Oracle OFA controller not able to access button in the OPS

Hi all

I customized the Controller "Billing" class and I try to go to 'Apply', 'Next Distribution' and "Prior distribution" button in my controller class.

I am not able to access the value, can someone please take a look at my code/XML page and attached files.

Do I have the right ID button in my program?

Oracle to buy-> Work Center buyer-> orders

Select order-> click Distributions-> click the detected button

SerializableAttribute public class XxBillingCO extends BillingCO {}

public XxBillingCO() {}


' Public Sub processRequest (pageContext OAPageContext, OAWebBean webBean)


super.processRequest (pageContext, webBean);

pageContext.writeDiagnostics (pageContext, "after processRequest", 2);


public void processFormRequest (OAPageContext paramOAPageContext,

OAWebBean paramOAWebBean)


super.processFormRequest (paramOAPageContext, paramOAWebBean);

String lvapply = paramOAPageContext.getParameter ("ApplyButton");

String lvnextdist = paramOAPageContext.getParameter ("NextDistButton");

String lvprevdist = paramOAPageContext.getParameter ("PrevDistButton");

If (lvapply! = null |)  lvnextdist! = null |  lvprevdist! = null)


< < Custom logic > > >





<? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF - 8"? >

" < page = xmlns:jrad ' "xmlns:oa =" "xmlns:ui =" "version ="10.1.3_1086"XML: lang ="en-US"" xmlns: user = " " xmlns =" " " " ""

the version of the file = "$Header: OrderDistributionDetailsPG.xml 120.22.12010000.5, 2013/07/25 08:18:37 kuichen ship $" >

< content >

"< oa:pageLayout id ="PageLayoutRN"windowTitle =" create Distribution: "title =" create Distribution: "" amDefName = "oracle.apps.po.document.server.DocumentAM" controllerClass = "oracle.apps.po.document.order.webui.OrderDistributionDetailsCO"

function = "PO_ORDER_DISTRIBUTION_DETAILS" helpTarget = "OrderPG" >

< ui:corporateBranding >

< oa:image id = source="/OA_MEDIA/FNDSSCORP.gif"/ "corporateBrandingImage" >

< / ui:corporateBranding >

< ui: happy >

< oa:stackLayout id = "AllRegions" >

< ui: happy >

< oa:flowLayout id = "TopRegionFlow" >

< ui: happy >

< oa:tableLayout id = "TopRegionTable" hAlign = "center" width = "100%" >

< ui: happy >

< oa:rowLayout id = "TopRegionRow" hAlign = "center" width = "100%" >

< ui: happy >

< oa:cellFormat id = "TopRegionLeftCell" width = "50%" vAlign = "top" >

< ui: happy >

< oa:messageComponentLayout id = "TopRegionLeftCellRN" >

< ui: happy >

< oa:messageStyledText id = "OperatingUnit" prompt = "Operational unit" styleClass = viewName "OraDataText" = "PoHeaderMergeVO" viewAttr = "OrgName" / >

< oa:messageStyledText id = use of the 'line' = ' / oracle/apps/po/attributesets/PoLinesAll/LineNum "viewAttr ="LineNum"styleClass = viewName"OraDataText"="PoDistributionsMergeVO"/ >

< oa:messageStyledText id = use 'Schedule' = ' / oracle/apps/po/attributesets/PoLineLocationsAll/ShipmentNum ' viewAttr = "ShipmentNum" styleClass = viewName "OraDataText" = "PoDistributionsMergeVO" / >

< oa:messageStyledText id = "PayItem" use viewName = ' / oracle/apps/po/attributesets/PoLineLocationsAll/ShipmentNum_PayItem "="PoDistributionsMergeVO"viewAttr ="ShipmentNum"styleClass ="OraDataText"rendered = 'true '.

/ >

< / ui: happy >

< / oa:messageComponentLayout >

< / ui: happy >

< / oa:cellFormat >

< oa:cellFormat id = "TopRegionRightCell" width = "50%" vAlign = "top" >

< ui: happy >

< oa:messageComponentLayout id = "TopRegionRightCellRN" >

< ui: happy >

< oa:messageStyledText id = "Job" use viewName = ' / oracle/apps/by/attributesets/PerJobs/Name "="PoDistributionsMergeVO"viewAttr ="Job"styleClass ="OraDataText"/ >

< oa:messageStyledText id = "Item" use styleClass = ' / oracle/apps/inv/attributesets/MtlSystemItemsB/ConcatenatedSegments "="OraDataText"viewAttr = 'Number' viewName ="PoDistributionsMergeVO"/ >

< oa:messageStyledText id = "ItemDescription" use styleClass = ' / oracle/apps/po/attributesets/PoDistributionsAll/LineDescription "="OraDataText"viewName = 'PoDistributionsMergeVO" viewAttr = "DescriptionArticle" / >

< oa:messageStyledText id = "CurrencyCode1" use viewName = ' / oracle/apps/po/attributesets/PoHeadersAll/CurrencyCode "="PoDistributionsMergeVO"viewAttr ="CurrencyCode"styleClass ="OraDataText"/ >

< / ui: happy >

< / oa:messageComponentLayout >

< / ui: happy >

< / oa:cellFormat >

< / ui: happy >

< / oa:rowLayout >

< / ui: happy >

< / oa:tableLayout >

< oa:separator id = "Separator" / >

< / ui: happy >

< / oa:flowLayout >

< oa:rowLayout id = "RequiredFieldRow" hAlign = "center" width = "100%" >

< ui: happy >

< oa:tableLayout id = "RequiredFieldRN" extends hAlign = "/ oracle/apps/fnd/framework/webui/OAReqFieldDescRG ' = 'Start' / >

< / ui: happy >

< / oa:rowLayout >

< oa:flowLayout id = "RegionBelowSepFlow" >

< ui: happy >

< oa:tableLayout id = "RegionBelowSepTable" hAlign = "center" width = "100%" >

< ui: happy >

< oa:rowLayout id = "RegionBelowSepRowFlavor1" extends = "/ oracle/apps/po/document/order/webui/OrderDistributionDetailsQuantityGoodsRN" / >

< oa:rowLayout id = "RegionBelowSepRowFlavor2" extends = "/ oracle/apps/po/document/order/webui/OrderDistributionDetailsQuantityAmountRN" / >

< oa:rowLayout id = "RegionBelowSepRowFlavor3" extends = "/ oracle/apps/po/document/order/webui/OrderDistributionDetailsQuantityGoodsUpdateRN" / >

< oa:rowLayout id = "RegionBelowSepRowFlavor4" extends = "/ oracle/apps/po/document/order/webui/OrderDistributionDetailsQuantityAmountUpdateRN" / >

< / ui: happy >

< / oa:tableLayout >

< / ui: happy >

< / oa:flowLayout >

< oa:header id = "DeliveryRegionHdr" text = "Delivery" >

< ui: happy >

< oa:tableLayout id = "DeliverRegionTable" hAlign = "center" width = "100%" >

< ui: happy >

< oa:rowLayout id = "DeliveryStandardRegionRow" extends = "/ oracle/apps/po/document/order/webui/OrderDistributionDetailsDeliveryStandardRN" / >

< oa:rowLayout id = "DeliveryWipRegionRow" extends = "/ oracle/apps/po/document/order/webui/OrderDistributionDetailsDeliveryWipRN" / >

< / ui: happy >

< / oa:tableLayout >

< / ui: happy >

< / oa:header >

< oa:header id = "BillingRegionHdr" text = "Billing" >

< ui: happy >

< oa:tableLayout id = "BillingRegion" extends = width="100%"/ ' / oracle/apps/po/document/order/webui/BillingDistributionsRN ">

< oa:tableLayout id = "BillingProjectsRegion" extends = "/ oracle/apps/po/document/order/webui/BillingProjectsDistributionsRN" hAlign = "center" width="100%"/ >

< / ui: happy >

< / oa:header >

< oa:header id = "OkeContractHdr" extends = "/ oracle/apps/po/document/order/webui/OkeContractDistDetailsRN" rendering = "${oa." PoDistributionsDocStylePVO.IsOkeContractRgnRendered} "/ >"

< oa:header id = "DetailsRegionHdr" text = "Details" rendered = "false" >

< ui: happy >

< oa:tableLayout id = "DetailsRegionTable" hAlign = "center" width = "100%" >

< ui: happy >

< oa:rowLayout id = "DetailsRegionRow" width = "100%" >

< ui: happy >

< oa:cellFormat id = "DetailsRegionCell" width = "100%" vAlign = "top" >

< ui: happy >

< oa:flex id = "PoDistributionsFlex" flexFieldAppShortName = "PO" flexName = "PO_DISTRIBUTIONS" viewName = "PoDistributionsMergeVO" / >

< / ui: happy >

< / oa:cellFormat >

< / ui: happy >

< / oa:rowLayout >

< / ui: happy >

< / oa:tableLayout >

< / ui: happy >

< / oa:header >

< oa:header id = "AdditionalInformationRN" text = "Additional Information" rendered = "false" >

< ui: happy >

< oa:flex id = "GlobalFlex" viewName = 'PoDistributionsMergeVO' flexFieldAppShortName = 'JG' flexName = "JG_PO_DISTRIBUTIONS" / >

< / ui: happy >

< / oa:header >

< oa:header id = "RateRegionHdr" text = "Currency" >

< ui: happy >

< oa:tableLayout id = "RateRegionTable" hAlign = "center" width = "100%" >

< ui: happy >

< oa:rowLayout id = "RateRegionRow" width = "100%" >

< ui: happy >

< oa:cellFormat id = "RateRegionLeftCell" width = "50%" vAlign = "top" >

< ui: happy >

< oa:messageComponentLayout id = "RateRegionLeftCellRN" >

< ui: happy >

< oa:messageStyledText id = "CurrencyCode2" use viewName = ' / oracle/apps/po/attributesets/PoHeadersAll/CurrencyCode "="PoDistributionsMergeVO"viewAttr ="CurrencyCode"styleClass ="OraDataText"/ >

< oa:messageTextInput id = use "RateDate" = "/ oracle/apps/po/attributesets/PoDistributionsAll/RateDate ' viewAttr ="RateDate"viewName = 'PoDistributionsMergeVO" dataType = "DATE" TipType 'dateFormat' = >

< ui:primaryClientAction >

< ui:firePartialAction / >

< / ui:primaryClientAction >

< / oa:messageTextInput >

< / ui: happy >

< / oa:messageComponentLayout >

< / ui: happy >

< / oa:cellFormat >

< oa:cellFormat id = "RateRegionRightCell" width = "50%" vAlign = "top" >

< ui: happy >

< oa:messageComponentLayout id = "RateRegionRightCellRN" >

< ui: happy >

< oa:messageStyledText id = "RateType" use = "/ oracle/apps/po/attributesets/PoHeadersAll/RateType ' viewAttr ="RateType"viewName = styleClass"PoDistributionsMergeVO"="OraDataText"/ >

< oa:messageTextInput id = 'Rate' use = "/ oracle/apps/po/attributesets/PoDistributionsAll/rate" viewAttr = "RateDsp" viewName = 'PoDistributionsMergeVO"dataType ="NUMBER"maximumLength ="255"/ >

< / ui: happy >

< / oa:messageComponentLayout >

< / ui: happy >

< / oa:cellFormat >

< / ui: happy >

< / oa:rowLayout >

< / ui: happy >

< / oa:tableLayout >

< / ui: happy >

< / oa:header >

< oa:formValue id = "DeliverToLocationIdFV" viewAttr = viewName = 'PoDistributionsMergeVO"dataType ="NUMBER"" DeliverToLocationId"/ >

< oa:formValue id = "ShipToOrgIdFV" viewAttr = viewName = 'PoDistributionsMergeVO"dataType ="NUMBER"" ShipToOrganizationId"/ >

< oa:formValue id = "OutsourcedAssemblyFV" dataType = 'NUMBER' rendered = "false" adminCustomizable = "true" viewName = 'PoDistributionsMergeVO"viewAttr ="OutsourcedAssembly"/ >

< oa:formValue id = "ItemIdFV" viewAttr = "ItemId" viewName = 'PoDistributionsMergeVO"dataType = 'NUMBER' / >

< oa:formValue id = viewName "OrgId" = "PoHeaderMergeVO" dataType = "NUMBER" viewAttr = "OrgId" / >

< oa:formValue id = "DeliverToPersonIdFV" viewAttr = viewName = 'PoDistributionsMergeVO"dataType ="NUMBER"" DeliverToPersonId"/ >

< oa:formValue id = "DestinationSubinventoryFV" viewName = 'PoDistributionsMergeVO"viewAttr ="DestinationSubinventoryOrg"/ >

< / ui: happy >

< / oa:stackLayout >

< oa:pageButtonBar id = "PageButtonBar" >

< ui: happy >

< oa:submitButton id = "CancelButton" use = "/ oracle/apps/fnd/attributesets/buttons/Cancel" text = "has & amp;" pply"invalid ="true"serverUnvalidated ="true">

< ui:primaryClientAction >

< ui:fireAction event = 'Cancel' / >

< / ui:primaryClientAction >

< / oa:submitButton >

< oa:rowLayout id = "ActionsRow" extends = "/ oracle/apps/po/document/common/webui/ControlsPoplistRN" / >

< oa:submitButton id = "PrevDistButton" text = "previous Distribution' prompt 'Previous Distribution' = >

< ui:primaryClientAction >

< ui:fireAction event = "PreviousDistribution" / >

< / ui:primaryClientAction >

< / oa:submitButton >

< oa:submitButton id = "NextDistButton" text = "next Distribution' prompt 'Next Distribution' = >

< ui:primaryClientAction >

< ui:fireAction event = "NextDistribution" / >

< / ui:primaryClientAction >

< / oa:submitButton >

< oa:submitButton id = "ApplyButton' use text = ' / oracle/apps/fnd/attributesets/buttons/Apply" = "has & amp;" pply"invalid ="true">

< ui:primaryClientAction >

< ui:fireAction event = 'Apply' / >

< / ui:primaryClientAction >

< / oa:submitButton >

< oa:submitButton id = "UpdateButton' use =" / oracle/apps/fnd/attributesets/buttons/update "/ >

< / ui: happy >

< / oa:pageButtonBar >

< / ui: happy >

< / oa:pageLayout >

< / content >

< / print this page >



Try the code below:

public class XxBillingCO extends BillingCO {
  public XxBillingCO() {

  public void processRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
  super.processRequest(pageContext, webBean);
  pageContext.writeDiagnostics(pageContext," After processRequest ",2);
  public void processFormRequest(OAPageContext paramOAPageContext, OAWebBean paramOAWebBean)

  String eventParam = pageContext.getParameter(OAWebBeanConstants.EVENT_PARAM);

  System.out.println("Inside PreviousDistribution");
  else if("NextDistribution".equals(eventParam))
  System.out.println("Inside NextDistribution");
  else if (paramOAPageContext.getParameter("ApplyButton") != null)
  System.out.println("Inside Apply button");

  super.processFormRequest(paramOAPageContext, paramOAWebBean); 

  String lvapply = paramOAPageContext.getParameter("ApplyButton");
  String lvnextdist = paramOAPageContext.getParameter("NextDistButton");
  String lvprevdist = paramOAPageContext.getParameter("PrevDistButton");

  if ( lvapply  != null ||  lvnextdist != null ||  lvprevdist != null)
  << Custom Logic >>>

Fireactions you need to capture using EVENT_PARAM. Click of a button using pageContext.getParameter.

If you want to do something before the standard page is something, then you need to write code before super.processFormRequest)

See you soon


Tags: Oracle Applications

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    1. have you made changes on the computer recently?
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    Method 1.
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    More information on SFC scan found in this document:
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    Method 2.
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    I hope this helps.

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    My Log file:

    < 21 January 2016 17:42:39 IST > < error > < oracle.wcps.client.PersonalizationFilter > < WCS-59515 > < unexpected customer of an exception.

    javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: oracle/adf/view/rich/context/AdfFacesContext.getEndUserMonitoringServices (Ljava/util/list);

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.TailFilter.doFilter(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(

    at oracle.portlet.client.adapter.adf.ADFPortletFilter.doFilter(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(


    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(

    at oracle.adf.model.servlet.ADFBindingFilter.doFilter(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(


    to org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl$ FilterListChain.doFilter (

    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.activedata.AdsFilter.doFilter(

    to org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl$ FilterListChain.doFilter (

    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl._doFilterImpl(

    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl.doFilter(

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    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(

    at oracle.wcps.client.PersonalizationFilter.doFilter(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(

    at oracle.webcenter.content.integration.servlets.ContentServletFilter.doFilter(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(

    at oracle.webcenter.lifecycle.filter.LifecycleLockFilter.doFilter(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(

    at oracle.adf.library.webapp.LibraryFilter.doFilter(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(








    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(

    at oracle.dms.servlet.DMSServletFilter.doFilter(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestEventsFilter.doFilter(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(

    to weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ ServletInvocationAction.wrapRun (

    to weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ (



    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(




    Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: oracle/adf/view/rich/context/AdfFacesContext.getEndUserMonitoringServices (Ljava/util/list);

    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.monitoring.UserActivityInfoUtils.processUserActivityData(

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    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.execute(

    at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(

    to weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$ (

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    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.TailFilter.doFilter(

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    at oracle.portlet.client.adapter.adf.ADFPortletFilter.doFilter(

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    at oracle.adf.model.servlet.ADFBindingFilter.doFilter(

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    to org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl$ FilterListChain.doFilter (

    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.activedata.AdsFilter.doFilter(

    to org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl$ FilterListChain.doFilter (

    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl._doFilterImpl(

    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl.doFilter(

    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.webapp.TrinidadFilter.doFilter(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(

    at oracle.wcps.client.PersonalizationFilter.doFilter(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(

    at oracle.webcenter.content.integration.servlets.ContentServletFilter.doFilter(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(

    at oracle.webcenter.lifecycle.filter.LifecycleLockFilter.doFilter(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(

    at oracle.adf.library.webapp.LibraryFilter.doFilter(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(








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    to weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ ServletInvocationAction.wrapRun (

    to weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ (



    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(

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    Kind regards



    Thank you for your help.i found the error and I solved it. Recently I installed oracle HTTP server so it updates some jar files that it is under the oracle_common and oracle_common/modules folder. The version of my application is but the pot that lie beneath the middleware folder is The method I outlined above is amortized in the version. So I copied the jar to another environment and paste it to my environment. Then after restarting the whole area the problem is solved. Thank you all for help.

    Kind regards


  • not able to access laptop


    with respect to my previous question, it's that I'm not abl to access my C drive after doing practical to install Oracle database 3 times. Now the situation is worse I'm not even able to open a single application. Please help me.

    Thank you.

    No.; the other Thread you posted does not appear.

    To see a list of your topics, click your display name, anywhere where you see on the Web page once you are connected, this is devmac


    For this problem.

    Do a system restore to a date before you had this problem:

    "How to make a restore of the system in Windows 8 and 8.1" . "

    If necessary, follow this path to make a system restore:

    "5 ways to boot mode safe Windows 8 & Windows 8.1"

    See you soon.

  • Error with Conversion Util Web Page: "not able to access installation of Acrobat Capture Web. Acrobat may be busy or waiting for input. »


    I get the following error message when you use the Page convert to PDF module in Internet Explorer: "not able to access installation of Acrobat Capture Web. Acrobat may be busy or waiting for input. ».

    I use Acrobat X (with latest updates) on Windows 8.1, 64-bit and IE 11 (both with all latest updates).

    When I click on the button to convert the top of IE, I'm asked to select the file location and name.  When I click on save, I'm presented with this error.  The utility creates a file, but it is unreadable - opening it gives an error in Acrobat, saying that the file is not a supported file type and it was damaged.

    I have seen this error in the forum and took the advice given to run the repair via Add/Remove programs.  I have run the repair and restarted twice, but to no avail.

    I also uninstalled, rebooted and reinstalled, but again, no luck.

    Please let me know what to try next.

    Thank you


    Hi Jody,.

    Please post on the Adobe forums.

    Internet Explorer (and even other browsers) sometimes finiky when used with a program in administrator mode.

    So, please right click on the Acrobat icon and choose ' properties > Compatibility tab "and uncheck the"Run this program as an administrator"option.

    Let me know if this helps.

    Kind regards

    Ana Maria

  • I'm not able to access my Google and Mozilla Gmail account, but be able to access from the internet explore.

    Last 5-6 months, I'm not able to access my Mozilla firefox google account, but access from IE.
    Following error messages appear...

    "We have detected a problem with your cookies settings.
    Enable cookies
    Make sure that your cookies are enabled. To enable cookies, follow these browser-specific instructions.
    Cookies and empty the cache
    If you have cookies enabled but are still having problems, clear the cache and cookies of your browser.
    Adjust your privacy settings
    If your cache and clearing cookies doesn't resolve the issue, try adjusting the privacy settings of your browser. If your settings are up, manually add to your list of allowed sites. Learn more. »

     ... Kindly resolve my issue

    Kind regards

    Another way to check the specific permissions for the site is to use the Page Info dialog box. While on a page, either:

    • Right click and select View Page Info > permissions
    • ALT + t (open the classic Tools menu) > Page Info > permissions

    In the dialog box that opens, check the permissions to "Set Cookies" and "Maintain offline storage" and adjust as required. (Example screenshot attached.)

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    Time machine is unable to perform a backup. Not able to access the sparsebundle. First of all, there is problem with the Snow Leopard operating system. Dragon followed in the upgrade to El Capitan. Only difference was error code 109 changed to 'null '. What about someone?

    We need some info.

    You can access from the finder Time Capsule? If this isn't the case, then Time Machine will not work.

    You upgrade the computer snow to El Capo and keep the same name?

    If you want to backup, it is best to start again... clean the new backup any attempt to add a previous backup failed.

    I recommend that you actually erase the TC... do a complete factory reset and start again.

    The previous backup if necessary can be archived on a USB drive connected to the TC assuming that Airport utility can still access it. Airport utility accesses the TC?

    With update installs all sorts of things can go wrong... so tell me more if you can not get anywhere.

  • 40L3455DB - not able to access services online after firmware update

    After an update of firmware for my 40L3455DB, I was not able to access online services

    I have contacted the online support, but have no joy, and they say they're looking for him

    what lasts for 2 months

    has anyone else had this kind of problem

    I had also the message on my Toshi firmware update is available, but somehow, I can't install because for now everything works OK and I'm happy with it.
    I would like to know if you can temporary fix it if go back you to the factory settings.

    What do you think about this?

  • I downloaded several updates available for Windows Vista and since that time, I was not able to access my emails. I use netscape and the page opens and freezes.

    I downloaded several updates for vista (no critical updates) and since that time, I was not able to access my emails. I use netscape and the page opens and freezes. What should I try?

    original title: EMAIL GEL


    What updates do you have installed?

    Check if the problem persists in the clean boot state.

    From your computer by using a minimal set of drivers and startup programs so that you can determine if a background program is interfering with your game or program. This type of boot is known as a "clean boot".


    How to troubleshoot a problem by performing a clean boot in Windows Vista or in Windows 7

    When you are finished troubleshooting, follow these steps to reset the computer to start as usual:

    1. click on start, type msconfig in the search box
    2. press ENTER.

    The System Configuration Utility dialog box appears.

    3. click on the general tab, click Normal startup - load all services and device drivers and then click OK.
    4. When prompted, click on restart to restart the computer.

    Also, look for error messages in the event viewer. If you find error messages after return the exact error message so that we can help you better.

    Measures to check the application event log:

    a. click Start.
    (b) in the search box type eventvwr.msc , and then on enter.
    c. now, click Application in the event viewer (local).
    d. now, looking for event log on the right side of the event viewer window.

  • Not able to access another program with Windows Management Framework Core

    Original title: what is Windows Management Framework Core, do I need?

    I am not able to access another program because of the 33 sidebyside error.  The problem seems to relate to Microsoft.VC80.MFC according to the detailed event log message.  When I try to launch my accounting software, it indicates the activation context generation failed.  The only other thing that I have to go on is the date Management Framework Core has been installed and when I could access is no longer my other program.

    I was able to locate a system preparation tool KB947821 to Microsoft Downloads. It is a solution for x 86, x 64 and other operating systems for downloading updates.  After I installed it I went to the Panel of control under programs, put my software disc in the drive, it said to fix it himself and it now works like a charm!  I strongly recommend to anyone with this problem after installing updates get this program.

  • Windows 8 - not able to access 'Change PC settings'; Unable to create a user profile. Store/Start menu does not work.


    Recently, I'm stuck with these issues:

    1. not able to access 'Change PC settings' - when I click on it nothing happens.

    2 start menu/Store does not work - I am using the profile of the user admin Start Menu is a blank blue screen with just the user name appears at the top right. Store is completely scratched too.

    While the guest user has all the tiles in Start menu/store.

    3. cannot create a user profile - I wanted to try to create a new user profile and check if the store is working properly. When I click on 'Add a new user in the laptop settings' nothing happens.

    I tried the system restore, but it does not solve all of the above. Is there any solution to these problems without having to reinstall Win 8? I don't have the installation discs.


    You can use the restore or refresh options without going in the settings of the PC.  Read the instructions carefully, it says:

    If you can't identify, or use laptop settings app, you can access these rather safe mode options. On the login screen, click on the power icon, and then hold down the SHIFT key on the keyboard while you click on restart. Now keep update until the next screen appears.

  • Not able to access the Console of the OAM?

    Hi all

    I am facing this problem while I try to connect to the console of the OAM, when the managed server is started I am not able to access the Console of the OAM, but when I stopped the managed server, I am able to access the Console of the OAM. Please guide me on this.

    I need documentation on how exactly the work of the Console of the OAM.

    Thank you


    Hi Laura,

    Thanks for giving your valuable time, I was able to understand the question. LoadBalancer settings pointing to another machine where I had not installed OAM.

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