Inherit from the Classes?

I noticed when I start that a flash project publishes always quickly. But after 5-10 classes, it is dog slow and more so he gets. I wonder if this isn't because each class is constantly importing movieclip, sprite, events, mouseevents... classes? Is it possible to import these just to the document class, and is no longer necessary to keep their import in each custom class?

they must be imported into each class that uses any object of the imported class.

Tags: Adobe Animate

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    I use form 10g. I created a class of property in form one.
    Save and compile. now, I wanted to inherit this class of property in form b.
    for this I subclass form a form b.
    When I close the form, it shows the message
    error frm:18108
    source module: formA
    source my_property object (class)

    as we say that we can inherit from the classes of quality, please help me how?

    Thank you

    So that the B FORMULA to find the class property in the FORM A, FORM A must be in a directory that is part of the FORMS_PATH. It's always a good idea to create a GLOBAL. FMB (or whatever you want to call the form) or an object library (.) OLB) that contains all of your objects that will be subclassed in other forms. Then put it. FMB or. OLB in a directory that is in your FORMS_PATH. This allows you to store all your source objects of subclass in one place.


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    package {}

    public class my_array extends {Array

    // (...)

    public void my_array(_long:int) {}

    // (...)

    Super (_long);


    } / / class

    } / / packages

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    at rob1_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()

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    Make your class dyanamic.

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    looking for a matter of time, wherever you are trying to access the variable in your class before it is defined (in the main timeline).  the following is a typical mistake:

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    YC.var1 = "Hi";


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  • Pulling data from the class on a MovieClip array

    I am trying to create this slideshow application that displays product information (Tennis rackets) issues of different categories. A great programmer advised me that OOP would be a way to go, however I'm having a difficulty with it.

    I created:

    A document class called CustomClass--> This class downloads all data from the server and pushing the content in the XML based on a category tables. These berries are public, there is also a funciton iterateArray that places the children information somewhere.

    I would like to have 3 different movie clips

    1 screen-> Welcome Message

    2nd screen-> first table

    3rd screen-> second table Dispalyed

    package {
         import flash.display.*;
         import fl.transitions.*;
         import fl.transitions.easing.*;
         import flash.text.*;
         import flash.text.AntiAliasType;
         import flash.utils.*;
         import bucket_right;
         import bucket_left;
         import firstScreen;
         import secondScreen;
         public class CustomClass extends MovieClip {
              [Embed(source="C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/Eurosti.ttf", fontFamily="Euro")]
              public  var EuroEmbedded:Class;
              //XML responsible variables 
              private var xmlLoader:URLLoader;
              private var xmlContainer:XML;
              private var xmlList:XMLList;
              //Array specific variables 
              public var rackUSA:Array;
              public var rackOther:Array;
              public var imagesArray:Array;
              //Position Variables 
              public var position:Number;
              //Movie Clip Related Data
              public var bucket:MovieClip;
              public var firstScreenShow:MovieClip;
              public var secondScreenShow:MovieClip;
              //Text Field Formatting
              private var brandnameTxt:TextFormat;
              private var detailsTxt:TextFormat;
              private var priceTxt:TextFormat;
              public  var euroEmbeddedFont:Font;
              private var fontNeeded:String;
              //Set up Timer Vars 
              private var applicationStart:Timer;
              private var delay:Number;
              private var repeat:Number;
              //Positioning Variable 
              private var positionBuckets:Boolean = true;
              //This is the constructor of the application 
              public function CustomClass() {
                   euroEmbeddedFont = new EuroEmbedded();
                   fontNeeded            = euroEmbeddedFont.fontName;
                   position         = 5;
                   rackUSA            = new Array();
                   rackOther            = new Array();
                   imagesArray       = new Array();
                   delay                 = 2000;
                   repeat                = 1;
                   applicationStart = new Timer(delay, repeat);
              private function LoadXML() {
                   xmlLoader = new URLLoader();
                   xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("http://localhost/xml/index.php"));
                   xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, populateInfo);
              public function populateImages(imgname:String, imgurl:String):* {
                   var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader();
                   //imgname = imgname.split(".gif").join("");
                   // = imgname;
                  imageLoader.load(new URLRequest(imgurl));
                   return imageLoader;
              public function getArray(arrayName:Array) {
                   return arrayName;
              /*public function startApplication() {
                   applicationStart.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, firstScreen);
              public function firstScreen(e:TimerEvent) {
                   applicationStart.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, firstScreen);
                   firstScreenShow = new firstScreen();
                   applicationStart.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, secondScreen);
              public function secondScreen(e:TimerEvent) {
                   applicationStart.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, secondScreen);
                   secondScreenShow = new secondScreen();
                   applicationStart.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, firstScreen);
              public function setFontFormat() {
                   //Text Formatting for Brand Name Field
                   brandnameTxt = new TextFormat();
                   brandnameTxt.font = fontNeeded;
                   brandnameTxt.color = 0x006699;
                   brandnameTxt.size = 20;
                   brandnameTxt.bold = true;
                   //Text Formatting for Country/Material
                   detailsTxt = new TextFormat();
                   detailsTxt.font = fontNeeded;
                   detailsTxt.color = 0x006699;
                   detailsTxt.size = 10;
                   detailsTxt.bold = false;
                   //Text Formatting for Country/Material
                   priceTxt = new TextFormat();
                   priceTxt.font = fontNeeded;
                   priceTxt.color = 0x9DE36E;
                   priceTxt.size = 20;
                   priceTxt.bold = true;
              public function tweenBucket(bucket:MovieClip) {
                        var bucketImgTrans = new TransitionManager(bucket);
                        bucketImgTrans.startTransition({type:Zoom, direction:Transition.IN, duration:3, easing:Strong.easeOut});
              private function iterateArray(contentInfo:Array) {
                   for (var c:uint = 0; c < contentInfo.length; c++) {
                             var brand:TextField   = new TextField();
                             var country:TextField = new TextField();
                             var made:TextField    = new TextField();
                             var cost:TextField    = new TextField();
                             var img:Loader;     
                             brand.embedFonts        = true;
                             img            = contentInfo[c].picture;
                             brand.text   = contentInfo[c].brand;
                             country.text = contentInfo[c].country;
                             made.text    = contentInfo[c].made;
                             cost.text    = contentInfo[c].cost;
                             if (positionBuckets) {
                             bucket       = new bucket_left();     
                             //Align Data
                             bucket.y = position;
                             bucket.x = 70;
                             brand.x = -50;
                             brand.y = -35;
                             country.x  = -45;
                             country.y  = -10; 
                             made.x = -45;
                             made.y = 5;
                             cost.x = 45;
                             cost.y = -10;
                             img.x = -105;
                             img.y = -35;
                             brandnameTxt.align = TextFormatAlign.LEFT;
                           priceTxt.align         = TextFormatAlign.LEFT;
                             positionBuckets    = false; 
                             } else {
                             bucket       = new bucket_right();     
                             //Align Data
                             bucket.y = position;
                             bucket.x = 240;
                             brand.x = -50;
                             brand.y = -35;
                             country.x  = -45;
                             country.y  = -10; 
                             made.x = -45;
                             made.y = 5;
                             cost.x = -110;
                             cost.y = -10;
                             img.x = 70;
                             img.y = -35;
                             brandnameTxt.align = TextFormatAlign.RIGHT;
                             positionBuckets    = true;      
                             addChildAt(bucket, 0);
                             position += 70;
              private function populateInfo(event:Event) {
                   //Incoming XML Data
                   xmlContainer = new XML(;
                   xmlList = xmlContainer.product;
                   //Variables to hold the string
                   var brandTxt:String;
                   var country:String;
                   var material:String;
                   var price:String;
                   var image:String;
                   for (var i:uint = 0; i < xmlList.length(); i++) {     
                   if ([i] == "USA") {
                   brandTxt = xmlList.brand.text()[i];
                   country = "product of " +[i];
                   material = "made of " + xmlList.material.text()[i];
                   price = "$" + xmlList.price.text()[i];
                   image = xmlList.image.text()[i];
          = brandTxt.toLowerCase();
                   var imgVar:* = this.populateImages(image, "http://localhost/rackets/" + image); 
                   rackUSA.push({brand: brandTxt, country: country, made: material, cost: price, pic: image, picture: imgVar});
                   } else if ([i] == "Other") {
                   brandTxt = xmlList.brand.text()[i];
                   country = "product of " +[i];
                   material = "made of " + xmlList.material.text()[i];
                   price = "$" + xmlList.price.text()[i];
                   image = xmlList.image.text()[i];
                   var imgVarOther:* = this.populateImages(image, "http://localhost/rackets/" + image); 
                   rackOther.push({brand: brandTxt, country: country, made: material, cost: price, pic: image, picture: imgVarOther});

    If I clip named firstScreen how to fill with data from the rackUSA of the table, using the presented functions iterateArray

    I tried in a movieClip

    CustomClass.iterateArray (rackUSA); but it does not work

    Any suggestions

    I want to clarify the use cases.

    1 load data into the document class

    2. display a welcome message

    3 allow users to navigate through the products.

    Q1: Do you mean by 'welcome message' a user interface that allows to start navigation?

    Q2: Products appears the same way. I mean, consider that product display will have a uniform provision?

    If the answer to Q2 is Yes, I would:

    1. create a class that features products. Call ProductDisplay

    2 transfer data (subset of XML related to a particular product - in your case, it may be an object in the position of the table) in an instance of ProductDisplay

    I would like you to consider the following.

    It is a good practice to do OBJECT oriented programming class as little as possible each. This means that a class must have a very focused functionality. For example, ProductClass you perform tasks related to laying on the presentation of the product. With this in mind, it is best to delegate, say, loading image to a separate category. Believe me, when you do – your life will be much easier if you do features as granular as possible even if sometimes it feels like an overdose.

    So here's the sketch of your classes. I wrote it just to illustrate the idea. I did not check the code during execution is definitely buggy.

    Read my comments below also.

    It is a class of product image that load the image:

         import flash.display.Loader;
         import flash.display.Sprite;
         public class ProductImage extends Sprite
              // image url
              private var _url:String;
              // loader
              private var _loader:Loader;
              public function ProductImage()
                   if (stage) init();
                   else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
              private function init(e:Event = null):void
                   removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
                   _loader = new Loader();
                   _loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoad);
                   _loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress);
                   _loader.load(new URLRequest(url));
              private function onProgress(e:ProgressEvent):void
                   // display progress if needed
              private function onLoad(e:Event):void
                   _loader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress);
              public function get url():String { return _url; }
              public function set url(value:String):void
                   _url = value;

    ProdustDisplay class. Note how the product class is instantiated

         import flash.display.Sprite;
         public class ProductDisplay extends Sprite
              // hold the metadata
              private var _metaData:Object;
              // an object that holds the image
              private var _imageDisplay:ProductImage;
              public function ProductDisplay()
                   if (stage) init();
                   else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
              private function init(e:Event = null):void
                   removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
                   // only if metadat is set - build interface
                   if (metaData) {
              // build interface
              private function build():void {
                   // place prduct image
                   _imageDisplay = new ProductImage();
                   _imageDisplay.url = metaData.image;
                   // do the rest - like description, etc.
              // function that accepts product metadata
              public function set metaData(metaObject:Object):void {
                   _metaData = metaObject;
              // returns metadata
              public function get metaData():Object {
                   return _metaData;

    Now in your document class, you can set an unlimited number of instances of ProductDisplay (as slides) and manipulate them. Again, this is just a sketch. Actual implementation of features and code will be somewhat different:

    var productDisplay:ProductDisplay = new ProductDisplay();
    productDisplay.metaData = rackUSA[2];

    Note: Your code has several inconsistencies - we need to go through them at another time. For now just digest these ideas. I understand that this will involve a refactoring on your part, but once you are done with it - things will fall in place fast.

  • What is the point of finding info from the class?

    Currently, at school, I learn about how to get information about an object. This has to do with polymorphism. You can rotate all objects in a polymorphic table, unless it's a circle.
    Class c = Class.forName("Circle");
    This will give you information about a class. With the help of class class can create a ClassNotFound exception and is generally more difficult to code. Wouldn't be better to just a method of id() with inside information. Using the method proposed by the manual, you need to create a class for each shape reference. What happens if you have a lot of forms, then it is a waste of memory to create all these objects? If you created an id() method in the base class that should be replaced by the subclasses, then simply call a method. Otherwise, you will need to create a class object for another object.

    Isn't it more easy and less complicated then the code above? This will not cause a runtime error.
    Why use a class better than simply create object and id() method in all classes?

    Sometimes, you want to create a code that loads the classes during execution.

    The compiler does not know about the class. If you need information on the class in a generic way.

    This is not possible with your example because the compiler needs to know your class so that it can compile.

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    We recently made an update to the home page where the level template nested and/or the second (index_template.dwt) has been changed. Because a large part of the formatting was identical - I duplicated the original index_template and made all the necessary changes. From this model, two child pages have been created for our US and UK site. To create the index_template pages, they are inherited editable regions, so having not unable to update when changes are made to the model. I tried several ways to try to fix that - but nothing works. Someone has any idea how to solve this problem? From now on, I have to manually update all 3 pages.

    BTW, I am also a relatively new user who has been cast in the management of our company and website well enough to do a restore by stepping on all. Talk about a learning experience!

    Sigh.  We are going around and around.

    Download the two models and post a link to them.

  • How to hide the default windows inherit from menu bar

    Dear all,

    I use the application oracle 10g with windows server 2003 server. Oracle database 11g.

    Whenever I am access the application from the client machine via browser, I get the windows inherit from the menu bar at the top of the workspace of the form.
    I want to hide this menu bar by default to display the users of the application.

    Help, please.

    Thank you in advance...

    go to the properties of the module (form) and remove the menu inherit which is written as a default.
    By doing this, you won't find any inherit menu under the running form.

  • How to inherit from Actor.lvclass?

    Hi all

    I'm playing with the framework of the actor. After reviewing the sample cooler evaporative project, I want to make an absolute minimum example from scratch. I want to open a blank project, manually add a few classes, make them inherit from Actor.lvclass so on (for example not start since the draft framework for actor model).

    The first problem I encountered (and not yet resolved) is How to inherit from the Actor.lvclass?.

    Time evaporation cooler project (ECEP) example and the project of the actor model framework (AFPT) have some classes already inheriting from Actor.lvclass new classes will have this option of legacy. ECEP and AFPT have also vi.lib-> Framework.lvlib actor in their dependencies.

    But how actor Framework.lvlib in my dependencies? I can't just drag C:\Program NIUninstaller Instruments\LabVIEW 2012\vi.lib\ActorFramework\Actor Framework.lvlib with dependencies in my Project Explorer.

    However, I can drag C:\Program NIUninstaller Instruments\LabVIEW 2012\vi.lib\ActorFramework\Actor Framework.lvlib in my Project Explorer (like adding a VI to the project). This gives me the ability to inherit from Actor.lvclass and if I remove actor Framework.lvlib in my project again (after a class inherit) it will be listed under dependencies. But I hope that there is a way to better / cleaner to him.

    I wish it works when I move the project to another computer with a different labview installation path. My approach above will ensure that Framework.lvlib of the actor is still loaded in the subfolder vi.lib or is it now "hardcoded" aware of my installation path?

    Best regards
    Jonas CJ

    You should read some documents and tutorials on LVOOP, because it is the mechanism that is used. In this case, you must have the responsible actor in the project, so the simplest is the frame screws fall into a vacuum of VI, then go into your properties of the class, go to the legacy page and click the button change. The tree shows you the class loaded into the project, that's why you need the first step for the first class. After that, the class is already loaded, because the other your class inherits from this one, you don't need something it explicit the call.

    With respect to the path, vi.lib is a logical path, so it does not work properly when moving between computers and versions of LV.

  • ApplicationDomain - sister, the child and the class definitions

    I have 4 swf files: A.swf and B.swf, C.swf and D.swf.

    1 A.swf loads B.swf into the same applicationDomain using ApplicationDomain.currentDomain as a parameter for the LoaderContext object, which means that all the class definitions that b.swf are added to the field of A.swf. Fix?

    2 A.swf loads C.swf using the default settings for the loader, which means that place C.swf in a child domain of A.swf. Fix?

    3 C.swf load D.swf using new ApplicationDomain (ApplicationDomain.currentDomain) as a parameter for the LoaderContext object. Now, here's the real confusion in my head. D.swf is loaded in this way in a child applicationDomain of .swf 's, or a child applicationDomain of .swf C?

    I am confused it is because the docs say that ApplicationDomain (ApplicationDomain.currentDomain) new place the swf file loaded into a child domain of the domain of application of the loader, which would indicate that the D.swf is loaded in a child of C.swf domain, however ApplicationDomain.currentDomain is a constant which I guess is defined in the field of system application, which means it would be inherited to all the loaded swf which means that the constant always contains the same value? In other words, saying new ApplicationDomain (ApplicationDomain.currentDomain) would be equal to put the swf file loaded into a child application domain of the first loaded swf (A.swf in my example above) instead of C.swf file. This hypothesis is correct?

    I ask this because I would like to get to a point where I have class definitions in B.swf, which would then be used by the D.swf (of the substitution of any definition D defines with the same class name) since B.swf was loaded in the same field with A.swf, but C is loaded into a child domain, which, in turn, load D. But for some reason I can't seem to get this to work. Suggestions?

    I hope it was not too complicated be left unanswered

    C must inherit from the definitions of both A and B.

    loadForCompatibility place the SWF file as a brother.

    Alex Harui

    Flex SDK Developer

    Adobe Systems Inc..


  • TestStand Java - 1500 error cannot find the class

    Hello world

    I use Java 1.7 and TestStand 2010.

    I try to add a java class in the computer example folder and call the method.

    The java class is just as below, because I'm just trying to call my own java class.

    I put the class path to start the JAVA virtual machine in the directory where the example of the computer (which is also the directory where I put my java class).

    TestStand can call methods of the computer, but not mine (received the error 1500 error cannot find class). I put my my java method call among calls for default computer example.

    Also I read similar topics, but again I can not resolve the error.

    Where is the part that I'm bored, in fact? Please share some ideas.

    Note: I even try to leave the empty class path, but TestStand can always call the methods of the computer. Why?


    public class TestJava {}

    Public Shared Sub main (String [] args) {}


    public String returnString(boolean a) {}
    Return "success";


    To load a class which is within a package, you can use the package rating (or change the example in order to to use). The path to the class is passed directly to the JAVA virtual machine to load the class, but really what is necessary is the package from the class path, including the full path to the class.

    This means you need to do the following:

    1 set the class path in the base directory where you created all your classes, if you have the following structure:

    • builds
      • MyPackage
        • MyFile.class

    You must set the classpath in the builds directory

    2 when you set up your steps, you must set the path to the class in your steps from Java to MyPackage/MyFile.class (note the separator is a forward slash, not used Windows backslash, then the Browse button is not quite help with that).

    Another important thing is that when you set the classpath variable you remove the normal Java class path, if you are using Java classes from the library by default, you may have to add \lib\rt.jar

  • Convert VI from the private to the public

    Try to make a public private VI. I clicked open the class explore and moved the file from the private to the public. Then I moved it physically dir private to the public. Access to a class now, said public, saved from the class. When I try to put in a block diagram, it is always private. What should I do?

    Thank you


  • Restart the MIDlets downloaded from the Desktop Manager!

    Hi all, this is my first post

    I have a storm bb 9500 and using netbeans ide for development.

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    Kind regards


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    It is a question that you would need to contact the Support University Oracle- Oracle University Contact Information. They should be able to help you.

    Kind regards
    Brandye Barrington

    Oracle Certification program

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    Hi, I have my (almost band new) computer repair back today (HP) and have difficulties to get Outlook to update messageboard. Tried to uninstall to reinstall but the uninstall didn't work. Download message 0 x 90080030 that I try. You have any ideas?

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    I would use microsoft security essentials which has no firewall they recommend the windows firewall, I use windows xp my firewall does not work it is turned off if I try to turn it on I get the message that firewall is not monitor how can I fix the w