Help with a layout and which section throw 2044 error.

Hi, guys.

I hope someone has an answer for me. First of all, I can not know what section of my code is to launch the #2044 Error: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. Text = Error #2035: URL not found. I tried to trace the swf, image, and xml, but nothing is returned. Secondly, I can't get my load in swf files, nor can I get my image files to load in (from the xml).

It's already late and I'm pointing out the hard core it's maybe half of my problem. Can anyone help? Please?

import flash.display.Stage;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.StageAlign;
import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.xml.*;
import fl.transitions.*;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;

stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE; // Set stage scale mode
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT; // Set stage alignment
stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, whenStageResize); // Add a stage resize event listener

// Background variables
var interactiveMenuBgSpr:Sprite = new Sprite();
var bgSwitchMenuSpr:Sprite = new Sprite();
var footerBgSpr:Sprite = new Sprite();

// Variables for mp3 controls
var volIcoMC:VolumeIconMC = new VolumeIconMC(); // Volume Icon
var volUpMC:VolumeUpMC = new VolumeUpMC(); // Volume Up
var volDownMC:VolumeDownMC = new VolumeDownMC(); // Volume Down
var artistTxtBGMC:TxtBGMC = new TxtBGMC(); // Artist Textbox Background
var songTxtBGMC:TxtBGMC = new TxtBGMC(); // Song Textbox Background
var prevBtnMC:PreviousBtnMC = new PreviousBtnMC(); // Previous Button
var rewindBtnMC:RewindBtnMC = new RewindBtnMC(); // Rewind Button
var stopBtnMC:StopBtnMC = new StopBtnMC(); // Stop Button
var playBtnMC:PlayBtnMC = new PlayBtnMC(); // Play Button
var fforwardBtnMC:FastforwardBtnMC = new FastforwardBtnMC(); // Fastforward Button
var nextBtnMC:NextBtnMC = new NextBtnMC(); // Next Button

// Array for menu list
var menuArray:Array = new Array("Home", 
                          "Transplant Statistics", 
                          "Transplant Details", 
                          "Understanding Donations", 
                          "Your Part", 
// Hold the x position for next menu item
var xPos:Number = 0;
// Menu container
var menuHolder:Sprite = new Sprite();

// Menu text field format
var titleFace:Font = new ParkAvenue();
var siteLogoTxt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    siteLogoTxt.font = titleFace.fontName;
    siteLogoTxt.color = 0x260f26;
    siteLogoTxt.size = 36;
    siteLogoTxt.align = "left";

// Text Formats
var txtFace:Font = new Myriad();
var menuTxt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    menuTxt.font = txtFace.fontName;
    menuTxt.color = 0xe1c58d;
    menuTxt.size = 14;
    menuTxt.align = "left";
var bodyTxt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    bodyTxt.font = txtFace.fontName;
    bodyTxt.color = 0x333333;
    bodyTxt.size = 14;
    bodyTxt.align = "left";
var headingFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    headingFormat.font = txtFace.fontName;
    headingFormat.color = 0x701b2e;
    headingFormat.size = 14;
    headingFormat.align = "left";
    headingFormat.bold = true;
// Text Fields
var headingTxt = new TextField();
    headingTxt.condenseWhite = true;
    headingTxt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
    headingTxt.selectable = false;
    headingTxt.defaultTextFormat = headingFormat;
    headingTxt.wordWrap = true;
    headingTxt.width = 490;
    headingTxt.height = 18;
    headingTxt.x = 5;
    headingTxt.y = 0;

var contentTxt = new TextField();
    contentTxt.condenseWhite = true;
    contentTxt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
    contentTxt.selectable = false;
    contentTxt.defaultTextFormat = bodyTxt;
    contentTxt.wordWrap = true;
    contentTxt.multiline = true;
    contentTxt.width = 490;
    contentTxt.height = 618;
    contentTxt.x = 5;
    contentTxt.y = 25;

var contentRTopTxt = new TextField();
    contentRTopTxt.condenseWhite = true;
    contentRTopTxt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
    contentRTopTxt.selectable = false;
    contentRTopTxt.defaultTextFormat = bodyTxt;
    contentRTopTxt.wordWrap = true;
    contentRTopTxt.multiline = true;
    contentRTopTxt.width = 465;
    contentRTopTxt.height = 295;
    contentRTopTxt.x = 530;
    contentRTopTxt.y = 0;

var contentRBottomTxt = new TextField();
    contentRBottomTxt.condenseWhite = true;
    contentRBottomTxt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
    contentRBottomTxt.selectable = false;
    contentRBottomTxt.defaultTextFormat = bodyTxt;
    contentRBottomTxt.wordWrap = true;
    contentRBottomTxt.multiline = true;
    contentRBottomTxt.width = 465;
    contentRBottomTxt.height = 295;
    contentRBottomTxt.x = 530;
    contentRBottomTxt.y = 340;

// Variable for content container
var mcContent:Sprite = new Sprite();
    mcContent.x = 0;
    mcContent.y = 30;

// Variables for pages
var pageContent:Sprite = new Sprite();

// Variable for content container
var pgContentBG:Sprite; // MCContentBG = new MCContentBG();

// Global tween variable
var pageTween:Tween;

// Intro page variables for title
var titleContainerLarge:Sprite = new Sprite();
var titleLargeLoader:Loader = new Loader();
var titleLargeUrl:URLRequest = new URLRequest("imgs/png/titleLarge.png");
var titleLargeImg:Bitmap;
var titleLarge:Bitmap;

var standardShadow:DropShadowFilter = new DropShadowFilter();
    standardShadow.distance = 2;
    standardShadow.angle = 0;
    standardShadow.color = 0x000000;
    standardShadow.blurX = 3;
    standardShadow.blurY = 3;
    standardShadow.quality = 10;
    standardShadow.alpha = .5;

// Iterative title (bottom left corner)

//var titleSmallLoader:Loader = new Loader();
//var titleSmallUrl:URLRequest = new URLRequest("imgs/png/titleSmall.png");
//var titleSmallImg:Bitmap;

titleLargeLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadTitle);

//titleSmallLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadTitle);

//Specify the path to the XML file.
//You can use my path or your own.
//var xmlFilePath:String = "scripts/xml/content.xml";
//We save the loaded XML data into a variable
var pageXML:XML;
//Load the XML file.
//We call the pageXMLLoaded() function when the loading is complete.
var pageXMLLoader = new URLLoader();
pageXMLLoader.load(new URLRequest("scripts/xml/content.xml"));
pageXMLLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, pageXMLLoaded);

var CSSreq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("scripts/css/xmlStylesheet.css");
var CSSloader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var styleSheet:StyleSheet;
var CSSload;

// Intro page variables for title
var swfContainer:Sprite = new Sprite();
var imgContainer:Sprite = new Sprite();
var imgLoader:Loader = new Loader();
var swfLoader:Loader = new Loader();

// Call init

// Initialize functions
function init():void {
//This function is called when the XML file is loaded
function pageXMLLoaded(e:Event):void {
    //Create a new XML object from the loaded XML data
    //pageXML = new XML(;
    pageXML = new XML(;
    imgLoader.load(new URLRequest(;
    swfLoader.load(new URLRequest(;

function loadTitle(e:Event):void{
    var titleLargeImg:Bitmap = titleLargeLoader.content as Bitmap;
        titleLarge = new Bitmap(titleLargeImg.bitmapData);
        titleLarge.smoothing = true;
    titleContainerLarge.x = 183;
    titleContainerLarge.y = 214;
    mcContent.addChildAt(titleContainerLarge, 0);
    var pageMoveTween:Tween = new Tween(mcContent, "y", Regular.easeInOut, stage.stageHeight + 20, 0, .5, true);

function drawMenus():void {
    // Clear prevents an instance of the interactiveMenuBg from remaining in its original position
    // Not so much a problem with the interactiveMenuBg, but it is with the bgSwitchMenu
    addChild(interactiveMenuBgSpr); // Add interactive menu background (full screen & mp3 controls); InteractiveMenuBG(0, 0));, 0, stage.stageWidth, 27);;
    // Background-Switch Menu Background
    addChild(bgSwitchMenuSpr); // Add background-switch menu background; BackgroundChangeMenuBG(0, 0));, stage.stageHeight - 99, stage.stageWidth, 25);;
    // Footer background
    addChild(footerBgSpr); // Add footer background; FooterBG(0, 0));, stage.stageHeight - 74, stage.stageWidth, 74);;

    // Add the interactiveMenuBg container to the display list

    // Loop the array and create each array item
    for (var i in menuArray) {

        // Create the menu navBtn.
        var navBtn:Sprite = new Sprite();
   = "navBtn" + i;
            // Disable mouse events of children within the navBtn.
            navBtn.mouseChildren = false;
            // Make the sprite behave as a button.
            navBtn.buttonMode = true;

        // Create the label for the down navBtn state.
        var label:TextField = new TextField();
            label.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
            label.selectable = false;
            label.defaultTextFormat = menuTxt;
            label.text = menuArray[i];
            // Add the label to the navBtn.
            // Position the text in the center of the navBtn.
            label.x = (navBtn.width/2) - (label.width/2);
            label.y = (navBtn.height/2) - (label.height/2);

        // Add mouse events to the navBtn.
        navBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, choosePageTransition);

        // Add the navBtn to the holder.
            // Position the navBtn.
            navBtn.x = xPos;
            // Increase the x position for the next navBtn.
            xPos += navBtn.width + 12;
    // Add menuHolder to display list
        // Postion The Menu.
        menuHolder.x = 140;
        menuHolder.y = ((stage.stageHeight - (menuHolder.height * 2)) - 10);
// Position on and add to stage all menu control buttons (interactivity controls)
function positionAndAddMediaControls():void {
    addChild(volIcoMC); // Volume Icon
        volIcoMC.x = interactiveMenuBgSpr.x + 5; // Volume Icon
        volIcoMC.y = interactiveMenuBgSpr.y + 6; // Volume Icon
    addChild(volUpMC); // Volume Up
        volUpMC.x = volIcoMC.x + volIcoMC.width + 6; // Volume Up Icon
        volUpMC.y = volIcoMC.y; // Volume Up Icon
    addChild(volDownMC); // Volume Down
        volDownMC.x = volUpMC.x; // Volume Down Icon
        volDownMC.y = volUpMC.y + 10; // Volume Down Icon
    addChild(artistTxtBGMC); // Artist Textbox Background
        artistTxtBGMC.x = volDownMC.x + volDownMC.width + 6; // Artist Textbox Background
        artistTxtBGMC.y = volIcoMC.y; // Artist Textbox Background
    addChild(songTxtBGMC); // Song Textbox Background
        songTxtBGMC.x = artistTxtBGMC.x + artistTxtBGMC.width + 6; // Song Textbox Background
        songTxtBGMC.y = volIcoMC.y; // Song Textbox Background
    addChild(prevBtnMC); // Previous Button
        prevBtnMC.x = songTxtBGMC.x + songTxtBGMC.width + 6; // Previous Button
        prevBtnMC.y = volIcoMC.y; // Previous Button
    addChild(rewindBtnMC); // Rewind Button
        rewindBtnMC.x = prevBtnMC.x + prevBtnMC.width + 6; // Rewind Button
        rewindBtnMC.y = volIcoMC.y; // Rewind Button
    addChild(stopBtnMC); // Stop Button
        stopBtnMC.x = rewindBtnMC.x + rewindBtnMC.width + 6; // Stop Button
        stopBtnMC.y = volIcoMC.y; // Stop Button
    addChild(playBtnMC); // Play Button
        playBtnMC.x = stopBtnMC.x + stopBtnMC.width + 6; // Play Button
        playBtnMC.y = volIcoMC.y; // Play Button
    addChild(fforwardBtnMC); // Fastforward Button
        fforwardBtnMC.x = playBtnMC.x + playBtnMC.width + 6; // Fastforward Button
        fforwardBtnMC.y = volIcoMC.y; // Fastforward Button
    addChild(nextBtnMC); // Next Button
        nextBtnMC.x = fforwardBtnMC.x + fforwardBtnMC.width + 6; // Next Button
        nextBtnMC.y = volIcoMC.y; // Next Button

function loadTitleTxt():void {
    var siteLogoTxtContainer:Sprite = new Sprite();
    var titleDropShadow:DropShadowFilter = new DropShadowFilter();
        titleDropShadow.distance = 2;
        titleDropShadow.angle = 90;
        titleDropShadow.color = 0x000000;
        titleDropShadow.blurX = 3;
        titleDropShadow.blurY = 3;
        titleDropShadow.quality = 10;
        titleDropShadow.alpha = .5;
    var titleSmall:TextField = new TextField();
        titleSmall.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
        titleSmall.selectable = false;
        titleSmall.defaultTextFormat = siteLogoTxt;
        titleSmall.wordWrap = true;
        titleSmall.width = 130;
        titleSmall.text = "Transplant the Heart";
        titleSmall.filters = [titleDropShadow];
        siteLogoTxtContainer.y = stage.stageHeight - siteLogoTxtContainer.height;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* ----                                                                          ----*/
/* ----        < MOUSE EVENT: LOAD CONTENT BASED ON PAGE NUMBER (XML) >          ----*/
/* ----                                                                          ----*/
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

// Choose page transition function
function choosePageTransition(e:MouseEvent):void {

    function drawPgContentBG(shapeX:Number, shapeY:Number, shapeWidth:Number, shapeHeight:Number):void {
        pgContentBG = new Sprite();
      , 0xeeeeee, 1);
      , .75);
      , shapeY, shapeWidth, shapeHeight);
    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
    /* ----                                                            ----*/
    /* ----                                                            ----*/
    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
    // Set page number variable
    var pageNumber:uint;
    mcContent.y = 30; // Why do I need to reset the y position each time?
    // Set up if for mouse click
    if (e.type == MouseEvent.CLICK) {
        // Switch based on target name
        switch ( {
            case "navBtn0" :
                pageNumber = 1;
            case "navBtn1" :
                pageNumber = 2;
            case "navBtn2" :
                pageNumber = 3;
            case "navBtn3" :
                pageNumber = 4;
            case "navBtn4" :
                pageNumber = 5;
            case "navBtn5" :
                pageNumber = 6;
            case "navBtn6" :
                pageNumber = 7;
            case "navBtn7" :
                pageNumber = 8;
            case "navBtn8" :
                pageNumber = 9;
            case "navBtn9" :
                pageNumber = 10;

        // Loop through the XML file
        for each (var page:XML in {
            // "page.@pagenumber" points to "pagenumber" in the XML file.
            if (page.@pagenumber == pageNumber) {
                // Set the title
                headingTxt.htmlText = page.title;
                // Set the page content
                contentTxt.htmlText = page.content;
                contentRTopTxt.htmlText = page.contenttr;
                contentRBottomTxt.htmlText = page.contentbr;
                headingTxt.styleSheet = styleSheet;
                contentTxt.styleSheet = styleSheet;
                contentRTopTxt.styleSheet = styleSheet;
                contentRBottomTxt.styleSheet = styleSheet;
                // Exit the loop
        } // < /For Loop >
        // Have the mcContent tween out
        pageTween = new Tween(mcContent, "x", Regular.easeInOut, 0, stage.stageWidth + 20, .5, true);
        // Add the tween finished event listener to trigger runHomeTransition
        pageTween.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, runPageTransition, false, 0, true);
        /* -------------------------------------------------------------*/
        /* ----                                                     ----*/
        /* ----    < TRACE MCCONTENT CHILDREN AND SUB CHILDREN >    ----*/
        /* ----                                                     ----*/
        /* -------------------------------------------------------------*/
        // Children check, placement seems off... are children added correctly?
        traceDisplayList(mcContent, "=>");
        function traceDisplayList(container:DisplayObjectContainer, indentString:String = ""):void {
            var child:DisplayObject;
            for (var i:uint=0; i < container.numChildren; i++) {
                child = container.getChildAt(i);
                trace(indentString, + " " + indentString + " " +;
                if (container.getChildAt(i) is DisplayObjectContainer) {
                    traceDisplayList(DisplayObjectContainer(child), indentString + "");
        } // < /traceDisplayList();
    } // < /If Statement >
} // < /Function >

// Home page function
Facing errors here or in the click event... likely the click event triggering content switch too soon... consider rewriting switch to if and include transition complete to trigger click event, content switch, and then the page's transition in (runPageTransition function)
function runPageTransition (e:TweenEvent):void {
    pageTween = new Tween(mcContent, "x", Regular.easeInOut, stage.stageWidth + 20, 0, .5, true);
    pageTween.removeEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, runPageTransition);

Here is the XML with the path as: scripts/xml/content.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!--<sitetitle><![CDATA[<strong>Transplant the Heart</strong>]]></sitetitle>-->
        <page pagenumber="1">
            <title><![CDATA[<h1>Page #1</h1>]]></title>
            <content><![CDATA[<p>Aliquam nec dui neque. Aenean rutrum suscipit turpis vel fringilla. Nam tortor lacus, sagittis sed pulvinar vitae, facilisis laoreet leo. Suspendisse interdum elit nulla, et tempor eros. Vestibulum rhoncus orci et ante lobortis nec pellentesque purus blandit.</p>]]></content>
            <contenttr><![CDATA[Cras non risus nisi. Nam tincidunt lacinia massa, vel interdum massa ultricies ultricies.]]></contenttr>
            <contentbr><![CDATA[Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam eget mauris ante, sit amet placerat tortor. In consectetur consectetur orci.]]></contentbr>
        <page pagenumber="2">
            <title><![CDATA[Page #2]]></title>
            <content><![CDATA[Cras quis nisl id neque eleifend vehicula quis eget dolor. Proin ante lectus, tincidunt vitae sodales vel.]]></content>
            <contenttr><![CDATA[In eget magna diam, non interdum est. Donec aliquam, enim eu gravida vehicula, nulla massa vehicula nibh.]]></contenttr>
            <contentbr><![CDATA[Etiam posuere porttitor dignissim. Vestibulum nisi est, pharetra ac feugiat mattis, suscipit eu orci.]]></contentbr>
        <page pagenumber="3">
            <title><![CDATA[Page #3]]></title>
            <content><![CDATA[Maecenas ac est quis nulla mollis suscipit vulputate quis felis.]]></content>
            <contenttr><![CDATA[Sed augue felis, dictum ut suscipit in, pellentesque quis leo. Integer dui sem, accumsan sed iaculis nec.]]></contenttr>
            <contentbr><![CDATA[Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.]]></contentbr>
        <page pagenumber="4">
            <title><![CDATA[Page #4]]></title>
            <content><![CDATA[Vivamus neque turpis, sollicitudin ac consequat vel, faucibus non felis.]]></content>
            <contenttr><![CDATA[Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.]]></contenttr>
            <contentbr><![CDATA[Vivamus neque turpis, sollicitudin ac consequat vel, faucibus non felis.]]></contentbr>
        <page pagenumber="5">
            <title><![CDATA[Page #5]]></title>
            <content><![CDATA[Duis interdum justo nec felis semper vel pretium ligula volutpat. In consequat interdum mauris vitae pulvinar.]]></content>
            <contenttr><![CDATA[Aliquam ipsum eros, adipiscing ac volutpat eu, dictum id mauris. Vivamus rutrum ultricies metus.]]></contenttr>
            <contentbr><![CDATA[Pellentesque porttitor vulputate dui tincidunt scelerisque. Aenean quis orci non massa vulputate hendrerit non eu urna.]]></contentbr>
        <page pagenumber="6">
            <title><![CDATA[Page #6]]></title>
            <content><![CDATA[Pellentesque porttitor, ante nec ullamcorper vehicula, ante nulla elementum nulla.]]></content>
            <contenttr><![CDATA[Nunc eu ipsum ac massa semper ultrices in non leo. Maecenas malesuada enim sed dui sodales molestie.]]></contenttr>
            <contentbr><![CDATA[Maecenas at tortor a velit lobortis auctor. Quisque venenatis pellentesque quam non placerat.]]></contentbr>
        <page pagenumber="7">
            <title><![CDATA[Page #7]]></title>
            <content><![CDATA[Aliquam nec dui neque. Aenean rutrum suscipit turpis vel fringilla. Nam tortor lacus, sagittis sed pulvinar vitae.]]></content>
            <contenttr><![CDATA[Praesent sagittis dictum velit, at posuere nisl ultrices a. Maecenas gravida semper porttitor.]]></contenttr>
            <contentbr><![CDATA[Vivamus neque turpis, sollicitudin ac consequat vel, faucibus non felis.]]></contentbr>
        <page pagenumber="8">
            <title><![CDATA[Page #8]]></title>
            <content><![CDATA[Ut interdum, urna ac accumsan sollicitudin, diam ante interdum est, at luctus magna nibh quis purus. ]]></content>
            <contenttr><![CDATA[Sed sed enim mauris, et consectetur dolor. ]]></contenttr>
            <contentbr><![CDATA[Nullam at quam et justo iaculis sagittis]]></contentbr>
        <page pagenumber="9">
            <title><![CDATA[Page #9]]></title>
            <content><![CDATA[Ut interdum, urna ac accumsan sollicitudin, diam ante interdum est, at luctus magna nibh quis purus.]]></content>
            <contenttr><![CDATA[Donec bibendum sapien iaculis neque volutpat varius. ]]></contenttr>
            <contentbr><![CDATA[Vivamus neque turpis, sollicitudin ac consequat vel, faucibus non felis. Nam mattis convallis eros eu tincidunt.]]></contentbr>
        <page pagenumber="10">
            <title><![CDATA[Page #10]]></title>
            <content><![CDATA[Cras non risus nisi. Nam tincidunt lacinia massa, vel interdum massa ultricies ultricies. Nulla aliquet vehicula purus facilisis posuere. ]]></content>
            <contenttr><![CDATA[Integer elementum, dolor fermentum aliquam gravida, eros augue posuere erat, quis gravida neque dui sed enim. Fusce tempus vulputate lobortis.]]></contenttr>
            <contentbr><![CDATA[Nunc vulputate elementum lectus, ac vehicula libero faucibus non. Mauris suscipit nibh sit amet enim eleifend sit amet scelerisque sem rutrum. ]]></contentbr>

You don't have swfURL in each node.

You can directly access the swfURL nodes: which will give you a f URL XMLList.

So that you can read: [0]

or through loop. [i]

The same thing with images: [0], etc.

Tags: Adobe Animate

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    TheOriginal150mph wrote:

    Hello. Need help with my layout sensitive, using straight lines only html5 and css3 that I can understand and explain a novice level please - without any restart. Desktop and mobile are in a single html doc. The desktop version is 'ok '.

    current version (6_2)

    Try to match thesemobile Officelayouts     

    On the mobile version:

    -Impossible to get the buttons nav blocks, vertical text button Align, and align the image of the product (square pictures) to the Center. (margin: auto; does not work)

    Commenting on just a habit of property changing the css if you have defined it for the desktop version. Your nav elements are not vertically Center because you have a bottom padding set on them for the office, there are only changes for mobile in your css media query.

    .main-nav a {}

    display: block;

    text-decoration: none;

    / * padding-bottom: 15px;   */

    Padding: 12px 0;


    Change the properties for the .product-images for mobile boxes: you have float attached to them for the desktop version and which cascade down to the mobile version, unless you change in the media query:

    .product-image {}

    float: none;

    Width: 50%;

    margin: 0 auto 20px auto;


    As I mentioned in one of my posts related to your project, you will probably have to make your product images a bit larger. They fill the area once they form a column to width of 768px screen or you could resist transform them to one column until a little more by using a media query extra set at a narrow screen width to evoke this action

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    Hello Stefan,

    LC Designer is a very powerful application. While you can drag and drop objects on the form, for things really move you need to put a script in objects. This allows to control the way in which the form will be according to the users actions.

    To begin with there is help. If you have a look at the Action Builder in the Tools menu, you can select an object, then use the plain instructions accumulates the desired interaction. When you click OK, LC Designer will insert the necessary script.

    Therefore, there may be a steep learning curve, so it depends on how comfortable you are to roll up your sleeves and do some scripts.

    First, you must configure your workspace. This tends to be a personal preference, but here's a basic layout.

    It is a bit small, because of the scale, but you get the idea. At any time, you should be able to see the page, the hierarchy and the script editor. The object library and the range of the object and other palette must be close to hand as well.

    I am NOT inclined to import the form existing as work. This can limit the built-in options in LC Designer later. You can save your form existing in JPEG format and then in a new form to use the image object (value size full page) to display the image of the existing form.

    [ALTERNATIVE: you can also add fields to a PDF in Acrobat].

    Regarding scripting, the following JavaScript code should work in the click event of the checkbox (on the ground that the other field is named totalPrice).

    If (this.rawValue == 1)


    totalPrice.rawValue = totalPrice.rawValue + 10;


    on the other


    totalPrice.rawValue = totalPrice.rawValue - 10;


    This should take into account if the user changes of opinion and unticks the box.

    One thing to keep in mind about forms developed in the LC Designer, it is only the functions that will be available in the form (such as submit by e-mail in PDF format) will depend on whether the user has Acrobat or Reader, and also on whether the form has been active player (and how it has been activated). There is more information here:

    I highly recommend JP Terry on LC Designer which is excellent - book "create dynamic with Adobe LiveCycle Designer Forms. It starts at the beginning and clearly sets out the key learning points. In the end, there are a few good examples that you can copy anywhere in your forms.

    We have solutions and blog posts on our website

    There are also a range of online resources. You can find these resources useful: odel_Refer ence.pdf PDF

    And a very convenient resource (and even if it's for version 6, it is still very good because of the way it is presented):

    The HelpFile in the LC designer can also help with the syntax and LC designer itself comes with some great models and examples.

    Finally, discover the network of the developer on

    A book that does not deal with the scripts at all, but is very good on the formatting is also ""does this work " by Caroline Jarrett and Gerry Gaffney."

    The Adobe "PDF forms Bible" is OK, but focuses mainly on AcroForms.

    WindJack Solutions have a service on subscription for the scripts and solutions to There a lot of AcroForm script which can be modified according to LC designer and a growing library of LC Designer solutions.

    I hope this helps,


  • Reactive layouts: publish multiple Sites with conditional Builds and which connect

    I hope that someone can provide a simple solution to publish problems I've had with adapted presentations when you try to publish several sites with conditional builds. Essentially, I want to be able to have an index page that links to one of the two variants of the published sites that I called 'General' and 'specific '. When I click on the 'general' link I want to not open the site which was published with a conditional for all these subjects compilation labeled as 'general' and when I click on the 'link' want it to open the site which was published using a conditional version for 'specific '.

    Here are the steps I took to create sites and can't seem to get to bind correctly:

    Table of contents, topic Creation and tagging content

    1. Creates a Table of contents.
    2. Added 2 topics in the Table of contents. The first topic, I called "general" and the second issue I called, 'specific '.
    3. I then click with the right button on the "general" and selected subject Tag to build conditional apply. From there, I've created a new tag called "General".
    4. I repeated this process to create the specific tag, but do a right-click on the 'specific' theme and the creation of a new tag called "specific".

    Layouts reactive and edited the sites based on the conditional tags

    1. Created sensitive presentation using the standard layout and content generated without any conditional builds.
    2. Duplicated sensitive put in page and gave him the content of 'general' then it is generated using the conditional, "General" version If the finished publication published content has shown that the 'general' subject, as expected.
    3. I then repeated the same process for the specific content and content using the version parole, generated 'specific '. When over content published showed that the subject marked as 'specific' as expected.

    Added an Index page to the table of contents

    1. Created a new topic to serve as the launch page.
    2. Added a 'general' hyperlink called for the launch of the general "theme found in the general publishes from the resource manager.
    3. Added a hyperlink called 'specific' to the launch of the general "theme found in the specific issues from the resource manager.
    4. I then republish the sensitive standard layout site.

    From this point, it gets stuck and won't open properly published Web sites. I don't know why it won't launch hyperlinks correctly. Is there something I'm missing? Let me know if you do not want to see my files. I will be gladly their.

    OK, thanks a lot for the capture screen. They help more than you realize.

    So here's one of the biggest mistakes I think that you have done so far. You use the resource manager to link to published results. If it is technically possible to do, I'm pretty sure Adobe never planned for it to be used this way.

    It may help to think in terms of creation of food products. I have long considered as RoboHelp to be very much like working in my kitchen. All consumables (heading text in the headings, images, HTML pages, etc.) are just as raw ingredients. (Eggs, milk, flour, etc.). The places of storage (hard drive) it's like the pantry and the fridge. And RoboHelp provides facilities to easily combine ingredients to create the different recipes.

    This next bit will be somewhat exaggerated, but bear with me. Maybe you have one or more neighbors and all you want to share some common "ingredients". If you set the things where each of you have access to a wine cellar and a shared refrigerator. Maybe you do a Dutch sauce killer. You create it and place in the refrigerator, then your other participants have access through the common "fridge". This is exactly what the resource manager is intended to help.

    Now assume that you create something like cookies chocolate chip and you keep in the refrigerator. Well, that's fine, but you don't want to use cookies to chocolate chip already baked in a recipe that might call for cookie dough. But that's what happens when you take an exit and place in a place intended for raw ingredients. And you will see the strange behavior. Prepare for these cookies chemically changes them so that cookies already are significantly different from the dough used to create them. Similarly, you don't want to take one or more output files and reuse in a project source.

    So in your case, you run an index file and that fires events to produce the output. All should be well. But when you click on the links to open topics, topics are intended to show up more in the right panel. Think of the picture of how works of image on a TV. The moment that link you to something intended to fill the screen, he is forced into this smaller area on the right. If you end up with what you see in the last picture.

    I suggest the following steps.

    First, REMOVE your resource manager exits.

    REMOVE all links that can point here.

    Output records where people will consume copy your projects. (The web server)

    Then figure either the parent (.. /.. / somefolder/somefile.htm) path to other systems or the absolute path ( and to link the projects in this way.

    Sorry, but without seeing the installation of first hand, it is difficult to say what should be these paths.

    I hope this was helpful... Rick

  • Help with conditional display and Validation



    I'm having a difficult time with a conditional display and validation, I hope someone can help with.


    When (Datepicker) Start Date or the end Date (Datepicker) change can display the reason for change (select list) and change Description (Textbox)
    If the page is saved without entering a reason change display an error message of validation that the reason for the change cannot be empty (NULL)

    What I tried

    Create a dynamic Action on the Start Date

    Event: Change

    Selection type: Article (s)

    Items (s): P51_START_DATE

    Condition: no

    Real Action Section:

    Action: Show

    Fire on Page load: Checked

    Display all the elements of the page on the same line: NO.

    Section of the elements concerned:

    Selection type: Article (s)

    Product (s): P51_CHANGE_REASON, P51_CHANGE_DESC

    I also created a dynamic Action with similar settings for the P51_END_DATE.

    I created a Validation for the P51_CHANGE_REASON as a function return error text:

        v_start_date    work_items.start_date%TYPE;
        v_end_date      work_items.end_date%TYPE;
        SELECT start_date
        INTO   v_start_date
        FROM   work_items
        WHERE  work_items_id = :P51_WORK_ITEMS_ID;
        IF ( (v_start_date != TO_DATE(:P51_START_DATE,'DD-MON-YYYY') OR v_end_date != TO_DATE(:P51_END_DATE,'DD-MON-YYYY') ) AND
              :P51_CHANGE_REASON IS NULL ) THEN
            RETURN 'Change Reason must have a value';
        END IF;

    The question

    I tried to create another dynamic Action to hide the P51_CHANGE_REASON and P51_CHANGE_DESC fields during the loading of the page, but when the date fields are changed and the validation is fired the P51_CHANGE_REASON and the P51_CHANGE_DESC are hidden again.

    There are two buttons to send the page: 'SAVE' will submit the page and stay on the page and 'SAVE_CHANGES' will present the page and creates a branch to the previous page (which is a relationship with the EDIT buttons to change recording).

    I can not loading the dynamic Action page for fires DO NOT when validation is triggered.

    I hope it is clear and if not what information can I provide?

    Thank you


    Which the condition is failing and what browser? I tested it in Firefox and it works as it should. Can you confirm that?

  • Need help with the formatting and reinstalling windows

    Hi, I have a Compaq Presario C700 p/n GR598EA #ABU I got to work about 3 years ago.

    Recently, it does not load windows, even in safe mode and I can't get back either.

    I used a disc to boot from linux to access and backup of all my important files and now I want to reformat the hard drive, resintall windows and start over (or try something else which will fix it)

    The laptop has been pre-installed with Windows Vista and HP stuff had already installed on it.  I don't have a Windows disc or discs of driver with the laptop.

    How can I format and reinstall windows and drivers, if I don't have records?

    Help, please.

    Thank you.


    You can order a Vista recovery disk set for your laptop if they are still available. See the instructions below:

    If you live not in the US or the Canada, you can contact HP Support worldwide for the country you live and ask recovery disks command to your laptop

    The link to the assistance of HP WW is below:


  • Helps with the rv180w and the Shrew soft vpn

    Hi, I'm trying to establish a vpn connection by using soft shrew for the cisco rv180w router.

    I watch and read everything I could find, but the connection drops during the opening of the tunnel.

    There were a few tuttorial here in the forum, but the links are down.

    I want Edifier is to establish communication and to be able to access my domain on the network.

    Any help with the settings would be greatly apeciated. I am new to vpn.

    Thanks in advance.


    Try to access the following link. It has good instructions for a similar model. The main difference is that the SA500 has double-WAN and the RV180W does not work.

    Here's another tutorial for the RVS4000 that can help:

    Check out the last post in the following thread, which received instructions for the RV220W (should be exactly the same as RV180W)


  • Help with sum multiline and formatting «,»

    Hey guys, I need help with a question that I am struggling to solve...

    I have a multiline field in which I paste information from an excel spreadsheet. This information is in a format 1.234,56.

    I was able to have the numbers stuck on the ground in another area, by removing the ',': something like this:

    var withcoma = this.getField("Input_1").value; This is my multi-line field used to paste data from excel

    nocoma = withcoma.replace(/\,/g, ".");

    the var values = nocoma.split("\r");

    var total = 0;

    for (var i in values) total += Number(values[i]);

    this.getField("Total").value = total;

    The point is that I have to be able to change the numbers that I have to format to the format 1,234.56 1.234,56 if I choose to use a different currency than my original and also wear numbers in the field "Total" correctly updated.

    Could someone point me in the right direction?

    Thank you very much!!!

    The solution was to add another line of code to remove the periods used so that thousands separators in numbers.

  • How to get help with Add ons and extensions that stop working

    I have saved passwords and it has stopped working. It's so hard to get help with Moxilla

    rosemarybales said

    I still don't know why the extension button passwords saved with the key icon has stopped working.

    This button displays the saved passwords in Firefox's built-in password manager, is no separate passwords that record you in Dashlane. Can you save passwords in both places? (Well, I guess you do.)

    I have a guess on why it has stopped working. Firefox 40 has some changes to how extensions can work with the user interface, so quite a few extensions that have been more than one year must be updated for Firefox 40. It has been updated on January 10, 2012.

    Anyway, the way of 'long' to display the passwords saved in Firefox is through the Options page, the Security Panel, the saved passwords button.

  • Need help with printing wireless and Air of printing

    I have a Xerox printer connected to an Airport Express station and I was able to print wireless from my Mac. I just replaced the Xerox with a Brother printer which has built in WiFi and Air feel, although I can't get anything to work. I entered my password WiFi network directly on the printer. The instructions had me download the drivers that I did and I download a wireless configuration program that asked more than about nothing if I already entered my password of the WiFi network of the printer.

    1. I do not remember how I already had the Xerox facility to print wireless from my Mac. I just plugged a USB cable directly linking the Airport Express to the Brother printer to bypass the built in Brother WiFi and use the Airport Express for internet.

    2. any thoughts on the use of construction vs the Airport Express WiFi?

    3. what should I do do AirPrinting work?

    Thank you.

    Post edited by: southwestform

    I use an Epson printer set up as AirPrint rather than as a brother, but I expect the two similar configurations.

    All I had to do first was installing the printer on my network domestic wi - fi.

    Then in system preferences > printers & Scanners

    Select Add printer

    Select the printer and set its AirPrint and add

    What printer model is Brother and in fact specifies that it is compatible AirPrint, or just a Wi - Fi connection?

  • Photosmart: Called tech support for help with my printer and got a sales pitch

    I called HP customer service today to get help with my wireless printer because it won't print wireless. What I got was a sales pitch to buy a value of $450 of virus protection! So very disappointed!


    Thank you for using the HP forum.

    How can we help with your wireless?

    Have you tried the following:

    Please download and run the HP Print and Scan Doctor (PSDR) tool to diagnose and solve your problem & h_lang = on & h_client = s-h-E016-1 & h_keyword = DG - PDU

    Hope that helps.

  • Help with Hard Drive and registry

    Hey, it kinda turns out to be a long and difficult history, but I recently had a small problem that spread to a problem much bigger (and catastrophic).

    I had a problem with freezxing on my laptop (HP Pavilion Dv5 with the 64-bit version of Vista I think). I've tried a few things m ais it froze just in case. Finally I found someone who said they ran a registry cleaning program and that did the trick. I tried and I had no more freezing. Unfortunately, I connected an external hard drive and all hell broke loose. It froze and I turned off the laptop. I have it turned on and was greeted with this message:

    STOP: c000021a {Fatal System Error}
    The Session Manager failed to create protected prefixes system process terminate
    d unexpectedly with a status of 0x000003a (0x00000000 0x00000000).
    The system has been shut down.

    I tried to boot in safe mode and found:

    STOP: c0000218 {Registry File Failure}
    The registry cannot load the hive (file):\SystemRoot\system32\config\SOFTWARE or its log alternative.
    It is corrupt, absent, or not writable.

    Then, she went and made the collection of data, and that was all. After that, I tried the boot recovery option and that never worked. I searched internet and found a few people with similar, but never the same questions. Someone, somewhere, says something about execution of system restore after having access to the menu by pressing F8 at startup. I tried. It did not work. I pressed F8 at startup upward and chose the first option. It has established a list of things to try. System Restore (and other options such as checking memory and bring up the command prompt) did not work because the C drive has been used. Large. I tried to use the disks that came with my laptop and I never once found while they were actually useful because I could never the laptop to run.

    Now, I wanted to try to use the command prompt. Never really had a chance. Now, when I start the computer I'm greeted by the inspiring message of hard drive are not.

    Sweet. Now, I'm a little stuck on what to try. I tried to reset the BIOS defaults and nada. I have no idea what it must try now and would love to help anyone.

    I would be very happy and I thank you for your time.

    It depends on how much you have to pay to get the new hard drive installed and running. Get a quote for a computer shop trust you.  So I think that if the computer has been done what you wanted to do before he went wrong.  If it was enough for you and the price of the repair is not too high (maybe less), I would. If the price is more than $ 200, I would start thinking about applying your money towards a new laptop computer, but that cheaper isn't always the best deal.  Do some research and try some mobile friends to see if it is fast enough for you and you enjoy the feeling. Stop in some stores that display laptops and taste. Laptops with dedicated video card memory will do better with the games.  If the games are starting to become important to you, consider a desktop computer instead of a laptop where you can buy a killer video card. I like the new Ivy bridge to intel for laptops so look for it.  This is the new family of Intel processors. I7 Ivy bridge is the finest, then the i5, then the i3.  You really need to sit with someone who knows computers and discuss your needs for the future and how you want to use your computer.

  • Need help with network inside and outside Transmittion script

    Hi, I have a problem in my script. I would get Vm net.received.average and net.transmitted.average. Somewhere, it displays the empty output for me, can I have a sample of script on obtaining transmittion of network for 7 days

    My script:

    $report = @ (get - Vm = $vms). where {$_.} PowerState - eq "Receptor"} $lastWeek = (get-date). AddDays(-7) foreach ($vm in $vms) {$vmNet = "" |} Select VmName, NetworkReceive, NetworkTransmit $statReceive is Get-Stat-entity ($vm) - start $lastWeek - finishing (Get-Date) - MaxSamples 1 - net.received.average stat. Group-object - property Instance $statTrans = Get-Stat-entity ($vm) - start $lastWeek - finishing (Get-Date) - MaxSamples 1 - net.transmitted.average stat. {Group-object - property Forum $vmNet.VmName = $ $vmNet.NetworkReceive = "{0: F2}" f $statReceive.value $vmNet.NetworkTransmit = "{0: F2}" f $statTrans.value $report += $vmNet} $report | Select VmName, NetworkReceive, NetworkTransmit | Export-csv "c:\q33.csv".
    Thank you

    Both are related to the use of aggregation running on your vCenter

    Historical data interval 4 are grouped once a day, and on your vCenter this SQL task seems to be planned at 08:00.

    That is why the time stamp.

    Statistical data are aggregated to one historical interval to another.

    Since ask us the historical interval 4 (with the IntervalMins parameter), the aggregagtion to this historical interval is not yet made.

    This is why the last day 2 are not present in the report.

    You can play with the - Start and - finishing settings to have a period of 7 days which is at least two days yet at the time.

    $report = @()
    $metrics = "net.received.average","net.transmitted.average"
    $vms = Get-Vm | where {$_.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn"}
    $start = (get-date).AddDays(-7)
    $finish = $start.AddDays(7)
    Get-Stat -IntervalMins 1440 -Entity ($vms) -start $start -finish $finish -stat $metrics -Instance "" | `  Group-Object -Property Timestamp,EntityId | %{
        $vmNet = ""| Select VmName, Timestamp, NetworkReceive, NetworkTransmit
        $vmNet.VmName = $_.Group[0].Entity.Name
        $vmNet.Timestamp = $_.Group[0].Timestamp
        $vmNet.NetworkReceive = "{0:f2}" -f (($_.Group | where {$_.MetricId -eq "net.received.average"} | Measure-Object -Property Value -Sum).Sum)
        $vmNet.NetworkTransmit = "{0:f2}" -f (($_.Group | where {$_.MetricId -eq "net.transmitted.average"} | Measure-Object -Property Value -Sum).Sum)
        $report += $vmNet}
    $report | Export-csv "c:\q33.csv" -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture
  • Help with GREP search and replace

    I've never used grep before and I'm stumped.  I have a document that lists the times for different classes.  Times are variously listed as 9-10, 9-10, 9-10 or 9-10, to get examples.  The problem is that there may be no space or a space on the left or the right of the hyphen.  I want it all the time as 10:30 - 11:30, for example.  In other words, the link must have a space on each side of it.  I think that this could be accomplished with GREP search and replace, but I don't understand the syntax well enough to make it work.

    Can someone tell me how to write the search and replace expressions?  (Of course the real time could be any hours).

    Thank you!

    It is tempting to add spaces of * all numbers separated by a dash. If you don't know all time have some minutes, then it is safer to use this:


    .. Replace with space hyphen space.

    He seeks the "settler, any digit, any digit" (which is * found * not * included *), followed by 'optional of a space, a hyphen, optional space' and must be followed by 'any number' (again, not counting this one). Since the figures before and after are * found * not * included *-which is due to the (? xxx) syntax - all that needs to be replaced is the dashboard itself. Making the space before and after the optional dashboard (using a single "?" immediately after each), no matter if it * is * a space or not, all the combinations will be found and replaced.

  • Help with the Printer Spooler service does not work error

    How can I fix printer service spooler does not work error? My two printers won't work now, and re - install the printing software produces error messages. Tried to use microsoft fix - it for printers without result.

    Thank you.

    Hi elvenlord21,

    See the article below which has some useful suggestions to fix the print spooler error.

    You cannot add a printer and you receive Printer Spooler error messages in Windows XP

    See also:

    Error message when you use the Add Printer Wizard: "Operation could not be completed.

    Kind regards

    Shinmila H - Microsoft Support

    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

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