Help of ActionScript 3 code?

I am a newbie to flash and do not know simple things. I'd appreciate help please?

I am trying to create an animation simple interpolation with button, the work of animation perfectly.

The problem is that I want as my animated film, play as if there is no action... as a function of loop or a replay button?

There's my AS3 code

Import fl.transitions.Tween;
Fl.transitions.easing import. *;

var tmelX: number = 0;
var coletteX: number =-958.
var lakayX: number =-1916;
offerX var: number =-2874;

var xTween:Tween;
xTween = new Tween(content_mc,"x",Elastic.easeInOut,content_mc.x,coletteX,2,true);

the buttons var: Array = [btn1, btn2, btn3 btn4];

for (var i: int = 0; i < buttons.length; i ++) {}
Buttons [i] .addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, Navigate);

function navigate(event:MouseEvent):void {}
switch ( {}
case (btn2): setTween (coletteX);

If (btn1): setTween (tmelX);

case (btn3): setTween (lakayX);

If (btn4): setTween (offerX);

function setTween(tweenX:Number):void
xTween.begin = content_mc.x;
xTween.finish = tweenX;
xTween.start ();

the time between the automatic renewal is temps_inactivite + timeBetweenRollOvers (= 5 seconds for example)

var idleTime:int = 4000;

time between each buttons overview

var timeBetweenRollOvers:int = 1000;

var t1:Timer = new Timer(idleTime,0);

T1.addEventListener (TimerEvent.Timer, navF);

T1. Start();

var buttonIndex:int;

var t2:Timer = new Timer(timeBetweenRollOvers,4);

T2.addEventListener (TimerEvent.Timer, timerF);

function navF(e:TimerEvent):void {}

buttonIndex = 0;

T2. Start();


function timerF(e:TimerEvent):void {}

buttons [buttonIndex] .dispatchEvent (MouseEvent (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER)) of new;

buttonIndex ++;


this.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mousemoveF);

function mousemoveF(e:MouseEvent):void {}

T2. Reset();

T1. Reset();

T1. Start();


Import fl.transitions.Tween;
Fl.transitions.easing import. *;

var tmelX: number = 0;
var coletteX: number =-958.
var lakayX: number =-1916;
offerX var: number =-2874;

var xTween:Tween;
xTween = new Tween(content_mc,"x",Elastic.easeInOut,content_mc.x,coletteX,2,true);

the buttons var: Array = [btn1, btn2, btn3 btn4];

for (var i: int = 0; i< buttons.length="" ;="">
Buttons [i] .addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, Navigate);

function navigate(event:MouseEvent):void {}
switch ( {}
case (btn2): setTween (coletteX);
If (btn1): setTween (tmelX);
case (btn3): setTween (lakayX);
If (btn4): setTween (offerX);

function setTween(tweenX:Number):void
xTween.begin = content_mc.x;
xTween.finish = tweenX;
xTween.start ();

Tags: Adobe Animate

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    end lib_01;

    create or replace package body lib_01 as

    procedure lib_proc01 (p_user_id in numbers, p_user_name in varchar2) as

    number of v_user_id;

    v_user_name varchar2 (50);

    number of v_avl_books;

    number of v_avl_days;

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    If v_user_name <>p_user_name then

    dbms_output.put_line (' username is not.) Please submit full name ');

    end if;

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    dbms_output.put_line ("' user not found");


    on the other

    validate_issuedbooks (p_issuecount);

    end if;

    If v_issuecount < v_avl_books then


    on the other

    Number of return of late_fee (p_mem_id, p_extradays, p_latefee_total);

    end if;

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    on the other

    dbms_output.put_line ("' book may be issued due to its maximum reached late fees");

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    procedure user_validate (p_id_proof in varchar2, p_id_no out varchar2) is

    v_id_proof varchar2 (20);

    v_id_no varchar2 (20);


    Select user_name, id_proof, id_no, v_user_name, v_id_proof, v_id_no of user_registration where id_proof = p_id_proof;

    If v_id_proof = "Adhar_Card" then

    dbms_output.put_line ('user a valid proof of ID');

    dbms_output.put_line (' and the id no. :'|| is p_id_no).

    on the other

    dbms_output.put_line ('Invalid ID evidence.) Please submit valid proof of ID ');

    end if;


    When no_data_found then

    dbms_output.put_line ('No Data found');

    end user_validate;

    procedure member_validate (p_mem_id series)

    v_mem_flag char (1);

    curr_date date: = sysdate;

    date of v_mem_enddate;


    dbms_output.put_line('Mem_flag:'|| v_mem_flag);

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    on the other

    Select mem_id in the v_mem_id of user_login where user_id = v_user_id;

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    v_mem_id: = p_mem_id;

    Select mem_enddate in the member_login v_mem_enddate where mem_id = v_mem_id;

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    dbms_output.put_line ('Membership has expired' | v_mem_id |' on ' | v_mem_enddate);

    on the other

    dbms_output.put_line ('User a validity again' | v_mem_enddate);

    end if;

    end if;


    When no_data_found then

    dbms_output.put_line ("' no data found");

    while others then

    dbms_output.put_line (' another error.) Please find");

    end member_validate;


    insert into user_registration values ('& first_name ',' & last_name', null, ' & user_type',)

    address_ty ("& bldg_no",

    '& bldg_name',

    '& Street',

    ' & city ",

    '& State',

    '& zip'


    user_phone ',' & user_mail ',' mem_idproof', ' & id_no');

    Dbms_output.put_line ('user is properly registered');


    When no_data_found then

    dbms_output.put_line ("' data not found");

    end reg_proc;


    Dbms_output.put_line (' enter ID or user name ');

    Dbms_output.put_line (' username: ' | p_user_name);

    If v_user_name is null then

    Dbms_output.put_line ('user not found');


    Insert user_login SELECT user_id_seq. NEXTVAL, user_name, NULL, mem_id_seq. NEXTVAL, user_type FROM user_registration WHERE user_name is lower (p_user_name);

    Dbms_output.put_line (' because the user wants to have the membership? ");

    Dbms_output.put_line ('If Yes, please pay dues");

    INSERT INTO member_login SELECT mem_id_seq. CURRVAL, SYSDATE, SYSDATE + avl_days, 500, 'Y' of user_login ul, bl book_loan WHERE ul.mem_type = bl.mem_type AND user_name = p_user_name;

    END IF;


    When no_data_found then

    dbms_output.put_line ("' no data found");

    When too_many_rows then

    dbms_output.put_line (' too many lines).

    END validate_userLogin;

    procedure validate_issuedbooks (p_issuecount series)

    number of v_issuecount;


    Select user_login u, bl book_loan, avl_days, avl_books in v_avl_days, v_avl_books where bl.mem_type = u.mem_type and user_id = p_user_id;

    SELECT count (case when end_date < end return_date then p_mem_id) as invalidcount in v_issuecount from book_count where mem_id = p_mem_id;

    v_issuecount: = p_issuecount;

    dbms_output.put_line (' no. books that the user contains the :'|| p_issuecount);

    end validate_issuedbooks;

    procedure issuebooks is

    procedure book_avl (p_avl_now_flag in p_avl_date Boolean, date) is

    v_avl_now_flag char (1);

    date of v_avl_date;

    procedure reader_bookissue is


    insert into values drive (p_user_id, v_book_id, sysdate, sysdate, null);

    insert into book_count values(p_mem_id,v_book_id,sysdate,sysdate,null);

    Update book_availability set issued_to is "Reader" where book_id = v_book_id;.

    end reader_bookissue;


    Select book_name, b.book_id avl_now_flag v_book_name, v_book_id, v_avl_now_flag of the book b, book_availability b where b.book_id = ba.book_id and ba.book_id = p_book_id;

    If v_avl_now_flag = "Y" then

    dbms_output.put_line ('the book is available for issuance' | v_book_id);

    on the other

    Select mem_type in the v_mem_type of user_login where user_id = (select user_id from book_availability where avl_now_flag = 'n' and book_id = p_book_id);

    If v_mem_type = "Reader" then


    dbms_output.put_line (' the book is with Reader.) Please try tomorrow.') ;

    on the other

    dbms_output.put_line ('the book is member');

    end if;

    Select avl_date in the book_availability v_avl_date where book_id = p_book_id;

    v_avl_date: = p_avl_date;

    dbms_output.put_line (' the available date is: ' | p_avl_date);

    end if;

    end book_avl;


    insert into book_count values(p_mem_id,p_book_id,sysdate,sysdate+v_avl_days,v_return_date);

    Update book_availability set book_id = p_book_id, avl_now_flag = 'n', avl_date is to_date (sysdate + v_avl_days,' dd-mm-yyyy ""), issued_to = v_mem_type, user_id = p_user_id where mem_id = p_mem_id;


    dbms_output.put_line ("' the book published successfully");

    end issuebooks;

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    number of v_extradays;

    number of v_latefee_total;

    number of v_latefee_per_book;

    number of v_latefee_per_day;

    number of v_book_count;


    Select trunc (sysdate) - v_end_date in v_extradays from book_received where mem_id = p_mem_id and book_id = p_book_id;

    p_extradays: = v_extradays;

    v_latefee_per_book: = v_latefee_per_day * v_extradays;

    v_latefee_total: = v_latefee_per_book * v_book_count;

    p_latefee_total: = v_latefee_total;

    dbms_output.put_line ('The total AMT for not returned books' | p_latefee_total);

    end late_fee;

    end lib_01;


    I checked the first 10 lines after the beginning and I could count already several errors.

    Is it an exercise or a real code, you must provide?

    Kind regards.


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    How to install lightroom with the help of a redemption code?


    You can not install lightroom with a redemption code.

    You must use a serial number to install it.

    For the serial number, click on the below mentioned link

    Enter the code of redemption on the link above and you will get the serial number.

    Thank you and best regards,

    Garima SALAUN

  • Help with the enforcement code model

    I need to find a way to apply a pattern that I can't enforce through the specification of the normal template.

    I have a field that must be two numeric characters.  If only a numeric character is entered, then it must be two characters, with the first main character being zero.  So, if you enter 3, then the field becomes 03.

    In addition, none of the non-numeric characters cannot be accepted.  Unfortunately, if I try to specify a model in a numeric field, then it converts all non-numeric characters zeros!  Who does not work for my application.

    The plan I came up with is this: make the field so that it is not wide enough for the characters to width fixed to fit and check the box to limit the length of field to the visible area.  Then enter the code on the output event that will check the characters who had entered one at a time, first the left then the right.  It can examine the ASCII values for these characters to ensure that they represent 0 to 9 digits; This would mean that the ASCII value of each character must be greater than or equal to 48 and less than or equal to 57.  If one of the characters does not pass this test, then the computer will beep (as it does when I try to enter an alphabetic character in a numeric or decimal field, if it is possible to make a beep like that) and the field is cleaned.

    Can someone help me with this code?  I know I have to use javascript instead of formcalc (since there is no function ASCII in formcalc I know), and I don't know javascript, so I'm at a loss.

    Thanks for any help...


    As with most of the code, there are a number of ways to do this. Here is an example that you can add to the event of output of the field in question and make sure that the language is set to JavaScript, or well the code generates an error. I've added comments for you to see what is happening:

    var myRegex = / ^ \d{2}$/; This corresponds to a 2-digit model

    var singleDigits = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]; Table for verification to a single digit

    for (var i = 0; i)< singledigits.length;="" i++){="" loop="" through="" single="" digit="">

    If (this.rawValue == i) {/ / if the value is a number in the table}

    this.rawValue = "0" + i; Add a "0" in front



    If (this.rawValue! = null | this.rawValue! = ") {/ / only if the field contains a value...}

    If (! this.rawValue.match (myRegex)) {/ / and it does not match the model (i.e. 2 digits)}

    this.rawValue = "; Clear the field (this); set the focus on the ground ("error: reason for conflict.") Only 2 digits can be entered in this field. ") ; Enter any message you want here



    This field must be a text field for the '0' to be added to the front, otherwise, if it is a numeric field, the code will try to add the '0' mathematically the number entered and you'll end up with a single digit again.

    Another option is to make the field a comb 2 numbers and then you can delete the second block of code.



  • Help with existing AS2 code to rotate an object

    I have an item I want to turn 3D (letter 'Y'). I have a code I put together and edited it a bit, but right now she turns at the top left because he is anchor. I try to turn it to the 'heart' of the Y (absolute Center), so it is essentially in place.

    My second problem is the speed. Ideally, it should turn very quickly and then slow down and stop. Any thoughts on how to clean either this code to make it work? I'm pretty new, so any help is appreciated. I could try with only a transformation of the form, but I'm trying to see if it can be cleaner with Actionscript. Thank you!

    Here is a link to the CS4 .fla file if that helps.

    scaleDirect = -1;

    DEC2HEX function ()dec ()


    if ( dec > 15 )


    POS1 = hexChars. charAt() ( Math. floor ( dec / 16 ) );

    POS2 = hexChars. charAt() ( dec - ( pos1 * 16 ) );

    } else


    POS1 = 0;

    POS2 = hexChars. charAt() ( dec );


    Hex = pos1 and pos2;

    return hex;


    this. ( onEnterFrame = function()( )


    letterMC. _xscale += scaleDirect * Math. floor (1+ ( 101-Math. ABS() letterMC. _xscale ) )/2 );

    if ( ) letterMC. _xscale < = -100 | letterMC. ( _xscale > = 100 )

    { scaleDirect * = -1;} }


    don't use acceleration in your _xscale property:

    this.onEnterFrame = function()


    letterMC._xscale += scaleDirect;

    If (letterMC._xscale <= -100="" ||="" lettermc._xscale="">= 100)

    {scaleDirect * = - 1 ;}}


  • I need help with actionscript 3, sending information php to my email, Web site created in Flash pro cs5

    Hi, my name is David and I took a course to create my own website of by Paul Trani. After that, I created my first own webste. After that I finished it, everything worked well in flash and firefox. I have one problem or question about the power form back to send information of my website at my emailaddres. I created my website 'LisbonDreamWalking' in Flash pro CS5. I have a contact page, where people can send an e-mail for a walk in Lisbon, the date, the number of people etc. Now I want through my ISP / host, as the entry info fields of text to be sent to my emailaddress [email protected]. My mail URL address iss: This is a free webhost, so they do not work with forms as in the course, and I need some additional Info for php. Here is my HTML (Flash actionscript 3.0) to send, I don't have that red text to fill (php), I was told by the adobe course. I really hope that someone can help me? Thanks in advance!

    Instructions: 1. Add your custom code on a new line after the line that says "/ / Start your code custom" below. The code runs when the user clicks the symbol instance. * / send_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_MouseClickHandler_13);  function fl_MouseClickHandler_13(event:MouseEvent):void {if (thename.text == "": theemail.)} Text == ' | thetime. Text == ' | thepersons. Text == ' | TheMessage. Text == "") {thankyou.text = "Please fill out all fields';      } else {/ / create a container var allVars: URLVariables = new URLVariables();}  = thename.text;  = theemail.text;           allVars.time = thetime.text;           allVars.persons = thepersons.text;           allVars.message = themessage.text;           Send the info to a URL var mailAddress:URLRequest = new URLRequest ("");  = allVars;           mailAddress.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;           sendToURL (mailAddress);            Thankyou. Text = "Thank YOU!"           theName.Text = "";           Theemail. Text = "";           thetime. Text = "";           thepersons. Text = "";           TheMessage. Text = "";      } }


    your code and my code are not the same.  Copy and paste the code that I have proposed.

  • Need help to update the code to be AS3 compatible...

    RTS and programmers in the AS3/Flash community,

    First of all, thanks in advance for any help and advice that you can offer. I'm completely out of my depth here...

    I'm a bit new to Flash. I know enough to get me into trouble, which is pretty much exactly what I did. I am the Department of design together for a small industrial rental company and we just decided to do a series of online ads. I used Flash MX back 3-4 years ago and he knew enough to make simple movies and add actions to buttons, etc so I felt sufficiently comfortable help out by creating these ads.

    Well, to my surprise, when I was doing ads and went to add in some code i was provided by the specifications of the site we do advertising, it is possible to add actions to objects in AS3.

    And this is where I come to you for help, I have no idea how to change this code, which seems to have been written for Flash MX and earlier, to be applied to a button, to work in Flash CS4 / ActionScript 3.

    Here's the code I received:

    on (release) {}

    If (clickTAG.substr (0,5) == ' http: ' | clickTAG.substr (0.6) == ' https: ') {}

    getURL (clickTAG, _blank);



    Based on some fairly basic Googling, I learned enough to create a very simply the button action to visit a URL, but the site we want to advertise on will not use this method.

    I could get help, if this is possible?

    Thanks again for everything understand


    There is no need necessarily modify the code to AS3.  You can simply change your publication settings Flash to use AS2 than AS3 and the code that show you will be able to be used in the way you are familiar.  AS3 has drawn a line in the sand and put an end to the (undesirable) practice to place the code on the objects.

  • Need help understanding domino effect code of different designer

    I hope someone can help me to decrypt this code. I'm a web designer, but I'm working with HTML, PHP, JavaScript, ActionScript not so much. I have a new customer, and they already had a website designed entirely in Flash. Now, they want only some parts of it and the rest in HTML. The problem is that I don't know much about ActionScript and I'm having a hard time finding ways to do what I want.

    See the Web site uses the ripple effect to make images and text as if you were putting your finger in the water - it follows the mouse. So, I want to take 3 small Flash movies off this huge. But when I do, the ripple effect no longer works. Here is the code of the action:

    import flash.display.BitmapData;

    var map1:BitmapData = new BitmapData (900, 600, true, 0xFF0000);

    this.createEmptyMovieClip ("bmp1", 10);
    bmp1.attachBitmap (map1, 0, "auto", true);

    blur of var = new flash.filters.BlurFilter (8,8,5);

    mapPoint var = new flash.geom.Point (0,0);
    var dmfr = new flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilter(map1,mapPoint,1,1,-30,-30,"clamp",0,1);

    this.createEmptyMovieClip ("cont1", 200);
    Cont1._visible = false;

    bmp1.filters = [blur];

    bmp1._visible = false;

    onMouseMove = function()
    var d = cont1.getNextHighestDepth ();
    MC1 var = cont1.attachMovie ("circle", "c" + d, d);
    MC1._x = this ._xmouse;
    MC1._y = this ._ymouse;
    MC1.cacheAsBitmap = true;

    water_effect.onEnterFrame = function()
    Map1.draw (Cont1);
    Map1.draw (bmp1);
    This.filters = [dmfr];

    I know I need to change L2 - 900 for all that width and 600 to whatever the height, but that's all I understand.

    If anyone can help, let me know as soon as POSSIBLE. I don't want you to do a job, just maybe at least point me in the right direction.

    Here are these separate clips:

  • Help with ActionScript

    I was recently done in ActionScript, and I'm over my head. I need help.

    I want to do is to have a series of images that scroll. However, I would also like to have back and arrows according to, so you can change the images manually.

    Here is where I am now:

    I have two movie clips - I want to switch between two images.
    I have two buttons next and back.

    I am able to make the arrows to work, if I go to a certain slice, but if I try to get to go to a specific movie clip name, I get an error.

    Here is the ActionScript code I currently have:

    function nextclip(event:MouseEvent):void
    image1_mc. Play();
    next_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, nextclip);

    I guess I'm not sure I'll even on this the correct way. Is there a way to advance to the next image, without having to specify what is the name of the instance of the image?

    Please help me! I'm quite confused.

    You can keep the images on consecutive images (not the space 10 frames) and simply use nextFrame() and prevFrame() for arrows next and previous. Regarding the second loop 10, you can use a timer. (I'll do my best to explain)

    var: clock = new Timer (10000);
    Creates a new timer under the name of the clock object and sets it to check every 10 seconds (10 000 milliseconds, change at your convenience)

    clock.addEventListener (TimerEvent.TIMER, moveNext)
    Adds a listener to the clock. Ticks of the clock every time, the listener will start the function called moveNext

    Clock.Start ();
    Starts the clock (will be start ringing every milliseconds x (however you define it))

    function moveNext(event:TimerEvent) {}
    If (currentFrames == totalFrames) {}
    If it's the last image > Stop at frame 1
    gotoAndStop (1);
    } else {}
    If this is not the last picture > goto the next image

    Hope this helps ;-)

  • fade out dynamic text only fading. Need help with actionscript

    Hi all

    I hope someone can help me. I have a dynamic text I want to fade and then fade out and then disappear in another bit of copy. My text fades but is not melted, paragraph disappears and then evokes the next paragraph suddenly. All the basic ideas on the code that I have attached here? Let me know if you need more.

    Thanks a lot for your help. I finally found it and done in a much simpler way with much less code. I used symbols that I mentioned in previous posts, following this same actionscript help basis but put my video clips on frame 1, used a stop action and ended up with PlayMC()

  • Need help with the error code 80070424

    I'm not able to update my windows vista. It gives the error code 80070424 and says 'windows can not find updates of nw'. I am not able to change all settings also unsuccessfully. Help, please.


    Please, try the following:

    Click Start > run >
    Type the command of follow-up in the Open box.
    "net.exe stop wuauserv" (without quotes)
    Press Ok

    Repeat the same for the following commands:

    Regsvr32.exe c:\windows\system32\wuapi.dll
    Regsvr32.exe c:\windows\system32\wups.dll
    Regsvr32.exe c:\windows\system32\wuaueng.dll
    Regsvr32.exe c:\windows\system32\dllcache\wucltui.dll
    Regsvr32.exe MSXML3.dll
    Regsvr32.exe qmgr.dll
    Regsvr32.exe qmgrprxy.dll
    NET.exe start wuauserv

    Restart the computer and try again.

  • Need help with the error code Udates Windows 0 x 80070424

    Hi, can someone give me some advice on how to enable Windows Auto Udates back, they seemed to have close the cottages and after trying to use all the options available I knew I am now facing an error code when I try to use the Microsoft Web site myself to get them. He responds just error Code 0 x 80070424. Thanks, any help would be great so if you "ve had this problem before or heard about what's going on could you please send me one. Brad



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    From: Doug

    I get code 80244019 whenever I try to use Windows Update. I tried to change the DWORD in regedit nothing helps... Norton has recently found and 'resolved' trojan.zlob in 128 files in the registry, 21 cases (10 of which were in system32) and 1 browser cache. Whenever I try to use IE to go to I am redirected to

    Any advice or solutions would be welcome.

    From: PA bear [MS MVP]

    Chances are that ZLOB was not completely removed and she was accompanied by infections Vundo and SDBot variant, all protected by a rootkit infection. You are going to need specialized assistance to clean this machine,

    Unexplained computer behavior may be caused by deceptive software

    Run a check of /thorough/ for hijackware, including post your hijackthis on a proper forum log.

    Verification / help with Hijackware


    When all else fails, HijackThis v2.0.2

    ( is the tool to use.

    It will help you to identify and remove any hijackware/spyware with

    assistance of an expert.  * Post your log to

    http://aumha.NET/viewforum.php?f=30,,, or other appropriate review bodies

    by an expert in the field, not here.* *.

    If the procedures look too complex - and there is no shame in admitting

    isn't your cup of tea - take the local machine, good reputation and

    independent computer repair shop (i.e., not BigBoxStoreUSA).


    ~ Robear Dyer (PA Bear)

    Another response of the community of Windows Vista discussion groups

  • Get help continuous update error code 0CX80001FE


    I hope someone can help me. A week ago, I had to uninstall Bitdefender Security and Microsoft Security Essentials in order to download, and the new version of Bitdefender Security 2013. Once I uninstalled them both, I re-installed Microsoft Security Essentials and now had the new version of Bitdefender. Before that, I have not had any problems or questions to everyone, including Microsoft Update. Since then, I can't update Microsoft updates more. I get error code 0CX80001FE. I've been to the Microsoft Support page for this error and did everything he said, but it does not help me update Windows. I also run Microsoft Fix It that opens when I go to this support page. Microsoft Fix It found 2 issues and said "Microsoft Components needs to be repaired". After running Fix It to repair, he tells me that they have been corrected. I restart my computer and you try to run Windows Update again and get the same error code.

    Help, please! I'd be happy.

    PS. I am still using Windows XP.

    Thank you



    Try the steps mentioned in the article>

    'Do not use more than one anti-virus, 2 or more are a sure way to hit trouble'.

    Do you not understand that you have 2 two installed antivirus applications and loading at startup?

    cannot write to the log file = 0xC80001FE

    1. stop the automatic updates service:

    Start > run > services.msc (enter) > [OK]

    Double-click Automatic Updates > click Stop

    (Stopping the service will take a moment)

    2 remove the contents of the download folder:

    Start > run > %windir%\SoftwareDistribution (enter) > [OK]

    Open the download folder and delete its contents

    Close the window.

    3. start the automatic updates service:

    Start > run > services.msc (enter) > [OK]

    Double-click Automatic Updates > click Start

    (Starting the service will take a moment)

    4 test cycle. If no joy, repeat the three steps above, deleting

    %windir%\SoftwareDistribution<=this folder="">

    C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution) manually in step 2 this time.

    5. If still no joy...

    I would recommend that you cut to the chase and...

    Launch a collateral request for assistance free Windows Update:


    UTC/GMT is 18:04 Wednesday, December 12, 2012

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