layers - show/hide, positioning and models

I want to show an image in a table when I rollover a navigation button image.
Images of navigation buttons have been implemented with the swap image restore behaviors, and I also want to display an image related elsewhere on the page but also simply by changing the button image.
The obvious solution seems to be to use layers for each of the images I want to view, and then show/hide the appropriate reversal. The problem is that I do work for lack of problem of the layers being absolute and therefore change position if the browser window is resized etc.. I thought about layers of nesting, but the site uses a model that prevents me to implement a global layer on the position at the breast.
If I try to use the layer relative positioning I get a problem the layer "overlay each other" they disappear in the layer list Dereamweaver shows as available in the list of show/hide behavior.
I have not attached any code that I'm really looking for a little advice on how best to address the problem, I hope that there is a much simpler way to do this.
Thanks in advance

mainplus wrote:
> I want to show an image in a table when I rollover a navigation button
> image.
> Images of navigation buttons have been implemented with swap image restore
> behaviors and I also want to display an associated image elsewhere on the page as
> as well as simply by changing the button image.
> The obvious solution seems to be to use layers for each of the images I have
> want to view and then show/hide the appropriate reversal. The
> problem is that I have make it work without problem of the layers being absolute and
> so change position if the browser window is resized etc. I thought about
> the layers but the site nesting uses a model that keeps me from
> establishing a global layer on the position at the breast.
> If I try to use relative positioning layer I get a layer problem
> "overlap between them", they disappear in the layer list which
> Dereamweaver shows as available in the list of show/hide behavior.
> I'm not attached to any code because I'm really looking for a little advice regarding
> the best way to approach the problem that I hope there are many more
> straight forward to do this.
> Thanks in advance

Rather than using layers and as your site appears to be table-you
might try this tut...

you might find other tuts - just google "disjoint bearings.


Chin chin

Tags: Dreamweaver

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    I looked at the form and found something...

    You reference the Pages as Page3, Page4, Page5 etc. in your code... But in reality you donot have a subform named page 3 / page 4 / page 5 in your form. If you look at the attached schema, you will understand that in the hierarchy, he resembled Page3 but if you look at the Script Editor in your code for the event, you can see the actual reference to the Yes option button.

    Real path for Comp1Yes button: #subform [2].Comp1.Comp1Yes::mouseUp of form1.

    You referenced in your code like: Page3.Comp1.Comp2No.selectedIndex == 2...

    To make your code work, you must change the subform to Page3 / Page4 etc.

    Go to the Menu window - > hierarchy and select "(Untitled Subform) (Page3)" and press F2. " Change the name on page 3. Do the same for each page that you have in your form... Can you select the Comp1Yes button and you should see the correct path in the Script Editor.


    In this way, you can refer to page 3 / page 4 etc. in your code.

    I would like to know if that helps...

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    Kind regards


    (Sorry if my English is bad)


    I suggest to contact the repair center and ask them what they were doing to repair your laptop.

    From what you wrote, it seems to me like they replaced the motherboard with a used 4 envy, which probably uses the same motherboard as the envy of 6.

    The only major difference between the models would be the size of the display screen.

    A used replacement motherboard would have a different serial number than the original one provided with your PC.

    A repair shop would need a special tool of DMI BIOS HP to change the serial number on the motherboard to match that on the bottom of your PC case.

    So, if you are happy with the repair work, they did and the specifications of the system are the same as they were before you sent the PC for repair, I wouldn't be too concerned with matching serial numbers is more.

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    X X X

    X X X

    Except that with the region set to show/hide and the model of the value without tab, no sidebar I get.

    X X


    X X


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    Thank you very much indeed

    Richard Legge wrote:

    I have a skin region see the this Im using as a region of select query. There are a number of boxes, and a couple of display only fields that have values returned in it.

    I I set out them in a row, and after 3 items, I start a new line with the other 3 articles... that is

    X X X

    X X X

    Except that with the region set to show/hide and the model of the value without tab, no sidebar I get.

    X X


    X X


    If I change the standard region it works OK, and if I change models, it seems ok.  Ive tried all the combinations of columns, etc, but nothing helps...  Im trying to figure out if Im missing something, or I've hit a bug any... (almost certainly the old...) ...

    The difference between the models of the region is that the Standard region has defined Points of view and the show/hide does not work. This is the mysterious properties that Oracle has not yet bothered to document. Their omission of this model is indeed likely to be a bug.

    Create a copy of the region show/hide template and add a point of view for the body of the region (content):

    Name: Body of the region

    Substitution of template: BODY

    Grid Support: Checked

    The maximum fixed grid columns: - 1

    Use the new model to show/hide for the region of select query.

  • can radio buttons show/hide the info in an interactive pdf?

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    2. even if that were the case - the State Road seems to be only swf, non-interactive pdf form - is there a way to change this?
    3. script assuming that there IS a way, everything can be put in place so that instead of using radio buttons I have use of check boxes that only give the correct answer if the correct check boxes are selected.

    I would stick to indesign to do this, however, I think that the option is perhaps more suited for this problem?

    Many thanks in advance,


    1 - make 3 images and convert it into boxes option...

    Text blocks 2 2-make (Yes, his right) (No, the wrong) and convert it to buttons - rename it (Righ, evil)

    3 - Click on each radio button and apply action: Show/Hide button and form and on the visibility to activate the globe eye for buttons wrong or right.

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    Thank you all.

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    Thank you


    adrianaharper wrote:

    I use TCS2 on Windows XP.

    9.0 FM p250

    I have several files as part of a great book of FM. Each file has the same conditional text tags. Can I, at a level of book, put my conditions to show/hide, etc. and then update the book? So far, I don't know how to open each file, define the TEXT CONDITIONAL SHOW/HIDE like I need (is not to show very indicators and according to my built-up expression) then save and close each file.

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    Thank you


    I do not have FrameMaker available right now, so I work from memory, using FrameMaker traditional menus, rather than the FM 9 tools.

    Select all the files in the window of the book. With the asset book window, open the view menu and search for conditional text. Your settings here apply to all the files selected in the address book window, so it is possible to establish conditions on some or all of the files. CTRL + click to select non-contiguous files; Shift + click to select a range of contiguous files.


    Kind regards

    Peter gold
    Know-how ProServices

  • Show hide columns generates error on the page if not found data


    Has anyone ever encountered a situation where a page error when using the feature show hide column and no data is returned.

    My region to report is based on SQL and when calling at the start page or when restrictions are no match all all the data that appears is the message "No data found" by default. The method used, I pulled Carl Backstrom (RIP) application.

    < script type = "text/javascript" >
    function html_HideBasedOnCheckBox (pThis, pThat) {}
    if(pThis.Checked == true) {}
    html_ShowCellColumn (pThat);
    } else {}
    html_HideCellColumn (pThat);

    function getCellIndex (pRow, pCell) {}
    If (document.all) {}
    for (var i = 0; i < pRow.cells.length; i ++) {}
    If (pRow.cells [i] == pCell) {l_Count = i}
    } else {}
    l_Count = pCell.cellIndex;
    Return l_Count;

    function html_HideCellColumn (pId) {}
    var l_Cell = $x (pId);
    var l_Table = html_CascadeUpTill (l_Cell, 'TABLE');
    var l_Rows = l_Table.rows;
    l_CellI = getCellIndex (l_Cell.parentNode, l_Cell);

    for (var i = 0; i < l_Rows.length - 1; i ++) {}
    html_HideElement (l_Rows.cells [l_CellI]);

    function html_ShowCellColumn (pId) {}
    var l_Cell = $x (pId);
    var l_Table = html_CascadeUpTill (l_Cell, 'TABLE');
    var l_Rows = l_Table.rows;
    l_CellI = getCellIndex (l_Cell.parentNode, l_Cell);

    for (var i = 0; i < l_Rows.length - 1; i ++) {}
    html_ShowElement (l_Rows [i]. Cells [l_CellI]);

    < /script >

    The attributes of HTML form elements is: onclick = "html_HideBasedOnCheckBox (this, this.value)" "

    The LoV for this box is static for a column.

    This set works very well if the data is returned. It must have something to do with the topics defined in the SQL code and therefore are not displayed when no data is returned. The code is then try to hide or something that does not exist.

    The part where he falls is during the setting of the variables:

    function html_HideCellColumn (pId) {}
    var l_Cell = $x (pId);
    var l_Table = html_CascadeUpTill (l_Cell, 'TABLE');
    var l_Rows = l_Table.rows;
    l_CellI = getCellIndex (l_Cell.parentNode, l_Cell);

    ... and more specifically the last variable setting: l_CellI = getCellIndex (l_Cell.parentNode, l_Cell);

    Does anyone know how I can get around this by using the method of SQL report i.e. Select col1 col2 "Column 1", "column 2" From myTable etc. or if it is possible to make up for it at the beginning that is

    If NO_DATA
    dont_hide/display_any_columns that_dont_exist
    on the other
    var l_Cell = $x (pId);
    var l_Table = html_CascadeUpTill (l_Cell, 'TABLE');
    var l_Rows = l_Table.rows;
    l_CellI = getCellIndex (l_Cell.parentNode, l_Cell);

    for (var i = 0; i < l_Rows.length - 1; i ++) {}
    html_ShowElement (l_Rows [i]. Cells [l_CellI]);
    return; ........


    See you soon,.


    Hi Mike,.

    In fact, you can check the existence of the cell:

    var l_Cell = $x(pId);
    if (l_Cell)
     rest of the code to hide the column

    As long as l_Cell makes reference to a valid page element, then the if test passes and the rest of your code can work.


  • DW: Show-hide layers

    Hey, I am having two problems with behavior show - hide layers in Dreamweaver and I was wondering if anyone else has had the same problems and has a solution.

    My test page is

    (1) what I would like is to show the layer when the link is hovered over, which works very well. However, I also want the layer remains visible when the mouse passes over the layer and disappear when the mouse leaves the layer.

    I googled for a while and found some tutorials that deal with show/hide layers, but they hide the layers once the mouse leaves the original link, not the layer.

    (2) in addition, the site I want to apply this behavior to a an auto centering wrapper, box, so I would layer to the right of the pop-up window under the link every time without converting them the entire site Absolute positioning. As it is now, the popup appears in different places depending on the width is my browser.

    Is this possible with the current functionality of DW?

    Thank you very much!


    > 1) what I would like is to show the layer when the link is hovered over,
    > who
    > works very well. However, I also want the layer to be visible while the
    > mouse is
    > over-the-top and disappear when the mouse leaves the layer.

    When you view the layer, also show an underlying layer that contains a
    GIF image transparent who is the subject of more large/more grand than the layer 10px you
    See the property. Apply a layer of skin behavior to the GIF image which hides both the
    you have just showed and the underlying layer of the layers. Skin mouseout/mouseouthandler()
    the original trigger event. Who is?

    (> 2) in addition, the site I want to apply this behavior to a car
    > centering
    > wrapper, box, so I would layer towards the good popup under the link
    > each
    > time without converting the entire site to absolute positioning. As it is
    > now,.
    > is the popup appears in different places depending on the width of my browser.


    on this subject.


    on this subject.

    and this-

    on this subject.

    and see if that helps.

    Murray - ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you * MUST * write me, don't don't LAUGH when you do!)
    ================== - template Triage! - DW FAQs, tutorials & resources - DW FAQs, tutorials & resources - Macromedia (MM) Technotes

    "petertyler" wrote in message
    > Hey, I? m in both problems with the behavior show - hide layers in
    > Dreamweaver
    > and I was wondering if anyone else has had the same problems and has a
    > solution.
    > My test page is
    > 1) what I would like is to show the layer when the link is hovered over,
    > who
    > works very well. However, I also want the layer to be visible while the
    > mouse is
    > over-the-top and disappear when the mouse leaves the layer.
    > I googled for a while and found some tutorials that deal with
    > show/hide
    > layers but they hide the layers once the mouse leaves the original link.
    > not
    > layer.
    (> 2) in addition, the site I want to apply this behavior to a car
    > centering

    > wrapper, box, so I would layer towards the good popup under the link
    > each
    > time without converting the entire site to absolute positioning. As it is
    > now,.
    > is the popup appears in different places depending on the width of my browser.
    > Is still possible with the current feature of DW?
    > Thank you very much!
    > Peter.

  • Can someone tell me how to show/hide multiple layers at the same time?


    Can someone show me how to make more than one layer visible or invisible, without having to click on each separate layer? -J' have more than 100 layers in a drawing, and it is very tedious to have to click on each individual layer to hide it or show it. I just started using Photoshop elements 13, on an iMac

    Thanks for any advice.

    You can Option , click on the eye next to the thumbnail icon of the layer to hide all selected layers, but.

    Option , click New to display all layers.

    Order click to change the visibility of the selected layer switch

    To hide multiple layers, select the layers, right-click on one of the eyes, and click hide this layer

    Repeat to repeat the visible layers.

    You can also click on one of the eyes and then drag down or to hide layers and invert to make the visible layers.

  • Links that show/hide layers?

    Hi all

    I created a file in InDesign cs4 is pretty much a guide for users of my liveCicle form. I have a lot of layers in the file.

    I'm doing some links to pictures that are in its own layers. So when I export the file to PDF and click on some link, layer associated with this link appears. I tried to do this in acrobat 9 pro. I created links, but the problem is that the links in the work of the non visible layers behind the stage when I fly over.

    Is there a way to set the layer visibility in inDesign CS4?

    Thanks in advance

    Not you can´t toggle layer visibility with buttons in indesign. You must finish in Acrobat...

    Only way to make something appear or disappear in ID is to use show/hide the action buttons...

    You can convert these images you want to show and hide buttons. Then you can create a different buttons to show or hide.

    If you export to PDF format, default state of a button can be hidden...

  • Show/hide layers in PDF format on iOS

    Hi - I ask it just to see if there is perhaps a more modern response: is theer any (links, buttons, javascript) to show/hide layers or any content on an iOS device? Thank you!

    Hi patrickh20438662,

    If you are referring to the option on the iOS device, then I am sorry that there is no available option to show or hide layers on iOS device.

    Kind regards


  • Captivate 9, sensitive slides on a Mac and a PC publish the slides, timed objects (show/hid) do not shown in the final html5.

    I have some 9 Captivate, sensitive slides on a Mac and a PC.

    When I published the slides, timed objects (show/hide) not shown in the final html5.

    Some slides contain objects such as some graphics (png), the arrows and text boxes that have a period of delay or show that for a given time.

    They work within Captivate when I executed the chronology, but do not yet show in the published code. I tried several different browsers.

    Any idea why these objects do not appear?

    Thank you, I have yet seen that I didn't just look.  Once, he toured. Jim

  • How can I prevent Captivate to advance to the next slide, after the end of the audio and I click on click to show/hide sidebar box?

    I currently have a slide that plays audio.  While usage is listening to the narration that I can click on three different click the boxes with advanced actions to open and close text boxes, I want the user to read the value.  When reading narrative ends and I'll click on the boxes to click to read a text box, it moves to the next slide.  I understand that I may have to replace the box with smart buttons click but I don't know how to stop the progression to the next slide.  I already have a next button that is put on pause until the user clicks.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  I'm on a tight schedule.

    Quickly, I created a sample file, just have a slide with three form buttons that act as the toggles and a next button. The first three buttons break late exactly at the same time and the next button.

    Since it's the slide by clicking the audio stops no audio at all (common misunderstanding). I created a shared action, with the purpose to display and the variable (mine are labeled v_one instead of v_visib) as parameters:

    StarOne is what you want to show/hide. You can click on infinite time on each key to show/hide this element. He won't interfere not audio, once he started playing he will continue. When the audio is finished, you can still continue to click. Just click on the next button will advance to the next slide. It's my calendar

    No need to rewind the playback head in this case at all.

  • Show/hide the problem and playing of the symbols


    I have a problem with the instructions Show/Hide and play - my problem here:

    I have 4 buttons (symbols) in the stadium: "sectionOption1a_Btn", "sectionOption1b_Btn", "sectionOption1c_Btn" and "sectionOption1d_Btn".

    I also, what I call, 4 'options': 'Option1a', 'Option1b', 'Option1c', 'Option1d'.

    Each of these symbols of 'Options1X' have a 'melted' and 'melted' animation - 0 ms and ms 2000, respectively (within them).

    Each button runs each own option:

    "" 'sectionOption1a_Btn' ' CLICK ' symbol 'Option1a' tracks

    "" 'sectionOption1b_Btn' ' CLICK ' symbol 'Option1b' tracks

    "" 'sectionOption1c_Btn' ' CLICK ' symbol 'Option1c' tracks

    "" 'sectionOption1d_Btn' ' CLICK ' symbol 'Option1d' tracks

    All "Options1X" are hidden, except one that is active.

    The problem:

    Let's say I have "Option1c" active and I want to go to the "Option1a". So, I click on "sectionOption1a_Btn". When I do this, I want the "Option1c" to run is "bland out' (inside himself, to 2000 ms) and then run " Option1a" 0 ms - it is own"fade"while keeping all the other "Options1X" hidden, of course."»

    I hope that I didn t more complicated my explanation.

    Here´s a schema:

    Schematic Control buttons.jpg


    Hi there, you can implement such a feature in 2 tracking variables. YER essentially saying 'currentOption' to unfold on click of a button and the definition of the "requestOption" according to the click button. At the end of the coast anim current outro, yer by calling the 'playRequest' function to play the requested side.

    Put this question to the stage.compositionReady event:

    var currentOption = null; / / a, b, c and d

    var requestOption;

    called by the event of timeline.complete at the end of each Option

    sym.playRequest = function() {}

    sym.getSymbol("Option1"+requestOption).play ("is");

    currentOption = requestOption;


    called when the button is clicked

    sym.btnClick = function (request) {}

    requestOption = request;

    {if (currentOption)}

    sym.getSymbol("Option1"+currentOption).play ("fadeOut");

    } else {}

    sym.playRequest ();



    Put this on a button click:

    sym.getComposition () .getStage () .btnClick ("a"); / / or b, c and d for each button

    Put this question to the event timeline.complete of each Option symbol:

    sym.getComposition () .getStage () .playRequest ();

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