Invalid number when reading a flat file

Hello Experts,

I have the following flat file format and I want to insert it into a table
I have an error invalid number.

How can I stop reading the file when it reaches the empty line before the grand total


                   TOTAL        PAID       TOTAL     EXPIRED       TOTAL    FRAC OUTSTANDING
                 WINNERS       TODAY        PAID       TODAY     EXPIRED   ROUND
------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------- -----------
    1/     1  6857068.00        0.00  5879902.00        0.00   977166.00    0.00        0.00
    2/     1  5907322.00        0.00  5463759.00        0.00   443563.00    0.00        0.00
    3/     1  7277181.00        0.00  6551708.00        0.00   725473.00    0.00        0.00
    4/     1 37503734.00        0.00 36656046.00        0.00   847688.00    0.00        0.00
    5/     1  4879934.00        0.00  4293514.00        0.00   586420.00    0.00        0.00
    6/     1 15604133.00        0.00 15172198.00        0.00   431935.00    0.00        0.00
    7/     1  4943514.00        0.00  4425254.00        0.00   518260.00    0.00        0.00
    8/     1  6493874.00        0.00  5745660.00        0.00   748214.00    0.00        0.00
    9/     1 23195487.00        0.00 22279945.00        0.00        0.00    0.00   915542.00
    10/    1  5480445.00        0.00  4981615.00        0.00        0.00    0.00   498830.00
    11/    1  5421101.00        0.00  4852814.00        0.00        0.00    0.00   568287.00
    12/    1 22644465.00        0.00 21987329.00        0.00        0.00    0.00   657136.00
    13/    1  6310425.00        0.00  5582127.00        0.00        0.00    0.00   728298.00
    14/    1  5986847.00        0.00  5471429.00        0.00        0.00    0.00   515418.00
    15/    1  6699299.00        0.00  6080687.00        0.00        0.00    0.00   618612.00
    16/    1  7549513.00        0.00  6842058.00        0.00        0.00    0.00   707455.00
    17/    1 43951014.00        0.00 42538841.00        0.00        0.00    0.00  1412173.00
    18/    1  6275029.00        0.00  5608261.00        0.00        0.00    0.00   666768.00
    19/    1 34023432.00      100.00 33066516.00        0.00        0.00    0.00   956916.00
    20/    1  5496324.00        0.00  5029237.00        0.00        0.00    0.00   467087.00
    21/    1  5791146.00        0.00  5281256.00        0.00        0.00    0.00   509890.00
    22/    1  7121128.00        0.00  6419500.00        0.00        0.00    0.00   701628.00
    23/    1 36121507.00        0.00 35211831.00        0.00        0.00    0.00   909676.00
    24/    1 10137379.00        0.00  9660197.00        0.00        0.00    0.00   477182.00
    25/    1  4267656.00      200.00  3875040.00        0.00        0.00    0.00   392616.00
    26/    1  8656241.00      561.00  7744762.00        0.00        0.00    0.00   911479.00
    27/    1 10023865.00      400.00  9070015.00        0.00        0.00    0.00   953850.00
    28/    1 15201340.00     1188.00 13795352.00        0.00        0.00    0.00  1405988.00
    29/    1 83052341.00     2773.00 80673373.00        0.00        0.00    0.00  2378968.00
    30/    1  7137232.00     1000.00  6459875.00        0.00        0.00    0.00   677357.00
    31/    1 25472826.00     1700.00 24487312.00        0.00        0.00    0.00   985514.00
    32/    1  5679593.00     4398.00  5094378.00        0.00        0.00    0.00   585215.00
    33/    1 19360140.00    32659.00 18144162.00        0.00        0.00    0.00  1215978.00
    34/    1  5350117.00  1059167.00  1059167.00        0.00        0.00    0.00  4290950.00

GRAND TOTAL  ########.##  1104146.00 ########.##        0.00  5278719.00    0.00 25108813.00

End of Report
l_start_file_name varchar2(50) := 'liab_report_summary_p008_c';
l_end_file_name varchar2(50)   := '_english.rep';
l_file_name varchar2(100);
l_sql varchar(32767);
refresh_cdc varchar2(10) := '00540';


l_file_name := l_start_file_name||REFRESH_CDC||l_end_file_name;

 l_sql := 'create or replace directory GTECHFILES as ''/ftpfiles/gtechfiles/acct_'||REFRESH_CDC||'''';
  execute immediate l_sql;

l_sql :=  ' CREATE TABLE LOTO_LIABILITY_REPORT_temp             '||
          ' (                                                   '||
          '  draw_number       varchar2(50),                    '||
          '  total_winners_amt number,                          '||
          '  paid_today_amt    number,                          '||
          '  total_paid_amt    number,                          '||
          '  expired_today_amt number,                          '||
          '  total_expired_amt number,                          '||
          '  frac_round_amt    number,                          '||
          '  outstanding_amt   number                           '||
          ' )                                                   '||
          ' ORGANIZATION EXTERNAL                               '||
          '   (  TYPE ORACLE_LOADER                             '||
          '     DEFAULT DIRECTORY GTECHFILES                    '||
          '     ACCESS PARAMETERS                               '||
          '       ( records delimited by newline                '||
          '      LOGFILE TEMPDIR:''loto_liability_report.log''  '||
          '      SKIP 8                                         '||            
          '      FIELDS LDRTRIM                                 '||
          '      MISSING FIELD VALUES ARE NULL                  '||
          '       (                                             '||
          '  draw_number       (1:11)  char(11),                '||
          '  total_winners_amt (14:24) char(11),                '||
          '  paid_today_amt    (26:36) char(11),                  '||
          '  total_paid_amt    (38:48) char(11),                  '||
          '  expired_today_amt (50:60) char(11),                  '||
          '  total_expired_amt (62:72) char(11),                  '||
          '  frac_round_amt    (74:80) char(11),                  '||
          '  outstanding_amt   (82:92) char(11)                   '||
          '       )                                             '||
          '   )                                                 '||
          '     LOCATION ('''||l_file_name||''')                '||
          ' )                                                   '||
          ' REJECT LIMIT UNLIMITED                              '||
          ' NOPARALLEL                                          '||
          ' NOMONITORING                                        ';

         execute immediate l_sql; 
 l_sql := ' insert into LOTO_LIABILITY_REPORT '||
 ' ( draw_number             , '||
 '   total_winners_amt       , '||
 '   paid_today_amt          , '||
 '   total_paid_amt          , '||
 '   expired_today_amt       , '||
 '   total_expired_amt       , '||
 '   frac_round_amt          , '||
 '   outstanding_amt         , '||
 '   source                  , '||
 '   inserted_DATE           , '||
-- '   UPLOADED                 ,'||
 '   CDC                       '||
 ' )                           '||
 '   SELECT                    '||
 '       draw_number    , '||
 '       TO_NUMBER(total_winners_amt,''999,999,999.00'') total_winners_amt,  '||
 '       TO_NUMBER(paid_today_amt,''999,999,999.00'') paid_today_amt,        '||
 '       TO_NUMBER(total_paid_amt,''999,999,999.00'') total_paid_amt,        '||
 '       TO_NUMBER(expired_today_amt,''999,999,999.00'') expired_today_amt,        '||
 '       TO_NUMBER(total_expired_amt,''999,999,999.00'') total_expired_amt,        '||
 '       TO_NUMBER(frac_round_amt,''999,999,999.00'') frac_round_amt,        '|| 
 '       TO_NUMBER(outstanding_amt,''999,999,999.00'') outstanding_amt,        '||  
 '       '''||l_file_name                                       ||''', '||
 '       sysdate                                                     , '||
 --'     ''N''                                                         , '||
         refresh_cdc                                                    ||
 '    FROM                                                             '||
 '       LOTO_LIABILITY_REPORT_temp                                              ';

         execute immediate l_sql;           
ll_sql :='drop table LOTO_LIABILITY_REPORT_temp';
        execute immediate l_sql;

when others then
l_sql :='drop table LOTO_LIABILITY_REPORT_temp';
execute immediate l_sql;
debug_message('LOTO_LIABILITY_REPORT_temp_UPLOAD/'||REFRESH_CDC,'Unexpected Error '||sqlerrm);
any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you


You can do this:
Add this condition in the table definition
WHEN LOAD (total_winners_amt! = "#.") "#" and total_paid_amt! =" ###. "#" and draw_number! = BLANKS)
and do it for each column that can have this value...

       ( records delimited by newline
                LOGFILE GTECHFILES:'loto_liability_report.log'
                SKIP 8
                LOAD WHEN (total_winners_amt!="########.##" and total_paid_amt!="########.##" and draw_number != BLANKS)
                FIELDS LDRTRIM
            draw_number       (1:11)  char(11),
            total_winners_amt (14:24) char(11),
            paid_today_amt    (26:36) char(11),
            total_paid_amt    (38:48) char(11),
            expired_today_amt (50:60) char(11),
            total_expired_amt (62:72) char(11),
            frac_round_amt    (74:80) char(7),
            outstanding_amt   (82:92) char(11)

     LOCATION (GTECHFILES:'test.txt')

You'll get in the log file:

 LOG file opened at 06/28/10 22:16:51

Field Definitions for table LOTO_LIABILITY_REPORT_TEMP
  Data in file has same endianness as the platform
  Rows with all null fields are accepted
  Load when ((TOTAL_WINNERS_AMT != ########.##) AND ((TOTAL_PAID_AMT != ########.##) AND (DRAW_NUMBER != BLANKS)))

  Fields in Data Source: 

    DRAW_NUMBER                     CHAR (11)
      Record position (1, 11)
      Trim whitespace same as SQL Loader
    TOTAL_WINNERS_AMT               CHAR (11)
      Record position (14, 24)
      Trim whitespace same as SQL Loader
    PAID_TODAY_AMT                  CHAR (11)
      Record position (26, 36)
      Trim whitespace same as SQL Loader
    TOTAL_PAID_AMT                  CHAR (11)
      Record position (38, 48)
      Trim whitespace same as SQL Loader
    EXPIRED_TODAY_AMT               CHAR (11)
      Record position (50, 60)
      Trim whitespace same as SQL Loader
    TOTAL_EXPIRED_AMT               CHAR (11)
      Record position (62, 72)
      Trim whitespace same as SQL Loader
    FRAC_ROUND_AMT                  CHAR (7)
      Record position (74, 80)
      Trim whitespace same as SQL Loader
    OUTSTANDING_AMT                 CHAR (11)
      Record position (82, 92)
      Trim whitespace same as SQL Loader
KUP-04102: record 41 discarded from file c:\temp\test.txt
KUP-04102: record 42 discarded from file c:\temp\test.txt
KUP-04102: record 43 discarded from file c:\temp\test.txt
KUP-04102: record 44 discarded from file c:\temp\test.txt

ORA-01722 exception has disappeared...
be very vigilant, you also should jump 6 instead of spend 8...

Tags: Database

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    What is drawn from table TT_FC_TRACKER_TB_TEST. Severity column in particular. No chance is VARCHAR2? If so:

    severity = "." $index. »

    cause conversion of gravity column number. So if the column is a string, change

    severity = "." $index. »


    Severity = to_char(".$index.")


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    Try using:


    Instead of:


    on your table to create, in addition to just help to_number or to_number return with ' NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS = ".," ' in your query, in the period before the comma as decimal separator comes before the grouping separator.

    What is probably happening is that your return to the line of the system data come from different East of your new line on the system that you load in.  You may need to experiment and

    Select dump (consignment_net_value) in the dump_ext;

    to determine what additional invisible characters, such as Chr (10) and Chr (13) can be added at the end of the number that you have to cut, so just using line feed does not work.  This is why it only happens with the numbers at the end of the line.

    Post edited by: BarbaraBoehmer

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    They should compare these values as values of date instead of under the form of strings. TO_DATE should be used instead of TO_CHAR.

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    Best Reagards,

    Hi Edwin,.

    According to 6318578 bug, there is no work around, and you must apply the hotfix to resolve the problem. You can also connect a SR and confirm with Oracle support.

    Kind regards

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    Thank you

    Carol_M wrote:
    Hi Jari - I tend to agree with you on not to use the slider. I guess that the relevant question about this "invalid number."
    error that occurs on rare occasion is: y at - it a reliable way to erase all data from the collection? It seems that deleting the collection before recreating still does not have the case - probably because of problems w / the execution as Udo plan mentioned. Is there a reason to think that a truncation would be more effective?

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    before collecting any other (possibly problem) data?

    Thank you

    Hi Carol,.

    I guess that other sessions use the same collection with other types of data in different reports/pages /... or what Jari remarked, you have certain values is not suitable for your NLS settings, but I guess you already checked this last aspect.
    I don't think, either problem can be solved by truncating or deletion of a session, because it still affects only certain session.
    A hint would be that indicated in my edit to the above view post. You can try a less restrictive, but I think that collections should always be found exactly the way the opinion is formulated and the optimizer should not do any processing on the view, even if it would be considered to be faster.
    You can use this trick in each query-access-read in your application if you do not want to change the view. But obviously it is more work and there may be some API calls using collections which will not use the suspicion and cause troubles again.
    Here once again the select example from above:



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    ca_ship.Account_Number ship_to_CUSTOMER_AC,
    Decode(TP.type,'INV','0','CM','1') TransactionType,
    OF ra_customer_trx_all t.
    ra_cust_trx_types_all tp,
    hz_cust_site_uses_all su_ship,
    hz_cust_acct_sites_all sa_ship,
    hz_cust_accounts ca_ship,
    WHERE t.status_trx = "OP" - close
    and t.cust_trx_type_id = tp.cust_trx_type_id

    and to_number (nvl (trim (t.interface_header_attribute1),'0 ')) = oe.order_number - to_number causing an error invalid number

    and p.TRX_NUMBER = t.trx_number
    -ship to a/c
    and su_ship.site_use_id (+) = t.ship_to_site_use_id
    AND su_ship.cust_acct_site_id = sa_ship.cust_acct_site_id (+)
    AND sa_ship.cust_account_id = ca_ship.cust_account_id (+);

    Any help will be much appreciated.

    Thank you



    and     regexp_like(t.interface_header_attribute1, '^[0-9]+') -- excludes rows where non digits occur in this column

    Not quite true.

    with data as(
    select '123' x from dual union all
    select 'a234f' x from dual union all
    select 'a234' x from dual union all
    select '12d34' x from dual union all
    select '123df5' x from dual)
    from data
    regexp_like(x, '^[0-9]+')

    Kind regards

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    Have you tried a re-boot?

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    try to run the System File Checker.

    Here is the link:

    It will be useful.

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    Hi Goldie,

    1. not the problem only occurs when you save the file in Firefox?
    2. don't you make changes to the computer before the show?

    I suggest you try to save the file using Internet Explorer on the desktop and see if it works.

    If the problem is with the shortcut of Firefox, then I suggest you to post.

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    read this and see if this solves your problem

  • Error when trying to play multimedia file: Windows Media Player has encountered a problem when reading this file.

    Windows media player

    I get the message "windows media player has encountered a problem when reading this file", and in the media player screen, he says 'changing media '.  What does all this mean?


    1. when the question is is produced?
    2. don't you make changes to your machine before the problem?
    3. What is the format of the file you are trying to play?
    4. you play a file from a CD or DVD, or from the hard drive?

    I suggest that you follow the steps mentioned below and check to see if they help.

    Step 1:

    Open the troubleshooter in Windows Media Player settings and check if the problem persists.

    Step 2:

    Check if the file you are trying to play requires no codecs.

    Codecs: Frequently asked questions

    Step 3:

    Uninstall and reinstall Windows Media Player:

    a go to start and in the search type 'Turn Windows has or not'.
    b. click on "Turn Windows features on or off".
    c. find multimedia and uncheck the brand in the face of Windows Media Player.
    d. restart the computer
    Reinstall Windows Media Player:

    a. go to start and in the search type 'Turn Windows has or not'.
    b click on "Turn Windows features on or off".
    c. find the multimedia functions and place a check mark in front of the Windows Media Player.
    d. restart the computer.

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