Hiding a label and corresponding field in a tble with respect to form input


I'm trying to hide the label and the corresponding form filed on entry.

I am able to hide the entry form file how respect but how to hide filed corresponding form label.

Thanks in advance

on the top of the form field, you will need to add this.

your form-field which displays  rx_num

Tags: Business Intelligence

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  • field label and text field editing in vertical field Manager

    Hi, am new to the blackberry development. Developing an application in which I placed the field label and modify the field in the Manger of two vertical field and place them in a horizontal field Manager, but when run the present I don't see the label text field I see am doin BB 4.7, following is my code

    LabelField name = new LabelField ("first name :")
    public void paint (Graphics g)
    Super.Paint (g);
    g.setColor (Color.BLACK);
    Do police = this.getFont (.derive(Font.DROP_SHADOW_RIGHT_EFFECT |)) Font.ENGRAVED_EFFECT, h);
    this.setFont (do);
    FirstName = new EditField ("Name", "", 25, EditField.FILTER_DEFAULT |) FIELD_RIGHT) {}
    {} public void paint (Graphics g)
    getManager () .invalidate ();
    Do police = this.getFont () .derive (Font.DROP_SHADOW_RIGHT_EFFECT |) Font.ENGRAVED_EFFECT, h);
    this.setFont (do);
    g.drawRect (6, 0, (int) (Display.getWidth()/1.8), getHeight());
    Super.Paint (g);
    HorizontalFieldManager hrMgr = new HorizontalFieldManager();
    final VerticalFieldManager vfMgr2 = new VerticalFieldManager();
    VerticalFieldManager vfMgr1 = new VerticalFieldManager()
    protected void sublayout (int width, int height)
    int w = (int) (Display.getWidth () - vfMgr2.getPreferredWidth () - 20);
    Field field;
    int fieldCount;
    int x = 0;
    int y = 0;

    fieldCount = getFieldCount();
    int d = (int) ((Display.getWidth()/4.5));
    for (int i = 0; i)< fieldcount;="">
    field = getField (i);
    setPositionChild (field, x, y);
    layoutChild (field, w, height);
    y += field.getContentHeight ();
    setExtent (d, a);
    vfMgr1.add (Name);
    vfMgr2.add (FirstName);
    hrMgr.add (vfMgr1);
    hrMgr.add (vfMgr2);
    Add (hrMgr);

    The same a s job well if put a choice field of object instead of text edit field is I see the field and choice of subject field in a single line, but is not in the case of text editing field, please help me on this point, Thanhs beforehand.

    Thanks for your valuable reply Mr.simon,

    But I have reached my goal by adjusting the width of vertical field nursery and got a solution... These are the changes I made in my sublayout...

    protected void sublayout (int width, int height)
                    int w = (int) (Display.getWidth()/1.3);
    Field field;
    int fieldCount;
    int x = 10;
    int y = 0;

    fieldCount = getFieldCount();
                  int d = (int) ((Display.getWidth () / 3));
    for (int i = 0; i)< fieldcount;="">
    field = getField (i);
    setPositionChild (field, x, y);
    layoutChild (field, w, height);
    y += field.getContentHeight ();
    setExtent (d, a);

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    I want to, when I call the form when I press the button then the calling form opened with the new window

    Thanks and greetings
    Vikas Singhal


    Forms in an application is running in a window unique applet. When you use the CALL/OPEN/NEW form, she would open them in the same applet window. If you want to open another instance of the form, try something like


    Note: It will not share the session. You need to re connect on this form (or use a section of configuration with the user name and password etc.). Therefore, the instance of forms, db instance all will be a new one.


  • Alignment of label and SimpleTextField

    Hi all

    Is there a built-in method to align all labels and values as the ObjectList control done automatically on 4.6? In other words, the label is left justified, but the field is right justified.  I find that given the difference between the field and its entry - while poor design of a full application size, it gives a much more aerodynamic look on a small screen.

    This is the default alignment:

    First Label: FirstFieldSecond Label: SecondFieldThird Label: ThirdField

    This is the alignment that I'd like to see

    First Label:               FirstField
    Second Label:             SecondField
    Third Label:               ThirdField

    The label is left-aligned, while the field is right-aligned and right-justified.

    I tried a simple solution by a LabelField (FIELD_LEFT) and a SimpleTextField (FIELD_RIGHT) to a HorizontalFieldManager, but the two fields are always to the left without the space between the two. My other thought is to extend FieldManager to explicitly place the fields - giving etiquette, the minimum size and maximum width SimpleTextField possible - but I still need to justify the text in this area which I was not able to make the right successfully.

    Alternatively and perhaps better to give a consistent experience across devices with larger screens, would be the alignment as

               First Label: FirstField          Second Label: SecondField           Third Label: ThirdField

    It's the label fields are right justified in the field wider label. and value fields are justified to the left in the same field.

    Ideas/suggestions? I'd appreciate also your comments on whether it's worth the practice - is acceptable default alignment for you?  Your users seems acceptable/usable without any major problems?  As to the incompatibility between the alignment of text and labels, vs objectlistfields fields (this is what bothers me the most..)?

    Thank you


    Take a look at the UserListScreen in the example below.

    How to-backup and restore of small amounts of data using SyncItem
    Article number: DB-00092

    http://www.BlackBerry.com/knowledgecenterpublic/livelink.exe/fetch/2000/348583/800332/800625/How_To _...

    Out of the box, she will achieve the results that match your third example.  For ages in the right-aligned sample, add the "LabelField.USE_ALL_WIDTH". Style DrawStyle.RIGHT"age LabelFields.  This is the alignment you want (your second example).

  • Label, change the field and the button on the problem of a line

    Hi all

    I was pulling my hair out on this and could really do with some tips. I'm putting a label, a text field and a button of bitmapfield on the same line, but for the life of me I can't work that way round. If I put the front button to the text box field, it works.

            // TEST 3 CONTROLS ON A ROW
            final Bitmap imgCalc = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("bgCalc.png");
            LabelField lb = new LabelField("0.00");
            EditField ef = new EditField();
            BitmapField  bf = new BitmapField(imgCalc, BitmapField.FOCUSABLE){
                protected void paint(Graphics g) {
                    // Draw text on button image
                    int x = (40 - Font.getDefault().getAdvance("Go"))/2;
                    int y = (imgCalc.getHeight() - Font.getDefault().getHeight())/2;
                    g.drawText("Go", x, y);
                public int getPreferredWidth(){
                    return 40;
            HorizontalFieldManager row0 = new HorizontalFieldManager();

    Excuse the code, but it's test code to make it work. As mentioned above, if I add that Label, Edit, Bitmap controls it only shows the label field and edit. If I swap the text field and the field bitmap around so that the text field is the last one, it works.

    What I am doing wrong?

    Thanks for looking


    EditField always takes all of the width available to it.

    You must override its layout (width, height) and pass below the width values to leave space for the BitmapField. Something like

    protected void layout(int width, int height)
            super.layout(width * 60 / 100, height);
            // sets width of this field to 60% of the total available width

    would do.

  • Label and legend chart Question

    I must be missing something because I can't the small white boarder to disappear from the gauge label and the legend.  I tried each property node option - except apparently the right pair.  Can someone help get rid of the white border around 'PERCENT', which corresponds to the label and the 'EFFICIENCY', which represents the legend?

    Here is the updated control with transparent background.

  • PasswordEditField with no label and no initial value

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    public final class PasswordField extends PasswordEditField {
        private static final int MAX_CHARS = 255;
        public PasswordField(long style) {
            super(null, null, MAX_CHARS, style);
            // ...or...
            super("", "", MAX_CHARS, style);

    The two seem to work the same, I was wondering which is more appropriate.  Don't see anything in the documentation to pass null.

    empty string

  • I create a form based on two tables that have sequences also. When I create insert only row is inserted in the fields in table first and second fields of the table are empty. Why?

    Mr President.

    I create a form based on two tables that have sequences also. When I create insert only row is inserted in the fields in table first and second fields of the table are empty. Why?


    the page source is

    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <ui:composition xmlns:ui="http://java.sun.com/jsf/facelets" xmlns:af="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adf/faces/rich"
      <af:panelFormLayout id="pfl1">
        <af:group id="Group">
          <af:inputText value="#{bindings.VoucherId.inputValue}" label="#{bindings.VoucherId.hints.label}"
                        required="#{bindings.VoucherId.hints.mandatory}" columns="#{bindings.VoucherId.hints.displayWidth}"
                        shortDesc="#{bindings.VoucherId.hints.tooltip}" id="it1">
            <f:validator binding="#{bindings.VoucherId.validator}"/>
            <af:convertNumber groupingUsed="false" pattern="#{bindings.VoucherId.format}"/>
          <af:inputDate value="#{bindings.VoucherDate.inputValue}" label="#{bindings.VoucherDate.hints.label}"
                        shortDesc="#{bindings.VoucherDate.hints.tooltip}" id="id1">
            <f:validator binding="#{bindings.VoucherDate.validator}"/>
            <af:convertDateTime pattern="#{bindings.VoucherDate.format}"/>
          <af:inputText value="#{bindings.Credit.inputValue}" label="#{bindings.Credit.hints.label}"
                        required="#{bindings.Credit.hints.mandatory}" columns="#{bindings.Credit.hints.displayWidth}"
                        maximumLength="#{bindings.Credit.hints.precision}" shortDesc="#{bindings.Credit.hints.tooltip}"
            <f:validator binding="#{bindings.Credit.validator}"/>
        <af:group id="g1">
          <af:inputText value="#{bindings.Lineitem.inputValue}" label="#{bindings.Lineitem.hints.label}"
                        required="#{bindings.Lineitem.hints.mandatory}" columns="#{bindings.Lineitem.hints.displayWidth}"
                        maximumLength="#{bindings.Lineitem.hints.precision}" shortDesc="#{bindings.Lineitem.hints.tooltip}"
            <f:validator binding="#{bindings.Lineitem.validator}"/>
            <af:convertNumber groupingUsed="false" pattern="#{bindings.Lineitem.format}"/>
          <af:inputText value="#{bindings.VoucherId1.inputValue}" label="#{bindings.VoucherId1.hints.label}"
                        shortDesc="#{bindings.VoucherId1.hints.tooltip}" id="it4">
            <f:validator binding="#{bindings.VoucherId1.validator}"/>
            <af:convertNumber groupingUsed="false" pattern="#{bindings.VoucherId1.format}"/>
          <af:inputText value="#{bindings.Debit.inputValue}" label="#{bindings.Debit.hints.label}"
                        required="#{bindings.Debit.hints.mandatory}" columns="#{bindings.Debit.hints.displayWidth}"
                        maximumLength="#{bindings.Debit.hints.precision}" shortDesc="#{bindings.Debit.hints.tooltip}"
            <f:validator binding="#{bindings.Debit.validator}"/>
          <af:inputText value="#{bindings.Credit1.inputValue}" label="#{bindings.Credit1.hints.label}"
                        required="#{bindings.Credit1.hints.mandatory}" columns="#{bindings.Credit1.hints.displayWidth}"
                        maximumLength="#{bindings.Credit1.hints.precision}" shortDesc="#{bindings.Credit1.hints.tooltip}"
            <f:validator binding="#{bindings.Credit1.validator}"/>
          <af:inputText value="#{bindings.Particulars.inputValue}" label="#{bindings.Particulars.hints.label}"
                        shortDesc="#{bindings.Particulars.hints.tooltip}" id="it7">
            <f:validator binding="#{bindings.Particulars.validator}"/>
          <af:inputText value="#{bindings.Amount.inputValue}" label="#{bindings.Amount.hints.label}"
                        required="#{bindings.Amount.hints.mandatory}" columns="#{bindings.Amount.hints.displayWidth}"
                        maximumLength="#{bindings.Amount.hints.precision}" shortDesc="#{bindings.Amount.hints.tooltip}"
            <f:validator binding="#{bindings.Amount.validator}"/>
            <af:convertNumber groupingUsed="false" pattern="#{bindings.Amount.format}"/>
        <f:facet name="footer">
          <af:button text="Submit" id="b1"/>
          <af:button actionListener="#{bindings.CreateInsert.execute}" text="CreateInsert"
                     disabled="#{!bindings.CreateInsert.enabled}" id="b2"/>     
          <af:button actionListener="#{bindings.Commit.execute}" text="Commit" disabled="#{!bindings.Commit.enabled}"
          <af:button actionListener="#{bindings.Rollback.execute}" text="Rollback" disabled="#{!bindings.Rollback.enabled}"
                     immediate="true" id="b4">


    Go to your VO Wizard, select the tab of the entity and to check if both the EO is editable or not.

    See you soon


  • If you have any with the itemrender have a control label and onther a gri data

    Hi friends,

    If you have any with the itemrender have a control label and onther a data grid control.

    In my application, I used list control. The list control's item converter. In my case if I click on the name list control, releated data corresponding to the data grid need to view and control the list as label.

    < mx:List width = "750" id = "Lst_userlist" verticalScrollPolicy = "off" horizontalScrollPolicy = "off" rowCount = "20".
    labelField = "sec_user_first_name + sec_user_last_name" labelFunction = "BindUserName" buttonMode = "true" itemClick = "Click_UserList (event)" > "

    < mx:itemRenderer >

    < fx:Component >

    < mx:VBox horizontalScrollPolicy = "off" verticalScrollPolicy = "off" >

    < s:Label id = name = "{data .sec_user_first_name + data .sec_user_last_name 'lbl_userhead'} ' buttonMode ="true"color =" #000000 "/ >" "

    < mx:DataGrid height = "100%" id = "membershipGrid" alternatingItemColors = "[#DCDCDC, F8F8FF #]" "5" paddingLeft = horizontalScrollPolicy = "off" color = 'black '.
    horizontalGridLines = "false" verticalScrollPolicy = 'auto' verticalGridLines = rowCount = "{membershipArrColl.length 'false'}" rowHeight = "25" "
    borderSkin = "{null}" showHeaders = 'true' borderVisible = "false" dataProvider = "{membershipArrColl}" width = "750" visible = "false" includeInLayout = "false" >

    < mx:columns >
    < mx:DataGridColumn width = "180" headerText = "Name" minWidth = "150" sortable = "true" wordWrap = "true" >
    < mx:itemRenderer >
    < fx:Component >
    < mx:HBox horizontalScrollPolicy = "off" >
    < fx:Script >
    <! [CDATA]
    override public function set data(value:Object):void {}
    Super.Data = value;

    FileImg.Load ("/ist_shared/ist_images/ist_icons/Modern/gif/16/hot/user_favorites_16_hot.gi f");
    on the other
    lbl_Gridcloumn_name. Text = Data + .sec_user_first_name""+ data.sec_user_last_name;

    []] >

    < / fx:Script >
    < mx:Image id = "fileimg" buttonMode = "true" toolTip = "This is organization at the home page of the user" / >
    < s:Label id = "lbl_Gridcloumn_name" width = "200" buttonMode = "true" textDecoration = "underline" toolTip = "User Menu [{data.sec_user_name}]" click = "outerDocument.Click_Name (event); »    / >

    < / mx:HBox >
    < / fx:Component >
    < / mx:itemRenderer >
    < / mx:DataGridColumn >
    < mx:DataGridColumn width = "120" minWidth = "110" headerText = "Username" sortable = "true" dataField = "sec_user_name" / >

    < mx:DataGridColumn width = "100" minWidth = "80" headerText = "OrgName" dataField = "sec_org_name" >

    < / mx:columns >

    < / mx:DataGrid >

    < / mx:VBox >
    < / fx:Component >

    < / mx:itemRenderer >
    < / mx:List >

    Please help a whole for me...

    Thank you

    Mamoudou R.

    If I understand correctly, you want to display a different set of data in a DataGrid control for each selected item in a list?

    I would just use link:


    This assumes that this list is filled with the data elements in a format similar to this:


    label: "Label 1 list."


    {col1: "col1", col2: "col2"},

    {col1: "col1", col2: "col2"},

    {col1: "col1", col2: "col2"}



  • Fields on several Internet sites have been changed in another language. The browser is set to English, and this problem does not occur with Chrome.

    Fields on several Internet sites have been changed in another language. The browser is set to English, and this problem does not occur with Chrome. Specifically, a large part of Tumblr and Facebook menu has been changed in another language (Russian, I think). I tried reinstall Firefox, clear the cache and reset firefox to its default state. None of them helped. Any suggestions on how to fix this?

    Hey again,

    Sometimes a problem with Firefox can be a result of malware installed on your computer, you may not be aware of.

    You can try these free programs to search for malicious software that work with your existing anti-virus software:

    Microsoft Security Essentials is a good permanent antivirus for Windows 7/Vista/XP, if you do not already have one.

    More information can be found in the article troubleshooting Firefox problems caused by malware .

    I hope this helps!


  • How can I reset my "authentication required" username and password? The fields are always filled with my old information.

    How can I reset my "authentication required" username and password? The fields are always filled with my old information.

    Follow these steps to delete the recorded data (form) in a drop-down list:

    1. Click on the (empty) input field on the web page to open the drop-down list
    2. Select an entry in the drop-down list
    3. Press the DELETE key (on a Mac: shift + delete) to remove it.
    • Tools > Options > Security: passwords: "saved passwords" > "show passwords".

    You may need to clear cookies from this site, so if you checked a box to remember you.

  • Nothing but the blue sky and green fields!

    I tried to get some use out of my old Dell PC. After he found in a closet for four years, I thought I would try it out. I have connected to my router by an ethernet cable, and then he lit. Windows XP logo appeared, then after four or five minutes, the screen went white. I tried several times with it, but it's the same thing. Now, I have a desktop of blue sky and green fields but without icons, toolbar, toolbar State system or the taskbar. Can anyone help please? I was now all day!

    Sometimes, you can recover from this with the following procedure:

    When you see the blue sky and green grass, on the keyboard, press Ctrl-Alt-Del
    If you have XP Pro, select "Task manager" from the context menu.  (XP Home will automatically start the Task Manager).
    Start Task Manager, click on the "Processes" tab, and then make a file-> new task.
    In the window that opens, enter "Explorer" and click the OK"" button.

    I hope you get again.


  • What programs are getting extract comments and keywords and put them in the labels and captions in Picasa?

    What free programs I would like to extract comments and key words and put them into computer-based labels and legends Picasa? Is this possible with MSVB 2008 or 2010 Express? I'm not a real programmer, but I can hack a bit (in the old sense of the 1980s the word hack). I tried searching internet but no combination of the words comment, tag, keyword, and legend get something usable. Too common words, everything matches. BTW, I use XP, cannot afford to Windows Vista SE (that's my name for 7)

    What I want to do is to add tags and comments to the photos that I am scanning. It is a long-term project to archive all the family of the peaks. Some dating back to 1900 photo of great great grandparents. The key here is long-term. I thought that the properties/summary/comments (and keywords) would be likely to be on board for many years (legacy stuff). Jac I can't find any program that uses or leans on them today! And I just saw a pic of the Win7 properties and guess what? No summary! Picassa is quite widely used but who knows. Nothing is stable for a long time. Can not even get to diskettes and CDs and cassettes now become more difficult to find. And DVDs are on the side too. How can I put the photos on the long term and accessible storage?

    My plan is to use Picassa and .jpg. I'll put a copy of Picassa on every DVD that I use (in data mode). I'll do a mode DVD video slide show as a backup. The disks are pretty cheap even for me. I will not use double layer, but too unreliable. And I intend to check them every few years for readability. I have a few CD that can be read even with 12 years older data recovery programs.

    So if anyone has any comments, suggestions or additions, let it go. I think that it is indeed an important subject, keeping old data accessible.


    You can post the issue here for more information:

    https://groups.Google.com/a/googleproductforums.com/Forum/#! categories/picasa/picasa-for-windows

  • ColorSync and corresponding seller

    When printing from iPhoto with a HP C8180 Photosmart printer there are two options - ColorSync and corresponding supplier.

    What are the descriptions of these options and how they affect what I print?

    Thank you.

    Hi pow3,

    ColorSync is color management to Apple Inc. for Mac OS and Mac OS X API. The selection of ColorSync allows the driver-centric color management. Selection of ColorSync tells the printer driver to specify one of its devices as the color space of the destination profiles.

    Vendor matching is the management of the colors of the programs. Management programs generally color calibrated colors to be true, but does not have the printer or type of paper into consideration as the color synchronization. Keeping in mind color sync allows managing for the driver color as shown above.

    For customers with little expertise in Imaging, automatic processing of the default colors provides good results of research. For users who want to control professional color printer driver settings activate the Advanced color management features, including support for ICC color management.

    I can't tell you what is best, it's a personal preference. I suggest that you print a picture with ColorSync and corresponding seller and compare. One can view "hot" and one can appear "cooler".

    I hope this information is useful.

  • The data including labels and descriptions added to a photo in the photo library remains with photo

    original title: data including labels and descriptions added to a photo in the photo library remains with the picture even if I switch to a new computer without photo gallery

    I have some family photos and historical photos for my family genealogy. I am tagging these and adding descriptions such as when and where they were taken and that the opportunity was, etc. This information will always be with digital photography when I send to someone or see it on another computer?

    I have some family photos and historical photos for my family genealogy. I am tagging these and adding descriptions such as when and where they were taken and that the opportunity was, etc. This information will always be with digital photography when I send to someone or see it on another computer?

    Some metadata is stored in a database exclusive and is
    not written back to the photo files.

    If you right click on a photo and go to... Properties Summary / tab.
    Tip... you can see the data included.

Maybe you are looking for