How to find the union between 2 strings


Here are 2 string as a samble of my 2 tables,
1 (; 1; 10; 2; 3; 4; 5; 7; 8)
2 (; 10; 2; 3; 4; 5; 8; 9)

I need to find the union between these 2 strings, the result should be
result of the union = (; 1; 10; 2; 3; 4; 5; 7; 8; 9)

any help please,.


Sorry; until you have validated your tables, I couldn't test it.
I forgot to attach cntr to each of the other tables. (It's all the interest to generate cntr in the first place).
That's what I should have posted:

WITH     cntr     AS
     SELECT     LEVEL AS n
     FROM     dual
     CONNECT BY     LEVEL <= 10
                , '[^(;)]'
                , 1
                , ca.n
                )          AS itm
FROM          table_a     a
CROSS JOIN     cntr     ca
                , '[^(;)]'
                , 1
                , cb.n
                )          AS itm
FROM          table_b     b
CROSS JOIN     cntr     cb

Output given your sample data:



Tags: Database

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    Published by: user11309581 on November 17, 2011 21:32

    Always mention what version of oracle you are using.

    The following query will give you the desired result oracle version 11g release 2.

    Connected to Oracle Database 11g Release 
    SQL> with test5 as
      2  (
      3  select '1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;15;16;17;18;19;20' tidset from dual union all
      4  select '1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16;17;18;19;20' from dual union all
      5  select '1;2;3;4;6;7;8;9;11;12;13;15;16;19;20' from dual union all
      6  select '1;4;6;10;6;11;12;13;14;15;16;17;18;19;20' from dual
      7  ), all_items as
      8  (
      9    SELECT regexp_substr(t.tidset, '[^;]+', 1, column_value) item
     10          ,t.tidset
     11      FROM test5 t
     12          ,TABLE(CAST(MULTISET
     13                      (SELECT LEVEL
     14                         FROM dual
     15                       CONNECT BY LEVEL <=
     16                                  length(regexp_replace(t.tidset, '[^;]')) + 1) AS
     17                      sys.odcinumberlist))
     18  ),item_counts as
     19  (
     20    SELECT DISTINCT a.item
     21                   ,COUNT(DISTINCT a.tidset) over() total_tidset
     22                   ,COUNT(a.item) over(PARTITION BY a.item) item_occurance_count
     23      FROM (SELECT DISTINCT item
     24                           ,tidset
     25              FROM all_items) a
     26  )
     27  SELECT listagg(item, ';') within GROUP(ORDER BY to_number(item)) common_items
     28    FROM item_counts
     29   WHERE total_tidset = item_occurance_count
     30  ;

    OR if you have any version of oracle less than 11g release 2 then replace below mentioned line

    SELECT listagg(item, ';') within GROUP(ORDER BY to_number(item)) common_items

    with this one

    select xmlagg(xmlelement(c,item||';').extract('//text()') order by (to_number(item))) common_items

    It is because the listagg function used in above query is not supported in versions of oracle 11.2 below.

    I hope this helps.


    Published by: Mohamed Diarra on November 18, 2011 01:05
    Extra line to be changed for the oracle version lower than 11.2

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    -------- -------- -------------- -------------------
    1 1 TRUE NULL
    1 2 TRUE TRUE
    1 3 TRUE NULL
    1 4 TRUE NULL
    1 5 NULL NULL
    1 6 TRUE NULL

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    woman_id difference between referral and response
    ---------          ---------------------------------------
    1                    1
    1                    2

    quick access to help please

    Published by: M.Jabr on December 14, 2009 08:05
    with t as (
               select 1 woman_id,1 visit_id,'TRUE' given_referral,NULL respond_to_referral from dual union all
               select 1,2,'TRUE','TRUE' from dual union all
               select 1,3,'TRUE',NULL from dual union all
               select 1,4,'TRUE',NULL from dual union all
               select 1,5,NULL,NULL from dual union all
               select 1,6,NULL,'TRUE' from dual
    select  woman_id,
      from  (
             select  woman_id,
                     visit_id - last_value(case
                                             when given_referral is not null
                                               then visit_id
                                           ignore nulls
                                     partition by woman_id
                                     order by visit_id
                                     rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding
                                    ) diff,
               from  t
      where respond_to_referral = 'TRUE'
      WOMAN_ID       DIFF
    ---------- ----------
             1          1
             1          2


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    You will need to provide more information. You have a string that has values of bytes like this? In other words, you have the control/indicator string value "hex display mode", and that you have provided, that's what you have? Or, you have the string in normal view?

    If it is in hexadecimal display mode, then use one of the functions of the chain to get a subset of the string. Have you looked in the channel palette?

    If it is in normal display mode, then you must convert all 2 characters to hex values.

    To learn more about LabVIEW, it is recommended that you go through the tutorials and look over the material in tutorials the NI Developer Zone Learning Center , which provides links to other materials and other. You can also take a course online for free.

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    Hi spinup,

    better you should post your question in the forum of LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI is used

    Good luck.

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    Kind regards



    That have you tried that didn't work?

    See: package SDO_GEOM (geometry)


  • How to find the difference between two dates in time except Sunday

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    I have a table, as shown below.
    SQL> select * from test;
    TR_ID                                              CREATE_TIME                                                                       CODE
    -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
    S12341                                             05-JUN-12 AM                                                      1003
    S12342                                             11-JUN-12 AM                                                      1003
    S12342                                             07-JUN-12 PM                                                      1002
    S12343                                             20-JUN-12 AM                                                      1003
    S12343                                             15-JUN-12 PM                                                      1002
    S12344                                             01-JUL-12 PM                                                      1002
    S12344                                             06-JUL-12 AM                                                      1003
    S12341                                             31-MAY-12 PM                                                      1002
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    For example:

    TR_ID: S12344
    1002_Create_time: July 1, 12 PM (i.e. Sunday)
    1003_Create_time: AM 6 July 12

    1002 create time is 22:00 Sunday.

    If the query must exclude only the hours of Sunday which is 10 p.m. to Monday 00 h which is 2 Hrs.

    I tried the sub query after doing a search on this forum but I am not getting the desired output.
    SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT ROWNUM RNUM,tr_id,create_time CT_1002 FROM test c WHERE c.tr_id='S12344' and 
    ROWNUM <= (select (cast(a.create_time as date)-cast((select create_time from test b where a.tr_id=b.tr_id and code=1002) as date)) 
    from test a where a.code=1003 and a.tr_id=c.tr_id) + 1) d 
    WHERE to_char(cast((select create_time from test e where e.tr_id=d.tr_id and code=1002) as date) + RNUM - 1, 'DY') NOT IN('SUN');
    Need help to get the desired o/p


    If I unederstand the problem correctly, that's what you want:

    WITH       got_extrema     AS
         SELECT       tr_id
         ,       CAST (MIN (create_time) AS DATE)     AS start_date
         ,       CAST (MAX (create_time) AS DATE)     AS end_date
         FROM       test
         GROUP BY  tr_id
    SELECT       tr_id
    ,       start_date, end_date          -- If wanted
    ,       24 * ( ( ( TRUNC (end_date,   'IW')          -- Count -1 day for every full week
                        - TRUNC (start_date, 'IW')
               / -7
                + LEAST ( end_date               -- If end_date is a Sunday
                            , TRUNC (end_date, 'IW') + 6     -- consider it 00:00:00 on Sunday
                - CASE
                          WHEN  start_date >= TRUNC (start_date, 'IW') + 6     -- If start_date is a Sunday
                   THEN  TRUNC (start_date, 'IW') + 6               -- consider it 00:00:00 Sunday
                   ELSE  start_date
                )     AS total_hours
    FROM      got_extrema

    I guess that you don't need to worry about fractions of a second. As you did in the code you have posted, I am to convert the TIMESTAMP to date values, because of DATE arithmetic and functions are so much better than what is available for timestamps.

    Basically, it's just to find the number of days between start_date and end_date and multiplying by 24, with these twists:
    (a) 1 day is deducted for each week between start_date and end_date
    (b) if End_date is a Sunday, none of the end_date himself hours are counted
    (c) If start_date is a Sunday, then all the start_date himself hours are counted. Why these hours should be counted? Because 1 day is already being deducted for the week which includes start_date, which contains only this Sunday.

    TRUNC (dt, 'IW') is the beginning of the ISO week containing dt; in other words, 00:00:00 the or before the dt last Monday. This is not the NLS parameters.

    Of course, I can't test without some sample data and the exact results you want from these data. You may need a little something more If start_date and end_date are both on the same Sunday.
    Whenever you have a problem, please post a small example of data (CREATE TABLE and only relevant columns, INSERT statements) of all of the tables involved.
    Also post the results you want from this data, as well as an explanation of how you get these results from these data, with specific examples.
    Always tell what version of Oracle you are using.
    See the FAQ forum {message identifier: = 9360002}

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    Then I came across this little problem that I thought I could solve easily enough, but it turned quite messy.

    I have this array of strings, and I want to find the most frequent entry in this array. Let's say I have the following table.






    the mode would give me apple. I thought to convert the strings into a number and then find fashion as usual.

    But if the chain is too long, it seems a superelevation of unique number used to represent.

    Any ideas on a clean way to do this?

    This can also work


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    Already, I received information of this site only. Mr. Alten helped me.

    Now, I have to continue the same problem and need to find the ratio of the frequencies.

    Please someone help me guys...

    I will attach my vi file and the text file.


    Should you report the frequencies or the report of the amplitudes of the components at these frequencies?

    The of your multiple for the Signal Processing, extract > range of measures of waveform should do what you want.

    The frequency resolution is not very good because you have cycles relatively little waveforms (2 ~ for the lower frequency). I added a few zeros to improve resolution, even if a larger sample of data would be better.


  • How to find the difference between two dates in the presentation layer

    Hi gurus,

    Hello to everyone. Today, I came with the new requirement.

    I need to know the difference between a date and the current date in the formula column application presentation

    Thank you and best regards,

    Hi Navin,

    TIMESTAMPDIFF function first determines the timestamp component that corresponds to the specified interval setting. For example, SQL_TSI_DAY corresponds to the day component and SQL_TSI_MONTH corresponds to the component "month".

    If you want to display the difference between two dates in days using SQL_TSI_DAY, unlike butterflies SQL_TSI_MONTH and so on...

    hope you understand...

    Award points and to close the debate, if your question is answered.

    See you soon,.

  • How to find the difference between the two timestamp columns

    Dear all,
    Please solve my problem,
    I have Table name of the folder that has the following columns,
    EmpID in the number column, timestamp dat
    who has the following values
    Expand | Select | Wrap | Line numbers
    EmpID dat
    ====== ====
    101 4/9/2012 09:48:54
    101 4/9/2012 09:36:28
    101 4/9/2012 18:16:28
    101 4/10 / 2012 09:33:48
    101 4/10 / 2012 12:36:28
    101 4/10 / 2012 20:36:12
    101 4/11 / 2012 09:36:28
    101 4/11 / 2012 16:36:22
    Here, I need to display the following columns

    EmpID, min (DAT) as start, max (dat) as end and difference (max (dat) - min (dat) for each day,
    for example,.
    End difference EmpID Strart
    101 4/9/2012 09:48:54 09/04/2012 18:16:28 8.28
    Like this.
    3 days different here is so it should return 3 discs with the mentioned columns above,
    Please help me find it.

    Thank you
    Kind regards

    Published by: Gurujothi on April 25, 2012 04:45

    Gurujothi wrote:
    Dear Alex,
    Thank you for your reply,
    Depending on whether you are your quesy showing it in hour and minutes format its right but you mention all rows of the query
    If the table has more than 3000 lines then how it is possible to write this much higher request,
    my table with almost 3500 lines.

    You can make a few changes in the above query I posted the last I mentioned?

    Thank you.

    Published by: Gurujothi on April 25, 2012 23:18


    You don't need to write whole records 3000 it... alex just wrote that for example have no table as your table...
    so just use the under part of this query as in the previous post, alex:

    select empid, trunc(dat),
           min(dat) as start_dat,  to_char(min(dat), 'hh24:mi:ss') as start_dat_part,
           max(dat) as end_dat, to_char(max(dat), 'hh24:mi:ss') as end_dat_part,
           max(dat)-min(dat) diff, to_char(max(dat)-min(dat), 'hh24:mi:ss') diff_part,
           extract(day from max(dat)-min(dat)) || ' days'
           || ':' ||  extract(hour from max(dat)-min(dat)) || ' hours'
           || ':' ||  extract(minute from max(dat)-min(dat)) || ' mins'
           || ':' ||  extract(second from max(dat)-min(dat)) || ' sekas'
    from trans
    group by empid, trunc(dat)

    hope this fixes your need

  • How to find the hours between two times

    Hai All

    I had a problem I need to calculate work time

    For example

    Respondent outtime

    0815 1715

    So I need to calculate a time between these two times

    How can I do using function for 100 our




    use the below the update statement.

    update dail_att set wtime =  extract(hour from (to_date(outtime,'HH24:MI')-to_date(intime,'HH24MI')) day to second);

    Solution of the sample...

    PRAZY@11gR1> desc dte;
     Name            Null?    Type
     ------------------- -------- --------
     INTIME           VARCHAR2(4)
     OUTTIME        VARCHAR2(4)
     HRS                NUMBER
    PRAZY@11gR1> select * from dte;
    INTIME     OUTTIME           HRS
    ---------- ---------- ----------
    0815       1715
    0900       1800
    0830       1630
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
    PRAZY@11gR1> update dte set hrs = extract(hour from(to_date(outtime,'HH24MI')-to_date(intime,'HH24MI')) day to second);
    3 rows updated.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
    PRAZY@11gR1> select * from dte;
    INTIME     OUTTIME           HRS
    ---------- ---------- ----------
    0815       1715                9
    0900       1800                9
    0830       1630                8
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.00

    Kind regards

    Published by: Prazy on March 24, 2010 12:43

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    It is easy for you probs, but how can you find the diffence between all elements in an array?

    for example array = 1 2 3 4 5 6

    so difference between 1 and 2 is 1, the difference between 1 and 3 is 2. all the way to the hollow of the differece between 6 and x is x etc.

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    Thank you

    No need for the outer loop.

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