Funny problem with generating xml looks like table.

I have the following problem:

1.I has table:

2.I need to create an xml looks like:

< "NODE1" >
< "NODE2" >
data column < /de > < >
column < > < en > data
given < sk > column < /sk > sk
< / "NODE2" >
< / "NODE1 >"


3. I create for that to be the next function:

inNode1 VARCHAR2,
inNode2 VARCHAR2)
tmpVar NUMBER;


vColumnList VARCHAR2 (1000);
vXmlStr VARCHAR2 (1000);


If (inDescId is not null) then
SELECT SUBSTR (list) of LENGTH (list) - 1, 1,
IN vColumnList
As a list
Of user_tab_columns

CTX: =.
|| vColumnList
|| "description d where d.desc_id ='".
|| inDescId);

on the other
-yesterday to return null if DESC_ID is null
Returns a null value.

SELECT SUBSTR (list) of LENGTH (list) - 1, 1,
IN vColumnList
FROM (SELECT (LISTAGG ("'"' |))) "ACE" | COLUMN_NAME | ' ,')
As a list
Of user_tab_columns

CTX: =.
|| vColumnList
|| "of the double");

end if;

-DBMS_XMLGEN.setRowSetTag (ctx, inNode1);
DBMS_XMLGEN.setRowTag (ctx, 'NŒUD');

-DBMS_XMLGEN.useLowerCaseTagNames ();

vXmlStr: low = (DBMS_XMLGEN.getxml (ctx));


If (inNode1 is not null and)
inNode2 is not null) then

Select xmlelement (EVALNAME (inNode1),
XmlElement (EVALNAME (inNode2),
Extract (XmlType (vXMLStr), '//node/*')))
in vXml
end if;

If (inNode1 is null and)
inNode2 is not null) then

Select xmlelement (EVALNAME (inNode2),
Extract (XmlType (vXMLStr), '//node/*'))
in vXml
end if;

If (inNode1 is not null and)
inNode2 is null) then

Select xmlelement (EVALNAME (inNode1),
Extract (XmlType (vXMLStr), '//node/*'))
in vXml
end if;


4 Requriments:
If I add the new column to the table Description the XML should include this new column.
Problem is a RESPECT for the CASE, the table tags MUST be LOWER case, and of course without column DESC_ID, BUT the two NODE1 and NODE2 SHOULD be case-sensitive.

5. function whihch I cooked up in my opinion is not fast enough. IS THERE a SOLUTION to make this better? Help, please.

6 DB: Oracle 11 g R2.

Edited by: kozand 2011-06-26 05:06


-DBMS_XMLGEN.useLowerCaseTagNames ();

I don't see in the package specification.

I'm not a big fan of this but you can try the following solutions:

  3   inNode1      varchar2(30) := 'NODE1';
  4   inNode2      varchar2(30) := 'NODE2';
  5   inDescId     number := 1;
  7   colList      varchar2(4000);
  9   xml_data     xmltype;
 10   doc          clob;
 12  BEGIN
 14   SELECT listagg(column_name || ' as "' || lower(column_name) || '"', ',') within group (order by column_name)
 15   INTO colList
 16   FROM user_tab_columns
 17   WHERE table_name = 'DESCRIPTION'
 18   AND column_name != 'DESC_ID';
 20   EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT XMLForest(' || colList || ') FROM description WHERE desc_id = :1'
 21   INTO xml_data
 22   USING inDescId;
 24   SELECT nvl2( inNode1
 25              , XMLElement(evalname(inNode1), xml_data)
 26              , xml_data )
 27   INTO xml_data
 28   FROM (
 29     SELECT nvl2( inNode2
 30                , XMLElement(evalname(inNode2), xml_data)
 31                , xml_data ) as xml_data
 32     FROM dual
 33   );
 35   dbms_output.put_line(xml_data.getclobval());
 37  END;
 38  /

data from column dedata from column endata from column sk

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed

Or a single XQuery:

SQL> show user
User is "dev"

SQL> SELECT XMLSerialize(document
  2    XMLQuery(
  3      'let $data :=
  4         for $i in fn:collection("oradb:/DEV/DESCRIPTION")/ROW
  5         where $i/DESC_ID = $id
  6         return
  7           for $j in $i/child::*
  8           let $node-name := name($j)
  9           where $node-name != "DESC_ID"
 10           return element {fn:lower-case($node-name)} {fn:data($j)}
 11       let $node2 := if ($inNode2) then element {$inNode2} {$data} else ($data)
 12       return if ($inNode1) then element {$inNode1} {$node2} else ($node2)'
 13      passing cast(1 as number) as "id"
 14            , 'NODE1' as "inNode1"
 15            , 'NODE2' as "inNode2"
 16      returning content
 17    )
 18    as clob indent
 19  )
 20  FROM dual
 21  ;


    data from column sk
    data from column de
    data from column en


Tags: Database

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    no < child >? for some reason, CF11 ignores / hides the highest level XML. This does not happen on previous versions. Why? the server that hosts the web service's CF11 too.

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    Your return string should also start with the XML declaration, like this



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    Import mx.collections.XMLListCollection;
    Import mx.collections.Sort;
    Import mx.collections.SortField; import. *;
    private var str:String;
    private var myXML:XML = new XML();

    private void LoadXML (): void {}
    var XML_URL:String = "Vieraskirja.xml";
    var myXMLURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest (XML_URL);
    myXMLURL.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = myXML
    var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader (myXMLURL);
    myLoader.addEventListener ("complete", xmlLoaded);

    private void xmlLoaded(evtObj:Event):void {}
    var loader: URLLoader = URLLoader (;
    myXML = XML (;
    trace (myXML.Elements ('Merkinta'));
    mygrid.dataProvider = myXML.elements ('Merkinta');
    out (evtObj);

    private void SaveXML (): void {}
    var PHP_URL:String = "Vieraskirja.PHP";
    var myPHPURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest (PHP_URL);
    myPHPURL.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
    myPHPURL.contentType = "text/xml" ;// ' application/xml '; = myXML;
    var mySaver:URLLoader = new URLLoader (myPHPURL);
    mySaver.addEventListener ("complete", phpSaved);
    private void phpSaved(evtObj:Event):void {}
    var Watch: URLLoader = URLLoader (;
    Str =;
    private void LisaaUusi (): void {}
    var mychild:XML = < Merkinta >
    Pasi < Nimi > < / Nimi >
    123456789Pasi987654321 < Viesti > < / Viesti >
    Hymio02.gif < Kuva > < / Kuva >
    < Indeksi > 9 < / Indeksi >
    < / Merkinta >
    myXML = myXML.appendChild (mychild);
    trace (myGrid.DataProvider);
    mygrid.dataProvider = myXML.elements ('Merkinta');

    private void sort(event:Event):void {}
    If (!) () mygrid.dataProvider == null)) {}
    var ac:XMLListCollection = XMLListCollection (mygrid.dataProvider);
    trace (AC);
    var sort: sort = new Sort();
    fate. Fields = [New, SortField ("Indeksi", true, true, true)];
    AC.sort = sort;
    AC. Refresh();
    Event.preventDefault ();

    N my php file:

    <? PHP
    $file = fopen ("Vieraskirja.xml", "w +") or die ("could not open XML file");
    $xmlString = $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA;
    If (! fwrite ($file, $xmlString)) {}
    Print "error writing to an XML file.
    print $xmlString. » \n » ;
    fclose ($file);
    ? >

    I just can't understand this

    EDiT: my vieraskirja test. XML looks like this:

    <? XML version = "1.0"? >
    < Vieraskirja >
    < Merkinta >
    Pasi < Nimi > < / Nimi >
    TestiViesti < Viesti > < / Viesti >
    Hymio02.gif < Kuva > < / Kuva >
    < Indeksi > 1 < / Indeksi > < / Merkinta >
    < Merkinta >
    < / Vieraskirja >

    A mistake is in your XML file. You have an additional label to at the end. It should be:


    But your error message looks like there is an error of path to locate your xml file or your PHP file. Make sure that the xml file is in the same directory as your swf file and also the PHP path is correct. When I tried your code on my system, it worked fine once I put the PHP path:
    var PHP_URL:String = "" http://localhost/Vieraskirja.PHP "; "


  • Problem with Connections.xml


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    Here I chose logins only... means I will get all the names of the connections, I created & those who will be included in my file local connection.xml.

    After you set up the rest of the params, I deployed my UI project to "deploy-> adfXXXXXUI.jar '.

    And we used this pot to be integrated into another application UI... And the avilable taskflows in the jar will be used in the other user interface application.

    Now, here's my problem... In fact my connections.xml file has a connection to the URL. This is what it looks like...
    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF - 8"? >
    " < reference xmlns =" " " >
    > < reference name = 'MapServer"className =" oracle.adf.model.connection.url.HttpURLConnection "xmlns =" ">
    > < factory className="oracle.adf.model.connection.url.URLConnectionFactory"/ >
    > < RefAddresses >
    > < XmlRefAddr addrType = "MapServer" >
    > < content >
    > < urlconnection name = 'MapServer' url = ' / mapviewer "/ >
    > < / Summary >
    > < / XmlRefAddr >
    > < / RefAddresses >
    > < / reference >
    > < reference name = "snibuilddb" className = "oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.DatabaseProvider" credentialStoreKey = "snibuilddb" xmlns ="" > "
    > < factory className="oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.DatabaseProviderFactory"/ >
    > < RefAddresses >
    > < Subtype StringRefAddr addrType = "" >
    > < content > oraJDBC < / summary >
    > < / StringRefAddr >
    > < StringRefAddr addrType = "user" >
    > < content > sni_guest < / summary >
    > < / StringRefAddr >
    > < StringRefAddr addrType 'port' = >
    > < content > 3720 < / summary >
    > < / StringRefAddr >
    > < StringRefAddr addrType = "hostname" >
    > < content > uxsys186v < / summary >
    > < / StringRefAddr >
    > < SecureRefAddr addrType = "password" / >
    > < StringRefAddr addrType = "serviceName" >
    > < content > < / summary >
    > < / StringRefAddr >
    > < StringRefAddr addrType = "DeployPassword" >
    > < content > true < / table of contents >
    > < / StringRefAddr >
    > < StringRefAddr addrType = "oraDriverType" >
    > < content > thin < / summary >
    > < / StringRefAddr >
    > < / RefAddresses >
    > < / Reference > <
    / References >
    all taskflows accessible to the general public in my jar using the connection to the URL mentioned above. But the pot of adflibray was created with a file named ' jar - connection.xml', where I see < reference / > as a tag empty.» Because I chose the name of connections only option when creating the adflibrary for my UI.

    This is why it appears so... But when I added this pot to the other application, I slipped and dropped the taskflows as a region on the page JSPX. And I started to run the page. On the page... I see that data which does not make use of MapServer defiition connection. Along with this, some cards needs made... but that does not happen. Rest of the page with the filter criteria is displayed correctly.

    Now, I've selected include the details of connection optionally, by modifying the deployment of the UI adfLibrary & dispatched profile and find the same thing. As, although I specify the connection details include as an option... I didn't know the details of login URL in my jar file - connection.xml. Still, it does not work.

    All taskflows inside the jar are trying to use this connection to jar URL - connection.xml, which is available within the adfLibUI.jar.

    I tried with a scenorio something like... For the application to which I added this adfUILibrary, he himself, I created a URLConnection... but it has not worked as well.

    Asking you to let me know how can I avail of my connection to URL in my jar...

    Thank you and best regards,
    Kiran kristelle

    This could be a known issue. Try this:
    -Copy the file web.xml entries related to the initial project map and put them in the Web.XML of the project where you use the library
    -In the next version of the map should not be used the web.xml file and will use the ADF settings that will properly when the card is used through a library

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    I am facing problem with XML parsin when the node has a HTML content, if the node does not have any html content then it works fine. Similar analysis logic works for Java Standard, but not for the Blackberry API. I have an obligation to remove not HTML content prior to analysis. As that would display in the browser.

                              String xml="" +
                    "<p> Dummy content </p> " +
                    "" +
                              DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
                DocumentBuilder dBuilder;
                Document doc;
                bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes("UTF-8")); 
                dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
                doc = dBuilder.parse(bis);
                NodeList nList = doc.getElementsByTagName("disclaimer");
                Element activeTagElmnt = (Element) nList.item(0);
                NodeList activeTag = activeTagElmnt.getChildNodes(); 
                tagValue=((Node) activeTag.item(0)).getNodeValue();
                              System.out.println(tagValue); //This prints "<" with HTML content. If i remove HTML then "Dummy Content" is printed

    If I need to remove html content, then I would need to reformat the content according to the HTML as the newline to a linebreak.

    Any suggestions would be helpful.

    Thank you


    I feel xml parser was mature enough to handle these characters if sills, you get the error explore CDATA. It might help you.

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    He was not close to 48 hours and I don't have a sitemap for my site yet-

    I get the following error

    XML Parsing Error: not well-formed


    Line number 1, column 1: / * not * /.


    Does anyone have ideas, what the question is here?

    Kind regards


    Hi Callum

    I checked the ticket you submitted BC, the ticket is up now and you will get an update soon.

    There seems to be some problem with sitemap.

    Thank you


  • Having a problem with the addition of dynamic table in Dreamweaver CS6 with MySQL

    Hello, I am new get here. So my question is this:

    I have sccesfully has created a MySQL user table and a register and Login Page and the Page count of the user can update his information etc etc. But my problem is this, I created another table in MySQL, which the user can add his cars (brand, model and year of manufacture) and I've linked this table to the table user with a foreign key using user name as primary key for table use and as a foreign key to the table of cars. My question is how to display the data for each user so that each user will be able to see its records in this table. Every help is appreciated.

    Thank you for your time and help!

    I think it works, simply change to the highlighted

    $colname_CarUsers = "-1";

    If (isset($_SESSION['MM_Username'])) {}

    $colname_CarUsers = [["" UserID""]]; $row_User


    @mysql_select_db ($database_MyCOnnection, $MyCOnnection);

    $query_CarUsers = sprintf ("" SELECT * FROM cars WHERE UserID = %s ORDER BY ASC CarBrand ", GetSQLValueString ($colname_CarUsers,"int")");

    $query_limit_CarUsers = sprintf ("%s LIMIT %d, %d", $query_CarUsers, $startRow_CarUsers, $maxRows_CarUsers);

    $CarUsers = mysql_query ($query_limit_CarUsers, $MyCOnnection) or die (mysql_error ());

    $row_CarUsers = mysql_fetch_assoc ($CarUsers);

  • Problem with the partialTrigger on the Table of the ADF

    JDeveloper Version

    I've reproduced the problem with partialTrigger on the array element. Sample application can be downloaded from here . He needs to run HR schema.
    Underneath the pageFragment sample, I can try refreshing adf table in two ways
    1. turn the addEmployee button id in partialTrigger of the ADFTable component.
    2. set the id of the button addEmployee in the PanelBox component partialTrigger.

    Note the difference - 1st only works no where as 2nd works very well. Do you have additional constraints when updating using the ADF Board
    I have reproduced the usecase in example below:

    Structure of the PageFragment-

    | _ ADF Table
    | facet __toolbar
    | _ addEmployee button

    Code PageFragment

    < af:panelBox text = "PanelBox2" id = "pb1" >
    < f: facet name = "toolbar" >
    < af:commandButton actionListener = "#{bindings.addEmployee.execute}" = "addEmployee2" text "
    Disabled = "#{!}" Bindings.addEmployee.Enabled}"id ="cb1"partialSubmit ="true"/ >
    < / f: facet >
    < af:table value = "#{bindings." Var EmployeesView1.collectionModel}"="row"rows =" #{bindings. " EmployeesView1.rangeSize}.
    emptyText = "#{bindings." EmployeesView1.viewable? "{'No data to display.': 'Access Denied.'}".
    fetchSize = "#{bindings." EmployeesView1.rangeSize}' rowBandingInterval = '0 '.
    selectedRowKeys = ' #{bindings. " EmployeesView1.collectionModel.selectedRow}.
    selectionListener = "#{bindings." RowSelection EmployeesView1.collectionModel.makeCurrent}"="single"id ="t1 ".
    "displayRow ="selected"partialTriggers =": cb1 "styleClass ="AFStretchWidth">
    < af:column sortProperty = "#{bindings."}"sortable ="false ".
    headerText = "#{bindings." EmployeesView1.hints.EmployeeId.label}"id ="c1">
    < af:inputText value = "#{row.bindings.EmployeeId.inputValue} '"
    label = "#{bindings." EmployeesView1.hints.EmployeeId.label}.
    required = "#{bindings." EmployeesView1.hints.EmployeeId.mandatory}.
    columns = "#{bindings." EmployeesView1.hints.EmployeeId.displayWidth}.
    maximumLength = "#{bindings." EmployeesView1.hints.EmployeeId.precision}.
    shortDesc = "#{bindings." EmployeesView1.hints.EmployeeId.tooltip}"id ="it1">
    < f: validator binding="#{row.bindings.EmployeeId.validator}"/ >
    < af:convertNumber groupingUsed = 'false' pattern = ' #{bindings. " EmployeesView1.hints.EmployeeId.format}"/ >
    < / af:inputText >
    < / af:column >
    < af:column sortProperty = "#{bindings."}"sortable ="false ".
    headerText = "#{bindings." EmployeesView1.hints.FirstName.label}"id ="c2">
    < af:inputText value = "#{row.bindings.FirstName.inputValue} '"
    label = "#{bindings." EmployeesView1.hints.FirstName.label}.
    required = "#{bindings." EmployeesView1.hints.FirstName.mandatory}.
    columns = "#{bindings." EmployeesView1.hints.FirstName.displayWidth}.
    maximumLength = "#{bindings." EmployeesView1.hints.FirstName.precision}.
    shortDesc = "#{bindings." EmployeesView1.hints.FirstName.tooltip}"id ="it2">
    < f: validator binding="#{row.bindings.FirstName.validator}"/ >
    < / af:inputText >
    < / af:column >
    < af:column sortProperty = "#{bindings."}"sortable ="false ".
    headerText = "#{bindings." EmployeesView1.hints.LastName.label}"id = 'c3' >
    < af:inputText value = "#{row.bindings.LastName.inputValue} '"
    label = "#{bindings." EmployeesView1.hints.LastName.label}.
    required = "#{bindings." EmployeesView1.hints.LastName.mandatory}.
    columns = "#{bindings." EmployeesView1.hints.LastName.displayWidth}.
    maximumLength = "#{bindings." EmployeesView1.hints.LastName.precision}.
    shortDesc = "#{bindings." EmployeesView1.hints.LastName.tooltip}"id ="it3">
    < f: validator binding="#{row.bindings.LastName.validator}"/ >
    < / af:inputText >
    < / af:column >
    < af:column sortProperty = "#{bindings."}"sortable ="false ".
    headerText = "#{bindings." EmployeesView1.hints.DepartmentId.label}"id ="c11">
    "< af:selectOneChoice value =" #{row.bindings.DepartmentId.inputValue} "label =" #{row.bindings.DepartmentId.label} ".
    required = "#{bindings." EmployeesView1.hints.DepartmentId.mandatory}.
    shortDesc = "#{bindings." EmployeesView1.hints.DepartmentId.tooltip}"id ="soc1">
    < f: selectItems value = "#{row.bindings.DepartmentId.items}" id = "si1" / > "
    < / af:selectOneChoice >
    < / af:column >
    < / af:table >
    < / af:panelBox >

    Thank you


    the reason in my opinion, this has to do with the creation of the employee, who sits on the company and not the iterator that displays the data in the table. Therefore, the iterator must re - query to view the data that you created in silent mode in the background

    Addition of

    employeesViewImpl.executeQuery ();

    to your AppModule Impl class at the end of the creation of the employee solve the problem that you see


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    I'm trying to get a solid pt 2 on the left side of the first green column.  Even though I have selected the entire table and chose to not not for shots of the border, when I apply the 2pt stroke left side, there are white lines at the intersection of each cell in the row.  I am attaching the file and a screenshot (if the screenshots are here - I'm obviously new).  Thank you!

    Application View.jpg

    There is a 1 pt stroke applied to the horizontal. I had terrible luck, myself, with the formatting of the tables, but if you select the cell, and then select only the horizontal lines in the formatting options, you can set them to 0 and they will go far.

  • problem with import XML CALS table

    HII all

    After you import this xml file, any of the styles are getting applied. What is the problem can anyone please suggest me?

    How can I keep the formatting of the array of client access licenses?

    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" standalone = "yes"? >

    " < root xmlns:aid =" "xmlns:aid5 =" " ">

    " < table reference to the line xmlns:aid5 = ' "aid5:tablestyle ="Table Style 1"id ="data-uuid-85c64ce474f44dd29d9a3fa865f904cc"class =" fonts color5 table-b-without personal-tbl-1 "> < legend > < div id ="data-uuid-4298179eea2d4f2d82a32c67b4c9fa0e"class ="enumeration"> table 14.1 < / div > < id p ="data-uuid-d0268f391343450cbab368b1831ff025"class ="caption text-upper case"" > isolating mechanisms < /p > < / legend > < table xmlns:aid = " " "xmlns:aid5 =" " ' > < tgroup cols = "3" > < colspec colname = "col1" align = "left" / > < colspec colname = "col2" align = "left" / > < colspec colname = "col3" align = "left" / > < tbody > .

    < class rank = "sans-bordure" aid5:cellstyle = "Cell Style 1" > < input id = "data-uuid-ede057eb285543d8a4cbc4d3b565d7ff" colspan = "2" = "col1", "col2" = nameend namest > mechanism < / entry > < input aid5:cellstyle = 'Cell Style 1' id = "data-uuid-e016edb506ee49aea209f19478f4d824" > Description < / entry > < / row >

    < row > < entry class = 'coinciding stripe_light' aid5:cellstyle = 'Cell Style 1' id = "data-uuid-506493f60a084106ae6296aff9216574" colspan = "3" = "col1" = "col3" nameend namest > < b aid: cstyle = "Bold" > < i > pre-Zygotic isolating mechanisms < /i > < / b > < / entry > < / row >

    "< class rank ="coinciding stripe_light"> < input aid5:cellstyle = 'Cell Style 1' id = 'data-uuid-8145412fdb39438095a7197ada7f2115' > < id p 'data-uuid-70e60bc9ad3a4ac291fb620caf081d1d' = > geographic isolation < /p > < / entry > < entry aid5:cellstyle = 'Cell Style 1' id ="data-uuid-9ed825cf49c04082a20168440f46201a"class ="top-align"> < img src =".. /.. "/ img/chapter14/joh24218_ta1419a.png" id = "data-uuid-e6a1f66608b04b26b14692423a7e359f" class = "icon" alt = "" / > < / entry > < entry aid5:cellstyle = "cell Style 1" id = 'data-uuid-0f7976f59c5049b9bacc944ad602e341' > < id p 'data-uuid-0e5db85451dd4885a23c605db00311c5' = > species meet in different areas, which are often separated by a physical barrier such as a river or a mountain. "." < /p > < / entry > < / row >

    "< class rank ="coinciding stripe_light"> < input aid5:cellstyle = 'Cell Style 1' id = 'data-uuid-f5f1fc6665c849a6beebebc2dcca0451' > < id p 'data-uuid-2af394a0735e40d9ab4443e73def9cd1' = > ecological isolation < /p > < / entry > < entry aid5:cellstyle = 'Cell Style 1' id ="data-uuid-fcb4f22194854f2fbde9f015ab979afc"class ="top-align"> < img src =".. /.. «/ img/chapter14/joh24218_ta1419b.png "id ="data-uuid-67b213f9d25a4aa9b6c485a29f7adbc5"class ="icon"alt =" "/ > < / entry > < entry aid5:cellstyle =" cell Style 1 "id = 'data-uuid-026ecfe721b3486b8297cb8488a61aa1' > < id p ="data-uuid-ec1a4beee213488db3355a6533414bbd"> species are found in the same area, but they occupy different habitats."» Survival of the hybrids is low because they are not suited to every environment of their parents. < /p > < / entry > < / row >

    "< class rank ="coinciding stripe_light"> < input aid5:cellstyle = 'Cell Style 1' id = 'data-uuid-42178dda8c6a439cb1be19973c9b4aff' > < id p 'data-uuid-1a5d7da421694a03b0be2a377675b365' = > temporal isolation < /p > < / entry > < entry aid5:cellstyle = 'Cell Style 1' id ="data-uuid-8eff236da2844032bb69976f45b64ae1"class ="top-align"> < img src =".. /.. «/ img/chapter14/joh24218_ta1419c.png "id ="data-uuid-e6a36506d48a47bd9534fc4781a94432"class ="icon"alt =" "/ > < / entry > < entry aid5:cellstyle =" cell Style 1 "id = 'data-uuid-5bd683b850434384bb97c205230977fc' > < id p = 'data-uuid-ccff8d5b8bbd46e9a5e70f3eb107dac6' > species breed throughout the seasons or at different times of the day."» < /p > < / entry > < / row >

    "< class rank ="coinciding stripe_light"> < input aid5:cellstyle = 'Cell Style 1' id = 'data-uuid-bcb00d31536b42d58dbc1abeb721dd8d' > < id p 'data-uuid-8086b5add322409b91f267d79c7c74d9' = > behavioral isolation < /p > < / entry > < entry aid5:cellstyle = 'Cell Style 1' id ="data-uuid-0c5a2a11119a47aa96d47e956ba45f52"class ="top-align"> < img src =".. /.. «/ img/chapter14/joh24218_ta1419d.png "id ="data-uuid-c1c60e0a6ecc477389c3a96ccab64552"class ="icon"alt =" "/ > < / entry > < entry aid5:cellstyle =" cell Style 1 "id = 'data-uuid-54254e285d4e44299937d69b1868a1f1' > < id p ="data-uuid-e5274b4e29544b658fe7aaa6d39da9cb"> species differ in their mating rituals."» < /p > < / entry > < / row >

    "< class rank ="coinciding stripe_light"> < input aid5:cellstyle = 'Cell Style 1' id = 'data-uuid-62aa183214524825a376afc55f5490c7' > < id p 'data-uuid-3a10962b672c4fa4b896e6bee387f3cd' = > mechanical insulation < /p > < / entry > < entry aid5:cellstyle = 'Cell Style 1' id ="data-uuid-5c977123e6214b1bb10373e47860bc96"class ="top-align"> < img src =".. /.. "/ img/chapter14/joh24218_ta1419e.png" id = "data-uuid-822bea6dd64d4badb5bca8cdd51343ec" class = "icon" alt = "" / > < / entry > < entry aid5:cellstyle = "cell Style 1" id = "data-uuid-3a48404d0ccf4231b05bacb311a0bfac" > < id p = "data-uuid-f5f1276a7f8341feb43d3d7d26c03f8a" > prevent the structural differences between the mating species. ". < /p > < / entry > < / row >

    "< class rank ="coinciding stripe_light"> < input aid5:cellstyle = 'Cell Style 1' id = 'data-uuid-488c3da229c44bbcbd251f4a192e0c5c' > < id p 'data-uuid-e141a87c287148bc99e9bfb2879865fd' = > prevention from the fusion of gametes < /p > < / entry > < entry aid5:cellstyle = 'Cell Style 1' id ="data-uuid-b08134eaff11491cbdcd00b25adebc73"class ="top-align"> < img src =".. /.. "/ img/chapter14/joh24218_ta1419f.png" id = "data-uuid-e400f7983e7d4d2591fb84f56214034e" class = "icon" alt = "" / > < / entry > < entry aid5:cellstyle = "cell Style 1" id = 'data-uuid-0148f03041554bc880da2f1c994954b0' > < id p 'data-uuid-378da9e575e146348707abba6e4ea619' = > gamete of a species work poorly with the gametes of another species or within the genitalia of another species. ". < /p > < / entry > < / row >

    < class rank = 'coinciding stripe_light' > < input aid5:cellstyle = 'Cell Style 1' id = "data-uuid-d9873c4599f84de9ac19da0fc440b2a8" colspan = "3" = "col1" = "col3" nameend namest > < b aid: cstyle = "Bold" > < i > mechanisms of isolation postzygotique < /i > < / b > < / entry > < / row >

    "< class rank ="coinciding stripe_light"> < input aid5:cellstyle = 'Cell Style 1' id = 'data-uuid-d4aaddfcdd4c4c67b250d0a2cc9153d1' > < id p 'data-uuid-c6e23322167c4313bd6be5acf1de40a3' = > unsustainability of the hybrids or infertility < /p > < / entry > < entry aid5:cellstyle = 'Cell Style 1' id ="data-uuid-f3362efbf437435e99f1632b5c2b7d8e"class ="top-align"> < img src =".. /.. «/ img/chapter14/joh24218_ta1419g.png "id ="data-uuid-e1ab32a551494b97acceb87a68831f60"class ="icon"alt =" "/ > < / entry > < entry aid5:cellstyle =" cell Style 1 "id = 'data-uuid-bdcd5b643e6d42d59255fa3195ee6107' > < id p = 'data-uuid-f1fdfcd406a844bdb00f16de9a81b270' > hybrid embryos do not develop properly, hybrid adults do not survive in the wild, or hybrid adults are infertile or have reduced fertility."» < /p > < / entry > < / row > < / tbody > < / tgroup > < / table > < / purchase online table > < / root >

    You try to call attributes on a table of client access licenses. As a cal, Indesign tries to draw as a result to the specification of CLIENT access licenses. Do not know a thing about aid attributes: cellstyle.

    So if you want to use these styles in a tahnks tbal of importing xml, you must use a more user-friendly table InDesign XML syntax.

    More details here:



  • I have a problem with the rendering of the table


    I was looking at this problem and I tried with various tricks but it does not work. I have a table with many records, but when I do some operations and filter data, didn't all the lines. The result is there, but the rendering does not work properly and I do not understand how to solve this problem.

    I tried with autoHeighRows, contentDelivery = immediate and disable stretching of the column, but the result is the same. I do not know what else try.

    Can someone help me?

    Thanks in advance.

    There are only has only two links in the last column so no need to set its width to 208

    Change the width to 100 and check again

    In fact the problem is that your table is filled with the column width that's why scrolling is not displayed, you will need to provide a few more space (other than columns) table

    Set property of columnStretching of af: final table and the width of the last column to 100

    This should solve your problem


  • Problem with large XML files over HTTP segmented analysis

    I am trying to isolate a bug introduced when the JRE in Java 7u51 use 7u71 without changing the codes. The problem seems to be very similar to: Bug ID: JDK-8027359 XML parser returns incorrect results of analysis.

    Further investigation showed that it was also introduced in the same versions (7u71) where this patch has been applied. Unlike this bug, my XML is marked as version 1.0. He also seems to be with only large XML, the order of 10 MB files or more.

    Is the closest I've been able to reduce it down to the code uses JAXB to disrupt a flow which tells me that the debugger is an / The exception I get is not consistent, but usually appears from pieces are replaced or mixed, with result the letters appearing in the attributes that are actually numbers, or like the following, where an attribute "testAttribute" gets partially crushed by the end of a timestamp that was in another section of the XML file.

    - with linked exception:
    [ ParseError at [row,col]:[1,98748]
    Message: Attribute name "testAttribu00Z" associated with an element type "testElement" must be followed by the ' = ' character.]
      at com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.unmarshaller.UnmarshallerImpl.handleStreamException(
      at com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.unmarshaller.UnmarshallerImpl.unmarshal0(
      at com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.unmarshaller.UnmarshallerImpl.unmarshal(
    Caused by: ParseError at [row,col]:[1,98748]
    Message: Attribute name "testAttribu00Z" associated with an element type "testElement" must be followed by the ' = ' character.
      at com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.unmarshaller.StAXStreamConnector.bridge(
      at com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.unmarshaller.UnmarshallerImpl.unmarshal0(
      ... 6 more

    A code here which seems to reproduce if you can connect to an XML server that returns a large segmented XML file:

      SchemeRegistry registry = new SchemeRegistry();
                    new Scheme("http", 80, PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory()));
      HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient(new BasicClientConnectionManager(registry));
      String url = "http://someUrlReturningAlargeChunkedXML";
      HttpGet method = new HttpGet(url);
      HttpResponse response = client.execute(method);
      InputStream inputStream = response.getEntity().getContent();
      XMLStreamReader responseReader = factory.createXMLStreamReader(inputStream);
      JAXBElement<JaxBObjectOfResponse> wot = unmarshaller.unmarshal(responseReader, JaxBObjectOfResponse.class);

    There is no error if you connect using URL.openStream () to the same service. If I read bytes directly and write to a file, there is no error. The error occurs only when I try to disrupt it is great and I use Java 7u71 (or later). It can be constantly repeated with the jsp webapp I use, but did not show the error when I used the same code with a Wikipedia dump XML file.

    How can I unmarshal differently to avoid this problem? Or, how can I best isolate the bug so it can be sent to the appropriate bugs system?

    Seems to be related to this bug, which will be fixed in 7u80 and others (in April?).

    Tests with the final version in early 7u80 showed it fixed my related question.

  • Problem with comparison column multi Nested Tables


    I am facing a problem while comparing two collections using operator of type MULTISET. Below I pasted code examples referring to the Employees table in the HR schema.
    program works very well, if it's a single column if I declare that, tab type is table of varchar2 (n);

    Example code:
    --create type base_type as object (id number,name varchar2(10));
    --create type type_tab is table of base_type;
    v type_tab :=type_tab();
    v2 type_tab :=type_tab();
    v3 type_tab :=type_tab();
    v1 number;
    select base_type(employee_id,last_name) bulk collect into v from employees where employee_id in (100,101,102);
    select base_type(employee_id,last_name) bulk collect into v2 from employees where employee_id in (100,101);
    v3:= v MULTISET EXCEPT v2;
    ERROR on line 10:
    ORA-06550: line 10, column 6:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in the call to 'MULTISET_EXCEPT_ALL '.
    ORA-06550: line 10, column 1:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored

    Could you please address the issue and guide me how to solve this problem.
    Thank you.

    Why would you use collections like this in the first place?

    When the data is the engine of SQL, then use the SQL engine to to deal with - not PL/SQL. And no - nested tables have no place in a good, working, flexible, high-performance and scalable relational design in Oracle.

    To do this, use the multiset SQL function - example

    .. your plsql code..
        v MULTISET EXCEPT v2 into  v3
      from dual;
  • Problems with the sorting of a table with drop-down text cells

    I have 2 subjects (among a number of topics), and each section has a table.

    I followed Mr Grainge help to sort a table without an arrow and in heading 1, it does not work as expected. When I generate my WebHelp I can click on any one of my columns will sort the data. I can see the little black arrow head and black arrow head.

    I know absolutely nothing about HTML and basically followed the instructions for help and got to work.

    The second is a little different in that has 3 columns and rows about 375. The second column contains cells with the drop down text (but not all) as some have yet to be converted.

    The questions are:

    (1) a column will sort once only. So if I click on column 1, the head of black arrow appears. Subsequently, no amount of click will change the State of the data. I can sort the data on any of the 2 remaining columns, but I can never switch between ascendants and descendants of sequence on the same column.

    (2) in Design view, I see all the data in each cell. After that I generated my WebHelp, some of the cells that contain drop-down text fields are missing. Some are, and some are not. Those who are there, work perfectly when I click on the text and the text of the menu drop-down appears. Each drop-down text field has a bookmark.

    ((3) continuous on 2) above, if I use the combination of keys ctrl-w in design, some of the cells that contain text to menu drop-down are missing (probably all those lacking in the Webhelp) and oddly, some of the borders of the cells (I used light blue) are missing. However, they are there in the WebHelp. A sample is attached.

    Get my second table to work as I had hoped would be fantastic and worthwhile so far. However, I'm not quite there yet and need your help and suggestions.

    Please see the last item in the list under the Notes. I suspect this is the problem.

    See for creating tips and RoboHelp

    Follow me @petergrainge

  • &amp; lt; MX:HTTPService &amp; gt; problem with SSRS XML URL

    I use flex to create a dashboard application form, a Microsoft Reporting Service. The problem is that the URL to generate the xml file contains rs: Command = Render & rs: Format = xml. I get an error using the URL in the < mx:HTTPService > tags. «The reference to entity "rs: Command" must end with the separator «;»» »

    How do you get around this issue.


    var params: Object = new Object();
    params ["rs: Command '] = 'show ';
    params ["rs: Format '] = 'xml ';

Maybe you are looking for