ILO.  I have to do this all the time to encode and decode data from specific protocols (some more wild than the others).  It is also necessary for many data (such as a CRC or Reed Solomon) controls and for encryption (AES, OF THE, 3DES).

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    create or replace function clean_number(p_string in varchar2) return number is
      return to_number(p_string);
    exception when value_error then
      return 0;
    end clean_number;
    with input(ATTRIBUTE_8) as (
      select '-32232.3764' from dual union all
      select '234283.878' from dual union all
      select 'YES' from dual union all
      select 'NO' from dual union all
      select '1e4' from dual
    select attribute_8, clean_number(attribute_8) high_amount from input;
    -32232.3764 -32232.3764
    234283.878 234283.878
    YES 0
    NO. 0
    1E4 10000
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    $client = new EloquaRequest ($eloqua_site, $eloqua_user, $eloqua_password, 'https://secure.eloqua.com/API/REST/1.0');

    $accounts = $client-> get ('/ data/accounts? search = * & count = 1000 & page = 1 & depth = complete ');

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    [1] = > stdClass Object


    [type] = > account

    [id] = > 365

    [converted] = > 1372683444

    [depth] = > full

    [description] = >

    [name] = > Verkeer in Waterstaat

    [updatedAt] = > 1372683444

    [Address1] = >

    [address2] = >

    [address3] = >

    [businessPhone] = >

    [City] = >

    [country] = >

    [fieldValues can only be] = > Array



    [PostalCode] = >

    [province] = >


    There are more number of fields available under 'Accounts' that which is visible here. All custom fields not is also not recovered, unknown reason!

    Your help is very appreciated to resolve this matter as soon as possible.

    Using version 2.0 of the rest what API should return all the field values:

    GET /Api/rest/2.0/data/accounts?depth=complete&count=1000

  • Data clean on a numeric value in the text field

    Hello team,

    There is a field called 'turnover' in our Eloqua instance. It is a text field, but contains mostly numeric values synchronized in the same field of SFDC. The SFDC field is numeric.

    I am trying to write a program of standardization of data that uses the "Annual sales" value to update another field, "standardized annual income", with the value appropriate for example Strip $0 to $5 M, $5 - $10 M, $10 / $20 M...

    I created a rule to update that search values:

    • between 1 and 5000000 "turnover" and updates the "standardized annual income" field of $0 à $5 M
    • between 5000001 and 100000 in the "Annual income" and updates the "standardized annual income" field $5-$10 M
    • and so on...

    However when I test it I get the correct value in 'annual standardized income. " I also tried using filters to make contacts with the "annual income" values between 0 and 5000000 but I get all kinds of values outside this range.

    Can someone tell me where I'm wrong? Is it because the data type of the field 'Turnover' is the text rather than digital? I guess I could create a new numeric field for "Annual income", write values existing in this area and change the SFDC integration but I would avoid it if possible. If anyone has any bright ideas, I'd love to hear them.

    Thank you


    For anyone interested, I got the answer from the Support. As it is established as a text field that eloqua is trying to make an alphabetical "between" rather than a digital "between". As it is not possible to change the data type of a field, I need to create a new digital field, export the data to the existing field (as well as email address) and upload again to the new field.

  • Extract only 2nd value


    I want to extract only 2nd value of col2 that holds the values of semicolons.

    When I try his failure to appear as expected.


    col1 col2

    ------    ----------

    A cod; MOD; KL

    B; DF

    C ss; 6; 7

    D gg

    Expected results:

    col1 col2

    ------          ----------

    A mod

    B               df



    My test:


    a trial in

    (select 'A' col1, col2 "cod;) MOD; KL' Union double all the

    Select 'B ', '; '. df"of the double

    Union of all the

    Select 'C', "ss; 6; 7' of the double

    Union of all the

    Select would be ', 'gg' of the double


    Select col1,

    NULLIF (regexp_substr (NVL(col2,'~'), "[^;]")) +', 1, 1),'~ ') col2

    of the test;

    I get:

    col1 col2

    ------          ----------

    A mod

    B               df

    C               ss

    D               gg

    Any help will be appreciated.

    Thank you


    You can also use regular expressions to get the N-th section, like this


    , '([^;] *)(;|$)'


    N - whole, to 1 or greater




    SUBSTR and INSTR will be faster, however.

  • Find the maximum numeric value to a String

    Hi all

    I want to find the maximum number of the string using PLSQL. How can I do this simply.

    Example string: "D32X1U7".

    And I want to get maximum numeric value is of this string. (7)

    Thank you

    Something like this:

    SQL >

    SQL > with input_data (select ' D32X1U7' double Str).

    2 split_char AS (select substr (str, level 1) c

    input_data 3

    4. connect by level<=>

    5                     )

    6 select max (c)

    7 of split_char

    8 where the regexp_like (c, ' [[: digit :]]');]])

    MAX (C)



    SQL >

  • REGEXP_REPLACE - Exclude ONLY zeros if there is between a character and numeric value [1-9]

    Hi all

    I need your help in providing me the regular expression to exclude zeros only if it sits between the characters and a nonzero numerical value.

    For example:

    PL032 = > PL32

    GDP500 = > GDP500 (should remain is that the zeros are not between a character and not null)

    SOA008 = > SOA8

    GDP000 = > GDP0 (only exception: If that's all the 000 and then convert it 0)

    Thank you for your help in advance.

    Kind regards


    Hi, emeline,

    1000877 wrote:

    Hi all

    I need your help in providing me the regular expression to exclude zeros only if it sits between the characters and a nonzero numerical value.

    For example:

    -ONLINE PL32 PL032

    GDP500-online GDP500 (expected to remain is that the zeros are not between a character and not null)


    GDP000 => GDP0 (only exception: If that's all the 000 and then convert it 0)

    Are characters.  When you say "between characters and numeric value", do you mean "between non-numeric characters and numeric characters?

    If so:



    , « \1\2 »


    \D (with a capital D) means any non-digit character.

    \d (with a small d) means any numeric characters, including 0.  Because regular expressions are greedy by default, "0 + 'match all ' 0' if some other number follows, but leave the last '0' (as you want) then there is not another number immediately after him."

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