Guide the fool to create graphics?


I'm new to LabVIEW (using v8.5.1) and have a question about plotting a graph on the front panel.

I have a vertical slider that has an applied basic formula. It's all in a while loop. How can I draw out of the scabbard (once the formula is applied) against time on a graph on the front panel.

A graph of the waveform will not let me connect to the output of the formula (automatically show it as a cut wire), and if I use a waveform table I just get a horizontal line with the x-axis increases quickly. If I move this line moves to the top and to the bottom of the y-axis. The time on the x-axis value seems to go up to 10 ^ 6 very quickly when you use the graphical waveform block...

Any suggestions on how I can do this, while the graphic display, say, 100 seconds of data that updates in real time the cursor is changed? I tried locking of the scale of the x-axis, but it doesn't matter.

Thanks for the help :-)

How often are you writing to the cursor/chart? If it's in a while loop with no wait function, then you update several thousands per second. The table has a size of default buffer of 1024 points. Once you have reached this number, the old data are ignored. In addition, the default delta t of the x-axis is 1, so you must change the dt parameter to match the rate of loop in order to accurately represent the hour.

How many times do you really need to update the slider? To view the 100 seconds of data, you would set the size of the buffer at least equal to 100 * samples/s. So, if you had an expectation of 100 ms in the loop, it means that 10 samples per second * 100 to a buffer size of 1000. The default setting would be sufficient. Set the sampling rate of 10 milliseconds and you need a buffer of 10,000 points. To change the buffer size, right-click on the chart and select "Chart History Length". To make sure the x axis reflects your actual sampling frequency, you can right click, select scale X > properties > Sacles and change the value of the multiplier. You can also programmatically. Look at the example of navigation called real time graph.

PS, It's not a good idea to have a while loop without some sort of waiting. Spinning constantly loop will be used a lot of time cpu windows and prevent you to interact effectively with the controls on the front panel.

Tags: NI Software

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    Thanks in advance.


    Here's a quick and dirty implementation. It has not been completely tested and there are probably a lot of things to improve:

    package test;
    import javafx.beans.InvalidationListener;
    import javafx.collections.FXCollections;
    import javafx.collections.ListChangeListener.Change;
    import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
    import javafx.css.PseudoClass;
    import javafx.geometry.HPos;
    import javafx.geometry.Insets;
    import javafx.geometry.Orientation;
    import javafx.geometry.Side;
    import javafx.geometry.VPos;
    import javafx.scene.Group;
    import javafx.scene.chart.NumberAxis;
    import javafx.scene.chart.ValueAxis;
    import javafx.scene.control.Tooltip;
    import javafx.scene.layout.Region;
    import javafx.scene.text.Text;
    import javafx.scene.text.TextFlow;
    * Quick and dirty implementation of a bullet chart.
    * @author Fabrice Bouyé
    public class BulletGraph extends Region {
        private static final PseudoClass VERTICAL_PSEUDO_CLASS = PseudoClass.getPseudoClass("vertical"); // NOI18N.
        private static final String USER_AGENT_STYLE_SHEET = "BulletChart.css"; // NOI18N.
        private final NumberAxis axis = new NumberAxis(0d, 100d, 25d);
        private final Region performanceMeasureMarker = new Region();
        private final Region comparativeMeasureMarker = new Region();
        private final Group quantitativeScaleGroup = new Group();
        protected final Region plotArea = new Region() {
            protected void layoutChildren() {
        private final Text titleLabel = new Text();
        private final Text descriptionLabel = new Text();
        private final TextFlow titleFlow = new TextFlow(titleLabel, new Text("\n"), descriptionLabel); // NOI18N.
        private final Tooltip performanceMeasureTip = new Tooltip();
        private final Tooltip comparativeMeasureTip = new Tooltip();
        * Creates a new instance.
        public BulletGraph() {
            setId("bulletChart"); // NOI18N.
            getStyleClass().add("bullet-chart"); // NOI18N.
            setMinSize(USE_PREF_SIZE, USE_PREF_SIZE);
            performanceMeasureMarker.getStyleClass().add("performance-measure-marker"); // NOI18N.
            Tooltip.install(performanceMeasureMarker, performanceMeasureTip);
            comparativeMeasureMarker.getStyleClass().add("comparative-measure-marker"); // NOI18N.
            Tooltip.install(comparativeMeasureMarker, comparativeMeasureTip);
            plotArea.getStyleClass().add("plot-area"); // NOI18N.
            titleFlow.getStyleClass().add("title-flow"); // NOI18N.
            titleLabel.getStyleClass().add("title"); // NOI18N.
            descriptionLabel.getStyleClass().add("description"); // NOI18N.
            getQuantitativeScale().addListener((Change change) -> {
        public String getUserAgentStylesheet() {
            return getClass().getResource(USER_AGENT_STYLE_SHEET).toExternalForm();
        * Called when values are invalidated.
    Call for a relayout. */ private final InvalidationListener layoutRequestListener = observable -> prepareForLayout(); private void resetQuantitativeShapes() { // Clear old shapes. quantitativeScaleGroup.getChildren().clear(); // Create new ones. IntStream.range(0, quantitativeScale.size()) .forEach(index -> { Region region = new Region(); final String style = String.format("quantitative-scale%d", index + 1); // NOI18N. region.getStyleClass().add(style); quantitativeScaleGroup.getChildren().add(region); }); } private void prepareForLayout() { final Orientation orientation = getOrientation(); final boolean isVertical = orientation == Orientation.VERTICAL; pseudoClassStateChanged(VERTICAL_PSEUDO_CLASS, isVertical); axis.setSide(isVertical ? Side.LEFT : Side.BOTTOM); if (!maxWidthProperty().isBound()) { setMaxWidth(isVertical ? USE_PREF_SIZE : Double.MAX_VALUE); } if (!maxHeightProperty().isBound()) { setMaxHeight(isVertical ? Double.MAX_VALUE : USE_PREF_SIZE); } requestLayout(); } @Override protected void layoutChildren() { super.layoutChildren(); final double width = getWidth(); final double height = getHeight(); final Insets insets = getInsets(); final double areaX = insets.getLeft(); final double areaY = insets.getTop(); final double areaW = Math.max(0, width - (insets.getLeft() + insets.getRight())); final double areaH = Math.max(0, height - (insets.getTop() + insets.getBottom())); layoutChartChildren(areaX, areaY, areaW, areaH); } /** * Layout chart in given area. * @param areaX Area's X coordinate. * @param areaY Area's Y coordinate. * @param areaW Area's width. * @param areaH Area's height. */ protected void layoutChartChildren(double areaX, double areaY, double areaW, double areaH) { final Orientation orientation = getOrientation(); final double titleAxisGap = Math.max(0, getTitleAxisGap()); switch (orientation) { case VERTICAL: { final double titleW = Math.min(areaW, titleFlow.getWidth()); final double titleH = titleFlow.prefHeight(titleW); final double titleY = areaY; final double axisX = areaX; final double axisY = titleY + titleH + titleAxisGap; final double axisW = axis.getWidth(); final double axisH = areaH - axisY; layoutInArea(axis, axisX, axisY, axisW, axisH, 0, HPos.LEFT, VPos.TOP); final double plotChildrenX = axisX + axisW; final double plotChildrenY = axisY; final double plotChildrenW = areaW - axisW; final double plotChildrenH = axisH; layoutInArea(plotArea, plotChildrenX, plotChildrenY, plotChildrenW, plotChildrenH, 0, HPos.LEFT, VPos.TOP); final double titleX = plotChildrenX + (plotChildrenW - titleW) / 2; layoutInArea(titleFlow, titleX, titleY, titleW, titleH, 0, HPos.LEFT, VPos.TOP); } break; case HORIZONTAL: default: { final double titleW = Math.min(areaW / 2, titleFlow.getWidth()); final double titleH = titleFlow.prefHeight(titleW); final double titleX = areaX; final double titleY = areaY + (areaH - titleH) / 2; layoutInArea(titleFlow, titleX, titleY, titleW, titleH, 0, HPos.LEFT, VPos.TOP); final double axisX = titleX + titleW + titleAxisGap; final double axisW = areaW - axisX; final double axisH = axis.getHeight(); final double axisY = areaY + areaH - axisH; layoutInArea(axis, axisX, axisY, axisW, axisH, 0, HPos.LEFT, VPos.TOP); final double plotChildrenX = axisX; final double plotChildrenY = areaY; final double plotChildrenW = axisW; final double plotChildrenH = areaH - axisH; layoutInArea(plotArea, plotChildrenX, plotChildrenY, plotChildrenW, plotChildrenH, 0, HPos.LEFT, VPos.TOP); } } layoutPlotChildren(); } /** * Layout plot children in plot area. */ protected void layoutPlotChildren() { final Orientation orientation = getOrientation(); final double width = plotArea.getWidth(); final double height = plotArea.getHeight(); final double lowerBound = axis.getLowerBound(); final double upperBound = axis.getUpperBound(); final double performanceMeasure = getPerformanceMeasure(); final double comparativeMeasure = getComparativeMeasure(); switch (orientation) { case VERTICAL: { IntStream.range(0, quantitativeScale.size()) .forEach(index -> { final Region region = (Region) quantitativeScaleGroup.getChildren().get(index); double stop = quantitativeScale.get(index); double previousStop = (index == 0) ? 0 : quantitativeScale.get(index - 1); double w = width; double h = height * (stop - previousStop); double x = 0; double y = height - height * stop; region.relocate(x, y); region.setMinSize(w, h); // layoutInArea(region, x, y, w, h, 0, HPos.LEFT, VPos.TOP); }); double performanceW = performanceMeasureMarker.getWidth(); double performanceH = height * (performanceMeasure - lowerBound) / (upperBound - lowerBound); double performanceX = (width - performanceW) / 2; double performanceY = height - performanceH; layoutInArea(performanceMeasureMarker, performanceX, performanceY, performanceW, performanceH, 0, HPos.LEFT, VPos.TOP); double comparativeW = comparativeMeasureMarker.getWidth(); double comparativeH = comparativeMeasureMarker.getHeight(); double comparativeX = (width - comparativeW) / 2; double comparativeY = height - height * (comparativeMeasure - lowerBound) / (upperBound - lowerBound) - comparativeH / 2; layoutInArea(comparativeMeasureMarker, comparativeX, comparativeY, comparativeW, comparativeH, 0, HPos.LEFT, VPos.TOP); } break; case HORIZONTAL: default: { IntStream.range(0, quantitativeScale.size()) .forEach(index -> { final Region region = (Region) quantitativeScaleGroup.getChildren().get(index); double stop = quantitativeScale.get(index); double previousStop = (index == 0) ? 0 : quantitativeScale.get(index - 1); double w = width * (stop - previousStop); double h = height; double x = width * previousStop; double y = 0; region.relocate(x, y); region.setMinSize(w, h); // layoutInArea(region, x, y, w, h, 0, HPos.LEFT, VPos.TOP); }); double performanceW = width * (performanceMeasure - lowerBound) / (upperBound - lowerBound); double performanceH = performanceMeasureMarker.getHeight(); double performanceX = 0; double performanceY = (height - performanceH) / 2; layoutInArea(performanceMeasureMarker, performanceX, performanceY, performanceW, performanceH, 0, HPos.LEFT, VPos.TOP); double comparativeW = comparativeMeasureMarker.getWidth(); double comparativeH = comparativeMeasureMarker.getHeight(); double comparativeX = width * (comparativeMeasure - lowerBound) / (upperBound - lowerBound) - comparativeW / 2; double comparativeY = (height - comparativeH) / 2; layoutInArea(comparativeMeasureMarker, comparativeX, comparativeY, comparativeW, comparativeH, 0, HPos.LEFT, VPos.TOP); } } } public ValueAxis getAxis() { return axis; } private final DoubleProperty comparativeMeasure = new SimpleDoubleProperty(this, "comparativeMeasure", 0); // NOI18N. public final double getComparativeMeasure() { return comparativeMeasure.get(); } public final void setComparativeMeasure(double value) { comparativeMeasure.set(value); } public final DoubleProperty comparativeMeasureProperty() { return comparativeMeasure; } private final DoubleProperty performanceMeasure = new SimpleDoubleProperty(this, "performanceMeasure", 0); // NOI18N. public final double getPerformanceMeasure() { return performanceMeasure.get(); } public final void setPerformanceMeasure(double value) { performanceMeasure.set(value); } public final DoubleProperty performanceMeasureProperty() { return performanceMeasure; } private final ReadOnlyObjectWrapper orientation = new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<>(this, "orientation", Orientation.HORIZONTAL); // NOI18N. public final Orientation getOrientation() { return orientation.get(); } public final void setOrientation(Orientation value) { Orientation v = (value == null) ? Orientation.HORIZONTAL : value; orientation.set(v); } public final ReadOnlyObjectProperty orientationProperty() { return orientation.getReadOnlyProperty(); } private final StringProperty title = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "title", null); // NOI18N. public final String getTitle() { return title.get(); } public final void setTitle(String value) { title.set(value); } public final StringProperty titleProperty() { return title; } private final StringProperty description = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "description", null); // NOI18N. public final String getDescription() { return description.get(); } public final void setDescription(String value) { description.set(value); } public final StringProperty descriptionProperty() { return description; } private final DoubleProperty titleAxisGap = new SimpleDoubleProperty(this, "titleAxisGap", 6); // NOI18N. public final double getTitleAxisGap() { return titleAxisGap.get(); } public final void setTitleAxisGap(double value) { titleAxisGap.set(value); } public final DoubleProperty titleAxisGapProperty() { return titleAxisGap; } private final ReadOnlyListWrapper quantitativeScale = new ReadOnlyListWrapper<>(this, "quantitativeScale", FXCollections.observableArrayList(0.75, 0.90, 1.0)); // NOI18N. public final ObservableList getQuantitativeScale() { return quantitativeScale.get(); } public final ReadOnlyListProperty quantitativeScaleProperty() { return quantitativeScale.getReadOnlyProperty(); } }

    The default CSS (place it in the same package as the control):

    .bullet-chart {
        /*-fx-border-color: red;*/
        -fx-pref-width: 250px;
        -fx-pref-height: 60px;
        -fx-padding: 3px 8px 3px 3px;
    .bullet-chart:vertical {
        -fx-pref-width: 80px;
        -fx-pre-height: 250px;
        -fx-padding: 3px 10px 6px 3px;
    .bullet-chart .title-flow {
        /*-fx-border-color: purple;*/
        -fx-text-alignment: right;
    .bullet-chart:vertical .title-flow {
        -fx-text-alignment: center;
    .bullet-chart .title {
        -fx-font-weight: bold;
    .bullet-chart .description {
        -fx-font-size: 0.85em;
    .bullet-chart .axis {
        /*-fx-border-color: green;*/
    .bullet-chart .plot-area {
        /*-fx-border-color: blue;*/
        -quantitative-color: darkgray;
    .bullet-chart .quantitative-scale1 {
        -fx-background-color: -quantitative-color;
    .bullet-chart .quantitative-scale2 {
        -fx-background-color: derive(-quantitative-color, 30%);
    .bullet-chart .quantitative-scale3 {
        -fx-background-color: derive(-quantitative-color, 66%);
    .bullet-chart .performance-measure-marker {
        -fx-background-color: black;
        -fx-padding: 5px 0px 5px 0px;
    .bullet-chart:vertical .performance-measure-marker {
        -fx-padding: 0px 5px 0px 5px;
    .bullet-chart .comparative-measure-marker {
        -fx-background-color: black;
        -fx-padding: 10px 1.5px 10px 1.5px;
    .bullet-chart:vertical .comparative-measure-marker {
        -fx-padding: 1.5px 10px 1.5px 10px;

    The test application:

    package test;
    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.geometry.Orientation;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.control.SplitPane;
    import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    * Test program.
    * @author Fabrice Bouyé
    public class Main extends Application {
        public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
            final BulletGraph bulletChart1 = new BulletGraph();
            bulletChart1.setTitle("Example 1");
            final BulletGraph bulletChart2 = new BulletGraph();
            bulletChart2.setTitle("Example 2");
            final SplitPane root = new SplitPane();
            root.getItems().add(new StackPane(bulletChart1));
            root.getItems().add(new StackPane(bulletChart2));
            final Scene scene = new Scene(root, 600, 600);
            primaryStage.setTitle("Test Bullet Graph");
        * Program entry point.
        * @param args the command line arguments
        public static void main(String[] args) {
  • View seeks to create graphic animations in the videos, the FCPX is capable?

    Hello useful community! A two-part question.

    I'm just getting started on the video production and have some needs in mind. I hope you can let me know if FCPX can do that hopefully, if there is an obvious solution, I am missing, or some of you approach use.

    I'll be doing a few videos of interview style and will have several camera angles, with that I need to work. So if I understand correctly to work with iMovie, I'll have a main video timeline and then 'cut' in and out secondary structures for the other angles. But I must have a logo sitting in the corner as well. Is there still enough chronologies to cut in different camera angles while having a timeline showing the stationary chart? iMovie does not you have only your primary and another calendar cut in and out, but I hope that FCPX has the ability to overlay 2 more than at a time? Or maybe I'm going about this the wrong way need?

    The second part is linked, I want to be the logo/text animation because it is (as a brief introduction). Not throughout the entire video or something extremely complex, but to animate shapes and text sliding in such that the name of the speaker, the name of show graphics, etc... And I'm hoping to create my own custom animations, not the familiar "motions of text" located in iMovie. I feel like the examples I found online that all look like they have animations the same model and I hope for much more creative in this area occasionally, if that makes sense. In its most simple example I guess, the design and animation capabilities/techniques you can do in Keynote for graphics/text that can be market timed, fades, slides, etc.

    Is FCPX the right program to incorporate more complex forms of text animations as well? Or is it the work of another software?

    I hope that makes sense. Any help is appreciated, thanks!


    TYou can have an unlimited number of video layers.

    Yes, you can make custom animations. For more complex animations, you use Motion.

  • Create graphics using multi-channel for measures and another single channel for the datetime type.

    Hello world

    I'm using Labview and DIAdem to create graphical reports and I use screws of connectivity and not the Express VI.

    The data is stored in a data base MySQL Inno.

    I use the following command to get the data I want to show the graphic report!

    SQL_ExecDirect (' select 'TimeStamp', 'Value' by 'TableX' where and taste =' %s and channel =' %s; "" ")

    And then I use:

    SQL_BindChannel ("Datetime1C1", "TimeStamp", "t", "#yyyy - mm - dd hh") to bind the data to the X axis of the graph.

    And after that, I use:

    SQL_BindChannel("SampleN","Value","n") to bind the data to the axis of the graph Y.

    I want to create the chart with more than a sample, I use the commands above on a loop.

    Now here's a printscreen of my problem.

    In the first iteration (green line), DateTime1C1 has the timestamp for sample1 but in the second portion (yellow line) DateTime1C1 has the timestamp for sample2, the third iteration (blue line) DateTime1C1 timestamp for sample3. etc.

    The time stamp of origin for each sample are 'lost' he re-wrote datetime1C1. and in the end, it shows only the timestamp for the 5th iteraction.

    How can I create a single graph with several lines (samples) and datetime an axe?

    THX in advance

    Hi AlexandreHSCas,

    If I understand your situation, the only thing you need to change is to create a new group in the DataPortal before each request.

    FOR i = 1 TO iMax
    NewGroupName = "application" & I
    Call GroupCreate (NewGroupName)
    Call GroupDefaultSet (GroupCount)
    Call SQL_ExecDirect ("select 'TimeStamp', 'Value' from ' TableX" including Sample =' %s and channel =' %s;) ")
    Call SQL_BindChannel (NewGroupName & "/ Datetime1C1", "TimeStamp", "t", "#yyyy - mm - dd hh")
    Call SQL_BindChannel (NewGroupName & "/ SampleN", "Value", "n")

    Then you can simply drag each group from the data on the same graph XY-portal, because each group has its own time warp, data points will be displayed correctly placed on the common X axis of the graph.

    Brad Turpin

    Tiara Product Support Engineer
    National Instruments

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    I need to update the screenshots for a new version of an existing iTunes Connect App asks me to download a new version. Since I did not create the original version, can you guide me how to create a new version with the new version number?

    You must call the assistance of the company and ask them to help you with this. You can find contact information by logging on and looking at the Middle at the bottom of the page.


  • can u guide me through the steps of creating user

    can u guide me through the steps of creating user


    For users to create and give certain permissions to them, please follow the steps mentioned below:

    1 > connect to Administration and open the RPD in online mode.
    2 > click on manage---> security
    3 > it will show a window which displays users, groups, etc.
    4 > select user.
    5 > on the side right window right click and select new user.
    6 > a window will appear where you must type the user name, the description, and the password, and then click ok
    7 > your user name is created. Now save the RPD.
    8 > connection to presentation Services with the user you just created. This will create the user in your presentation.
    9 > now logg off and connect with the administrator user.
    10 > now go into the settings---> Administration---> interactive dashboards to manage and give the permissions you want.

  • How to create graphics with the constructor syntax

    How you can use the XXXBuilder class to generate graphs? I have this code:
    NumberAxis xa = NumberAxisBuilder.create().lowerBound(0.0).upperBound(10.0).build();
    NumberAxis ya = NumberAxisBuilder.create().lowerBound(-10.0).upperBound(10.0).build();
    ScatterChart<Number, Number> chart = ScatterChartBuilder.create().XAxis(xa).YAxis(ya).build();
    But I get:
    error: the reference to create is ambiguous, the method create() in RegionBuilder and < X, Y > method create() in ScatterChartBuilder match
    ScatterChart < number >, table = ScatterChartBuilder.create (). XAxis (xa). YAxis (ya) infrastructure ();
    where X, Y are variables of type:
    X extends the object declared in the < X, Y > method create()
    It extends the object declared in the < X, Y > method create()

    How can I resolve the ambiguity?

    (it's 1.7.0_06 JDK, JavaFX 2.2.0 - b21)

    Probably a bug in the ChartBuilders or the JDK.

    ScatterChartBuilder.create().build(); // does not work either.

    javac is unable to determine if the create() method of SceneChartBuilder or the create() method of RegionBuilder must be applied.
    The AxisBuilders arising also from RegionBuilder work because they do not identify their own obscure create with generic type information method.

    How can I resolve the ambiguity?

    New ScatterChart ;-)

  • When installing a new operating system isn't automatically wipe the hard disk, create a new partition, and then install the operating system?

    Have a Dell system, caught a virus and it has really messed up the PC. Recently, it got worse so I tried to reinstall the operating system with the Dell disks. It wouldn't work. So I bought for Windows 7 Professional, it will not be installed. My first question when installing a new operating system isn't automatically wipe the hard disk, create a new partition, and then install the operating system? Because this does the same as the Dell disks, is to take what is on the hard drive and put it in a folder called windows old, is not formatting the HD. When I boot the disk, it shows the installation of files then open windows and start the installation. Before he could finish I get an error missing or corrupted files. Tried several times now, windows will still not open. Any suggestions? Once while trying to install the pc crashed with a blue screen which is one of the reasons why I have reinstall the OS, he started to plant a few times. I don't remember all the details on my PC, but its 4 years, triple core coprocessors, ram 8 GB, 500 GB HD. At the same time just after all this started in Jan. I had also improved my 3 GB to 8 GB memory. I bought the Dell memory for my system. Since the crash, could there be a problem with these new memory chips? Last night I tried to disassemble each and reinstalling it, but that doesn't seem to make a difference. Before I tried to reinstall the operating system, the pc was see the concert 8.

    Original title: used to install Windows 7

    Disconnect any other (additional) internal hard drives and external USB devices.
    Look for any loose hard drive power or cables SATA, graphics card or other power cables.

    First run Memtest86 +:
    It runs from a floppy disk or CD and should eliminate or confirm if one or more of your memory
    sticks are bad or the values of the SPD in the BIOS are correct.
    Let it run for as long as you can: 2,4,6,8 or several hours (at least 3 full passes), so no errors at that time then your ram is OK.
    Memtest86 + Guide/How To (use the.) ISO to create a bootable CD)

    Hard drive test:
    If you do not know your readers of the brand and model, try "Speccy",.
    It provides information from the computer/system in detail:
    OS, CPU, RAM, motherboard, graphics, Hard Drive, optical, Audio, peripherals, network.
    Note: Option RAM indicates number of slots, DRAM Timing.
    Works your memory speed (frequency). The nominal frequency of your memory.

    Test your player - create a Bootable CD:
    Ranging from 5 to 25% (depending on the make and model) new hard disks are defective.
    Note: Reliability of the drive hard has come the way down over the last 24 months and improved a bit lately according to manufacturing.

    Test your drive with the car manufacture utility.
    If you have a new hard drive Seagate the very next thing would be to download Seagate Seatools
    (bootable CD) and check bad sectors.
    SeaTools for information:
    SeaTools for Windows download:
    SeaTools for DOS download:

    For Western Digital readers to download the .iso from WdDiag file:

    Samsung Estool:
    Samsung Disk Manager software:

    Hitachi Drive Fitness Test Software:
    Diagnostic tool available for use by customers who believe that having a brand Toshiba Fujitsu hard drive:

    Notice of Fujitsu drive management utility:

    Toshiba CD bootable: (BACK Diagnostic Tool version 7.0 for IDE/ATA/SATA hard disks)

    Also check Home Edition free Partition Wizard option "Test of disc surface":

    J W Stuart:

  • Using the Serial Port on the HP 50 g graphic calculator

    Hello world

    I have another question. I want to use the Serial Port on the HP 50 g to connect with another device. The device is called the MFJ-1214PC. What it does is to accept the text and commands through a 9-pin serial Port and converts the text in a Code Morse/RTTY sound audible. It also decodes Audible the Morse Code and RTTY radio signals and displays them as text on your computer. The program that controls the MFJ-1214PC was originally written for an IBM PC for the MS-DOS operating system. The HP 50 g graphic calculator meets the system requirements for the simplest version of the program. I was wondering if there is an MS-DOS emulator written for the HP 50 g, which would allow the HP 50 g to become the computer in this case, or if the program could be rewritten and brought to the HP 50 g. If it could be rewritten, programming language what do you think would be better suited to this type of application (if it is even possible?) or UserRPL, SystemRPL or Assembly. Don't forget that I'm a complete newbie with the HP50g and have never programmed with it yet. I'll include the manual of the MFJ-1214 PC as an attachment so that you won't have to look for him. Thank you in advance for your help!

    ~ Zekelegge ~.

    I understand (from my brief overview) out of the box-MFJ-1214PC, this offer box decoder output series computer.  The computer (50g in your case) will have the software to read message series and then convert that to an output for display.

    BartDb gave you the right answer.

    A serial cable with the correct speed level and reversing lever to manage as well as the 50G has a RS-232 signal to the outside world is the ideal solution.

    However, make sure that the output of the decoder box series package can be understood by the 50 g. aud, bits, etc.   (you have the set-top box manual, so you'll have to look that up)

    the streamsmart is not an aggregator of serial port.

    in other words, these connectors DIN of Qty 4 on the front do not accept series rs-232 input and send then to 50 G.

    I'm not an expert, streamsmart more info on these boxes is rare to find.  The probes are even more rare.

    However, I know that the 4 connectors are for the analog-to-digital conversion in the probes.  The streamsmart works as a "data logger" in which he sees the input probe, the A/D converted, then sends it to the 50G (or a computer via the USB port).

    In addition to the solution of Bart, there was another named Tiwag forum poster who created a serial cable and displayed a schematic representation of the cable.  This information can be found here:! searchIn/comp.sys.HP48/serial$20port/comp.sys.HP48/ltcane1jSOw/uHyw2Ti03kgJ

    to see an example of programming to use the serial port of 50G, you can reference the following hpcalc GPS data collection program.

    It is written in userrpl so can be crossed with the reference of users advanced for the translation of the syntax.

    It seems that the main routine of concern for the comm to the gps is in the file "GPS >.

  • How to create graphic tabs in front of Panel?

    How to create graphic tabs in front of Panel? How can I use tabbed indicators in the front panel?

    Drop a control tab on the front.

    Move a chart on a tab.  You can add multiple pages of tabs by clicking on the tabs.

  • How to add code affiliated with the Web site created in Muse

    Can someone guide me... . How do I add the code to the Web site created in adobe affiliate marketing muse.


    Place the code in the HTML body (I mean within the page) you can use the object > insert HTML code.

    If you want the code to be in the head section just right click on the page > go to the properties of the page > metadata > and paste the HTML code for the head.

    Kind regards


  • How to mount an image of an xml file in the cell of CC2015 graphics


    I'm having a very difficult time, editing of an image that is imported with XML graph the table cell. Before graphics power cell was fine but now I can't he mounted. The image is imported into the cell, but each image is placed in the same height created the cell (in fact).

    So, I have to mention that the problem is related to the import of xml for classified ads. Therefore, the page layout is not prepared but generated with import. Image in the cell is necessary in this car design solution.

    I don't know I'm missing something... Please, open your eyes.

    Thank you!!!


    Hi Marko,

    Maybe you can avoid the graphics cells, if you place the images in table cells.

    HM, we could try pre-fill a cell text with the content must match a white-space character and after that place the image in the first cell insertion point (as in the former with CC 2014 and before workflow).


  • Why the path I create in Illustrator CC never rest in place?

    Is there a current bug in the tool path in Illustrator CC? I tried grid align, Snap Gird, Guides, snap to Guides, enabled all the Options to turn power on and off. No matter what I try to solve the problem, the way I create will not remain in the position that I place when adding properties. Adding an accident stroke to the path causes the path to awkwardly move in a random direction, mainly down. I won't 6400% zoom with the direct Selection tool and manually move the anchor points back on the guides/grids that I put up and as soon as I let go, the anchor returns to the position of the random pixel. IE - set the anchor of 400px and happen randomly to the 400.5px later. Nothing stays the place. It seems that any adjustment to the path will cause the path move randomly. It's extremely frustrating trying to keep things clean and precise. I spend more time trying to solve the buggy movements than to actually create my work.

    Is there a setting preferably I'm missing that causes this or is this a real bug?


    Just to be sure: is to line up on the grid of pixels completely off?

    Otherwise, you can select the entire document and untick finally align on the pixel grid in the Transform palette and uncheck also align new objects to the pixel grid in the options of the Launcher. It is crucial that the checkbox is disabled completely, not just a - which also count as ticked.

    It may be noted that even align with the pixel grid is cleared with all the selected objects, align new objects to the pixel grid is checked as the creation of new objects will result in these new objects being aligned, even when they are created from existing objects that can happen with Pathfinder operations.

    You can avoid the types of documents with the default (RGB for the web and other) or change the default value for such documents.

    Here is a screenshot of exquisite made per ton in the first post:

  • Where on Earth has the ability to create a simple hyperlink to an external site gone?... If it existed in the first place.

    I give up. Put the handcuffs on me before I knew what a fool concealed the ability to create a hypertext link to an external site in a new set of actions that take twice more time to create in Dreamweaver?

    Instructions are not clear. Tutorials like answers are a total waste of time. This program starts to look worse as Net objects fusion was never.

    Has anyone still worth to write a cheat for Muse sheet? If a program needs a, this is it.


    Please see the video tutorial below

    Is that these tutorials do not carry you try of so please let it us know what exactly you are trying to reach.



  • Automatically add benchmarks to guide the layer

    Hi, is there a way to make guides create automatically enter a guide layer? the main reason for this is that I always forget to highlight the layer of guides the preparation of guides and this is also extra clicking on and I end up with lots of guides clutter up the other layers. And I would have thought that the program could easily deal with it. Otherwise, is there a way to select all of the cues of the way I can all at once?

    See you soon,.


    There might be a better way, but I do when faced with this situation is to scroll way way up (so the work plan and all design objects are well out of the screen, to let appear only the vertical guides), and then select them and move them to a new layer (grouping help). Then do the same for horizontal guides.

    A little kludgy, but it works.

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