I'm about to pull out my hair!

So I have a Dell T310 8 gigas of Ram and initially, I got 500 GB mirrored set.  I added the extra set of disk of 1 TB and I can see very well in the data store and can create virtual drives.  But for the life of me I do not see it in the virtual machine, I installed the operating system is SBS STD 2008.  After searching and poking around in the Device Manager, I noticed another section of devices and the other disk identified according to me there.  I tried to delete it and restart and it will fall again to this place and see it in the management of the storage on SBS.  I went to the extent of Dell support, but only to be useless.

The other issue I had is to install the full installation on VMWare Tools and it weighs about 1/5 of the way through it and it is there.  I tried completely removing all residual information in Program Files and the registry under software and it always does.    I believe that these two issues are related, but cannot confirm this.

I have a SAS 6ir which is supported by VMWare, the research that I did.  Is there a way to force the drive some to get the server to see.  I can't even set up a reader 40gig on the same data store.

I even tried to manually modify the virtual machine to add the scsi device.

What I'm missing here.  It drives me absolutely crazy.

Please help and thanks in advance for the help!

Mike Pratt

I did a search the knowledge base and found an article that describes a 'inaccessible boot device' in relation to the 'virtual disk VMware SCSI Disk Device '. The steps that could be related to your question and - as you mentioned in your first post - question with VMware tools.

See http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1013975

I do not know if this solves your problem, but it may be worth trying.


Tags: VMware

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  • Error won't let me go to another class (has got me pulling out my hair)

    Good buddies, so basically I have 2 buttons in the mainfraime class. The first button leads to the candidate page and the second page of voters. The first button works and redirects the user to the PasswordDemo page, but to the hell out of me I can't understand why he refuses to acknowledge the 'profile' class as its supposed to go to when the user clicks the second button. He keeps telling me that "the Profile() method is not defined for the Mainframe type. Help, please.

    Class mainframe:
    //The applications first or the main frame
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class Mainframe extends JFrame {
            private JButton myFirstButton;
            private JButton mySecondButton;
            private javax.swing.JButton jButton1;
            private javax.swing.JButton jButton2;
            private javax.swing.JLabel jLabel1;
            private javax.swing.JLabel jLabel2;
            private javax.swing.JLabel jLabel3;
            // Constructor for a new frame
            public Mainframe() {
                    super("Welcome Page");
                    myFirstButton = new JButton("Contestant");
                    myFirstButton.setFont(new Font( "Arial", Font.BOLD, 18));
                    mySecondButton = new JButton("Voter");
                    mySecondButton.setFont(new Font( "Arial", Font.BOLD, 18));
                    Container c = getContentPane();
                    FlowLayout fl = new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT);
                    c.add (myFirstButton);
                    c.add (mySecondButton);
                    ButtonHandler handler = new ButtonHandler();    //creation of a new Object
                    myFirstButton.addActionListener(handler);          // Attach/register handler to myFirstButton
                    mySecondButton.addActionListener(handler);        //Attach/register handler to mySecondButton
                    setSize(400, 300);
            public static void main(String [] args) {
                    // Make frame
                    Mainframe f = new Mainframe();
                            new WindowAdapter() {
                                    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
                                            // This closes the window and terminates the
                                            // Java Virtual Machine in the event that the
                                            // Frame is closed by clicking on X.
                                            System.out.println("Exit via windowClosing.");
            } // end of main
            // inner class for button event handling
            private class ButtonHandler implements ActionListener {
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                            if (e.getSource() == myFirstButton) {
                                 PasswordDemo inputForm = new PasswordDemo();
                                    catch(Exception d)
                                   // new PasswordDemo();
                            if (e.getSource() == mySecondButton) {
                           //     Profile p = Profile();
                           //     p.setVisible(true);
            public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
                String cmd = e.getActionCommand();
                if (mySecondButton.equals(cmd)) {
                     boolean success=true; 
                     Profile p = Profile();
          //  private void mySecondButtonActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)
        //    {
         //        Profile p = Profile();
         //       p.setVisible(true);
         //   }
    } // end of outer class
    Profile class:
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.sql.*;
    public class Profile extends javax.swing.JFrame {
        public Profile() {
        private void initComponents() {
            titleLabel = new javax.swing.JLabel();
            nameAccess = new javax.swing.JLabel();
            ageAccess = new javax.swing.JLabel();
            heightAccess = new javax.swing.JLabel();
            weightAccess = new javax.swing.JLabel();
            lastNameAccess = new javax.swing.JLabel();
            descriptionAccess = new javax.swing.JLabel();
            nameLabel = new javax.swing.JLabel();
            lastNameLabel = new javax.swing.JLabel();
            ageLabel = new javax.swing.JLabel();
            heightLabel = new javax.swing.JLabel();
            weightLabel = new javax.swing.JLabel();
            descriptionLabel = new javax.swing.JLabel();
            titleLabel.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Gungsuh", 1, 18)); // NOI18N
            titleLabel.setText("\"User\"'s Profile");
            nameAccess.setText("Name: ");
            lastNameAccess.setText("Last Name: ");
            ageAccess.setText("Age: ");
            heightAccess.setText("Height: ");
            weightAccess.setText("Weight: ");
            descriptionAccess.setText("Description: ");
            javax.swing.GroupLayout layout = new javax.swing.GroupLayout(getContentPane());
                        .addComponent(titleLabel, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 246, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)
                    .addContainerGap(151, Short.MAX_VALUE))
                    .addGap(13, 13, 13)
                    .addContainerGap(139, Short.MAX_VALUE))
        }// </editor-fold>
         * @param args the command line arguments
        public static void main(String args[]) {
            java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    new Profile().setVisible(true);
        // Variables declaration - do not modify
        private javax.swing.JLabel ageAccess;
        private javax.swing.JLabel ageLabel;
        private javax.swing.JLabel descriptionAccess;
        private javax.swing.JLabel descriptionLabel;
        private javax.swing.JLabel heightAccess;
        private javax.swing.JLabel heightLabel;
        private javax.swing.JLabel lastNameAccess;
        private javax.swing.JLabel lastNameLabel;
        private javax.swing.JLabel nameAccess;
        private javax.swing.JLabel nameLabel;
        private javax.swing.JLabel titleLabel;
        private javax.swing.JLabel weightAccess;
        private javax.swing.JLabel weightLabel;
        // End of variables declaration
    Class PasswordDemo:
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    import java.net.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class PasswordDemo extends JPanel
                              implements ActionListener  {
        private static String OK = "ok";
        private static String HELP = "help";
        private static String Register = "Register";
        private JFrame controllingFrame; //needed for dialogs
        private JTextField username;
        private JPasswordField passreg;
        private JTextField usernamefield;
        private JPasswordField passwordField;
        private javax.swing.JButton jButton1;
        private javax.swing.JButton jButton2;
        private JTextField name;
        private JTextField age;
        private JTextField height;
        private JTextField weight;
     private javax.swing.JPanel jPanel1;
        private void gothere() {
                      JFrame f = new JFrame("This is a test");
                      f.setSize(400, 300);
                      Container content = f.getContentPane();
                      content.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
                     // content.add(new JButton("Button 1"));
                      //content.add(new JButton("Button 2"));
             name = new JTextField("Please put your name here", 20);
              name.setFont(new Font("Serif", Font.PLAIN, 14));
              age = new JTextField("Please put your age here", 20);
              age.setFont(new Font("Serif", Font.PLAIN, 14));
              height = new JTextField("Please indicate your height here", 20);
              height.setFont(new Font("Serif", Font.PLAIN, 14));
              weight = new JTextField("Please indicate your weight here", 20);
              weight.setFont(new Font("Serif", Font.PLAIN, 14));
              content.add(new JButton("Submit"));
         public PasswordDemo(JFrame f) throws Exception {
            //Use the default FlowLayout.
            controllingFrame = f;
            //Create everything.
            usernamefield = new JTextField(10);
            passwordField = new JPasswordField(10);
            passreg = new JPasswordField(10);
            username = new JTextField("This is a sentence", 20);
            JLabel reg = new JLabel("If you are a new contestant please register: \n");
            JLabel user = new JLabel("Username: \n");
            JLabel pass = new JLabel("Password: \n");
            JLabel label = new JLabel("Enter your username and password to log in: ");
            JComponent buttonPane = createButtonPanel();
            //Lay out everything.
            JPanel textPane = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.TRAILING));
        public PasswordDemo() {
              // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
         protected JComponent createButtonPanel() {
            JPanel p = new JPanel(new GridLayout(0,1));
            JButton okButton = new JButton("OK");
            JButton helpButton = new JButton("Help");
            JButton regButton = new JButton("Register");
            return p;
        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
            String cmd = e.getActionCommand();
            if (OK.equals(cmd)) { //Process the password.   
                boolean success=true;                        //Sign In
                 String Username="";
                 String Password="";
                 Username = this.usernamefield.getText();
                 Password = this.passwordField.getText();
                 catch(Exception d)
                      System.out.println("Got out");
                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(controllingFrame, "Sign in Successful");
                 Form F = new Form(Username);
                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(controllingFrame, "Sign in was unsuccessful");     
            else if(HELP.equals(cmd)) { //The user has asked for help.
                    "You can get the password by searching this example's\n"
                  + "source code for the string \"correctPassword\".\n"
                  + "Or look at the section How to Use Password Fields in\n"
                  + "the components section of The Java Tutorial.");
            else if(Register.equals(cmd)) {  //*****************************************************
                 boolean success=true;
                 String Username="";
                 String Password="";
                 Username = this.username.getText();
                 Password = this.passreg.getText();
                 catch(Exception d)
                      System.out.println("Something bad happened");
                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(controllingFrame, "Registration successful");
                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(controllingFrame, "Registration was unsuccessful");
        //Must be called from the event dispatch thread.
        protected void resetFocus() {
        static void createAndShowGUI() throws Exception {
            //Create and set up the window.
            JFrame frame = new JFrame("Registration Page");
            //Create and set up the content pane.
            final PasswordDemo newContentPane = new PasswordDemo(frame);
            newContentPane.setOpaque(true); //content panes must be opaque
            //Make sure the focus goes to the right component
            //whenever the frame is initially given the focus.
            frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
                public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) {
            //Display the window.
        public static void main(String args[]) {
            //Schedule a job for the event dispatch thread:
            //creating and showing this application's GUI.
            SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    //Turn off metal's use of bold fonts
              UIManager.put("swing.boldMetal", Boolean.FALSE);
                catch(Exception e)
        public void sendUserPass(String user,String pass)throws Exception
             //Send request
              Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mySql://localhost:3306/Contest","root","");
              System.out.println("connected :D:D:D:D");
              PreparedStatement state = con.prepareStatement("Insert Into Contestant (USERNAME,PASSWORD) values ('"+user+"','"+pass+"')");
              //server should reply by updating database
        public boolean check(String user,String pass)throws Exception
             //Send request
             Socket Sock = new Socket ("LocalHost",5000);
             DataOutputStream toServer = new DataOutputStream(Sock.getOutputStream());
             BufferedReader buff = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(Sock.getInputStream()));
             String sentence="";
             toServer.writeBytes(user+" "+pass+"\n");
             String answer="";
             answer = buff.readLine();
                  return false;
             return true;
              Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mySql://localhost:3306/Contest","root","");
              System.out.println("connected :D:D:D:D");
              PreparedStatement state = con.prepareStatement("Select Username From Contestant where '"+user+"'= username");
              ResultSet Result = state.executeQuery();
              return true;*/
              //server should reply by updating database
        public boolean check2(String user,String pass)throws Exception
             Socket Sock = new Socket("localhost",5000);
             DataOutputStream toServer = new DataOutputStream (Sock.getOutputStream());
             BufferedReader buff = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(Sock.getInputStream()));
             System.out.println("Well I sent the message");
             String sentence = buff.readLine();
             toServer.writeBytes(user+" "+pass+"\n");
                  return false;
             return true;
    Profile p = Profile();

    Who says "call a 'Profile' method name that is defined in the current class"

    Maybe what you mean is:

    Profile p = new Profile();

    who says "create a new instance of the profile class and invoke its no. - arg constructor."

  • Pull-out tab in InDesign CS6


    I'm fighting to create a pull-out tab in InDesign CS6. I tried the method described by Colin Fleming in his video, but this no longer seems to apply.

    How do I go about creating a (horizontal) pull-out with the new DPS Tools tab? Scroll frame?

    Thank you


    Yes, use a floating frame.


  • flicker startrd screen does this mean its about to come out

    my screen is flickering of colours of white lite Green does what it means its about to come out


    Have you made changes on the computer before this problem?

    Follow the steps mentioned below and check.

    Method 1: You may need to change your screen resolution before changing the refresh rate because not every screen resolution is compatible with every refresh rate. The higher the resolution, the higher your refresh rate should be.

    Follow these steps and check.

    a. click the Start button, click Control Panel, appearanceand themes, by clicking on display.

    b. on the settings tab, click Advanced.

    c. click the monitor tab, click a new refresh rate. The monitor will take a moment to adjust. If you want to keep the changes, click on apply. If you don't apply the changes within fifteen seconds, the refresh rate will revert to your original setting.

    Method 2: If this does not help, you many need to update the display driver and check.

    To upgrade the driver for graphics card on the computer, you will need to consult the manufacturer of the card or the manufacturer of the computer to download and install drivers updated to the graphics card on the computer.

    How to manage devices in Windows XP


  • I have windows 7 os. a virus ripped through my registry and pulled out of the recovery points.

    I have windows 7 os. a virus ripped through my registry and pulled out of the recovery points. Removed the hard drive to retrieve data on the device of the black widow on another computer, but cannot access the data due to password protection. How do my stuff? I know that I have to wipe the drive and start over, but I want my files first. I can see them working with the original BACK on the laptop, but they can't get out.


    You posted in the Forums of Windows XP if you say you have Windows 7 so be careful
    When you enter your Questions.

    Answers - Forums of Windows 7


    If you need search malware here's my recommendations - they will allow you to
    scrutiny and the withdrawal without ending up with a load of spyware programs running
    resident who can cause as many questions as the malware and may be harder to detect as
    the cause.

    No one program cannot be used to detect and remove any malware. Added that often easy
    to detect malicious software often comes with a much harder to detect and remove the payload. Then
    its best to be thorough than paying the high price later now too. Check with them to one
    extreme overkill point and then run the cleaning only when you are sure that the system is clean.

    It can be made repeatedly in Mode safe - F8 tap that you start, however, you must also run
    the regular windows when you can.

    TDSSKiller.exe. - Download the desktop - so go ahead and right-click on it - RUN AS ADMIN
    It will display all the infections in the report after you run - if it will not run changed the name of
    TDSSKiller.exe to tdsskiller.com. If she finds something or not does not mean that you should not
    check with the other methods below.

    Download malwarebytes and scan with it, run MRT and add Prevx to be sure that he is gone.
    (If Rootkits run UnHackMe)

    Download - SAVE - go to where you put it-right on - click RUN AS ADMIN

    Malwarebytes - free

    SuperAntiSpyware Portable Scanner - free

    Run the malware removal tool from Microsoft

    Start - type in the search box-> find MRT top - right on - click RUN AS ADMIN.

    You should get this tool and its updates via Windows updates - if necessary, you can
    Download it here.

    Download - SAVE - go to where you put it-right on - click RUN AS ADMIN
    (Then run MRT as shown above.)

    Microsoft Malicious - 32-bit removal tool

    Microsoft Malicious removal tool - 64 bit

    also install Prevx to be sure that it is all gone.

    Download - SAVE - go to where you put it-right on - click RUN AS ADMIN

    Prevx - Home - free - small, fast, exceptional CLOUD protection, working with others
    security programs. It is a single scanner, VERY EFFICIENT, if it finds something to come back
    here or use Google to see how to remove.
    http://www.prevx.com/   <-->
    http://info.prevx.com/downloadcsi.asp  <-->

    Choice of PCmag editor - Prevx-
    http://www.PCMag.com/Article2/0, 2817,2346862,00.asp

    Try the demo version of Hitman Pro:

    Hitman Pro is a second scanner reviews, designed to save your computer from malicious software
    (viruses, Trojans, rootkits, etc.). who infected your computer despite safe
    what you have done (such as antivirus, firewall, etc.).


    If necessary here are some free online scanners to help the



    Original version is now replaced by the Microsoft Safety Scanner

    Microsoft safety scanner



    Other tests free online


    After the removal of malicious programs:

    Also follow these steps for the General corruption of cleaning and repair/replace damaged/missing
    system files.

    Start - type this in the search box-> find COMMAND at the top and RIGHT CLICK – RUN AS ADMIN

    Enter this at the command prompt - sfc/scannow

    How to fix the system files of Windows 7 with the System File Checker

    How to analyze the log file entries that the Microsoft Windows Resource Checker (SFC.exe) program
    generates in Windows Vista cbs.log

    Also run CheckDisk, so we cannot exclude as much as possible of the corruption.

    How to run check disk in Windows 7


    If we find Rootkits use this thread and other suggestions. (Run UnHackMe)



    If necessary AFTER you are sure that the machine is clean of any malware. (DO NOT USE IF)

    How to do a repair installation to repair Windows 7


    For extreme cases:

    Norton Power Eraser - eliminates deeply embedded and difficult to remove crimeware
    This traditional antivirus analysis does not always detect. Because the Norton Power Eraser
    uses aggressive methods to detect these threats, there is a risk that it can select some
    legitimate programs for removal. You should use this tool very carefully and only after
    you have exhausted other options.


    If you are in North America, you can call 866-727-2338 to get infections of virus and spyware.
    See http://www.microsoft.com/protect/support/default.mspx for more details. For international information,.
    see your subsidiary local Support site.

    I hope this helps.

    Rob Brown - Microsoft MVP<- profile="" -="" windows="" expert="" -="" consumer="" :="" bicycle="" -="" mark="" twain="" said="" it="">

  • Plug pulled out

    I have had my Sansa Clip plugged into my computer to sync music.  He was inadvertently pulled out during this process.

    I know it is not supposed to be, damage.

    Is it possible to recharge or difficulty this mp3 or do I have to buy a new one?  Unicorn

    What was the result? How it does not work properly?

    A few things you can try:

    1 reset the player (hold down the switch to 'Works' for 15-20 seconds), then try to put it on again normally.

    2. If you can access the menu, the reformat. Settings > Format > Yes

    3. If you cannot access the menu, connect the player into recovery mode. 'Hold' switch, then press and hold the Center button while connected to your PC. Next, create a file named "sansa.fmt" empty text and copy the partition of 16 MB - FORMAT in Windows Explorer (aka 'My Computer') or whether it is the equivalent of your operating system called, then disconnect the clamp. It should restart and format.

    NOTE: Options 2 & 3 will delete all files from the user to the reader, but I guess you cannot currently access in all cases.

  • I've recently upgraded to CS6. For some reason any floating document windows that I move in the workspace, pull out the interface, especially to the left and sometimes to the bottom of the screen. I gave tried Essentials rearmament and Interface to d

    I've recently upgraded to CS6. For some reason any floating document windows that I move in the workspace, pull out the interface, especially to the left and sometimes to the bottom of the screen. I gave tried Essentials rearmament and default setting Interface. A message letting me know that by default has been reset but I still have the problem. It's SO frustrating as a large part of the time I can't go to the window, I want to work on. Help, please!

    Hi John

    Try resetting preferences

    Press and hold the CTRL, ALT, shift (Windows) / command Shift (MAC) Option in starting up of Photoshop.

    Select Yes

    Note:-make sure you backup Presets/stock/Modified Workspaces/Plugins (if any)

    Thank you


  • Incorporation of links within content drop-pull-out tray


    I have incorporated a number of Pull out trays in my DP that work very well. I would like to now include links in the content of the moving image. The content is essentially a numbered list that is

    (1) part 1 - the beginning

    (2) part 2 - the Middle

    (3) part 3 - the end

    So I would like the user is able to pull the tray, scroll, then press 1) and move to a specific page within the RFP.

    I though I could convert the text of each list item in a button, then use the 'Go to Page' or 'Go to URL '.

    However, when I try to group each button convert to a single piece of content, it seems to work.

    Is there a proper way to achieve this functionality?

    Any advice greatly received.

    Kind regards


    Create buttons without actions until you group objects that make up the frame of content. Give a real name as part 1 button instead of button8 to each button. After pasting the image contained within the container, use the layers panel to select the buttons and add actions.

    There are examples of this in the ends of DPS > Advanced overlays.

  • Pull-out trays, side and bottom edge question


    I tried to renew my DP app after it was rejected for the App Store, by adding a few pull-out trays with scrollable content.

    Can I place several bins pull-out on the right edge, but when I also creates a pull from the bottom edge test it stops the other pull-out trays work properly, IE scrolling of stopped in the status bar.

    Is it possible or can you not pull-out trays on the edge of right and at the bottom of your DP?

    Kind regards


    They may not overlap.

  • Lightroom 5: receiving e-mails telling me my trial is about to run out. [was: issue of Lightroom]

    I downloaded 5 Lightroom on a new laptop (2nd computer). I am receiving emails telling me that my trial is about to run out. What creates this problem?

    Simply press the button unsubscribe at the end of the email.  You might run a little test mode within 30 days, it is, or maybe downloaded from the link of the trial.  It's a pretty automated process.

  • Why did I receive an email from Adobe telling me my subs about to run out?

    Why did I receive an email from Adobe telling me my subs about to run out? I bought a Creative cloud sub during a whole year ago a month - with automatic renewal too. I returned and checked my account with Adobe. That everything seems to be in order. Why do I get an email telling me that I have until June 10, 2012, before that the submarine runs?

    If you receive an email saying that your subscription is about to run out please ignore. Your subscription and the subscription status will not be affected. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working on a fix for this problem.

  • It's crazy...  I'm about to pull my hair.  EFFECTS OF SCROLLING!

    I applied scrolling effects to the content in my Web of Muse page.  When viewing I scroll to the bottom of the page and the content flies in place.  Now, it should stay there once the action has happened only once.  I work on one site, but on the other, it won't work - flies on the page and then out of the page, then on the page as you scroll vertically, making it impossible to a viewer read what it says.

    Adobe Help tells me this is not possible, but I know it's because I've seen.  Please help, I have no hair!

    Brad, who won't work not because then the text remains and does not scroll properly.  Thanks if...  I understand my problem, it was because I had the code to create this effect I didn't has been removed from the page itself.

  • BlackBerry BB Q10 Q10 - difference between Power OFF and "battery pull out?"


    Anyone has any info on what difference the phone sees between a switching OFF power and make a battery out?

    Apparently, some of the guys to BlackBerry customer service advise you to do a battery pull off when the phone is in MODE.

    Just curious to know what is the reason behind it.

    When you turn off your phone, keep everything intact until you turn on again. When you do a battery pull, he interrupts the operation of the phone and many temporary files, not necessary for the proper functioning of the phone, are deleted. In many cases, when there is something playing havoc on your phone it is found within these temporary files.

    Another method to do a battery pull should press and hold the power button until the BlackBerry is displayed on the screen. Other things will appear before that but if you continue to hold until it shows, the effect is similar to a battery with the phone powered pull. Note that pressing the power button to turn off the phone does not erase these temporary files unless you press and hold until the BlackBerry presents, usually about 15 seconds.

    I hope that helps you.

  • Qosmio F30 - question about D-video out


    A few months ago I bought a laptop Toshiba Qosmio F30 in Germany that has a video-D output. There is also a cable included in conversion of D-video to SCART. I tried that with some TVs at home using the SCART, but there was always a horrible fuzzy video signal where I couldn't identify some of the desktop icons. Do you have any idea what's wrong here?



    I don't know about you but in the BIOS settings somewhere must be option to activate the option SCART. Please, enter BIOS settings and check it out.
    Another very important thing is to use the right channel of the TV.

    Good luck!

  • Stay on the Page/move with text/pull on my hair

    Dear friends,

    I asked this question before and yet I'm still terrible problems with my graphics flies over the text document when I add more text.  I'm not able to find the archives with the answers that people have written to me.

    I need to write a series of laboratory reports and using a terrible time amount to try to put the images in place. I do not receive a flow of text running.  Even in sections that I created, some of the images floated back up to the top of the section and are sitting there tight.  I am not able to move.

    Here is an example of a problem: I inserted a scatterplot and written my text.  I click on the tab "move with the text."  The Text wrap tab chooses spontaneously "Inline with the text.  My plot is moved to the left column - but I don't want that here.  I need to add a small annotation.  I'm not able to merge the plot toward the Center where the function of "In line with text" does not allow this.

    Basically, I try and change all the figures and plots to "Move with the text", but they tend to change to 'Stay on the Page' when I look away.

    Now, I wonder if I shouldn't open a new document in layout? This way I can add all my numbers for the section of the results in place holders.  But what I can combine "Text Layout" sections "Page Layout"?

    I really want to go back to Microsoft Word.  I would like to become proficient with Pages - and of course to learn my lab equipment!

    5.6.2 pages

    OS X El Capitan

    MacBook Air

    Thank you for your attention.


    Today, I opened my document to


    Each object, with the exception of a table when it is inserted in a document of v5.6.2 Pages, has its object set to Move with text placement and its set to automatic text wrapping. To keep your images of richocheting around your document out of your control, or push a the other, visit the reorganize with the selected image tab and change skin to zero. Now you can place pictures anywhere in your body text.

    Unlike Word, Pages v5.6.2 doesn't have a convenient annotation tool, and we need to position and an oblong text box that contains the annotation group - under the image.

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