How to apply different styles to several spry accordion panels?

Hi all

I have a site I'm building that has several functions that spry accordion.

I try to apply different styles to each accordion. A problem arises when I try to place an accordion in an another accordion.

I have style two images of different background for both of the accordians for styles (AccordionPanelTab, AccordionPanelTabHover and AccordionPanelOpen AccordionPanelTabHover) that work very well.

When I try and place an accordion in an another accordion background image for this Accordion for styles (AccordionPanelTab and AccordionPanelOpen AccordionPanelTabHover) has different style applied that I said in the accordion.css folder, however the style (AccordionPanelTabHover) has the same style as the accordion, it's breast, even if I said a background image in the accordion.css file different.

I hope this makes sence, below is my source and the CSS Code.

I appriciate any help that can be given to help solve this issue I'm running too.

Source code

< div id = "content" >

< p > < span class = "first_header_word_packages" > welcome </span > < span class = "header_word_packages" > on our page of packages </span > < / p >

< class p = "content_txt" > here you can build the package Web site that meets your needs while being able to determine the cost of your site without having to worry about the scary hidden costs at a later date. < /p >

< class p = "content_txt" > we have two packages available for our clients; < /p >

< div id = "Accordion1" class = "Accordion" tabindex = "0" >

< div class = "AccordionPanel" >

< div class = "AccordionPanelTab" > < / div >

< div class = "AccordionPanelContent" >

Here the text < p > < /p >

< div id = "Accordion2" class = "Accordion" tabindex = "0" >

< div class = "AccordionPanel" >

< div class = "AccordionPanelTab" > < / div >

< div class = "AccordionPanelContent" >

Here the text < p > < /p >

< / div > <! - end #Accordion2 content - >

< / div > <!-end #AccordionPanel->

< / div > <!-end #Accordion2->

< / div > <! - end #Accordion1 content - >

< / div > <!-end #AccordionPanel->

< / div > <!-end #Accordion1->

< div id = "Accordion3" class = "Accordion" tabindex = "0" >

< div class = "AccordionPanel" >

< div class = "AccordionPanelTab" > < / div >

< div class = "AccordionPanelContent" >

Here the text < p > < /p >

< div id = "Accordion4" class = "Accordion" tabindex = "0" >

< div class = "AccordionPanel" >

< div class = "AccordionPanelTab" > < / div >

< div class = "AccordionPanelContent" >

Here the text < p > < /p >

< / div > <! - end #Accordion4 content - >

< / div > <!-end #AccordionPanel->

< / div > <!-end #Accordion4->

< / div > <! - end #Accordion3 content - >

< / div > <!-end #AccordionPanel->

< / div > <!-end #Accordion3->

< / div > <!-end #content->


@charset "UTF-8";

/ * SpryAccordion.css - version 0.5 - Pre - Release Spry 1.6.1 * /.

/ * Copyright (c) 2006. Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. */

/ * This is the selector for the main container of the accordion. For our style by default.

* draw us left, right and bottom borders. The upper edge of the accordion

* is made by the first AccordionPanelTab which never moves.


* If you want to limit the width of the Accordion widget, set a width

* the accordion container. By default, our accordion expands horizontally to fill

* a space available.


* The name of the class ("accordion") used in this switch is not necessary

* make the widget function. You can use any class name you want to style the

* Accordion container.


. Accordion {}

border-left: 1px solid gray;

border-right: 1px solid black;

border-bottom: 1px solid gray;

overflow: hidden;


/ * This is the selector for the AccordionPanel container which houses the

* tab panel and panel content area. It is not make it visually, but we

* ensure that it has zero margin and padding.


* The name of the class ("AccordionPanel") used in this switch is not necessary

* make the widget function. You can use any class name you want to style a

the container of accordion panel.


. {AccordionPanel}

margin: 0px;

padding: 0px;


/ * This is the selector for the AccordionPanelTab. This container houses

the Panel personnel. It is also the container where the user clicks

* to open a specific panel.


* The name of the class ("AccordionPanelTab") used in this switch is not necessary

* make the widget function. You can use any class name you want to style a

the container of Accordion Panel tab.



* This rule uses the - moz-user-select and - khtml-user-select properties to prevent the

* the user to select the text in the AccordionPanelTab. Here is the browser owner

properties that only work in Mozilla browsers (such as FireFox) and KHTML

* browsers (such as Safari), so they will not pass the W3C validation. If you want your documents to

* validate and don't care if the user can select text in an AccordionPanelTab.

* You can remove these properties without affecting the functionality of the widget.


. {AccordionPanelTab}

background-color: #CCCCCC;

border-top: 1px solid black;

border-bottom: 1px solid gray;

margin: 0px;

padding: 2px;

cursor: pointer;

-moz-user-select: none;

-khtml-user-select: none;


/ * This is the selector for the content area of a Panel. It is important to note that

* You should never put any padding on the content area of the group if you plan to

* use the animations of accordion panel. Place padding non-zero on the content

* area can cause accordion suddenly increase in height, while signs alive.


* Anyone who styles an accordion * MUST * specify a height on the Accordion Panel

* Content container.


* The name of the class ("AccordionPanelContent") used in this switch is not necessary

* make the widget function. You can use any class name you want to style a

the container of the accordion panel content.


. {AccordionPanelContent}

overflow: auto;

margin: 0px;

padding: 0px;


/ * This is an example of how to change the appearance of the tab of the Panel which is

* currently open. The "AccordionPanelOpen" class is added and removed programmatically

* to panels as long as the user clicks on the tabs in the accordion.


. AccordionPanelOpen. {AccordionPanelTab}

background-color: #EEEEEE;


/ * This is an example of how to change the appearance of the tab of the Panel as the

* mouse passes over it. The "AccordionPanelTabHover" class is added programmatically

* and removed containers tab panel as the mouse enters and leaves the tab container.


. {AccordionPanelTabHover}

color: #555555;


. AccordionPanelOpen. {AccordionPanelTabHover}

color: #555555;


/ * This is an example of how to change the appearance of all the Panel tabs when the

* Accordion has focus. The class "AccordionFocused" is programmatically added and removed

* whenever the accordion wins or loses the keyboard focus.


. AccordionFocused. {AccordionPanelTab}

background-color: #3399FF;


/ * This is an example of how to change the appearance of the tab of the Panel which is

* currently open when the accordion is in focus.


. AccordionFocused. AccordionPanelOpen. {AccordionPanelTab}

background-color: #33CCFF;


/ * Printing rules * /.

@media print {}

. Accordion {}

overflow: visible! important;


. {AccordionPanelContent}

display: block! important;

overflow: visible! important;

height: auto! important;



#Accordion1. {AccordionPanelTab}

height: 75px;

Width: 285px;

Background: url (.. /images/package_spry_tab_bg1.png) ;}

#Accordion1. AccordionPanelTabHover,

#Accordion1. AccordionPanelOpen. {AccordionPanelTabHover}

Background: url (.. /images/package_spry_tab_bg1_RO.png) ;}

#Accordion2. {AccordionPanelTab}

height: 44px;

Width: 469px;

Background: url (.. /images/packages_spry1.png) ;}

#Accordion2. AccordionPanelTabHover,

#Accordion2. AccordionPanelOpen. {AccordionPanelTabHover}

Background: url (.. /images/packages_spry1_ro.png) ;}

#Accordion3. {AccordionPanelTab}

height: 75px;

Width: 285px;

Background: url (.. /images/package_spry_tab_bg2.png) ;}

#Accordion3. AccordionPanelTabHover,

#Accordion3. AccordionPanelOpen. {AccordionPanelTabHover}

Background: url (.. /images/package_spry_tab_bg2_RO.png) ;}

#Accordion4. {AccordionPanelTab}

height: 44px;

Width: 469px;

Background: url (.. /images/packages_spry2.png) ;}

#Accordion4. AccordionPanelTabHover,

#Accordion4. AccordionPanelOpen. {AccordionPanelTabHover}

Background: url (.. /images/packages_spry2_ro.png) ;}

Good guys.

I thought about it, if someone had the same problem as me and a look at this thread for the answer, here it is.

Firstly if you are wanting to separately style two or more Spry accordions that are not on the other example

Label 1

Insert content here

Label 1

Insert content here

Do not do this, as long as you have separate ID's for the div (which dreamweaver automatically anyway), you will be fine.

However if for some reason, you want to put one accordion inside another like I did for example

Label 1

Insert content here

Label 1

Insert content here

Too style accordion 1 and 2 so their tabs have different origins and Hover background when the content panel is open and closed you need to style it in CSS that they follow the path;


#Accordion1. {AccordionPanelTab}

height: 75px;

Width: 285px;

Background: url (.. /images/package_spry_tab_bg.png) ;}

#Accordion1. AccordionPanelTabHover,

#Accordion1. AccordionPanelOpen. {AccordionPanelTabHover}

height: 75px;

Width: 285px;

Background: url (.. /images/package_spry_tab_bg_RO.png) ;}

#Accordion2. {AccordionPanelTab}

height: 44px;

Width: 469px;

Background: url (.. /images/packages_spry.png) ;}

#Accordion2. AccordionPanelClosed. AccordionPanelTabHover,

#Accordion2. AccordionPanelOpen. {AccordionPanelTabHover}

height: 44px;

Width: 469px;

Background: url (.. /images/packages_spry_ro.png) ;}

Normally in styling two separate spry accordions, you can simply use the following code

#Accordion1. {AccordionPanelTab}

height: 75px;

Width: 285px;

Background: url (.. /images/package_spry_tab_bg.png) ;}

#Accordion1. AccordionPanelTabHover,

#Accordion1. AccordionPanelOpen. {AccordionPanelTabHover}

height: 75px;

Width: 285px;

Background: url (.. /images/package_spry_tab_bg_RO.png) ;}

The only difference with the style one Spry Accordion in another so that they have different horizons stationary when the content panel is open and closed ".» AccordionPanelClosed ".

Hope this has helped someone who had the same problem, I was.

Tags: Dreamweaver

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    Sorry to be late to the party, I usually take up such things immediately.

    How about this one?

    1. no separate necessary script, it uses a small dialog box where you can choose what style to use. If I'm not mistaken, you can press a digit key on Windows to immediately select one of the items.

    2. it works down in the paragraph in that your cursor is located. It has nothing to do with the blocks of text, even if - consecutive paragraphs within a story always ignore the text frames.

    3. extensible: you can easily change the names of the styles in the table at the top of the page and the number of groups of style in the list.

    var styleLists = [
              [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ],
              [ "A", "B", "D", "E", "G", "H" ],
              [ "A", "C", "D", "F", "G", "H" ],
              [ "A", "D", "G", "H" ]
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              with (dialogColumns.add())
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                                  for (i=0; i		   
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    Just write your edit as field

    SerializableAttribute public class RichEditField extends BasicEditFields


    int [] offsets = null;

    Are police [] = null;

    String text = null;

    RichEditField (label As String, String text, int [] offsets, make police [])


    Super (label, text);

    This.Text = Text;

    This.Label = Label;

    Offsets = this.offsets;

    This.font = do;

    Add validation for offsets and text here


    RichEditField (label As String, String text)


    Super (label, text);

    This.Text = Text;

    This.Label = Label;

    This.offsets = {0};

    This.font = {g.getDefaultFont ()};

    Add validation for offsets and text here


    / * Here is a method to add customization of fonts as

    setFont (offset, length);

    setFont (offset);

    public void paint (Graphics g)


    g, Clear ();

    for (int i = 0; i)<>


    calculate it according to x, y using offset

    int length = 0;

    g.setFont (do [i]);

    If (i<>

    length = offset [i + 1] - offset [i];

    on the other

    Length = Text.length () - offset [i];

    g.drawText (text.substring (0, length), x, y);

    Super.Paint (g);



    This method is not compiled may have errors and may have many features according to your needs.

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    < script type = "text/javascript" >
    var acc8 = new Spry.Widget.Accordion ("Accordion8", {defaultPanel: [someNumber]});
    < /script >

    where someNumber is an integer that is greater or equal to zero. When this code is entered into the model error.

    DISCUSSION: continued research in the JavaScript file that controls the accordion, I was able to find the function that controls the default Panel. It appears like this:

    Spry.Widget.Accordion = function (element, opts)
    This.Element = this.getElement (element);
    this.defaultPanel = 0;
    this.hoverClass = "AccordionPanelTabHover";
    this.openClass = "AccordionPanelOpen";
    this.closedClass = "AccordionPanelClosed";
    this.focusedClass = "AccordionFocused;
    this.enableAnimation = true;
    this.enableKeyboardNavigation = true;
    this.currentPanel = null;
    This.Animator = null;
    this.hasFocus = null;
    This.Duration = 500;

    this.previousPanelKeyCode = Spry.Widget.Accordion.KEY_UP;
    this.nextPanelKeyCode = Spry.Widget.Accordion.KEY_DOWN;

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    this.fixedPanelHeight = 0;

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    Unfortunately, some browsers like Safari, style sheets in our
    page depends may not have been loaded at the time, we are called.
    This means that we must postpone attaching our behavior until after the
    OnLoad event is triggered, because some of our behaviors are based on dimensions
    specified in the CSS.

    If (Spry.Widget.Accordion.onloadDidFire)
    this.attachBehaviors ();
    on the other
    Spry.Widget.Accordion.loadQueue.push (this);

    QUESTION: How can I access this feature of in my template to change the setting for this.defaultPanel?

    The main JavaScript file for the accordion can be controlled by a
    model, since he lives in a separate .js file.

    I do not use templates myself, but it looks like the correct way to approach
    the problem is the one used on your 'ATTEMPT failed. You can try it
    again and report message the exact error you get and at what stage. Maybe
    you get help on that.

    Thank you for your encouragement. Indeed, part of the solution to my problem was discovered through a reconsideration of my attempt failed. The other part came from the information provided me while helping another person with a related, but different problem. It turns out that the line of code in my failed ATTEMPT is automatically placed in the model when the SPRY accordion is inserted. Unaware of his presence and the right place I am he entered by mistake a second time. This triggers not only an error message, but it renders unusable, various other parts of my document.

    First step: find the line of code that is similar to that given by the following text:

    In my model, this code was found at the bottom of the HTML body tag.

    Second step: understand that the name of the variable 'acc8' and the name of the "Accordion8" parameter provided in the sample code above are arbitrary, and that the two are automatically defined when then a SPRY accordion is inserted. Important is that these names are likely to be different from what you see in the sample code above, and that you need and probably should not edit them in your document.

    Step 3: change the number in the name pair: value indicated as defaultPanel:2 to a number between 0 and one less than the number of panels that you create in your accordion. It is this number that allows you to determine the Panel that appears when the document is opened.

    Step four: Save and test in your favorite browser. Enjoy!

    This experience taught me a crucial lesson on the use of Dreamweaver. Dreamweaver has a mind of its own and can easily ruin you in seeking to correct your own mistakes for you. The solution is to save your document with a second copy before attempting any innovation that is not already integrated in the Dreamweaver program.

    As I created a template to use with other documents, I will now try to make this area of my template editable, so that I can change the default setting of every other page that I create from my template. As I still do this, understand that the steps above, even if it is valid for a document template, may or may not be valid for pages created from the template. I hope they are and it will keep experimenting.

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    Well you need not different master pages.

    You go to the single master page and go to

    Type > text Variables > define

    Click on the header for pre-existing run, then click on 'change '.

    Select "paragraph header Running Style.


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    I used le Group of experts complex type () " ""<: view panel label =" ComplexPanel " styleName ="TabbedPanelStyle">") . and I would like to to know How can I change the styleName (custom) or even create my own style
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    Is as possible ? If so, how?
    et where is the different attributes of " styleName " ?
    Thanks in advance

    In particular, see the section create a composite application-> skins to use in the file of the application-> apply custom styles aec0869131761cca4f - 7ffe.html


  • [AS] [CS6] Apply different styles in the context of a text


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    say MyTextFrame to define (content of the history of the mother) to MyText1 & MyText2 & MyText3 & MyText4

    I would like to apply a different style (MyStyle1 to MyStyle4) for each of these channels (MyText1 to MyText4).

    Precision: MyTextI strings can contain a word or a paragraph or more, so I can't apply a style to a paragraph, for example.


    See the syntax below

    Please note that, while the js elements begin a 0 as start at 1, so you will have to set that in the script by Uwe

    Tell application "Adobe InDesign CS6"

    Set myDocument to the active document

    page 1 of myDocument, myPage value

    myTextFrame value framework text 1 of myPage

    tell the parents of myTextFrame

    Reference value character myText 1-character - 2 of paragraph 1 of the text object

    say myText

    apply the character style with the character style "myCharStyle" of myDocument

    tell the end

    tell the end

    tell the end

    look at examples in manual esign-ScriptingGuide - AS.pdf

    A very useful guide indeed


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    The source code which I use as follows;
    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    IStyleGroupManager InterfacePtr < IStyleGroupManager > (document-> GetDocWorkSpace(), IID_IOBJECTSTYLEGROUPMANAGER);

    ObjectStyleUID UID = iStyleGroupManager-> FindByName (inStyleNameStr);

    InterfacePtr < ICommand > applyObjectStyleCmd(CmdUtils::CreateCommand(kApplyObjectStyleCmdBoss));)

    IUIDData InterfacePtr < IUIDData > (applyObjectStyleCmd, UseDefaultIID());

    iUIDData-> Set (db, objectStyleUID);

    applyObjectStyleCmd-> SetItemList (splineUIDList);

    CmdUtils::ProcessCommand (applyObjectStyleCmd);

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Please let me know if I'm missing something else?

    Kind regards


    Get IObjectStylesSuite of ISelectionManager and use of ApplyObjectStyle

    Thanks and greetings

    Saurabh Singhal

    SR. InDesign developer

    [email protected]

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    myRow.cells.item (0) .appliedCellStyle = "My Fancy Style."

    apply apparently this style quickly and without fuss. But now, if I created a style Group called fancy Styles through the InDesign user interface, and put my cell Style fancy inside, so I don't know any way to call directly as a string of text. It is possible somehow as:

    myRow.cells.item (0) .appliedCellStyle = "Styles of fantasy / My Fancy cell Style ';"

    of course I know does not work. I ask if there is a way as to make what I hope. Thank you!

    Why not just

    myStyle = app.documents [0].cellStyleGroups.item ("fancy Styles'). cellStyles.item ("Fancy cell Style");


  • Want to get spry accordion panel will remain open while a page to this article

    Is there a way to get an accordion spry tab remain open while on a page in a section? For example, if I am in the Panel "information section" and I click on a link (references.html) I want the menu accordion will stay open until I go to a new menu panel. Is this possible with this Spry Accordion widget?

    In documents (pages) at the bottom of the document, you will see a line similar to

    acc1 var = new Spry.Widget.Accordion ("acc1", {useFixedPanelHeights: false, defaultPanel:-1 });

    For each document in the Panel "ABOUT LSNY" - PUBLICATIONS, change the value to 1

    For each document in the "MEMBERSHIP - CONTACT" panel, set the value to 2

    And so on for each Panel

  • link to a nested spry Accordion Panel


    I would appreciate your help with this problem:

    I am building a structure with a nested accordion and spry tabs Panel:

    Now, I want to link to specific panels (sub-) in the structure. I know that this is usually done using spryurlutils.js, that allows to connect to a specific panel by adding a query string and fragment identifier in the url. For example, I would like to add? tab = 1 to reach the second panel tabs or? tab = 1 & Panel = 2 to reach the second panel tabs and the third panel accordion-, or so I thought...

    Here's the problem: since I can't make the distinction between "parent panels" and "nested" in the URL wrong (nested) panels is open. A link to & panel = 2 opens the appropriate parent (#3) Panel, but also opens a secondary (#3), which I will not be opened. Is there a way to distinguish between the panels and the panels nested in the URL?

    I would be very grateful for any help. Please keep things simple, as I am not an expert



    Copy and paste the code that I provided above in a new document called junk.html and view in your favorite browser. The default value is tabbedpanels tab = 0, master accordion = 0 and sub Panel accordion = 0.

    To open the second tab, first second secondary master our url looks like

    Junk.html? Tab = 1 & Panel = 0 & subpanel = 1

    This will show you the content 2.1.2 (second tab, first master, second secondary)


  • How to assign different images for each spry tab

    Hey everybody,

    I continued my experiences with the spry widget, but I was not able to understand the latter problem, that I ran. I want to do the upper tab have a different image than the other tabs whether it is open or not. someone knows how to do this?

    Hey everybody,

    I think that I thought about it. It was a simple enough solution. in the CSS file, add the following:

    . AccordionPanelTab " X "{}
    background-image: url ( link to image);

    Replace ' X' with any name you want to give the tab.

    It worked for me. I hope it works for you!

  • How to apply the race to several forms on the CC animate?

    I have a layer that has many forms without any style.

    Now, I want to add them both the same race / line.

    How do I do that? No matter what I tried, nothing works. The only option I see is the application to each of them by using the ink bottle tool, which is very time-consuming.

    I vaguely remember that in previous versions you select the layer, and then choose a color of ink and the Ottoman - forms have ink.

    Or something similar (double click? IDK)

    They did cancel (which means - bug) this feature in animate CC?


    Select the vector shapes. Go to edit/combine/Union.

    Then you select the line of the color you want. And break it again. Cmd + B

    Another way to do this:

    Select the vector shapes. Go to the "Fill and Stroke" Panel and click the 'create an object '.

    Then you select the line of the color you want. And break it again. Cmd + B

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