Reg: variance

Hi all

I need to develop the balance sheet report in the financial data Module. In this report, I'm supposed to show two views-

Monthly balance sheet
Quarterly balance sheet

For Monthly balance sheet to add a Variance column in the report. The variance formula (current month - last month).

How to achieve this at the level of the report... Need help on this?

For balance sheet Quarterly - I need to prepare the rest of page layouts:

Course Quartervs year previous qtr
End of quarter current vs the prior exercise

The previous year, the formula used Ago (last (sum (ifnull (Fact_W_GL_BALANCE_F.BALANCE_GLOBAL1_AMT, 0))), [level Fiscal Year], 1) of the RPD

For previous quarter the formula used: used presentation Varaible @{Var_qtr}
FILTER ("made - GL balance". "" Amount balance Global1 ' aid (both. "" Tax Quarter ' = (case when substring (' @{var_qtr} {2011 Q 1}' 6 to 8) = ' Q 1' then cast (cast (substring (' @{var_qtr} {2011 Q 1}' from 1 to 4) as int)-1 as char (4)) |' ") '||' Q 4' what substring (' @{var_qtr} {2011 Q 1}' 6 to 8) = ' 2 Q' then substring (' @{var_qtr} {2011 Q 1}' from 1 to 4) |'» '||' Q 1' what substring (' @{var_qtr} {2011 Q 1}' 6 to 8) = ' 3 Q' then substring (' @{var_qtr} {2011 Q 1}' from 1 to 4) |'» '||' Q 2' another substring (' @{var_qtr} {2011 Q 1}' from 1 to 4). » '||' Q 3' end)))

So can I know how to calculate the previous year, the end of the previous year quarter. We calculate RPD or reports

Kindly help... Urgent

Thanks in advance

In the period column create element calculated that enter $2-$1 for periode2 - period.1

Thank you


Tags: Business Intelligence

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    Because it is very common to calculate the gap by taking the square root of the variance, this behavior can take you by surprise because the result will be Nan and not almost 0 you expect. According to the data, this may be frequent or very frequent. In general, a nuisance to debug.

    The remedy is simple: take the Abs() before the square root value. A vi that demonstrates the case is attached.

    I would suggest to include this correction (or similar) in the "Variance' because it gives rise to unexpected and hard to find errors.

    By definition - variance cannot be negative.

    CAR 446514 discussed in this thread has been corrected in LabVIEW 2014.  For a more complete list of bugs fixed in LabVIEW 2014, see 2014 LabVIEW bugfixes. You can download a copy of LabVIEW 2014 evaluation at or if you have a previous version of LabVIEW installed and an active subscription to SSP, you will be able to download the latest version of LabVIEW through NI Update Service.

    Kind regards

    Jeff Peacock

    Product Support Engineer | LabVIEW R & D | National Instruments | Certified LabVIEW Architect

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    Hi Alec,.

    OK, I now see the source of confusion. This VI does not support running averages - that's what we've been referring to as "image-based", producing a single measurement for every 130 incoming samples result and a single pulse of the valid data for every 130 samples of output. This mode of operation is similar to the screws based on the Bay (, etc.) in mathematics > range of probabilities and statistics, that take a table and a scalar output. The only difference is on the FPGA, we need to disseminate, in the table, a point at a time. That ye (a reasonable expectation) is analogous to the means that takes a scalar input and updates the average result on every call. We have implemented the version based on the first frames because it avoids the need to store all of the table. To see exactly what we do on any of these screws, just right click on the node and select "Convert to the Subvi", where you can consult and/or modify the code to suit your needs.

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    EDIT: see also this thread for example code, you can download:

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    Hi Zyl7,

    It also allows .bat files that allow the script as the windows command prompt and so could be used to launch a number of other executable files.  There are a number of websites that can show you how to make that  With this, you should be able to use the command to add the registry keys and then launch another executable file.  Here's a convenient way around the single executable problem.

    Kind regards

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    That looks like a problem. What type of window you need? The moving average exponential isn't an option? There are online algorithms described in Wikipedia, but they can suffer from problems of numerical accuracy when it is implemented in a fixed point (depending on the nature of the data). They would be interesting watch in, however.

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    • Consider the mathematics of floating (using Xilinx IP cores) point to online methods. Your flow is relatively low, so you could share it resources between all channels. Manage States of different channels is complicated but is doable.

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    I think the picture tells the story.

    NOTE: The case of non-visalbe just do the wires.

    THEN, share your thoughts please.


    Even better than my original.  This is the beginning of the selection followed until the first byeverything '} ' (and line break).

    Kudos to ben64 for the tip.

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    Thank you!


    What is the length of the sample that you have specified in the Variance PtbyPt vi? Did you check the initialization status?

    Exactly how you call this Subvi?. To obtain a variance of 0.1 sec output, you can set the length of your sample to 10.

    Could you post a VI that displays this value?

    If you see 0,0, try to expand your digital indicator, there could be an exponential value at the end

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    Thanks in advance



    Right here, you were able to remove them.

    Personally, I don't like Norton.

    I paid for the Premium version of Malwarebytes '$30' for 3 computers.

    The Premium version in time real protection and works very well.


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    Thank you


    Hello Andrea,

    Here is a test for the configuration of your VI (entered I16, 16 samples), saved in LabVIEW 2010 SP1 and the new Subvi. It is relatively simple to adapt it to other configurations, but it does not reconfigure several nodes and constants on the diagram. Let me know if it will work for you.

    Kind regards


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    For the moment, I see a problem - the variance is always equal to 0, and I don't know why.

    I appreciate any input about the obvious and any other problem you see.

    Thank you

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