[JS] [CS5.5] interrupt a script via ScriptUI

I have a script that automates the placement of PDF files in pages based on an input XML file. It works fine, but I want users to be able to interrupt the establishment, especially if they have accidentally passed the bad XML file to the script!

The total time required for the investments of PDF may take a while, I put a window simple palette containing a progress bar to give an idea of the progress. I also added a Cancel button, but although the window seems to have developed at least from time to time during the internship, it is never possible to press the Cancel button, or close the window. The mouse pointer is an hourglass all the time.

This is a test script simplified illustrating the problem. I have only run on CS5.5 on Windows XP, but I think it should work at least as far as CS4 on Mac and Windows. He asked a PDF file and then placed in a new document 16 times. My PC is slow enough so that it takes enough time together to give me enough time to hit the Cancel button, if it was possible to do. If your machine is really fast, you might want to increase gridSize so that the script has more to do.

Is that what I do as my Undo button can be pressed? I need to import PDF window, so if this can and should be turned off, that's fine. I've tinkered with IdleTasks strings and was able to push my button to cancel, but the chain is not always end, and I ended up locking things badly. I probably need to read more about IdleTasks. There may be potential here, but I want to support prior to version CS5 if possible, and IdleTasks were introduced in CS5.

#target indesign

(function() {
    var gridSize = 4;

    // Ask user for a PDF
    var pdfFilter =($.os.toLowerCase().indexOf("macintosh") != -1) ?
        (function(file) { return file.name.match(/\.pdf$/); }) : '*.pdf';
    var pdfFile = File.openDialog("Choose a small PDF to place...", pdfFilter);
    if (!pdfFile) { return; }

    // Show a simple progress bar
    var active = true;
    var win = new Window('palette', 'Placing ' + pdfFile.name);
    var label = win.add('statictext', undefined, '');
    label.preferredSize.width = 300;
    label.justify = 'left';
    var progressBar = win.add('progressbar', undefined, 0, gridSize * gridSize);
    progressBar.preferredSize = [ 300, 12 ];
    var cancelButton = win.add('button', undefined, 'Cancel');
    cancelButton.onClick = function() { win.close(); };
    win.onClose = function() { active = false; };

    // Make a grid of rectangles and place the PDF in each rectangle,
    // advancing the progress bar as we go
    var doc = app.documents.add();
    var page = doc.pages[0];
    var mp = page.marginPreferences;
    var originX = page.bounds[1] + mp.left;
    var originY = page.bounds[0] + mp.top;
    var rectWidth = (page.bounds[3] - mp.right - originX) / gridSize;
    var rectDepth = (page.bounds[2] - mp.bottom - originY) / gridSize;
    var placePDF = function(n) {
        var y = Math.floor(n / gridSize);
        var x = n % gridSize;
        label.text = 'Placing PDF in [ ' + x + ', ' + y + ' ]';
        var rect = page.rectangles.add();
        rect.geometricBounds = [
            originY + y * rectDepth,
            originX + x * rectWidth,
            originY + (y + 1) * rectDepth,
            originX + (x + 1) * rectWidth
        rect.strokeWeight = 0;
        var pdfList = rect.place(pdfFile);
        // Even this sleep doesn't let me press the cancel button!
    for (var i = 0; active && i < gridSize*gridSize; i++) {

Hi all

To my knowledge ScriptUI can only process "update" events during execution of your heavy routine. As a solution Roey horns of Adobe suggested in the past that we "rely on the support of InDesign to cancel scripts using the Cmd-period or ESC key".

In any case, IdleTasks is definitely the way to go in CS5 and later.



Tags: InDesign

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    Worst case you can be able to compel UI Scripting by selecting the appropriate export-> as DOCX menu item (or talk to the author of how to export via AppleScript).

    the value of myText to the Clipboard

    the value shell script filename ' date '+ % Y.%m.%d '"

    the value filePath to ((path to the Office as text) & filename & ".txt") as text

    say application 'TextWrangler.

    the value newDoc to make new text document with properties {text: myText}

    replace « (\\ [| (\\]) ' using '\\\1' to the search in the options of text 1 of newDoc {search:grep, starting at top:true}

    newDoc Save to the file filePath

    the value f for file of document to window 1 as alias

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    f Open

    Save front document in the file ((path to the Office as text) & file & ".docx")

    end say

    You could avoid the TextWrangler part, but you have to find a different way to treat your regex - which probably means that sed in a shell script, is probably just as easy to keep in TextWrangler.

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    tell the end

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    Thank you


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    Thank you


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    Yay! BridgeTalk isn't the most simpler cases and best documented, but there are good examples. Thank you guys to keep me on the right track

    After that a few tries, I got some message by BT and always with type palette window! Now this opens up totally new possibilities

    #target illustrator
    #targetengine main
    var script_name = "BridgeTalk Test"
    var doc = app.activeDocument;
    var doc_selection = doc.selection;
    function btMsg() {
        var bt = new BridgeTalk;
        bt.target = "illustrator";
        var message = objInfo + '\r objInfo(doc_selection);';
        bt.body = message;
    function objInfo() {
        var doc = app.activeDocument;
        var doc_selection = doc.selection;
        for ( i = 0; i < doc_selection.length; i++ ) {
            $.writeln ([i] + " Hello BridgeTalk!");
    function startGUI() {
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        // Style Option for main Window
        win.orientation = "column";
        win.alignChildren = ["fill", "fill"];
        // PANEL: Objects Group
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        objGrp.orientation = "row";
        objGrp.alignChildren = ["fill", "fill"];
        // BTN: Object Info
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        btnObjInfo.onClick = function () {
        // Close button
        win.quitBtn = win.add("button", undefined, "Close");
        // Event listener for the quit button
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    Visit the new VMware developers at http://www.vi-toolkit.com wiki

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    Collection: normal120-economy
    Title: Untitled
    Mode: 4
    Cancel: 1

    Selected: 0 to 6197758 scale 6197758 SR 44100
    FREQ: Off
    cmd: channels

    Selected: 0 to 6840575 scale 6197758 SR 44100
    FREQ: Off
    Comment: Amplitude\Normalize (process)
    cmd: {7EC45406-CFB6-4C54-99B9-84CE080C1914}
    1: 1
    2: 0
    3: 0
    4: 1.2
    5: 0

    FREQ: Off
    At the end:

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    To start the line

    Selected: 0 to 6840575 scale 6197758 SR 44100

    is not a very good idea, because you try to select beyond the end of the file on which you operate. If you select 6197758 in the scale of 0 to 6197785 SR 44100, then you will select the entire file. But then again, if you have selected 0 to 1 scale 1 SR44100 you reach exactly the same thing.

    If you are using this as a part of a batch file and backups do not work properly, you'll probably need to check all the parameters of format in the treatment by lots - but try to fix the script so that it seem weird first.

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    These configuration settings can be overridden in the TCL script via OMBDEPLOY or OMBALTER or any other command OMB parameter so all mappings are deployed/configured as
    (1) default operating mode = "DΘfinir base" and for
    (2) level of auditing by default = 'NONE' on all the mappings.

    Thank you

    Hi Dave

    Yes, you can set the code generation and the non-use of the properties of mode from a script...

    So that you can loop around all the cards and do these things, there are also a few experts on the Exchange utility, allowing you to block of updates quickly

    The model is available from scripts, for example to a PLSQL mapping batch you can query the properties as follows:

    See you soon

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    var VBSscript = file ("C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop CS2/Presets/Scripts/GGN_PS_Code_v1_2.vbs");
    If (VBSscript.Exists) VBSscript.execute ();

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    What could slow this process down so much?

    With the help of DIAdem 2015 32 bit.

    OK, I used this to speed up the result and it works like a charm

    Call UIAutoRefreshSet (False)     

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    Thank you very much for your time.


    Hey Asher,

    Thanks for posting in the Microsoft Community.

    As you try to give a domain user with local administrator rights using scripts via SCCM, the question you posted would be better suited for COMPUTING public Pro on TechNet. I would recommend posting your query in the TechNet Forums to get help:

    System Center Configuration Manager

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    The script is required for integration with my SMS server.

    Best regards

    There is a similar example in our documentation, see if that helps



  • Deployment script on multiple computers

    What about a Javascript on several computers

    Please bare with me, I'm new D:

    I made a script to speed up my workflow, and now she is adopted by the entire team. It's because

    each user has specific variables values, whenever I need to correct or update anything on this subject, I must change individually

    things like username (for local files) and so on.

    I was wondering if there was a way to pass values to the java-script via the shortcut as you would with some programs.

    (adding-(argument) under General properties shortcut in windows)

    This way I can just have 1 script on the server and that all run the same script,

    and pass their own arguments, rather than everyone running their own version.

    In addition, if there is another way to achieve the same goal, would be thank you so much for your suggestions

    Thank you!

    All startup scripts are read at startup, in an undefined order. All global variables defined at a higher level will be usable in all functions (but you can't use them at the highest level in other scripts, because the order is not defined).

    Be sure you are not putting your var statements in any kind of function. Your question suggests you are equating 'script' with 'function', given that you can't actually "run" a script at all, Acrobat does this at startup.

  • Special characters could not load DB via SQL * MORE

    Hi, I have a pl as .accidentally sets sql script which will insert data in database. The question is there are some records are missing and these missing records contains a special character: Sansao and Strasse. The strange was if I run the script via F5 (Toad), all data can be inserted successfully but run through SQL * MORE (Toad), all records that contain special characters are not inserted.

    Anyone here know why it didn't load these special characters via SQL * MORE?

    Probably because you have given unicode (multi byte charsets) you read with a customer of standard single-byte character set.

    It's SILLY to loading data using SQL * more. It's the wrong tool used for loading the data. It does not support the bind variable. It doesn't support liaison in bulk. It does not support direct path inserts. It is not SQL * Loader.

Maybe you are looking for