Purchase error

I recently bought a bunch of legendary in the game 'Summoners war' and I have not received it and always charged. can I get a refund please? Thank you

Use the State of a link problem in reception of the e-mail that you received, or you can go to http://reportaproblem.apple.com

Tags: iTunes

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    Tests repeatedly passwords is not what looks like someone trying to penetrate your Apple ID and to steal some bank or credit card is linked to your account.

    If the iforgot.apple.com sequence does not work, please contact Apple Support people.

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    Hello, follow the instructions, If you can not connect to the iTunes Store - Apple Support

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    Have you contacted the developer of the application? What they responded with? If they cannot / will not help try to contact iTunes Support: http://reportaproblem.apple.com or https://www.apple.com/emea/support/itunes/contact.html

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    Difficult to provide assistance that you don't say what the error message. If this is contact iTunes support while you did (they are from user to user forums)? Otherwise:

    -go to http://www.apple.com/support/itunes/ww

    -Click on the flag of your country

    -Click on the Contact Support at the bottom of the left column

    -Click Support Contact iTunes Store on the right side of the page

    Or use this form: https://www.apple.com/emea/support/itunes/contact.html

    If it's something...?

  • In-App purchase issue

    While the investigation into the issue of images do not hit any fly/scrolling in a Webview (http://supportforums.blackberry.com/t5/Native-Development/Issue-With-Scrolling-Images-In-Webview/m-p...) I came across the question if a user buys my in-app purchase then removes the application and reinstall the in-app purchase did not work.

    First of all, in-app purchase is to remove the ads - it does that very well, but when the application is removed and reinstalled ads appear once more and I don't want to force consumers to pay twice, so I really need to get this fixed number as it is preventing me to release an update of my application.

    I'm working out of this example: http://supportforums.blackberry.com/t5/Native-Development/Sample-Removing-In-App-Ads/m-p/2783323/hig... and have used it to create buying app for my application.

    Here's my source, my main.qml of my application file code:

    import bb.cascades 1.0
    import bb.platform 1.0
    import com.sample.payment 1.0
    TabbedPane {
        id: tabbedPane
        property variant payment
        Menu.definition: MenuDefinition {
            id: appMenu
            actions: [
                ActionItem {
                    title: "About"
                    imageSource: "asset:///IMG/ic_info.png"
                    onTriggered: {
                ActionItem {
                    title: "Contact Us"
                    imageSource: "asset:///IMG/ic_email.png"
                    onTriggered: {
                        emailInvocation.query.uri = "mailto:[email protected]?subject=Shopping For eBay App: Contact"
                ActionItem {
                    id: upgradeAction
                    title: "Remove Ads"
                    imageSource: "asset:///IMG/ic_clear_list.png"
                    onTriggered: {
                        if (tabbedPane.payment) {
                            /* replace the values in quotes "" below with the values from
                             * your vendor account for this application's add-on. */
                            payment.mPaymentControl.pid = "{REMOVED}"
                            payment.mPaymentControl.sku = "{REMOVED}"
                            payment.mPaymentControl.name = "Remove Ads"
                            payment.mPaymentControl.metadata = "Purchasing this will remove the adverts!"
                            payment.mPaymentControl.getPrice(payment.mPaymentControl.pid, payment.mPaymentControl.sku);
                            payment.mPaymentControl.purchase(payment.mPaymentControl.pid, payment.mPaymentControl.sku, payment.mPaymentControl.name, payment.mPaymentControl.metadata)
                    attachedObjects: [
                        // Definition to hold the PaymentControl so it is only created when neccesary
                        ComponentDefinition {
                            id: paymentdef
                            Container {
                                id: payContainer
                                onCreationCompleted: {
                                    console.log("Payment Definition Created - Checking for Existing Purchases")
                                property alias mPaymentControl: paymentControl
                                attachedObjects: [
                                    PaymentServiceControl {
                                        id: paymentControl
                                        property string pid
                                        property string sku
                                        property string name
                                        property string metadata
                                        // Play receipt animation on purchase response
                                        onPurchaseResponseSuccess: {
                                            cpp.saveValueFor("removedAds", "23");
                                            root.removedAds = 23;
                                            console.log("purchaseResponse - " + receiptString)
                                        onInfoResponseError: {
                                            console.log("Purchase Error - " + errorCode + " - " + errorText)
                                        onExistingPurchasesResponseSuccess: {
                                            if (receiptsString == "(No purchases)") {
                                                console.log("existing unable to find receipt")
                                            } else {
                                                console.log("existing receiptString - " + receiptsString)
                                                cpp.saveValueFor("removedAds", "23");
                                                root.removedAds = 23;
                                            console.log("existingPurchaseResponse Success - " + receiptsString)
                ActionItem {
                    title: "Share App"
                    imageSource: "asset:///IMG/ic_share.png"
                    onTriggered: {
                ActionItem {
                    title: "More Apps"
                    imageSource: "asset:///IMG/ic_buy.png"
                    onTriggered: {
            attachedObjects: [
                Sheet {
                    id: aboutSheet
                    About {
                Invocation {
                    id: invokeShare
                    query {
                        mimeType: "text/plain"
                        data: qsTr("Get your shopping done easily on your #BlackBerry10 with 'Shopping For eBay'; check it out in @BlackBerry World: http://appworld.blackberry.com/webstore/content/35964888/")
                        invokeActionId: "bb.action.SHARE"
                Invocation {
                    id: invokebb
                    query {
                        mimeType: "text/html"
                        uri: "appworld://vendor/64825/"
                        invokeActionId: "bb.action.OPEN"
                Invocation {
                    id: emailInvocation
                    query.mimeType: "text/plain"
                    query.invokeTargetId: "sys.pim.uib.email.hybridcomposer"
                    query.invokeActionId: "bb.action.SENDEMAIL"
                    onArmed: {
        showTabsOnActionBar: false
        Tab {
            title: qsTr("Home") + Retranslate.onLocaleOrLanguageChanged
            imageSource: "IMG/101.Home.png"
            NavigationPane {
                id: navigationPane0
                Page {
                    onCreationCompleted: {
                        root.removedAds = parseInt(cpp.getValueFor("removedAds", ""))
                        if (root.removedAds != 23) {
                            tabbedPane.payment = paymentdef.createObject(navigationPane0);
                        } else {
                            console.log("Not Creating Payment Definition, User has Already Paid To Remove Ads")
                    id: page1
                    //actionBar actions
                    //Title bar
                    Container {
                        id: root
                        property int removedAds
                        onRemovedAdsChanged: {
                            if (removedAds == 23) {
                                myAds.visible = false
                                myAds2.visible = false
                        Container {
                            id: myAds
                            horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                            layout: StackLayout {
                            MyAds {
                                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                                topPadding: 15.0
                        Container {
                            layout: DockLayout {
                            // To enable scrolling in the WebView, it is put inside a ScrollView.
                            ScrollView {
                                id: scrollView
                                scrollViewProperties.overScrollEffectMode: OverScrollEffectMode.None
                                // We let the scroll view scroll in both x and y and enable zooming,
                                // max and min content zoom property is set in the WebViews onMinContentScaleChanged
                                // and onMaxContentScaleChanged signal handlers.
                                scrollViewProperties {
                                    scrollMode: ScrollMode.Vertical
                                    pinchToZoomEnabled: true
                            } // ScrollView// A progress indicator that is used to show the loading status
                            Container {
                                bottomPadding: 25
                                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Bottom
                                ProgressIndicator {
                                    id: progressIndicator
                                    opacity: 0.0
                    } // End of container
        } //End of first tab
    } //End of tabbedPane

    Any help and advice in this regard would be greatly appricated.

    Thanks in advance!

    If you test using a sandbox past purchases account cannot be restored. Purchases made with a sandbox account did not get connected to the server, so if you try to restore (ex after you remove and then re - install the app even) then no purchase will be returned.

    You can test your rollback logic with purchases in the same session of the app: open the app, make a purchase, try a restore, all this without closing the application.

    The only other option would be to remove your account from the sandbox and try buying using real $$

  • "Application not to sell" buy error when virtual goods buying

    My request was released on BlackBerry World right now. When I use my sandbox account to purchase an item from downloaded app BlackBerry World, everything works fine. Similarly, when I use the Test of PaymentManager mode when debugging a version installed locally to the application, everything works also. However, the non-sandbox in-app-purchase a version of BlackBerry World app does not work. I get a "Purchase error" dialog box with the text: "Application not for sale." My page of virtual goods of the application on the supplier portal lists as being Up For Sale, as it has been for the last 3 days.  All references and IDs are certainly right. I'm confused because I got in before work for other applications app purchases, and sandbox sand/test modes work.

    Has anyone encountered this error? It's maybe a configuration problem?

    Your new property should be approved now. Could you test these out and let me know how they work?

    To test you can download a new version of the app in the project, install via the sandbox, then remove your email list of bac BBID to sand and try to make a purchase.

  • Problem to purchase digital goods

    Buy a good digital camera of my application, the payment is processed and transaction goes through (they pay).

    getItemState() returns NO_VALUE_SET after the purchase is complete, then the user is not upgraded to the full version.

    Fortunately, it checks purchases before attempting to buy so they can try to buy again and it will unlock the full version.

    I expect him back Purchase.OWNED once the transaction is complete and if so I unlock the appropriate features, but it does not return never POSSESSED.

    Purchase purchase = null;

    Buy = pEngine.purchase (arguments.build ());

    I have all this surrounded in try and catch clauses, but no exception is thrown. And directly after the last shot, I have the cheque (if purchase.getItemState () is Purchase.OWNED) {//unlock full version} and ElseIf {purchase.getItemState () == Purchase.NO_VALUE_SET) {//report a purchase error}}

    Of course they get the error generic purchase from me, and yet they get the receipt for the RIM.

    That doesn't seem like a bug, I expect the State of the item to include in the response, but the flow of your cheque seems out of what is expected. The purchase() method throws an exception if the payment attempt falls down, so you don't need to check the status of the purchase, the PurchaseResult features include an isSuccessful() method if you need confirmation of the success of the purchase.

    The Purchase.itemState can be used if the retrieval of a list of history items App World to the user previously purchased but really is not necessary in this case. It would also be that this value is not set as the State is still evolving at the time, the result is passed to you.

  • Payment Service weird problem

    Hi all

    I have an app freemium allowing users to unlock features Premium/Pro . I tried coding based on the tutorial on the docs of stunts on the payment Service.

    The problem is, I get the error code long of the answer-> errorCode();

    the code was 141004048

    Here is my code:

    void PurchasePage::purchase()
        paymentManager = new PaymentManager(this);
        // Get the window group ID and pass it to the PaymentManager instance.    const QString windowGroupId =Application::instance()->mainWindow()->groupId();    paymentManager->setWindowGroupId(windowGroupId);    //Request a purchase using the ID and SKU of the digital good.
        const PurchaseReply *purchaseReply = paymentManager->requestPurchase("244779xx", "ProVersion");
        // Connect the finished() signal to a slot to handle the purchase.
        QObject::connect(purchaseReply, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(handlePurchase()));
    void PurchasePage::handlePurchase()
        PurchaseReply *reply = qobject_cast(sender());
        // Check to see if the request finished.
        if (reply->isFinished())
            //if there were errors.
            if (reply->isError())
                showDialog("Purchase Error",QString::number(reply->errorCode())+"\n"+reply->errorText());
            else//if there were no errors.
                QString successString="Pro version is now activated.";
                showDialog("Purchase Succeed",successString);
                //set statusLabel text to Activated
            if (reply->isError())
                showDialog("Purchase Error",QString::number(reply->errorCode())+"\n"+reply->errorText());

    How the app has been installed on the device (side loading, downloaded via the dev mode BlackBerry World etc.)?

    Never error code change? Or is it always 141004048?

    Also, looking at your code, it seems the app instantiates a new PaymentManager each time a purchase is made, you must have an instance of this, the call to purchase() should deal only with the logic of purchase requisition.

  • Restore the problem buying existing in BlackBerry PlayBook

    How to test the restore option or get existing-app purchases in playbook in sandbox mode.

    He always goes in GetExistingPurchaseError, because according to the guidelines of this blog

    the sanbox has no record of actual transactions. So, how do we test our application?

    Tests in-app purchases is very week on BB10/PlayBook. You essentially take on faith that it works. You would think it wouldn't be too hard to allow the sandbox take actual transactions that do not get actually registered with the credit card company. Especially since RIM is really eager to make us in-app purchases.

  • BlackBerry smartphones can not get Livestrong on the new phone.

    First step: right here go us... go a Pearl of blackberry replacement and want to get the livestrong on this calorie counter.  Already purchased through paypal with my old phone in June.  On my new phone go to My App World, he's not here, there, I'm told to 'log in' and I'll be able to re-download it.  When I try to "log in" to paypal from my app world I get an error message that says: 'impossible to authenticate at this time, please try again later '.  I tried for three days.  I go to my computer, log on to PayPal without problem and see if I bought livestrong in June 09.

    Second step: so I don't think, no big deal, I can buy this new... it's only $2.99.  When I try to make I get an error message that says "you already bought this app, go to 'My world' and choose connect from the menu to reconcile your purchase (error id: 20304).»

    Third step: of course I do, and the first step happens all over again...

    How can I get the livestrong app yet? !!  Help, I used to love my blackberry, but I "lose that Lovin' feeling!

    Now, there is a problem with your Paypal account that you not to use it to connect to AppWorld. I understand that you can connect to your Paypal account using a computer, but not enough. You must ensure that each account into your paypal account works fine. For example, if you leave an old credit card that has expired, does not prevent you to use Paypal, but prevent you from connect to AppWorld.

    Thank YOU, you were right.  I signed in to Pay - Pal on my computer and discovered that you must add to your mobile phone and then activated.  You go to profile and add/EDIT a phone.  You will need to activate it!  I added my mobile!

    After I log into 'my world' and it worked!  God bless you.

    Two weeks of the trial, of many phone calls and e-mails to blackberry, verizon, paypal.  And none of them could tell me the answer.    YOU ARE THE GREATEST!

  • How to recover a deleted application BlackBerry Smartphones.

    I downloaded an app free, loved and bought the upgrade.  I wanted to delete the free my BB and managed to remove both versions.  How to recover the deleted application?  I tried to buy it (only $. 99), but told me that I have already subscribed and I go to 'My World' and use the menu to refresh my purchase (error Id: 30222).  The watch icon is no longer in 'My World'.

    Any suggestions?  Thank you

    Hi and welcome to the Forums!

    Here's a knockout who deals with this error:

    • KB25433"error ID: 30222" is received when you try to download an already purchased app or theme that is no longer in BlackBerry App World

    I hope that it contains something useful!

    Good luck and let us know!

  • Issue of DPS for the owners of Master's Collection

    I own the Master Collection and am not subscribe the creative cloud at the moment.

    My school has a much easier time financially in one-time costs (licenses) rather than the (continued) subscription monthly models.

    For this reason, I am interested in DPS however not in the creative cloud.

    I had a bear of a time to discover all information about non - Creative Cloud DPS pricing.

    I feel a real push from Adobe for the creative cloud when it comes to DPS.

    I am interested based on WHAT DPS classroom with about 40 computers, all under license at the Web and Design Premium.

    If possible, I would be grateful for the pricing for Professional licenses and Enterprise for DPS.

    In addition, if someone could explain the differences, as well as fees for downloading applications for review and distribution by Apple, it would be wonderful.

    Thanks in advance for any help, be kind and readers of the forum well informed or Adobe - staff


    First let me be clear... I do not work for Adobe, but I'll try to help the

    better than I can.

    I will immediately say the bat, I think you did a full purchase error

    licenses instead of creative cloud. Rates education on CC is only

    $19.99 / month and includes unlimited DPS simple editing apps.

    Of the road, you have everything you need already up til the

    publishing point.

    1. for simple editing, you will need to purchase a serial number for each application

    you intend to submit to Apple. I don't think that there is academic prices

    on this and it is $ 395 each.

    2. single Edition requires no additional cost to Adobe, but you will need

    Apple Developer account ($ 99 / year)

    3. There is absolutely no assurance that Apple approves your app.

    As a clarification, simple editing is one totally independent

    approx. Multi folio apps that may contain more than one question, it will take

    at least a professional account. My usual analogy is to think of a

    simple editing as a hardcover book and multi app like a ring of three folio

    binder that begins when empty and can then be filled with content.

    Finally, internal exams or tests can be made using Adobe

    Content Viewer for no cost at all.


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    We are just other users like you, and we can not help with this problem.

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