Reinstall the first CS6

I have a subscription to Adobe Master Suite (Windows). I uninstalled Premiere Pro CS6 in the hope of resolving a problem. Now... How can I reinstall it? Any help appreciated.

Download the evaluation version ( and use your adobe to activate ID.

Tags: Adobe

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    Laptop Lenovo ThinkPad 301

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    Thank you


    Office CC lists the applications as "up to date" when they are not


    - and added the step

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    Sorry; I missed what is obvious:

    See the Adobe Application preferences recreate here:

    Resolve system errors, freezes | Mac OS 10.x. Adobe software

    I think you can continued to have problems if you can not uninstall/clean/reinstall.

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    Install it as you did the first time.  If there is no significant hardware changes, the reinstallation/reactivation will not be counted as additional installation/activation.

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    Nothing you can do. It's broken:

    Adobe trial software has expired at the beginning


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    [double post removed by mod]

    You install programs exactly in the same way you did the 1st time... Put your disc in the drive, and enter your serial number when asked


    Download & install instructions can help

    -includes a way to go to a page to download the Adobe programs if you do not have a disk or drive

    -you will need to enter your original serial number during the installation for non-Cloud programs

    -Cloud desktop

    -Cloud Getting Started

    -Membership questions and problems

    - or kglad links in response to #1 here can help

    -except, now more direct

    Also go to

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    Hi mdd3557,

    Please download from the indicated link first: . During installation, enter the 24 digit key to activate the software.

    Please follow the very important instructions before downloading.

    Kind regards

    Romit Sinha

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    Contact support adobe technique and ask for a cd:

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    Exit code: 6

    Please see the faults and warnings below for troubleshooting. For example, ERROR: DF015, DW063... WARNING: DS013...

    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------

    -0 fatal Error (s), 12 (s), 4 warning (s)

    WARNING: DS013: Payload {0175676F-8C92-49F2-9131-D0D6AD654B41} AdobeHelp is already installed and the load of the session {AA0D312F-1570-4E7E-9A7D-E191E0090FEC} AdobeHelp has no connection to upgrade/conflict with it.

    WARNING: DS013: Payload {CCB778B5-25B8-4E57-9F20-72B11B443EF9} AmericanEnglishSpeechAnalysisModels is already installed and the load of the session {C5CA53A2-E722-4D76-B5AC-71522CC48AB3} AmericanEnglishSpeechAnalysisModels is not related to upgrade/conflict with it.

    WARNING: DS013: Payload {1A1E5FF9-D0FD-42A3-8E18-E5E7E95E1AB4} DynamiclinkSupport is already installed and the load of the session {DE88AA40-6766-43D3-A755-8FC374B3D2C3} DynamiclinkSupport has no connection to upgrade/conflict with it.

    WARNING: DS013: checking reports of upgrade/conflict payloads: failed with code 1

    -Payload: {CC006FD6-00EF-46FC-ACA0-7A28EFF44D20} Adobe Media Encoder CS6

    ERROR: DF015: cannot delete the symlink "/ Applications/Adobe CS6/Adobe Media Encoder CS6/Adobe Media Encoder"(Seq 844).

    ERROR: DW063: ARKDeleteSymlinkCommand of command failed. (Seq 844)

    ERROR: DW050: the following payload errors were found during the installation:

    ERROR: DW050:-Dynamic Link Media Server: installation failed

    ERROR: DW050:-Installation of common fonts required: installation failed

    ERROR: DW050:-Adobe CSXS Infrastructure CS6: installation failed

    ERROR: DW050:-Adobe Premiere Pro CS6: due to a lack of Language Pack installation

    ERROR: DW050:-AdobeHelp: installation failed

    ERROR: DW050:-AmericanEnglishSpeechAnalysisModels: installation failed

    ERROR: DW050:-Adobe Media Encoder CS6: installation failed

    ERROR: DW050:-Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 Support: installation failed

    ERROR: DW050:-Adobe Premiere Pro CS6_AdobePremierePro6.0en_USLanguagePack: installation failed

    ERROR: DW050:-Adobe CSXS Extensions CS6: installation failed


    Oh my God, I just thought to it.  It had to do with the fact that there is version 5.5 of Adobe Media Encoder installed. I removed that and it worked.

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    Thank you

    Please follow the steps in



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