Not clear about the number of allowed hosts

Here's a blurb from the vCloud Architecture Toolkit v 3.0

Each Center Virtual data provider NewCo corresponds to one and only one cluster HA/DRS of vSphere. While a cluster of vSphere 5 adapts to 32 guests, usually 8 to 12 is a good point of departure which allows for future growth. The recommendation is to start with eight hosts in a cluster and add hosts to the cluster as dictated by the indicators of consumption and use customer such as of the what use is about 60%. In a virtual data center provider that operates the fast service and iSCSI or Fibre Channel storage based, feature the size of cluster of vSphere supporting a virtual datacenter provider is limited to eight knots. Through the notion of infrastructure put in common and abstract, capacity can be added to the vCloud through this method for a virtual data center provider expansion and the corresponding groups without impacting vApps running. If it is not an option to extend it to an existing cluster, VMware recommends to deploy a new provider of virtual data and corresponding cluster Center.

I've been happyto see I could have up to 32 guests.

Then I read that if I use storage Fibre Channel based (which I'll do it) the size of cluster support a virtual datacenter of the provider is limited to eight knots.

Hmm.  Back to 8 guests?

I read on:

Through the notion of infrastructure put in common and abstract, capacity can be added to the vCloud through this method for a virtual data center provider expansion and the corresponding groups without impacting vApps running.

So, I think maybe that the limit is NOT 8?  Confused, because they say that using infrastructure put in common and abstract, capacity can be added...

so. What is the limit to the number of hosts in a vSphere cluster size?


I just got confirmed that it's a typo. It will be updated in the next release of the doc cycle.

Thank you!

Tags: VMware

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    Hello members of the community.

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    foreach ($objDataCenter to $objColDataCenters)
    $objColClusters = get-Cluster-location $objDataCenter

    foreach ($objcluster to $objColClusters)
    $Details = $Null
    $objClusterBaseRP = $objHosts = $objDataStores = $objVMs = $Null
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    $objHosts = get-vmHost-location $objcluster




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    $objVMs = get-VM-location $objCluster

    $objVMs | %{
    $intNumVMCpus += $_. NumCpu
    $intTotVMMemMB += $_. MemoryMB
    $intTotVMProvisionedSpaceGB += $_. ProvisionedSpaceGB
    $intTotVMUsedSpaceGB += $_.usedSpaceGB


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    Any help to solve this is greatly appreciated - thanks

    Kind regards, Philippe

    Hello, Ramkrish-

    Welcome to the communities.

    For the first part, the number of hosts in a cluster with zero (0) or one 1 host - there are a number of things happening there.

    When the Get-VMHost call returns only one host, and you then try to access to the. Property of the count of $objHosts, you try to access this property on an object VMHost, not an array of length 1 with a VMHost inside.  And, since the VMHost object has no property '. " Count' you get a return of the 'white' or null.

    And when Get-VMHost will return no host, and you are trying to access. Count on $objHosts, you effectively type '$null. "Count", since $objHosts - eq $null at that time.

    Two ways to handle these cases would be to use the Measure-Object cmdlet or explicitly to a table, even if zero or one VMHosts are returned.  As:

    ## using Measure-Object$objHosts = Get-VMHost -Location $objcluster($objHosts | Measure-Object).Count    ## correctly returns 0 or 1 (or greater)...## or## forcing an array, even if 0 or 1 items returned$objHosts = @(Get-VMHost -Location $objcluster)$objHosts.Count        ## correctly returns 0 or 1 (or greater)...

    Regarding the behavior you're seeing with the statement Foreach-Object with $objVMs, I suspect that the behavior of the Foreach-Object statement when you're running an empyt null him is at stake here.  In other words, while you can imagine "$arrEmptyArray | % {'Hello'}' to produce anything, happening actually by an interation of the loop (really - try - the).  So to avoid this, you can delete the unnecessary part that stores the output of Get - VM in the variable "$objVMs" and combine the lines to channel the output from Get - VM directly to the Foreach-Object statement, as:

    Get-VM -Location $objCluster | %{    $intNumVMCpus += $_.NumCpu    $intTotVMMemMB += $_.MemoryMB    $intTotVMProvisionedSpaceGB += $_.ProvisionedSpaceGB    $intTotVMUsedSpaceGB += $_.usedSpaceGB}

    By the way: while we're updating this code a little, another way that you could get these totals is again using the Measure-Object cmdlet, this time with the parameter - sum, as:

    Get-VM -Location $objCluster | Measure-Object -Sum -Property NumCpu, MemoryMB, ProvisionedSpaceGB, usedSpaceGB

    Much more compact and allows just of PowerShell do the work.  Although you then maintain the return of the object of measures, depending on the situation, it is quite practical.

    How about that?

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    Kind regards

    How it works is usually the application (explorer.exe is an application) in question is open about everything that monitor his last (final) session was closed the.  Not all applications have this built-in memory, but most do.

    I don't think that even something TO manage multiple monitors (this is what it was built for) will do what you are wanting.  ;-)  I see no way of programming of this type of automation.  ;-)

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    Thanks a lot for your help.

    Kind regards


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    Version: 10 gr 2

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    Step 2. bootable media;

    Step3 system. Alter set LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT = arch_%t_%s_%r.arc scope = both;

    Step 4. ALTER system set log_archive_dest = < archive_path > scope = both;

    Step5.alter database archivelog;

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    LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 = 'LOCATION = /disk1/archive'
    About the LOCATION of keyword, the documentation says
    The LOCATION keyword specifies an operating system specific path name
    Cannot give us just a destination filesystem as/u04/arch_logs without the keyword RENTAL. What is the advantage in specifying the keyword LOCATION?

    The keyword LOCATION allows us to specify the destination for the archived redo log files local. If you use LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1(1-10) you keyword LOCATION State (when you want to redo in the local server log files)
    If you use the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST parameter, you can omit the keyword LOCATION. See the following example:

    SQL> alter system set log_archive_dest_1='c:\';
    alter system set log_archive_dest_1='c:\'
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-32017: failure in updating SPFILE
    ORA-16179: incremental changes to "log_archive_dest_1" not allowed with SPFILE
    SQL> alter system set log_archive_dest_1='location=c:\';
    System altered.
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    System altered.
    SQL> alter system set log_archive_dest=' location c:\' scope=spfile;
    System altered.
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    I have written 3 applications using regular expressions, but I'm not very clear on the outcome. Looking for help to understand the logic.

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    1 > SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR ('APT-101, BLDG 34, community xyz, XYZ ROAD, BANGALORE - 560066', '([[:alpha:]]+)') ADDR FROM DUAL;

    2 > SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR ('APT-101, BLDG 34, community xyz, XYZ ROAD, BANGALORE - 560066', ' [[: alpha:]] +') ADDR FROM DUAL;

    3 > SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR ('APT-101, BLDG 34, community xyz, XYZ ROAD, BANGALORE - 560066',(^'[[:alpha:]]+) ') ADDR FROM DUAL;

    All requests above returns the same result, i.e. 'APT '.

    Question: My understanding is:

    a > the regular expression [[: alpha:]] + represents one or more continuous occurrences of alphabets.

    b > parenthesis (i.e.) - represents the exact mactch

    c > carrot i.e. ^ represents the negation, that is to say. NOT (xyz)

    I can somehow convince myself that regular expressions - ' ([[: alpha:]] +)' and ' [[: alpha:]] +' in the given scenario may return the same string that is 'APT', but in the last query the regex ([[: alpha:]] + is preceded by ^, which according to my understanding should return something that isn't ONE or MORE CONTINUOUS OCCURRENCE OF ALPHABETS, but even this query is retune "APT".) Ask for help to understand this.

    Thank you

    Amrit Pandey

    Hi, Amrit,

    ba1fbc36-dd1f-46af-80EE-a9cedf91e344 wrote:

    I have written 3 applications using regular expressions, but I'm not very clear on the outcome. Looking for help to understand the logic.

    Here are the queries:

    1 > SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR ('APT-101, BLDG 34, community xyz, XYZ ROAD, BANGALORE - 560066', '([[:alpha:]]+)') ADDR FROM DUAL;

    2 > SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR ('APT-101, BLDG 34, community xyz, XYZ ROAD, BANGALORE - 560066', ' [[: alpha:]] +') ADDR FROM DUAL;

    3 > SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR ('APT-101, BLDG 34, community xyz, XYZ ROAD, BANGALORE - 560066',(^'[[:alpha:]]+) ') ADDR FROM DUAL;

    All requests above returns the same result, i.e. 'APT '.

    Question: My understanding is:

    a > the regular expression [[: alpha:]] + represents one or more continuous occurrences of alphabets.

    b > parenthesis (i.e.) - represents the exact mactch

    c > carrot i.e. ^ represents the negation, that is to say. NOT (xyz)

    I can somehow convince myself that regular expressions - ' ([[: alpha:]] +)' and ' [[: alpha:]] +' in the given scenario may return the same string that is 'APT', but in the last query the regex ([[: alpha:]] + is preceded by ^, which according to my understanding should return something that isn't ONE or MORE CONTINUOUS OCCURRENCE OF ALPHABETS, but even this query is retune "APT".) Ask for help to understand this.

    Thank you

    Amrit Pandey

    Be careful.  Cut and paste the exact code you run.

    I do not get the same results for alI these queries.  I get an error message ' ORA-00936: missing expression. "for the 3rd.  Maybe you wanted to have the circumflex accent (^) inside the single quotes, like this:

    SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR (' APT-101, 34 BLDG, community xyz, XYZ ROAD, BANGALORE - 560066' ")

    , ('^ [[: alpha:]] +')

    ) AS addr


    a > you're right;

    [[: alpha:]] +.

    refers to a group of characters 1 or more adjacent, which are all letters of the alphabet.

    b > an expression can almost always be enclosed in parentheses free.  In other words, almost anywhere, you can use an expression

    x you can also use

    (x)               or

    ((x))                  or

    (((x))) and so on.  Each of them the same meaning.

    This has nothing to do with regular expressions.

    In expressions regular, curved brackets can be used for the Backreferences, for example \1 can be used to return to exactly what corresponded to the subexpression inside the 1st pair of parentheses.  You are not using anything like \1 here, so this backreferences do not apply to this question.

    c > sign means negation only when it comes immediately after [.]  For example

    SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR (' APT-101, 34 BLDG, community xyz, XYZ ROAD, BANGALORE - 560066' ")

    ", ' [^ [: alpha:]] +"

    ) AS addr






    in other words, the characters 1 or more consecutive which are NOT letters of the alphabet.

    Outside square brackets, the circumflex accent means the beginning of the string.

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    Acrobat Pro XI

    All field boxes are checked in the tab properties of the button actions... but when I click on the reset button of the form I created only the data in clear text fields, not any of the data that has been selected in a drop-down list.  What I am doing wrong?

    The 'rest shape' command returns the fields to their default values. If this

    value is not empty, that's what he'll be back.

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    The video looks fine until I hit the game - video becomes a little Blur/Blur... not much but is certainly not clear (Normal). any thoughts?

    Set your high playback quality.

  • Photosmart D110a all transport cartridge printer will not move to the Center to allow its replacement

    I have a Photosmart D110a, using an iMac running OS 10.7.4 (Lion).

    In the middle of printing, I received a message from a problem with the color cartridge. When I open the cartridge access door, the transport of the cartridge does not return to the Center so that I can change the cartridge. The printer status panel displays the message "ink cartridge access door is open." When I close the door, the power button blinks and I get a message on the printer, 'Short of printing ink cartridges or damaged'. Center of HP messages on my office poster "printer cartridge failure." Printer cartridge has failed. Check the status Panel on the printer for more information.

    I'm using remanufactured cartridges that have never given me a problem in the past.

    I'd appreciate any help so that I can replace the color cartridge.

    Thank you

    I know it has been awhile.

    I'm happy to have provided useful information for you.

    Happy to know that the problem was resolved itself.

  • not visible on the ESXi LUN iSCSI hosts

    So I have a bit of a strange and hoping the community can help me to understand. In my lab at the House, I have 3 x ESXi 5.1 Build 799733 hosts x 2 guests are the same hardware (BUD Intel) and the other host an old HP flat desk. I am running CE Nexenta on a Microserver HP which provided the iSCSI storage to HP desktop computer. The 2 new Intel NUC VMware hosts however, I am unable to get any iSCSI storage visible to them. Software iSCSI adapter is enabled, peut vmkping storage to the host and the target will appear on the static discovery tab. The configuration appears to be identical between the 2 However, the hardware is different... I have a new analysis on the host and no devices appear. Now the obvious answer is there must be a security issue on the side of Nexenta... but the 3 hosts are all part of the same group initiator. Confirmed and copied the IQN name over and over again. I still think that this is maybe a matter of Nexenta, but maybe it's something else.

    Check the vmkernel.log file contains the following information after a new analysis...

    (2013 06-09 T 23: 49:06.160Z cpu3:2933) VC: 1547: device rescan time 17 msec (total number of 5 devices)

    (2013 06-09 T 23: 49:06.160Z cpu3:2933) VC: 1550: Filesystem probe time 85 msec (4 of 5 surveyed devices)

    (2013 06-09 T 23: 49:06.412Z cpu3:2931) Vol3: 692: could not read the header of control volume: unsupported

    (2013 06-09 T 23: 49:06.412Z cpu3:2931) Vol3: 692: could not read the header of control volume: unsupported

    (2013 06-09 T 23: 49:06.412Z cpu3:2931) SFS: 4972: pilot no. FS claimed "on the remote control": unsupported

    Anyone got any ideas?

    Problem solved.

    Appears that it was a problem of connection iSCSI ports. There is only a single teddy bear in each of these hosts and allowing the port bindings vmkernel on initiator iSCSI under 'Network Configuration' result not being iSCSI target devices is not visible. Removed the vmkernel port binding and made a new analysis. Cameras then showed upward.

  • A question about the number of error indicated by SQL line * more

    Hello everyone,

    OS: Fedora Core 17 x86_64
    Oracle version: Oracle Database 11 g Enterprise Edition Release - 64 bit Production

    I have a question for the line number specified by SQL * more whenever he is in error (syntax error, for example) in your script file. Consider the following script file (myscript.sql) which includes exactly 12 lines. Before the instruction to START I just put 4 blank lines by using - just to make the code clearer to read.
    HOST clear;
    SET LINESIZE 1000;
    DBMS_OUTPUT. PUTLINE at line 10 is obviously a mistake and it should be DBMS_OUTPUT. Put_line. However, if you run the script here is the output:
    SQL> @myscript.sql;
    ERROR at line 2:
    ORA-06550: line 2, column 15:
    PLS-00302: component 'PUTLINE' must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 2, column 3:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    for SQL * the error is in the line 2 and not 10.

    Any idea?

    Thanks in advance,

    for SQL * the error is in the line 2 and not 10.
    No - for Oracle, the error is in the line 2 and not 10.

    This is the code that sees the parser. What is the 2 line?

  • VM starts not directly from the CDROM drive ESXi host

    Hello. I was looking for a long time another discussion for people who have had the same problem, I found it but the answers that the candidates are not useful for me. I explain my problem giving you as much information as I can.

    I have created a virtual machine in order to intall inside Windows Server 2K 3. The problem is that I can't make the start of the VM from the CD I put in the ESXi host CDROM drive. I installed ESXi 3.5 U4. For the virtual CD/DVD Drive 1 (only in the virtual machine), I chose "Host device" as the device Type.  The only option, it's for me inside this option is ' / vmfs/devices/genide / vmhba0:0:0.» The message I get in the console view is "Not found operating system"

    Storage adapters I in the ESXi host are: LSI1068E - & gt; vmhba2 where I see my RAID1 disk1. The other device is ICH10 4 port SATA IDE Controller - & gt; vmhba0 where I see the physical CDROM Drive.  I also have another device that is "USB Storage Controller" - & gt; vmhba32 where I also see the CDROM (but when I create the virtual machine does not allow me to choose this controller, vmhba32:0:0). This controller is a "SCSI" where alumni are "Block SCSI".

    I have also checked the box "connect to power on" in the settings of VM window. The CD booteable because unless I restart the ESXi host and I do boot from the CDROM it loads the Windows Setup program. Thus, the CD is OK and the CD-ROM drive is also OK.

    I don't know what to do and what to test. If I choose to boot the client machine, the virtual machine option starts ok. The problem is that I need to transfer all the contents of the CD by the network and right now I am using an ADSL connection.

    The server I have is IBM System x 3650 M2, which is compatible with ESXi 3.5 U4.

    I know I have another option is to boot from and ISO image. Here, I have a few questions. First of all, how to download the ISO to the ESXi host image? Do I have to use the RCLI? Secondly, I want to make sure that only a problem of booting from the CDROM or the problem is maybe the ESXi of CDROM drive is not recognized by ESXi, so I'll never be able to use it.

    Advanced averybody thanks.

    The discussion has been moved to the VI: forum ESXi 3.5.  It seems to be the case, but could check you that ESXi is load the IDE driver for the ICH10 controller?  This mode is the controller of the value in the BIOS?

    Dave Mishchenko

    VMware communities user moderator

  • Question about the location of a host of virtual machines

    I work on temporarily to change the behavior of the DRS for a particular VM (in VI Perl), but my question is more general research of the root 'to host' for a particular virtual machine.

    The installation of the infrastructure program:

    + Folder1

    - + Cluster1


    + Esx1


    + VMs


    + Esx2


    + VMs

    .. .etc

    There are several clusters on different servers in this configuration.

    In order to manage the DRS by VM, I find the cluster that hosts the virtual machine.  The $vm_view - & gt; parent returns one 'value' (other than the name of folder) folder.  It seems that the only way to match the virtual machine to the cluster of accommodation is to do a brute force search, open multiple views and retrieve the values of each until I have a match, and then looking through each cluster in the corresponding folder to find the one that contains the virtual machine.

    Am I wrong?  It is an ugly and ineffective way to find the host for a virtual machine.  If I am not mistaken, are there plans for the addition of the hierarchy of the path to the view of the VM?

    A $view - & gt; config - & gt; value of path containing something like: file - & gt; Cluster - & gt; ESX Server - & gt; VM would be useful.  In addition, a function which maps values of resources to names of resources would be very helpful (with a code depend on a 'value' of the 'field-c125"and any other code that depends on a 'name' of"Cluster1"creates a lot of extra work).

    Thank you


    You can determine the Cluster that host a virtual machine by browsing through the ResourcePool of the virtual machine. Owner of the ResourcePool is the ClusterComputeResource who manages the virtual machine.

    $vm_view-> resourcePool->owner

    Also, to get the HostSystem that contains the Virtual Machine, you can follow the path

    $vm_view-> run-> home

    Regarding your suggestion to have a predefined path to access a managed entities, we have after explanation.  There are different paths through which you can access to the different managed

    entities of your inventory according to its hierarchy. Virtual Infrastructure gives you the flexibility to design your inventory. You can add a folder or host or a Cluster directly to your data center.

    Then it still allows a folder to have three objects as its child entity. If the path for any entity depends on the structure of your inventory. If a path can be set.

    All managed objects are uniquely identified managed objects ID. Name can be dupilcate for few entities in a data center, you can have two Resourcepools with the same name in different groups. Similarly, you can even named so that each entity is mapped using an object ID, and not a property 'name '.

Maybe you are looking for

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