Pie chart is not visible in IE 8


I use jdev

I use dvt:piegraph to view my result. The graphic is loaded properly on firefox. But its not visible in ie8.

< dvt:pieGraph id = "pieGraph2".

value = "#{bindings." RiskGraph1.graphModel}.

Subtype = 'PIE' threeDEffect = 'true '.

"partialTriggers =": tt1: sor3.

inlineStyle = "width: 250px;" "height: 250px.

contentDelivery = "immediate".

dynamicResize = "DYNAMIC_SIZE" >

< dvt:background >

< dvt:specialEffects / >

< / dvt:background >

< dvt:graphPieFrame / >

< dvt:seriesSet >

< dvt:series / >

< / dvt:seriesSet >

< dvt:sliceLabel autoPrecision "off" = >

< af:convertNumber minFractionDigits = '1 '.

maxFractionDigits = "1" / >

< / dvt:sliceLabel >

< rendered dvt:pieLabel = "false" / >

< dvt:legendArea automaticPlacement = "AP_NEVER".

position = "LAP_BOTTOM."

scrolling = "asNeeded" / >

< / dvt:pieGraph >

Thanks Frank for the answer. OK, I'm going to use the new version of ie and jdev and see if it persists.

For now, I found a solution, I've used ImageFormat = "PNG" by default, it took FLASH.



Tags: Java

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  • Pie chart does not


    I have a file of class LoadXML his does not work can someone help me in that.

    ActionScript code:
         import flash.display.MovieClip;
         import fl.transitions.Tween;
         import fl.transitions.easing.Strong;
         import flash.display.Sprite;
         import flash.text.TextField;
         import flash.text.TextFormat;
         import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
         import flash.net.URLLoader;
         import flash.net.URLRequest;
         import flash.events.Event;
         import flash.filters.DropShadowFilter;
         public class PieChart extends MovieClip
              private var piechart:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
              private var titles:Array = new Array();
              private var values:Array = new Array();
              private var xmlFile:XML;
              private var pie:Number;
              private var radiansSoFar:Number = 0;
              private var urlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
              private var tween:Tween;
              private var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
              public function PieChart():void
                   /*Text Format*/
                   format.color = 132744;
                   format.align = "left";
                   format.font = "Century Gothic";
                   format.size = 11;
              private function LoadXML(file:String = "pie.xml"):void
                        urlLoader.load(new URLRequest(file));
                        urlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, parseXML);
                   private function parseXML(e:Event):void
                        xmlFile = new XML(e.target.data);
                        pie = xmlFile.children().length;
                        private function buildPieChart(xmlData:XML):void
                              var titleList:XMLList = xmlFile.item.title;
                              var valueList:XMLList = xmlFile.item.value;
                              for each (var titleElement:XML in titleList)
                              for each (var valueElement:XML in valueList)
                              var colors:Array = new Array();

                               var radians:Array = new Array();
                               var totalValue:Number = 0;
                               for(var i:int = 0; i < values.length; i++)
                                   totalValue = totalValue + Number(values[i]);
                               for(i =0; i < values.length; i++)
                              drawlines(250, 250, 200, radians);

                               function drawlines(centerx, centery, radius, radians)
                                   var colorkey:Number = 0;
                                   var coloralpha:Number = 1;
                                   var shadow:DropShadowFilter = new DropShadowFilter();
                                   shadow.distance = 2;
                                   shadow.angle = 45;
                                   shadow.color =0x000000;
                                   for(var i:int = 0; i < radians.length; i++)
                                       piechart.graphics.beginFill(colors[colorkey], coloralpha);
                                       piechart.graphics.lineTo(Math.sin(radiansSoFar*Math.PI)*radius, Math.cos(radiansSoFar*Math.PI)*radius);
                                       piechart.filters = [shadow];
                                       piechart.x = stage.stageWidth/2;
                                         piechart.y = stage.stageHeight/2;
                                       for(var n:Number = 0; n <= radians[i]; n += .0001)
                                            piechart.graphics.lineTo(Math.sin((radiansSoFar+n)*Math.PI)*radius, Math.cos((radiansSoFar+n)*Math.PI)*radius);
                                       radiansSoFar += radians[i];
                                       addLabel(radians[i], titles[i], radiansSoFar, radius, colors[colorkey], coloralpha);
                                       if(colorkey == colors.length-1)
                                            colorkey = 0;
                                            coloralpha -= .25;
                                            colorkey += 1;
                               function addLabel(radians, itemtitle, radiansSoFar:Number, radius:Number, color, coloralpha)
                                        var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
                                       format.align = "left";
                                       format.font = "Century Gothic";
                                       format.size = 11;
                                            //format.bold = true;
                                       var label:TextField = new TextField();
                                       label.width = 1;
                                       label.height = 1;
                                       label.autoSize = "left";
                                       label.antiAliasType = "advanced";
                                       label.text = itemtitle +  "( "+ Math.round((radians/2*100)).toString() + "%)";
                                       label.border = false;
                                       var textRadians:Number = radiansSoFar-(radians/2);
                                       label.x = (stage.stageWidth/2)+Math.sin(textRadians*Math.PI)*radius;
                                       label.y = (stage.stageHeight/2)+Math.cos(textRadians*Math.PI)*radius;
                                       if(textRadians > 0 && textRadians < .5)
                                            label.y -= label.height/2;
                                            label.y += 10;
                                            label.x += 10;
                                       if(textRadians > .5 && textRadians < 1)
                                            label.y -= label.height/2;
                                            label.x += 10;
                                            label.y -= 10;
                                       if(textRadians > 1 && textRadians < 1.5)
                                            label.y -= label.height/2;
                                            label.x -= label.width;
                                            label.x -= 10;
                                            label.y -= 10;
                                       if(textRadians > 1.5 && textRadians <= 2)
                                            label.y -= label.height/2;
                                            label.x -= label.width;
                                            label.x -= 10;
                                            label.y += 10;
                                       if(textRadians == 0 || textRadians == 2)
                                            label.y += 10+label.height/2;
                                       if(textRadians == .5)
                                            label.x += 10+label.width/2;
                                       if(textRadians == 1)
                                            label.y -= 10+label.height/2;
                                       if(textRadians == 1.5)
                                            label.x -= 10+label.width/2;

    Here's the XML file


    <? XML version = "1.0? Encoding = "utf-8? >

    elements <>

    < item >

    < title > < /title >

    < value > 26 < / value >

    < / point >

    < item >

    b < title > < /title >

    < value > 14 < / value >

    < / point >

    < item >

    c < title > < /title >

    < value > 9 < / value >

    < / point >

    < item >

    d < title > < /title >

    < value > 6 < / value >

    < / point >

    < item >

    e < title > < /title >

    < value > 3 < / value >

    < / point >

    < item >

    f < title > < /title >

    < value > 3 < / value >

    < / point >

    < item >

    g < title > < /title >

    < value > 2 < / value >

    < / point >

    < item >

    h < title > < /title >

    < value > 1 < / value >

    < / point >

    < item >

    TV < title > < /title >

    < value > 36 < / value >

    < / point >

    < / object >

    You are welcome. Please mark the thread as answered if you can.

    AS3 Alpha is 0 to 1, not 0 to 100

  • Where should I go on my computer to find the pie chart that shows how much space is used/left on my computer?

    Where should I go on my computer to find the pie chart that shows how much space is used/left on my computer... (my question is not related to the questions at the beginning).

    Open my computer, right-click the drive icon, select 'Properties' and you'll see the pie under the general tab.


    Microsoft MVP - moderator of the Forum - consumer security live a care - Live Mesh - Microsoft Security Essentials

  • Adding key event to different parts of a pie chart

    Hi, I'm working on a Blackberry app I need to create pie chart from an array of integers. Unfortunately I could not find any graphics APIs for Blackberry (is there really one?), so I've implemented using the method (graphics.fillArc).

    Here's my PieChart class:

    public class PieChart extends Field
        //declaring private variables to store data
        private int[] percentage;
        private int[] angles;
        private int totalRecords;
        //declaring colors to be used in pie chart
        private final static int[] availableColors = { 0x00CDCD, 0xFF0000, 0xFF00FF, 0xCC9900, 0x9900FF, 0x990000, 0x66FF00, 0x6600FF, 0x3300FF, 0x0000FF};
        private final static int totalAvailableColors = 10;
        //assuming 250 for chart width and height
        private int chartWidth = 250;
        private int chartHeight = 250;
        public PieChart (int[] marks)
            //calculating percentages and angles covered by each record
            totalRecords = marks.length;
            int sum = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < totalRecords; i ++)
                sum += marks[i];
            percentage = new int[totalRecords];
            angles = new int[totalRecords];
            for (int i = 0; i < totalRecords; i ++)
                double percent = marks[i] * 100 / sum;
                percentage[i] = (int) percent;
                angles[i] = (int) (percent * 3.6);
        protected void layout(int width, int height)
            //setting the field to cover the whole width of display
            setExtent (Display.getWidth(), chartHeight);
        protected void paint(Graphics graphics)
            //generating a random color from predefined colors
            Random random = new Random();
            int lastAngle = 0;
            int previousColorIndex = -1;
            int startColorIndex = random.nextInt(totalAvailableColors);
            int currentColorIndex = startColorIndex;
            //adding offset to create the chart at center of the screen
            int offset = (Display.getWidth() - chartWidth)/ 2;
            for (int i = 0; i < totalRecords; i ++)
                //if last record, cover the remaining area of the circle
                int finishAngle = i == totalRecords - 1 ? 360 - lastAngle : angles[i];
                //drawing the arc
                graphics.fillArc(offset, 0, chartWidth, chartHeight, lastAngle, finishAngle);
                //calculating text position to print the percentage
                int txtX = (int) (125 + 75 * Math.cos(Math.PI * (lastAngle + angles[i] / 2)/180));
                int txtY = (int) (125 - 75 * Math.sin(Math.PI * (lastAngle + angles[i] / 2)/180));
                txtX -= graphics.getFont().getAdvance(String.valueOf(percentage[i] + "%")) / 2;
                //drawing the percentage over the respective section
                graphics.drawText(String.valueOf(percentage[i] + "%"), txtX + offset, txtY);
                previousColorIndex = currentColorIndex;
                //tracking total angle used so far
                lastAngle += angles[i];
                //checking if color generated is previous color or starting color, if it is the last of the record
                    currentColorIndex = random.nextInt(totalAvailableColors);
                while ((i == totalRecords - 1 && currentColorIndex == startColorIndex) || currentColorIndex == previousColorIndex);

    Now, when the user touches a any part of the generated pie chart, I need to show him the details of this particular section, which is different for different parts of the chart (for example. Say that if brands of students is used, during the click on an article I have need to display information about the marker). From my understanding, different parts of the pie chart must be different fields to contain the touch individual events. However, it seems there is no way to create irregular fields, and I can't reach camembert if I use fields rectangular for different parts of the chart (such as it's going to tear the pie! ).

    Any suggestions?

    BTW I develop for BB OS 6.0 (Blackberry Torch).

    The word dreaded no programmer doesn't want to hear: math. You'll just have to figure out where all of your divisions are based off of their percentages, determine where the touch and then discover what segment is in.

    In fact, I don't think it's going to be too bad, just refresh you on geometry.

  • selected in a pie chart slice

    Hi Experts,

    I have a dvt:pieChart with my page, where dataSelection = single,.

    When the user clicks on a slice of the pie chart, I need to capture the selected value and based on this value, I need fill a table below the pie chart.

    I tried Googling, unfortunately impossible to find the appropriate solution.

    I use Jdeveloper 12.1.3.

    Please do the needful.

    As you use pieChart not pieGraph then create a selectionListener in bean managed to get the selected slice

    Follow these steps-

    1 set dataSelection property of unique pieChart

    2 create a selectionListener method in bean managed to chart

    3 see the property value of the graph, it will be something like this - #{bindings. Deptartment1.collectionModel}

    4 copy and use this managed code bean (name value and iterator change according to your name viewObject)

        /**     * Programmatic invocation of a method that an EL evaluates to.
         *     * @param el EL of the method to invoke
        * @param paramTypes Array of Class defining the types of the parameters
         * @param params Array of Object defining the values of the parametrs
         * @return Object that the method returns     */
       public static Object invokeEL(String el, Class[] paramTypes, Object[] params) {
           FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
            ELContext elContext = facesContext.getELContext();
           ExpressionFactory expressionFactory = facesContext.getApplication().getExpressionFactory();
           MethodExpression exp = expressionFactory.createMethodExpression(elContext, el, Object.class, paramTypes);
            return exp.invoke(elContext, params);
        /**     * Programmatic evaluation of EL.
         *     * @param el EL to evaluate
       * @return Result of the evaluation     */
     public static Object evaluateEL(String el) {
           FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
            ELContext elContext = facesContext.getELContext();
           ExpressionFactory expressionFactory = facesContext.getApplication().getExpressionFactory();
            ValueExpression exp = expressionFactory.createValueExpression(elContext, el, Object.class);
            return exp.getValue(elContext);
        public void pieChartSelectionListener(SelectionEvent selectionEvent) {
            invokeEL("#{bindings.Department1.collectionModel.makeCurrent}", new Class[] { SelectionEvent.class },                 new Object[] { selectionEvent });
            // Get the selected row (Use pie chart iterator name) , by this you can get any attribute of that row
           Row selectedRow =            (Row) evaluateEL("#{bindings.Department1Iterator.currentRow}"); // get the current selected row
            System.out.println("Selected Department is-" + selectedRow.getAttribute("DepartmentName"));


  • How do label you pie charts in excel 2103

    How do label you pie charts in excel 2103

    Hi Tommy:

    Thanks for the response, but still the problem with multiple labels of legend.  The link mentioned only a single label legend on a pie chart, which was not a problem.  This is labelling the other elements of the 5 the chart legend.  There are currently 1 label with the other points being blank.

    Thank you


    Once again...
    He must ask these questions in the forums Microsoft Excel - those who are SPECIFICALLY for Excel issues.  In other words - 'experts' who hang there are expert in Excel.  You get people in this forum who are more into the OS in general - maybe a few application expertise sprinkled in here and there - but if you want someone who lives and breathes "Excel" - more likely to get in a forum dedicated to it.  (Click on the link, after a new question and I would say SEO - with a link - this conversation too!)
    Link to this conversation:
    How do label you pie charts in excel 2103
    This could be a start (Google search or even looking for the page that I linked works you original very well, apparently...)
    But then again... You should ask such questions in the forums of Microsoft Excel<-- they="" will="" more="" likely="" be="" able="" to="">

  • Dimensions of the pie chart

    I have a Camembert in InDesign. When I click on it, the dimensions seem to be 203 x 203 pixels:

    I want to make a graph in similar sectors in Illustrator. So, when I click to create a new pie chart, I put the dimensions of 203 x 203 pixels:

    But when I try to copy/paste the new graph in InDesign, it does not match the dimensions of the original graph. You can see if I overlay the new graph on the old chart:

    What I am doing wrong?

    The size of the pie in Illustrator are not accurate, and the transformation Panel does not work with tables. This has been a bug for eons.

    After you create the chart, you will need to resize the graphic to the size you want, and if you do several charts of the same size, it might save some time if you duplicate the first properly sized graphics.

    In addition, when you create the graph of x 203px 203px, which multiply by 1.15. If you do not have a stroke, which protrudes beyond the border of the chart, this should give you what you need.

  • Pie chart report syntax

    What is the correct syntax for a 'pie chart - multiple' report in Oracle SQL Developer? I am creating master-child where the master is a bar graph and report the child reports are (multiple) pie charts. The master report looks good, but I can't the child reports to display in the form of pie charts. The child statement correctly table view, but if I change the pie chart format, then I get the error message: 'data is zero or negative value and can not be displayed'.

    Here are the current request for reports of the child:

    SELECT the year, college_name, student_id, count (student_id) as count_ids

    DE registration

    WHERE college_name =: COLLEGE_NAME

    GROUP BY year, college_name, student_id

    ORDER BY year, college_name, student_id;

    This is the report of the child table:


    It's about what I want pie charts to look like:


    It works if you remove the name of college?

    I am able to make a graph to child multiple sectors out of a bar parent graph, without having to configure anything on the properties of the child report definition data

    Here's my child report query:

    Select the year, the team, sum (points) of hockey_stats

    where drive =: PLAYER

    Group of the year, the team

    order by year desc

    If you run your query, you have nulls, zeros or negative values for count (student_id)?

  • redraw a pie chart


    I changed the name of a PieChart.Data that is currently displayed. The change is not displayed. Do I need to redraw the map?

    Si Yes, how can I redraw the graph?

    Thank you

    This is a known bug, which is set at 8 JavaFX. One solution is to delete the data point and add a new one with the new name, even if it is ugly if the pie chart is moving.

  • How can I change the contour of pie chart from black to white?

    I created a pie chart in Illustrator CS6 and may not know how to change the line of contour of the black to white (this is my first time trying to create a pie chart in illustrator and not found the answer to my question in any of the graphic illustrator formatting instructions.)

    With camembert fully selected, open the appearance Panel, double-click on "Content" and change the color of the outline.

  • Pie chart for availability

    Hi guys,.

    I'm creating a WCF report with information on availability of the different AppMonitor Agents.

    Officials reported a metric called "availability".

    I also created a query that returns an average of the availability of the Agents AppMonitor selected.

    Now the fun starts. I wan't to build a pie chart to show real time.

    The problem is, if I add the availability, lets say 98%, as an element, he draws me a filled full circle.

    If I add a second element having the value "2", fine.

    How to calculate the percent to get a good pie diagram or y at - it an easy way?

    Yet once in short:-query returns the value of the availability,

    -need of camembert, indicating the actual availability

    Any ideas?

    Hi, Falco,

    I would put the query in additional context, assigned to the "availability".

    Create a function that accepts 2 double values and returns the difference.

    Put another additional context called "still", the new service, from 100.0 and "availability".

    Draw the two values of context on your pie chart, then "keep" white and not a legend.

    Hope this helps, I did not have time to test earlier.


  • The pie chart colors

    So I created a diagram using the Pie chart tool in artificial intelligence, data are correct once it's done, but I can't change the colors.  After you enter the number in the cell, select the checkbox.  It's the pie graph.  Will not let me choose the only separate slices so I expanded the complete graphic, then select direct changes color.  It allows me to select the separate range, but when I go to change the color she either doesn't it change to a shade of gray to another.  I need the actual color.

    Any suggestions? Have tried to make several different graphs but always the same question.  With the help of creative cloud

    You should be able to direct the selection party individual of a graph "on-line".

    This led to corrupt files in some cases, however. So you might want to test this carefully.

    If the color Panel does not show the color sliders, try and select CMYK in the Panel menu. If that does not show, first apply a color swatch and then change its values.

  • Pie chart 3D with bevel deteriorates after export from indesign.

    I was the creation of 3D pie charts in illustrator and then placing them in the form of illustrator (.ai) files directly in my indesign document. However after doing so, he has a big loss of quality. The effects of light out as the striated white lines. Sometimes, there are random lines in works of art.

    Pie 3D with no lighting effects and no bevel seem to be doing well.

    To work around this problem, I exported the work as TIFF from illustrator and then placing the TIFF in indesign. It is a heavy workaround, increases the size of the file and also degrades the text under my camembert much.

    The two programs are CS5.

    Thank you.

    If you paste in front, the object will be selected to the dough. Just do not deselect anything.

    Sorry... Adobe went and changed the name... use Pathfinder > unit (it was called 'Add', a version or two), it takes the whole shape and makes a single object/path.

    Base color may be any color but white. Generally, I choose a base color that matches the color of the overal of the subject of the question.

    You could simply try the steps, then undo if you don't like the results.

  • How to link xcel pie charts to Indesign?

    The company I work for is a dissicion to upgrade to Windows 7, unfortunately my version of Corel Draw no longer works on it.  Everyone in the Office has used Photoshop for a long time so I thought it was time that I went to Adobe.  I have create a large number of studies for our company with texts, graphics, images, sheets, calculation and piecharts.  The largest was of 62 buildings for a school system.  I had 4 architects, 5 mechanics, 3 electricians and engineers 2 feed me data for this study.  With all those who work at a different pace and in different areas, all my data was linked so that a small change would be routed through the different sections of the study.  As I was myself taught how to use InDesign, there is only one item that I have not been able to emulate.  I have not found how to bind a chart to areas of my xcel spreadsheet in InDesign.  Camembert must be able to update automatically.  There are far too many to go through and delete them, then place them.     Is there a way to bind a chart to excel industries in InDesign?  Is there a work around for this?  Any information would be very useful.

    If you want a pie chart to automatic update, you will need to do in Illustrator.

    There is no way to bind a chart to Excel sectors.


  • How to place a line (HRule) in the middle of a pie chart


    Is it possible to place a line (HRule) in the middle of a pie chart? I cannot place a HRule in the exact middle, he's going to the top or the bottom of the pie chart. Please, help me to solve this problem.

    Thank you


    I'm not sure what you have there, but you could play with the layout. Assigning the value "absolute" should leave your position any object anywhere, even on the other. But if you really want to do this properly, then extend you the components of the pie chart and add desired by programming online.

Maybe you are looking for

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