<>! IllegalStateException: if dialog.close () (outOfBound);

Hi, can you close himself in a dialog box if touch event goes next to the dialogue? I can close on the reverse as shows the code:

protected boolean touchEvent(TouchEvent message)
    int x = message.getX( 1 );
    int y = message.getY( 1 );
    if( x < 0 || y < 0 || x > getExtent().width || y > getExtent().height ) {
        // Outside the field
//              close();//? can't be closed properly
        return false;

    switch( message.getEvent() ) {

        case TouchEvent.UNCLICK:
        close();//? can be closed properly
        return true;
    return super.touchEvent( message );

Solved! I thank you all the same.
It is a great help if you can talk to some one when stuck.

But I still have no idea of what the difference is between these two:

protected boolean touchEvent(TouchEvent message)
    int x = message.getX( 1 );
    int y = message.getY( 1 );
    boolean isOutOfBounds = false;

    if( x < 0 || y < 0 || x > getExtent().width || y > getExtent().height ) {
        // Outside the field
//      close();//!
//      return true;

        isOutOfBounds = true;

    switch( message.getEvent() ) {

        case TouchEvent.UNCLICK:
              // close in TouchEvent, if out of bounds
            return true;

                     return true;
    return super.touchEvent( message );

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

Similar Questions

  • How to prevent the popup dialog closes when you click the commandbutton


    The application has a popup with the dialog box Cancel to display a table. Users could select the lines using a checkbox and click a CommandButton to backend processing.

    It displays a message (using addMessage) when he chose nothing.

    I would like to have the popup rest so the user could correct their action, but ADF automatically close the popup.

    Is there a way to avoid this?

    If I put the property AutoCancel to false, the popup rest (or rather re-posted), but the message window is hidden, which is defeat it purposes.

    I saw a discussion archived since 2008, but it doesn't have an answer, that's why I opened this thread.

    Kind regards.


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  • Dialog closes when touches you "end of call"


    Can anyone recommend a way to keep a dialog box open when the screen is backgrounded and then put forward?  I find that when you press the button "Call" in my application and a dialog box is displayed, when you reopen the application from the dialog box will no longer present.

    Thank you.

    The problem was my fault.  By default, the dialog box must remain open, when the application is in the background.  I was substituting the deactivate() method that was to ruin what appears when the application comes to the foreground.

  • How to replace the close on af:dialog icon

    Hi all

    How to replace the icon close [X] in af:dialog with NARROW text link.

    I know there is a way to hide the icon via css by setting af:dialog - close - region:display: no

    But how to replace the CLOSE text icon.

    Use Jdev version

    Use this:

    AF | dialogue: closing-icon-style.

    AF | dialogue: closing-icon-style: hover,.
    AF | dialogue: closing-icon-style: development,.

    AF | dialogue: closing-icon,.

    AF | dialogue: closing-icon: hover,.
    AF | dialogue: closing-icon: update

    {- tr - inhibit: background-image;}   content: 'CLOSE' ;}

  • Native of filebrowse using and the cascading Save dialog box

    In my application I need to open file and file save dialog box when a specific button is clicked. I looked at the docs of stunts, but I found that the native options. Tried the native alert dialog, change of filebrowse dialog type. It displays well on Simulator, but could not get any output file that will be used in the Qt code.

    I pass these parameters

    int * num = NULL;

    char * folder [1024];
    dialog_update (alert_dialog);

    to dialog_event_get_filebrowse_filepaths(event,file,num), but it always returns BPS_FAILURE.

    In addition, access_shared is present in the bar-descriptor

    Here is my code:

    //slot function
    void App::fileOpen(){
            dialog_instance_t alert_dialog = 0;
            dialog_request_events(0);    //0 indicates that all events are requested
            if (dialog_create_filebrowse(&alert_dialog) != BPS_SUCCESS) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create alert dialog.");
                        return ;
                const char* extensions[] = {"*.*","*.jpg","*.jpeg","*.mp3","*.wav","*.mp4","*.txt","*.doc","*.pdf"};
                int items = 9;
                if(dialog_set_filebrowse_filter(alert_dialog, extensions,items) != BPS_SUCCESS){
                    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to set alert dialog message text.");
                           alert_dialog = 0;
                           return ;
               if( dialog_set_filebrowse_multiselect(alert_dialog,FALSE)!=BPS_SUCCESS){
                   fprintf(stderr, "Failed to set alert dialog message text.");
                               alert_dialog = 0;
                               return ;
            if (dialog_show(alert_dialog) != BPS_SUCCESS) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Failed to show alert dialog.");
                alert_dialog = 0;
                return ;
            int shutdown =0;
            while (!shutdown) {
                bps_event_t *event = NULL;
                bps_get_event(&event, -1);    // -1 means that the function waits
                                              // for an event before returning
                if (event) {
                    if (bps_event_get_domain(event) == dialog_get_domain()) {
                        int selectedIndex =
                        const char* label =
                        const char* context =
                        char **fileArray[]={};
                        int *numFiles = NULL;
                              if(selectedIndex == 0){
           shutdown = 1;//user press the cancel button on dialog; close the dialog
       else if(selectedIndex == 1){
           fprintf(stderr,"File open fail");
    //debug purposes
           fprintf(stderr,"File array: %d/n",sizeof(file)*1024);
               fprintf(stderr,"Num files: %n",num);
               //fprintf(stderr,"Files int: %d",files);
            if (alert_dialog) {

    Native Subforums have no useful information on this subject. Any help is greatly appreciated

    Hello again, here's the example as promised.

    To use the native filebrowse dialog box, the native code must run in its own thread to prevent the user interface in the Cascades to block. This is achieved by encapsulating all the dialog box code in a class derived from QThread.  The class I wrote is called FileBrowseDialog


     * The file browse dialog displays a dialog to browse and select
     * files from shared folders on the system.
    class FileBrowseDialog : public QThread
         * QML property to allow multiple selection
        Q_PROPERTY(bool multiselect READ getMultiSelect WRITE setMultiSelect)
         * QML property to read the selected filenames
        Q_PROPERTY(QVariant filepaths READ getFilePaths)
         * QML property to set or get the file filters. This is an
         * list array variant.
        Q_PROPERTY(QVariant filters READ getFilters WRITE setFilters)
         * Ctor and Dtor
        FileBrowseDialog(QObject* parent = 0);
        virtual ~FileBrowseDialog();
         * Exposed to QML to start the run loop which creates and displays the dialog.
         * The dialog is shown until a button is clicked.
        Q_INVOKABLE void show();
         * Getter for the selected filenames QML property
        QVariant getFilePaths() const;
         * Setter and Getter for the filters QML property
        QVariant getFilters() const;
        void setFilters(QVariant const& value);
         * Getter and Setter for the multiselect QML property
        bool getMultiSelect() const;
        void setMultiSelect(bool value);
         * Signal emitted when the OK button has been clicked on the browse dialog
         * The OK button is not enabled unless a file is selected
        void selectionCompleted();
         * Signal emitted when the cancel button has been clicked on the browse dialog
        void selectionCancelled();
         * Implements the run loop. Dialog stays open until a button is clicked.
        virtual void run();
        dialog_instance_t m_dialog;
        bool m_multiSelect;
        QVariantList m_filePaths;
        QVariantList m_filters;
    #endif /* FILEBROWSEDIALOG_HPP_ */


    #include "FileBrowseDialog.hpp"
    FileBrowseDialog::FileBrowseDialog(QObject* parent)
        : QThread(parent)
        , m_multiSelect(false)
    void FileBrowseDialog::show()
        if (!isRunning())
    QVariant FileBrowseDialog::getFilePaths() const
        return m_filePaths;
    bool FileBrowseDialog::getMultiSelect() const
        return m_multiSelect;
    void FileBrowseDialog::setMultiSelect(bool value)
        m_multiSelect = value;
    QVariant FileBrowseDialog::getFilters() const
        return m_filters;
    void FileBrowseDialog::setFilters(QVariant const& value)
        m_filters = value.toList();
        qDebug() << "filter count: " << m_filters.count();
    void FileBrowseDialog::run()
        //request all dialog events
        if (dialog_create_filebrowse(&m_dialog) != BPS_SUCCESS)
            qDebug() << "Failed to create file browse dialog.";
            emit selectionCancelled();
        //set the selection filters
        if (m_filters.count() > 0)
            char** ext = (char**)new char[m_filters.count()*sizeof(char*)];
            int i = 0;
            for (QVariantList::iterator it = m_filters.begin(); it != m_filters.end(); ++it, ++i)
                QString filter = it->toString();
                if (!filter.trimmed().isEmpty())
                    int length = (filter.length() + 1) * sizeof(char);
                    ext[i] = new char[length];
                    strncpy(ext[i], filter.toAscii(), length);
            if (dialog_set_filebrowse_filter(m_dialog, (const char**)ext, m_filters.count()) != BPS_SUCCESS)
                qDebug() << "unable to set file browse dialog extensions";
            for (i = 0; i < m_filters.count(); i++)
                delete ext[i];
            delete ext;
        if (dialog_show(m_dialog) != BPS_SUCCESS)
            qDebug() << "Failed to show file browse dialog.";
            m_dialog = 0;
            emit selectionCancelled();
        bool shutdown = false;
        while (!shutdown)
            bps_event_t* event = NULL;
            bps_get_event(&event, -1);    // -1 means that the function waits
            // for an event before returning
            if (event)
                if (bps_event_get_domain(event) == dialog_get_domain())
                    //0=ok, 1=cancel
                    int selectedIndex = dialog_event_get_selected_index(event);
                    if (selectedIndex == 1)
                        int count;
                        char** filepaths;
                        if (BPS_SUCCESS == dialog_event_get_filebrowse_filepaths(event, &filepaths, &count))
                            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                                qDebug() << "selected file: " << filepaths[i];
                        emit selectionCompleted();
                        emit selectionCancelled();
                    qDebug() << "Got file browse dialog click";
                    shutdown = true;
        if (m_dialog)

    This class derives from QObject (by QThread) which means that it can be used by QML when it exposes properties and signals. The FileBrowseDialog class has 3 properties

    -multiple selection: a Boolean flag indicating if single or multiple selection is allowed

    -filepaths: a read only value that returns the list of files selected

    -Filters: a read/write value is where you can specify one or more filters to file (for example, ".doc", "*.jpg") etc.

    The next part is how you call the FileBrowseDialog through the QML. To do this, we must inform the QML of the FileBrowseDialog page. This is done in the App class via the qmlregistertype code.


    #include "app.hpp"
    #include "FileBrowseDialog.hpp"
    using namespace bb::cascades;
        qmlRegisterType("Dialog.FileBrowse", 1, 0, "FileBrowseDialog");
        QmlDocument *qml = QmlDocument::create("main.qml");
        qml->setContextProperty("cs", this);
        AbstractPane *root = qml->createRootNode();

    The QML is now ready to be able to use the FileBrowseDialog. The example below is a page complete qml which has a button and a label. When we click on the FileBrowseDialog button is open, and all selected files will appear in the label.


    import bb.cascades 1.0
    import Dialog.FileBrowse 1.0
    Page {
        content: Container {
            Label { id: filebrowseDialogLabel }
            Button {
                text : "File Browse Dialog"
                onClicked: {
            attachedObjects: [
                FileBrowseDialog {
                    id: filebrowseDialog
                    multiselect : true
                    filters : ["*.doc","*.jpg","*.txt"]
                    onSelectionCompleted: {
                            filebrowseDialogLabel.text = filebrowseDialog.filepaths[0];
                            filebrowseDialogLabel.text = "no file selected";
                    onSelectionCancelled: {
                        filebrowseDialogLabel.text = "file browse dialog was cancelled";

    And it's pretty much just invoke the native dialog file navigation in stunts. Please note save the file would follow a similar model, but I found that this dialog box was not particularly useful because it displays only a simple dialogbox with a text file name entry.

    See you soon


  • Doubts in the dialog box


    I have my doubts about dialogue box, I have the dialogue box, with edtfield in it, if I enter anything in the box of dialogue, even if I press cancel it just passes values

    what I want, that is, if I press ok, button must pass, if I press Cancel, it must cancel and close the dialog box, which is command must I use for it

    public final class CustomDialog extends Dialog
        EditField entryField;
        SeparatorField s,s1;
        Font ft;
        public CustomDialog()
          //super(Dialog.D_OK, "Custom Dialog", 1,Bitmap.getPredefinedBitmap(Bitmap.EXCLAMATION), Manager.FOCUSABLE);
          super(Dialog.D_OK_CANCEL,"Medication Settings",1,Bitmap.getPredefinedBitmap(Bitmap.INFORMATION),Manager.FOCUSABLE);
          s=new SeparatorField();
          entryField = new EditField("Enter Medication type: ", "", 50, EditField.EDITABLE|EditField.NO_NEWLINE);
          ft=this.getFont().derive(FontFamily.SCALABLE_FONT, 18);
          s1=new SeparatorField();
       public String getText()
          return entryField.getText();
       //    return "code";

    This is the dialog box, I use

    Anh help on this year.


    Rakesh Shankar.P

    Try how to handle the OK and CANCEL button click

    CustomDialog dialog = new CustomDialog();int result = dialog.doModal();if (result == Dialog.OK){// do your on OK processString text = dialog.getText();}else if (result == Dialog.CANCEL){dialog.close();}
  • dialog jquery apex 5.0 by dragging the issue


    Always try to get used with 5.0 and its modal (or not) dialogue.

    Below is the sample app, modal dialog box stylized dialogue-based

    You questions:

    1. appendTo is only way to get response dialogue inside the shape?

    2 jQueryUI seems to have some problems with dialogue by dragging the function above problem under IE and FF (Chrome seems to have no problem with it), but it is more suitable to solve it?

    3. modal dialog in the apex gives defined resolutions of modal window: it can replace the jQueryUI however dialogue how set I've automatically adapted to the content?

    apex.jQuery( this.affectedElements ).dialog( 'destroy' ).appendTo( 'form#wwvFlowForm' );
        closeOnEscape   : true,
        draggable       : true,
    dialogClass : 'customStyles',
        height          : '300px',
        modal           : false,
        resizable       : true,
            width           :'900px',
    collision: 'fit',
    drag: function(event, ui) {
                    var fixPix = $(document).scrollTop();
                    iObj = ui.position;
                    iObj.top = iObj.top - fixPix;
                    $('.ui-dialog').css('top', iObj.top + 'px');
      open          : function(event, ui){
        // Bind click handler on the overlay, to force dialog closing
        apex.jQuery('.ui-widget-overlay').bind('click', function() {

    Thank you

    Hi jareeq,

    I see now that the source of confusion may be that the application example dialogue always includes a page using the jQuery UI dialog box. Sorry about that. I had recommended to delete this page and I thought he had, but clearly, he didn't. For the reasons given in the blog referenced above, there is a lot of work to get jQuery UI dialogs well operate in an APEX application. So I highly recommend people to use the APEX for the dialogues in line (modal region) and modal pages.

    The jump from the dialog box down on the drag problem does not happen with APEX inline dialogues or modal pages so I recommend you to use those.

    Kind regards


  • How to trigger DA when the user clicks a button close the standard window


    Apex 5.0 & universal theme.

    I want to trigger some DA when the user clicks on the button indicated to my image (button close the standard window). In fact, I would like to pass a value of my hidden form IR back and refresh IR if value = 1 or don't refresh with another value.

    Is this possible?

    Thank you.


    Hi Yava,

    Seems that you have chosen to add the event handler to the page parent (the one with the IR). I think it's best. This means that the code above does not apply.

    The dialogclose event and all other dialogue jQuery UI events are triggered in the dialog box to create a DA pull on the IR will not work (because the dialog box is outside the IRR while she bubbles it won't go through the SORTING). You must handle the event on the body. This works because the event propagates to the body. Set the Type to choose to be "jQuery Selector". JQuery Selector enter 'body' (without the quotes). The event you want to handle is a custom, event which means that this isn't one of those in the select list. For event, choose "Custom". Then enter Custom Event "dialogclose" (without the quotes). Now you have a DA who fires when * all * dialog closes. You may or may not need to get more selective than that. For action, you can use refresh as you do already.

    Kind regards


  • dialog timer

    Open dialog closes after 10 seconds

    Y at - it a command to do this

    function show_ready( msg, msec) {
         var w = new Window("palette");
         w.add("statictext", undefined, msg);
         var now = new Date().getTime();
         var then = new Date().getTime();
         while(now-then < msec) {
              now = new Date().getTime();

    Who help me?

  • How to create modal dialog box with image

    I have this very simple modal dialog box:
    public class DialogPanels
        public void initClosemainAppDialog(final Stage primaryStage)
            primaryStage.setOnCloseRequest(new EventHandler<WindowEvent>()
                public void handle(WindowEvent event)
                    event.consume(); // Do nothing on close request
                    // Dialog Stage init
                    final Stage dialog = new Stage();
                    // If you want to freeze the background during dialog appearence set Modality.APPLICATION_MODAL
                    // or to allow clicking on the mainstage components set Modality.NONE
                    // and set dialog.showAndWait();
                    // Frage - Label
                    Label label = new Label("Exit from the program");
                    // Button "Yes"
                    Button okBtn = new Button("Yes");
                    okBtn.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>()
                        public void handle(ActionEvent event)
                    // Button "No"
                    Button cancelBtn = new Button("No");
                    cancelBtn.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>()
                        public void handle(ActionEvent event)
                    // Layout for the Button
                    HBox hbox = new HBox();
                    // Layout for the Label and hBox
                    VBox vbox = new VBox();
                    // Stage
                    Scene scene = new Scene(vbox, 450, 150, Color.WHITESMOKE);
    I want to add images and make to look like this:

    But I admin that it's too complex for my short knowledge get the appropriate result. Can you show me how I can split dialog box, add second bottom and make my code to look the same as this example please?

    I think that you can accomplish what you want by wrapping your 'vbox' VBox in an another VBox... Let's call it outerVBox. In outerVBox, you put a node ImageView and 'vbox'. To create the node ImageView (for example):

    Image bkgrdImage = new Image(getClass().getResourceAsStream("resources/my_pic.jpg"));
    ImageView bkgrdImageView = new ImageView(bkgrdImage);

    And then add nodes to outerVBox:

    outerVBox.getChildren().addAll(bkgrdImageView, vbox);

    (And of course to create the scene instance using outerVBox instead of "vbox.")

  • Article not saved when the item is in a modal dialog box of jquery

    Hi all

    I followed the instructions here:
    to create a modal jquery dialog, this is the code that I added in the html header:
    <link rel="stylesheet" href = "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.7.2/themes/
    redmond/jquery-ui.css" type="text/css" />
    <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.js"> </script>
    <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.7.2/jquery-ui.js"> </script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    $( function() {
            modal : true ,
            autoOpen : false ,
            width : 425,
            closeText : 'Close',
            stack : false,
            resizable : false,
            buttons  : {
                Cancel : function() {
                    } ,
                Save : function() {
    function openForm()
    function closeForm()
        //$('#ModalForm input[type="textarea"]').val('');
    function updateMEMOVELD () 
       var get = new htmldb_Get(null, &APP_ID.,    
                        'APPLICATION_PROCESS=f_memo', 0);
       var gReturn= get.get();
    my situation is a little different, my modal doesn't have to perform a sql update, just to change a field
    the user will then record in the main form
    for some reason any field never gets updated in the db
    I even created an application on the application called f_memo process:
    Why my domain is not send to the db?
    It works when I remove this from the header of the region:
    < d i v id="ModalForm" title="Add Person" style=" d isplay:n one  "   >
    but then of course I have more a modal dialog box

    What's wrong?

    I put the code online at apex.oracle.com
    workspace XONIXRS
    login/password demo/demo
    Run the application
    Click lijst (invoices) without (in the region of the right sidebar)
    Then click on the button Search (search)
    a report is displayed, click on edit on the first line (200900017)
    now, a form appears, click the memo of pure and simple button
    now the modal shows upward, change the field and click Save
    Click ok (for warning) and then click on save the invoice
    you stay on the same page
    Now click on town
    and then click on edit on the first line (200900017) new
    then click on note even once, you will see that the memo has not been changed

    How comes?


    The problem is that the creation of a region of a modal rise this area of the html code. Take a look at the DOM when you run your page and not the html source code, because that does not reflect the changes to the DOM is the loading of the page. This means that your memo field is far from the FORM tags and actually only submit to the session state. The issue is not addressed when you send page! You can follow through your debugging page. Memo is not saved and untreated.
    Try saving the value of session state is not enough, it does not really matter in this case. The time that you submit the page, session state is crushed by the submitted values of the elements.
    So what I did:

    • Move P9_MEMOVELD to the FACTUUR region, as well as all other db fields

    • change the type of hidden

    • the protected value not

    • in modal region to create a new page P9_MEMOVELD_POP, type textfield element

    • Set the source to always use a page element as a source, with the source P9_MEMOVELD

    • change of function updatememoveld:

      function updateMEMOVELD ()
         var get = new htmldb_Get(null, &APP_ID.,
                          'APPLICATION_PROCESS=f_memo', 0);
         var gReturn= get.get();

      If you want or need the session state as a whole belongs to you, it depends on if you are using this also dynamically on the page and therefore to influence results, but I don't think it will be (it's a Memo field...)

    Additional notes:

    • Be careful with the jquery libraries! The standard libraries are included, but you add previous versions too! 1.4.2 this could cause problems of...

    • Use your models better. Why did you would wrap a region in the div tags? Change or add a model of region to be DIV tags You can then easily assign a static id in this region and target. This will save you from enveloping the wrappers wrapped (cause it is what looks like the code that is generated in the end).

  • Hide the close icon of taskflow inline popups / window closing process

    Hi, OTN,.
    I would like to know of there is an opportunity to hide the 'X' close pop-up icon when I run a taskflow in a popup like an inlineDocument?
    Or what is a better way to treat the closing user to restore changes window?

    In my application a user always has the Cancel button which sets taskflow return parameter as 'Cancel', which is then read by the listener back to the dialogue.
    The listener would call Rollback If there is "Cancel" returned.
    But 'X' does not close any setting.
    Perhaps I could value 'Cancel' as a default value returns the value of the parameter? Or the right way is to use the finalizer?

    Please, advice me.
    Thank you.

    Fusion ADF Web application JDev

    If you want a few af:dialogs to have visible close icons, then you could apply the skin selector suggested by Frank and override it to af:dialogs who have a specific styleClass set (for example, styleClass = "MyDialogStyle") by adding a selector more specific styleClass skin:

    af|dialog::close-icon-style {display:none;}
    af|dialog.MyDialogStyle::close-icon-style {display:block;}

    In this way you'll flip the logic, i.e. af:dialogs will not close icons in general, but will be more specific (symbolized by you using a specific styleClass).


  • Envy 17 j120na: 10 Windows will not start because of the driver installation failed


    I have a computer laptop j120na Envy 17 that came with windows 8.1.

    I did the free upgride for windows 10 the 18th of this month with success, but because I was not able to decrease or increase the brightness of my computer, or put it to sleep, I realized that I still had to download/update drivers. First I updated the driver GeForce since my SWsetup folder but for the other, I searched online for her, then I saw the driver download progress bar but no progress has been made. I closed the dialog close and there you go, laptop does not start, I just saw a spark between the mouse pointer and the circular blue contraption. Sometimes he shows me a BSOD with lock core auto boost with irql higher acquisition.


    Is this a problem with the driver installation? And if so, how do I return it?

    P.s: System Restore is not an option, I restore point.

    Hi there @Aj1baba,

    Thank you for joining the Forums HP's Support and welcome! It is a great place to ask questions, find solutions and assistance of HP and the community! I read your post on the Forums of HP Support. I wanted to join you and help! I understand that you are receiving an error message that says "acquisition of lock core auto boost with irql high ' on your HP ENVY 17-j120na Notebook PC.

    The question could be deemed to occur by downloading the update. It is difficult to say at this stage. As to return to it, your best bet would have been the restoration of the system, but you mentioned only that a system restore does not work because you do not have restore points.

    Have you tried to go into Safe Mode?

    You have media or recovery disk?

    Have you tried to do a Reset BIOS?

    Have you tried perform a hard reset?

    You have beep codes or flashing LEDs?

    Please ensure that all Bluetooth device that you use with the laptop is disabled (including mobile phone).

    Please note: delete all USB/Bluetooth devices. Disconnect all devices of non-essential, as these can cause some problems.

    You can update all your drivers by going to the Web site the driver HP or by using the HP Support Assistant. If you enter Safe Mode, I suggest trying to erase the driver that you have downloaded your downloads (or the folder that you saved it in), so I suggest to make updates using updates of Windows or HP Support Assistant for now.

    Please let me know if I answered your question by clicking the "Thumbs up" if the troubleshooting in this post steps solves the problem for you please click on the button "Accept as Solution" . This will allow to the others is that present the same problem a solution also. If you need assistance, I would be more than happy to continue to help you. Please just re-post with the results of the resolution of the problems.

    Have a great day!

  • Command requires controller GPIB be supported on dequeue item

    I have some funky stuff pass in the attached VI. What is the VI is simply to save data to a text file. It is built as a state machine. State of creation of this VI is called from a mainVI (with the help of named queues). I have more than one error and it seems completely random. Usually, the error occurs if I stop the mainVI, then it starts again. The second (or following) times the VI RFP is called, I get random errors like the two below:

    Error 1 has occurred by the Dequeue item in DP.vi-> PSS.vi
    Possible reasons:
    LabVIEW: An input parameter is not valid.
    NOR-488: Command requires controller GPIB be in Charge.

    Error 1 occurred near file in DP.vi-> PSS.vi
    Possible reasons:
    LabVIEW: An input parameter is not valid.
    NOR-488: Command requires controller GPIB be in Charge.

    Why is this? I don't even have a GPIB controller?

    Are your uninitialized purposely shift registers?

    If you have an error in the dequeue item, shift registers will be filled with the error of the DQ and ref file empty.  on the next call to this VI, if there is an error in the CV, it will lift the ref of invalid file on the dialog close error. If it does not exist, the former error will spread and you get the dialog box for it.

    and I bet your DQ is to launch an error because your enum in the queue of DP QSM is a non-stricte typedef and you changed somewhere.  make strict!

    According to me, there's only something mixed with your selector error case and the case of your state machine error.

  • Prevent the closing LoginDialog when entering a wrong password

    How can I prevent the LoginDialog from closing when the user enters a bad password? I tried event.stopImmediatePropogation and event.stopPropogation ()... When the user clicks on the button "Login" dialog closes connection when I want to stay open and display its errorText = "Incorrect password"

    private function login(password:String):void{
        var alert:LoginDialog = new LoginDialog();
        alert.title = "Login";
        alert.message = "Please enter your Password:";
        alert.passwordPrompt = "password";
        alert.addButton( 'Quit' );
        alert.addButton( 'Login' );
        alert.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, alertButtonClicked);
        function alertButtonClicked( event : Event ) : void
            switch (event.target.getItemAt(event.target.selectedIndex).label){
                case "Login":
                    if (alert.password == password){
                        alert.errorText = "Incorrect Password!"
                        // i tried both of these
                case "Quit":

    The only thing that seems to work: callLater (alert.show);

       case "Login":
        if (alert.password == password){
            alert.errorText = "Incorrect Password!"


    alert.cancelRequired = true;

    This will keep the dialog box when you press a button and you will have to remove it when needed on the button event handler with:

    Alert.Cancel ();

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