Like XP games / haste version 7

I have a windows 7 and a XP machine.  How can I move the computer 7 XP games

I found this, and apparently it works. You will, of course, access to a computer running XP...

"The solitaire and Freecell are unusable on Windows 7 unless you have a card capable of running Aero.

If you want the XP version to work on Windows 7, then what you need to do is copy the files 'Freecell.exe' and 'Cards.dll' in the C:\Windows\System32 folder on your XP system to another folder on your Windows 7 system. Put the two files in the same folder, but do not put in the System32 folder because they destroy the Windows version 7 of the program.

To run the program, just double-click the file "Freecell.exe". You can create a shortcut to the file on your desktop or PIN program to taskbar or start menu. "

Originally posted by Smintal in forum Hardware of Tom 22/11/2009

Tags: Windows

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