It seems that my Dilcache file is missing. I'm trying to restore my rundll32.exe feature to recover my computer back to normal. Can someone help me? I have no restore disks.

I only have the internet features.  I'm unable to access computer based programs.  For example, any program that uses rundll32.exe is performed, which seems to be many programs such as Yahoo Mail... Control Panel programs, etc.

What makes you think your rundll32 is missing or damaged? Or you are just unable to open executable files. Before that you will replace the file extension of exe re - try to associate applications. To do this click Start > run > type cmd > Ok. On the command line type "assoc.exe = exefile" without quotes > press ENTER. This should fix the problem if it is simply a problem of liaison.

If you are sure that the file is missing or damaged you can replace it with the copy of the file in your folder of service pack. To do this, follow the instructions below.

Right click on start > search. Type "rundll32.exe" in the field of the files to be searched. Choose to search for your main drive (usually C). Select the search hidden files and folder advanced features. Click on the search button to start the search. In the results list, find the associated rundll32 file C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles\i386. Right-click on rundll32 to the left of the directory above and choose 'open file location '. The rundll32.exe file should be highlighted when the folder opens. Right-click on the file and choose copy. Navigate to C:\windows\System32.  Right click again in a free space in the folder and choose Paste.

Note that this kind of problem results normally malware. Once you are able to run applications, you need to download, update and perform a scan with Malwarebytes.

How to use Malwarebytes

Tags: Windows

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  • I have the file calendar.html, it works fine in IE & crome but in firefox the hyperlinks are not active... can someone help me please...

      <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> 
      <script language="JavaScript">
     var dDate = new Date();
     var dCurMonth = dDate.getMonth();
     var dCurDayOfMonth = dDate.getDate();
     var dCurYear = dDate.getFullYear();
     var objPrevElement = new Object();
     var objPrevCalDateText = new Object();
     function fToggleColor(myElement) {
      var toggleColor = "#0000ff";
      if ( == "calDateText") {
       if (myElement.color == toggleColor) {
        if (myElement.innerText == dCurDayOfMonth && frmCalendar.tbSelYear.value == dCurYear && frmCalendar.tbSelMonth.value == dCurMonth+1) {
         myElement.color = "red";
        else {
         myElement.color = "";
       else {
        myElement.color = toggleColor;
      else if ( == "calCell") {
       for (var i in myElement.children) {
        if (myElement.children[i].id == "calDateText") {
         if (myElement.children[i].color == toggleColor) {
          if (myElement.innerText == dCurDayOfMonth && frmCalendar.tbSelYear.value == dCurYear && frmCalendar.tbSelMonth.value == dCurMonth+1) {
           myElement.children[i].color = "red";
          else {
           myElement.children[i].color = "";
         else {
          myElement.children[i].color = toggleColor;
     function fSetSelectedDay(myElement){
      if ( == "calCell") {
       if (!isNaN(parseInt(myElement.children["calDateText"].innerText))) {
        myElement.background = "images/cal_cell_down.gif";
        objPrevElement.background = "images/cal_cell_up.gif";
        document.all.calSelectedDate.value = parseInt(myElement.children["calDateText"].innerText);
        objPrevElement = myElement;
          if(frmCalendar.tbSelMonth.value < 10)
           sMonth = "0" + frmCalendar.tbSelMonth.value
           sMonth = frmCalendar.tbSelMonth.value
          if(myElement.children["calDateText"].innerText < 10)
           sDay = "0" + myElement.children["calDateText"].innerText
           sDay = myElement.children["calDateText"].innerText
          window.returnValue = sMonth + sDay + frmCalendar.tbSelYear.value
     function fGetDaysInMonth(iMonth, iYear) {
      var dPrevDate = new Date(iYear, iMonth, 0);
      return dPrevDate.getDate();
     function fBuildCal(iYear, iMonth, iDayStyle) {
      var aMonth = new Array();
      aMonth[0] = new Array(7);
      aMonth[1] = new Array(7);
      aMonth[2] = new Array(7);
      aMonth[3] = new Array(7);
      aMonth[4] = new Array(7);
      aMonth[5] = new Array(7);
      aMonth[6] = new Array(7);
      var dCalDate = new Date(iYear, iMonth-1, 1);
      var iDayOfFirst = dCalDate.getDay();
      var iDaysInMonth = fGetDaysInMonth(iMonth, iYear);
      var iVarDate = 1;
      var i, d, w;
      if (iDayStyle == 2) {
       aMonth[0][0] = "Sunday";
       aMonth[0][1] = "Monday";
       aMonth[0][2] = "Tuesday";
       aMonth[0][3] = "Wednesday";
       aMonth[0][4] = "Thursday";
       aMonth[0][5] = "Friday";
       aMonth[0][6] = "Saturday";
      else if (iDayStyle == 1) {
       aMonth[0][0] = "Sun";
       aMonth[0][1] = "Mon";
       aMonth[0][2] = "Tue";
       aMonth[0][3] = "Wed";
       aMonth[0][4] = "Thu";
       aMonth[0][5] = "Fri";
       aMonth[0][6] = "Sat";
      else {
       aMonth[0][0] = "Su";
       aMonth[0][1] = "Mo";
       aMonth[0][2] = "Tu";
       aMonth[0][3] = "We";
       aMonth[0][4] = "Th";
       aMonth[0][5] = "Fr";
       aMonth[0][6] = "Sa";
      for (d = iDayOfFirst; d < 7; d++) {
       aMonth[1][d] = iVarDate;
      for (w = 2; w < 7; w++) {
       for (d = 0; d < 7; d++) {
        if (iVarDate <= iDaysInMonth) {
         aMonth[w][d] = iVarDate;
      return aMonth;
     function fDrawCal(iYear, iMonth, iCellWidth, iCellHeight, sDateTextSize, sDateTextWeight, iDayStyle) {
      var myMonth;
      myMonth = fBuildCal(iYear, iMonth, iDayStyle);
      document.write("<table border='0' width='280' cellspacing='0' bordercolorlight='#808080' bordercolordark='#808080'>")
      document.write("<td align='center' style='FONT-FAMILY:Verdana;FONT-SIZE:12px;FONT-WEIGHT: bold'>" + myMonth[0][0] + "</td>");
      document.write("<td align='center' style='FONT-FAMILY:Verdana;FONT-SIZE:12px;FONT-WEIGHT: bold'>" + myMonth[0][1] + "</td>");
      document.write("<td align='center' style='FONT-FAMILY:Verdana;FONT-SIZE:12px;FONT-WEIGHT: bold'>" + myMonth[0][2] + "</td>");
      document.write("<td align='center' style='FONT-FAMILY:Verdana;FONT-SIZE:12px;FONT-WEIGHT: bold'>" + myMonth[0][3] + "</td>");
      document.write("<td align='center' style='FONT-FAMILY:Verdana;FONT-SIZE:12px;FONT-WEIGHT: bold'>" + myMonth[0][4] + "</td>");
      document.write("<td align='center' style='FONT-FAMILY:Verdana;FONT-SIZE:12px;FONT-WEIGHT: bold'>" + myMonth[0][5] + "</td>");
      document.write("<td align='center' style='FONT-FAMILY:Verdana;FONT-SIZE:12px;FONT-WEIGHT: bold'>" + myMonth[0][6] + "</td>");
      for (w = 1; w < 7; w++) {
       for (d = 0; d < 7; d++) {
        document.write("<td background='images/cal_cell_up.gif' align='left' valign='top' width='" + iCellWidth + "' height='" + iCellHeight + "' id=calCell style='CURSOR:Hand' onMouseOver='fToggleColor(this)' onMouseOut='fToggleColor(this)' onclick='fSetSelectedDay(this)'>");
        if (!isNaN(myMonth[w][d])) {
         document.write("<font id=calDateText onMouseOver='fToggleColor(this)' style='CURSOR:Hand;FONT-FAMILY:Verdana;FONT-SIZE:" + sDateTextSize + ";FONT-WEIGHT:" + sDateTextWeight + "' onMouseOut='fToggleColor(this)' onclick='fSetSelectedDay(this)'>" + myMonth[w][d] + "</font>");
        else {
         document.write("<font id=calDateText onMouseOver='fToggleColor(this)' style='CURSOR:Hand;FONT-FAMILY:Verdana;FONT-SIZE:" + sDateTextSize + ";FONT-WEIGHT:" + sDateTextWeight + "' onMouseOut='fToggleColor(this)' onclick='fSetSelectedDay(this)'> </font>");
     function fUpdateCal(iYear, iMonth) {
      myMonth = fBuildCal(iYear, iMonth);
      objPrevElement.bgColor = "";
      document.all.calSelectedDate.value = "";
      objPrevCalDateText.color = ""
      for (w = 1; w < 7; w++) {
       for (d = 0; d < 7; d++) {
        if (!isNaN(myMonth[w][d])) {
         if (myMonth[w][d] == dCurDayOfMonth && iYear == dCurYear && iMonth == dCurMonth+1){
          calDateText[((7*w)+d)-7].color = "red"
          objPrevCalDateText = calDateText[((7*w)+d)-7]
         calDateText[((7*w)+d)-7].innerText = myMonth[w][d];
        else {
         calDateText[((7*w)+d)-7].innerText = "";
     <script id=clientEventHandlersJS language=javascript>
    function Select1_onblur() {
     <body topmargin="0" leftmargin="0">
      <script language="JavaScript" for="window" event="onload">
      var dCurDate = new Date();
      frmCalendar.tbSelMonth.options[dCurDate.getMonth()].selected = true;
      for (i = 0; i < frmCalendar.tbSelYear.length; i++)
       if (frmCalendar.tbSelYear.options[i].value == dCurDate.getFullYear())
        frmCalendar.tbSelYear.options[i].selected = true;
      <form name="frmCalendar" method="post" action="">
       <input type="hidden" name="calSelectedDate">
       <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#c0c0c0">
          <select name="tbSelMonth" onchange='fUpdateCal(frmCalendar.tbSelYear.value, frmCalendar.tbSelMonth.value)'
           style='FONT-FAMILY:Verdana;FONT-SIZE:12px;FONT-WEIGHT:normal' id="Select1" onblur="return Select1_onblur()">
           <option value="1" selected>January</option>
           <option value="2">February</option>
           <option value="3">March</option>
           <option value="4">April</option>
           <option value="5">May</option>
           <option value="6">June</option>
           <option value="7">July</option>
           <option value="8">August</option>
           <option value="9">September</option>
           <option value="10">October</option>
           <option value="11">November</option>
           <option value="12">December</option>
          <select name="tbSelYear" onchange='fUpdateCal(frmCalendar.tbSelYear.value, frmCalendar.tbSelMonth.value)'
           <option value="1998">1998</option>
           <option value="1999">1999</option>
           <option value="2000">2000</option>
           <option value="2001">2001</option>
           <option value="2002">2002</option>
           <option value="2003">2003</option>
           <option value="2004">2004</option>
           <option value="2005">2005</option>
           <option value="2006">2006</option>
           <option value="2007">2007</option>
           <option value="2008">2008</option>
           <option value="2009">2009</option>
           <option value="2010">2010</option>
           <option value="2011">2011</option>
           <option value="2012" selected>2012</option>
           <option value="2013">2013</option>
           <option value="2014">2014</option>
           <option value="2015">2015</option>
          <script language="JavaScript">
          <!--  -->
           var dCurDate = new Date();
           fDrawCal(dCurDate.getFullYear(), dCurDate.getMonth()+1, 30, 30, "12px", "normal", 1);
           fUpdateCal(dCurYear, dCurMonth+1)

    At least, you will need to use style.color = "#0000ff" instead of color.

    Document.all is not in Firefox, so use getElementById() to deal with specific items.

    A good place to ask for advice on web development is to the 'Web Standards Development/evangelism' MozillaZine forum.

    Aid to this forum are better informed on issues related to web development.

    You must register on MozillaZine forum site to post in this forum.

  • Whenever I start the system complains that the following files are missing, c:\\Windows\System32\igfxpers.exe, igftray.exe and hkcmd.exe.

    Original title: files missing error

    Whenever I start the system complains that the following files are missing, c:\\Windows\System32\igfxpers.exe, igftray.exe and hkcmd.exe. Everything started after I ran scan and scan deleted some files infected. However, I can use the system. Where and how to download the missing files? Or how the system does not deliver messages?


    Two of the three files are probably part of the malware infection and not the files infected. The third is probably the same details in this link:

    To identify what loads when you start using Autoruns (freeware from Microsoft).

    With Autoruns, you can deselect an item which disables startup, or you can click with the right button on an item, then remove it. If you clear the check box that you can check back for re - activate the element. It is an approach much safer than editing the registry and better than using msconfig. You will find the three points and they will have a description 'file is missing' against everyone. Your antivirus software has removed the files, but not the startup entries in the registry. All you need to do is delete the entry using Autoruns to eliminate the error messages.

    Another useful feature of the program is that you can click with the right button on an item and select search online to get information about the selected item.

  • I can't start my print spooler, as it says that the following file is missing. How can \WINDOWS\system32\spoolsv.exe I download it?

    I can not start the print spooler as it says that the following file is missing.  C:\WINDOWS\system32\spoolsv.exe.  How can I download it?

    Do a search on your computer, it may have been accidentally moved to another directory. You can also run the System File Checker:

    How to use the System File Checker tool to fix the system files missing or corrupted on Windows Vista or Windows 7

    or you can just try to copy the file from another computer.

  • Most of the time when I try to install a game on my PC, I get error message saying that a dll file is missing

    Original title: dll error

    most of the time when I try to install a game on my pc. After I get the error message indicating that a file xxxxx.dll is missing, once again if I install this file another yyyyy.dll file is missing out of her Dungeon on entry

    Hi Prakash,

    I imagine the inconvenience that you are experiencing. I will certainly help the question of fixing.

    To help you suggest several steps to solve the problem, I would appreciate if you could answer the following questions:
    1. What is the error message that is accurate or complete?
    2. have you made any recent hardware or exchange of software on your computer before the show?
    3. what game you are trying to install?
    Please follow the methods and mark the question below:
    Method 1:
    You need to perform a clean boot to prevent any third party conflicting application from interfering with your computer.
    To put the computer in a clean boot state, you must follow the steps in the article mentioned below and check with the question.
    How to troubleshoot a problem by performing a clean boot in Windows Vista or Windows 7:
    Note: You must follow the step 3 of the article mentioned above to recover your computer to a Normal startup after you complete all the steps.
    Method 2:
    I suggest you to refer to the link below to use the (SFC) System File Checker tool to troubleshoot missing or corrupted system files in Windows:
    How to use the System File Checker tool to fix the system files missing or corrupted on Windows Vista or Windows 7
    Method 3:
    Scan your computer by using the Microsoft Safety Scanner by clicking Download now to check if there is no virus infected:
    Note: The data files that are infected must be cleaned only by removing the file completely, which means that there is a risk of data loss.
    Method 4:

    Also, look for error messages in the event viewer. If you find error messages after return the exact error message so that we can help you better.

    Measures to check the application event log:

    a. click Start.
    (b) in the search box type eventvwr.msc , and then press enter.
    c. now, click Application in the observer of events (local).
    d. now, looking for event log on the right side of the event viewer window.


    Open Event Viewer:

    What are the information contained in the logs of the event (Event Viewer)? :
    I hope that the information above helps you.
  • I closed my shot explorer.exe process in my task manager and now I can't load my computer, control panel and these files, can someone help me? When I try to open their message comes that no such interface supported.

    I closed my shot explorer.exe process in my task manager and now I can't load my computer, control panel and these files, can someone help me? When I try to open their message comes that: {26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683} not this interface supported...


    Welcome to the Microsoft Vista answers Forum!

    I would like to ask you a few questions in order to get a better understanding of this issue so that we can better help you.

    (a) what version of Windows 7 use you?

    (b) what is the exact error message you are getting?

    Method 1: You can also try to perform a file system (scan SFC) verification tool. This tool will fix the system files are corrupted.

    Scan SFC enforcement procedure:

    1. click on the Start button

    2. on the Start Menu, click all programs followed by accessories

    3. in the menu accessories, right-click on command line option

    4. in the drop-down menu that appears, click the "Run as Administrator" option

    5. If you have the User Account Control (UAC) enabled, you will be asked permission before the opening of the command line. You simply press the button continue if you are the administrator or insert password etc.

    6. in the command prompt window, type: sfc/scannow then press enter

    7. a message is displayed to indicate that "the analysis of the system will start.

    8. be patient because the analysis may take some time

    9. If all the files need replace SFC will replace them. You may be asked to insert your Vista DVD for this process to continue

    10. If all goes although you should, after the analysis, see the following message "Windows resource protection not found any breach of integrity.

    11. once the scan is finished, close the command prompt window, restart the computer and check.

    Method 2: If this is a recent problem that has developed you can try to perform a system restore and check if it works very well.

    To restore the operating system to an earlier point in time, follow these steps:

    1. Click Start, type system restore in the search box, and then click System Restore in the list programs.

    If you are prompted for an administrator password or a confirmation, type your password or click on continue.

    2. in the System Restore dialog box, click on choose a different restore point and then click Next

    3. in the list of restore points, click a restore point created before you started having the problem, and then click Next

    4. click on finish

    Note: When you perform the system restore to restore the computer to a previous state, programs and updates that you have installed are removed.

    For more information, please follow the below given link:

    How to repair the operating system and how to restore the configuration of the operating system to an earlier point in time in Windows Vista

    Method 3: you can try to start safe mode and restore the system, if you are unable to do it in normal mode.

    For a safe boot, you can follow the below given steps:

    1. remove all floppy disks, CDs and DVDs from your computer and restart your computer.

    Click the Start button, click the arrow next to the button lock and then click on restart.

    2. do one of the following:

    a. If your computer has a single operating system installed, press and hold the F8 key as your computer restarts. You need to press F8 before the Windows logo appears. If the Windows logo appears, you need to try again by waiting until the Windows logon prompt appears, and then stop and restart your computer.

    b. If your computer has multiple operating systems, use the arrow keys to select the operating system you want to start in safe mode, and then press F8.

    When you are in safe mode, follow the steps mentioned above to complete the restore of the system.

    Hope the helps of information.
    Please post back and we do know.

    Jeremy K
    Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

  • Is it possible to speak with a technician if I am using Dial-up Internet? It seems that I waited more than an hour while trying all the time to connect.

    Is it possible to speak with a technician if I am using Dial-up Internet? It seems that I waited more than an hour while trying all the time to connect.

    original title: Online Tech Support

    Hi Cindy,.

    No, unless you have a second phone line, using a cell phone, or try something like Skype on your computer.

    Try to connect to what?  Technical support for what?  Of course, you could connect here, so it works.  What is the problem that you are looking to get help?

    I hope this helps.  If we can help, let us know.

    Good luck!

  • users cannot save .pdf, .doc files using "Save target as" in google search results. Can someone help me, I couldn't have known that the same works very well on some computers.

    I am the Director of technical support for more than 1000 computers. Recently in some computers (windows based) users cannot save .pdf, .doc files using "Save target as" in google search results. Can someone help me, I couldn't have known that the same works very well on some computers.

    Hi MASPAdministrator,

    Your Windows XP question is more complex than what is generally answered in the Microsoft Answers forums. It is better suited for the IT Pro TechNet public. Please post your question in the TechNet Windows XP forum.

  • I am trying to download zipped files that were sent to me. They download, but when I try to access it, I get a box that says "application not found". Can someone help me?

    I received files in zip format that I downloaded.  However, when I click on the file to open it, I get a box that says "application not found" and I am not able to access the files.

    Can someone help me understand what is happening and why I can't download files more

    Hi Barbara,

    1. is the specific issue confined to zip files?

    2 have you made changes on the computer before this problem?

    3. is there any software zip file that is installed on your computer?

    First of all, I suggest you try to access a different zip file and check if you are able to open. This will help us know if the problem is with the zip file special or the application.

    I suggest you do a right click on the particular file and select extract and check if you are able to access the particular file.

    See the following for more information Microsoft article.

    Compress and uncompress files (zip files)

    Hope that the information provided is useful.

  • I need to download and improve the tools of the DPS. My version of InDesign CC 2015 isn't tools DPS that I need. I just upgraded to CC 2014 and found that (generator of folio) tools are missing. Can someone help me?

    I need to download and improve the tools of the DPS. My version of InDesign CC 2015 isn't tools DPS that I need. I just upgraded to CC 2014 and found that (generator of folio) tools are missing. Can someone help me?

    I have a new MacBook Pro 15 "with all of the memory/speed I need to work on folios. I am developing several folios.

    Downloads fail in case of success or not, do not load the Folio Builder I'm use to.


    Post edited by: Neil Enns, edited to remove personal contact information.

    DPS is not supported in InDesign CC 2015. You will need to install InDesign 2014 CC-by-side to use DPS tools, that you have used. See download and install Adobe Creative cloud applications to learn how to install the previous version of InDesign.

    Digital Publishing Solution (aka DPS 2015) is supported in InDesign CC 2015.


  • can someone help me choose the right program to open my file on the desktop?

    Try to open the game of chess. It prompted me to choose another file to open chess game of Titian. So I did it by clicking on the internet window explore. now all the progress or files on my desktop changed for symbol (e) of the exploring on them and I can't open them. I don't know how to get it back. Can someone help me?


    I would like to know the operating system you work with.

    Method 1) when you run an .exe on a Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 computer file, the file can start another program

    Method 2) in case if it does not help, you must change the associated file. To change the file association for a specific file, you must first display the properties of the file.

    1. You can view the properties of a file by selecting the file and choosing 'Properties' in the file menu. Or you can simply right-click on the file and select "Properties" from the context menu that appears.
    1. To change this file association, click the button change.
    1. You are given a list of recommended programs to open the file, as well as several other programs on your computer. The recommended programs are programs that Windows knows is going to be able to open the current file type. For this reason, choose a program from the list of recommended programs is a good idea. You can choose a program from the list of other programs, but the file cannot open.
    1. You can change this program opens all documents of a certain type of file, and then click the checkbox "Always use the selected program to open this type of file."
    1. Click OK

    Check the link for more information:

    Change the programs that Windows uses by default

    Icons change incorrectly in Windows


    Important this section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems can occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you proceed with caution. For added protection, back up the registry before you edit it. Then you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, click on the number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 322756 ( )

    It may be useful

  • My computer redirects me to random pages and turn my CPU at 100%... I think that his "ping.exe".can someone help?

    Original title: ping.exe

    I have something on my computer that redirects me to random pages and runs my CPU at 100%... I think that his "ping.exe".can someone help?

    MalwareBytes's AntiMalware - no AntiVirus. ;-)

    Probably your best bet - flatten (wipe) the system and start from scratch.  You will need your most recent backup (your stuff, like your documents, photos, music, video, spreadsheets, databases, presentations, bookmarks/Internet favorites, e-mail contacts, serial number, proof of purchase/receipts, that may have been scanned in, etc. and so on...) and a good list of installed software and hardware specifications (I suggest Belarc Advisor running on the current system and print the results if possible) then you can get the drivers before or after installation.

    Of course, you will also need your multimedia installation product key/serial numbers and that go hand in hand.  In Windows XP - there is no way for me to know (without telling you) what level your installation CD is... so you will need to install the SP2 and SP3 after installing the operating system.  I would leave it disconnected from the Internet (physically) until it is at least SP3 and you have confirmed its firewall is enabled and, if possible, you have installed an antivirus application.

    For you, I suggest the eSet 32 antivirus (not more) - which costs ~ $60 every two years for private users.  Add to that the MalwareBytes full package which costs, if I remember, ~ $25 for life.

    Then, once the system * is * connected to the Internet (physically) - get hardware drivers installed for everything and the rest 100 + installed post-SP3 updates.  Then you can worry about all your other programs and restore your files LAST.

  • Can someone help me create a Bootable ISO DVD from a windows bootable USB ISO file?

    OT: Burning ISO file.

    Can someone help me create a Bootable ISO DVD from a windows bootable USB ISO file?

    I tried to burn the ISO of the DVD file in my system through Image burning software. All copied and verified by himself and said ok.

    But, when I tried to open/run the file, it displays that autorun.dll is not a valid windows image file.  Whereas the same iso file is the opening of the bootable USB key.

    Therefore, I want to copy the file to the USB.iso on DVD.

    It would be simpler just take your. ISO file and use it to burn a DVD using ImgBurn. Don't forget to check the "Hash" value of your. ISO (before creating the DVD) from time to time people do they receive a corrupted download .iso.

    J W Stuart:

  • I can't make a connection wifi with my Nook Color camera using a Microsoft MN - 700 wireless router. Can someone help me with the settings that could take care of this problem?

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    Please post on the Support forums technical Nook for help because it is not a Windows 7 problem...

    .. .also than that...

    Don't forget the network encryption type, IE. WPA2/WPA and key/password / password must match the wireless router/access point.

    See also this about WPA2 on the MN-700...

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    Try to update your video card driver to exclude

    Then reset your preferences - with Photoshop CC you can do it in the preferences. Earlier versions require that you press the modifier keys that you launch Photoshop. Ctrl alt shift on Windows or cmd opt shift on Mac.

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