Prepare the report on the work

I prepare a report on the work used in MSA.
I used EAM_WORK_ORDERS_V to obtain details of work orders. But it shows some areas such as WIP_ENTITY_ID, WIP_ENTITY_NAME. These field means work Order Id? In fact, I was trying to find the work order number, work order name etc. Can a made me know what domain can only I get it?

A field more watch WORK_ORDER_TYPE which has a few numbers. There must be some other table where the work order Types is defined. Can someone let me know which table should give me the types of commands work?

Thanks and greetings


Wip_entity_name is the work order number.
Wip_entity_id is an id behind the scenes that is used by Oracle to join other ongoing work tables.

You can get the type of work order using the following sql.

SELECT lookup_code, meaning
  FROM fnd_lookup_values

Hope this helps,
Sandeep Gandhi

Tags: Oracle

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  • PL-JRXML2PDF with several report does not work inside the apex


    I try to use PL -JRXML2PDF to create a PDF file inside the apex, so I follow the steps;

    1. create the jdbc to my database connection

    2 - create my report designer ireport 5.6.0 (with 4 subreports)

    2 - Copy the XML to the report_definition table.

    but when I try to print the report that I have this error:

    Capture (1).PNG

    and my xml:


    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? >

    " < jasperReport xmlns =" http://JasperReports.sourceforge.NET/JasperReports "" xmlns: xsi = " " "xsi: schemaLocation =" http://JasperReports.sourceforge.NET/JasperReports"name ="DMD CHANGE"language = 'groovy' pageWidth ="792"pageHeight ="612"orientation = columnWidth 'Landscape' ="752"leftMargin ="20"rightMargin ="20"topMargin ="20"bottomMargin ="20"uuid ="9e761d91-affc-4952-a301-1419c2299438"> "

    < name = "ireport.zoom property" value = "1.0" / > "

    < name = "ireport.x property" value = "0" / > "

    < name = "ireport.y property" value = "0" / > "

    < name of the parameter = "SUBREPORT_DIR" class = "java.lang.String" isForPrompting = "false" > "

    < defaultValueExpression > <! [CDATA ["C:\\Users\\xtighfo\\Desktop\\"]] > < / defaultValueExpression >

    < / parameter >

    < language queryString As String = "SQL" >

    <! [CDATA [SELECT so date_dac, sp, se, descr_statut,]]

    ENT, descr_chg, descr_sp, no_frm, description

    OF v_dac_frm

    [[WHERE SO = 1003 AND ID_STATUT = 2]] >

    < / queryString >

    < field name = 'SO' class="java.math.BigDecimal"/ >

    < name of field = class="java.sql.Timestamp"/ "DATE_DAC" >

    < field name = "SP" class="java.lang.String"/ >

    < field name = "SE" class="java.lang.String"/ >

    < name of field = class="java.lang.String"/ "DESCR_STATUT" >

    < name of field = class="java.lang.String"/ "NO_FRM" >

    < field name = "ENT" class="java.lang.String"/ >

    < name of field = class="java.lang.String"/ "DESCR_CHG" >

    < name of field = class="java.lang.String"/ "DESCR_SP" >

    < field name = "DESCRIPTION" class="java.lang.String"/ >

    < back >

    < band splitType = "Stretch" / >

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    < Expressioncharacter > <! [CDATA ["' #WORKSPACE_IMAGES #Logo_mtrl.png" "]] > < / Expressioncharacter >

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    < textFieldExpression > <! [CDATA [$F {SO}]] > < / textFieldExpression >

    < / textField >

    < staticText >

    < reportElement x = "-1" y = "31" width = "100" height = "20" uuid = "f0db3e3a-6f29-415a-a3d7-f13a9d94c68c" / >

    < textElement >

    < font size = "10" isBold = "true" / >

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    < text > <! [CDATA [quote:]] > < / text >

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    < textFieldExpression > <! [CDATA [$F {DATE_DAC}]] > < / textFieldExpression >

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    < staticText >

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    < text > <! [CDATA [subproject:]] > < / text >

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    < textFieldExpression > <! [CDATA [$F {DESCR_STATUT}]] > < / textFieldExpression >

    < / textField >

    < staticText >

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    < font size = "10" isBold = "true" / >

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    < text > <! [CDATA [status:]] > < / text >

    < / staticText >

    < textField >

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    < textFieldExpression > <! [CDATA [$F {NO_FRM}]] > < / textFieldExpression >

    < / textField >

    < staticText >

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    < font size = "10" isBold = "true" / >

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    < text > <! [CDATA [No. request:]] > < / text >

    < / staticText >

    < textField >

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    < textElement >

    < spacingBefore paragraph = "1" / >

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    < textFieldExpression > <! [CDATA [$F {NTS}]] > < / textFieldExpression >

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    < staticText >

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    < / box >

    < textElement >

    < font size = "10" isBold = "true" / >

    < / textElement >

    < text > <! [CDATA [contractor:]] > < / text >

    < / staticText >

    < textField >

    < reportElement x = "506" = "87" width = "242" height = "20" uuid = "2a18685e-3eab-4398-9c90-69225f765358" / >


    < pen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

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    < rightPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

    < / box >

    < textFieldExpression > <! [CDATA [$F {DESCR_CHG}]] > < / textFieldExpression >

    < / textField >

    < staticText >

    < reportElement mode = "Opaque" x = "355" y = "87" width = "151" height = "20" backcolor = "#FAF7F7" uuid = "61dd181a-9c31-47b4-931b-da25967c8caa" / >


    < pen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

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    < textElement >

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    < text > <! [CDATA [change of Nature of:]] > < / text >

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    < isStretchWithOverflow textField = "true" >

    < reportElement x = "156" y = "51" width = "163" height = "20" uuid = "a868dee8-f4a4-489a-9ab2-40cdea464e6a" / >

    < textFieldExpression > <! [CDATA [$F {SE}]] > < / textFieldExpression >

    < / textField >

    < textField >

    < reportElement x = "-1" y = "127" width = "749" height = "20" uuid = "8eb0212e-885c-405f-86ce-92b83ba2ad28" / >


    < pen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

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    < rightPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

    < / box >

    < textFieldExpression > <! [CDATA [$F {DESCR_SP}]] > < / textFieldExpression >

    < / textField >

    < staticText >

    < reportElement mode = "Opaque" x = "-1" y = "107" width = "749" height = "20" backcolor = "#FAF7F7" uuid = "54598f76-0931-4325-a70a-0038e5d3bda1" / >


    < pen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

    < topPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

    < leftPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

    < bottomPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

    < rightPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

    < / box >

    < textElement >

    < font size = "10" isBold = "true" isUnderline = "false" isStrikeThrough = "false" / >

    < / textElement >

    < text > <! [CDATA [contract:]] > < / text >

    < / staticText >

    < isStretchWithOverflow textField = "true" >

    < reportElement x = "-1" y = "167" width = "749" height = "23" uuid = "5b7f29c9-0d01-4d44-90fa-e1ac26e3964c" / >


    < pen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

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    < bottomPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

    < rightPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

    < / box >

    < textFieldExpression > <! [CDATA [$F {DESCRIPTION}]] > < / textFieldExpression >

    < / textField >

    < staticText >

    < reportElement mode = "Opaque" x = "-1" y = "147" width = "749" height = "20" backcolor = "#FAF7F7" uuid = "af600e87-6b77-4d25-bc97-9f717729b7e8" / >


    < pen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

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    < rightPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

    < / box >

    < textElement >

    < font size = "10" isBold = "true" / >

    < / textElement >

    < text > <! [CDATA [Nature and necessity of the work (if it is necessary, add plans, sketches or photographs):]] > < / text >

    < / staticText >

    < subreport >

    < reportElement positionType = "Float" x = "0" y = "194" width = "100" height = "37" uuid = "2d2d25ec-a272-4f28-948c-c9c62fbb90cb" / >

    < connectionExpression > <! [CDATA [$P {REPORT_CONNECTION}]] > < / connectionExpression >

    < subreportExpression > <! [CDATA [$P {SUBREPORT_DIR} + 'DMD CHANGEMENT_subreport1.jasper']] > < / subreportExpression >

    < / the subreport >

    < subreport >

    < reportElement positionType = stretchType "Float" = "RelativeToTallestObject" x = "2" y = "232" width = "100" height = "38" uuid = "a5a5e764-f57e-4370-b6c8-30e8d35ede7e" / >

    < connectionExpression > <! [CDATA [$P {REPORT_CONNECTION}]] > < / connectionExpression >

    < subreportExpression > <! [CDATA [$P {SUBREPORT_DIR} + 'DMD CHANGEMENT_subreport2.jasper']] > < / subreportExpression >

    < / the subreport >

    < subreport >

    < reportElement positionType = 'Float' x '2' = y = "272" width = "100" height = "37" uuid = "17893552-6183-46c6-9458-9740cf8b4797" / >

    < connectionExpression > <! [CDATA [$P {REPORT_CONNECTION}]] > < / connectionExpression >

    < subreportExpression > <! [CDATA [$P {SUBREPORT_DIR} + 'DMD CHANGEMENT_subreport3.jasper']] > < / subreportExpression >

    < / the subreport >

    < subreport >

    < reportElement positionType "Float" = "1" x = y = "311" width = "101" height = "40" uuid = "881e18e8-ac31-455b-bc39-df109790319f" / >

    < connectionExpression > <! [CDATA [$P {REPORT_CONNECTION}]] > < / connectionExpression >

    < subreportExpression > <! [CDATA [$P {SUBREPORT_DIR} + 'DMD CHANGEMENT_subreport4.jasper']] > < / subreportExpression >

    < / the subreport >

    < staticText >

    < reportElement XY = "2" = "0" width = "746" height = "20" uuid = "83604423-a377-4bac-a1da-1c07919b2dba" / >

    < textElement textAlignment = "Center" >

    < font size = isBold "14" = "true" / >

    < / textElement >

    < text > <! [CDATA [authorization change request]] > < / text >

    < / staticText >

    < / bands >

    < / details >

    < / jasperReport >


    It will be very useful for me to make the PDF file.

    AND IF I have a similar example in the oracle workspace, it will be useful.

    Thank you

    Thank you, Christoph.

    But it does help me no more, because this is the first time I use ireport.

    Another Question:

    Should I create definitions for all subreports (4) in the reports_definitions table?

    and put the name that I create. in

    Thank you

  • Install Windows 8 on external drive Thunderbolt - Windows could not prepare the computer to begin the next phase of installation

    Hi all

    I'm at my wit's end trying to install windows 8. Let me start at the beginning: I used to have windows running on my Mac Pro ssd internal 8.1, installed via bootcamp. It worked well for a while, and then refused to start, gives me a blue screen KERNEL_SECURITY_CHECK_FAILURE. Despite some advice from lonely T, I was unable to fix and ended up wiping the partition and relocation, again via bootcamp. Yet once again, it worked for a few months, then the same problem. I made this one last time, and it only lasted 2 days... So I gave bootcamp.

    I think that the hybrid MBR partition scheme that implements bootcamp is the culprit, but I don't really have evidence to substantiate this claim. In any case, I tried to install windows in EFI mode. (If I understand correctly, the hybrid MBR is set up to allow windows to install in legacy BIOS mode, but that windows 8 may now install efi, which supports my Mac Pro mode.) My Mac is the new Mac Pro (end of 2013, trash in shape), and I can say short UEFI 2.0 (I have the latest efi update from apple installed).

    The method I'm trying:

    1. create a new partition in HFS + on my external drive using disk utility. The drive has now it's efi partition and partition empty 750Go I want to install windows a 1.25 TB storage partition that I use with my mac. It has a GPT. I formatted HFS + and no FAT, because I think that disk utility creates the same hybrid-MBR as training camp every time a FAT partition is created.

    2. use gdisk to confirm that the disc does not have a hybrid-MBR. (sudo/dev/disk1 gdisk watch MBR: protection)

    3 restart my mac and hold the possibility to put in place to bring up the boot efi menu.

    4. Select the EFI_Boot DVD icon (that's the windows 8 install dvd that I have in my superdrive USB drive)

    5. go in the menus of the disk selection screen installation and delete the partition in HFS +, I created to install windows on (the format option is not available)

    6. now select "Unallocated space" on the good drive and click Next.

    The problem:

    Partitioning seems to go ok (there is no feedback on this basis, but it proceeds to the next screen, and all new partitions expected are there if I check diskutil list later). He said it is "copy of windows files", but then stops with the error "Windows has no prepare the computer to start the next phase of the installation." To install Windows, restart the installation. "If I restart, I can start the same process all over again and get the same result.

    The Question:

    How I get this error and get windows install?

    Extra pieces:

    • The first time it happened I assumed it was the new sip / thing "without roots" in El Capitan, causing problems, then I disabled, but I still get the same error.
    • After reviewing the diskutil list output after one of installs it without success, I found that a labeled EFI partition has been created after my storage partition (the original efi partition was still there in the upper part of the disc).
    • I have windows 8.1 installed now bootcamp on my internal ssd. It was planned to use it and winToUSB to put windows on my crush, but I found that it only works with usb2. I do not have installed could cause problems with the installation on another disk.
    • Before say you I can't run windows on an external, yes you can, and many people have. I read windows sees thunderbolt internal disks.
    • I read a few other posts on this and other sites on this problem, but could not find a pertitnant solution to my situation. I found one that suggested to remove the efi on my disk partition, but that seemed like a bad idea, so I didn't try.
    • I write this at 1 in the morning after a day spent in front of the computer trying to get this working, so please excuse typos typing or other. I am pleased to provide you with any pertinant information helping you will help me.
    • Thank you!

    The other thing I tried also almost succeeded:

    Although I prefer to get the method above works, because it seems the most promising, is something else, I've tried that I thought worth mentioning. If you offer advice pertaining to this method rather than the above, I would appreciate it if you could explicitly declare that at the top of your answer. Thank you.

    I tried to install windows on the physical disk using vmware and virtual box. The instrutctions I followed for this can be found here: (the only thing different, it's because it's on an external drive, I created the Fat 32 partition manually using disk utility). The first time (using vmware) installation seems to go off without a hitch, but I couldn't get my computer to see the windows partition as bootable with the boot efi menu hold-option regular refined or with system preferences-> startup disk. I think that I was using always inadvertently a hybrid-MBR at this stage. I tried to repeat this new beginning with the first two steps above to avoid the hybrid-MBR. But now when I try to create the virtual machine based on the gross vmdk, it starts to copy the files then says not sufficient permissions and fails. I don't know if it's a permission with the disk or the hard problem. I tried chmod 777 and chown $USER of the vmdk disk (/ dev/disk1s3) does not.

    Wow, that was a long post...

    1. when a second drive is detected by the Windows Setup program, he wants to create his own brand of EFI (104 MB) and not to mess with the Mac EFI (200 MB). You can force it to use the EFI to the Mac using Diskpart commands.

    2 instead of HFS/FAT32, create a piece of 750 GB free space and it should only get a new MSR/MSD, without the part of EFI.

    3. on your VM method, the link you have is quite old. You have a MP 2013, with references to the 2010 Mac alumni and is a bit too archaic to be useful. hout-optical-car-or - usb.1836959 / #post... seems to work for many and can be useful for a test. It also uses Winclone.

    4. you can also try html .

  • WS 2012 and NAS backup failed to prepare the backup image


    I'm trying to back up some of my data to Windows server 2012. I am using LG - 250GL Buffalo NAS.

    I use the scheduled backup option, but it is unable to prepare the backup image, error code is "0x807800C5", event id 517."

    However, if I rename my folder name, and then it creates the folder and with successful backup my data, only problem is that it is said version is not compatible. Once again, if I change the name of the folder, it's OK, but I can't do that everyday manually, everything save automatically at certain time.

    I tried to find a solution, but nothing works.

    Maybe my NAS is a bit too old and is not compatible with the version of 2012.

    What are my options? Should I buy new SIN or is it fixable somehow?

    This issue is beyond the scope of this site (for consumers) and to be sure, you get the best (and fastest) reply, we have to ask either on Technet (for IT Pro) or MSDN (for developers)

    If you give us a link to the new thread we can point to some resources it
  • My HP Photosmart Premium is saying "preparing the printer can not be interrupted. Please wait... "What is happening?

    My HP Photosmart Premium is saying "preparing the printer can not be interrupted.  Please wait... "What is happening?

    HP support


    I know that maybe it's a little late to come and see this post was several months ago, but I had the same problem.

    I ended up turning off the machine and opening printer and check the ink cartridges (I had seen just to find the part number for a new cartridge).  I found that the blue cover which snaps into place on the ink cartridges was broken not closed completely.  This has caused the printer constantly tries to go into maintenance mode, but it could never align cartridges.  She also told me that there is a paper jam, even when there is no paper in the machine.  I even let the maintenance run all night without success.

    Once the cartridges have been broken in place and the blue cover has been fully guaranteed, the printer worked.

    above compositions of this thread:

  • Netflix in Media Center returns a 'there was a problem of data recovery. "Check the works of your internet connection and try again" error instead of loading Netflix data.

    context: a previous thread with an identical title never responded, the problem just disappeared.  Well its been two weeks since then and the problem came back.

    somethings which may or may not apply: internet TV seems to work better in media center.  All updates have been applied to H.P. of Vista SP2. Netflix works fine in ie8 (such as the internet, of course). Tried to delete all the Internet Options, delete browsing history section of Internet Explorer. I get the same error message with my windows 7 professional media center, but netflix seems to play anyway (no game with vista). I recently installed quicktime alternative 2.72 to see what it was and how it worked, then removed and put back in quicktime.

    Tried / symptoms:

    -Remove all the browsing history (econcepts)
    -Same message on Win7pro but works even when (econcepts)
    -Works on Win7 no problem (omegafiler)
    -Works in ie 8 (econcepts)
    -Works in crome (Martin TX)
    -Consensus is that it started around December 30, 2009 (GeoffG1, johnetX, me)
    -Remove and reinstall silverlight (omegafiler)
    -Remove and replace netflix plugin (omegafiler)<- how="" did="" you="" do="" that="">
    -Netflix says: microsoft problem (Nitestalker)
    -Microsoft is silent (this thread - on vacation?)
    -Same problem on 32-bit and 64-bit VMC (JRSMiamiFL)
    -No applied update (johnetx)<- perhaps="" date="" related="" or="" drm="" date="">
    -Disconnect from netflix, you reconnect again - ultimately the same error (chicagokiwi)
    -Tried to reduce the number of items in the queues to well below the limit of 200 (econcepts)
    -Tried the register / unregister the third wire procedure, no joy (does not break anything else however)
    -Disabled the firewall, no change (econcepts)

    related topics:

    Someone else knows Netflix not being is not able to connect?  It started yesterday (30/12/2009) for me.  I looked fine the day before without problem.  The message I get says "there was a problem of data recovery.  Check the works of your internet connection and try again. Ok.  I make it work with both my VMC - one with the service pack and the other without.  My OS updates have been loaded in early December, so I don't see how this could it be.  I searched and found this problem has come up before, but I have not found a solution.  I made NO changes to my HTPC.

    Those who have and solved this problem.


    2009-01-05 has attempted to start Netflix this morning and you know, it works on both my VMCs.  That's the good news.  So now the real questions are:

    Only 20 people reported it as a problem and only 6 on the green button.  I believe that it affected all the world with Media Center.  So why not discussed much?

    It already happened, causes a stir and silently slips without known cause or cure.  How can we find out what caused this and how to prevent it from happening again in the future?


  • 'Prepare the empty disc' when I insert a CD or DVD

    When I insert any type of disc in my CD/DVD drive, he invites me to "prepare the empty drive. I can't find a solution that actually works. Help!


    Hi Diane,

    1 have had any changes made to your computer before this problem?

    2. did you recently install a service pack in Vista computer or update the drivers?

    3. you try to burn a CD/DVD?

    Perform the following methods and check if it helps.

    Method 1:

    Please run the difficulty of following article and check if that helps.

    Your CD or DVD drive cannot read or write media

    Method 2:

    You can read the following article to see what might cause this problem.

    When you insert a CD or a DVD, Windows Vista may not recognize the disc

    If you had recently upgraded the computer to the Vista operating system or install the Service Packs, then try the steps as described in the following article.

    The CD drive or the DVD drive does not work as expected on a computer that you upgraded to Windows Vista

    Important: This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems can occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you proceed with caution. For added protection, back up the registry before you edit it. Then you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, click on the number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

    How to back up and restore the registry in Windows  

    Hope this information is useful.

  • Windows didn't prepare the computer to start the next phase of installation

    Hey I get the error "windows has no prepare the computer to start the next phase of installation" during the installation of vista and Windows 7, I use xp professional I would like to mention that a few days ago, I company vista works well, so I thought I should update to the win 7 but since that day I have my receive this error message and also I could not install vista  , the specifications of the system are: optima PC with motherboard 2.8 GHz intel and intel 865GLC inside the processor 2.8 GHz, 1 GB ram, 160 GB HDD
    PLEASE please help me I lost so much time, but all in vain :(: @.
    I also tried msconfig utility chkdsk, but she shows that its fine and also unplugged all other additional devices in the connection only the mouse and keybard but no American (e):


    These are forums for vista for home pc users

    you use enterprise

    Try the vista it pro forums

  • New HP 2132 printer does not print anything in or created by the Works word processor.

    For two weeks now, I tried to get my new HP 2132 printer to print.  I have a Windows 7 running and used a HP printer before without any problem.  I get the message that the computer and the printer are not communicating.  I tried all kinds of help and programs of difficulty but nothing works.  Does anyone have any suggestions.  Thank you.


    Please contact Microsoft Community.

    I understand that you are facing the issue on the printer.

    I will definitely help you with this.

    Please provide the information below.

    1. What is the exact error message you are getting?

    2. don't you make changes to the pc before that?

    3. which document you want to print?

    4. have you tried any other document to print?

    5 are you facing the question on any specific document?

    I suggest you go through the below methods:

    Method 1: Try to run the printer Troubleshooter:

    1. Press WINDOWS + R.

    2. Type of Panel, and press ENTER.

    3. Click on troubleshooting.

    4. Click hardware and sound.

    5. Click printer.

    Method 2: Try the clean boot:

    A clean boot is executed to start Windows by using a minimal set of drivers and startup programs. This will eliminate the conflicts of software that occur when you install a program or an update or when you run a program in 8.1 of Windows, Windows 8, Windows 7, or Windows Vista. You can also troubleshoot or determine what conflict is causing the problem by performing a clean boot.

    How to perform a clean boot in Windows

    Note: See "how to reset the computer to start normally after a boot minimum troubleshooting" to prepare the computer to start as usual after a repair.

    I hope this helps. Please post back with the State of the question and we will be happy to help you further.

  • WMP copy the work even on hundreds of albums


    I just bought and torn Marina & album The Family Jewels diamonds.

    It was not recognized by WMP, or rather, that it has not been properly recognized as the album of jewels of Chieli Minucci. So I came home all song names manually in 'Finding information', found the correct application on the web, and right click 'Paste album art' on the fake picture. That has worked, but then WMP has started to implement this Chieli Minucci on dozens of albums in my library, or overwrite an existing work, or to make this work on albums with no work.

    This behavior already happened once, last year with 2 different albums, on a system Vista with WMP11 or 12, can't remember, now it happens again, probably under the same steps to repro, so I think it's bug still present in WMP12, probably related to this feature to 'Find info', because I edit dozens of names of the song or replaced directly album art in the library WMP, apart from this feature 'Finding information' without any problem.

    This has happened on most of my CD with no work or work that I copied manually. My setting to "Retrieve additional information from the Internet" is the default value 'Only add missing information', I turned off the setting of recovery as soon as I noticed this problem, but it seems that most of this work already propagated itself like a virus on 199 albums, so I reset it back as it was. A lot of classical music boxsets are particularly affected.

    Anyone experienced the same number, or can repro it? Now I need to delete all the 4 files incorrect work by album of close to 200 albums, I can do it with a little script, but I don't know if there are other registry keys, or else I should delete. And I also want to make sure that Microsoft corrects this destructive behavior.

    System: Windows 7 x 64 Ultimate + WMP 12.0.7600.16415

    Edit 1:

    I think I know why this bug occurs, it seems that the albums that are not recognized by the online database are assigned a null GUID:

    Somehow, when you manually change the information of the album and the work, the incorrect database online is assigned to all the albums in your library that have already a null GUID, think that all of these 199 different albums are actually the same!

    All artwork crushed have names such as file AlbumArt_ {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} _large.jpg.
    As far as I can do it, here is 199 albums for which I pasted work manually, using WMP "Pockets of dough" standard feature. Some were in my library for the month and was removed when I replaced one after you change the names of the songs via the function "Find album info", which I'll never use again.

    This is a serious bug in WMP which should get fixed as soon as POSSIBLE, each album must have a unique GUID and must never use a null.

    Here are more details on the steps of reproduction:
    -J' inserted the CD mentioned above in the CD with WMP player on rip automatically when inserting
    -All the tracks on the CD got torn, but with a different artist, album, information of the work
    -J' opened 'find info"to see if I could find the correct album information
    -No luck, then I entered the song names manually in this same dialog box
    -Back in the library, I selected all the songs and the artist name game properly and the artist contributing empty
    -J' copied the correct work on the web ( to the Clipboard
    -J' clicked "Dough pockets" to replace the incorrect work
    -J' got an error message indicating that one of the song was in use so stick would not work, but it seemed to work even when
    -J' noticed that art had white stripes at the top and at the bottom, so I removed the in MS Paint, which makes the work perfectly square
    -J' copied the fixed work of MS Paint and paste again in WMP

    Result: WMP has replaced all my work manually selected with an image completely out of words of another artist and album.

    Edit 2:

    I have no idea what WMP does with this work, now I have 2 additional jpg in my file of the album:

    8 649 AlbumArtSmall.jpg
    File 30 309 AlbumArt_ {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} _Large.jpg
    8 649 AlbumArt_ {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} _Small.jpg
    File 7 107 AlbumArt_ {1CAEDEDE-A93E-42F6-8194-78E868FFC53B} _Large.jpg
    1 945 AlbumArt_ {1CAEDEDE-A93E-42F6-8194-78E868FFC53B} _Small.jpg

    30 309 Folder.jpg

    Jpg 2 files in bold with GUID not null are bad, the other 4 are those that were created when I used the function "Paste album art" WMP.

    I deleted all the 6 files and reused 'Paste album art' and got the same 4 files with null GUIDS like the first time:

    8 631 AlbumArtSmall.jpg
    File 30 129 AlbumArt_ {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} _Large.jpg
    8 631 AlbumArt_ {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} _Small.jpg
    30 129 Folder.jpg

    Well, almost the same, folder.jpg seems to have lost some bits between copy & paste.

    I'm sure only a few hours, will WMP 'Retrieve additional information from the Internet', i.e. copy again 2 Chieli Minucci non-null GUID JPGs on my album Marina & The Diamonds.

    Am I bad luck? All MS trying to repro this

    Edit 3:

    Before I deleted all these great AlbumArt_ {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} | Small.jpg files, I kept a dozen and fact the following:

    -On the first album, use 'Find info', it is a good album with illustrations

    -J' deleted all JPGs of the album and used "update the album information.


    -All other albums with null GUIDS have been updated with the work of this first album. Not sure if it happened after the first or second stage.

    My question is: How did I get these works GUID null in the first place? I never created these files manually, but still using the "Pockets of dough" function regular WMP. WMP should never allow to create these null GUID, the purpose behind GUID is that they are "unique in the world."

    Correction of the information earlier: I got 199 albums with the work of Chieli Minucci even, but I also had 124 albums with good work manually copied and pasted but assigned the GUID null on top. The second step in this post has reset many of them to the work of the first step. In total, it's 323 carefully created albums I've lost or who will no doubt be crushed by WMP at some stage.

    (I moved all the separate modifications in this single ticket because obviously posts prevent people from answering the initial question MS).

    Hi Chimel,

    Check the settings of the library in windows media player. Steps to follow:

    i. open Windows media player

    II. click on organize

    III. Select Options, select the Library tab

    IV. in the title of the newsletters of automatic support for files

    v. Select only adds the missing information

    VI. and uncheck then to retrieve additional information on internet

    If you think this is a bug in Windows Media Player, you can report it by using the link given:

    Thank you, and in what concerns:

    Samhrutha G S - Microsoft technical support.

    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

  • I get an error message when the computer starts, "failed to prepare the critical file! Engine out of Chameleon.

    I have a laptop Asus N53Jq, 16 GB, 224 GB ssd, I get an error message when the computer starts, "failed to prepare the critical file! Engine out of Chameleon"when I click the computer works fine, but it seems that she was taking more resources without doing me anything. Do know how to solve this problem.

    Original title: Chameleon engine

    I uninstalled ASUS Splendid Video Enhancement Technology to my computer and it solved the problem!

  • What is the controller of xbox to microsoft for the work of the PC with windows 8?

    What is the controller of xbox to microsoft for the work of the PC with windows 8?


    Do you use a wired or wireless Xbox controller?

    Yes, you can connect Xbox controller to Windows 8. I suggest you return the item if you use wired Xbox Controller and check if it helps.

    Connect an Xbox 360 wired controller to your computer

    If you use wireless, please refer to the article for more information.

    Set up your Xbox 360 for Windows controller

    Hope this information helps. Answer the post with an up-to-date issue report to help you further.

  • LR6 cannot prepare the Image file to use w / plugins or other publishers

    After having transferred my files DNG image LR6 on the drive internal of my Mac on an external hard drive, I am unable to use plug-ins or other image editors, like NIK plug ins or publishers of PS or affinity I used before. I did not move the image files using the operating system but don't have in LR drag - move my photos from my internal HD file to a new pictures folder configured in an HD external, made it in the Panel LR folders on the left side of the screen of the library. Now, when I try to use any plug in NIK or another editor, I get the following message appears:

    "Lightroom could not prepare the file selected to Volumes/G-DRIVE/JTO LR6 Photos/2016/2016-01-03/1601_untitled_570.DNG for editing. It will not open. "The same message for image files I select for use in my plug ins or other publishers.

    After that I moved the files to the new drive, in the library toolbar I also clicked on the options to find all records of missing persons and to validate DNG files. All him remains checked & seems to work as it should.  I also determined that I have on the new external drive write permissions by reviewing it in the window read the information.  Adobe LR online support also suggested remove my files of preference LR that slowed now on LR.  Can someone figure this or help me do?

    I'm not certain how or when I had actually these problems solved, but after reset files preferably twice & install the upgrade to LR6.6 & Optimizing my catalog & restarting the Mac after each of these actions, I am now able to use the function "change in" in the toolbar pictures to access all of my NIK plug ins & my external editors (Photoshop CS5 & affinity Photo). In the middle of all this that I started also encounter behavior very slow & erratic LR, as well as the inability to recognize & load images of my folders in the library, which forced me force leave once.  If at this point, I'll just keep my fingers crossed & exploit!

  • Cannot configure the fields to fill in Mode "to prepare the form." Please help :)

    Hello Adobe community.

    Here is a video link to explain my problem, there is also some text below explaining my problem too:

    Questions of implementation of the fields to fill in Adobe Acrobat.webm - Google Drive

    Last week I published a PDF file in Acrobat and added to fill fields... everything worked very well.

    This week, I'm doing the same thing.

    -J' open the PDF file in Adobe Acrobat (CC)

    -I'm going to "prepare the form."

    -J' I 'add a text field.

    * Now at this stage, everything worked fine. But now... I add the text field and I can't change it at all. I can't resize the text box, select it, nothing. I can even add a default in its properties, and nothing will be displayed. What is going on? I tried troubleshooting this online and I can't find an answer. In addition, I just did this last week, so I know it's possible lol.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated

    Levi Koenig

    It is a strange...

    First of all, thanks for the video, it's so much easier to understand what is happening when I see how things do not work.

    From what I see, I guess that it is something that is specific to this particular document. Have you tried to add form fields to a whole new document? You can do by ensuring that no other document is open in Acrobat, then Cmd-Shift-T to create a new document with a blank page in it. Now select Tools > prepared form - because this is a new document that was never recorded, Acrobat invites you to save it. Once registered, try to add a form field. It work? The form field is the way that you expect it to behave?

    If this isn't the case, then it is very likely that there is something wrong with the installation of Acrobat. The first thing I would try is to select help > check updates, make sure that you are running the latest version of Acrobat DC. If this does not help, I uninstall Acrobat and install again a new download. You can download Acrobat here: download Pro or Standard versions of Acrobat DC, XI or X

    If the problem is specific to your document, we will know why this is. It is possible that the document is corrupt. There are several ways you can try to recover from some alterations: the first thing I would try is to do a "save under" to save a new file name. Does it work or you get an error message? If you can save as a new file, the new file shows the same problems? If so, then try to extract just one page in a new document. To do this, open the thumbnail on the left, then select the page, right-click and select Extract page. This sill to create a new document with just one page in there, save it and try again.

    If you are still not able to add form fields that behave properly, it gets a bit more complex. How was the file created? Application used to create the original file and what application was used to save the file as a PDF file? Would you be able to share this file?

  • InDesign test obsolete unable to access the work unable to buy as said buy unavailable


    I started working on trial design in the hope of buying it when it expired and continue my work. However, to my horror when I try to buy it, it says not available for purchase in Sri Lanka as I am currently in Sri lanka, although I live in Sydney. Only after the expiry of the test I found that InDesign is not available for purchase in Sri Lanka. I tried for more than a week. I can't access the work that I did and now my deadline is near, I need to present the report. Within this week, can help you pls by extending at least from the trial. It's not my fault if I can't buy it here.

    Help, please! Would really appreciate your help. If I can at least access my folder, it will be ok I can finish it in another application.

    Unfortunately, we can not help you in a public forum. You will need to contact Adobe support by chat or by phone. Make sure that you are connected to your identification code Adobe click on the blue link:

    Contact the customer service

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