Issue of C & C SAPI false recognition.

The following XML file, compiled with success leads to success, but false, word recognition other than those listed in the RULE "that";  or the words ' appellant, writing, nothing.

For example, "thank you for the jump".

Please advise on how to prevent or minimize the false recognition.

Thank you


the call






you all




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Tags: Windows

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  • New Sony Walkman Z MP3 Android Player Review/issues

    Hey guys, I'm doing this thread to talk about some of the benefits and disadvantages of the new Walkman (NWZ-Z1050) Z pro.

    I pre-ordered the 16 gb version and I got it for about 6 days as the time of this post.

    PRO - it's a great MP3, the preamp and the tone controls as well as the basic audio performance is amazing. I used to have an itouch and ipod before that and the walkman puts both of these devices, to shame. The headphones provided also give these good bass and clarity it is hard to believe that they are in stock for this drive. Overall, a superior player.

    The rest of the features are also interesting. It has a screen larger than the equivalent Apple, walkman is 4.3 inch, iphone is only 3.3. The real droid OS is great even though it has its problems, I will write later. Being an android, you have access to the android market which has loads of great apps as well for entertainment and utility. Most of the user interface run smoothly, but there are some quirks that need to unravel.

    CON - like I said before, the Sony Walkman Z 16 gb has some problems, though fairly minor.

    When you play in the interface switching mode standby mode and pulling against the built in widget Walkman, the likes of player to jump and drop in the pace and sometimes have to press the button 4 times to activate the widgets. The Walkman widget problem is with the actual Walkman button, NOT the buttons on the touch screen but the touch screen seem to be insensitive to my contact. Good, maybe it's just my fingers. However, the touch screen buttons are not without their issues. There are errors of recognition when you go to unlock the drive and pace fall horribly and low rate continues in navigation in the menus, and lasts for several seconds. IT IS VERY ANNOYING TO YOUR WALKMAN EVERY TIME YOU SLEEP AND YOU WILL NEED TO RE-ENABLE BACK TO SELECT A NEW OPERATION!

    Another problem I've had is you unlock the player and the Office rises and you press the button music player standing at the bottom of the screen (the one with the notes of music as an icon), you really need still 2-3 seconds for the device recognize that I actually supported it. Very annoying if you try to select a different song once every 5 minutes.

    The latest issue of the note I have with the Walkman is whenever I use a pre load live wallpaper or wallpaper downloaded from an official editor android app, it does not save from use to use. Let me explain, I'll install the live wallpaper smoke or downloaded him matrix falling letter wallpaper and set it as my desktop wallpaper. The wallpaper loads correctly and everything will be fine until the battery dies or I decide to turn it off. When I go to turn it back on, my drive came back to the wallpaper by default neon line as if I had never set a different wallpaper in the first place.

    Don't get me wrong, the Sony Walkman Z is a phenomenal player and even if I only got it for a week, I like it. To be honest, I think that the fundamental issues can be ironed out in a patch or two, but I want that everybody is aware, including you, Sony, there are a few problems with the product. Still however, it is a great mp3 player and will not technically still appear in stores until tomorrow!

    PS: In hindsight I wanted to write that I bought the 16 GB version and NOT the 8 GB version. That said I still don't think that 16 GB is enough to be able to download and use all kinds of media; I have some downloaded games and about 1000 songs on my walkman and I have only 1 gig left. FWIW, to splurge a little extra money and opt for the 32 GB


    Hello Loki,
    Welcome to the Forums of Discussion of the user.
    Thank you for your very detailed and informative!
    You will not fail to provide your feedback.

    The new Z Android Walkman has been a week now. anyone of these problems? We would love to hear from you.

    [youtube:32f6vype] Wi9IZuQmTIY [/ youtube:32f6vype]

  • Invalid key exception: no type of key: public key RSA Sun, 1024 bits

    I'm trying to recover Microsoft Keystore certificates and extract its key using SunMSCAPI in the jdk 1.6. It gives me an exception for invalid key when I try to wrap the symmetric key (what was once to perform AES encryption on data), using the RSA algorithm.

    Code snippet:
               // RSA 1024 bits Asymmetric encryption of Symmetric AES key              
                // List the certificates from Microsoft KeyStore using SunMSCAPI.
                      System.out.println("List of certificates found in Microsoft Personal Keystore:");
                       KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("Windows-MY", "SunMSCAPI"); 
                       ks.load(null, null) ;
                       Enumeration en = ks.aliases() ;
                       PublicKey RSAPubKey = null;
                       Key RSAPrivKey = null;
                       int i = 0;
                       while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
                            String aliasKey = (String)en.nextElement() ;              
                            X509Certificate c = (X509Certificate) ks.getCertificate(aliasKey) ;     
                            String sss = ks.getCertificateAlias(c);
                            System.out.println("---> alias : " + sss) ;
                            i= i + 1;
                            String str = c.toString();
                            System.out.println(" Certificate details : " + str ) ;
                          RSAPubKey = c.getPublicKey();
                            RSAPrivKey = ks.getKey(aliasKey, null);  //"mypassword".toCharArray()
                            Certificate[] chain = ks.getCertificateChain(aliasKey);     
                       System.out.println("No of certificates found from Personal MS Keystore: " + i);
                // Encrypt the generated Symmetric AES Key using RSA cipher      
                        Cipher rsaCipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding", ks.getProvider().getName());            
                       rsaCipher.init(Cipher.WRAP_MODE, RSAPubKey);
                       byte[] encryptedSymmKey = rsaCipher.wrap(aeskey);    
                       System.out.println("Encrypted Symmetric Key :" + new String(encryptedSymmKey));
                       System.out.println("Encrypted Symmetric Key Length in Bytes: " + encryptedSymmKey.length);
                       // RSA Decryption of Encrypted Symmetric AES key
                       rsaCipher.init(Cipher.UNWRAP_MODE, RSAPrivKey);
                       Key decryptedKey = rsaCipher.unwrap(encryptedSymmKey, "AES", Cipher.SECRET_KEY);

    List of certificates in Microsoft personal Keystore:
    -> alias: C5151997
    Certificate details:]
    Version: V3
    Object: CN = C5151997, O = SAP - AG, C = OF
    Signature algorithm: SHA1withRSA, OID = 1.2.840.113549.1.1.5

    Key: Sun public key RSA 1024 bits
    modulus: 171871587533146191561538456391418351861663300588728159334223437391061141885590024223283480319626015611710315581642512941578588886825766256507714725820048129123720143461110410353346492039350478625370269565346566901446816729164309038944197418238814947654954590754593726047828813400082450341775203029183105860831
    public exponent: 65537
    Validity: [from: Mon Jan 24 18:17:49 IST 2011,]
    [To: Wed Jan 23 18:17:49 IST 2013]
    Issuer: CN = SSO_CA, O = SAP - AG, C = OF
    Serial number: [4d12c509 eb85 00000005]

    Certificate extensions: 6
    [1]: ObjectId: criticality = false
    0000: 07 E5 83 A1 B2 B7 DF 6 b 4 b 67 1 and 9 D 42 C9 0 D F4... kKg... A.M..
    0010: 35 76 D3 F7 5v...

    [2]: ObjectId: criticality = false
    0000: E4 C4 2 93 20 AF DA 4 C 53 68 4A C0 CE E7 F2, 30. .. L.ShJ... 0
    0010: 0C 3 B 8 C 9 A. ;.


    [3]: ObjectId: criticality = false
    Unknown extension: coded DER BYTE string =
    0000: 04 30 30 2 06 26 2 b 06 01 04 01 82 37 15 08 82.00... & +... 7...
    0010: D1 E1 73 E4 84 FE 0B FD 84 8 B 15 83 E5 1B 90 83... s.............
    0020: 43 81 62 84 B1 A1 E6 DA 50 14 02 01 64 02 9TH D3... C.b... P...d.
    0030: 01 1B...

    [4]: ObjectId: criticality = false
    RFC822Name: [email protected]

    [5]: ObjectId: criticality = true

    [6]: ObjectId: criticality = true
    PathLen: undefined

    Algorithm: [SHA1withRSA]
    0000: B3 C5 8 66 92 F4 CC D7 ED 6 51 12 63 52 18 B9... f... mQ.c... R.
    0010: B8 A6 78 7 78 18 ED F7 DA 71 09 AE 49 23 C8 C9... .. x...x. q... I have #.
    0020: F5 2F 32 0F D1 C0 08 4 2 B 6 D 3 C B9 5F 5B B5 11. 2 /... L + m <... _ [.]
    0030: 05 D9 CA E6 F9 0 a 94 14 E7 C6 7 a 63 DB FE E5 CE... z.c...
    94 0040:48 8 c 0D 77 92 59 34 6 77 1 a 24 FE E3 C1 H...w. Y .4nw$...
    0050: 0 B 52 6 D8 HAS 7TH 22 13 71 F8 AF 17 64 4F C8 D1 D7... RJ. ». q... dO
    0060: 83 EA 2D 6a CA 7F C3 84 37 15 FE 99 73 1 D 7 C D1... - j... 7... s...
    0070:6 B4 99 09 62 B9 0F 18 33 4 66 C6 7 a 9F C0 DB m... b... 3L. FZ...

    None of the found certificates in personal key MS: 1
    Exception in thread "main" unsupported key type: RSA Sun public key, 1024 bits
    modulus: 171871587533146191561538456391418351861663300588728159334223437391061141885590024223283480319626015611710315581642512941578588886825766256507714725820048129123720143461110410353346492039350478625370269565346566901446816729164309038944197418238814947654954590754593726047828813400082450341775203029183105860831
    public exponent: 65537
    at javax.crypto.Cipher.init(DashoA13*..)
    at javax.crypto.Cipher.init(DashoA13*..)

    Published by: sabre150 on July 18, 2011 03:47

    Added [code] tags to make the code readable.

    A little research indicates the key classes gets by

                          RSAPubKey = c.getPublicKey();
                               RSAPrivKey = ks.getKey(aliasKey, null);  //"mypassword".toCharArray()

    are and * mscapi *. RSAPrivateKey. It seems that Cipher objects from the SunMSCAPI provider cannot accept class RSA public keys and that the SunMSCAPI will accept only class RSA private keys.

    This came in another form a couple of years. It makes sense because the packaging/encryption with a public key does not represent a security problem (there no secret in cryptographic operations) once done outside MSCAPI can use any provider who has the ability , BUT unpacking/decryption must be done with the SunMSCAPI provider which it delegates to the MSCAPI.

    My test code of work based on your code for implementation of this approach is:

            // RSA 1024 bits Asymmetric encryption of Symmetric AES key
            // List the certificates from Microsoft KeyStore using SunMSCAPI.
            System.out.println("List of certificates found in Microsoft Personal Keystore:");
            KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("Windows-MY", "SunMSCAPI");
            ks.load(null, null);
            Enumeration en = ks.aliases();
            PublicKey RSAPubKey = null;
            Key RSAPrivKey = null;
            int i = 0;
            while (en.hasMoreElements())
                String aliasKey = (String) en.nextElement();
                X509Certificate c = (X509Certificate) ks.getCertificate(aliasKey);
                String sss = ks.getCertificateAlias(c);
                if (sss.equals("rsa_key")) // The alias for my key - make sure you change it back to your alias
                    System.out.println("---> alias : " + sss);
                    i = i + 1;
                    String str = c.toString();
                    System.out.println(" Certificate details : " + str);
                    RSAPubKey = c.getPublicKey();
                   RSAPrivKey = ks.getKey(aliasKey, null);  //"mypassword".toCharArray()
                    Certificate[] chain = ks.getCertificateChain(aliasKey);
            System.out.println("No of certificates found from Personal MS Keystore: " + i);
            Cipher rsaCipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding");//, ks.getProvider().getName());       !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                rsaCipher.init(Cipher.WRAP_MODE, RSAPubKey);
            byte[] keyBytes =
                1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
            SecretKey aeskey = new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, "AES");
            byte[] encryptedSymmKey = rsaCipher.wrap(aeskey);
            System.out.println("Encrypted Symmetric Key :" + Arrays.toString(encryptedSymmKey));
            System.out.println("Encrypted Symmetric Key Length in Bytes: " + encryptedSymmKey.length);
            // RSA Decryption of Encrypted Symmetric AES key
            Cipher unwrapRsaCipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding", ks.getProvider().getName());       //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            unwrapRsaCipher.init(Cipher.UNWRAP_MODE, RSAPrivKey);
            Key decryptedKey = unwrapRsaCipher.unwrap(encryptedSymmKey, "AES", Cipher.SECRET_KEY);
            System.out.println("Decrypted Symmetric Key :" + Arrays.toString(decryptedKey.getEncoded())); // Matches the 'keyBytes' above
  • Announcing the coherence for Java (Patch 10)

    Consistency Java (Patch 10) aired in Orion (Metalink) as patch 17342587 .

    The patch contains the following hotfixes:
    COH-10313: fixed a problem of comparator custom service proxy load balancing.
    COH-10271: improve the sending of the DiagnosticPackets as they are sent to the announced and favorite ports.
    COH-10270: fixed an issue with the elastic data in which an invalid binary exception is reported during an operation which directly or indirectly called keySet.
    COH-10219: fixed an issue where the full value of-31 is not read correctly by the serializer POF.
    COH-10171: hardened transactional processing cache of javax.transaction.xa.Xid to allow implementations not serializable.
    COH-10161: Add a new configuration of session in coherence * Web, which maintains a local instance of a session in addition to hot flashes the session for the distributed cache.
    COH-10124: fixed an issue which can lead to false warnings of WKA list incompatible when using host names in the list of the WKA.
    COH-10119: fixed a problem of serialization infiltrate.
    COH-10115: fixed a problem causing the NamedCache iterators return results in duplicate to the clients to extend Standard or Enterprise edition clusters.
    COH-10078: fixed an issue where the RWBM.flush () could return before all the data is flushed.
    COH-10063: fixed an issue that caused the calculator unit configured to be ignored by the ReadWriteBackingMap.
    COH-10054: fixed an issue causing blocking between the start of the cluster and the thread starts a service.
    COH-10033: fixed an issue where the listeners on replicated Cache could receive card events.
    COH-9967: fixed an issue that could cause the memory of the customer take if the distribution of the "stuck" partition
    COH-9934: fixed a problem with the filter run producing the overload of high memory due to the useless JMX statistics.
    COH-9902: Fixed problem of intiailation potential session in WebLogic during side by
    COH-9786: added support of coherence * Tomcat 7.x application servers Web.
    COH-9690: hardened treatment of disabling cache calls
    COH-6587: hardened treatment of configuration errors of cache to guard against NPES and UOE to offer a more stable service.

    Fix full list of all Java 3.7.1 consistency fixes are available in both the patch readme file and in Note: 1405110.1

    This has now been replaced by the output.

  • Where can I find a list of compatible with SAPI 5.4 third speech recognition engines?

    Original title: 5.4 SAPI compatible speech recognition engines

    Where can I find a list of compatible with SAPI 5.4 third speech recognition engines?


    You can use your favorite search engine to find a list of compatible with SAPI 5.4 third speech recognition engines.

    THIRD PARTY LINK WARNING: With the help of third-party software or a link, including hardware drivers can cause serious problems that may prevent your computer from starting properly. Microsoft cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the use of third party software or link can be resolved. Using third-party software or a link is at your own risk.

    Check if it helps.

  • Performance issue of SAP with Oracle 10 on Sun SPARC T5240 server

    Dear friends,

    We have a performance issue after the migration of our basic system of SAP ERP 6.0. To new servers, we moved a month ago.
    The report of EarlyWatchAlert SAP response time of CPU is too high, although the CPU utilization is never more than 5%,

    The current system is:

    Database server: Sun SPARC Enterprise T5240 Server - 2 CPU´s with 6 core wire 8, 1.2 Ghz 32 GB RAM
    and we use a different identical server configured as an application server.

    Database is Oracle 10.2.0 and Solaris 10 operating system.

    The problem is CPU average response time is 450 ms and maximum CPU load is 5% percent.

    Configuration prior to migration with the old servers, we got the answer of CPU: 150 ms and max CPU load: 50%.
    Old configuration: 2 X HP rp3440, 2 X PA 8800 (2 core, 1.0 GHz) CPU.

    You have experience with a similar situation, setting that could be bad for server CPU´s not making full use?
    or you know any similar configuration for benchmark?

    Thanks in advance


    The new server's processors in Niagara? If so you could run in the known performance issue identified in MOS Doc 781763.1 (Migration of fast single machine threaded CPU to CMT UltraSPARC T1 and T2 causes an increase in the CPU reports)


  • Speech recognition software issue

    I had the Windows speech recognition software on my laptop when opperating Office 2003 (I have Windows XP) the Tech when computers upgrade to Office 2010, it has been deleted.  Any way to recover?

    Office 2010 does not support speech recognition on Windows XP.

  • issues of speech recognition

    I have windows 7 32-bit professional.  I use speech recognition with my dental software. I hear a sound of ding in my helmet after having given the orders. Is there a setting to change to stop this noise?

    Hi David,

    1. don't you make changes to the computer before this problem?

    2. what security software is installed?

    Let us try these methods.

    Method 1.

    Connect the headset to another computer and check if that helps.

    Plug another helmet on this computer and check if that helps.

    Method 2.

    You can read these articles and check if that helps.

    Setting speech options:

    Common commands in speech recognition:

    What can I do with speech recognition? :

    Additional information.

    Let us know if you need assistance with any windows problem. We will be happy to help you.

  • Length attribute SAP issue

    Hi all

    I use a SAP ER connector. IOM version 11.1.2.

    Face-down question during the reconciliation of the users of SAP in IOM,

    QUESTION: When the user with a service of value more than 10 characters, Idoc, the analysis fails and no recon case is created.

    ' 1) ' Department ' attribute is created when the SAP ER connector is installed.
    (2) the default size of the attribute is 10 characters.

    I get around mad plus

    -> Length increased to 100 chararcters attribute of "Ministry" in creating the sandbox
    -> audit:

    (1) USR_UDF_DEPARTMENT is of type varchar2 and size 100 (checked the description of the table of the USR)
    (2) since the sysadmin-> Configuration-> Form Designer console - > user-> checked form size attribute of service be 100 characters

    Now, even after changing the size of 'Department' attribute, IDOC, the analysis fails because of Department maximum size is 10 characters.

    Error message

    oracle.iam.connectors.common.dao.OIMUtil: createTrustedReconEvent(): Exception occurred when inserting data into the RA_SAPHRMSRESOURCE57A9713F table because of java.sql.SQLException: ORA-12899: value too large for column 'UAT_OIM '. "" "" RA_SAPHRMSRESOURCE57A9713F '. "" RA_DEPARTMENT' (actual: 15, maximum: 10)

    You'd be sincerely acknowledging a quick solution

    Thank you


    Hi Gyanprakash,

    Thanks for the reply...

    I tried all of those and still dint work.

    I found a solution for this...

    Recon using stores the data in the column UAT_OIM ".» "" "RA_SAPHRMSRESOURCE57A9713F '." " RA_DEPARTMENT. In fact after the publication of Sandpit the size of this column should be increased, but his past does not...

    Thus, manually, change the size of the column using the SQL Alter command...

    Now its works well...

    See you soon

  • BlackBerry voice recognition issue Z10

    It is actually more a teach my Z10 how to say a name correctly...

    My daughters name is Ciara Celtic pronouciation (R a key ') however my Z10 refuses to acknowledge the crrrect pronunciation and stress I say call (sigh ra), which is embarrassing.

    I was unable to find anything on how to teach it to pronounce his name correctly short it incorrect spelling in the address book...

    Any thoughts or ideas on this?

    Thank you very much

    No it not there no training unfortunately.

    How about to change its name. ;-)

  • False issues action Center


    Currently my Windows Action Center shows my Virus Protection and firewall off which are both wrong. I have run Norton 2010 and it works very well. When I open the Action Center and click on ' turn on ' it opens Norton but does not remove the question of the Action Center.

    Everything is up-to-date and I didn't have this problem in the first place, so I'm prosuming there is a problem with a recent installation. I installed Adobe CS4 on a trial a couple of days, but after a reboot, the problem was not there. When I turned my system on last night, it appeared and I can't solve.

    Except that the only thing that I have installed are games, any help would be appreciated

    See you soon


    Aslong as my system is safe it's all I'm really worried, I was just trying to solve an irritating problem ;)

  • Need help with CP1215 false paper jam issues! Using Windows XP

    I have a HP Color Laserjet CP1215.  Whenever I try to send a print job to the printer, I get a paper jam message.  I go through the paper jam, clearing routine, but there is no paper stuck. HELPPPPP!

    Hi mrben,.

    Follow the steps outlined in the document below and let me know what you find?

    Out of paper"Error Message is displayed and the printer does not look upward or feeding the paper

  • vCenter (vCSA) is actually inalterable features - false licensing issue?

    vCenter: vCSA build 1235310

    Hypervisor 1: ESXi 5.1.0 - 799733-standard

    2 hypervisor (image provided by Fujitsu for Fujitsu servers): (updated) ESXi 5.1.0 - 799733-standard

    Recently, I noticed that I couldn't do something productive in vCenter: power on, power off, change settings, almost anything.  Still works fine by directly striking the hypervisors.  After you dig and dig, I noticed - in the web client, rather than the thick client - that we have exceeded the "VMware vSphere Essentials 5 (vRAM)" license of 893150%.  Not a typing error!  He said that we have bought 0.01 GB capacity and use 44 GB right now.  Each host has 64 GB of RAM and Essentials is supposed to be allowed for 192 GB, or so I understand it.

    It's only the vanilla hypervisor that signals this overrun, as a 'second use.'  He is also calling it "VMware vSphere Essentials 5", while Fujitsu, it adds "(cœurs illimités par CPU») and has n/d in the second column of its use."

    What the reason why this vCenter has stopped working for me - some sort of punishment of license?  Even if not, any ideas on why it is even considered a surplus?  Thank you!

    It was finally "solved" by assigning the user root only the role of 'Health' and then returning back.

  • Possible corruption ASM or issue of false statements?

    Hi people,

    I get conflicting information when I ask the view v asm_disk $. The header for all 114 disks status should be 'Member '. But, with the exception of three discs, all other disks appear as "candidates"?

    There are no errors in the RDBMS or alert newspapers ASM.

    The database works very well for the moment.

    Everyone knows that gap? Is this a case of corruption of disk header? or simple misrepresentation? And more importantly, how can I solve the problem?

    Here are the details

    O / S: AIX
    select DISK_NUMBER,HEADER_STATUS,substr(PATH,1,20),label 
    from v$asm_disk;
             17 CANDIDATE    /dev/rhdisk10
             18 CANDIDATE    /dev/rhdisk100
             19 CANDIDATE    /dev/rhdisk101
             20 CANDIDATE    /dev/rhdisk102
             21 CANDIDATE    /dev/rhdisk103
             22 CANDIDATE    /dev/rhdisk104
             23 CANDIDATE    /dev/rhdisk105
             24 CANDIDATE    /dev/rhdisk106
            112 MEMBER       /dev/rhdisk147
            113 MEMBER       /dev/rhdisk148
            114 MEMBER       /dev/rhdisk149
    Thanks in advance


    You must mark this thread as answered because I think that you should really work with Oracle support on this point. You shouldn't use free links provided on the internet. Culd corrupt you your disks completely.

  • I switch to Chrome because of problems with default printer. When can I expect this issue for a long time or my switch will be permanent?

    Whenever I change a print setting, firefox that shows the default setting. For example, I want to print a document in landscape, and now all my documents print in landscape unless I have reset firefox or I might want to print only once another printer, but now, this printer is enabled in my default printer. It is a huge pain and I got tired to reset firefox several times a day.

    I love everything about firefox, but this issue me leave.

    Please solve this problem which is the infestation of users of firefox for years! And let me know when you do.

    Thank you!

    By default, Firefox to save a setting like the new "default". You can change it to not save the settings by enabling / disabling this pref in Subject: config.

    by default Print.save_print_settings is true : double-click to switch to false.

Maybe you are looking for