RH8: Creation / update of list of smart style?

I'm getting lost. I have a project that I inherited.

  • Among my list of styles available, I have two styles: ListBullet (which is a paragraph style) and p-ListBullet (which is a list style) - In the Styles and formatting of pod, ListBullet paragraph symbol and p-Listbullet has the symbol from the list.
  • In my .css file, I have an entry for p.ListBullet and an entry for LI.p - ListBullet (all the two see the list-style = 'disc')
  • More HR in the ApplyStyle box, I see ListBullet (no p-ListBullet).
If I use the ListBullet, I get a numbered list. (When I look at the html code, he created it as an ordered list.)
I have thought, ' all right, I'll create a new style from scratch so that I can learn what I'm supposed to do". I dug the article below and get's stuck because I don't think I know what I'm supposed to see. (My problems are noted in red).
My questions are simple-ish (I hope):
How can I create a list style in HR, and is there something special I need to do on the side things .css (I think not, because that is just 'skinning')?
How can I change the existing ListBullet style to make it work as a bulleted (how it is supposed to)
? (There are a * lot * of content with this style applied already.)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
-It is the topic that I'm screwed.


Create a bullet of a style sheet style

  1. Open the topic to customize a bullet style.  I guess that means just about any subject, so I opened one of my existing subjects.

  2. On the Format menu, select Styles. OK - open the Styles and formatting pod.

  3. In the list, select all Styles. In the list box, I have "All the styles available" so I chose that.

  4. Available in, select a built-in or external style sheet. I see available in anywhere, so I can't do this step. (Note: most in my project manager, I have only a .css showing (bar.css). )

  5. In the Styles list, select a style and click the button create a new Style . That means to select an existing style to use as a template? So then... OK.

  6. Under Type of Style, select the paragraph Style. Now, I'm even more confused - why a paragraph instead of one Style Style of list? I stop here because I'm definitely confused. HELP?

  • Type a name for the new style. The name can contain letters and numbers only and can not start with a digit.

  • Under Style for following paragraph, select (no change).

  • Click on Format and specify parameters.

  • Take a look at the question on lists using RoboHelp 8 on my site.

    See www.grainge.org for creating tips and RoboHelp


    Tags: Adobe

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      Hello SuperComicCollecter 101,

      Welcome to the Microsoft Answers Forum!

      You can't even download new menus/styles; You can then bring yourself with the SDK pack that you can download from the official website of Microsoft. It would be a bit complicated, but if you are good at programming you can use this SDK package. There are many online tutorials that will help you.

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      Thanks and greetings
      Mir - Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
      Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

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      I think you want Silicone of the Prairie of paragraph tools plugin, if you want a list of tags (used) effective.


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      Hello Tobias,.

      Having defined with function of the Dene session state, you can refresh the table to help:

      apex_RefreshChart ($v ('pFlowStepId'), $v('Pxx_REGION_ID').substr (1), navigator.language);

      PXX_REGION_ID is the ID of the region of the chart area. You can set that in the bottom of the region to help;

      $s ("Pxx_REGION_ID", "#REGION_ID #");

      See [example: http://apex.oracle.com/pls/otn/f?p=41715:29]

      You can reward this response in marking it as useful or Correct ;-)

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      You could do something like this:

      = SUMIF (Table 1::A,"> =" & today (−365), table 1: $J ")


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      Thanks in advance for the help.

      Michael Hampson

      XL Automation, Inc.

      I rarely disagree with Ben, but a driving force seems to be overkill for a job you want to do it once when the application starts.  Simply create a first reference your comboboxes (shouldn't be too much work unless you have a large number of them), then loop through the array, as shown:

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      Thanks in advance


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      The problem
      When I connect, I get a balloon in the notification area telling me that "windows cannot check for updates.  Opening of update of Windows and do it to check a windows update updates it just go and research without results.  It justs keep checking, but I get no error.  Lists history of update Windows Defender updates the last today, 06/09/09.  All updates prior to this are Windows Defender until 28/04/09.  At this time I have installed 15 updates, including some Office updates.  Click on installed updates and finally I said that there is no update at all?:

      What I tried
      I disabled my firewall and tried again.  No luck :(

      Tried a point files, but apparently I don't have?  I should have, but there is none there.  Install Win7 RC on a different partition, would this have wiped my restore points? I remember Vista made this for XP, but assumed that this would have been resolved with Win7.

      I tried to install Win Vista sp2 but unfortunately, I installed the Russian language (don't know why I, I was annoyed a day) but the sp2 download in five languages and Russian is not one of them :(

      So I tried to do a search on it.  Came across various inscription mention deletion of registry keys.  Only problem is that I have not mentioned keys.  Some keys were supposed to be in the components of HKLM, sorry can't remember the others.

      Find this site, I tried the FIX tool, reset Windows Update.  He ran not aggressive and he made the restoration, request for permission to UAC thingy, then the progress bar moves to the right and nothing else happens.  Restarted exciting tried and the same thing happens.  Been sitting there for more than two hours and no results.

      I checked services.msc.  I have BITS began, was automatic but have updated the manual according to the instructions contained in the ' automatic updates can be turned off "at the top of the forum.  Update of Windows, The Windows event log and Software Licensing Service are all set to automatic, and running.

      Windows Update log shows the following:

      2009-06-09 19:09:25:462 1520 1318 Agent warning: has no rule Installed, updateId = {B02D2701-EFE6-4CC3-A434-FFD9B029F750}.100, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 19:10:34:647 1520 1318 Agent warning: is not Installable rule, updateId = {B02D2701-EFE6-4CC3-A434-FFD9B029F750}.100, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 19:12:56:989 1520 1318 Agent warning: has no rule Installed, updateId = {1884967F-0853-44CD-8247-4AE9E97E3803}.100, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 19:14:10:241 1520 1318 Agent warning: is not Installable rule, updateId = {1884967F-0853-44CD-8247-4AE9E97E3803}.100, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 19:16:29:371 1520 1318 Agent warning: has no rule Installed, updateId = {835AEBB1-9A4E-44CD-9415-0BF0744378D0}.100, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 19:17:34:769 1520 1318 Agent warning: is not Installable rule, updateId = {835AEBB1-9A4E-44CD-9415-0BF0744378D0}.100, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 19:19:53:027 1520 1318 Agent warning: is not Installed, updateId = {1A3A237B-486A-4965-A5D1-999416F40191} rule.102, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 19:21:03:898 1520 1318 Agent warning: is not Installable rule, updateId = {1A3A237B-486A-4965-A5D1-999416F40191}.102, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 19:23:17:820 1520 1318 Agent warning: has no rule Installed, updateId = {152709D3-D663-4C46-B8C6-31498E11692E}.103, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 19:24:26:158 1520 1318 Agent warning: is not Installable rule, updateId = {152709D3-D663-4C46-B8C6-31498E11692E}.103, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 19:26:43:400 1520 1318 Agent warning: has no rule Installed, updateId = {DA83283A-4A36-43CB-A7DD-717885E03373}.100, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 19:27:56:013 1520 1318 Agent warning: is not Installable rule, updateId = {DA83283A-4A36-43CB-A7DD-717885E03373}.100, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 19:30:11:756 1520 1318 Agent warning: has no rule Installed, updateId = {8893E665-1514-4A23-B6EB-E45376B12610}.101, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 19:31:14:801 1520 1318 Agent warning: is not Installable rule, updateId = {8893E665-1514-4A23-B6EB-E45376B12610}.101, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 19:33:33:793 1520 1318 Agent warning: has no rule Installed, updateId = {C0A06671-C3EC-4A02-B22C-9395A802548A}.100, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 19:34:40:576 1520 1318 Agent warning: is not Installable rule, updateId = {C0A06671-C3EC-4A02-B22C-9395A802548A}.100, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 19:36:52:233 1520 1318 Agent warning: has no rule Installed, updateId = {462BC0AA-53AB-4DE0-AA12-6A6BA13F946C}.100, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 19:37:58:933 1520 1318 Agent warning: is not Installable rule, updateId = {462BC0AA-53AB-4DE0-AA12-6A6BA13F946C}.100, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 19:40:04:534 1520 1318 Agent warning: has no rule Installed, updateId = {DE040314-4AF9-44A1-A08E-B36E0F350CE2}.100, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 19:41:09:853 1520 1318 Agent warning: is not Installable rule, updateId = {DE040314-4AF9-44A1-A08E-B36E0F350CE2}.100, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 19:43:18:343 1520 1318 Agent warning: has no rule Installed, updateId = {313C8158-B0D7-41E8-A95E-06CACF808DC9}.101, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 19:44:22:693 1520 1318 Agent warning: is not Installable rule, updateId = {313C8158-B0D7-41E8-A95E-06CACF808DC9}.101, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 19:46:38:698 1520 1318 Agent warning: has no rule Installed, updateId = {736D69E8-AE0A-43F3-AB81-684A76DFCB76}.101, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 19:47:50:519 1520 1318 Agent warning: is not Installable rule, updateId = {736D69E8-AE0A-43F3-AB81-684A76DFCB76}.101, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 19:50:03:582 1520 1318 Agent warning: has no rule Installed, updateId = {936F0B44-C846-40BA-9FC9-D710759708CD}.101, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 19:52:01:785 1520 1318 Agent warning: is not Installed, updateId = {F200C6C7-A178-4DF7-B491-12E8D4D3AD52} rule.102, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 19:52:58:214 1520 1318 Agent warning: is not Installable rule, updateId = {F200C6C7-A178-4DF7-B491-12E8D4D3AD52}.102, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 19:54:54:313 1520 1318 Agent warning: has no rule Installed, updateId = {0CFBE648-D8B4-495E-8671-73981EA7185A}.101, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 19:55:54:479 1520 1318 Agent warning: is not Installable rule, updateId = {0CFBE648-D8B4-495E-8671-73981EA7185A}.101, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 19:57:48:021 1520 1318 Agent warning: has no rule Installed, updateId = {7E3F49B2-DE7E-4296-BA5B-F989FCD368B4}.100, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 19:58:47:831 1520 1318 Agent warning: is not Installable rule, updateId = {7E3F49B2-DE7E-4296-BA5B-F989FCD368B4}.100, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 20:00:52:678 1520 1318 Agent warning: has no rule Installed, updateId = {511942F6-A887-414F-938C-860FFDD8E0BE}.101, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 20:01:55:245 1520 1318 Agent warning: is not Installable rule, updateId = {511942F6-A887-414F-938C-860FFDD8E0BE}.101, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 20:03:53:470 1520 1318 Agent warning: has no rule Installed, updateId = {6B7CD081-8091-438F-A74E-0C7140CDF258}.101, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 20:04:51:247 1520 1318 Agent warning: is not Installable rule, updateId = {6B7CD081-8091-438F-A74E-0C7140CDF258}.101, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 20:06:49:001 1520 1318 Agent warning: has no rule Installed, updateId = {5550D892-A28D-433F-B6E0-2F1E191ABDC9}.100, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 20:07:50:869 1520 1318 Agent warning: is not Installable rule, updateId = {5550D892-A28D-433F-B6E0-2F1E191ABDC9}.100, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 20:09:47:511 1520 1318 Agent warning: has no rule Installed, updateId = {5823AA12-8424-4D21-8DAD-6DA4A75B20E7}.100, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 20:10:42:362 1520 1318 Agent warning: is not Installable rule, updateId = {5823AA12-8424-4D21-8DAD-6DA4A75B20E7}.100, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 20:12:41:491 1520 1318 Agent warning: has no rule Installed, updateId = {658F3DA6-E37A-4678-984A-6965D84928F6}.100, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 20:13:44:961 1520 1318 Agent warning: is not Installable rule, updateId = {658F3DA6-E37A-4678-984A-6965D84928F6}.100, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 20:15:43:481 1520 1318 Agent warning: has no rule Installed, updateId = {74B4A904-58C1-423C-B12F-F6C8499BB431}.100, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 20:16:42:445 1520 1318 Agent warning: is not Installable rule, updateId = {74B4A904-58C1-423C-B12F-F6C8499BB431}.100, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 20:18:41:246 1520 1318 Agent warning: has no rule Installed, updateId = {A88F5458-4936-4859-B60D-97E42F169964}.100, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 20:19:40:228 1520 1318 Agent warning: is not Installable rule, updateId = {A88F5458-4936-4859-B60D-97E42F169964}.100, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 20:21:33:489 1520 1318 Agent warning: has no rule Installed, updateId = {D760D61F-1684-4B14-A93F-DC76B285E90F}.101, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 20:22:32:517 1520 1318 Agent warning: is not Installable rule, updateId = {D760D61F-1684-4B14-A93F-DC76B285E90F}.101, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 20:24:32:922 1520 1318 Agent warning: is not Installed, updateId = {7B09DEC4-4EEB-4778-A9B8-695B1FDD8D5B} rule.102, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 20:25:34:578 1520 1318 Agent warning: is not Installable rule, updateId = {7B09DEC4-4EEB-4778-A9B8-695B1FDD8D5B}.102, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 20:27:42:707 1520 1318 Agent warning: has no rule Installed, updateId = {B034622F-57C7-42C9-A7FB-ED3037128B14}.101, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 20:28:38:864 1520 1318 Agent warning: is not Installable rule, updateId = {B034622F-57C7-42C9-A7FB-ED3037128B14}.101, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 1520 173 20:30:15:301 c to THE trigger to THE detection via API DetectNow
      2009-06-09 1520 173 c. 20:30:15:301 to THE will make the current sensing end detection
      2009-06-09 20:30:44:091 1520 1318 Agent warning: has no rule Installed, updateId = {08E30185-E7CE-4D1B-950C-F8A8A405B0F3}.101, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 20:31:41:476 1520 1318 Agent warning: is not Installable rule, updateId = {08E30185-E7CE-4D1B-950C-F8A8A405B0F3}.101, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 20:33:41:376 1520 1318 Agent warning: has no rule Installed, updateId = {3EDF9508-B8FE-4ACD-9B59-135D503F2B85}.100, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 20:34:36:095 1520 1318 Agent warning: is not Installable rule, updateId = {3EDF9508-B8FE-4ACD-9B59-135D503F2B85}.100, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 20:36:38:753 1520 1318 Agent warning: has no rule Installed, updateId = {CD5D1875-5AB6-4437-83A3-E74BEFED8256}.104, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 20:37:40:916 1520 1318 Agent warning: is not Installable rule, updateId = {CD5D1875-5AB6-4437-83A3-E74BEFED8256}.104, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 20:39:41:279 1520 1318 Agent warning: has no rule Installed, updateId = {2C5B37D4-6912-4D00-B005-ECE69EA8F5BF}.101, hr = 80070002
      2009-06-09 20:40:40:934 1520 1318 Agent warning: is not Installable rule, updateId = {2C5B37D4-6912-4D00-B005-ECE69EA8F5BF}.101, hr = 80070002

      Don't understand any of this.

      Any notice received with gratitude.

      Thanks for your help so far.  I hope you don't mind but today how that spending (hard day @ work) I think I'll leave the installation of repair until tomorrow.  More that likely the disc would have burst in the player, causing a sort of spike power was so my motherboard.  So I think I'll just relax tonight and I hope tomorrow is a day better.  Hope you have a good.

      See you soon

    • Cost of updating the lists of filters for Forefront TMG

      Through our MS schools agreement (Volume License), we have purchased a license for Forefront TMG, which is installed and works very well. Would soar, as to clarify cost/licensing of the filtering side of this product different staff members have found different information (some contradictory) on this approval.

      The main request is the access to updates for filters (lists updated groups or sites etc.) so that, for example, if block us access to the category of games that list URLS within the category is up to date and will continue to be updated by MRS. Is there any additional cost to do it this way?

      Hi Murray has,

      I suggest you to see the link below:


      You can also contact TechNet for more information on Forefront for Microsoft Exchange:


    • Why Acer Updater can't find the updated drivers listed on the Acer website?

      I've been using one for laptop Acer Aspire 5742 G for more than 1.5 years and although I tried to find any updated drivers for the drivers of my laptop, the Acer Updater installed never find one, although some new drivers Acer India are listed on the site. Also, I ran the detection tool to assist to ensure that components are installed on my laptop and wanted to download and manually install the updated drivers. It is especially for pilots who are 'old' compared to the nVidia Web site, which recently released the version 306.97 mentions the chip nVidia GT 420 M nVidia graphics installed on my laptop.

      Is is safe to update the OEM as nVidia drivers, and whether I should download & install "newer" drivers Acer India site for other components such as LAN, Bluetooth or Wireless LAN, etc.. Would appreciate advice from knowledgeable people. Thank you.

      After long deliberation, I uninstalled all the software components associated with nVidia control panel Windows and installed one that is available on the site Acer India (Ver 285.90). It seems to have a more clear than the 'last' rendering of fonts (Ver 306.97) available drivers on the nVidia India site which is supposed to be compatible for this graphic chip (GeForce GT 420 M). So it seems better to stick to the certified and provided drivers with drivers update OEM, even if qualified supplier of "last". "."

    • Updated the lollipop and cover style window SCR24


      Yesterday, after the update of my Z3 on Lollipop Android, I can't use my phone Style window covers SCR24 window to answer a call, turn off alarms etc.. Window touch just doesn't work anymore. When Sony will fix this? Do I have to wait for a firmware update or y at - it something hidden in the settings/apps can I turn myself?

      Thanks in advance and best regards,


      Yes, I just reslided with the back of my phone, then reconnected and now it works. I called myself and I could answer the phone with Detective Conan. In addition, now when I close the case, the display is changed to move up in the window of the case.

      Let me know if you want to test me other things.

    • Update May 13/14 breaks SFC and "Updates" installed list

      The last round of updates of 13/14 may created serious problems for my Win7 SP1 box.

      After the first round of updates (KB2965237, etc.) successfully installed, I came home 2 hours later to my monitors still on.  Power settings turn off after 20 minutes at idle.  Tried to reboot, BSOD.  I've never seen a BSOD, I only know that he was there since the event logs, after that I brought the system up.  He just hung when stopping down.

      Now, I have not SFC to try to fix anything, because "Windows Resource Proetection could not perform the requested operation."

      I can't uninstall the updates, because the list of installed updates said: "there are no updates installed on this computer.

      And try to use the system restore produces a crash.

      Brilliant, guys.  If it's more "prepare me for windows 10" *, I'm going to be * very * annoyed.  But I'll rant about how Windows Express upgrade works later.

      Anyone has any bright ideas (in addition to recreate the image, which is tempting looking anyway)?

      Another thread deals precisely with this question


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