How to get the variable 'dn' in a script


I have a problem, get the variable "dn" of the script is not a "public" variable, but I'm able to see in the log file. I bet it's in an object java somewhere - I don't know how to access it. No one knows how to get it. I have attached some of the newspaper:)

CN = 8485 [5-6] XX, dn = 8485601 = 9812 cgn, ani = null, dnis = null, clid = null, atype = FORWARD_ALL lrd = 9817, ocn = 9817,

I have a similar problem but I did not find the repo. package... Where?

Thank you

Tags: Cisco Support

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    How you code the - VM on the Invoke-VMScript cmdlet parameter, it seems that Displayname of the guest is the same as the host name.

    Can't you just use a loop on guests and then use the displayname property

    $script = "%windir%\system32\cmd.exe /c c:\dr\drIPsettings.bat"
    $HostUser = "root"
    $HostPassword = "password"
    $GuestPassword = "password"
    $ScriptType = "bat"
    Get-VM | %{
       $GuestUser = $_.Name + "\Administrator"
       Invoke-VMScript -ScriptText $script -VM $_ -HostUser $HostUser -HostPassword $HostPassword -GuestUser $GuestUser -GuestPassword $GuestPassword -ScriptType $ScriptType

    You can encode the Get - VM with more specific selection criteria or use a Where-Object after the Get - VM.


    Blog: LucD notes

    Twitter: lucd22

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    If you read my blog:-
    In the post, there is a section on the recovery of the essbase substitution variables and their use in ODI.

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    Try this:

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    You can get the variables bind currently set on the object view as follows:
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    System.out.println (VM.getVariableValue ("BindVariable"));

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    calculate_new_value (* panel_ptr);

    int sign;

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    ... SomeFunction)


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    void CVICALLBACK value_changed (void * callbackData)
    int panel_ptr;
    panel_ptr = (int) callbackData;

    calculate_new_value (panel_ptr);


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    my code:

    package parsepack;

    import java.util.Vector;


    Import net.rim.device.api.system.Bitmap;
    Import net.rim.device.api.system.Display;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.DrawStyle;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.Field;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.FieldChangeListener;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.Graphics;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.Manager;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.UiApplication;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.ListField;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.ListFieldCallback;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.MainScreen;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.VerticalFieldManager;
    Import net.rim.device.api.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
    Import net.rim.device.api.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;

    to import org.W3C.DOM.document;
    Import org.w3c.dom.Node;
    Import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;

    extends xmlparsing public class UiApplication implements ListFieldCallback, FieldChangeListener

    Public Shared Sub main (String [] args)
    xmlparsing app = new xmlparsing();
    app.enterEventDispatcher ();

    public long mycolor;
    Connection _connectionthread;
    private static ListField _list;
    private static Vector listElements is new Vector();.
    public display display = new MainScreen();
    MainManager VerticalFieldManager;
    VerticalFieldManager subManager;

    public xmlparsing()
    pushScreen (screen);

    final Bitmap Imagearriereplan = Bitmap.getBitmapResource ("blackbackground.png");

    mainManager = new VerticalFieldManager(Manager.NO_VERTICAL_SCROLL |) Manager.NO_VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR)

    public void paint (Graphics graphics)
    graphics.drawBitmap (0, 0, Display.getWidth (), Display.getHeight (), Imagearriereplan, 0, 0);

    Super.Paint (Graphics);


    subManager = new VerticalFieldManager(Manager.VERTICAL_SCROLL |) Manager.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR)
    protected void sublayout (int maxWidth, maxHeight int)
    int displayWidth = Display.getWidth ();
    int displayHeight = Display.getHeight ();

    Super.sublayout (displayWidth, displayHeight);
    setExtent (displayWidth, displayHeight);

    Screen.Add (mainManager);

    _list = new ListField()


    public void paint (Graphics graphics)

    graphics.setColor ((int) mycolor);
    Super.Paint (Graphics);


    myColor = 0x00FFFFFF;
    _list. Invalidate();
    _list.setEmptyString ("* only supplies not available *", DrawStyle.HCENTER "");
    _list.setRowHeight (50);
    _list.setCallback (this);
    mainManager.add (subManager);
    listElements.removeAllElements ();
    _connectionthread = New Connection();
    _connectionthread. Start();

    protected boolean navigationClick (int status, int time)
    Here, go to another screen if you need.

    catch (System.Exception e)
    System.out.println ("Exception:-: navigationClick()" + try ());
    Returns true;

    private class login extends thread
    Public connection()

    public void run() {}
    Doc document;
    StreamConnection conn = null;
    InputStream is = null;
    try {}

    Conn = (StreamConnection) ("

    DocumentBuilderFactory docBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance ();
    docBuilderFactory.setIgnoringElementContentWhitespace (true);
    docBuilderFactory.setCoalescing (true);
    DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder ();
    docBuilder.isValidating ();
    is = conn.openInputStream ();
    doc = docBuilder.parse (is);
    doc.getDocumentElement () .normalize ();
    List of NodeList = doc.getElementsByTagName ("ID");
    for (int i = 0; i)< list.getlength();="" i++)="">
    Node node = list.item (i) .getFirstChild ();
    listElements.addElement (textNode.getNodeValue ());
    } catch (Exception e) {}
    System.out.println (try ());
    } {Finally
    If (is! = null) {}
    try {is.close ();
    } catch (IOException ignored) {}
    } If (conn! = null) {}
    Try {conn.close () ;}
    catch (IOException ignored) {}
    }} UiApplication.getUiApplication () .invokeLater (new Runnable() {}
    public void run() {}
    _list. SetSize (listElements.Size ());
    subManager.add (_list);
    Screen.Invalidate ();


    ' public void drawListRow (list ListField, Graphics g, int index, int y, int w)
    Your string = (String) listElements.elementAt (index);
    int yPos = 0 + y;
    g.drawLine (0, yPos, w, yPos);
    g.drawText (, 5, 15 + y, 0, w);

    public {get {Object (ListField list, int index)
    Return listElements.elementAt (index);
    public int indexOfList (String prefix, ListField list, int, string)
    Return listElements.indexOf (prefix, string);
    public int getPreferredWidth (ListField list)
    Return Display.getWidth ();
    public final void insert (String toInsert, int index) {}
    listElements.addElement (toInsert);

    ' Public Sub fieldChanged (field field, int context) {}


    Thank you.

    I told you that replace the navigationclick() method where initialize you your listfield

    as I think that changing your code and then answer me

    _list = new ListField()
    protected boolean navigationClick(int status, int time)
      return true;
    public void paint(Graphics graphics)
    graphics.setColor((int) mycolor);
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    Following your suggestion,

    QTime is only for a day.

    I found "QDateTime" of references of the API:

    QDateTime = now QDateTime::currentDateTime();
    timestamp long = now.toTime_t ();

    But I got an error. I searched but no results are clear:

    -variable 'QDateTime now' initializer has but
    incomplete type
    -type incomplete "QDateTime" used in the nested name
    specifier of

    I am a newbie. So thank you for your help

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    We use JDeveloper Studio Edition Version and deployed on GlassFish Server Open Source Edition (build 5) and connect to the SQLServer database.

    How to get the selected line in a programmatic (using a SortableModel custom not a display object) ADF table (generated from a bean)?

    We are trying to get the selected row in a bean of a programmatic ADF table to retrieve data based on the selected line.

    Any idea?

    Well, you can use selectionListener to set the selected line to a variable of bean (but this bean must be in extended view or some superiors)

    Something like this:


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    How to get the FND_PROFILE. VALUE('ORG_ID') in the host program.

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    v_return =' $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus - s $FCP_LOGIN < < END

    set pagesize 0

    trigger the echo

    fnd_profile. Value ('ORG_ID');


    END '

    echo $v_return

    but it error with the message: Retrun value SP-0734: unknown command beginning "fnd_profile...". »

    Kind regards


    > but it error with the message: Retrun value SP-0734: unknown command beginning "fnd_profile...". »

    .. .who is the same thing that will happen if you run SQL * more and type "fnd_profile.value...". »

    Assuming that fnd_profile.value is a function, you must select from the something (say double) or assign to a variable.

  • How to get the value on a model that is defined in the java code in email


    I created a custom code and send email as well to custom component. I can send emails using the method:

    InternetFunctions.sendMailTo (EmailID, EmailTemplate, subject, cxt);

    But my problem is that I have to get a value in the model of "EmailTemplate" which are defined from java code. but I don't know how to get the value.

    I will highlight in the java code by using this code: binder.putLocal ("ErrorApproveRejectMsg", massegeBody);

    I'm trying to enhance the model using the code below, but not able to get.

    1 < $exec getValue ("#active", "ErrorApproveRejectMsg") $ >

    2 < $exec getValue ("#active", ErrorApproveRejectMsg) $ >

    3 < getValue ("ErrorApproveRejectMsg") $exec $ >

    4 < $exec getValue (ErrorApproveRejectMsg) $ >

    5 < getValue ("#local", ErrorApproveRejectMsg) $exec $ >

    6 < getValue ("#local", "ErrorApproveRejectMsg") $exec $ >

    7 < $ErrorApproveRejectMsg$ >

    8 < $exec ErrorApproveRejectMsg$ >

    Assuming that cxt will be your Service or execution context object

    You can do something like this

    DB. PutLocal ("ErrorApproveRejectMsg", "Error");

    cxt.setCachedObject ("DataBinder", db);

    PageMerger h = new PageMerger (db, cxt);

    cxt.setCachedObject ("PageMerger", h);

    InternetFunctions.sendMailTo (usersEmail, emailTemplate, emailSubject, cxt);

    where db is current databinder object, and you can put any variable custom in the workbook by using the putLocal method.

    Thank you


  • How to get the host name of the physical computer inside a virtual machine until the user logs in Windows?

    I don't know if this is the right place to post this question, I develop software to support VMWare PCoIP and need to know how to get the host name of the physical machine (which manages the virtual machine and View Client) within a virtual machine before the user logs in Windows of the virtual machine.

    I understand there are two ways to read the host name, via the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Volatile Environment registry and environment variables, but they are available once the user is connected. I need info before the user connects.

    Is there a VMware API that can be called or asked the host name?

    Thank you.

    Not on the broker, but there are the startup scripts to log on to the computer virtual itself:

    Note that these executed when a virtual desktop computer allocated connection, not to the point that the client connects - it is possible for the customer to not complete the connection (crash, cancel, network failure) and so any what solution you design must handle this.


  • How to get the text block, given anchor (~ a)

    I need to dynamically position anchored with anchor text blocks (but the relative position will be different for each anchor). If I grep ~ i can get the anchor marker - how to get the text block once I got this marker?

    Thank you

    The marker "anchor" is a character of "simple".

    So you can do the following if you have identified the character (and in this example selected it):

    //Start with an "Anchor Marker" selected:
    var myCharacter = app.selection[0];
    if (myCharacter.texts[0].textFrames.length == 1){
    var myAnchoredTextFrame = myCharacter.texts[0].textFrames[0];
        //do something with the anchored text frame:
        myAnchoredTextFrame.fillColor = "Yellow";

    You can set the myCharacter variable differently, if you know the index of the character according to his history of parent.

    Or if you have found the character as part of a search GREP or TEXT by ExtendScript (JavaScript).


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