Need help... For tag cfscript context validation error.


< cffunction name = "computeHash" access = "public" returntype = "String" >
< name cfargument = "password" type = "string" / >
< cfargument = 'salt' name type = "string" / >
< name cfargument = "iterations" type = "numeric" required = "false" default = "1024" / >
< name cfargument = "algorithm" type = "string" required = "false" default = "SHA512" / >
< cfscript >
chopped var = ";
var i = 1;
axes = hash (password & salt, arguments.algorithm, 'UTF-8');
for (i = 1; i < = iterations; i ++) {}
axes = hash (axe & salt, arguments.algorithm, 'UTF-8');
return chopped;
< / cfscript >
< / cffunction >

Web application error:

For tag cfscript context validation error.

The start tag must have a corresponding closing tag. An explicit end tag can be provided by adding < / cfscript >. If the body of the tag is empty, you can use the shortcut < cfscript... / >.

The CFML compiler treated:

  • a start of tag cfscript on line 11, column 12.
  • a start of tag cfscript on line 11, column 12.
The error occurred in xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\salty.cfc: line 11
9 :        <cfargument name="iterations" type="numeric" required="false" default="1024" />
10 :        <cfargument name="algorithm" type="string" required="false" default="SHA512" />
11 :        <cfscript>
12 :           var hashed = '';
13 :           var i = 1;

I'm completely lost on why he is groping with why it is said that there is no closing tag.  Help!

Thank you

What is on lines 1-7 of this file?

This code compiles fine for me on CF8 and CF9, so this is not what's wrong.

You are trying to compile it on any earlier version of CF, CF8 are you?  The< and="" ++="" operators="" are="" not="" valid="" prior="" to="" cf8. ="" cfmx7="" might="" see="" the="">< as="" a="" stray="" angle="" bracket,="" and="" get="" confused. ="" i="" don't="" have="" cfmx7="" running="" here="" to="" test="" the="" exact="" error="" that="" would="" produce,="">



Tags: ColdFusion

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    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30618)
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    and the code of this JS code is...

    /*! SWFObject v2.0 <>
    Copyright (c) 2007 Geoff Stearns, Michael Williams, and Bobby van der Sluis
    This software is distributed under the license MIT <>

    SWFObject var = function() {}

    var UNDEF = "undefined."
    OBJECT ="object", ".
    SHOCKWAVE_FLASH = "Shockwave Flash",
    SHOCKWAVE_FLASH_AX = "ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash."
    FLASH_MIME_TYPE = application/x-shockwave-flash"."
    EXPRESS_INSTALL_ID = "SWFObjectExprInst"

    Win: a window,
    doc = document,
    NAV = navigator,

    domLoadFnArr = [],
    regObjArr = [],
    Timer = null,
    storedAltContent = null,
    storedAltContentId = null,
    isDomLoaded = false,
    isExpressInstallActive = false;

    / * Centralized function for browser detection
    -Owners (conditional compilation) detection is used to detect features of Internet Explorer
    -Detection of string user agent is used only when no alternative is possible
    -Is executed directly for optimal performance
    var ua = function() {}
    var w3cdom = typeof doc.getElementById! = UNDEF & & typeof doc.getElementsByTagName! = UNDEF & & typeof doc.createElement! = UNDEF & & typeof doc.appendChild! = UNDEF & & typeof doc.replaceChild! = UNDEF & & typeof doc.removeChild! = UNDEF & & typeof doc.cloneNode! = UNDEF,
    playerVersion = [0,0,0],
    d = null;
    If (typeof nav.plugins! = UNDEF & & typeof nav.plugins [SHOCKWAVE_FLASH] == OBJECT) {}
    d = nav.plugins [SHOCKWAVE_FLASH] .description;
    If (d) {}
    (d = d.replace(/^.*\s+(\S+\s+\S+$) /, '$1');
    playerVersion [0] = parseInt (d (/ ^(.*)------... * $/, "$1"), 10);
    playerVersion [1] = parseInt (d (/ ^. * \.)) (. *)\s.*$/, "$1"), 10);
    playerVersion [2] = /r/.test(d)? parseInt(d.replace(/^.*r(.*)$ /, '$1'), 10): 0;
    else if (typeof win. ActiveXObject! = UNDEF) {}
    var a = null, fp6Crash = false;
    try {}
    a = new ActiveXObject (SHOCKWAVE_FLASH_AX + ".") 7") ;
    {catch (e)}
    try {}
    a = new ActiveXObject (SHOCKWAVE_FLASH_AX + ".") 6 ») ;
    playerVersion = [6,0,21];
    a.AllowScriptAccess = "always";  Introduced in fp6.0.47
    {catch (e)}
    If (playerVersion [0] == 6) {}
    fp6Crash = true;
    If (! fp6Crash) {}
    try {}
    a = new ActiveXObject (SHOCKWAVE_FLASH_AX);
    {catch (e)}
    If (! fp6Crash & & a) {/ / a will return NULL when ActiveX is disabled}
    try {}
    d = a.GetVariable ("$version");  Crash fp6.0.21/23/29
    If (d) {}
    d = d.split("") [1].split(",");
    playerVersion = [parseInt (d [0], 10), parseInt (d [1], 10), parseInt (d [2], 10)];
    {catch (e)}
    var u = nav.userAgent.toLowerCase (),
    p = nav.platform.toLowerCase (),
    WebKit = /webkit/.test(u)? ((parseFloat(u.replace(/^.*webkit\/(\d+(\.\d+)?). * $/, '$1')): false, / / returns the version of webkit or false otherwise webkit
    IE = false,
    Windows = p? (/Win/.test(p): /win/.test(u).
    Mac = p? (/Mac/.test(p): /mac/.test(u);
    IE = true;
    @if (@_win32)
    Windows = true;
    @elif (@_mac)
    Mac = true;
    return {w3cdom:w3cdom, pv:playerVersion, webkit:webkit, IE: IE, win: windows, mac: mac};

    / * OnDomLoad Cross-browser
    -Based on the solution of Dean Edwards:
    -Triggers an event as soon as the DOM of a page is loaded (supported by browsers based on Gecko based - like Firefox - IE, Opera9 +, Safari)
    var onDomLoad = function() {}
    If (! ua.w3cdom) {}
    addDomLoadEvent (hand);
    If ( & & {}
    try {/ / avoid a possible abandoned operation error}
    doc. Write ("< scr" + "ipt id = __ie_ondomload reporter = true src = / /: > < / scr" + "ipt >"); String is split into pieces to prevent Norton AV to add code that can lead to errors
    var s = getElementById ("__ie_ondomload");
    If (s) {}
    s.onreadystatechange = function() {}
    If (this.readyState == 'complete') {}
    this.parentNode.removeChild (this);
    {catch (e)}
    If (ua.webkit & & typeof doc.readyState! = UNDEF) {}
    Timer = setInterval (function () {if (/ loaded|complete/.test(doc.readyState)}) {callDomLoadFunctions() ;}}, 10);
    If (typeof doc.addEventListener! = UNDEF) {}
    doc.addEventListener ("DOMContentLoaded", callDomLoadFunctions, null);
    addLoadEvent (callDomLoadFunctions);

    function callDomLoadFunctions() {}
    If {(isDomLoaded)
    If ( & & {/ / check if we can really add to the DOM model; we do not want the fire too soon}
    var s = createElement ('span');
    try {/ / avoid a possible abandoned operation error}
    var t = doc.getElementsByTagName ("body") [0] .appendChild (s);
    t.parentNode.removeChild (t);
    {} catch (e)
    isDomLoaded = true;
    If {(timer)
    clearInterval (timer);
    Timer = null;
    DL var = domLoadFnArr.length;
    for (var i = 0; i < dl; i ++) {}
    domLoadFnArr [i] ();

    function addDomLoadEvent (fn) {}
    If {(isDomLoaded)
    else {}
    domLoadFnArr [domLoadFnArr.length] = fn; Array.push () is only available in Internet Explorer 5.5 +.

    / * Cross-browser onload
    -Based on the solution of James Edwards:
    -Triggers an event as soon as a web page, including all of its assets are loaded
    function addLoadEvent (fn) {}
    If (typeof win.addEventListener! = UNDEF) {}
    win.addEventListener ("load", fn, false);
    else if (typeof doc.addEventListener! = UNDEF) {}
    doc.addEventListener ("load", fn, false);
    else if (typeof win.attachEvent! = UNDEF) {}
    win.attachEvent ("onload", fn);
    else if (typeof win.onload == 'function') {}
    var fnOld = win.onload;
    Win.OnLoad = function() {}
    else {}
    Win.OnLoad = fn;

    / * Main function
    -Will preferably run onDomLoad, onload otherwise (as a backup)
    int main() {/ / static publishing only}
    RL var = regObjArr.length;
    for (var i = 0; i < rl; i ++) {/ / for each element of the registered object}
    var id = user.user regObjArr [i];
    If (ua.pv [0] > 0) {}
    var obj = getElementById (id);
    If (obj) {}
    regObjArr [i] .width = obj.getAttribute ("width")? obj.getAttribute ("width"): "0";
    regObjArr [i] = obj.getAttribute ("height") .height? obj.getAttribute ("height"): "0";
    If (hasPlayerVersion (regObjArr [i], .swfVersion)) {/ / Flash plugin version > = version of Flash content: Houston, we have a match!}
    If (ua.webkit & & ua.webkit < 312) {/ / older webkit engines ignore elements nested in the element of the object param}
    fixParams (obj);
    setVisibility (id, true);
    ElseIf (regObjArr [i] .expressInstall & &! isExpressInstallActive & & hasPlayerVersion ("6.0.65") & & ( | ua.mac)) {/ / display the Adobe quick installation dialog box if defined by the author of the page web and if supported (fp6.0.65 + on Win/Mac OS only)}
    showExpressInstall (regObjArr [i]);
    else {/ / invalid plugin Flash and Flash version content: display the alternative content instead of Flash content}
    displayAltContent (obj);
    else {/ / if no fp is installed, we let the object element do its work (show alternative content)}
    setVisibility (id, true);

    / * Difficulty nested, param elements that are ignored by older webkit engines
    -This includes Safari until and including version 1.2.2 on Mac OS 10.3
    -Fall back to the property include element
    function fixParams (obj) {}
    var nestedObj = obj.getElementsByTagName (OBJECT) [0];
    If {(nestedObj)
    e var is createElement ("embed"), a = nestedObj.attributes;.
    If (a) {}
    var al is. Length;
    for (var i = 0; i < al; i ++) {}
    If (a [i].nodeName.toLowerCase () == 'data') {}
    e.setAttribute ("src", a [i] .nodeValue);
    else {}
    e.setAttribute (a [i] .nodeName, a [i] .nodeValue);
    var c = nestedObj.childNodes;
    If {(c)
    CL var = c.length;
    for (var j = 0; j < cl; j ++) {}
    If (c [j] .nodeType == 1 & & c [j].nodeName.toLowerCase () == 'param') {}
    e.setAttribute (c [j] .getAttribute ("name"), c [j] .getAttribute ("value"));
    obj.parentNode.replaceChild (e, obj);

    / * Difficulty suspended discussions audio/video and force open sockets and NetConnections disconnect
    -Occurs when unloading a web page in Internet Explorer using FP8 + and innerHTML/outerHTML
    -Dynamics of publication only
    function fixObjectLeaks (id) {}
    If ( & & & & hasPlayerVersion ("8.0.0")) {}
    win.attachEvent ("onunload", function () {}
    var obj = getElementById (id);
    If (obj) {}
    for (var i in obj) {}
    If (typeof obj [i] == 'function') {}
    obj [i] = function() {};
    obj.parentNode.removeChild (obj);

    / * Display the Adobe quick installation dialog box
    function showExpressInstall (regObj) {}
    isExpressInstallActive = true;
    var obj = getElementById (;
    If (obj) {}
    If {(regObj.altContentId)
    var ac = getElementById (regObj.altContentId);
    If {(ac)
    storedAltContent = ac;
    storedAltContentId = regObj.altContentId;
    else {}
    storedAltContent = abstractAltContent (obj);
    If (!) () / %$/.test(regObj.width)) & & parseInt (regObj.width, 10) < 310) {}
    regObj.width = "310";
    If (!) () / %$/.test(regObj.height)) & & parseInt (regObj.height, 10) < 137) {}
    regObj.height = "137";
    doc.title = doc.title.slice (0, 47) + "-Flash Player Installation";
    var pt = & & "ActiveX": "PlugIn."
    DT = doc.title,
    FV = "MMredirectURL =" + win.location + "& MMplayerType =" + pt + "& MMdoctitle =" + dt.
    replaceId =;
    For IE when a SWF file is loading (AND: not available in the cache) wait for the onload event to remove the original object element
    In IE you can not properly cancel a loading SWF file without breaking the browser load references, also does not work obj.onreadystatechange
    If ( & & & & obj.readyState! = 4) {}
    var newObj = createElement ("div");
    replaceId += "SWFObjectNew";
    newObj.setAttribute ("id", replaceId);
    obj.parentNode.insertBefore (newObj, obj); Insert the placeholder div will be replaced by the object element that loads expressinstall.swf = 'none ';
    win.attachEvent ("onload", function() {obj.parentNode.removeChild (obj) ;});
    createSWF ({data: regObj.expressInstall id: EXPRESS_INSTALL_ID, width:regObj.width, height:regObj.height}, {flashvars:fv}, replaceId);

    / * Functions of abstraction and display alternative content
    function displayAltContent (obj) {}
    If ( & & & & obj.readyState! = 4) {}
    For IE when a SWF file is loading (AND: not available in the cache) wait for the onload event to remove the original object element
    In IE you can not properly cancel a loading SWF file without breaking the browser load references, also does not work obj.onreadystatechange
    var El = createElement ("div");
    obj.parentNode.insertBefore (el, obj); Insert the placeholder div will be replaced by alternative content
    el.parentNode.replaceChild (abstractAltContent (obj), el); = 'none ';
    win.attachEvent ("onload", function() {obj.parentNode.removeChild (obj) ;});
    else {}
    obj.parentNode.replaceChild (abstractAltContent (obj), obj);

    function abstractAltContent (obj) {}
    var ac = createElement ("div");
    If ( & & {}
    ac.innerHTML = obj.innerHTML;
    else {}
    var nestedObj = obj.getElementsByTagName (OBJECT) [0];
    If {(nestedObj)
    var c = nestedObj.childNodes;
    If {(c)
    CL var = c.length;
    for (var i = 0; i < cl; i ++) {}
    If (!) () c [i] .nodeType == 1 & & c [i].nodeName.toLowerCase () == 'param') & &! (c [i] .nodeType is 8)) {
    ac.appendChild (c [i] .cloneNode (true));
    return ac;

    / * Creation of dynamic Cross-browser SWF
    function createSWF (attObj, parObj, id) {}
    var r, el is getElementById (id);
    If (typeof == UNDEF) {/ / If no 'id' is defined for the object element, it will inherit the 'id' of alternative content} = id;
    If ( & & {/ / do not combine the IE, the purpose and methods of the W3C DOM element: return to outerHTML}
    att var = "";
    for (var i in attObj) {}
    If (attObj [i]! = Object.prototype [i]) {/ / filter out other potential libraries prototype additions, like Object.prototype.toJSONString = function() {}
    If (I == 'data') {} = attObj [i];
    ElseIf (i.toLowerCase () == "styleclass") {/ / 'class' is an ECMA4 reserved keyword}
    att += "class =" "+ attObj [i] ' + '" '; "
    Else if (I! = "classid") {}
    att += ' ' + i + "=" "+ attObj [i] ' + '" '; "
    by var = "";
    for {(var j in parObj)
    If (parObj [j]! = Object.prototype [j]) {/ / filter additions of other potential libraries prototype}
    "by += ' < param name =" "' + j + '" value = "" + parObj [j] + "" / > ';
    el.outerHTML = ' < object classid = "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" ' + att + ' > ' + by + ' < / object > ";
    fixObjectLeaks (; This bug only affects dynamic publishing
    r = getElementById (;
    ElseIf (ua.webkit & & ua.webkit < 312) {/ / older webkit engines ignore elements nested in the element of the object param: fall to property incorporate element}
    var e = createElement ("embed");
    e.setAttribute ("type", FLASH_MIME_TYPE);
    for (var attObj k) {}
    If (attObj [k]! = Object.prototype [k]) {/ / filter additions of other potential libraries prototype}
    If (k == 'data') {}
    e.setAttribute ("src", attObj [k]);
    ElseIf (k.toLowerCase () == "styleclass") {/ / 'class' is an ECMA4 reserved keyword}
    e.setAttribute ("class", attObj [k]);
    ElseIf (k! = "classid") {/ / filter the specific attribute IE}
    e.setAttribute (k, attObj [k]);
    for {(var l parObj)
    If (parObj [l]! = Object.prototype [l]) {/ / filter additions of other potential libraries prototype}
    If (l! = 'movie') {/ / filter the IE specific param elements}
    e.setAttribute (l, parObj [t]);
    el.parentNode.replaceChild (e, el);
    r = e;
    else {/ / good browsers behave}
    var o = createElement (OBJECT);
    o.setAttribute ("type", FLASH_MIME_TYPE);
    for {(var m in attObj)
    If (attObj [m]! = Object.prototype [m]) {/ / filter additions of other potential libraries prototype}
    If (m.toLowerCase () == "styleclass") {/ / 'class' is an ECMA4 reserved keyword}
    o.setAttribute ('class', attObj [m]);
    Else if (m! = "classid") {/ / filter the specific attribute IE}
    o.setAttribute (m, attObj [m]);
    for {(var n in parObj)
    If (parObj [n]! = Object.prototype [n] & & n! = 'movie') {/ / filter additions of other potential libraries prototype and the IE specific param element}
    createObjParam (o, n, parObj [n]);
    el.parentNode.replaceChild (o, el);
    r = o;
    Return r;

    function createObjParam (el, pName, pValue) {}
    var p = createElement ("param");
    p.setAttribute ("name", pName);
    p.setAttribute ("value", pValue);
    el.appendChild (p);

    function getElementById (id) {}
    Return doc.getElementById (id);

    function createElement (el) {}
    Doc.createElement (el) return;

    function hasPlayerVersion (rv) {}
    var pv = ua.pv, v is rv.split(".");.
    v [0] = parseInt (v [0], 10);
    v [1] = parseInt (v [1], 10);
    v [2] = parseInt (v [2], 10);
    return (pv [0] > v [0] |) (pv [0] == v [0] & & pv [1] > v [1]) | (pv [0] == v [0] & & pv [1] == v [1] & & pv [2] > = v[2])) ? true: false;

    / * Creation of dynamic Cross-browser CSS
    -Based on the solution of Bobby van der Sluis:
    function createCSS (salt, VAT statement) {}
    If ( & & ua.mac) {}
    var h = doc.getElementsByTagName ("head") [0], s = createElement ("style");
    s.setAttribute ("type", "text/css");
    s.setAttribute ("media", "screen");
    If (!) () & & & & typeof doc.createTextNode! = UNDEF) {}
    s.appendChild (doc.createTextNode (salt + "{" + VAT statement + "}"));
    h.appendChild (s);
    If ( & & & & typeof doc.styleSheets! = UNDEF & & doc.styleSheets.length > 0) {}
    ls = doc.styleSheets var [doc.styleSheets.length - 1];
    If (typeof ls.addRule == OBJECT) {}
    ls.addRule (salt, VAT statement);

    function setVisibility (id, isVisible) {}
    var v = isVisible? "visible": "hidden";
    If {(isDomLoaded)
    getElementById (id).style.visibility = v;
    else {}
    createCSS ("#" + id, "visibility:" + v);

    function getTargetVersion (obj) {}
    If (! obj)
    return 0;
    var c = obj.childNodes;
    CL var = c.length;
    for (var i = 0; i < cl; i ++) {}
    If (c [i] .nodeType == 1 & & c [i].nodeName.toLowerCase () ==' object ' ') {}
    c = c [i] Sublst.ChildNodes(1).ChildNodes(0);
    cl = c.length;
    i = 0;
    If (c [i] .nodeType == 1 & & c [i].nodeName.toLowerCase () == 'param' & & c [i] .getAttribute ("name") == 'swfversion') {}
    Return c [i] .getAttribute ("value");
    return 0;

    function getExpressInstall (obj) {}
    If (! obj)
    Return ' ';
    var c = obj.childNodes;
    CL var = c.length;
    for (var i = 0; i < cl; i ++) {}
    If (c [i] .nodeType == 1 & & c [i].nodeName.toLowerCase () ==' object ' ') {}
    c = c [i] Sublst.ChildNodes(1).ChildNodes(0);
    cl = c.length;
    i = 0;
    If (c [i] .nodeType == 1 & & c [i].nodeName.toLowerCase () == 'param' & & c [i] .getAttribute ("name") == "expressinstall") {}
    Return c [i] .getAttribute ("value");
    Return ' ';

    return {}
    / * Public API
    registerObject: {function (objectIdStr, swfVersionStr, xiSwfUrlStr)
    If (! ua.w3cdom:! objectIdStr) {}
    var obj = document.getElementById (objectIdStr);
    XI var = getExpressInstall (obj);
    var regObj = {}; = objectIdStr;
    regObj.swfVersion = swfVersionStr? swfVersionStr: getTargetVersion (obj);
    regObj.expressInstall = xiSwfUrlStr? xiSwfUrlStr: ((xi! = "")?) XI: false);
    regObjArr [regObjArr.length] = regObj;
    setVisibility (objectIdStr, false);

    getObjectById: {function (objectIdStr)}
    var r = null;
    If (ua.w3cdom & & isDomLoaded) {}
    var o = getElementById (objectIdStr);
    If (o) {}
    var n = o.getElementsByTagName (OBJECT) [0];
    If (! n |) (n & & typeof o.SetVariable! = UNDEF)) {
    r = o;
    else if (typeof n.SetVariable! = UNDEF) {}
    r = n;
    Return r;

    embedSWF: function (swfUrlStr, replaceElemIdStr, widthStr, heightStr, swfVersionStr, xiSwfUrlStr, flashvarsObj, parObj, attObj) {}
    If (! ua.w3cdom:! swfUrlStr |! replaceElemIdStr |! widthStr:! heightStr |! swfVersionStr) {}
    widthStr += ""; Automatic conversion of string to be stupid
    heightStr += "";
    If (hasPlayerVersion (swfVersionStr)) {}
    setVisibility (replaceElemIdStr, false);
    var att = (typeof attObj == OBJECT)? attObj: {};
    att. Data = swfUrlStr;
    att. Width = widthStr;
    att. Height = heightStr;
    by var = (typeof parObj is OBJECT)? parObj: {};
    If (typeof flashvarsObj == OBJECT) {}
    for (var i in flashvarsObj) {}
    If (flashvarsObj [i]! = Object.prototype [i]) {/ / filter additions of other potential libraries prototype}
    If (typeof par.flashvars! = UNDEF) {}
    by. FlashVars += "&" + i + "=" + flashvarsObj [i];
    else {}
    by. FlashVars = i + "=" + flashvarsObj [i];
    {addDomLoadEvent (function ()}
    createSWF (att, par, replaceElemIdStr);
    If ( == replaceElemIdStr) {}
    setVisibility (replaceElemIdStr, true);
    ElseIf (xiSwfUrlStr & &! isExpressInstallActive & & hasPlayerVersion ("6.0.65") & & ( | ua.mac)) {}
    setVisibility (replaceElemIdStr, false);
    {addDomLoadEvent (function ()}
    var regObj = {}; = regObj.altContentId = replaceElemIdStr;
    regObj.width = widthStr;
    regObj.height = heightStr;
    regObj.expressInstall = xiSwfUrlStr;
    showExpressInstall (regObj);

    getFlashPlayerVersion: function() {}
    return {major: ua.pv [0], minor:ua.pv [1], release: ua.pv [2]};


    createSWF: {function (attObj, parObj, replaceElemIdStr)
    If (ua.w3cdom & & isDomLoaded) {}
    Return createSWF (attObj, parObj, replaceElemIdStr);
    else {}
    return undefined;

    createCSS: function (salt, VAT statement) {}
    If {(ua.w3cdom)
    createCSS (salt, VAT statement);



    getQueryParamValue: {function (param)}
    var q = | doc. Location.Hash;
    If (param == null) {}
    Return to q;
    {if (q)}
    var pairs = q.substring (1) .split ("&");
    for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i ++) {}
    If (pairs [i] .substring (0, peers [i] .indexOf ("=")) == param) {}
    peers return [i] .substring ((peers [i] .indexOf ("=") + 1));
    Return ' ';

    For internal use only
    expressInstallCallback: function() {}
    If (isExpressInstallActive & & storedAltContent) {}
    var obj = getElementById (EXPRESS_INSTALL_ID);
    If (obj) {}
    obj.parentNode.replaceChild (storedAltContent, obj);
    If {(storedAltContentId)
    setVisibility (storedAltContentId, true);
    If ( & & {} = 'block ';
    storedAltContent = null;
    storedAltContentId = null;
    isExpressInstallActive = false;




    It is a problem with the code you are using, to remove the lines marked in red and check if it works then. Or move the code of swfobjects, (6 off) above any other javascript code you have at the bottom of your page.




    I get an error for a cfloop tag that makes no sense.  CONTEXT VALIDATION ERROR for TAG CFLOOP need a closing tag cfloop.

    the problem is that I've matched each open all tags tag is a closing tag. There is a nested table in the page that contains a few other loops that all tags are paired. I drop the table and the page works fine. So I'm confused as to what is causing the error.

    The abrieviated code is below:

    <!-loop through people unique id-->
    < cfoutput >
    < cfloop query = "getIP_peopleItems" > L1 - o <-I GET AN ERROR SAYING the CFLOOP TAG IS NOT CLOSED
    "Context for the cfloop tag validation error.

    <!-another code goes here and works->

    < tr bgcolor = "##DBDBDB" >
    < th colspan = "8" > other < /th >

    < /tr >
    < b >
    < td colspan = "8" >


    < table align = "center" width = "100%" border = "1" cellpadding = "5" cellspacing = "0" summary = 'list of other personal property' > T2 - O
    < tr bgcolor = "# c0c0c0" >
    < scope = "col" th > # < /th > < scope = "col" th > element < /th > < th = 'col' scope > serial number < /th > < th = 'col' scope > IGO Bar Code < /th > < th = 'col' scope > Action < /th >
    < /tr >
    <! - insert another staff propert points - >
    < cfloop query = "getIP_response" > L2 - O

    < cfif EQ 2416 question_id and the answer isn't "> I1 - O
    < cfset #response = rep # >
    < cfloop list = index "' #rep # ' = 'i' delimiters =" #chr (13) #"> L3 - O"
    < b >
    < td > < table >
    "< cfloop list =" #i # "index = delimiters 'j ' = ' | ' > L4 - O
    < td > #j # < table >
    < / Cfloop > L4 - C
    < /tr >
    < / cfloop > L3 - C
    < cfelseif question_id EQ 2416 and the answer is ">
    < div align = "center" > < span class = "NoData" > no data found </span > < / div >
    < / cfif > I1 - C

    < / cfloop > L2 - C
    < /table > T2 - C
    < table > < /tr >
    < tr bgcolor = "##DBDBDB" >
    < th colspan = "8" > Notes < /th >

    < /tr >
    < b >
    < td colspan = "8" > < br > < br > < table >

    < /tr >
    < /table >
    < br > < br >

    < hr >
    < / cfloop > L1 - C <-this FARM THE LOOP TAG at THE TOP OF THE PAGE.
    < / cfoutput >

    Anyone have any ideas what is causing the error.  I use this same provision in several different reports without any problem.


    What is wrong with this picture, in the middle of a CFM template?



  • Need help for optical safety circuit.

    I buy these parts and prototype with real components, but since I multisim, I thought it would be nice to create the circuit and maybe work through issues I can practically.

    I need a circuit that takes 120 VCA, generates 5 VDC and 1.5Vdc power of optical transmitter and receiver.  I actually use a data port because he has great range and is pretty cheap.  Rather than send the binary code well I just send a light stead that is broken or not broken through doors and windows in my house.  Then the receiver sees this as an entry and order a relay.

    I tried several voltage regulators that come with multisim, but I get an error of execution of my circuit.  Really I can't the 120 VAC to power levels necessary for the functioning of the optics.

    Otherwise I might want to run on a system 120Vdc with battery backup, so throw a 120Vdc up to 20 v DC switching power supply - but I have not found a SMP in the library which takes 120 as input and as output 20.

    Basic plan: 120VAC source-> transform to 24Vac-> Full bridge rectifier to ~ 20 v DC-> voltage capacitor filter on the input of two voltage regulators (1 to 5 VDC, 1 to 1.5Vdc) - then circuit since the two power supply of the transmitter and the receiver.

    I just need help for 5V and 1.5V, from there, I know that the real world circuit will work component tests already carried out.  Thanks for reading.

    I didn't Multism so I can't advise you on the compatible models. I ran the model on semiconductors with slight modifications of format on my SPICE simulator based on Berkeley Spice 3f5. I had to change the format of model resistance semiconductors appeal but has not changed any values.

    The output of your power supply circuit 3 (with 5 V, not the 1.5 V regulator regulator) was 4.99995 V.

    There are a few messages about changing templates published for compatibility Multisim woth. You can search those to see if there are any suggestions on what you'll need to fix in the model.


  • I need help for the upgrade of my current system.

    I need help for the upgrade of my current system.

    I have SBS 2008 with (Exch 2007, SQL 2005, Sharepoint, backupexec 2010 for sbs) licenses.

    I want to make the larger environment using the following:

    (1) apply Virtualization

    (2) apply to the failover process (clustering)

    "(3) the environment must support adding server terminal server, ERP server, exchange server, domain controller, backup manager.

    Storage 4) that supports Raid (1 and 5)

    UTM excellent 6) that supports (SSL VPN, VPN Global)

    suitable backup solution 7)

    (8) good antivirus for clients

    my questions:

    (1) can you provide me with a good design for this environment

    (2) should I choose what operating system:

    Microsoft datacenter or company

    I know datacenter provide us the unlimited VM but needs per processor license

    so if I have two Grouped servers I want to buy 4 licenses

    and just 4 VMs per company license... to say that we have two servers and maintain 8 vms so wat happened if 1 goes down... How can I migrate the 4 virtual machines on the server failed to another server group... ? should I buy enterprise license?

    (3) if I get the SAN storage for data... How can I save this storage... should I get another SAN?

    (4) how can I upgrade SBS stad single server (windows standrad) without losing the licenses as Exch 2007, SQL 2005, it a must to buy an edition full std server or there is a way to upgrade (license wise, I mean)?

    (5) what about win2k8 license for VM:

    lets say we have physical that has windows license so that enough to have windows for VM or should I buy windows for VM licenses?

    (6) can I use backExec license for SBS with windows 2008 standard

    (7) who better to virtualization AMD or INTEL

    (8) hyper V or VMware?

    (9) what of Microsoft data protection Manager... is this good?

    (10) what virtual machine manager? What are the benefites keys

    Thanks in advance

    Hello AnasAI,

    You can find the Server forums on TechNet support, please create a new post at the following link:

  • I need help for activation of the real administrator account.

    I have a problem with Adobe reader 9 standard, Adobe customer service asked the unhide real administrator account before you can continue to help me.

    I need help for that.

    Read the above info.

    See you soon. Mick Murphy - Microsoft partner

  • need help with download of cc. gives error 1001 whenever I install.

    need help with download of cc. gives error 1001 whenever I install.


    Please see the thread: and CC update crash! Error code: 1001

    Also, please see the article:

    Please write if it helps.

    Kind regards


  • I need help for my reader to USB drive on my windows 10 ACER?

    I need help for my reader to USB stick on my chrome windows 10 plug ins acer. Can you help me?

    What Adobe application that you use?

    This is the Adobe Media Encoder forum, and you did not mention anything on this subject. If you can let us know what Adobe application, you need help, we can help you make the right forum.

    Thank you


  • Hello, I need help for cancel the payment on my adobe account.

    Hello, I need help for cancel the payment on my adobe account. I'm from Peru, Im paying a monthly fee as a student. Help, please...

    Cancel your membership creative cloud

  • Hello, need help for Adobe Reader DC playing animation files that are specified in the pdf output by script Latex Beamer. My Adobe Reader DC refuse to open any format that I gave him.  Thank you very much

    Hello, need help for Adobe Reader DC playing animation files that are specified in the pdf output by script Latex Beamer. My Adobe Reader DC refuse to open any format that I gave him.  Thank you very much

    Hey ihorl18351266,

    Please note that you can open PDF files using only the CD player. Any other format will not be supported by the software.

    Kind regards

    Ana Maria

  • Need help for reading in parallel on the same interface and writing XNET

    Hello. I need help to configure CAN interface to write and read from the same interface.

    I use NI PXI-8513/2. I use CAN1 as interface.

    My had TO send status messages CAN every 100ms. I have to read in order to return akntoowlege to keep DUT CAN interface happy and not make mistakes.

    So, I want to open Strim Session and readall frames in the loop. At the same time, I need to be able to write in a frame HAD at the time...

    I only need to read one picture at a time too, but since I know the ID, I can pull it from the stream.

    What I'm confusing all is how to put in place the same CAN1 interface to be able to write and read in parallel.

    I think I would get errors that interface is already in use.

    Since I'm new to CAN, I was read and write only when necessary. But, sometimes I was getting errors on my messages. Sometimes I get message, sometimes miss me. But, when I run CAN test criminal as sniffer he sends and written every time. I was told it's because it recognizes all messages.

    I opened to suggestions of how best to implement the interface.

    I guess I can use CAN2 and separator to work around this problem, but I would use an interface if possible.

    Thank you

    Hi Rus,

    The XNET hadrware takes care of most of the low level of detials for you. The reading and writing of the circuits are both connected to the bus at any time. When you write to the hardware it will try to put a frame on the bus at the first opportunity he can. If the frame loses arbitration material re - will attempt to send the frame up is successful. Reception equipment monitor activity on the bus, regardless of what it conveys. The material received will usually throw a framework that was sent by communication equipment, but there is an Echo property pass to circumvent this behavior too.

    Take a look at the example of the expedition: MAY-> NI - XNET-> Sessions-> multiple Sessions Intro-> CAN even exit entry framework Port unique Keep in mind that this example you will need to use a second CAN interface to recognize frames, it transmits. I would recoment against the example CAN output Frame Single Point which would mimic your ECU if you choose a type of cyclic frame running this example.

  • Need help: impossible update IE and Vista - error _80070246 WindowsUpdate_dt000

    I am Brazilian, using a Dell Inspiron 1525 with Vista Home Premium.
    Need help with Windows Update (since June, I just can't do the update for IE7 - use now - and can't update to IE8). All other updates ok, instaled. But with both apears 'error' as this = "WindowsUpdate_80070246" "WindowsUpdate_dt000" - and says it's a mistake not recognized Windows Update.rsrsrsrs
    The same thing for Service Pack 2 KB948465 - failed... Troubleshooting!

    Penny Brasil e uso Dell 1525 com Home Premium.
    Ajuda com o Windows Update, pq desde preciso an atualizacao junho I can not driver IE8 browser o; "por isso desinstalei o IE8, following os passos do Microsoft site, e voltei anterior ao, IE 7 error-mas as 2 atualizacoes, para o IE7 e an instalacao (of novo) IE8 falham - code WindowsUpdate_80070246" "WindowsUpdate_dt000" Usava o NIS2008 (firewall, antivirus e) e troquei em julho pelo NIS2009, sempre updated e ativo.
    O updated Service Pack2 KB948465 falha also ate agora. As atualizacoes ocorreram demais e ocorrem usually (ok).
    NAO sei o pode estar explain.
    Agradea§o any ajuda.

    Hi Gik09,

    Thank you for visiting Windows Vista Microsoft answers forum.

    This problem occurs if the GlobalInstallOrder.xml file is damaged. The GlobalInstallOrder.xml file is in the following location:

    To resolve this problem, please follow the steps mentioned in the link to the following Article:

    Please let us know if it helps.

    Thank you and best regards,

  • have dell dimension 4700 xp need help with outlook express I have error message and can not send email

    I need help to figure out why my outlook express does not work when I try to send a link, or email. I have a dell dimension 4700 xp restored. The error message cannot find the server with an error code number. I am a newbee so one who responds to it will have to break it down for me. So far, I had lots of help from proceeding to audio and graphics, and I am totally grateful for the help I get.

    Thank you, Gina Davis

    I have

    He has already worked with Outlook Express? Using OE? Hotmail is a Webmail service.

    How to add your Hotmail e-mail account to Microsoft Outlook Express

    If you don't want to use OE to access Hotmail and want to just use IE to access Hotmail, then just copy the link and paste it into a new message from Hotmail.

  • I need help for my printer/scanner/copier to work with my computer

    I have a problem for my computer to connect with my printer/scanner/copier.  I need help!

    Hi GraceEverts,

    ·         What exactly happens when you try to connect printer/scanner/copier to work with my computer?

    ·         You receive an error message?

    ·         What is the brand and model of the printer/scanner/copier?

    I suggest to check the following items and check if it helps.

    To add a printer attached to your computer


    To install new or updated printer drivers to update


    Resources for the resolution of the printer in Windows XP problems


    Printer in Windows problems


    To install a scanner or digital camera

    Hope this information helps.

Maybe you are looking for

  • I need to sync to a new computer with a motorola atrix

    I bought a new computer, and now all of my favorite Office are available only on my phone Motorola Atrix. I have the sync key that has been used when I created the mobile, but none of the synchronization of the directions address back on the desktop.

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  • Windows Update 80240016 error code

    I get the following error and can't understand why I don't think that I've updated running? I need to fix this error in order to update to windows 10. Help! Thank you Windows Update, error 80240016