Fresh problem fired in bulk

I have table Tab1 has 20 columns
I have table tab2 has 10 columns, I want to you use the insert fired in bulk for tab 1 only the columns selected from tab1 tab2.

l_tab_array TABLE.

OF tab1;

FORALL x in l_tab_array. First... l_tab_array. Last

INSERT INTO tab2 (column1, column2) VALUES l_tab_array (x); -Please tell me how to access the column of the table.


I've tried INSERT INTO tab2 (column1) VALUES (l_tab_array (x) .col1)

10:21:07 47/61 PLS-00436: limitation of the implementation: cannot reference the fields in the table to LINK BULK records
10:21:07 47/61 PLS-00382: expression is of the wrong type
10:21:07 47/61 PL/SQL: ORA-22806: not an object or REF

Please give the Insert with table.


Published by: Mani on February 10, 2011 15:19

Yep - it is a right pain in the older versions of Oracle.
You must be an associative array with column.

Also, check out this article of Adrian Billington about alternatives:

However, it may be that you're abusing collections etc when the best solutions is always a single SQL statement:

Published by: Dom Brooks on February 10, 2011 15:25

Tags: Database

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  • Problem with the bulk loading IOM account to AD

    Hi all

    I'm doing a loading block account for AD in IOM. I followed all the steps in the oracle documentation.

    I entered the user in the format of CSV file data. Data in the example are given below:

    Primary data in the Table:
    TWoods, Tiger, Woods, "' 22 ~ CN = Users, DC = gkidmsolutions, DC = com", B000004, 104 "
    TCruise, Tom, Cruise, "" 22 ~ CN = Users, DC = gkidmsolutions, DC = com ", B000005, 105"
    WSmith, Will, Smith, "' 22 ~ CN = Users, DC = gkidmsolutions, DC = com", B000006, d149e9add00198469b1ebef579911024 "

    Data in the Child Table:
    TWoods, ' 22 ~ CN = users, CN = Users, DC = gkidmsolutions, DC = com ".
    TCruise, ' 22 ~ CN = users, CN = Users, DC = gkidmsolutions, DC = com ".
    WSmith, ' 22 ~ CN = users, CN = Users, DC = gkidmsolutions, DC = com ".

    All of these users are already available in both IOM and AD. I am trying to establish links between these users through loading bulk. I am able to load bulk account using the IOM bulk load utility. After loading bulk accounts, when I go to the tab the user resources, I see a user resource AD for the respective users with the status 'Configured'.

    However, the problem is when I try to update any user information through the process of the object resource AD shape, this not updated for AD. An exception mentioned below can be seen in newspapers. Looks like the loading block creates a map that can be seen from front end, but in fact, he is not pointing the user to the AD. Am I missing something? Help me!

    "Current execution LOCKUNLOCKADADAMUSER
    Target class = com.thortech.xl.integration.ActiveDirectory.tcUtilADTasks
    < 5 April 2012 5:18:54 CEST > < error > < OIMCP. A/d converters > < BEA-000000 > <>=
    < 5 April 2012 5:18:54 CEST > < error > < OIMCP. A/d converters > < BEA-000000 > < com.thortech.xl.integration.ActiveDirectory.tcUtilADTasks: unlockADUser: the user could not unlocked >
    < 5 April 2012 5:18:54 CEST > < error > < OIMCP. A/d converters > < BEA-000000 > < =.
    < 5 April 2012 5:18:54 CEST > < error > < OIMCP. A/d converters > < BEA-000000 > < = start the Stack Trace = >
    < 5 April 2012 5:18:54 CEST > < error > < OIMCP. A/d converters > < BEA-000000 > < com.thortech.xl.integration.ActiveDirectory.tcUtilADTasks: unlockADUser >
    < 5 April 2012 5:18:54 CEST > < error > < OIMCP. A/d converters > < BEA-000000 > < String index out of range:-1 >
    < 5 April 2012 5:18:54 CEST > < error > < OIMCP. A/d converters > < BEA-000000 > < Description: String index out of range:-1 >
    < 5 April 2012 5:18:54 CEST > < error > < OIMCP. A/d converters > < BEA-000000 > < java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range:-1
    at java.lang.String.substring(
    at java.lang.String.substring(
    at com.thortech.xl.integration.ActiveDirectory.tcUtilADTasks.unlockADUser (unknown Source)
    at com.thortech.xl.integration.ActiveDirectory.tcUtilADTasks.lockADorADAMUser (unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0 (Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    to com.thortech.xl.adapterGlue.ScheduleItemEvents.adpADCSLOCK_UNLOCKUSER. LOCKUNLOCKADADAMUSER (adpADCSLOCK_UNLOCKUSER. Java:163)
    at com.thortech.xl.adapterGlue.ScheduleItemEvents.adpADCSLOCK_UNLOCKUSER.implementation(
    at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcDataObj.runEvent(
    at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcScheduleItem.runMilestoneEvent(
    at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcScheduleItem.eventPostInsert(
    at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcDataObj.insert(
    at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcOrderItemInfo.eventPostUpdate(
    at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcDataObj.update(
    at com.thortech.xl.ejb.beansimpl.tcFormInstanceOperationsBean.setProcessFormData(
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    at Thor.API.Operations.tcFormInstanceOperationsIntfEJB.setProcessFormDatax (unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0 (Native Method)
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    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint(
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    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.jee.spi.MethodInvocationVisitorImpl.visit(
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    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.jee.spi.EnvironmentInterceptor.invoke(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.interceptor.ExposeInvocationInterceptor.invoke(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(
    to $Proxy341.setProcessFormDatax (Unknown Source)
    at Thor.API.Operations.tcFormInstanceOperationsIntfEJB_h6wb8n_tcFormInstanceOperationsIntfRemoteImpl.__WL_invoke (unknown Source)
    at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.SessionRemoteMethodInvoker.invoke(
    at Thor.API.Operations.tcFormInstanceOperationsIntfEJB_h6wb8n_tcFormInstanceOperationsIntfRemoteImpl.setProcessFormDatax (unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0 (Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.RemoteBusinessIntfProxy.invoke(
    to $Proxy178.setProcessFormDatax (Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0 (Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(
    to $Proxy337.setProcessFormDatax (Unknown Source)
    at Thor.API.Operations.tcFormInstanceOperationsIntfDelegate.setProcessFormData (unknown Source)
    at com.thortech.xl.webclient.actions.UserDefinedFormAction.editForm(
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0 (Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at org.apache.struts.actions.DispatchAction.dispatchMethod(
    at com.thortech.xl.webclient.actions.tcLookupDispatchAction.execute(
    at com.thortech.xl.webclient.actions.tcActionBase.execute(
    at com.thortech.xl.webclient.actions.tcAction.execute(
    at org.apache.struts.chain.commands.servlet.ExecuteAction.execute(
    at org.apache.struts.chain.commands.AbstractExecuteAction.execute(
    at org.apache.struts.chain.commands.ActionCommandBase.execute(
    at org.apache.commons.chain.impl.ChainBase.execute(
    at org.apache.commons.chain.generic.LookupCommand.execute(
    at org.apache.commons.chain.impl.ChainBase.execute(
    at org.apache.struts.chain.ComposableRequestProcessor.process(
    at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(
    at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doPost(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
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    to weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$ (
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.TailFilter.doFilter(
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    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
    at oracle.iam.platform.auth.web.PwdMgmtNavigationFilter.doFilter(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
    at oracle.iam.platform.auth.web.OIMAuthContextFilter.doFilter(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
    at oracle.dms.servlet.DMSServletFilter.doFilter(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestEventsFilter.doFilter(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
    to weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ ServletInvocationAction.wrapRun (
    to weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ (
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(
    < 5 April 2012 5:18:54 CEST > < error > < OIMCP. A/d converters > < BEA-000000 > < = end of stack memory trace = >
    Target class = com.thortech.xl.integration.ActiveDirectory.tcUtilADTasks
    "# SessionContainer:valueUnbound: expired Session of the name of the event is: Xellerate.Session.

    Looks like a problem with the value of the UD_ADUSER_LOCKED field. Change to retry and value non-zero.

  • Problem with bulk collect

    HII All,
    I am facing a problem with in bulk collect unable to identify where my code is wrong. When I try to run the code below its getting hanged and thus leading to the end of the session. Please help me.

    Here I am providing examples of data.

       (FA_FAC_OS NUMBER(34,14), 
    insert into r_dummy (FA_FAC_OS, FAC_ID, SYSTEM_ID, WRKNG_CPY, CA_ID, FA_PRNT_FAC_ID)
    values (10000.00000000000000, 'FA000001', 1, 'C', 'CA2001/11/0002', '');
    insert into r_dummy (FA_FAC_OS, FAC_ID, SYSTEM_ID, WRKNG_CPY, CA_ID, FA_PRNT_FAC_ID)
    values (500.00000000000000, 'FA000005', 1, 'C', 'CA2001/11/0002', '');
    insert into r_dummy (FA_FAC_OS, FAC_ID, SYSTEM_ID, WRKNG_CPY, CA_ID, FA_PRNT_FAC_ID)
    values (-500.00000000000000, 'FA000008', 1, 'C', 'CA2001/11/0002', '');
    insert into r_dummy (FA_FAC_OS, FAC_ID, SYSTEM_ID, WRKNG_CPY, CA_ID, FA_PRNT_FAC_ID)
    values (600.00000000000000, 'FA000013', 1, 'C', 'CA2001/11/0002', '');
    insert into r_dummy (FA_FAC_OS, FAC_ID, SYSTEM_ID, WRKNG_CPY, CA_ID, FA_PRNT_FAC_ID)
    values (600.00000000000000, 'FA000018', 1, 'C', 'CA2001/11/0002', '');
    insert into r_dummy (FA_FAC_OS, FAC_ID, SYSTEM_ID, WRKNG_CPY, CA_ID, FA_PRNT_FAC_ID)
    values (700.00000000000000, 'FA000020', 1, 'C', 'CA2001/11/0002', '');
    insert into r_dummy (FA_FAC_OS, FAC_ID, SYSTEM_ID, WRKNG_CPY, CA_ID, FA_PRNT_FAC_ID)
    values (1200.00000000000000, 'FA000022', 1, 'C', 'CA2001/11/0002', '');
       (FA_FAC_OS NUMBER(34,14), 
         FAC_ID VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL,
    insert into r_dummy_1 (FA_FAC_OS, FAC_ID, SYSTEM_ID, VER_NUM)
    values (10000.00000000000000, 'FA000001', 1, 3.00);
    insert into r_dummy_1 (FA_FAC_OS, FAC_ID, SYSTEM_ID, VER_NUM)
    values (10000.00000000000000, 'FA000001', 1, 2.00);
    insert into r_dummy_1 (FA_FAC_OS, FAC_ID, SYSTEM_ID, VER_NUM)
    values (10000.00000000000000, 'FA000001', 1, 1.00);
    insert into r_dummy_1 (FA_FAC_OS, FAC_ID, SYSTEM_ID, VER_NUM)
    values (500.00000000000000, 'FA000005', 1, 3.00);
    insert into r_dummy_1 (FA_FAC_OS, FAC_ID, SYSTEM_ID, VER_NUM)
    values (500.00000000000000, 'FA000005', 1, 2.00);
    insert into r_dummy_1 (FA_FAC_OS, FAC_ID, SYSTEM_ID, VER_NUM)
    values (500.00000000000000, 'FA000005', 1, 1.00);
    insert into r_dummy_1 (FA_FAC_OS, FAC_ID, SYSTEM_ID, VER_NUM)
    values (-500.00000000000000, 'FA000008', 1, 3.00);
    insert into r_dummy_1 (FA_FAC_OS, FAC_ID, SYSTEM_ID, VER_NUM)
    values (-500.00000000000000, 'FA000008', 1, 2.00);
    And my block of pl sql
    Set serveroutput on;
              vPkgCaId          r_dummy.ca_id%type          := 'CA2001/11/0002';
              vPkgSystemId     r_dummy.system_id%type     := 1;
              vPkgWrkFlg          r_dummy.WRKNG_CPY%type     :=  'C';
              type t_type is object
                                       v_FA_FAC_OS     r_dummy.FA_FAC_OS%type,
                                       v_FAC_ID     r_dummy.FAC_ID%type,
                                       v_SYSTEM_ID     r_dummy.SYSTEM_ID%type,
                                       v_ver_num     r_dummy_1.ver_num%type
              type t_col_tbl is table of t_type index by binary_integer;
              l_col_tbl     t_col_tbl;
              --fac_id,system_id,ver_num is composite primary key for CP_CA_FAC_VER
                        SELECT     fac.FA_FAC_OS,fac.FAC_ID,fac.SYSTEM_ID,ver.ver_num
                        bulk collect into l_col_tbl
                        FROM     r_dummy fac,r_dummy_1 ver
                        WHERE     fac.fac_id = ver.fac_id
                        and fac.system_id = ver.system_id
                        and fac.CA_ID = vPkgCaId
                        AND fac.SYSTEM_ID = vPkgSystemId
                        AND fac.WRKNG_CPY = vPkgWrkFlg
                        START WITH fac.CA_ID = vPkgCaId
                                  AND fac.SYSTEM_ID = vPkgSystemId
                                  AND fac.WRKNG_CPY = vPkgWrkFlg AND fac.FA_PRNT_FAC_ID IS NULL
                        CONNECT BY PRIOR fac.FAC_ID = fac.FA_PRNT_FAC_ID
                                  AND fac.SYSTEM_ID = vPkgSystemId
                                  AND fac.WRKNG_CPY = vPkgWrkFlg;
              forall i in 1..l_col_tbl.count
                   update     r_dummy_1 ver
                   set          ver.FA_FAC_OS           = l_col_tbl(i).v_FA_FAC_OS
                   where     fac_id                    = l_col_tbl(i).v_FAC_ID
                             and system_id          = l_col_tbl(i).v_system_id
                             and ver_num               = l_col_tbl(i).v_ver_num
    Please help me. I was able to do to help collect cursor instead in bulk, but think that bulk collect will result in better performance. Please suggest if my code needs no changes.


    I'd rather do it right SQL which is much faster that COLLECT in BULK

     UPDATE r_dummy_1 ver
        SET ver.FA_FAC_OS =
              SELECT fa_fac_os
                FROM (
                        SELECT fac.FA_FAC_OS,fac.FAC_ID,fac.SYSTEM_ID,ver.ver_num
                          FROM r_dummy fac,r_dummy_1 ver
                         WHERE fac.fac_id = ver.fac_id
                           and fac.system_id = ver.system_id
                           and fac.CA_ID = vPkgCaId
                           AND fac.SYSTEM_ID = vPkgSystemId
                           AND fac.WRKNG_CPY = vPkgWrkFlg
                         START WITH fac.CA_ID = vPkgCaId
                           AND fac.SYSTEM_ID = vPkgSystemId
                           AND fac.WRKNG_CPY = vPkgWrkFlg
                           AND fac.FA_PRNT_FAC_ID IS NULL
                       CONNECT BY PRIOR fac.FAC_ID = fac.FA_PRNT_FAC_ID
                           AND fac.SYSTEM_ID = vPkgSystemId
                           AND fac.WRKNG_CPY = vPkgWrkFlg
                     ) t
               WHERE t.fac_id = ver.fac_id
                 AND t.system_id = ver.system_id
                 AND t.ver_num = ver.ver_num
              SELECT fa_fac_os
                FROM (
                        SELECT fac.FA_FAC_OS,fac.FAC_ID,fac.SYSTEM_ID,ver.ver_num
                          FROM r_dummy fac,r_dummy_1 ver
                         WHERE fac.fac_id = ver.fac_id
                           and fac.system_id = ver.system_id
                           and fac.CA_ID = vPkgCaId
                           AND fac.SYSTEM_ID = vPkgSystemId
                           AND fac.WRKNG_CPY = vPkgWrkFlg
                         START WITH fac.CA_ID = vPkgCaId
                           AND fac.SYSTEM_ID = vPkgSystemId
                           AND fac.WRKNG_CPY = vPkgWrkFlg
                           AND fac.FA_PRNT_FAC_ID IS NULL
                       CONNECT BY PRIOR fac.FAC_ID = fac.FA_PRNT_FAC_ID
                           AND fac.SYSTEM_ID = vPkgSystemId
                           AND fac.WRKNG_CPY = vPkgWrkFlg
                     ) t
               WHERE t.fac_id = ver.fac_id
                 AND t.system_id = ver.system_id
                 AND t.ver_num = ver.ver_num
  • Bulk collect fresh limit clause


    There is little theoretical question about bulk collect.
    Have searched a lot of books but could not get the right solution.
    How do we calculate the value optimized for the fired limit bulk clause?

    -Say we have 10 million records... What should be the optimized value of limit?
    -We have 100 million documents... What should be the optimized value of limit?

    My code woks strangely... I was wondering what would be the limit?

    Value optimized in the Limit clause is equal tohow amount of memory you can afford to consume in the PGA and then adjust the limit to be as close to that amount as possible.
    Use of the below block to check that limit what value would be the most appropriate for your system, since it depends of your allocation of memory and CPU consumption.

       PROCEDURE fetch_all_rows (limit_in IN PLS_INTEGER)
          CURSOR source_cur
             SELECT *
               FROM all_source;
          TYPE source_aat IS TABLE OF source_cur%ROWTYPE
             INDEX BY PLS_INTEGER;
          l_source   source_aat;
          l_start    PLS_INTEGER;
          l_end      PLS_INTEGER;
          show_pga_memory (limit_in || ' - BEFORE');
          l_start := DBMS_UTILITY.get_cpu_time;
          OPEN source_cur;
             FETCH source_cur
             BULK COLLECT INTO l_source LIMIT limit_in;
             EXIT WHEN l_source.COUNT = 0;
          END LOOP;
          CLOSE source_cur;
          l_end := DBMS_UTILITY.get_cpu_time;
          DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (   'Elapsed CPU time for limit of '
                                || limit_in
                                || ' = '
                                || TO_CHAR (l_end - l_start)
          show_pga_memory (limit_in || ' - AFTER');
       END fetch_all_rows;
       fetch_all_rows (1);
       fetch_all_rows (5);
       fetch_all_rows (25);
       fetch_all_rows (50);
       fetch_all_rows (75);
       fetch_all_rows (100);
       fetch_all_rows (1000);
       fetch_all_rows (10000);
       fetch_all_rows (100000);
  • Pavilion g6-2002au: USB driver update failed

    I did a periodic update of the system on the laptop drivers.  The last time, I remember it was almost 2 years ago.  And this time I encountered problems.

    This topic follows my request on this thread about SafeMode start/restore after a driver update failed:

    And as I said it I begam making one an update to pinpoint what caused the original problem with the bulk update.  After 7 by an updated driver, I found the (or, at least) a cause of the problem.  The following image, 2 PCI to USB host drivers caused an error message from windows after the update.

    There are 6 USB drivers linked to this very old/aged list and clear terms the number of items of equipment installed on the laptop.  See this screen shot of the Device Manager list:

    Drivers USB 6 update, I have taken these 2 items to be updated first because 1) they seemed to be the oldest (replacements were dated in 2010), and 2) if I understand technology, these bits connect the processor to host chip and the actual hub bus.

    I chose just these 2 PCI-drivers for update (unchecked the selection for all other boxes in the recall list) and proceeded.  When the installation has ended a windows message box reported an error of windows to one of the devices (one, not declared or referenced by a number).  Considering that the originals had worked for years without apparent problems, I started a process of restoration.  It worked, and restored 'very old' pilots work again without any error boxes, while the most recent have not.

    This is a screenshot of the restored Details of driver (work), which seem to be the original objects from Microsoft for XP3. Vista and windows 7

    Any ideas why this (the driver update failure) happens?



    There is no update from HP, the prograns you are using is not supported by HP.

  • Anyone know how to get the mouse pointer visible on the extended screen?

    Well, I finally managed to work on a way to project my w4 iconia on my TV.  So grateful to a number of people in the community for me that far, but every step seems to bring his own fresh problem to enter.  so a few questions:

    1. anyone who manages to get the iconia w4 to duplicate rather than extend?

    2 - does anyone know how I can control the expanded view - I have a mouse plugged into my iconia so that I can flip through the window I want to show it on the extended screen but the mouse pointer does not appear as visible on the display (TV) extended although it does not work but the shooting blind is very frustrating - okay, if I watch a movie as soon as it runs on the extended screen it does not much you must handle but assuming I want to just browse the internet and project that onto the extended screen, so it's a big problem.

    My apologies if these are stupid questions, I'm not very technically savvy.


    This seems odd. I always change an extra-large pointer and traces of mouse long but have never had a problem with the HDMI screens like that.

    What is the brand and model of your TV please? Maybe someone can duplicate.

  • Windows 7 Enterprise - laptop Dell - SSD - starting Windows slow step - takes 80 seconds


    Faced with this fresh problem for a few days now, reading many topics, try lots of things without success.

    Get the new Dell Latitude E5470 - Intel Core i5 6300U - 8 GB RAM - HDD: Samsung PM 871 m2 2280 256GB SSD

    Latest drivers + BIOS + FW from dell/intel Web sites

    Deploying image wim company universal Win7 enterprise.

    On this laptop "starting Windows" step means exactly 60 seconds. Until you get the screen to login after 70-80 seconds.

    Deploy the same image on desktop: Optiplex 3040 the same operation takes 30-40 seconds (8 GB RAM - SSD).

    This is the largest part of the information/tent:

    • BIOS: start legacy Mode
    • SATA from the BIOS: AHCI Mode
    • Windows performance monitor to show me that the smss.exe process takes 65seconds
      > Here is the file:
      > Here's my detailed Perf Windows Analyzer: 300MB zip / 3GB uncompressed:
    • Diagnosis-Performance event log - event 100 gives me
      BootSmssInitTime: 65552 (ms)
    • Start in safe mode is very fast (30 seconds)
    • Start in normal mode, turn off non-Microsoft services, disable the startup application always spend 60 sec on the stage of "Starting Windows".
    • SSD trim is enabled
    • fsutil: C: not defined as dirty
    • pagefile.sys static 2 GB (8 GB) auto resizing
    • hybernation (powercfg-h off) mode
    • turn off system protection / shadow copy stuff
    • remove unused hidden devices
    • removal + compensation McAfee VSE (soft + agent)
    • Run CCleaner (registry + file compensation)
    • question appear that BitLocker is enabled or not
    • no other USB devices connected (issue appear when the USB mouse is connected or not)
    • active prefetch (even if disabled)
    • sfc/scannow not found something wrong
    • CHKDSK found some difficulty entries but does not solve the delay
    • HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager > (MULTI_SZ) BootExecute = autocheck autochk *.
      > same issue even if deleted
    • Power strategy: Mode of Performance


    I suspect that you would get a more complete answer on the Technet site, which is for IT's Pro.  This site is for consumers, and it is the level of skills more common here.

    This issue is beyond the scope of this site (for consumers) and to be sure, you get the best (and fastest) reply, we have to ask either on Technet (for IT Pro) or MSDN (for developers)

    If you give us a link to the new thread we can point to some resources it
  • Select all the elements in VARRAY

    I am being selected in a table where all IDS are in a VARRAY I populated. I searched online and on the forums and cannot find an answer. Help is greatly appreciated.


    SELECT ID in BULK COLLECT INTO p_ID_1 FROM tbl_name WHERE contained_by = p_ID;
    v_id_1: = v_id_1();

    I'm IN p_id_1.first... p_id_1.Last LOOP
    v_id_1.extend ();
    v_id_1 (v_id_1.Last): = p_id_1 (i);

    -so far, my VARRAY is filled very well here's where I have a problem:

    SELECT the BULK COLLECT INTO p_id_2 FROM table_name_2 WHERE contained_by IN v_naid_1 ID (1);

    Everything works fine when I run the query. The problem is I want the query to select where the contained_by (all ELEMENTS in varray). Not only the first. How can I do this? I do "FIRST" thought "FINALLY" somehow? I can't list all the elements because there may be thousands.

    Thank you!

    jihuyao wrote:

    (not tested)

    And will not pass the test. First number uses the COUNT method in SQL:

    SQL> declare
      2      v_deptno sys.OdciNumberList := sys.OdciNumberList(10,20);
      3      v_empno sys.OdciNumberList;
      4  begin
      5      select empno
      6        bulk collect
      7        into v_empno
      8        from emp
      9        where deptno in (select v_deptno(level) from dual connect by level < v_deptno.count);
     10      for i in 1..v_empno.count loop
     11        dbms_output.put_line(v_empno(i));
     12      end loop;
     13  end;
     14  /
          where deptno in (select v_deptno(level) from dual connect by level < v_deptno.count);
    ERROR at line 9:
    ORA-06550: line 9, column 76:
    PL/SQL: ORA-00904: "V_DEPTNO"."COUNT": invalid identifier
    ORA-06550: line 5, column 5:
    PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored

    This one is easy to fix. But while you'll get:

    SQL> declare
      2      v_deptno sys.OdciNumberList := sys.OdciNumberList(10,20);
      3      v_empno sys.OdciNumberList;
      4      v_cnt number;
      5  begin
      6      v_cnt := v_deptno.count;
      7      select empno
      8        bulk collect
      9        into v_empno
     10        from emp
     11        where deptno in (select v_deptno(level) from dual connect by level < v_cnt);
     12      for i in 1..v_empno.count loop
     13        dbms_output.put_line(v_empno(i));
     14      end loop;
     15  end;
     16  /
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06532: Subscript outside of limit
    ORA-06512: at line 7

    Why? The binding occurs before execution. Mandatory if v_deptno (level) will try to assess the level BEFORE the time of execution and therefore level is not set. Currently (this may change in the next version) before executing Oracle treats level 0, then you could try level + 1. This will not throw an error, but you will get incorrect results:

    SQL> declare
      2      v_deptno sys.OdciNumberList := sys.OdciNumberList(10,20);
      3      v_empno sys.OdciNumberList;
      4      v_cnt number;
      5  begin
      6      v_cnt := v_deptno.count;
      7      select empno
      8        bulk collect
      9        into v_empno
     10        from emp
     11        where deptno in (select v_deptno(level + 1) from dual connect by level < v_cnt);
     12      for i in 1..v_empno.count loop
     13        dbms_output.put_line(v_empno(i));
     14      end loop;
     15  end;
     16  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    As you can see everything we returned is deptno = 10 employees. Why? Because it does not an affair occurs just before the execution, but is also a TIME. That is why the subquery:

    Select v_deptno from dual connect by level (level + 1)<>

    produces two rows with the same value of v_deptno (0 + 1).

    Hope you got the image.


  • Problems with programs that seek to reinstall vista-fresh start

    Hi, I have big problems with vista next to some of my prgrams that worked in the past have stopped working together, I tried to uninstall and reinstal them. I tried to perform a system restore, and it does not work so I can't do a system restore. Ideally I am looking for reinstall fresh vista but the problem lies in the fact that I have no instalation disk, it has not been provided with my computer and now out of warranty. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    The information below should help you:

    Vista recovery media obtain and/or use the Partition Recovery Vista on your computer to the factory settings .

    There is no Vista free download legal available.

    Contact your computer manufacturer and ask them to send a recovery disk/s Vista set.

    Normally, they do this for a cost of $ small.


    In addition, ask them if you have a recovery Partition on your computer/laptop to restore it to factory settings.

    See if a manual provided with the computer or go to the manufacturer's website, email or you can call for information on how to make a recovery.

    Normally, you have to press F10 or F11 at startup to start the recovery process...

    Another way I've seen on some models is press F8 and go to a list of startup options, and launch a recovery of standards of plant with it, by selecting the repair option.


    Also ask them if it is possible to do the recovery disk/s for the recovery Partition in case of a system Crash or hard drive failure.

    They will tell you how to do this.

    Every computer manufacturer has their own way of making recovery disk/s.


    Or borrow a good Microsoft Vista DVD (not Dell, HP, etc).
    A good Vista DVD contains all versions of Vista.
    The product key determines which version of Vista is installed.

    There are 2 disks of Vista: one for 32-bit operating system, and one for 64-bit operating system.

    If install a cleaning is required with a good DVD of Vista (not HP, Dell recovery disks):

    Go to your Bios/Setup, or the Boot Menu at startup and change the Boot order to make the DVD/CD drive 1st in the boot order, then reboot with the disk in the drive.

    At the startup/power on you should see at the bottom of the screen either F2 or DELETE, go to Setup/Bios or F12 for the Boot Menu

    MS advice on the conduct of clean install.

    A tutorial on the use of a clean install

    Super Guide Windows Vista Installation

    After installation > go to the website of the manufacturer of your computer/notebook > drivers and downloads Section > key in your model number > get latest Vista drivers for it > download/install them.

    Save all data, because it will be lost during a clean installation.

    See you soon.

    Mick Murphy - Microsoft partner

  • Problems with the news in bulk Api v2.0

    I recently started using the new bulk Api 2 in order to synchronize the activities of return. However, I came across a couple of major problems with some of the returned data.

    Referencing the docs:

    1. The bounceback, subscribe and unsubscribe activities do not allow a ContactId field to use, while doing other activities. This information must be available, as you can get it from the api REST and Insight reporting. The EmailSend type allows more contact IDs, but it lacks documentation.
    2. Do return the activities of bounceback hard rebounds, not soft. Why? There are also no information that describes the reason for the bounce back for example. "mailbox unavailable" (that you fall into the other api)
    3. There is a serious bug in the information coming back from bouncebacks. Instead of the e-mail address of the recipient, I get the sender e-mail address ([email protected]) on some issues. This effectively makes it unnecessary because without the right email address or id of contact, there is no way, this goes back to original recipient.

    I'm hoping someone will be able to give an overview of these issues. Any help would be with recognition has.

    Thank you

    James Franklin


    TJ fields-Oracle

    Hi James,

    Regarding your questions about activities:

    (1) you are right that ContactId is not currently available to be included in these activities.  We are working on obtaining of their added in a later version.  Email address is available on these activities and can be used to link the activity to a specific contact.

    (2) currently only hard bounces are included.  We are working on adding soft bounces and the reason code in a future release.

    (3) it has not been reported previously, thanks for sharing.

  • I'm using Photoshop CS4 on an iMac with OS Lepord of snow.  Recently, I had to do a fresh install of the OS software, then brought back all my Apps, etc. back using Time Machine.  My problem is that now my Photoshop does not start and gives me a messa

    I'm using Photoshop CS4 on an iMac with OS Lepord of snow.  Recently, I had to do a fresh install of the OS software, then brought back all my Apps, etc. back using Time Machine.  My problem is that now, my Photoshop does not start and gives me a message to contact Technical Support with error # 150:30... What should I do now? @

    You must click on this link 150:30 blue and start with message 11.

    Don't forget to leave a space after sudo python before submitting the script.

    Remember that you will not see your password when you enter it when calling to make.

  • We have a problem with a freshly installed with CC 2014 and Acrobat Pro DC - Mac whenever we click on the output preview tool, Acrobat Pro DC instantly crashes. It occurs without worrying that press ready PDF we open. Help, please!

    We have a problem with a freshly installed with CC 2014 and Acrobat Pro DC - Mac whenever we click on the output preview tool, Acrobat Pro DC instantly crashes. It occurs without worrying that press ready PDF we open. I tried to delete the folder/Library/Application Support / Adobe, but without success. the App said CC DC Pro Acrobat is installed, but the uninstall option is grayed out (I thought back to Acrobat Pro XI, but I can't do it yet). We use a local server to send updates of Adobe software, which could be the reason. Ideas accepted with gratitude as to how we can get insight into the output works again!

    Known issue for PDF files that have an output RGB mode.

    Version update of the software that will be released next month with the fix.


  • Bulk insert fired through forall

    Hi all

    in the following statement:
    cursor C is select id,PEOPLE_ID from CN_ITEMS;
    type T_A is table of cn_items%rowtype;
    V_A T_A;
    open c;
     fetch c bulk collect into v_a;
    forall  I in V_A.first..V_A.last  
                     values (CN_TAX_S.NEXTVAL, sysdate,10.5,,v_a.people_id(i));
      exit when c%notfound;
    end loop;
    I get the message:
    ORA-06550: line 13, column 2:
    PLS-00394: wrong number of values in the INTO list of a FETCH statement
    ORA-06550: line 13, column 2:
    PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    ORA-06550: line 20, column 61:
    PLS-00302: component 'ID' must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 20, column 71:
    PLS-00302: component 'PEOPLE_ID' must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 20, column 71:
    PLS-00302: component 'PEOPLE_ID' must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 20, column 67:
    PL/SQL: ORA-00904: "V_A"."PEOPLE_ID": invalid identifier
    ORA-06550: line 19, column 5:
    PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    06550. 00000 -  "line %s, column %s:\n%s"
    *Cause:    Usually a PL/SQL compilation error.
    Any ideas how to use in this situation FORALL? If I select all values in a table and then I use FORALL to insert them into another table with the same columns are ok, but here I want to just use the values to get insert them into 2 columns in another table.

    Version: 11g

    Thanks in advance,

    Any ideas how to use in this situation FORALL? If I select all values in a table and then I use FORALL to insert them into another table with the same columns are ok
    You answered your own question. The solution is exactly what you just said above
    Select all values in a table and then I use FORALL to insert them into another table with the same columns
    The first error you receive

    PLS-00394: wrong number of values in the INTO list of a FETCH statement

    because of this code

    cursor C is select id,PEOPLE_ID from CN_ITEMS;
    type T_A is table of cn_items%rowtype;

    Your T_A variable is based on the CN_ITEMS table, but since you use a slider you should base on the slider

    cursor C is select id,PEOPLE_ID from CN_ITEMS;
    type T_A is table of C%rowtype;

    You are also selection ID but never use it. And you have an EXTERNAL loop, but did not use a LIMIT clause. A straight line in BULK COLLECT collect at a time so there is no purpose for the outer loop. But you should always use a clause limit rather than any which implied.

    So if you must use a collection in bulk (even if your specific should use pure SQL) and to solve your problem change the code for this

    cursor C is select CN_TAX_S.NEXTVAL, sysdate, 10.5,PEOPLE_ID from CN_ITEMS;
    type T_A is table of C%rowtype;

    In other words, just build a line that will correspond to your target table. Then, you can use the FORALL to insert the entire line to the time (note the LIMIT clause)

     fetch c bulk collect into v_a LIMIT 1000;
    forall  I in V_A.first..V_A.last
                     values (V_A(I));
      exit when c%notfound;
    end loop;
  • Problems with the LIMIT in BULK FETCH clause

    Oracle 9i

    I am using this piece of code for insert/update records in a table (replaced by a SELECT INTO in the following example to test). I want to do in pieces since I can't do it at once (this causes an error snapshot too old).

    TYPE typv IS TABLE OF VARCHAR (1000) INDEX directory.

    collpn typv;
    collsi typn;
    collpi typn;
    collaa typn;
    collaay typn;

    SELECT dates period_id d;
    St timestamp;
    number of TMPN;
    TCOL VARCHAR2 (1000);
    St: = sysdate;
    TCOL: = 'a ';
    TMPN: = 0;
    OPEN C;
    FETCH C BULK COLLECT INTO collaay LIMIT 10; -remove the LIMIT clause to avoid the error
    dbms_output.put_line (collaay. (COUNT);
    SELECT collaay (i) from tcol
    WHERE processed_period_id = collaay (i);
    dbms_output.put_line (tmpn |': ' |) TCOL ||': ' ||': ' || SQL % BULK_EXCEPTIONS (i). ERROR_INDEX |': ' | SQL % BULK_EXCEPTIONS (i). ERROR_CODE);
    dbms_output.put_line (sysdate - st);

    Any help would be welcome!

    What line gives error ORA-01403 no data found ?

    Exception WHEN OTHERS might be a problem


    You start looking at exceptions in bulk without knowing what the error was raised. It would be best to check explicitly for ORA-24381 as in This example in the documentation.

    Also to move the OUTPUT WHEN the end of the loop.

  • Fresh installation problem

    Hello everyone

    I have download Yosemite of the store and create flash USB boot with terminal
    and restart (auto recovery mode show) and I format my Macintosh hard drive with disk utility, without problem...

    then I try to install Yosemite form USB...
    but agree after license, mistake to see the system and install is broken!

    I tried towing more time, but not work and same error

    in any case, this time, I buy DVD El Capitan
    but the first loading, installation is freeze and nothing! (the gray apple logo and the loading is 100%)
    I wait for 2 hours but not different!

    After that, I can't access recovery mode

    * (I use the PC keyboard) I try Ctrl - Alt-R - R - R recovery Win + R and other buttons but the screen does not show

    How can solve this problem?

    System without OS cannot access recovery screen?

    can I do flash bootable DVD in another PC?

    Please help me

    Thank you

    Yosemite is not on DVD have you tried El Capitan?

Maybe you are looking for

  • Updated compatibility issues

    I have a Hp Pavilion product g6 # LU897AV Serial # {deleted personal information} with the i3 cpu m370 I am wanting to upgrade for video and photo editing in adobe Cs6, I watched the i7 820 as a replacement. My question is because we're a duo core an

  • Qosmio G20-118: upgrade memory to 2 GB using the Kingston

    Can the expert no longer please tell me if this specification upgrade memory fits on the Qosmio G20 - 118? Kingston memory for dual channel DDR II of motherboards. This package have 2 x DDR2 1024 MB 533 MHz CL4. Thank you

  • Help a fool please ~ deleted partition, lost the hard drive size

    I'll try my best to make this as clear as possible, thank you for your time... Received my free copy of windows 7 home Premium Wanted a clean install (not an upgrade) Back up all the data and the programs that I installed During the installation of w

  • Error connecting to a remote database access violation

    I have the software on my machine (written in-house by a company I work for) to connect to a remote database from home. I have connected several times without problem, but recently I immediately get an error message as follows: "Access violation at a

  • HP Pavilion dv7-3190em problems with volume band and "base system device" in Device Manager

    Hello I just installed Win 7 (64-bit) and my volume control does not work properly. It does not turn the sound up and down, but the blue band is not displayed on the screen. In addition, I seem to have a device or devices for which there is no driver