Question of parenting

I have an animation object by using position and rotation keyframes.

I want the parent for this layer objects, but required their offset in time.

I prefer not to use expressions, but if that's the way only

go, you'd be grateful someone can give me the term for this.

You can use expressions, but you're in luck, because the term Sensei (Dan Ebberts) have just exactly what you need on its website, and it is even completely explained:


Tags: After Effects

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    Hi all

    Can someone please help me solve this problem?
    I have a project in OPA 10.2 in which child questions about become visible subsequent reviews based on responses to the question of the mother. Allows to consider a scenario where the user has answered the questions of parent and child and click on submit. Later, the user goes back and changes the answer to the question of the mother as the child becomes irrelevant. Engine OPA still knows the answer to the question of the child and the screens with questions of the child will always appear in the interview. Is it possible that the answer to the question of the child set to 'unknown' when answering the question of parent is changed? We want the user to see the screen with questions from the child, if the screen is supposed to appear, based on the answer to the question of parent.

    Thank you

    If questions about the child again, this means there is something in your logic that is requiring that those screens to be released. You might think that these issues have become useless, but your description of behavior indicates that there is something on these screens which is still required for rules. --> Note that I assume here that your interview is led by the feature of command of the screen in combination with backward chaining.

    If you use a Screenflow (which I do not usually recommend for the majority of cases), then the screens would appear if the logic of the Screenflow, it is that they must appear.

    No matter what motivates the flow of the interview, known data will not become unknown, but known data will be ignored by your goals so that data is more relevant for the objectives.

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    Thank you


    Yes, you can block a device on the network to access internet from 03:00 to 06:00.

    Excerpt from the screen I just took of my EA6500:

    As for blocking by IP address or MAC address directly, no, you can't, you need to select it in the list of devices, but from what I've seen, you must do so on the E4200 so it's nothing else.

    There are expierencing problems people with their device on the EA6500 lists, but I rarely had none since fimeware some updates there and generally to refresh the page or by clicking the Refresh button on the page, correct those when they happen to occur. (In my case).

    And in response the the second post, although it is only apart wireless and unrelated to parental control, the EA6500 has MAC filtering:

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    Thank you


    If you call asynchronously a child/scenario package then it will return control to its parent immediately, what is the nature of asynchronous operations and you to have several processes running in parallel. If you don't want the Parent to complete its execution until all her children are processing you have 2 options:

    (1) not to call asynchronously the child, if you do not have many children parallel execution is the usual approach

    (2) However, if you have several children, parallel execution, make use of the odiwaitforchildsesion tool. You use once at the beginning of the sequence run in parallel and once at the end and this will ensure that your parent package will wait for all asynchronous operations to complete before continue. This link gives a good overview of how to implement asynchronous - parallel execution -

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    Question: Is there a setting in the configuration that allows the use of Applications, but not shipping line?


    Above tutorial would be best on the Net for questions about Parental controls.

    See you soon.

    Mick Murphy - Microsoft partner

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    Hi kitcatey,

    Thanks for posting your question on parental controls. I understand that you are having problems with the time that you set for your child. What I can suggest, it is to visit this link and follow the troubleshooting steps provided by Madeni.

    Please update us later.

    Kind regards


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    Thanks for posting your question on parental controls. I understand that your computer Windows 8 did not appear in the section your devices. It is possible that you set up child accounts locally and did not sync settings in your family safety Web site by using the Manage settings in the Family Safety website. What you can do is sync it using the key and an update later.

    Kind regards


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    I changed my email address on my microsoft account and added a new one. It will not remove the old e-mail account. I also can't progress reports updated on my child account. What can I do?

    Hi Janice,.

    For your account number, please create separate in the accounts Microsoft forum thread because they are the only one who can better address your concern.

    On the question of parental control, not be victim of reports as the child user account is still associated with the former Family Safety parent email. To resolve this problem, you must re - set the parental controls by using the new parent account. Please follow these steps:

    1. open the client of parental controls on your computer.

    2. on the upper right side of the parental control window, click the icon to get the latest settings from the Web site . After a few seconds, it displays a dialog box saying that there is no accounts on your computer. Click set up the Family Safety.

    3. If the dialog box has not shown, please uninstall the parental control on your computer in order to remove the link to child accounts with parental control. Then, reinstall the client of parental control again. You can download the latest version here.

    4. connect again to the customer to parental control using the parent account.

    5. follow the on-screen instructions to set up parental controls.

    6. sign in to the to using the parent account and change the settings (including activity reports) according to your preference.

    7. open again the parental control client, and then click the icon to get the latest settings from the Web site on more time.

    Thank you!

  • Presentation of the form of the ADF - navigation by jumping the next record.

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    Use case:
    To view the questions and capture responses (yes/no).

    I use a formatting for data (questions to show) collections and adding the Yes buttons, not to enter the answers. The part I'm having trouble is: based on the answer to a particular question, there may be questions void to the question of the mother who may or may not be displayed according to a business logic. All questions and sub-questions are in the same table. The subquestions should not be displayed, should I remove them from the collection of data, so that when I click on the button 'Next' to go to the next question of parent. How to hide or show not the few recordings following, in a collection of data with navigation controls and put in shape.
    Thank you.

    Your previous post has a possible answer. If you update an attribute on the records of the Sub, then when the user clicks the next button you can browse the lines and the value of the current row to the next question with the correct value of the attribute.

    You have an attribute - 'IsDisplayed. Answer to question 2 and press Next.

    (1) if the condition is met - set the IsDisplayed to 'False' flag on the issues 3 & 4.
    (2) crosses the lines until you find the record following IsDisplayed flag = "Y". In this case, it would record 5.
    (3) select this row as the current row in the collection.
    (4) at this stage, the form should display the current line (form 5)

  • EMP, dept, master - detail

    Hello everyone,

    Whenever reading examples of master / detail, the authors explain the Employee and Department tables.
    Our question is who's who.
    Thanks in advance,
    S! G

    It's a good question;
    Master: parent - Department
    Detail: child - employee
    In the United States, we have introduced the DB with the classic examples.
    If S! G other issues, please report it.
    Relatively useful brand or respond accordingly.

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    kindly help me out on this issue.

    Thank you


    See: If you forgot your Apple ID - Apple Support security questions answered

  • Questions regarding the process of implementing container/control. How "parent of filling" and how to get the actual size of the control?

    I'm writing some UI component custom waterfalls. I went if the document several times and still have two questions:

    1. is it possible to adjust the width of the control to fill the container parent without specifying the number hardcoded in pixel? I see many example of code uses '768' as hardcoded width.

    2. I understand that the 'preferred size' could be ignored in some cases. Is it possible that I can get the actual size of the control on the screen programmatically?

    3. is there any signal was issued when a control container/finish covering all of its child nodes? How do I know what size of a control is finally decided?

    Thank you

    mdodd wrote:

    (1) you can use (QML)

    horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill

    or (C++)


    This will cause control occupy the entire width available to its parent. However, keep in mind you may have to use this property on all containers of parent to the node root to get the width of the full screen.

    As far as I KNOW simon_hain is located on the other two issues.

    ((2) & (3) I just dug around and you find LayoutUpdateHandler would do the job:

    mdodd answer on question 1) is correct.

    I can't believe they made a separate category for such a common task. Framework of stunts have had some serious consistency problems, that's what I feel.

    Thanks to all who have contributed to

  • Recomposition of the VM parent question


    Our company is currently seeking to VMWare View and I came to what is probably a pretty easy to answer question.

    I try the linked clone approach and so far everything works pretty well.  However, see how the portion of linked clone works I would like to apply Windows XP SP3 for images that are running SP2 for Windows XP.

    If I understand the documentation, what I have to do is to create a new Parent virtual machine image in the form that I want (with SP3) similar to how I created my first base image.  With that completes, I do a recomposition of the pool to point to the new virtual machine image that has SP3 top and can then finish with the previous image of the base.  Is this correct?

    All you need to do is update your parent VM with SP3.  Stop the virtual machine and take a new snapshot.

    In the administrator of display, select recompose and this new capture instant.  Once they're redialing you can remove the old snapshot if you wish, or you can keep it around in case you should fall back to SP2.

    If you find this or any other useful post, please give points.  Also mark the thread as an answer if the question was answered successfully.

    Brian Knudtson

    vExpert, VCP, VAC

  • Questions on the aggregation of data for parents

    Hi guys,.

    I have two questions.

    One, once I have enter data in the leaf level, values aggregate to their parent except period dimension. The aggregation method is elsewhere, conservation never share type and data type is currency. Should provide the member formula to calculate the value for high level members?

    Two, some nonleaf members need their own values. For example, a business in the entity dimension unit has some departments. Apart from the consolidation of departments, the BU needs a budget for itself. But members nonleaf cells are read-only. How to deal with my situation?

    Thank you

    You can't, not in a release from the bottom up. You can allot of bu1_ to his brothers and sisters. Or you can use the version of up and down, to parents of input values and allocate up to nonleaf members.

    See you soon,.

  • Control parental iPod touch questions please

    Hi, looking to get the iPod touch for my 11 year old, don't want him online without supervision.

    (1) can I block the internet connection >

    (2) you can't just overide the parental control with a hard reset?

    (3) if the hard reset is done is there a notification or a way to see this has been done?

    Sorry for sounding just OCD try to keep possible safe.

    Thank you gas

    I have not tried to use them for good, but take a look at Use of Restrictions on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch - Apple Support. If you block Safari and control what applications are installed, then you have effectively blocked the access to the internet. If you enable the app FindMyiPhone phone cannot reset to factory settings unless you choose to unlock.


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