How update multiple records at once?

Hi all

I'm using oracle 11g

I have table below

emp_id, emp_name

1                     X

2                      Y

3                      Z

4                     M

5                      Q

..                   ..

.                     ...

..                    ....

as I have 10 records and emp_id is unique

I have an added email column more

Now I want to update e-mail as a column as [email protected] [email protected] ... [email protected] .

I created the sequence to concatenate the x and

But how I will update to the atime all records with the e-mail data.




as you said that you have created a query sequence will look like:

Update emp

the value email = 'x '. seq_name.nextval | '';

In general, if you want to update all rows in a table do not put a clause where clause, even if I avoid using these updates its place to the user to use them or not.



Tags: Database

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  • Update multiple records at once

    First, thank you very much the people who have helped me out several times now. I put things together and came across another issue of 'beauty' begin as follows. In the previous topics, I had a way to get to an array of automated classification based on the inputs of a fixtures table and some simple calculations. Now, which has been accomplished which resulted in me having to update all the teams by simply clicking a button.

    As you can see in the code below, using a table with every row a form, at the end of the line, there is a button called 'OK' I have to push to update the record according to. A repeat region for all teams in this query shows the ranking of 'new', but is not yet inserted in the League table. Is it possible to have this repeat region without having to push 18 or 20 times a button update? At the end of the table, one (1) button update all records? The primary key is composed like this ' 0000 - u00a "(4 numéros un tiret puis un «u» 1 ou 2 numéros et 1 ou 2 lettres à nouveau)."

    <?php require_once('Connections/connection.php'); ?>
    if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString")) {
    function GetSQLValueString($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "")
      $theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($theValue) : $theValue;

      $theValue = function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string") ? mysql_real_escape_string($theValue) : mysql_escape_string($theValue);

      switch ($theType) {
        case "text":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
        case "long":
        case "int":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? intval($theValue) : "NULL";
        case "double":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . doubleval($theValue) . "'" : "NULL";
        case "date":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
        case "defined":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? $theDefinedValue : $theNotDefinedValue;
      return $theValue;

    $editFormAction = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
    if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
      $editFormAction .= "?" . htmlentities($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);

    if ((isset($_POST["MM_update"])) && ($_POST["MM_update"] == "klassement")) {
      $updateSQL = sprintf("UPDATE klassement SET wedstrijden=%s, overwinning=%s, verlies=%s, gelijkspel=%s, goalsvoor=%s, goalstegen=%s, goalverschil=%s, punten=%s WHERE ploegid=%s",
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['wedstrijden'], "int"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['overwinning'], "int"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['verlies'], "int"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['gelijkspel'], "int"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['goalsvoor'], "int"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['goalstegen'], "int"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['goalverschil'], "int"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['punten'], "int"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['ploegid'], "text"));

      mysql_select_db($database_koscw, $koscw);
      $Result1 = mysql_query($updateSQL, $koscw) or die(mysql_error());

      $updateGoTo = "klassement-ploegen.php?reeksid=" . $row_klassement['reeksid'] . "";
      if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
        $updateGoTo .= (strpos($updateGoTo, '?')) ? "&" : "?";
        $updateGoTo .= $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
      header(sprintf("Location: %s", $updateGoTo));

    if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString")) {
    function GetSQLValueString($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "")
      if (PHP_VERSION < 6) {
        $theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($theValue) : $theValue;

      $theValue = function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string") ? mysql_real_escape_string($theValue) : mysql_escape_string($theValue);

      switch ($theType) {
        case "text":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
        case "long":
        case "int":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? intval($theValue) : "NULL";
        case "double":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? doubleval($theValue) : "NULL";
        case "date":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
        case "defined":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? $theDefinedValue : $theNotDefinedValue;
      return $theValue;

    $reeks_klassement = "-1";
    if (isset($_GET['reeksid'])) {
      $reeks_klassement = $_GET['reeksid'];
    mysql_select_db($database_koscw, $koscw);
    $query_klassement = sprintf("select * from klassement where reeksid = %s order by status asc, punten desc, overwinning desc, goalverschil desc", GetSQLValueString($reeks_klassement, "text"));
    $klassement = mysql_query($query_klassement, $koscw) or die(mysql_error());
    $row_klassement = mysql_fetch_assoc($klassement);
    $totalRows_klassement = mysql_num_rows($klassement);

    $id_reeks = "-1";
    if (isset($_GET['reeksid'])) {
      $id_reeks = $_GET['reeksid'];
    mysql_select_db($database_koscw, $koscw);
    $query_reeks = sprintf("select reeksnaam from reeksen where reeksid = %s", GetSQLValueString($id_reeks, "text"));
    $reeks = mysql_query($query_reeks, $koscw) or die(mysql_error());
    $row_reeks = mysql_fetch_assoc($reeks);
    $totalRows_reeks = mysql_num_rows($reeks);

    mysql_select_db($database_koscw, $koscw);
    $query_seizoen = "select * from seizoen";
    $seizoen = mysql_query($query_seizoen, $koscw) or die(mysql_error());
    $row_seizoen = mysql_fetch_assoc($seizoen);
    $totalRows_seizoen = mysql_num_rows($seizoen);

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="../_styles/koscw-admin.css" />
    <title>Klassement <?php echo $row_reeks['reeksnaam']; ?> | Beheerpaneel | 1349</title>
    <div id="container">
    <h1 class="overzichth1">Klassement <?php echo $row_reeks['reeksnaam']; ?></h1>
    <?php if ($totalRows_klassement > 0) { // Show if recordset not empty ?>
    <table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0" id="klassement">
      <td class="klassementsmall bgccc bold"></td>
           <td class="klassementteam bgccc bold">Ploegnaam</td>
           <td class="klassementsmall bgccc bold">+</td>
           <td class="klassementsmall bgccc bold">-</td>
           <td class="klassementsmall bgccc bold">=</td>
          <td class="klassementsmall bgccc bold">#</td>
           <td class="klassementsmall bgccc bold"><img src="../_img/goalsmade.png" alt="Goals +" /></td>
           <td class="klassementsmall bgccc bold"><img src="../_img/goalsagainst.png" alt="Goals -" /></td>
           <td class="klassementsmall bgccc bold"><img src="../_img/goalsdifference.png" alt="Goals &asymp;" /></td>
           <td class="klassementsmall bgccc bold">PTN</td>
          <td class="klassementsmall bgccc"> </td>
    do {
    if($i % 2) { //this means if there is a remainder
         echo "<tr class=\"calendareven\">";
    } else { //if there isn't a remainder we will do the else
         echo "<tr class=\"calendarodd\">";
    $rank += 1;
    echo $rank;
    ?>      </td>
           <td class="klassementteam">
            $thuisploeg=$row_klassement ['ploegid'];
              $sql_select_thuisploeg="select ploegnaam from ploegen where ploegid = ('$thuisploeg')";
              while ($data_thuisploeg=mysql_fetch_array($resultset_thuisploeg))
              {echo $data_thuisploeg['ploegnaam'] . " ";}?></td>
           <form action="<?php echo $editFormAction; ?>" method="POST" name="klassement">
          <input type="hidden" name="ploegid" value="<?php echo $row_klassement ['ploegid']; ?>" />
           $sql_select_tw="SELECT COUNT( * ) AS twin FROM kalender WHERE seizoen = '$huidig' AND speeldag !=0 AND thuisploegid = '$tw' AND thuisploeggoals > bezoekersgoals";
           $sql_select_uitwin="SELECT COUNT( * ) AS awin FROM kalender WHERE seizoen = '$huidig' AND speeldag !=0 AND bezoekersid = '$uitwin' AND thuisploeggoals < bezoekersgoals";
          <input type="text" name="overwinning" value="<?php echo $win; ?>" class="inputscore" readonly="readonly" />
           $sql_select_tv="SELECT COUNT( * ) AS tver FROM kalender WHERE seizoen = '$huidig' AND speeldag !=0 AND thuisploegid = '$tv' AND thuisploeggoals < bezoekersgoals";
           $sql_select_uitverlies="SELECT COUNT( * ) AS aver FROM kalender WHERE seizoen = '$huidig' AND speeldag !=0 AND bezoekersid = '$uitverlies' AND thuisploeggoals > bezoekersgoals";
          <input type="text" name="verlies" value="<?php echo $ver; ?>" class="inputscore" readonly="readonly" />
           $sql_select_thuisdraw="SELECT COUNT( * ) AS tdraw FROM kalender WHERE seizoen = '$huidig' AND speeldag !=0 AND thuisploegid = '$thuisdraw' AND thuisploeggoals = bezoekersgoals";
           $sql_select_awaydraw="SELECT COUNT( * ) AS adraw FROM kalender WHERE seizoen = '$huidig' AND speeldag !=0 AND bezoekersid = '$awaydraw' AND thuisploeggoals = bezoekersgoals";
          <input type="text" name="gelijkspel" value="<?php echo $draw ?>" class="inputscore" readonly="readonly" />
          <?php $wedstrijden=$win+$ver+$draw; ?>
          <input type="text" name="wedstrijden" value="<?php echo $wedstrijden; ?>" class="inputscore" readonly="readonly" />
          $tgv=$row_klassement ['ploegid'];
           $sql_select_tgv="SELECT SUM( thuisploeggoals ) AS tgv1 FROM kalender WHERE seizoen = '$huidig' AND speeldag !=0 AND thuisploegid = '$tgv'";

          $ugv=$row_klassement ['ploegid'];
           $sql_select_ugv="SELECT SUM( bezoekersgoals ) AS ugv1 FROM kalender WHERE seizoen = '$huidig' AND speeldag !=0 AND bezoekersid = '$ugv'";

          <input type="text" name="goalsvoor" value="<?php echo $gv; ?>" class="inputscore" readonly="readonly" />
          $tgt=$row_klassement ['ploegid'];
           $sql_select_tgt="SELECT SUM( thuisploeggoals ) AS tgt1 FROM kalender WHERE seizoen = '$huidig' AND speeldag !=0 AND bezoekersid = '$tgv'";

          $ugt=$row_klassement ['ploegid'];
           $sql_select_ugt="SELECT SUM( bezoekersgoals ) AS ugt1 FROM kalender WHERE seizoen = '$huidig' AND speeldag !=0 AND thuisploegid = '$ugv'";

          <input type="text" name="goalstegen" value="<?php echo $gt; ?>" class="inputscore" readonly="readonly" />
           <?php $goals=$gv-$gt; ?>
          <input type="text" name="goalverschil" value="<?php echo $goals; ?>" class="inputscore" readonly="readonly" />
           <?php $punten=($win*3)+($draw*1); ?>
          <input type="text" name="punten" value="<?php echo $punten; ?>" class="inputscore" readonly="readonly" />
          <input type="submit" value="OK" />
          <input type="hidden" name="MM_update" value="klassement" />
      <?php } while ($row_klassement = mysql_fetch_assoc($klassement)); ?>
    <?php } // Show if recordset not empty ?>




    Each record is separated, as well as a record can be updated at once, unless you want that all records have the same value.

    To update multiple records in a single operation, you must send the form tabular data. You do this by adding an empty pair of brackets at the end of the name attribute of each entry on the form like this:


    This translates by $_POST ['ploegid'] which contains a table of all IDS: $_POST ['ploegid'] [0], $_POST ['ploegid'] [1], $_POST ['ploegid'] [2] and so on. All the attributes of the repeat region name need to have added hooks. The following hidden field should be outside of the repeat region and may not have the brackets:


    You can then use a loop for updating the values like this:

    for ($j = 0, $len = count($_POST['ploegid']); $j < $len; $j++) {  $updateSQL = sprintf("UPDATE klassement SET wedstrijden=%s, overwinning=%s,   verlies=%s, gelijkspel=%s, goalsvoor=%s, goalstegen=%s, goalverschil=%s,   punten=%s WHERE ploegid=%s",                       GetSQLValueString($_POST['wedstrijden'][$j], "int"),                       GetSQLValueString($_POST['overwinning'][$j], "int"),                       GetSQLValueString($_POST['verlies'][$j], "int"),                       GetSQLValueString($_POST['gelijkspel'][$j], "int"),                       GetSQLValueString($_POST['goalsvoor'][$j], "int"),                       GetSQLValueString($_POST['goalstegen'][$j], "int"),                       GetSQLValueString($_POST['goalverschil'][$j], "int"),                       GetSQLValueString($_POST['punten'][$j], "int"),                       GetSQLValueString($_POST['ploegid'][$j], "text"));
      mysql_select_db($database_koscw, $koscw);  $Result1 = mysql_query($updateSQL, $koscw) or die(mysql_error());}
  • DB update multiple records in a table with a form

    I'm developing an online proofing system that displays a number of images and then allow the client to approve each image, but also to comment.

    I currently have a configuration table with the different elements (an image dynamically takes its name, details about the image and the required form fields). See this Image for layout

    I would then apply a repeat region (the number of signs vary) and you want to update all records with feedback from the customer and approval with a single form. How this is done? I downloaded a trial of the Toolbox for developers, but the documentation is horrible. I'd be willing to buy an extension that will allow, as appropriate.

    I found an extension that does this in two minutes:

    Great software, highly recommended. Easy to figure out and got this "problem" solved quickly.

  • Update multiple records with PHP


    I want to update multiple lines with a single click on the submit button.

    Unfortunately, it does not work. What's not in the code?

    <? php require_once('.. / Connections/ikon.php');? >
    <? PHP
    If (! function_exists ("GetSQLValueString")) {}
    function GetSQLValueString ($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "")
    If (via PHP_VERSION < 6) {}
    $theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc()? stripslashes ($TheValue): $theValue;

    $theValue = function_exists ("mysql_real_escape_string")? mysql_real_escape_string ($TheValue): mysql_escape_string ($theValue);

    Switch ($theType) {}
    case 'text ':
    $theValue = ($theValue! = "")? « " ». $theValue. "" "": "NULL";
    case "long":
    case "int":
    $theValue = ($theValue! = "")? intval ($TheValue): 'NULL ';
    case "double":
    $theValue = ($theValue! = "")? doubleVal ($TheValue): 'NULL ';
    case "date":
    $theValue = ($theValue! = "")? « " ». $theValue. "" "": "NULL";
    case "set":
    $theValue = ($theValue! = "")? $theDefinedValue: $theNotDefinedValue;
    Return $theValue;

    $editFormAction = $_SERVER ['PHP_SELF'];
    If (isset {}

    $editFormAction. = « ? ». htmlentities($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);

    for ($j = 0, $len = count($_POST['id']); $j < $len; $j ++) {}
    If ((isset($_POST["MM_update"])) & & ($_POST ["MM_update"] == "openingsuren_wijzigen")) {}
    $updateSQL = sprintf ("UPDATE ikon_openingsuren SET dag = %s voormiddag = %s, namiddag = WHERE id = %s %s",
    GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['dag'] [$j], "text").
    GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['voormiddag'] [$j], "text").
    GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['namiddag'] [$j], "text").
    GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['id'] [$j], "int"));

    @mysql_select_db ($database_ikon, $ikon);
    $Result1 = mysql_query ($updateSQL, $ikon) or die (mysql_error ());

    @mysql_select_db ($database_ikon, $ikon);
    $query_rsWijzigOpeningsuren = "SELECT * from ikon_openingsuren";
    $rsWijzigOpeningsuren = mysql_query ($query_rsWijzigOpeningsuren, $ikon) or die (mysql_error ());
    $row_rsWijzigOpeningsuren = mysql_fetch_assoc ($rsWijzigOpeningsuren);
    $totalRows_rsWijzigOpeningsuren = mysql_num_rows ($rsWijzigOpeningsuren);
    ? >

    <! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict / / IN" "" > ""
    "< html xmlns ="">".
    < head >
    < meta http-equiv = "content-type" content = text/html"; charset = utf-8 "/ >"
    < title > < / title >
    < / head >
    < body >
    < form action = "<?" PHP echo $editFormAction;? ">" method = "POST" name = "openingsuren_wijzigen" id = "openingsuren_wijzigen" >
    < input name = "id []" type = "hidden" id = "id" value = "<?" PHP echo $row_rsWijzigOpeningsuren ['id'];? ">" / >
    < table id = "tbl_openingsuren" >
    < thead >
    < b >
    < scope = "col" th > Dag < /th >
    < scope = "col" th > Voormiddag < /th >
    < scope = "col" th > Namiddag en Avond < /th >
    < /tr >
    < / thead >
    < tbody >
    <? PHP {? >}
    < b >

    < td > < input name = "dag []" type = "text" id = "dag" value = "<?" PHP echo $row_rsWijzigOpeningsuren ['dag'];? ">" size = "15" maxlength = "15" / > < table >
    < td > < input name = "[to] voormiddag" type = "text" id = "voormiddag" value = "<?" PHP echo $row_rsWijzigOpeningsuren ["voormiddag"];? ">" size = "15" maxlength = "15" / > < table >
    < td > < input name = "[of] namiddag" type = "text" id = "namiddag" value = "<?" PHP echo $row_rsWijzigOpeningsuren ["namiddag'];? ">" size = "15" maxlength = "15" / > < table >
    < /tr >
    <? PHP} while ($row_rsWijzigOpeningsuren = mysql_fetch_assoc ($rsWijzigOpeningsuren));? >
    < / tbody >
    < /table >
    < p > < input type = "submit" name = "submit" id = "submit" value = "Stayed" class = "knop" / > < / p >
    < input type = "hidden" name = "MM_update" value = "openingsuren_wijzigen" / >
    < / make >
    < / body >
    < / html >
    <? PHP
    mysql_free_result ($rsWijzigOpeningsuren);
    ? >

    Powerlait wrote:

    I want to update multiple lines with a single click on the submit button.

    Unfortunately, it does not work. What's not in the code?

    It would be more useful if you were to say what is happening. "It doesn't work" is not very useful.

    However, a quick look at your code is your hidden field that contains the ID outside the loop (repeat region) in your form. Place it inside the loop like this:

  • How to update multiple records


    I have this problem

    I have this table whith 100,000 records with the State of the column = DONE


    I need to update the State of the column with values from another table


    Thanks if you can help


    You can use the merge sql stmt:

    merge into target_table t

    using s source_table

    on (t.num_cust = s.au_num_cust and = s.au_date)

    When matched then

    update set s.au_status = t.status



  • Update multiple records with one submit?

    For the life of me I can't figure out how to do this. I have boxes with the ID primary key listed as the value of a repeat region. I want to perform an update on 2 columns for all checked IDs.


    < form >

    < cfoutput query...

    other textfields...

    < input name = "checkbox" type = "checkbox" id = "checkbox" value = "" # "/ >"

    < / cfoutput >


    < / make >

    My update statement:

    UPDATE table
    SET 1 = Column1, column2 = 'whatever '.
    WHERE id IN (< cfqueryparam cfsqltype = "cf_sql_integer" value = "#TRIM (FORM.checkbox) #" >)
    < / cfquery >

    It updates only if I check a box has no effect when more than one is selected.

    I also tried a loop during the update statement, but nothing seems to work.

    You must use the cfqueryparam list attribute.

  • Get Null when updating multiple records

    Hi all

    super.processFormRequest (pageContext, webBean);
    Am = (XxSupppacklistAMImpl) pageContext.getApplicationModule (webBean) XxSupppacklistAMImpl;

    String s1 = pageContext.getParameter ("ItemNumber");
    System.out.println ("The Parent point Nukmber is:" + s1);

    If (PageContext.GetParameter ("ParentItem")! = null)
    String s2 = pageContext.getParameter ("ParentItem");
    System.out.println ("the Parent element will be", + s2);
    System.out.println ("Hello I'm in the selectAll method," + s1);

    I was null, when executing the above code.
    could you please, help me on this.



    B4 value to write more if condition

    If (Row.GetAttribute ("ParentItem")! = null)
    parent = row. GetAttribute("ParentItem").toStrring ();

    Meher Irk

  • How to view multiple records to a report form - as the model?

    Hi all
    I developed a form - like model report
    I want to show him several records at once (on the same page)
    I tried assigning a value of "Maximum records per page" property for the extensible framework 10
    but when I close the range property and open it again the value returns to 1!
    How to display multiple records on the same page?

    Thank you


    check around your formatting images if all have the "vertical stretch" value to the variable or develop.

  • How can I do the following to happen: Browse multiple sites at once, simply and easily. Each new site appears as a new tab.

    A tab open, when I click on a bookmark, the browser IS NOT open it in a new tab. It open in the same tab, replacing the old site.

       In FEATURES it says:

    «Browse multiple sites at once, simply and easily.» Each new site appears as a new tab.

       I wish it would.

    Install one or both of these modules.

    In addition, see How to set the home page which explains how to open several sites such as your homepage.

  • How to change the disk that updates are recorded.

    Player updates are saved on my computer is full. I have 24 GB of free on another logical drive. I need to know how to get all the other updates to record on this disc. Thank you

    Windows updates must be installed and remain on the same drive or partition as the Windows operating system is installed on.  I suggest you install a larger hard drive. Carey Frisch

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    How to fax multiple pages at once with the HP 6500 has more.

    I don't know why I can't do this, it sends do not ask if you need to scan another page.

    Your device contains a document feeder, the sending of several pages of the Scanner glass is not supported.

    Simply place the pages face up on top of the document feeder and send the fax, as shown below:

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    How to get the values separated by commas of multiple records in table

    for example

    name address age sex
    a 12 m e
    b hh 12 f
    BB c 13 h

    I need to get output as a, b, c from a query

    Use the query as below he works for me, change the names of tables and columns


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    When I opened display all bookmarks, I have a long list of tags - although I'm not there. The only way I found to remove is one at a time. Is it possible to remove multiple tags at once?

    Thank you!

    Have you tried to select the main tags folder in the left pane of the library and select several or all the tags in the right pane?

    You can remove all of the tags selected via the context menu.

  • How to concatenate multiple records in a single

    Hello world:

    I want to know if is a way to concat multiple records into one without the help of the sliders. For example, I have a table named "Authors" like this:

    LAN | Author
    English | Ernest Hemingway
    Spanish | Octavio Paz
    Spanish | Mario Vargas Llosa
    English | Sinclair Lewis
    Spanish | Gabriel García Márquez

    And I want to get this:

    Octavio Paz, Mario Vargas Llosa, Gabriel García Márquez

    I have worked with SQL Server and I can do something like this:

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo. MyConcat (@lan varchar (10))
    RETURNS varchar (5000) AS
    declare @retvalue varchar (5000)
    Set @retvalue = "
    Select @retvalue = @retvalue + author + ',' authors where lan = @lan
    return substring (@retvalue, 1, len (@retvalue)-1)

    That is to say, do not use cursors to concatenate records. However, with ORACLE, I do something like that.

    v_ret VARCHAR2 (4000);
    v_element VARCHAR2 (4000);
    v_cursor sys_refcursor;
    OPEN to SELECT V_cursor author of authors where Lan = P_Lan
    SEEK v_cursor INTO v_elemento;
    OUTPUT WHEN v_cursor % NOTFOUND;
    IF v_ret IS NULL THEN
    v_ret: = v_element;
    v_ret: = v_ret | ', ' || v_element;
    END IF;
    RETURN v_ret;

    There is another way to to do?

    Best regards

    You can find plenty of examples here:

    and also here:

    Published by: hoek on October 21, 2010 17:50

  • validation against multiple records (section multiple registration)

    How can I validate the records in a record Multiple point (3 files) against multiple records in a database? In other words, if they have previously registered (and is committed to the database) 'A', 'B' and 'C' and then try to enter "C", "D" and "E", a trigger failure will occur because 'C' is recognized as being already in the database. I'm already having control of duplicate records of subject "during a session" via the form, but does not prevent a user to re - enter and update a different record with the same value as one of the other documents submitted previously. Does make sense? I guess I could control it at the database level, making the the user_id AND primary keys of point value, but I want to control it until the user selects the button "Update".

    This should check the records that are unique to that user only. Does make sense?

    You have a post request (PQ) trigger adding or modifying data when a record is being questioned? The when-validate-Item trigger (WVI) will run only when the State of the item is NEW or CHANGED. When you fill out your form with EXECUTE_QUERY(), the ITEM_STATUS should be query.

    If you use a trigger of PQ, would be to reset the record and status of the article once you set your value in the trigger of PQ. For example:


    Another option would be to set the status of all return to the QUERY.


    I hope this helps.

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