ROUND understanding function

I have a question about the feature rounded


The output of the round function will depend on 2nd digit after the comma too or not?


965749 wrote:
I "think" I understand the function round.
the only problem is when it comes '9' otherwise it's cool
Example: (45.86,1) - thin result - 45.9
But (45.96,1) - is tricky because we get a whole number without fractions :)

Don't let how a number is displayed confused you. 46 is the same number as 46.0, and they are both exactly the same as 46.00000000000.

45.9x, where x is a digit, rounded down to 45,9, or rounded up to 46.0. (If you use the display of the number by default, 46.0 will be displayed as 46, without decimal point, but, once again, it is exactly the same number as 46.0.) 45.96 is closer to 46.0 is 45.9, so it will be rounded upwards.

Tags: Database

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    I think what you want, it's the following:

    CREATE OR REPLACE function DEVPROTRAC.f_count_tasks(
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        ) return number
        v_retval    number;
            select count(distinct pk_proj_detail_id) -- count the detail IDs
              into v_retval
              from protrac_master pm, protrac_detail pd
             where pm.pk_proj_master_id = pd.fk_proj_master_id
               and pm.pk_proj_master_id = p_detail_id;  -- where the detail id matches the pass parameter
          return v_retval;
    end f_count_tasks; 
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    (function(f, r, u) {function e (a) {return! a |}}) 'load'== a. == 'complete'a | { "uninitialized"== a}function p() {var a = c.shift (); n = 1; has? a.t.? s (function({(==a.t?w.injectCss:w.injectJs)(a.s,0,a.a,a.x,a.e,1)},0):(a(),p()«c»)): n = 0}function h (g, d, m, t, v, f, h) {function part {If(! z & & e (y.readyState) & & (q.r = z = 1,! n & & p (),)) {"img"! = g & & s (function() {k.removeChild (y)} 50);}}})} for (var b in B [d]) if (B [d] .hasOwnProperty (b)) B [d] [b] .onload (); y.OnLoad = y.onreadystatechange =null}} h = h | w.errorTimeout; var y = r.createElement (g), z = 0, A = 0, q = {t:m, d,

    {e:v, a: f, h: x}; 1 = B [d] & &(A=1,B[d]=[]); 'object'is g? ( = d, y.setAttribute ('type',' text/css ')): (y.src = d, y.type = g); y.width = y.height ="0"; y.OnError = y.onload = y.onreadystatechange =function() { (this, A)}; c.splice(t,0,q); « img »! = g & &(A|| 2 === B [d]?) ((P), k.insertBefore (, a? )) NULL: b), s (w, h)):B[d].push(y))}function l (a, b, g, d, k) {n = 0; b = b |} « j »; z b? h ('c'== b? y: m, a, b,this.i ++, g, d, k): (c.splice (this. i ++, 0, a), 1 == c.length & & p()); return ce} q() function {var a = w; a.loader = {load:l, i: 0}; return }var x = r.documentElement, s = f.setTimeout,.

    b = r.GetElementsByTagName ('script') [0], d = {} m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString, c = [], n = 0, v =function() {}, t ="MozAppearance"in, a = t & &! r.createRange (.compareNode, k = a)? x: b.parentNode, g = f.opera & & =='[object Opera]'(f.opera), g =! r.attachEvent & &! g, x ="webkitAppearance"in & &! ("async"in r.createElement ('script')), m = t? 'object': g | x? 'script':'img', y = g? 'script': x? "img": m, A = Array.isArray | function (a) {return'[object Array]'== (a)}, z =function() {return'string'==typeof one}, E =function() {return"[object Function]"== (a)},

    P =function() {b & & b.parentNode |} (b = r.getElementsByTagName) ("script") [0]}, Q = [], B = {}, L = {timeout:function(a, b) {b.length & &(a.timeout=b[0]); return a}}, M, w; w =function() {function b (a) {a = a.split (".");}} var g = Q.length, c = a.pop (), d is a.length, c = {url: c, origUrl:c, prefixes: a}, m, k, n; for (k = 0; k < d; k ++) n = a [k] .split ('='), (m = L [n.shift ()]) & & (c = m (c, n)); for (k = 0; k < g; k ++) c = Q [k] (c); return c}function g (a) {a = a.split ("?")} [0] ; Return a.substr (a.lastIndexOf (".")) (+ 1)}function c (a, d, m, k, n) {var t = b (a), e = t.autoCallback; g (t.url); } If(! t.bypass) {d & &}

    (d = E (d)? d: d [a] | d [k]: d [a.Split ("/") .pop () .split ("?")]) [0]]); if (t.instead) Return t.instead (a, d, m, k, n); B [t.URL] & &! 0!==t.reexecute?t.NOEXEC=!0:B[t.URL]=1;a & & m.load (t.url, forceCSS t.:! t.forceJS & &'css'== g (t.url)?) ( 'c': u, t.noexec, t.attrs, t.timeout); (E (d) |) E (e)) & & m.load (function() {q (); d & & d (t.origUrl, n, k); e & & e (t.origUrl, n, k);}) B [t.URL] = 2})}}function d (a, b) {function g (a, d) {If(""! == a & &! a)! d & & e(); else If(z (a)) d |}} (n =function() {var a = []. (arguments); t.apply (this, a); e ()}), c(a,n,b,0,k); else if (Object (a) = a) for (h en f =

    function () {var b = 0, g;} for ( in a) a.hasOwnProperty (g) g & & b ++; & ({d | & b} (), has) a.hasOwnProperty (h) of back - f | {(E (n)? n =function() {var a = []. (arguments); t.apply (this, a); (e)}: n [h] =function() {return function() {var b = []. (arguments); has & & a.apply(, b); e()}}(t[h])), c (a [h], n, b, h, k))}var k=!!a.test,m=a.load||a.both,n=a.callback||v,t=n,e=a.complete||v,f,h;g (k? a.yep:a.nope,! m | |! a.complete); m & & g (m);! {m & & a.complete & & g (' ')}var m, k, n =this. yepnope.loader; if (z (a)) c (a, 0, n, 0); else if (A (a)) for (m = 0; m < a.length; ++ m) k =

    a [m], z (k)? c(k,0,n,0):A (k)? w (k): object (k) = k & & d (k, n); else {Object (a) = a & & d (a, n)}; w.addPrefix =function(thefunctionof a, b) {T [a] = b}; w.addFilter = (a) {Q.push (a)}; w.errorTimeout = 1E4; == nullr.readyState & & r.addEventListener & & (r.readyState ='loading', r.addEventListener ('DOMContentLoaded', M =function() {r.removeEventListener ('DOMContentLoaded', M, 0); r.readyState ="complete"}, 0)); f.yepnope = q (); f.yepnope.executeStack = p; f.yepnope.injectJs =function(a, g, c, d, m, k) {var n = r.createElement ('script'), t, h; d = d: w.errorTimeout; n.src =}

    one; for (h in c) n.setAttribute (h, c [h]); g = k? p:g | v; n.onreadystatechange = n.OnLoad =function() {! t & & e (n.readyState) & & (t = 1, g (), n.onload = n.onreadystatechange =null)}; s (function() {t |}) ((t = 1, g (1))}, d); P();m?n.OnLoad():b.parentNode.InsertBefore(n,b)}; f.yepnope.injectCss =function(a, g, c, d, m, k) {d = r.createElement ('link'); var n; g = k? p:g | v; d.href = a; d.rel ='stylesheet'; d.type =' text/css ';} for (n in c) d.setAttribute (n, c [n]); m | (P (), b.parentNode.insertBefore(d,b), s(g,0))}}) (thisdocument),

    'function'! =typeof Array.prototype.forEach & & (Array.prototype.forEach =function(f) {for(var r = 0; r <this. length; r ++) f.apply (this, [this[r], r,this])}); 'function'! ==typeof String.prototype.trim & & (String.prototype.trim =function() {return thisreplace ("/ ^ \s + | \s + $/ g,' '')}); var aBootcompsLoaded = []; window. AdobeEdge = window. AdobeEdge | {};

    (function(f) {definedfunction {return'[object Array]'= (A)}function u (a, b) {var g; for(g = 0; a & & g < a.length; g ++) b [b.length ++] = a [g]}function e (a, b) {var g, c; }) If(r (a))for(c = a.length, g = 0; g < c; g ++) b(g,a[g]); else for (g dans a) (g) a.hasOwnProperty & & b(g,a[g])}function p {var b =, g, c; for(c = 0; c < a.length; c++)If(g = a [c],Sub 0! == b [g])return! 0;} return! 1}function h (a) {a =' "+; if(!)} (G.RGBA & & 0==a.indexOf ("rgba")) {var b = a.lastIndexOf (","); 0 < b & & (a =' rgb ("+ a.substring(5,b) +" "") "" ")}return a}function part {var b;

    e (,function(a, g) {null! == g & & (b =! 0)}); return! b}function q (a, b) {e (b,function(b, g) {a [b] = g}); return a}function (a) {var b={};b.num=parseFloat(a);b.units=String(a).match(/[a-zA-Z%]+$/);r(b.units) & & (b.a STI = b.units [0]); return b}function s (a) {return a.replace(/^-ms-/,"ms-" () .replace (/-([a-z] |))} {([0-9]) / GI,function(a, b) {return String (b) .toUpperCase ()})}function b (a) {var g; (this); this.length = 0; if (! a) return this; if (a and b instanceof ) return a; if ('chain'=typeof a) if (a=a.trim(),/^#([\w\-]+)$/.test(a)) (g =

    D.getElementById (a.substring (1))) & & (this[this.length ++] = g); else if (/ < | & #? \w+; .test (a)) {this.length = g ++;} var c = a; a = document.createElement ("div"); var d = (ma.exec (c) |) ["",""]) [1] .toLowerCase (), d = da [d] | da._Default; + c.replace a.innerHTML = d [1] (na,"< $ 1 > < / $2 >"' ") + d [2]; for (c = d [0]; c - ;) a = a.lastChild; ce [g] = one}else u (D.querySelectorAll (a),this); else {g = a; c = g.length; g =null! == g & & g = g.window? 1: 1 = g.NodeType & & c? 0: r (g) |} 'function'! ==typeof g & & (0 = c |) ( 'number'=typeof c & & 0 < c & & c-1 in g); if (g) return u (,this); a.nodeType?

    ce {{[this. length ++] = (this, a)}return this}function d (a) {return new b (a)}function constituting a Farmout {return a.parent () .hasClass (' Centre-wrapper ')}function n (a) {c (a) | a.Wrap ("< div class = 'flow-wrapper' style =" width: 1px "> < div class ="Center-wrapper"> < / div > < / div >")}function v (a, b, g, m, k, t) {function e() {var k = c (a) n = k? a.parent () .parent () .parent (): a .parent (), h is n.width (), n.height () = v, f = a.width (), l is a.height (), y = d (window) .height (), s = 1; (n ='body'= n [0].nodeName.toLowerCase ()) & &(v=y); t | (v = d (window) .height (), h = d (window) .width ());

    " h = Math.round (h) v = Math.round (v); h / = f; v / = l;. the two'= b? s = Math.min (m, v):'height'= b? s = v:'width'= b & &(s=h); Sub 0! == m & & (s = Math.min (s, m, f)); Sub 0! == g & & (s = Math.max (s, g, f)); a.css (' transform - o - original "," 0 0 ""); a.CSS (' transform - ms - origin "," 0 0 ""); a.CSS (' - webkit - transform-origin "," 0 0 ""); a.CSS (' - moz - transform-origin "," 0 0 ""); a.CSS (' transform - o - original "," 0 0 ""); a.CSS ('transform-origin' "0 0""); v ="scale ("+ s +")"; a.css ("- o - transform", v); a.css (' - ms - transform ", v); a.css (' - webkit - transform ', v); a.css (' - moz - transform ', )

    (v); a.CSS ("- o - transform", v); a.css ("transform", v); n & &! k | a.Parent (). Height (Math.Round (l * s)). Width (Math.Round (f * s)); {k & & (k = a.parent () .pare () nt, k.height (Math.round (l * s + a.offset () .top - k.offset () .top)))} k? (a [0],"alreadyWrapped"). ( (a [0],"alreadyWrapped",! 0), d (window) .bind ('Resize',function() {e()}), W (function() {e()})): c (a) | (n a, d (fenêtre) .bind ('Resize',function() {e()}), e ())} Function t (a, b) {var g = d (a); (g) & & (g = g.parent ()); } Si(« tant »=== b || ( "horizontal"= b) ('position','absolute'), g.css g.css ('left margin',

    ( 'auto'), g.css (' margin-right ','auto'), g.css ('left','0'), ('straight','0') g.css; if (« tant »=== b || ( «verticale»=== b) g.css ('position','absolute'), g.css (' margin-top ','auto'), g.css (' margin-bottom ','auto'), g.css ('top','0'), g.css ('bottom','0')}function a() {var a =this. notify = {}; a.obs = []; a.lvl = 0}function k (a, b, g) {If(b) {g |}} (g = {}); g.methodName = b; var c = a.notifier, d = c.obs, k, m; c.lvl ++; for (k = 0; k < d.length; k ++) if (m = (m = d [k]) & &! m.deleted? m.o.:void 0) if ('function'=typeof m) m(b,a,g); else If m (m [b]) [b] (a, g); -c.LVL; if (0 = c.lvl) for (a =

    d.Length, k = a - 1; 0 < = k; {(k--) .deleted d [k] & & d.splice (k, 1)}}function g (a, b, g) {var c, d, k, m, n = g?""} «:"", t = / \S + / g, e = / / g [\t\r\n\f] ; if (g? "undefined"=typeof b | " ( 'chain'=typeof b & & b:'string'=typeof b & & b) =(b|| ch. ""). match (t) | [], a.each (function(a, t) {If(d = 1 = t.nodeType & & (t.className?)}) () ""+ t.className +"' ().replace(e," "):n)) {for(m = 0; k = c [m ++];)If(g)for(;}" 0 < = d.indexOf (" "+ k +" «) ;) d=d.replace (""+ k +"","") ; else 0 > d.indexOf (""+ k +"""") & & (+= d k +""); {({{t.className = g? b? d.trim ():' ': d.trim ()}})}function m (a, b) {var g = c' # '==}

    b [0], d is! c & &'. " == b [0], k = c | d?b.slice(1):b,m=/^[\w-]*$/.test(k); return null! = a & & a.nodeType == a.DOCUMENT_NODE & & m & & c? (g = a.getElementById (k))? [g]: []: 1! == a.nodeType & & 9! is a.nodeType? []: (m & &! c? d? a.getElementsByClassName (k): a .getElements ByTagName (b):a.querySelectorAll(b))}function y(a,b) {b = b.replace ([/ = #-] / g,"=" #"]'");}) var g, c, d is pa.exec (b); d & & d [2]in fa & & (g = f [d [2]], c = d [3], b = d [1], c & & (d = number of c, c = isNaN (d)? c.replace (/ ^ ["'"] |))) [""] $/ g » «):d)) ; if(!b) back! g | g.Call (a, c, null) = one; If (! b |! a |)

    1! == a.NodeType)return! 1; if (g = a.webkitMatchesSelector | a.mozMatchesSelector | a.oMatchesSelector |,b); c = a.parentNode;(g=!c)) ( return a.matchesSelector) & &(c=tempParent).appendChild (a); d = ~ m(c,b).indexOf (a); g & & tempParent.removeChild (a); return d}function A (a) {a = d (a); return! (! a.width () & &! a.height ()) & &'none'! == a.css ("display")}function z (a, b, g) {function constituting a Farmout {g._l [b] =null; l (g._l) & & k (g,"assetsLoaded"{})}If(!)})}} Breturn AdobeEdge.supported.addEventListener); if (g & &'chain'=typeof b & &! g._l [b]) switch (a) {case 'image': a =}

    new Image; a.addEventListener ('error', c); a.addEventListener ("load", c); a.src b = g._l [b] = a; Break; case "audio": a =new Audio; a.addEventListener ('error', c); a.addEventListener ('canplaythrough', c); a.src b = g._l [b] = a; Break; case {{ 'video': a = document.createElement ("video"), a.addEventListener ("error", c), a.addEventListener ('canplaythrough', c), a.src = b, g._l [b] = a}}function E (a, b) {var g = q ({name:, conf:b, apply:function(a, b) {1 =this. conf.a? a.attr (, b): (1 =this. conf.cb & & (a.css ("- webkit-"+this. name, b), a.css ("- ms-"+)))}})}

    this. {(name,b), a.css ("- moz -"+this. name, b), a.css ("- o -"+this. name, b)), a.css (, b))}, units:function() {var b;""} Auto'! == a & &this. conf.u & & ('chain'=typeof a & & (b = x (a)), b & & b.units |) (un +=cette. conf.u)) ; return a}, prep:function(a, b, g, c, d, k, m) {void 0! == c & & b [g]?} () 0 Sub = b [g] [c] & & k & &(c=k),Sub 0! == d & & b [g] [c]? (a = b [g] [c] [d]: (a = b [g] [c],zero 0 = a & & (a =this. conf.d))): a = b [g]; 0 Sub ! == a & & (a =this.units (a), 1 =this. conf.p & & (m._getFullURL (a) b.type, m), zthis. conf.t & & (a =this. conf.t.replace ("@@0", a))); return a}, render:function(a,

    (b, g) {var c =this. conf.f |}; Sub 0 = b [c] | 0 Sub ! isthis. conf.o & &this. conf.o! == b.tag | 0 Sub ! isthis. conf.e & &this. conf.e = b.tag | ({(c =ce.prep (a, b, c,ce. conf.i,ce. conf.j,ce. conf.ii,g),null! == c & &Sub 0! == c & &this.apply (a, c, b, g))}}, E.prototype); E.splitUnits = x; b.x & & (g = q (g, b.x)); return g}function p {e (a,function(a, b) {S [a]new E = (a, b)})}function Q (a, b, g, c, m, n, t, v) {var h = d (document.createElement (g.tag |))} " « div »)), f = h [0] ; AdobeEdge. $.data (f, g,"domDef"); h.attr ("id",; h.css ('position','absolute');

    h.CSS ('margin','0px'); b & & g.symbolName & & b._applyBaseStyles (h, g.symbolName); e (S,function(b, c) {c.render(h,g,a))}; h.CSS (' - webkit - tap-highlight-color ',"rgba (0, 0, 0, 0)"); b & & b.register (f, g, b.ele?""); h.addClass (h.attr ("id") +"_id"); v. k (AdobeEdge,"beginEle", {sym:b, ele:f, definition: {dom: g, style: c}}); n & & h.addClass (n); (c = document.getElementById ( & & (n = d (c) .parent ()) & & n [0] == m & & m.removeChild (c); m.children & & 0 < = t & & t < m.children.length? m.insert Before(f,m.children[t]):m.appendChild (f); AdobeEdge. $.data (f,"originalid",

    g.ID); AdobeEdge. $.data (f,"symparent", b); b & & (m =, b.gpuAccelerate & & & & ("undefined"=typeof m |)) ""===m|| ( 'none'= m)? window.edge_authoring_mode & & = f.nodeName | 'BODY' ( =' translateZ (0) '):! & & window.edge_authoring_mode & & ( = 0)); b & &(v|| k (b,"newEle", {ele:f, defn:g}));)) return h}function b (a) {abdel & & (a.t = a.t.toLowerCase (), a.type = a.t); a.cs & & (a.className = a.cs); for(var b in Y)null! = a [b] & & (a [[b] Y] = a [b], [b] =null); a.rect |} (a.rect = []); for (; 4 >)

    (a.Rect.Length;) a.Rect [a.Rect.Length] = 0; a.Transform & & (1 > a.transform.length & & (a.transform [0] = [0,0,0]), 2 > a.transform.length & & (a.transform [1] = [0,0,0]), 3 > a.transform.length & & (a.transfor [m2] = [0,0,0]) 4 > a.transform.length & & (a.transform [3] = [1,1,1])); a.children & & (= a.children a.c, e (a.children,function(a, b) {B (b)}))}function L (a, b, g, c (, m, n, t) {If(m | b | b.ID) m = m | d ("." + b.ID) [0], e (g,function(l, r) {var e = Q (a, b, d, c, m, n, t ++), h = {sym:b, ele:e [0], defn:d}; d.c. & & L (a, b, d.c,Sub 0, e [0], n, 0); k (AdobeEdge,'endEle', h)})}function M (b,

    g, c, d, m) {a.Call (this); c._s.push (this); q (this, {name: g, composition: c, data: b, prnt:d, tl: [, variables]: m |})} {}}) ; k (c,"newSymbol", {symbol:this, parent: d}); return ce} Function w (a, b) {If(b & & g = 0; g <; ++ g) {var c = [g]; c & & w (c, b)} g = (._getTimeline)? a () .getState () ._getTimeline: {play:void 0}; } Sub 0 == a.autoPlay | a.autoPlay? { Sub 0 == g.playing & & (0):Sub 0 == g.playing & & a.stop(-1,!1)}function F (a, b) {var g, c; for(g to b)If(b.hasOwnProperty (g)) {c = b [g]; c.typeName = g, resume & &(c.version=c.v); & &}}

    (c.minimumCompatibleVersion =; c.b & & ( = c.b); c.bS & & (c.baseState = c.bS); c.iS & &(c.ini tialState=c.iS); null! = c.gpu & & (c.gpuAccelerate = c.gpu); null! = c.rI & & (c.resizeInstances = c.rI); & & (c.content =; if (c.content) {var d = c.content; null! = d.sI & & (d.symbolInstances = c.content.sI); if (d.symbolInstances) for (var m = 0; m < d.symbolInstances.length; ++ m) {var k = d.symbolInstances [m]; null! = k.sN & & (k.symbolName = k.sN); null! k.a = & & (k.autoPlay = k.a); null! {{= k.x & & (k.variables = k.x)}} e (c.content.dom,function(a, b) {B (b)}); for (var n in (n) & &

    B ( [n]); c.CG & & (c.centerStage =; c.stf & & (c.scaleToFit = c.stf); c.x Fokker-built & & (c.varia = c.x Fokker-built wheats); & &(; d = c.timeline; if (null! = d) for {{(null! = d.d & & (d.duration = d.d),null! = da & & (d.autoPlay = d.a.), d.l & & (= d. d.labels), c = 0; c <; c++) [c] & & [c] [8] & & [c] [8] .vt & & ( [c] [8] .valueTemplate = [c] [8] .vt), [c] & & [c] [1] & &"tr"= [c] [1] & & ( [c] [1] =} a.sym = b}function I (b (, c) { (this); } This. $= d ; q (this, {id: b, opts: q(c||)}) {}, aa), _urlRegExp: / ^ (?: [a - z] + :)?-/-/ / I, )

    _the: {}, _d: {}, _s: [], loaded:function(a, b, c) {this._d [a] =null; (this._d) & &this. ready()}, load:function(a, b) {b |} (ce._d[a]=!0) ; var c =ce; {yepnope ({load:this._getFullURL (a), callback:function(g, d, m) {b? b(a,d,m):c.loaded (a, d, m)}})}, set:function(a, b, c, d, g, m) {F(, b); } This.fnt = c; this.res = d; this.fx = m; ja (b); this.registerFonts (c); var k =ce; {g & & 0 < g.length & & g.forEach (function(a) {k.load (a)})}, _getFullURL:function() {return this. _urlRegExp.test (one)? a: (this. opts.htmlRoot |)} "") +}, definePreloader:function(a) {this.preloaderDOM =

    has}, defineDownLevelStage:function(a) {this.downLevelStageDOM = a}, getStage:function() {return this.stage}, registerFonts:function(a) {If(a) b, c, g, m, k, n, t; f.fonts = f.fonts |} {var {}; for (n in one) if (a.hasOwnProperty (n) & &! f.fonts [n] & & (g = a [n]) & &""!) == g) {b = ! 1 ; for (t in f.fonts) f.fonts.hasOwnProperty (t) & & f.fonts [t] = g & & (b =! 0); if ( ! b). if (f.fonts [n] = g, b = g.indexOf (' / / '), 0 > b & & (b = g.indexOf ("" / / "")), 0 > b & & (b = g.indexOf ("/ /"), k = 0 < b, window._adobewebfontsappname_ ="Animate"), 0 < b) c =

    g.indexOf (' "', b + 1"), 0 < c & & (g.substring (b, c), k = b & &"file:"= window.location.protocol & & (b ="http:"+ b), g = document.createElement ("script"), g.src =this._getFullURL (b) = g.type,' text/javascript ', document.getElementsByTagName ('head') [0] .appendChild (g), k |) (m =function() {try{window. (({Typekit.Load ()}catch(a) {window.setTimeout (m, 100)}}, window.setTimeout (m, 100))); else if (0 > g.indexOf ("< script""") & & 0 > g.indexOf ("< link ')) .append (document.createTextNode (g)) d ('head'); else if (0 > g.indexOf ("< script ')) .append (g) d ('head'); else if (b =

    g.indexOf (' > '), c = g.indexOf (' \x3c/script > '), 0 < b & & 0 < c) {g = g.substring (b + 1, c); {{Try{window.eval (g)}catch(e) {}}}, getSymbols:function(a) {If(! a)return this._s; var b = []; e (this._s,function(g, c) { = a & & b.push (c)});} return b}, rC:function(a) {return a}, rR:function() {this.stage & & (this.stage, one) O}, ready:function() {var a =this;} AdobeEdge.ready (function() {a.preloaderDOM & & a.preloaderDOM.script & & (new function ('e', a.preloaderDOM.script.loading)) ({event:"done", progress: 1, reason:"complete"});}) C.AdobeEdge & & C.AdobeEdge.bootstrapLoading & &

    (c = c |) {}, c.bootstrapLoading =! 0); window.edge_authoring_mode. (c & & c.framework$ & & (f $c.frame work = $), window.jQuery & &(f.$=window.jQuery)); AdobeEdge.addTouchSupport (); a.bindingFn & & a.bind ingFn(f.$); var b = a.stage =new M (a.sym,'stage', a), g, m ="." + a.ID, k = d (m); k [0] | (k = .addClass (m) d ('body')); b.init (k [0],' - edgeLoad '+; b._applyBaseStyles (k,"stage"); k.CSS ('position','relative'); if (! window.edge_authoring_mode | c.sym) si (k =,! k |) 'height'! == k.scaleToFit & &'width'! == k.scaleToFit & &'both'! == k.scaleToFit |

    n (d (m))! k | "vertical"! == k.centerStage & &'horizontal'! == k.centerStage & &'both'! == k.centerStage | (b.Ele, k.centerStage), t = k.scaleToFit | 'height' = k.scaleToFit | 'width' ( "both"= k.scaleToFit) {var m = ["${stage} '] | [" ${stage} '], e, h, ca = / px | ^ $0 /; m & & m.sizeRange & & (e = m.sizeRange [0], e = ca.test (e)? parseInt (e, 10): 0, h = m.sizeRange [1], h = ca.test (h)? parseInt (h, 10)Sub :Sub 0); v (b. $("step"), k.scaleToFit, e, h,! 0, a.opts.bScaleToParent)} g =function() {If(a.launchCalled | a.opts.bootstrapLoading & &)}

    ! f.doPlayWhenReady) f.readyAndWaiting.push (g); else {a.launchCalled =! 0; d (' - .edgePreload '+ .css ('display','none'); d (' - .edgeLoad '+ .removeClass (' - edgeLoad '+; aBootcompsLoaded.push (;} for (var c = window. AdobeEdge.bootstrapListeners.length, k = 0; k < c; k ++)try{window. AdobeEdge.bootstrapListeners [k] (}catch(m) {console.log ("bootstrap error"+ m)} c is d.Event ("compositionReady");. c.compId =; d (document) .trigger (c); a.readyCalled =! 0; window.edge_authoring_mode? He's b.stopA (0):w(b,!0)}}; l (a ._l)? g (): a .addObserver ({assetsLoaded:function(a,})

    ({{(b) g ()}})})}, getCompId:function() {return thisuser.user}}); return ce} function N {e (H,function(b, g) {a = Math.min (g.rC (a), a)}); return a}function J (a, b) {e (H,function(g, c) {var d = c [b]; d & &,a)})}function O (a, b) {If( g = 0; g <; ++ g) {var c = [g]; c & & O (c, b)} a & & a._getTimeline () (b) .tick}function K (a) {({event (:"commencer"})}function W (a) {If(U |)} ( 'complete'= D.readyState) a (); else if (D.addEventListener) {var b =. 1; D.addEventListener ('DOMContentLoaded',function(g) {U =! 0; b |})} {((), b = a! 0)},! (1); D.onreadystatechange =

    function () {'complete'== document.readyState & & (U =! 0); D.onreadystatechange =null; b |} {{((), b = a! 0)}} else {D.attachEvent & & D.attachEvent ("onreadystatechange",function(b) {U =! 0; a (b)})}function set {return one & &'chain'=typeof a & & (0 < a.indexOf ('%') | 0 < a.indexOf ("em") |)} "auto"= a | « null »=== un) ? ! 1 : ! 0}function $(a) {If(! a)return 0; } If('number'=typeof a)return a; var b = a.indexOf ('px') .val; return 0 < b? (val = a.substring (0, b), parseFloat (val)):parseFloat(a)}function X (a, b, g, c, d) {var k, m, n; for(k = 0; k < a.length; k ++) m = a [k], n ="$ {}"+}

    m.ID +"} ', g [n] & & (b [n] =! 0, m.rect |) (m.rect = m, m =Sub 0, m.rect |) (m.rect = [0,0,0,0])), m.rect & & (m.transform |) (m.transform =, =Sub 0, m.transform |) (m.transform = [])), m.transform [0] | (m.transform[0]=[0,0]), R(m.rect[0]) & & (Mr. transform [0] [0] = c [n] = m.transform [0], $(m.rect [0]) [0], m.rect [0] ="0px"), R(m.rect[1]) & & (m.transform [0] [1] = $ (m.rect [1]), d [n] = m.transform [0] [1] m.rect [1] ="0px"))), m.children? {X: m (m.children, b, g, c, d) & & X (m, b, g, c, d)}function ja (a) {If(! window.edge_authoring_mode)for(var b in a)If(a.hasOwnProperty (b)) {var g =}

    a [b], c =Sub 0, d =Sub 0 mSub = 0, k =Sub 0, n = {}, t = {}, e = {} and h = {}; if (g.timeline) for (m = g.timeline, c = 0; c <; c++) (k = [c]) & & ('left'== k [1] |) ( 'top'== k [1]) & & R (k [7]) & & (h [k [5]] =! 0); g.content & & g.content.dom & & X (g.content.dom, e, h, n, t); if (g.timeline) for (m = g.timeline, c = 0; c <; c++) (k = [c]) & & ('left'== k [1] |) {( «top»==k[1]) & & R (k [7]) & & e [k [5]] & & ('left'= k [1]? d ='translateX':'top'= k [1] & & (d ="translateY""), k [1] = d)}}var D = document, window, S = C = {}, H = {}, aa = {imagesDir:' images / '}, ba = Array.prototype.forEach;

    T, ka = [], V, U, oa = [] .push, ga = {}, da = {option: [1,'< select multiple 'multiple' = >',"< / select > '], thead: [1,'< table >','< /table >'], col: [2,'< table > < colgroup >'," < / colgroup > < / table > '], tr: [2,"< table tbody > > <","< / tbody > < / table > '], td: [3," < table tbody > < tr > > < " " < /tr > < / tbody > < / table > "" "]} , _default : [1,« »,« »]}, ma = / < ([\w:]+)/,na=/ < ( ? ! Area: br | col | embed | HR: img | Input | Link | Meta | param) (([\w:]+) [^ >] *)------/ > / gi, G = {}, Z is {}; f.doPlayWhenReady =! 1; f.readyAndWaiting = []; var qa = {columnCount:! 0, fillOpacity:! 0, fontWeight:! 0, lineHeight:! 0, opacity:! 0,}

    order:! 0, orphans:! 0, widows:! 0, zIndex:! 0, zoom:! 0}, ha = {letterSpacing:0, fontWeight:400}; V = ument.createElement ("div"); the doc ba = p (["transformProperty","WebkitTransform","MozTransform","OTransform","msTransform"]); e = d.each; d.extend = q; =function(a, b, g) {var c ='Babar'+ b; 2 < arguments.length & &(a[c]=g); return has [and c]}; q (a.prototype, {addObserver:function() {If(a) {var b =this. notifier.obs, g, c, g = b.length; for(c = 0; c < g; c ++)If(b [c] .o = a)return; b [g] = {o: a}}}, removeObserver:function(a) {If(a) {var b =this. notify, g = b.obs, c;}}})

    for (c = 0; c < g.length; c++) if (g [c] .o = a) if (0 = b.lvl) {g.splice (c, 1); break} else g [c] .deleted =! 0}}, notifyObservers:function(a, b) {return k (the, a, b)}, removeObservers:function() {var a =this.notifier? } This. Notifier.OBS:null; ({{has & & a.splice(0,a.length)}}); b.expr = {}; var f = b.expr [': '] = {visible:function() {If((this) A)return this}, hide:function() {If(!)}} {A (this))return this}, selected:function() {If(this.selected)return this}, check:function() {If(thischecked)return this}, parent:function() {return this.parentNode}, first:function() {If(0 =)}

    {{a)return this}, last:function(a, b) {If(a = b.length - 1)return this}, eq:function(a, b, c) {If(a = c)return this}, has:function(a, b, c) {If(m (this, c) .length)return this}}, pa = /(.*): (\w+)(?:\ {(([^)] +) \))?$\s*/,ra={tabindex:"tabIndex", readonly:"readOnly",'for':'htmlFor','class':'className', maxlength:"maxLength", cellspacing:"cellSpacing", cellpadding:'cellPadding', rowspan:"rowSpan", colspan:"colSpan", well:"well", frameborder:"frameBorder", contentEditable:contentEditable 'a'}; q (b.prototype, {css:function(a, b) {If(!)}}) () 1 >

    (( this.length)) {If('string'==typeof a) {var c, g = s (a); } If(1 < arguments.length) {isNaN (parseFloat (b)) |! isFinite (b) |} QA [g] | (b+="px"); for (c = 0; c <this.length; c ++) ce [c] .style [g] = b; return ce} c = C.getComputedStyle? C.getComputedStyle (this[0]) [g] | ce [0] .style [g]:this[0] .style [g]; 'normal'= c & & g in ha & &(c=ha[g]); return c}If(r (a)) {var m = {}, k =this[0]; d.each (r b? r: [a],function(a, b) {var c = s (b);m[b][c]||C.computedStyle.getPropertyValue(k)[c]});})} return m}for(g in one)this.css(g,a[g]); return this}}, prop:function(a,

    (b) {a = ra [a] | one;} returns 1 in arguments? { this.each (function(c, g) {this[a] ='function'==typeof b? (this, g,this[a]): b}):this[0] & &this[0] [has]}, addClass:function(a) {g (this, a); return this}, removeClass:function(a) {g (this,! 0); return this}, hasClass:function(a) {a =""+ a +""; ""} for(var b = 0, c =this.length,g=/[\t\r\n\f]/g;b < c; b ++)If(1 =this[b] .nodeType & & 0 < = (""+this[b] .className +"""").replace(g,__"_"_).indexOf (a))return! 0; return! 1}, attr:function(a, b) {If('chain'! ==typeof a |!)} ( this.length)return null; if (Sub 0 = b) return ce [0] .getAttribute (a);

    this.each (function(c, g) {b? }) ({This.setAttribute (a, b):this.removeAttribute (a)}); return this}, removeAttr:function(a) {If('chain'! ==typeof a |!)} ( this.length)return null; this.each (function(b, c) {c.removeAttribute (a)}); return this}, each:function(a) { (this,function(b, c) { (b, c, b)}); return this},get:function() {If(this.length & & a <this.length)return this[a]}, _s:function(a, b) {If(this.length) {If(Sub 0 = a)return this[0] [b]; }} This.each (function(c, g) {this[b] = one}); return this}}, parent:function() {var a =this[0] .parentNode;}

    { return one & & 11! == a.nodeType? d (a):null}, parents:function() {for(var a =this[0], b = []; (a = a.parentNode) & & 9! == a.nodeType;) 1 = a.nodeType & & b.push (a); return b}, text:function(a) {return this._s (one,"textContent")}, html:function(a) {return this._s (one,"innerHTML")}, show:function() {return this.each (function() {'none'==this. style.display & & (this. style.display =""); })} If('none'== getComputedStyle (this,"') .getPropertyValue ("display")) {var a, b =this.nodeName, c, g; Z [b] | (c = document.createElement (b), (c) document.body.appendChild,)

    {({{(g = getComputedStyle(c,__""_).getPropertyValue ('view'), c.parentNode.removeChild (c),'none'is g & & (g ="block"), Z [b] = g); a.display = Z [b]}})}, hide:function() {return this.css ('display','none')}, wrap:function() {var b ='function'==typeof a; } If(this[0] & &! b)var c = d (a). get (0), g = c.parentNode | 1 <this.length; return { this.each (function(m) {d (this).wrapAll(b?,m):g? c.cloneNode(!0):c)})}, wrapAll:function(a) {If(this[0]) {for(this[0].parentElement.insertBefore (one,this[0]); a.firstElementChild;) a = a.firstElementChild; d (a) of (this) .append}return this},.

    dimension:function() {var b =this[0], c = a [0]? a [0] .toUpperCase () + a.substr (1):""; if(b===b.window)return b.document.documentElement ["client"+ c]; } If(9 = b.nodeType)return Math.max (b.body ["scroll"+ c], D ["scroll"+ c], b.body ["offset"+ c], D ["offset"+ c], D ["client"+ c]); cthis.css (a) = | ""; if ('auto'! = c & & (c = x c,! c.units |)) (( 'px'== c.units))return c.num;b=b.getBoundingClientRect(); if ('width'= a) return Math.Round (b.Width); if ('height'= a) return Math.Round (b.Height)}, width:function() {return void 0! = a? } This.css ("width", one):

    this.dimension ('width')}, height:function() {return void 0! = a? } {This.css ('height', a):this.dimension ('height')}, offset:function() {If(! )} This.length)return null; var a =this[0] .getBoundingClientRect (); return ({{left:a.left + window.pageXOffset, top: + window.pageYOffset, width:Math.round (a.width), the hei (a.height) ght:Math.round}}, is:function() {return 0 <this.length & & y (this[0], a)}}); P ({opacity: {}, on the left: {f:"rect", i: 0, sup:"px"}, up: {f:"rect", i: 1, sup:"px"}, width: {f:"rect", i: 2, sup:"px"}, height: {f:"rect", i: 3, sup:'px'}, right: {f:"rect",})

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    (g.opts.gVideoPreloadPreference):'auto'== k) & & z (m, g._getFullURL (b [n]), g); m = g._getFullURL (b [n]); { Break one}} m =Sub 0}If(d.isArray (b) & & 1! = b.length)for(m = 0; m < b.length; ++ m) k = document.createElement ("source"), d (k) .attr ('src', g._getFullURL (b [m])), a.get(0) .appendChild (k); else m? a.attr ('src', m):a.attr ('src', d.isArray (b)? g._getFullURL (b [0]):g._getFullURL(b));) {{{ "audio"== c.tag & & a.attr ("orders","block"== c.display)}}},' background-image ': {e:'img'f:'fill', i: 1, w:"url(@@0)", p:1, x: {prep:function(a, b, c, g, d, m, k) {var n; b [c] & &}}}

    (n = b [c] [g]); 0 Sub ! == n & & (n = z (b.type, n, k), k._getFullURL (n), n =this. conf.t.replace ("@@0", n)); retour n}}},« background-color »: {f:« remplissage », i:0, x: {s’appliquent :function(a,b){a.css (« couleur de fond », h (b))}}}, texte : {x: {s’appliquent :fonction(a,b){a.html(b)}}},« min-width »: {f :« sizeRange », i:0},« max-width »: {f :« sizeRange », i:1},« min-height »: {f :« sizeRange », i:2},« max-height »: {f :« sizeRange », i:3}, débordement : {x: {s’appliquent :fonction(a,b){a.css (« overflow », b) ;« cachée »! == b & &« scroll »! == b || a.CSS (« text-overflow » (,«clip»)}}},' background-repeat ': {e:"img",

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    AutoPlay: {a: 1}, loop: {a: 1}, linkURL: {f:'linkURL', one: 1, x: {prep:function(a, b) {ga [a user.user [0]] = b; a .onclick [0] =function() {var a = [thisuser.user] ga; a.linkTarget? (a.linkURL, a.linkTarget): window.location.href = a .linkURL}; a [0]. style.cursor ="pointer"}}}); var Y = {c:'children', from left to right:'rect', zr:"sizeRange", br:'borderRadius', cl:'clip', al:'alt', tt:"title", ti:"tabindex", cn:'orders', SR.:'source', ps:"poster", pr:"preload", cu:"cursor", ap:"autoplay", lp:'loop', n:"police", tf:"transform", sh:'boxShadow', ts:"textStyle", o:'opacity',}

    {UC:'userClass's:'stroke','fill', v f::'view', fi:'filter', sN:'NomSymbole', tr:'trigger'}; q (M.prototype, a.prototype); q (M.prototype, {init:function(a, b) {var c =this[] .data; c & & L (this.composition,this, c.content.dom,, a, b)}, register:function(a, b) {}, play:function() {}}); q (I.prototype, a.prototype); I have ._playAuto = o; (function() {var ; T | (a = C.requestAnimationFrame |) C.webkitRequestAnimationFrame | E C.mozRequestAnimationFram | C.msRequestAnimationFrame | C.oRequestAnimationFrame | function (a) {C.setTimeout (a,

    (17)}, T =function() {var b; b = N (0); J (b,"rP"); J (b,"rR"); J (b,"rA") ; (C, T)}, (C, T))}) (); G.cssTransform = p (["transformProperty","WebkitTransform","MozTransform","OTransform","msTransform"]); G.cssTransform3d = p (["perspectiveProperty","WebkitPerspective","MozPerspective","OPerspective","msPerspective"]); =function() {var a = document.createElement ("audio"), b = {}; a.canPlayType & &(b.m4a=!! a.canPlayType (' audio/mp4; codecs="mp4a.40.2» ') replace (/ No. /," "), b.aac = b.m4a, b.mp3 =!)} a.canPlayType ("audio/mpeg;"). Replace (/ No. /,)

    ""),b.wav=!! a.canPlayType (' audio/wav; codecs = "1" ') replace (/ No. /,""), b.ogg =! a.canPlayType (' audio/ogg; codecs = "vorbis" ') replace (/ No. /,""), b.oga = b.ogg); Return b} (); G.Video =function() {var a = document.createElement ("video"), b = {}; a.canPlayType & &(b.webm=!! a.canPlayType («vidéo/webm») replace (/ No. /,""), b.mp4 =!)} a.canPlayType ("video/mp4;"). Replace (/ No. /,""), b.ogv =! a.canPlayType (' video/ogg; codecs = "theora, vorbis" ') replace (/ No. /,""), b.ogg =! a.canPlayType (' video/ogg; codecs = "theora, vorbis" ') replace (/ No. /,"""));

    Return b} (); G.customEvent =function() {If(! window.)} CustomEvent)back! 1; try { void return 0! ==new CustomEvent ('testCustomEvent',! 1! 1)} catch (a) {return!} 1}() ; G.addEventListener =Sub 0! == window.addEventListener; var a = G, here. ='background - color:rgba (150,255,150,.5)'; AI = 0 == (' "+ .indexOf ("rgba")? 0:! 1; his. RGBA = AI; q (f, {version:"5.0.0", Composition: I, defaultOpt:aa, $: d, a$: b, renderDOM: L, ready: W, camelize: s, splitUnits:x, loadCom position:function(a, b, c, g, m) {function n (a, g) {W (function() {var m = "})

    d ("." [ + b),k=/PX|^0$/,n=c.scaleToFit,e=c.centerStage,h=c.minW,f=c.maxW,l=c.Width,s=c.Height,y=m[0] |) document.getElementsByTagName ('body') [0]; "absolute"! = & &"relative"! = & & ( ="on"); s & & (s =; l & & (;/^height$|^width$|^both$/.test(n) & & (h = (h) k.test? parseInt (h, 10): 0, f = k.test (f)? parseInt (f 10)Sub :Sub 0,v(d(y),n,h,f,!1,c.bScaleToParent));/^vertical$|^horizontal$|^both$/.test(e) & & t (y, e); a & & L (H [B],null, a.dom and, m [0], g + b); m.removeClass (' - edgeLoad '+)

    (b)})}function e() {K (function EA {a? ea & & setTimeout (ea, 20): a = {event:'loading', progress:0}; f.preloaderDOM.script & & (new function ('e', f.preloaderDOM.script.loading)) (a)}); n (f.preloaderDOM,' - edgePreload ')}function h() {n (f.downLevelStageDOM,"edgeDownLevel")}var f = H [b] AdobeEdge.compositions [b] =new = I (b, c), k (AdobeEdge,"newComp", {model: f} "); BA? (window.edge_authoring_mode |) (g? ((f.definePreloader (g), e (): f.load (a +"_edgePreload.js", e)), a & & (c & & c.bootstrapLoading? ka.push (a): window.edge_authoring_mode & & c.sym? f.load(a+))

    + c.sym):f.load ' _edge.js? symbol = '(a +"_edge.js"))): window.edge_authoring_mode | (m? {((f.defineDownLevelStage (m), h (): f.load (has +"_edgePreload.js", h))}, registerCompositionDefn:function(a, b, c, g, d, m) {H [a] .define (m, b, c, g, d)}, registerEventBinding:function(a, b) {H [a] .bindingFn = b}, getComposition:function() {return H [a]}, defineProps:P, Accessories: S, symbol: M, stating: a, isSupported:p, supported: G, isIOS:function() {var a = navigator.userAgent; return'webkitAppearance'in & &(/iPad/.test(a)|| /iPod/.test(a) |}

    () /iPhone/.test(a))}, isOpera: / Opera/.test (navigator.userAgent), registerFonts:function(a) {AdobeEdge.getCurrentComposition () .registerFonts (a)}, playWhenReady:function() {f.doPlayWhenReady =! 0; for(var a = 0; a < f.readyAndWaiting.length; a ++) f.readyAndWaiting [a] ()}, _: {c:H, P:E, p:S, rE: Q, no.: k, nDN:B}});} q (f, a.prototype); ( (f)})(window.) AdobeEdge); window. AdobeEdge.bootstrapListeners | (window w. AdobeEdge.bootstrapListeners = []);

    window. AdobeEdge.bootstrapCallback =function(f) {window. AdobeEdge.bootstrapListeners.push (f); if (0 < aBootcompsLoaded.length) for (var r = 0; r < aBootcompsLoaded.length;r++)f(aBootcompsLoaded[r])};) window.AdobeEdge.compositions | (window.AdobeEdge.compositions = [];) window. AdobeEdge.yepnope = window.yepnope;

    (function(f) {function r() { (this); }}) {This.animationID =' - animID '+ r.nextID; r.nextID += 1}function u (b, d, c) { (this);"function"=typeof b?} this.handler = b:'chain'=typeof b & & (this.eventType = b); this.handlerContext = c; = d; this.isTrigger =! 0}function e (b, d, c, n, h) { (this); } This.animation = b; thiswhich .position = 0; this.duration =-1; this. opts = {}; l.extend (this.opts, h); this.easing ='function'=typeof n? n to n & & l.easing [n]? n: e.defaultEasing; 0 Sub ! == d & & (thiswhich .position = d). 0 Sub ! ==

    c & & (this.duration = c); this.timeline =null; this.dScale = 1; this.dDuration = 0; the.done =! 1}function p { (this); l.extend (this, f.Timeline.config); l.extend(, b); } This.startPositionthis.timerStartthis.timer = = = 0; this.currentPosition =-1; this.playing =Sub 0; thisthis.duration = .iteration = 0; this.interval = 1E3 /this*. FPS; this.objects = []}function h (b) {return s.test(b[1])}var l = $ f, q is {}, x = {}, s = / ^(trigger|@) $/; l.isArray =function(b) {return'[object Array]'= (b)}; l.easing = l.easing |

    {} ; l.extend (l.easing, {linear:function(b, d, c, n) {return c + n * b}, swing:function(b, d, c, n) {return(-Math.cos(b*Math.PI)/2+0.5)*n+c}});r.nextID=1;l.extend(r.prototype,f.Notifier.prototype);}}) l.extend (r.prototype, {constructor: r, Setup:function() (), update:function(b, d) {}, getDuration:function() {return 0}}); l.extend (u.prototype, r.prototype); l.extend (u.prototype, {constructor: u, update:function(b) {this.fired |}}) (this= .fired 0,this.handler?) this. (this.handlerContext, b, & &this.timeline & &

    this. (timeline.notifyObservers (ce.eventType, {écoulé: b, donné}))}, Setup:function(b, d) {var c =Sub 0 = b.executeTriggers |} null= b.executeTriggers; this. fired = b.startingFromCurrent & & c | ! c & &! b.executeTriggers? "backside"! == b.playDirection? b.currentPosition > = d: b.currentPosition < = d:'backside'! == b.playDirection? b.currentPosition > d: b.currentPosition < d; this. timeline = b}}); e.defaultEasing ='linear'; l.extend (e.prototype, f.Notifier.prototype); l.extend (e.prototype, {constructor: e, Setup:function(b) {this.timeline =})

    b; var d =this.duration, c =null; this.animation & &this. animation.getDuration & & (c =this. animation.getDuration ()); this.dScale =-1. == d & & 0! == d ? c / d: 1; this.dDuration =-1. == d ? d; the.done =! 1; this.animation & &this. {animation.setup & &this. animation.setup (b,thiswhich .position)}, update:function(b) {If(! )} This.done) {var d =this.dDuration, c; This.animation & & (0 = d? c = 0 < = b? 1:0: (b > = d & &(b=d), 0 > = b & & (b = 0), c = l.easing [this.easing](b/d,b,0,1,d)),this. animation.update (b *this.dScale, c)); ("reverse"=this. timeline.playDirection? 0 > = b: b > = d) & &

    {{ this. complete()}}, complete:function() {this= .done! 0; } This.timeline & &this. (this) timeline.updateComplete}, getPosition:function() {return this.position}, setPosition:function(b) {thiswhich .position = b}, getDuration:function() {return-1! ==this.duration? } This.duration:this.animation & &this. animation.getDuration? { this. animation.getDuration (): 0}, setDuration:function(b) {this.duration = 0 < = b? b:-1}});} p.config = {dropFrames:! 0, fps:60, pauseThreshold:250}; p.prototype.tick =function(b) {this._handleTimer (b)}; l.extend (p.prototype, r.prototype);

    l.extend (p.prototype, {constructor: p, reading:function(b) {b = b |}}) {}; this.notifyObservers ('play'); this= .playing! 0; this._stop ({}); if ("undefined"=typeof b.pos |) ( null= b.pos)If("reverse"== b.playDirection) b.pos =this.currentPosition, 0 > = b.pos & & (b.pos =this. getDuration()); else if (0 >this.currentPosition |) ( this.currentPosition > =this. getDuration()) b.pos = 0; l.extend(, b); (b.pos, b); this.iteration = 0; this.timerStart = (new Date) .getTime (); this.startPosition =this.currentPosition; this.lastUpdateTime =this.timerStart;

    this.firstUpdate =! 0; this. _handleTimer(); this.firstUpdate =! 1; return this}, stop:function(b) {this= .playing! 1; b & & b.bSeek? } { (b.pos, b):this._stop (b)}, get:function(b, d) {this.notifyObservers ("seek"); Thisextinguish (d); var c =this.currentPosition; this._stop (d); l.extend (this, d); 0 Sub ! == b & & (this.currentPosition = b); this.startingFromCurrent ='number'=typeof b & & c! isthis.currentPosition? 1 : ! 0; thisfacility (this); this.firstUpdate =! 0; this.updateSeek (this.currentPosition, 1, c); this.firstUpdate =! 1; return this}, add:function(b,

    d, c, n, h) {b =new e (b, d, c, n, h); This.objects.push (b); this.sorted =! 1}, sort:function(b) {var d = {width: 1, height: 2,' - webkit - transform-origin ': 3,' transform-origin ': 4,"- moz - transform-origin ': 5," - ms - transformation-origin ": 6, left: 7, top: 8, down: 9, right: 10, motion: 11}; } This.sorted | (this. objects.sort (function(b, c) {var a = b.animation, k = c.animation; })) If(a | k) {If(! a)return- 1; } {If(! k)return 1;else return b.position - c.Placez; if ( | k.Property) {If(!;} Si (! { return 1}else return b.position - c.Placez;

    var g = d [], m = d []; return a.sourceElements! == k.sourceElements? a.sourceElements > k.sourceElements? 1:-1: g & &(!m|| m < g)? 1: m & &(!g|| m>g)? ({- 1:b.position - c.Placez}),that.sorted =! (0); for (b = 1; b <this. objects.length; b ++) {var c =this[b-1] n, .objects =this. objects [b]; c.animation & & n.animation & & = & & c.anima tion.sourceElements = n.animation.sourceElements?} (c.animation._nextObj = n.animation, n.anima tion._prevObj = c.animation): (c.animation & & (c.animation._nextObj =null))

    {(n.Animation & & (n.animation._prevObj=null))}}, getDuration:function() {var b =this.duration,this.objects,this= c = d. objects.length, n = Math.max, e, t; for(e = 0; e < c; e += 1) t = d [e], b = n (b, t.position + t.getDuration ()); return b}, getCurrentPosition:function() {return this.currentPosition}, update:function(b, d) {this. sort(); } This.notifyObservers ("PreUpdateest", {elapsed: b, easingConst:d});}) var c =this.objects, n =this. triggers, e = c.length, t = n.length, a ='backside'! ==this.playDirection,k=!1,g=!0,m=!window.edge_authoring_mode & &this.executeTriggers.

    h =! Window.edge_authoring_mode & & (Sub 0 =this.executeTriggers |) ( null=this.executeTriggers), f, l, s, q, p, r; this.currentDirection = one? 'before':'backside'. for (s = 0; s < t; s += 1) if (q = n [a? s: t-s-1], p = q.animation.isTrigger & &!) (this.startingFromCurrent & &this.firstUpdate), (h & & p | m |!) ( this.firstUpdate) & &! q.animation.fired & & (a? b > = q.position:b < = q.position + q.duration)) {p =this. currentPosition = q.position; r =the. getState(); for(k = 0; k < e; k += 1) f = c [a? k: e - k-1], (l = a & &! f.opts.reverseOnly |! a & &! f.opts.forwardOnly) & &! f.anima tion.isTrigger & &}

    (a? p > = f.position:p < = f.position + f.duration) & & ((l = p-f.position) | f.Duration | a |) (l = 1), f.upd ate (l)); k =! 0; q.animation.update (p); if (! { this.equalState (r)) {g =. 1; break}}If(! k)for(k = 0; k < e; k += 1) f = c [a? k: e - k-1], (l = a & &! f.opts.reverseOnly |! a & &! f.opts.forwardOnly) & &! f.Anima tion.isTrigger & & (a? b > = f.position:b < = f.position + f.duration) & & ((l = b-f.position) | f.Duration | | a |) (l = 1), f.update (l)); this.notifyObservers ('fxUpdate', {elapsed: b}); this.notifyObservers ('postUpdate', {elapsed: b, easingConst:d});}) this.notifyObservers ('update',

    {elapsed: b, easingConst:d});} return g}, setLoop:function(b) {this.loopCount = b}, getState:function() {return{pos:this.currentPosition, dir:this.playDirection, playing:this.playing}}, equalState:function(b) {var d =! b.Playing, c =!} this.playing; { return b.pos =this.currentPosition & & b.dir =this.playDirection & & d = c}, _handleTimer:function(b) {b = b |} (new Date) .getTime (); var d ='backside'=this.playDirection, c = -this.timerStart - bit.iteration * (d? ) This.startPosition:this.duration -this.startPosition), d =this.startPosition +.

    (d?-c); b -this.lastUpdateTime >this.pauseThreshold & & (this.timerStart += b -this.lastUpdateTime +this.interval, c = b -this.timerStart); if (this.playing) {If(this.currentPosition = d = Math.max (0, Math.min (d,this.duration)),this.update(d,1),this.lastUpdateTime = b, b = (d ="backside"=this.playDirection)? 0 <this.currentPosition:this.currentPosition <this.duration,! b) {If(this.loopCount & & (this.iteration += 1,this.notifyObservers ('iterationComplete', {elapsed: c, count:this.iteration}),«forever»=this.loopCount |))}} this.iteration <

    (( this.loopCount)) {c =this. objects; b = c.length; for(d = 0; d < b; d += 1) c [d] = .done! 1;} this. tick(); return} this. stop(); {{{ this.notifyObservers ("complete", {elapsed: c})}}else this.notifyObservers ('fxUpdate', {elapsed: c})}, Setup:function(b) {, b); } This.triggers = []; b =this.objects; var d =ce. objects.length, c, n; for (c = 0; c < d; c += 1) n = b [c], n.done =! 1, (this) n.setup, n.animation.isTrigger & &this.triggers.push (n); { this.duration =this. getDuration()}, updateComplete:function(b) {b.done =! 0}, _stop:function(b) {b & &}

    b.dontNotify | this.notifyObservers ('stop'); this.timer & & not (this.timer) clearTimeout(). thisthis.timer = .timerStart = 0; return this}}) ; p.prototype.updateSeek = p.prototype.update; f.Animation = r; f.TimelineObject = e; f.Timeline = p; f.Timeline.createTimeline =function(b) {return new f.Timeline (b)}; f.Timeline.createTween =function(b) {var d = q [b]; return d? d.func.apply (d.context, (arguments, 1)):null}; f.Timeline.addTweenType =function(b, d, c) {q [b] = {func:d, context:c}}; f.Timeline.addTweenProperty =function(b,

    (d) {x [b] = d}; f.Timeline.getTweenType =function(b) {return x [b] |} 'style'} ; f.Timeline.createTrigger =function(b, d) {return new u(b,d,arguments[arguments.length-1])}; f.Timeline.isTrigger = h; f.Timeline.isTween =function(b) {return! h (b)}; f.Timeline.createTL =function(b, d, c) {var n = f.Timeline.createTimeline (), e = b.length, t, a, k, g; k = b.duration? b.duration:0;} var m; n.duration = k; c & & c.loop & & n.setLoop (c.loop); for (c = 0; c < e; c += 1) t = b [c], a =null, k = - 1, h (t)? (g = t.slice (3.5), g.push (d), a = f.Timeline.createTrigger.apply (null, g), g = t [5],)

    m ='none'): t [1] & & (k = x [t [1]] |) ( 'style', g = [k, t [1]] .concat (t.slice (5)), a = f.Timeline.createTween.apply (null, g), k = t [3], m = t [4], g = t [8]), a & & ( = t [0], n.add(a,t[2],k,m,g)); )(window.) ( return n}} AdobeEdge);

    (function(f) {var r = f. $; r.easing.jswing = r.easing.swing; r.extend (r.easing, {def:"easeOutQuad", swing:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return r.easing [r.easing.def](f,e,p,h,l)}, easeInQuad:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return h * (e / l =) * e + p}, easeOutQuad:function(f, e, d, h, l) {*(e/=l)returnh * (e-2) + p}, easeInOutQuad:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return 1 > (e / = l/2)? h/2 * e * e + p}})}) {: h/2 * (-EI * (e-2)-1) + p}, easeInCubic:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return h * (e / l =) * e * e + p}, easeOutCubic:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return h * ((e = e/l-1) * e * e + 1) + p}, easeInOutCubic:function(f, e, p, h,

    (l) {return 1 > (e / l/2 =)? h/2 * e * e * e + p:h / 2 * ((e-=2) * e * e + 2) + p}, easeInQuart:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return h * (e / = l) * e * e * e + p}, easeOutQuart:function(f, e, d, h, l) {returnh * ((e = e/l-1) * e * e * e-1) + p}, easeInOutQuart:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return 1 > (e / = l/2)? h/2 * e * e * e * e + p} {: h/2 * ((e-=2) * e * e * e-2) + p}, easeInQuint:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return h * (e / = l) * e * e * e * e + p}, easeOutQuint:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return h * ((e = e/l-1) * e * e * e * e + 1) + p}, easeInOutQuint:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return 1 > (e / l/2 =)? h/2 * e * e * e * e * e + p} {: h/2 * ((e-=2) * e * e * e * e + 2) + p}, easeInSine:function(e,

    e, p, h, l) {(return- h*Math.cos(e/l*(Math.PI/2)) + h + p}, easeOutSine:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return h*Math.sin(e/l*(Math.PI/2)) + p}, easeInOutSine:function(f, e, d, h, l) {returnh/2 * (Math.cos (Math.PI * e/l)-1) + p}, easeInExpo:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return 0 == e?:h*Math.pow(2,10*(e/l-1)) + p p} , easeOutExpo:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return e == l? p + h:h * (-Math.pow (2, -10 * e/l) + 1) + p}, easeInOutExpo:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return 0 == e? p:e == l? p + h: 1 > (e/=l/2)?h/2*Math.pow(2,10*(e-1)) + p:h / 2 * (-Math.pow (2, -10 *-e) + 2) + p}, eas eInCirc:function(f, e, p, h l) {returnh *}

    {(Math.sqrt (1--(e / = l) * e)-1) + p}, easeOutCirc:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return h * Math.sqrt (1--(e = e/l-1) * e) + p}, easeInOutCirc:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return 1 > (e/=l/2)?-h/2*(Math.sqrt(1-e*e)-1)+p:h/2*(Math.sqrt(1-(e-=2 *) + 1)) e + p}, easeInElastic:function(f, e, d, h, l) {f = 1.70158; var q = 0} r = h; if (0 == e) return p; if (1 ==(e/=l)) return p + h; q | (q = 0.3 * l); r < Math.abs (h)? (r=h,f=q/4):f=q/(2*Math.PI)*Math.asin(h/r); return-(r * Math.pow (2, 10 * (e-=1))*Math.sin(2*(e*l-f)*Math.PI/q)) + p}, easeOutElastic:function(f, e, d, h, l) {f = 1.70158; var q = 0, r = h;})

    if (0 == e) return p; if (1 ==(e/=l)) return p + h; q | (q = 0.3 * l); r < Math.abs (h)? (r=h,f=q/4):f=q/(2*Math.PI)*Math.asin(h/r); { Return r * Math.pow (2, -10 * e) * Math.sin (2 * (e * incl..) * Math.PI / q) + h + p}, easeInOutElastic:function(e, e, d, h, l) {f = 1.70158; var q = 0, r = h;} if (0 == e) return p; if (2 ==(e/=l/2)) return p + h; q | (q = 0.3 * l * 1.5); r < Math.abs (h)? (r=h,f=q/4):f=q/(2*Math.PI)*Math.asin(h/r); { return 1 > e?-0,5 * r * Math.pow (2, 10 * (e = 1)) * Math.sin (2 * (e * incl..) * Math.PI / q) + p:r * Math.pow (2, -10 *(e-=1)) * Math.sin (2 * (e * incl..) * Math.PI / q) * 0.5 + h + p}, easeInBack:function(e,

    e, d, h, l, q) {void 0 == q & & (q = 1.70158); return h * (e / l =) * e * ((q+1) * e-q) + p}, easeOutBack:function(f, e, d, h, l, q) {void 0 == q & & (q = 1.70158); return h * ((e = e/l-1) * e * ((q+1) * e + q) + 1) + p}, easeInOutBack:function(f, e, d, h, l, q) {void 0 == q & & (q = 1.70158); return 1 > (e / = l/2)? h/2 * e * e * (((q * = 1,525) + 1) * e-q) + p} {: h / 2 * ((e-=2) * e * (((q * = 1,525) + 1) * e + q) + 2) + p}, easeIn Bounce:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return h - r.easing.easeOutBounce (f, l-e, 0, h, l) + p}, easeOutBounce:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return(e / = l) < 1/2.75?7.5625*h*e*e+p: e < 2/2.75? h * (7.5625* (e = 1.5/2.75)*e+0.75)+))}

    p:e < 2.5/2.75?h* (7.5625* (e = 2.25/2.75)*e+0.9375)+p:h* (7.5625* ({e = 2.625/2.75)*e+0.984375)+p}, easeInOutBounce:function(e, e, d, h, l) {return e < l/2?0.5*r.easing.easeInBounce(f,2*e,0,h,l)+p:0.5*r.easing.easeOutBounce(f,2*e-l,0,h,l}) + 0.5 * h + p}})})(window.)) AdobeEdge);

    (function(f) {function r (a, b) {return b? b +'_'+ a: has +'_'+ k ++}function u (a) {a.length & &(a=a[0]); return has? a.edgeSymbol:null}function e (a, b) {.}}) Length & & (a = a [0]); {a & & (a.edgeSymbol = b)}function p {var b, c, d, k = a.length; } If(n.isArray (a))for(b = [], d = 0; d < d; k ++) c = a [d], b [d] =null! = c & &'object'=typeof c? (c) p: c; else for (a d in b = {}) a.hasOwnProperty (d) & &'prototype'! == d & & (c = a [d], b [d] =null! = c & &"object"=typeof c? p (c): c); return b}function h (a) {a = [b.SID]; return a.timeline?}function part {a = [b.SID];

    { return a.timeline? a.timeline.duration:0}function q (a, b, c) {function d (a, b) {for(k = 0; k <.)}} Length; (k += 1) {If(a [k] user.user = b)return a [k]; {{If(a [k] .children)return (a [k] .children, b)}return null} b = b.replace (/ [-{\}------$] "/ g,' ''); a = [b.SID]; var k; if (a = a.content? a.content.dom:null) if (b = d (a, b)) if (a = f.props [c]) Return a.prep (null, b, c, a.i, a.j.); return null} Function x (a, b, c, d, k) {return['generated','place', d, k,'linear', a, [[b.x, b.y, 0, 0], [c.x Fokker-built, c.y, 0, 0]]]}function s (b, c) {var d, k; c & & (b.tlCached =Sub 0); var n = h (b);} if ( ! n). return null;

    n.Duration = l (b); n.dirty & & b.tlCached & & (d = b.tlCached.currentPosition, k = b.tlCached.notifier.o bs, b.tlCached =Sub 0); if (! b.tlCached) {var e, v is [] .timeline, s, p = {}, r = {}, u, w, F = n.duration, I; e = []; var N; s = n.Length; for (w = n.length - 1; 0 < = w; w-) "injected"= n [w] [0] & & n.splice (w, 1); s = n.length; 'number'! ==typeof e.timeline.duration & & (e.timeline.duration = 0); for (N = 0; N < s; N++)(w=n[N]) & & a (w) & & (u = w [5], p [u] |) (p [u] = []), p [u] .push (w), u = u +": '+ ("query"= w [1]?'location': w [1]), [u] r | (r [u] = []), r [u] .push (w)),

    w & & a (w) & & (I = o [3] | 0, F = Math.Max (F, w [2] + I)); p = Math.max (e.timeline.duration, F); w =function(a, b) {return a [2] b [2]}; for ( in r u) (u) r.hasOwnProperty & & r [u] extinguish (w); for (u in r) r.hasOwnProperty (u) & & (w = r [u] [0], 0 < w [2] & & (e = q (b, w [5], w [1]),null== e & & (e = w [6]),'place'= w [1]?)) () w = r [u] [0], s = {x: w [6] [0] [0], y: w [6] [0] [1]}, e = x (w [5], s, s, 0, Math.Max(0,w[2]-1)), e [0] ='injected', n.push (e)):void 0! == e & & (w = f.cloneJSONObject (r [u] [0]), [6] w = w [7] = e, w [3] = w [2], w [2] = 0, w [0] ='injected', w [8] & &' '! = .valueTemplate w [8] & &'string'==typeof e & & (= .valueTemplate w [8])

    ' '), n.push (w))), s = r [u] .length-1, 0 < = s & & (w = r [u] [s], [2] e = w + w [3], e < F & & ('place'= w [1]?)) (s = w [6]) .length-1, s = {x: w [6] [s] [0], y: w [6] [s] [1]}, e = x (w [5], s, s, e, p-e), e [0] ='injected'): (e = f.cloneJSONObject (r [u] [s]), e [6] = w [7], e [2] = p, e [3] = 0, e [0] ='injected', e [8] = e [8] |) {}, e [8] .reverseOnly =! 0), n.push (e))); F < p & & (w = ['injected','-an_resting ', F, p - F,'linear',' ${stage} ','0','100'], n.push (w)); b.tlCached = t.createTL (n, b, {loop:v.loop});}) n.dirty & &(b.tlCached.currentPosition =d,b.tlCached.notifier.obs=k|| b.tlCached.notifier.obs);

    b.tlCached.sort ()}}function b (a, b) {If('chain'=typeof b) {var c = [b.SID]: 0;}} return {(c=c?c.timeline:0) & & c.labels? c.labels [b]: 0}return b}function d (a) {var b = a, c;'chain' (=typeof a & & - 1!\$\{/) & & (\$\{/),\}/),b=a.slice(b+2,c),'string'=typeof b & & (b = f.trimString (b), b = b.replace (/ [""] / g, "")));} Return b} function c (a, b) {for ("var c = a, k; b & &"string "= typeof c & & - 1!")} == (/ \ $------{/}) ;) k = d (c), c = 0 Sub = b [k]? void 0:c.replace (/------$------{[^-]}] {*------} / b [k]); return c} var n = window.jQuery?

    window.jQuery:f. $v = f.Symbol, t = f.Timeline, a = t.isTween, k = 0; v._makeUniqueID = r; f.symbol = v; v.get= v.getSymbol = u; v.setSymbol = e; f.addObserver ({newComp:function(a, b) {b.comp.addObserver ({newSymbol:function(a, b) {b.symbol.addObserver ({newEle:function(a, b) {var c = n (b.ele), g = b.defn, d = a.composition; g.userClass & & c.addClass (g.userClass); f. $.data (c [0],'definition', g); g.symbolName & & (new v (d.sym g.symbolName = g}})}})}}) (, d, a), g.init (c [0]), = | [], (g), g.prnt = (a)}})}})}}); f.CL oneJSONObject = p; s = v.bldTL; v.p2n = b; f.trimString =

    function (a) {return a.replace (/ ^ \s + | \s + $/ g,"")}; d = v.parseVariableName; v.substituteVariables = c; n.extend (v.prototype, {init:function(a, b) {var c =this[] .data, d = n (a), k = d [0] user.user, t; }}) This. gpuAccelerate = c.gpuAccelerate; "undefined"=typeof this.gpuAccelerate & & (this.gpuAccelerate =! 0); this.gpuAccelerate =this.gpuAccelerate & & f.supported.cssTransform3d; this.variablesthis.variables = | {}; this._variablesthis._variables = | {} ; a = a | n("." + b) [0] ; this.autoPlay = c.timeline? c.timeline.autoPlay:! 1; e (a,ce) ; if (this= .ele

    (a) k & &' '! == k || (k = r ('stage'), d [0] user.user = k), t ="#"+ k,this._variables [k] isthis. _variables.stage = t,this. _variables.symbolStage = t,this. _variables.symbolSelector = t, d.css ("position","absolute"), d.css (' z-index ','0'); if (c) {f.renderDOM (this.composition,this, c.content.dom,, a, b);} var c =, h, v.; for (h in c) if ("${symbolSelector}"! = h & & c.hasOwnProperty (h) & & (d=h,k=/^\$\{/,k.test(d)?) () d = d.Replace (k,""), d = d.replace ({/------} /,""), dthis.find = $(d)):d=f.$(d),d))for(v in f._.p) f._.p.hasOwnProperty (v) & & f._.p [v] even (d,

    c [h],this.composition)} h = {symbol:this, element:this.ele, performDefaultAction:! 0}; n.extend (h,Sub 0); { this.notifyObservers ("creationComplete", h)}, lookupSelector:function(a) {If('chain'=typeof a)try{return c ("$ {}"+ one +"")} "(,this._variables)}catch(b) {}}, getSymbolTypeName:function() {return}, getComposition:function() {return this.composition}, are looking for$:function(a) {a = a.split (" "); } var b =this._variables [[0]]; if (2 > a.length |! b) return b? f$ (b):null; b = f.$ (b); if (! b |! b.Length) return null; a.splice (0,1); a = a.join (' ");

    return {(b = u (b))? b.find$ (a):void 0}, $:function() {var b = a; } If('chain'=typeof a)try{(\$\{/)?} {((b =this.lookupSelector (a)),'undefined'=typeof b & &(b=a)): b = c (a,this._variables)}catch(k) {}void 0 = b & & (b = d (a)); { return f.$ (b)}, register:function(a, b, c) {var d =; c = r(d,c); } {This._variables [d] ="#"+ c; b.oldId =; = c}, seek:function(a, b) {s (this); {This(a, b)}, play:function(a, c, and d) {s (this); This.tlCached & & (a b (this, a) =this. ({pos: one, variables:this._variables, executeTriggers:c,}))

    {(playDirection:d}))}, stop:function(a, c) {s (this); {This.tlCached & & (a = b (this, a),this. tlCached.stop ({pos: a, variable:this._variables, executeTriggers:c, bseek:Sub 0! = a}))}, playReverse:function(a, b) {this(a, b,"reverse") .play}, isPlaying:function() {var a =this. _getTimeline(); return a & &! a.Playing}, isPlayDirectionReverse:function() {var a =this. _getTimeline(); return & &'backside'= a.currentDirection? 0:! 1}, getTimelinePosition:function() {return this. getPosition()} , getPosition:function() {s (this); return this.tlCached?

    { this. tlCached.getCurrentPosition (): 0}, getDuration:function() {s (this); {If(this.tlCached)return this. tlCached.getDuration ()}, getLabelPosition:function(a) {return b (this, a)}, _getTimeline:function() {s (this); return this.tlCached}, _rebuild:function() {s (this,! 0)}, getTimelineData:function() {return (this) h}, getTLD:function() {return this. getTimelineData()}, _applyBaseStyles:function(a, b) {var c =this[b] .data; If(c.content & & & & [' ${symbolSelector} ']) {var c = [' ${symbolSelector} '],}

    d; if (a & & a [0]) for (d in f._.p) if (f._.p.hasOwnProperty (d)) {If('width'== d |)} ( 'height'== d) {var k = a [0] .style [d]; } If(null! = k & &""!) = k & &"auto"! ({({{{(= k)continue} f._.p [d] even (a, c,this.composition)}}}, getAutoPlay:function() {return this.autoPlay}, setAutoPlay:function() {this.autoPlay = one}})})(window.) AdobeEdge);

    (function(f) {function r (h, l, q, p, s, b) { (this); }}) ="prop tween"; thisthis.elements = q = .sourceElements; this.deferElementResolution =! 0; this.tweenType = e [h]; this.updateTriggered =! 1; = l; this.fromValue = p; thiss = .toValue; this.duration = 1E3; thisthis.tokens =this=null.valueTemplate = .fromValues; b & & u.extend(, b); this.deferElementResolutionthis.deferElementResolution = | ( 'chain'=typeof q & & - 1!\$\{[^\{\}]+\}/); this.deferElementResolution | (this.elements =this.resolveElementSelector (q));

    this.toValues = q = []; p =this.parseValue (s); var d; u.isArray (s) | (s = [s]) ; p & & 0! == p.length | (p = s); h = p.length; for (s = 0; s < h; s += 1) b = p [s], [l] f.props & & (b = f.props [t] .units (b)), d = {},'string'=typeof b? (d.value = parseFloat (b.replace (/ % [a-zA-Z] + $/,""")), d.unit = b.replace (/ ^-?)) [ 0-9] * (\. [ 0-9] +) ? ((/,' '), isNaN (d.value) & & (d.value = b, d.unit ="""")): ('number'=typeof b & & (b = parseFloat (b)), d.value = b, d.unit =""), q.push (d); if (null! =this.fromValue) for (l =this.fromValues = [], (s =this.parseValue (this.fromValue)) & & 0 < s.length?) this.fromValue =

    (this.fromValue) s:u.IsArray | (this.fromValue [this.fromValue] =), h =this. fromValue.length, s = 0; s < h; s += 1) b =this.fromValue [s],'string'=typeof b? ([e] l = parseFloat (b.replace (/ % [a-zA-Z] + $/,""")), isNaN (l [s]) & & (l [s] = b)): ('number'=typeof b & & (b = parseFloat (b)), l [s] = b); if (thisfilter) for ((thefilter) u.isArray |) (thisfilter = [thisfilter]), l =this. filter, h = l.length, s = 0; s < h; s += 1)'chain'=typeof l [s] & & (l [s] = Math [l [f]]),'function'! ==typeof l [s] & & (l [e] =null); { this.valueTemplate & & (this.tokens =this.parseTemplate (this.valueTemplate))}

    var u = $ f, e = {style: 0, attribute: 1 property: 2}, p ="webkitAppearance"in; f.trimString =function(e) {return e.replace (/ ^ \s + | \s + $/ g,"")}; r.Token =function(e, f) {this.value = e; This. isPlaceholder = f}; r.parseVariableName =function(e) {var l = e, q;'chain' (=typeof e & & - 1!\$\{/) & & (\$\{/),\}/),l=e.slice(l+2,q),'string'=typeof l & & (l = f.trimString (l), l = l.replace (/ ["'"] "/ g," "")));} return l}; r.substituteVariables = function (e, f) {for (var q = e, p; f & & "string" = typeof q & &)}

    -1! == (/ \ $\ {/}) ;) p = r.parseVariableName (q), q =Sub 0 = f [p]? ([Sub 0:q.replace(/\$\{[^\}]*\}/,f[p]); Return q}; u.extend (r.prototype, f.Animation.prototype); u.extend (r.prototype, {constructor: r, Setup:function(e) {this.updateTriggered =! 1; }}) This.timeline = e; { this.animData =Sub 0}, update:function(e, f) {var q =this(.getElementSet), p =this, s isthis.tweenType, b, d; This.updateTriggered | (this= .updateTriggered 0,this. setupForAnimation()); q.each (function(c, n) {var v = p.getPropertyTweenData (n, s, b), t, a, k, g, m,})

    q, r; if (v.animationID = p.animationID) {t = v.fromValues, a = v.toValues, v = v.tokens; k = p.filter, g = t.leng e; m = []; for (d = 0; d < g; d += 1) q = t [d], r = a [d], q ='string'=typeof q? 0 = f & & 0 < p.duration? q:r.value:q + (r.value - q) * f, k & & k [d] & & (q = k [d] (q, p,this, b, r.unit, e)),'number'=typeof q & & 1 > q & & (q = q.toFixed (6)), m.push(q+r.unit), t = p.formatValue (m); if (0 < t.length) v = t; else if (v) {t = v.length; a = []; for (d = 0; d < t; 1) k = v [d], k.isPlaceholder? a.push += d (m [k.value]): a .push (k.value); {v = a.join (' ')}else v = m.join ("'); (this, s, b, v); p.notifyObservers ('onUpdate',

    {(({écoulé: element, propriété: b, e, valeur: v, easingConst:f:cette})}})}, setValue:function(e, f, q) {switch(e) {case 0:e = u (this); e.css (f, q); p & &' background-size '= f? e.css (' - webkit - background-size ", q):'view'= f & &"AUDIO"==this.nodeName & & e.attr ('orders','none'= q? )}} NULL:'orders'); Break; case 1:this.setAttribute (f, q); Break; {{ case 2:this[f] = q}}, getDuration:function() {return this.duration}, resolveElementSelector:function() {var e = r.substituteVariables (this.elements,this. timeline.variables); e |} (e =this.elements);/^\$\{/.test(e) & &

    (e ="bad_selector"); return u (e)}, getElementSet:function() {var e =this.animationID f; This. timeline.animData =this. timeline.animData | {} ; (f =this. timeline.animData [e]). (f =this. timeline.animData [e] =this.deferElementResolution?) ( this. resolveElementSelector():this.elements); f return }, getValue:function(e, f) {var q; switch(f) {box 0:q = u (this) .css (e); break; case 1:q isthis.getAttribute (e);. Break; {{ case 2: q = (this[e]) String}return q}, setupForAnimation:function() {var e =this, fthis.tweenType, q =this= .property; } This() .each (function(p) .getElementSet,

    (s) {var b = e.getPropertyTweenData (s, f, q), d, c, n, v; b.animationID = e.animationID; b.toValues = e.toValues; b.tokens = e.tokens; } If(e.fromValues) b.fromValues = e.fromValues; else if (d = (this, q, f),Sub 0 = d & & (d ="0"), (c = e.parseValue (d)) & & 0 < c.length) for (b = b.fromValues = [], d = c.length, n = 0; n < d; n += 1) v = c [n], b [n] ='string'=typeof v? parseFloat (v.replace (/ % [a-zA-Z] + $/,""")): v, isNaN (b [n]) & &(b[n]=v); ( else b.fromValues=[parseFloat (d (/ [a-zA-Z] % + $/,))]})}, parseTemplate:function(e) {var f = e.length, q = [], p = 0, s =

    /@@[0-9]+@@/g,b=null; for (p < f & & (b = s.exec (e)); b ;) b.index! == p & & q.push (new r.Token (e.substring (p, b.index),! 1)), q.push (new r.Token (parseInt (replace b [0] (/ @ / g,""), 10),! 0)), p = s.lastIndex, b =null, p < f & & (b = s.exec (e);)) p < f & & q.push (new r.Token (e.substring (p, f),! 1)); return q}, parseValue:function(e) {return[]}, formatValue:function(e) {return""}, getPropertyTweenData:function(e, l, q) {var p = $ f..} data (e,"tweenData"); p | (p = {}, f. . data (e,"tweendata", p)); (e = p [l]) | $ (e = p [l] = {}); (l = e [q]) | (l = e [q] = {animationID:-1});}) return l}});

    f.PropertyTween = r; f.Timeline.addTweenType ('style',function(e, f, p, u, s) {return new r ('style', e, f, p, u, s)}); AdobeEdge.Timeline.addTweenType ("attribute",function(e, f, p, u, s) {return new r ("attribute", e, f, p, u, s)}); ({AdobeEdge.Timeline.addTweenType ('property',function(e, f, p, u, s) {return new r ('well', e, f, p, u, s)}); f.Timeline.addTweenProperty ('volume','property')})(window.) AdobeEdge);

    (function(f) {var r = $ f, u =function(e) {this.handlers = {}; }}) This. timeline = e}; u.Register =function(e, f, h) {var l = e.updateFinalizer;'undefined'=typeof l & & (e.updateFinalizer = l, l =new (e), e.addObserver (l)); l.handlers [f] = h}; u.unRegister =function(e, f) {var h = e.updateFinalizer;"undefined"! ==typeof h & &Remove h.handlers [f]}; r.extend (u.prototype, {_finalizeUpdate:function(e, f) {var h = {elapsed: e, context: f}, l; for(l in this.handlers)If(this.handlers.hasOwnProperty (l)) {var q =this.handlers [l]; }}) {If(the.handlers q.onFinalUpdate) q.onFinalUpdate (h)} =.

    {}, postUpdate:function(e, f) {this._finalizeUpdate (f.elapsed, f.context)}, complete:function(e) {this.timeline & &this. timeline.removeObserver (this); } This. (timeline.updateFinalizer=_0}}); f.UpdateFinalizer =Sub u})(window.) AdobeEdge);

    (function(f) {function r (b, d, e) {var f = l.event.the [d]; e & & f.teardown & & (b, d, e); var f = b.AnListeners = b.AnListeners |}}) {}, a, k ; a = f [d] = f [d] | []; if (null! = e) for (b.removeEventListener? b.removeEventListener(d,e):b.detachEvent & & b.detachEvent (d, e), k = f.le ngth-1; 0 < = k; k-) a [k] = e & & f.splice (k, 1); { another d & & (f [d] .forEach (function(a) {b.removeEventListener? b.removeEventListener(d,a): b.detachEvent & & b.detachEvent(d,a)}), f [d] = [])}function u (b, d, e, f) {hasfunction {If(2 < = a.length & &'object'=typeof a [0] & &'object'=)}}

    typeof a [1] & &'onError'! == a [1] .Guy) {var g; g = l.Event ("onError"); b & & (g.compId = b.getComposition () .compId);g.originalEvent=a[1];document.dispatchEvent(g)} w indow.console.log ("Javascript error in the event handler.} Type of event = "(+ d)}var k = b [f [0]], g;" return 'function'=typeof k? ('element'= d? g =function() {var d; d = (arguments); d.unshift (b); }) If(2 < = d.length & &'object'=typeof d [0] & &'object'=typeof d [1] & &'compositionReady'= d [1] game & &'chain'=typeof d [1] .compId & &'object'=typeof d [0] .composition & &)

    d [1] .compId! == d [0].composition.ID)return null; try {return k.apply (b, d)} catch (g) {d}}:'timeline'= d? g =function(g, e) {var f, t; t = e & & e.methodName & & /^trig_/.test (e.methodName)? l.Event ("trigger"): l.Event (d); e & & l.extend (t, e As EventArgs) f = (arguments); t.timeline = g; ; e f.splic (0,0,t); f.unshift (b) try{return k.apply (b, f)}catch(v) {a (f)}}:'symbol'= d & & (g =function(b, c) {var g e, f; e = c & & c; c.methodName? l.Event (c.methodName): l.Event (d) & & (l.extend (e, c), e c.variableValu & &(f=c.variableValue)); g = (arguments);

    g.splice (0,0,e,f); g.unshift (b); try {return k.apply (b, g)} catch {{(t) a (g)}}), g):null}function e (b, d) {var e = d [0], f = s [e [0]], a; f & & (a = u (b, e [0], e [1], d.slice (1))) & & f.apply (b, [a] .concat (e.slice (1)))}function p (b, d) {d = d | b.Data [b.Name] .actions |} { ;} l.extend (b, d)}function h(b,n,v,t,a,k) {var g = f.getComposition (b) .sym [n], m = x ("binding"); v = [[k, v, t], m]; var h;} if (g & & (g.actions = g.actions |)) {}, g.actions [m] = a, g.bindings = g.bindings | [], g.bindings.push (v) = f.getComposition (b)) b & & (b.addObserver (d), b = b.getSymbols ()))of(g = b.length,

    k = 0; (k < g;k++) t = b [k], h =, n = h & & (h = {}, h [m] = a, p(t,h), e(t,v))}var l = $ f, q is f.Symbol, x = f.Symbol._makeUniqueID, s = f.triggerDict = {timeline:function(b, d, e) {If(b) {[e] d = b, d = {}; var f =this._getTimeline (); f.addObserver (d)}}, element:function(b, d, e) {If(b)If('document'= d) l (document) .bind (e}} ,b) ; else si ('window'= d) l (window) .bind (e, b); else (({var f=/^\$\{/;f.test(d) & & (d = d.replace (f,' "" '), d=d.replace(/\)},"')); {{{(dthis.find = $(d)) & & d.bind (e, b)}}, symbol:function(b, d, e) {b & & (d = {}, d [e] = b,this.addObserver (d))}}, b, d; l.Event =

    function (b) {If(f.supported.customEvent)return new CustomEvent(b,{bubbles:!0,cancelable:!0});) var d = document.createEvent ('Event'); d.initEvent(b,!0,!0); return d}; leventthe Group {}; levent.the group {};. l.extend (f.An$ .prototype, {bind:function(b, d) {this.each (function(e, f) {var a = l.event.the [b]; a & & a.setup & & (f, b, d); f.addEventListener? f.addEventListener(b,d):f.a ttachEvent & & f.attachEvent (b, d); a = f.AnListeners = f.AnListeners |})}}) {} ; a [b] = a [b] | [] ; ({a [b] .push (d)}); return this}, unbind:function(b, d) {this.each (function(e,

    (f) {r (f, b, d)}); return this}, trigger:function(b) {var d = document; } This[0] & & (d =this[0]); d.dispatchEvent (b); return this}}) ; b = {creationComplete:function(b, d) {p (b); var f; f = [] .bindings |}} []; var t = f.length, a, k; for (a = 0; a < t;a++)k=f[a],e(b,k)}};) d = {newSymbol:function(c, d) {d.symbol.addObserver (b)}}; q.bindElementAction =function(b, d, e, f, a) {h (b, d, e, f, a,'element')}; q.bindTimelineAction =function(b, d, e, f, a) {h (b, d, e, f,"timeline")}; q.bindTriggerAction =function(b, d, e, t, a) {var k = f.getComposition (b) .sym [d], g;

    {k & & (k = k.timeline? & & (g = x ('trig'), t = ['trigger', t, g, g], k.push (t), k.dirty is! 0, h (b, d, e, g, a,"chronology"), k.dirty =! 1)}; q.bindSymbolAction =function(b, d, e, f) {h (b, d,"", e, f,"symbol")}; q.bindVariableAction =function(b, d, e, f) {h (b, d,"","variableChanged:"+ e, f,"symbol")}; l.extend (q.prototype, {executeSymbolAction:function(b, d) {If(!)}}) () 'object'! ==typeof d | 3 > d.length)) {var e = d [0], f =this. $d [1], a = d [2];! f: 1 > f.length |} (f = q.getSymbol (f [0])) & & e & & (a & &"object"=typeof a |) {{(un =null), f [e] .apply (f a)),}}, eSA:function(b,

    (d) {this.executeSymbolAction (b, d)}})}) (window. AdobeEdge);

    (function(f, r, u) {document.createEvent & & (f.addTouchSupport =function() {var e = f. $, p = f.An$; e.fn = e.fn |})}) {} ; e.each ("touchstart touchmove touchstart blow swipeleft swiperight".split (""),function(b, d) {p.prototype [d] = e.fn [d] =function(b) {return b? }}) {This.bind (d, b):this.trigger (d)}; e.attrFn & &(e.attrFn[d]=!0)}); var h ="ontouchend"in the document, l =! h & & r.navigator.msPointerEnabled, q = h? "touchstart":"mousedown", x = h? "touchstart":"mouseup", s = h? "touchmove":"mousemove"; e.event. Special.swipe = {scrollSupressionThreshold:30, durationThreshold:1E3,

    horizontalDistanceThreshold:30, verticalDistanceThreshold:75, swipeEvent:e.Event ("swipe"), swipeLeftEvent:e.Event ("swipeleft"), swipeRightEvent:e.Event ("swiperight"), setup:function() {If(! )} This.setupDone) {var b = e (this); l & & b.css (' - ms - touch-action ',' pan-y pinch-zoom double-tap-zoom '); b.bind (q,function(d) {function c (d) {b.unbind (x, c); b.unbind (f, s); t & & a & & a.time - t.time < e.event. special.swipe.durationThreshold & & Math.abs(t.coords[0]-a.coords[0]) > e.event. special.swipe.horizontalDistanceThreshold & & Math.abs (t.coords [1]-)}})}

    a.coords [1]) < e.event. {special.swipe.verticalDistanceThreshold & & b.trigger(e.__event__.special.swipe.swipeEvent).trigger (t.coords [0] > a.coords [0]? e.event. special.swipe.swipeLeftEvent:e.event. special.swipe.swipeRightEvent); t = a = u}function FB {If(t) {var c = b.touches? b.touches [0]:b.originalEvent.touches? b.originalEvent.touches [0]: b; a = {time: (new Date) .getTime (), coords: [c.pageX, c.pageY]};}} Math.ABS(t.coords[0]-a.coords[0]) > e.event. {{special.swipe.scrollSupressionThreshold & & b.preventDefault ()}} h = d.touches? d.touches [0var ]:

    d.originalEvent.touches? d.originalEvent.touches [0]: d, t = {time: (new Date) .getTime (), coords:[h.pageX,h.pageY],origin:e(},a;b.bind(s,f).bind(x,c)});} this.setupDone =! 0}}} ; (e.each_({swipeleft_:__"swipe"__,_swiperight_:__"swipe"__},__fonction__(b,_d) {e.event.the [b] = {Setup:function() {.bind (d, e.noop) e (this)}, remove:function(b, f, h) {e (b) .unbind (d)}}})})})(AdobeEdge,window);

    (function(f) {function r(b,c,a,k,g,e) {null! == s [c] & & (this.superProperty s = .cssProp, b = s [c] [c] game,"color"= b? f.ColorTween & & (p.extend (this, f.ColorTween.prototype), p.extend (this, d), (this, b, c, a, k, g, e)): (p.extend (this, h.prototype), p.extend (this, d), (this, b, c, a, k, g, e))); }}) { ="subpropertyTween"}function u() {var b = $ f..} data (thiselement,thisprop); {b & & r.applySubproperty (the. element, b, b.tween)}function e (b, c) {var a = b [0], k, g = $ f..} data (a, .cssProp s [k]); g | (g = ({superProperty: s [k] .cssProp},))

    ( a), f$.data(a,s[k].cssProp,g)); g [k] = c;{element:a,prop:s[k].cssProp})}var p = $ f, h is f.PropertyTween, l = f.UpdateFinalizer, q, x {'box-shadow': {def:'box-shadow',' ' - webkit - box-shadow ':'boxShadow.color boxShadow.offsetH boxShadow.offsetV boxShadow.blur boxShadow.spread boxShadow.inset'.split (""),'- moz - box - shadow':'boxShadow.color boxShadow.offsetH boxShadow.offsetV boxShadow.blur boxShadow.spread boxShadow.inset'.split (""),'box-shadow':'boxShadow.color boxShadow.offsetH boxShadow.offsetV boxShadow.blur boxShadow.spread boxShadow.inset'.split ("")}, }

    'text-shadow': {def:'text-shadow','text-shadow': ['textShadow.color','textShadow.offsetH',' textShadow.offsetV',' textShadow.blur']}, filter: {def:'- webkit - filter','- webkit - filter':' filter.invert rotation filter.hue filter.contrast filter.saturate filter.brightness filter.sepia filter.grayscale filter.blur filter.drop - shadow.color filter.drop - shadow.offsetH filter.drop - shadow.offsetV filter.drop - shadow.blur '.split (""),'- moz - filter':' filter.invert rotation filter.hue filter.contrast filter.saturate filter.brightness filter.sepia filter.grayscale filter.blur filter.drop - shadow.color filter.drop - shadow.offsetH filter.drop - shadow.offsetV filter.drop - shadow.blur '.split (""),}

    {{ filter:"filter.invert rotation filter.hue filter.contrast filter.saturate filter.brightness filter.sepia filter.grayscale filter.blur filter.drop - shadow.color filter.drop - shadow.offsetH filter.drop - shadow.offsetV filter.drop - shadow.blur".split ("")},'background-size': {def:'background-size','background-size': ['background - size.x','background - size.y']},'background-position': {def:'background-position','background-position': ['background - position.x','background - position.y']}}, s = {'boxShadow.offsetH': {cssProp:'box-shadow' }}

    type:"style",def:"0px",u:"px",i:1},"boxShadow.offsetV":{cssProp:"box-shadow",type:"style",def:"0px",u:"px",i:2},"boxShadow.blur":{cssProp:"box-shadow",type:"style",def:"0px",u:"px",i:3},"boxShadow.spread":{cssProp:"box-shadow",type:"style",def:"0px",u:"px",i:4},"boxShadow.color":{cssProp:"box-shadow",type:"color",def:"rgba(0,0,0,0)",i:5},"boxShadow.inset":{cssProp:"box-shadow",def:"",i:0},"textShadow.offsetH":{cssProp:"text-shadow",type:"style" def {:"0px"u:"px", i: 1},'textShadow.offsetV': {cssProp:'text-shadow' }

    type:"style",def:"0px",u:"px",i:2},"textShadow.blur":{cssProp:"text-shadow",type:"style",def:"0px",u:"px",i:3},"textShadow.color":{cssProp:"text-shadow",type:"color",def:"rgba(0,0,0,0)",i:0},"filter.drop-shadow.color":{cssProp:"filter",type:"color",def:"rgba(0,0,0,0)",strReplace:"drop-shadow(%1",combinedNum:4,i:8},"filter.drop-shadow.offsetH":{cssProp:"filter",type:"style",def:"0px",u:"px",i:9},"filter.drop-shadow.offsetV":{cssProp:"filter",type:"style",def:"0px" de sup {: 'px', i: 10},' filter.drop - shadow.blur ': {cssProp:'filter', }

    type:"style",def:"0px",strReplace:"%1)",u:"px",i:11},"filter.grayscale":{cssProp:"filter",type:"style",def:"0",strReplace:"grayscale(%1)",i:6},"filter.sepia":{cssProp:"filter",type:"style",def:"0",strReplace:"sepia(%1)",i:5},"filter.saturate":{cssProp:"filter",type:"style",def:"1",strReplace:"saturate(%1)",i:3},"filter.hue-rotate":{cssProp:"filter",type:"style",def:"0deg",strReplace:"hue-rotate(%1)",u:"deg",i:1},"filter.invert" : {cssProp:"filter", type:'style', def:'0', strReplace:'invert (%1)', i: 0},'filter.brightness': {cssProp:'filter', }

    type:"style",def:"0",strReplace:"brightness(%1)",i:4},"filter.contrast":{cssProp:"filter",type:"style",def:"1",strReplace:"contrast(%1)",i:2},"filter.blur":{cssProp:"filter",type:"style",def:"0px",strReplace:"blur(%1)",u:"px",i:7},"background-position.x":{cssProp:"background-position",type:"style",def:"0px",u:"px",i:2,domProp:"fill"},"background-position.y":{cssProp:"background-position",type:"style",def:"0px",u:"px",i:3,domProp:"fill"} ,'background - size.x': {cssProp:'background-size', type:'style', }

    {{def: sup: i: 4,'%',' 100% ', domProp:'fill'},"background - size.y": {cssProp:' background-size ', type:'style', def: sup:'%',' 100% ', domProp, i: 5:'fill'}}, b = 1, d = {setValue:function(b, c, a) {f. $.data (this, s [c] .cssProp) [c] = a}, getValue:function(b, c) {$ f..}} {data (this, s [b] .cssProp)}, setupForAnimation:function() {var b =this; } This.getElementSet () .each (function() {var c = f. $.data (this, b.superProperty); c |}) (c=b.buildProp_(__ce_), f. $.data (this, b.superProperty, c))}) ; (this)}, buildProp:function(c) {var d = {},

    k =this.superProperty, g = f.getSubProps (c, k); for (d to g) g.hasOwnProperty (d) & & (a [d] = g [d]); =this.superProperty + b; b += 1; a.element = c; a.prop k = a.onFinalUpdate = u; return a}, update:function(b, c) { (this, b, c); var a =this() .getElementSet, d =this, g, e =this. tweenType; a.each (function() {If((this, e, g) d.getPropertyTweenData .animationID = d.animationID) {var a = $ f..}})} data(, d.superProperty); a.timeline = d.timeline; a.tween = d; (l.Register (d.timeline,,a)}})}}; r.Pro totype.constructor = r;

    f.getSubProps =function(b, c) {var a = p (b), d, g; for(g in x [c])If(x [c] .hasOwnProperty (g) & & (d = a.css (g)) & &""!)} == d & &"none"! == d) {If(c ==) {g = x [c] [g]; d = d.replace'filter'(/, \s*/g,","); var a = [], e =Sub 0; a = (e=d.match(/invert\((.*?)}} [["filter.invert"] \)/))?e[1]:null; a = (e=d.match(/hue-rotate\((.*?) [[' filter.hue - rotation '] \)/))?e[1]:null; a = (e=d.match(/contrast\((.*?) [["filter.contrast"] \)/))?e[1]:null; a = (e=d.match(/saturate\((.*?) [["filter.saturate"] \)/))?e[1]:null; a = (e=d.match(/brightness\((.*?) (((['filter.brightness']-) /))?

    e [1]:null; a = (e=d.match(/sepia\((.*?) [["filter.sepia"] \)/))?e[1]:null; a = (e=d.match(/grayscale\((.*?) [["filter.grayscale"] \)/))?e[1]:null; a = (e=d.match(/blur\((.*?) [["filter.blur"] \)/))?e[1]:null; (d=(e=d.match(/drop-shadow\((.*?\)\s*.*?) \)/))?e[1]. Split (""): [null,null,null,null;] an [' filter.drop - shadow.color '] = d [0]; an [' filter.drop - shadow.offsetH '] = d [1]; an [' filter.drop - shadow.offsetV '] = d [2]; an [' filter.drop - shadow.blur '] = d [3]; d = [] ; e =Sub 0; for (e = 0; e < g.length; e += 1) r [l [e]] = a [[e] g] | s .def [[e] g]; return d} a = d; g = x [c] [g];

    a = a.Replace (/, \s*/g,","); a = a.split ("'); d = [] ; e =Sub 0; for (e = 0; e < g.length; e += 1) r [l [e]] = a [e] | s .def [[e] g]; { return d}return[]}; r.getSubType =function(b) {return s [b]? s [b] game: 0}; r.getStyle =void function(b) {return s [b]? s [b] .cssProp: 0}; r.applySubproperty =void function(b, c, a) {var d, g, e, f = p (b); for(g in x [c.prop])If('def'! == g & & x [c.prop] .hasOwnProperty (g)) {d =""; var n =! 0;}} for (b = 0; b < x [c.prop] [g] .length; b += 1) {e = c [x [c.prop] [g] [b]]; Sub 0 = e & &(e=s[x[c.prop][g][b]].def);} if ("combinedNum"in s [x [c.prop] [g] [b]]) for (var n =

    ! 0, h = b; h < b + s [x [c.prop] [g] [b]] .combinedNum; ++ h) 0! == c [x [c.prop] [g] [hSub ]] & & c [x [c.prop] [g] [h]]! s = [x [c.prop] [g] [h]] .def & & (n=!1);x[c.prop][g][b].match(/^filter./) & & e == s [x [c.prop] [g] [b]] .def & & n | {("strReplace"in s [x [c.prop] [g] [b]] & & (e = s [x [c.prop] [g] [b]].strReplace.replace ("%1", e)), d += e, b! == x [c.prop] [g] .length-1 & & (+= d"""))} (window.edge_authoring_mode & & g = x [c.prop] .def |!) {Window.edge_authoring_mode) & & f.css (g, d)} a & & a.notifier.obs.length & & a.notifyObservers ("onUpdate", {elapsed: 0, easingConst:0, property: g, value: d})

    (Element:f[0]})}; f.SubpropertyTween = r; f.Timeline.addTweenType ('subproperty',function(b, c, a, d, g) {return new r ('subproperty', b, c, a, d, g)}); var c, n; for (q s) c = {}, s.hasOwnProperty (q) & & (f.Timeline.addTweenProperty (q,"Subproperty""), n = s [q] c [q] = {f: n.domProp |}) (f.camelize_(n.cssProp), i: NI, j: n.j, def:n.def}, u s [q] & & (u c [q] s = [q] .u), f.defineProps (c), f._.p [q] .apply = e)}) (window. AdobeEdge);

    (function(f) {function r(b,a,c,d,e,n) { (this, b, a, c, d, e, n); }}) { ="transformTween"}function u (b) {var a = 0;'chain'=typeof b? a = parseFloat (b.replace (/ % [a-zA-Z] + $/,""")):'number'=typeof b & &(a=b);} return a}function e(b,a,c) {If(Sub 0 = a)return c; If(Sub 0 = c)return a; var d = u (a), (c) e = u, n; if ( ! d). return c; if ( ! e). Return a; a = f.splitUnits (a) .units; c = f.splitUnits (c) .units; n = a; a! == c & & ('%'= a & & (n = c, d = d/100 * b),'%'= c & & (e = e / 100 * b)); return d + e + n}function p() {}var h = $ f, l = f.PropertyTween, q =

    f.UpdateFinalizer,x=Math.cos,s=Math.PI/180,b,d='translateX translateY, translateZ scaleX scaleY rotateX, rotateY, rotateZ Scewx skewY'.split (' "); b = f.supported = f.supported | {}; var c = 1, n = {translate3d:0, translation: 0, translateX: 0, translateY:0, translateZ:0, rotation: 1, rotateZ: 1, rotateX:1, rotateY:1, rotate3d:1, tilt: 2, skewX:2, transformations: 2, scale3d:3, scale: 3, scaleX:3, scaleY: 3, scaleZ:3, point of view: 4}, v ="webkitAppearance"in; b.cssTransform = f.isSupported (["transformProperty","WebkitTransform",

    'MozTransform','OTransform','msTransform']); b.cssTransform3d is f.isSupported (["perspectiveProperty","WebkitPerspective","MozPerspective","OPerspective","msPerspective"]);. f.An$.prototype.hasClass = f.An$.prototype.hasClass | function (b) {If(this[0]) {var a = (this[0] .className |)}} ""). Split(/\s+/), c; for (c = 0; c < a.length; c += 1) if (b = a [c]) return! 0}return! 1}; r.removeData =function(b) {var a = f. $.data (b, r.dataName); a & & (a.timeline & & q.unRegister (a.timeline,, $ f..)} (data (ame b,r.dataN,Sub 0))}; r.getNumber = u; r.splitUnits =

    f.splitUnits; r.applyTransform =function(b, a, c, and d) {void 0! == f.applyCount & & (f.applyCount += 1); b = h (b); var m: n =! 0, l, p; d & & (n =! d.dontForceZ); m = e (1, a.translateX, a.motionTranslateX); l = e (1, a.translateY, a.motionTranslateY); d = e (1, a.rotateZ, a.motionRotateZ); p = f.supported.cssTransform3d; v?} (m =«translate ("+ m +",) ' "+ l +') ', l = u (a.translateZ) (0. == l || (n) & & p & & (m +="translateZ ("+ a.translateZ +"" ")" "), m +=" turn ("'+ d +'") ", p & & (l = u (a.rotateY), 0!" == l & & (m +="rotateY ("+ a.rotateY +"" ")" "), l = u (a.rotateX), 0. == l & & (m +="rotateX ("+ a.rotateX +"" ")" ")).

    a.skewX & &'0deg'! == a.skewX & & (m +="Scewx ("+ a.skewX +"" ")" "), a.skewY & &'0deg'! == a.skewY & & (m +="skewY ("+ a.skewY +"" ")" "), m +=" scale ("+ a.scaleX +","+ a.scaleY +" ")", l = u (a.scaleZ), 1. == l & & p & & (m +="scaleZ ("+ a.scaleZ +"" ")" "),! (window.edge_authoring_mode & & p & & b.css («-webkit-transform-style»,«chasse gardée-3d»), b.css (' - webkit - transform ', m)): (p = u (a.rotateX), n = u (a.rotateY), n = a.scaleX * x(s*n), p = a.scaleY * x(s*p), m ="translate ("+ m +",) '+ l +" ")"+ (' turn ("+ d +") '), a.skewX & &'0deg'! == a.skewX & & (m +="Scewx ("+ a.skewX +"" ")" "), a.skewY & &'0deg'! == a.skewY & &

    (m +="skewY ("+ a.skewY +"" ")" "), m +=" scale ("+ n +","+ p +" ")", b.css (' - moz - transform ', m), b.css ("- o - transform", m), b.css ("- ms - turn", m), b.css ("msTransform", m)); " {c & & c.notifier.obs.length & & c.notifyObservers ("onUpdate", {elapsed: 0, easingConst:0, property:'transform', value: m, element:b [0]}); b.css ("transform", m)}; r.dataName ="EdgeTransformData"; h.extend (r.prototype, l.prototype); h.extend (r.prototype, {constructor: r, Setup:function(b) {this.timeline = b; }) This= .updateTriggered! 1}, setValue:function(b, a, c) {f. $.data (this, r.dataName) [a] =}

    c}, getValue:function(b, a) {f. $.data (this, r.dataName)}, setupForAnimation:function() {var b =this, a; } This.getElementSet () .each (function() {a = f. $.data (this, r.dataName); a |}) (a=b.buildTransformData_(__ce_), f. $.data (this, r.dataName, a))}) ; (this)}, update:function(b, a) { (this, b, a); var c =this.getElementSet (), d =this, e, n =this. tweenType; c.each (function() {var a; d.getPropertyTweenData (this, n, e) .animationID = d.animationID & & (a = f. $.data (this, r.dataName),)})}

    a.Timeline = d.Timeline, a.Tween = d, q.Register(d.Timeline,a.ID,a))})}, buildTransformData:function(b) {var a = f.parseCanonicalTransform (b); a |} (a = {translateX:'0px', translateY:'0px', translateZ:'0px', scaleX:1, scaleY: 1, scaleZ:1, rotateX:'0deg', rotateY:'0deg', rotateZ:'0deg', skewXZ:0, skewXY:0, skewYZ:0, Scewx:'0deg', transformations:'0deg'}, a.matrix & & a.matrixdelete ); null= a & & (a = {}); ="transform_"+ c; c += 1; a.element = b; a.onFinalUpdate = q.prototype.applyTransform; return a}, buildDefaultTransformData:function(b) {var a = {translateX:'0px',}}

    {translateY:'0px', translateZ:'0px', scaleX:1, scaleY: 1, scaleZ:1, rotateX:'0deg', rotateY:'0deg', rotateZ:'0deg', skewXZ:0, skewXY:0, skewYZ:0, Scewx:'0deg', transformations:'0deg'}; a.ID ="transform_"+ c; c += 1; a.element = b; a.onFinalUpdate = q.prototype.applyTransform; return a}}); f.getTransform =function(b) {b = h (b); var a = b [0] .style, c; v & & ((c=b[0].style.webkitTransform) |)} (c = b.css) (("- webkit - transform")) ; if (c) return c;(c=b[0].style.msTransform) | (c = b.css ("- ms - turn")); c | (c = b.css ('msTransform')); c | (c = a.MozTransform); c. (c = a [' - moz - transform ']);

    c | (c = b.css (' - moz - transform ')); c | (c = a.oTransform); c. (c = b.css ("- o - transform")); c | (c = a.transform); c. (c = b.css ("transform")); c return | ""}; f.parseCanonicalTransform =function(b, a) {var c = ('chain'= a?a:f.getTransform(b)).match(/(\w+\s*\([^\)]*\)typeof ) (/ g), d = {}, e = {}, h, s, l;} if ( ! c). return null; e.translateX ='0px'; e.translateY ='0px'; e.translateZ ='0px'; 1 = e.scaleX; e.scaleY = 1; e.scaleZ = 1; e.rotateX ="0deg"; e.rotateY ="0deg"; e.rotateZ ="0deg"; e.skewXZ = 0; e.skewXY = 0; e.skewYZ = 0; e.skewX ="0deg"; e.skewY ="0deg"; for (h = 0; h <)

    c.Length; h += 1) {s = c [h] .match(/\w+/); If(d [s [0]] | 0 > n [s [0]])return null; l = c [h] everyone (/ \ ([^-])] *------) /); l = l [0] replace (/ [\ (\)] "/ g,' ''); l = l.split (","); switch (s [0]) {case 'matrix':return null;} case "translate3d": e.translateX = l [0]; e.translateY = 1 < l.length? l [1]:'0px'; e.translateZ = 2 < l.length? l [2]:'0px'; d.translate3d = d.translate = d.translateX = d.translateY = d.translateZ =! 0; Break; case 'translate': e.translateX = l [0]; e.translateY = 1 < l.length? l [1]:'0px'; d.translate3d = d.translate = d.translateX = d.translateY =! 0; Break; case "translateX": e.translateX =

    l [0]; d.translate3d = d.translate = d.translateX =! 0; Break; case "translateY": e.translateY = l [0]; d.translate3d = d.translate = d.translateY =! 0; Break; case "translateZ": e.translateZ = l [0]; d.translate3d = d.translateZ =! 0; Break; case "rotate3d": d.rotate3d = d.rotate = d.rotateX = d.rotateY = d.rotateZ =! 0return ,null; case "rotateX": e.rotateX = l [0]; d.rotate3d = d.rotateX =! 0; Break; case "rotateY": e.rotateY = l [0]; d.rotate3d = d.rotateY =! 0; Break; case "rotateZ":case "rotation": e.rotateZ = l [0]; d.rotate3d = d.rotate = d.rotateZ =! 0; Break; case "crosswise": e.skewX =

    l [0]; e.SkewY = 1 < l.length? l [1]:'0px'; d.skew = d.skewX = d.skewY =! 0; Break; case "Scewx": e.skewX = l [0]; d.skew = d.skewX =! 0; Break; case "skewY": e.skewY = l [0]; d.skew = d.skewY =! 0; Break; case 'scale3d': l [0] = e.scaleX; 1 = e.scaleY < l.length? l [1]: 1; e.scaleZ = 2 < l.length? l [2]: 1; d.scale3d = d.scale = DS = d.scaleY = d.scaleZ = caleX! 0; Break; case 'ladder': l [0] = e.scaleX; 1 = e.scaleY < l.length? l [1]: l [0]; d.scale = d.scaleX = d.scaleY =! 0; Break; case "scaleX": l [0] = e.scaleX; d.scale3d = d.scale = d.scaleX =! 0; Break; case "scaleY": e.scaleY = l [0]; d.scale3d = d.scale =

    d.scaleY =! 0; Break; case "scale": e.scaleZ = l [0]; d.scale3d = d.scaleZ =! 0; Break; case {{{ "perspective": d.perspective =! 0}} e}; r = f.TransformTween;return h.extend (q.prototype, {applyTransform:function(b) {var a = f. $.data (this. element, r.dataName); has & & b & & r.applyTransform (this. element, a, a.tween, b.context)}}); p.applySubprop =function(b, a) {var c = b [0], d, e = r.prototype.buildTransformData (c); e [d] = a; r.applyTransform (c, e,null, {})}; f.Timeline.addTweenType ('transform',function(b, a, c and e d) {return new r ("transform", b, a, c)})

    d, e)}); for (b = 0; b < d.length; b += 1) f.Timeline.addTweenProperty (d [b],"transform"); f.defineProps ({translateX: {f:"transform", i: 0, d: 0, u:"px"}, translateY: {f:"transform", i: 0, d: 1, u:"px"}, translateZ: {f:"transform", i: 0, d: 2, sup:"px"}, rotateZ: {f:"transform", i: 1, d: 0, u:"deg"}, rotateX: {f:"transform", i: 1, d: 1, u:"deg"}, rotateY: {f:"transform", i: 1, d: 2, u:'deg'}, Scewx: {f:'transform', i: 2, d: 0, u:"deg"}, transformations: {f:'transform' }) {, i: 2, d: 1, u:"deg"}, scaleX: {f:'transform', i: 3, j: 0}, scaleY: {f:'transform', i: 3, d: 1}, scaleZ: {f:'transform', i: 3}

    j:2}}); for (b_=_0_;_b_<_d.length;b_+=_1) f._.p [d [b]] .apply = p.applySubprop}) (window. AdobeEdge);

    (function(f){function r(){if(!x){var a=document.createElement("div"),a=h(a),e,g;a.css("background-color","transparent");g=a.css("background-color");a.css("background-color","rgb(100, 100, 100)");e=a.css("background-color");s=e!==g;a.css("background-color","transparent");a.css("background-color","hsl(100, 100%, 100%)");e=a.css("background-color");b=e!==g;a.css("background-color","transparent");a.css("background-color","rgba(100, 100, 100,.5)");e=a.css("background-color");d=e!==g;a.css("background-color" ,

    ( "transparent") ; a.CSS (' background-color ','hsla (100, 100%, 100%., 5) ») ; c; e = a.css ('background colour') = e! == g ; x = ! 0}}function u (a, b, c, d, e, n) { (this, a, b, c and d, e, n); } ="colorTween"; r()}function e (a) {return 0 > a? a 1:1 < a? a-1: a}function p (a, b, c, d) {return d < v? a + c * d: 0.5 > d? b:d < t? a + c * (t & d): a}:var = $ f., l is ['color',' background-color ',' border-color '], q, x! 1, s =! 1, b =! 1 D =! 1 C, =! 1, n = 1/3, v = 1/6, t = 2/3; h.extend (u.prototype, f.PropertyTween.protot type); h.extend (u.prototype, {constructor: u, getValue:function(a,})

    (b) {return h (this) .css (a)}, setValue:function(a, b, c) {.css (b, c) h (this)}, parseValue:function() {var b = (a), c = f.parseColorValue / rgb/gi, d = / hsl/im; } If(b & & b.colorFunction & & b.values) {a = b.values, b = b.colorFunction; } If(b.match (c))If(this.animationColorSpace & &'HSL'=this.animationColorSpace) c = {r:a[0],g:a[1],b:a[2]},(c=f.rgbToHSL(c))? 3 < a.length? (a = a [3], a = [s.h., c.s., c.l, a]): a = [s.h., c.s., c.l]: a = []; else if (! ( this.animationColorSpace)this.animationColorSpace ="RGB"; else {If('RGB'! ==this.animationColorSpace)return a} else if (b.match (d)) if (this.animationColorSpace & &)

    ( "RGB"=this.animationColorSpace) c = {h:a[0],s:a[1],l:a[2]},(c=f.hslToRGB(c))? 3 < a.length? (a = a [3], a = [c.r, CG limits, c.b, a]): a = [c.r, CG limits, c.b]: a = []; else if (! ( this.animationColorSpace)this.animationColorSpace ="HSL"; else if ("HSL"! ==this.animationColorSpace) &(a[3]=1); {{& a; 3 = a.length return return a}}, formatValue:function(a) {r (); If(a) {var b, e, n,""} HSL"=this.animationColorSpace & & c? (b="hsl",a=4===a.length&&c?b+"a("+a[0]+","+a[1]+"%,"+a[2]+"%,"+a[3]+")":b+"("+a[0]+","+a[1]+"%,"+a[2]+"%)"):d? (b ="rgb", a = 4 = a.length & & d?)

    b +« un ("+ [0] +" %, »+ a [1] +« % »,+ un [2] +« %, »+ un [3] +«) »: b +"("+ [0] +"%, »[1] + «, » + un [2] +%« % »)) : (b = [0,] e = a [1], n = a [2],« HSL »===cette.animationColorSpace & & (a=f.hslToRGB ({h : a [0], g : a [1], b : a [2]}), b=a.r,e=a.g, n=a.b), un = 65536 * Mat h.floor(2.55*b)+256*Math.floor(2.55*e)+Math.floor(2.55*n) , un =« # »+ a.toString(16)) ; return a}}}); f.ColorTween = u; f.Color = {formatValue:u.prototype.formatValue, parseValue:u.prototype. parseValue}; f.parseColorValue =function() {If(a) {var b=[],c,d,e=/^\s*#([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9]) ([a-fA-F0-9]) \s*$ /, f = / rgb/IM,}}

    n = / HSL / GI;(d=/^\s*#([a-FA-F0-9]{2})([a-FA-F0-9]{2})([a-FA-F0-9]{2})\s*$/.exec(a))? (b = [go eInt(d[1],16)/255 * 100, 100/255 * parseInt(d[2],16), parseInt(d[3],16)/255 * 100], c ="rgb"): (d = e.exec (a))? (b = [parseInt(d[1]+d[1],16)/255 * 100, parseInt(d[2]+d[2],16)/255 * 100, parseInt (d [3] + d [3], 16) / 255 * 100], c ="rgb"):"transparent"= a & & (b = [0,0,0,0], c ="rgb"); c | (c = a.toString (.match(/\w+/)), (c) h.isArray? c = c [0]: c | (c_=__""_), (d = a.toString (match) (/------([\d %, \.\s]*\)/)) & & 0 < d.length & & (d=d[0].replace(/[\(\)] "/ g,' ''))); if (0 = b.length) if (c.match (f)) if ((e=))

    / ^ \s * ([0-9] {1,3}) \s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s* (?:, \s* ([0-9] (?: \.))) [0-9] +) ?) \s*)? (($/ .exec (d)) & & 4 < e.length =) {for(a = 0; 3 > a; a += 1) b [a] = e [a + 1] / 255 * 100; 4 < e.length & & (e [4] |)} {(e[4]=1), b [3] = e [4])}else{If((d = / ^ \s * ([0-9] {1,3} (?: \.))))} [0-9] +) ?) \s*%\s*,\s* ([0-9] {1,3} (?: \.)) [0-9] +) ?) \s*%\s*,\s* ([0-9] {1, 3} (?: \.)) [0-9] +) ?) \s*%\s*(?:,\s*([0-9](?:\. [0-9] +) ?) (\s*)?$/.exec(d)) & & 4 < = d.length)for(5 < = d.length & & (d.length = 5, d [4] |)) (d [4] = 1)), a = 0; has < d.length - 1; (un += 1) b [a] = d [a + 1]}else If(c.match (n) & & (d = / ^ \s * ([0-9] {1,3} (?: \.)))) [0-9] +) ?) \s*,\s* ([0-9] {1,3} (?: \.)) [0-9] +) ?) \s*%\s*,\s* ([0-9] {1,3} (?: \.)) [0-9] +) ?) \s*%\s*(?:,\s*([0-9](?:\. [0-9] +) ?) \s*)?$/.exec(d)) & &

    4 < = d.length)for(5 < = d.length & & (d.length = 5, d [4] |)) (d [4] = 1)), a = 0; has < d.length - 1; a += 1) b [a] = d [a + 1]; if (b) for (a = 0; a < 1E4/b.length; a += 1) b [a] = Math.round (1E4 * b [a]). return {{{colorFunction:c, values: b}}}; f.hslToRGB =function() {If(null= a | 0 > a.s. | 100 < a.s. | 0 > a.l | 100 < a.l)return null;} for (; 360 < a.h;) a.h-= 360; for (; 0 > a.h;) a.h = 360 + a.h; var b={},c=a.h/360,d=a.s/100;a=a.l/100; var f, h, l; 0 = d? b = b = a b.b: (d = 0.5 > = a? a *(1+d): a + d - a * d, a = 2 * a-d, f = f (c + n), h = e (c), c = e (c - n), l = 6 * (d - a), b = p (a, d, l, f), b = p (a, d, l, h), b.b = p (a, d, l, c)); b.r = Math.min (100 *)

    b.r, 100); b = Math.min (100 * b, 100); b.b = Math.min (100 * b.b, 100); b = Math.round (1E4 * b) / 1E4; b.g=math.round(1E4*b.g)/1E4;b.b=math.round(1E4*b.b) / 1E4; return b}; f.rgbToHSL =function() {If(null= a | 0 > a.r | 100 < a.r | 0 > a.g | 100 < a.g | 0 > a.b | 100 < a.b)return null;} var b={h:0,s:0,l:0},c=a.r/100,d=a.g/100;a=a.b/100; var e = Math.max (c, d, a), f = Math.min (c, d, a), n; b. =(e+f)/2; e > f & & 0 < b.l & & (n = e-f, b = 0.5 > = b.? n /(e+f): n / (2-e-f), BH = e = a? 4 + (c - d) / n: e = d? 2 + (a - c) / n:(d-a) n, b.h * = 60, 360 b.h < b.h? b.h = 360:0 > & & (b. h = 360 + BH)); b.s = Math.min (100 *)

    b.s, 100); b. = Math.min (100 * b., 100); BH = Math.round (1E4 * BH) /1E4;b.s=Math.round (1E4 * b) / 1E4; b. = Math.round (1E4 * b.l) / 1E4; return b}; f.colorToSupported =function() {r (); If(! d & & / rgba/.test (a) |! s & & / rgb/.test (a) |! c & & / hsla/.test (a) |! b & & / hsl/.test (a)) {var e = f.parseColorValue (a) values, g, h, n; If(4 < e.length = & & 0.5 > e [3])return'transparent'; g=e[0];n=e[1];h=e[2];/HSL/.test(a) & & (a = f.hslToRGB ({h:e [0], g:e [1] b:e [2]}), g = a.r, n = a.g, h is a .b); g = Math.floor (2.55 * g); n = Math.floor (2.55 * n); h = Math.floor (2.55 * h); g =(15<g?"":"0") +

    g.toString (16); n = (15 < n?"":"0") + n.toString (16); h = (15 < h?"":"0") + h.toString (16); {{a =' # '+ g + n + h}return }; f.Timeline.addTweenType ('color',function(a, b, c and d, e) {u new return ('color', a, b, c and d, e)}); for (q_=_0_;_q_<_l.length;q_+=_1) f.Timeline.addTweenProperty (l [q],"color")})(window.) AdobeEdge);

    {{((function(f) {function r (b) {If( ("webkitAppearance")) {var d = e (b) .css (' - webkit - transform '); d.match(/translateZ/}}}) | d.match(/Matrix3D/) | e (b) .css (' - webkit - transform ", d +' translateZ (0) ')}}function u (b, d, c, n, l, s) {var a =null, k, g; 2 < = l.length & & e.isArray (l [1]) & & 2 < = n.length & & e.isArray (n [1])? a = 1:2 < = l.length & & e.isArray (l [4]) & & 2 < = n.length & & e.isArray (n [4]) & &(a=)} (4); Si ()for(k = n [a] .length < l [a] .length? n [a]: l [a], g = k = l [a]? n [a]: l [a], a = k.length; has < g.length; a += 1) k [a] = k [a-1]; (,

    b, d, c, n, l, s); ="" GradientTween""; this.tweenType = h [b]}var e = $ f, p = f.PropertyTween, h = {gradient: 0}, l = {' background-image ': {cssProp:' background-image ', def:"0px", sup:'px', i: 1}}, q, x = f. _ .apply .p [' background-image '], s = _ f.. p [' background-image '] .prep; f.forceGPU = r; e.extend (u.prototype, p.prototype), e.extend (u.prototype, {constructor: u, setupForAnimation:function() {this.getElementSet () .each (function() {r (this)}); (this)}, getValue:function(b, d) {return e (this) .css (b)}, setValuePre:function(b,})

    (d, c) {e (this) .css ("- webkit-"& c d) e (this) .css (d,"- moz-"+ c) e (this) .css (d,"- ms-"+ c); e (this) .css (d),"- o -"+ c}, setValue:function(b, d, c) {.css (d, c) e (this)}, update:function(b, d) {var c =this(.getElementSet), e =this, f =this.tweenType, h, a, k, g, m, s, q = l [] .cssProp; } This.updateTriggered | (this= .updateTriggered 0,this. setupForAnimation()); c.each (function() {var c = e.getPropertyTweenData (this, f,, l, If([c.animationID = e.animationID]) {a = c.fromValues, k = c.toValues, g = e.filter, m = a.length; s =]; for(h = 0; h < m; += h)}})

    (1) l = a c [h], is [h] k, l is'chain'=typeof l? 0 = d & & 0 < e.duration? l:c.value:l + (c.value - l) * d, g & & g [h] & & (l = g [h] (l, e,this, q, c.unit, b)),'number'=typeof l & & 1 > l & & (l = l.toFixed (6)), s.push (l + c.unit); c = e.formatValuePre (s); l = e.formatValue (s); (e.setV (cette f,q,c); (this, f, q, l); e.notifyObservers ('onUpdate', {elapsed: b, easingConst:d, property: q, value: the element:this})}})}, parseValue:function(b) {function d (a, b) {If(1 < a [b] .length)return a [b] [1]; var ;c=0===b?0:b===a.length-1?100:(d(a,b-1)+d(a,b+1)) c /}}

    2; a [b] .push (c); c return }If(b & &!) () 2 > b.length)) {"string"=typeof b & & (b = JSON.parse (b)); var c =null, n =null, h =null, l =null, an isnull, k = [], g is! 1, m = [], s; e.isArray(b[1])?} (c = b [0], n = b [1], b [2] & & (g = b [2])): (h = [b [0], b [1]], l = b [2], [3] a = b, n = n [4], b [5], & &(g=b[5])); for (b = 0; b < n.length; b += 1) if (s = f.Color.parseValue (n [0] [b], b)) k = k.concat (s), k.push (d (n, b)); if ((c = {angle: c, colorstops:k, centerPoint:h, ellipse: l mesure: une, répétant: g}) & & c.colorstops) return null! is c.angle? : c.centerPoint m = m.concat (c.angle) & & (m = m.concat (c.centerPoint), m =

    ({m.Concat ([c.Ellipse, c.extent])), m = m.Concat (c.ColorStops), m.Concat (c.Repeating)}}, formatVal EU:function(b) {return f.formatGradient(b,!1)}, formatValuePre:function(b) {return f.formatGradient(b,!0)}}); f.GradientTween = u; f.Gradient = {parseValue:u.prototype.parseValue}; f.formatGradient =function(b, d) {If(b) {var c ="", e =null, h,l,a;2===b.length%5?}} () e = 1, c = c +"degraded (linear)"+ ((d? b [0]:(450-b[0]) %360) +"deg",)): (e = 4, c +='gradient (radial)', c = d? c + (b [0] +'%','%'+ b [1] + (1 == b [2]?""))) Ellipse »:« cercle ») ++ b [3] +«, ») : c + (b [3] +

    " "+(1==b[2]?" Ellipse »:« cercle »)« à »+ b [0] + « » + b [1] +%« % »)) ; 1 == b [b.length - 1] & & (c ="extensible-"+ c); if (! (12 > b.length | 0! ==(b.Length-e-1) %5))) {a=Math.Floor((b.Length-e-1)/5); for (h = 0; h <; h += 1) l = 5 * h + e, c + = f.Color.formatValue (b.slice (l, l + 4)),-1! == b [l + 4] & & (ch. +=""+ b [l + 4] +"%"), h ! == a-1 & & (ch. +=","); retour c +=«) »}}} ; f.Timeline.addTweenType ('gradient',function(b, d, c, e, f) {return new u ("degraded", b, d, c, e, f)}); f._.p ["background-image"] .apply =function(b, d) {var c, e; If('chain'=typeof d)return (f._.p, ["background-image"],

    (b, d); c = f.gradient.ParseValue (d); e = f.formatGradient (c,! 1); c = f.formatGradient (c,! 0); {b.css (' background-image ','- webkit -'+ c); b.css (' background-image ','- moz -'+ c); b.css (' background-image ','- ms -'+ c); b.css (' background-image ','- o -'+ c); b.css (' background-image ', e)}; f._.p [' background-image '] .prep =function(b, d, c, e, h, l, a) {return void 0 == d [c] |} { 'chain'=typeof d [c] [e]?[__"background-image"__],b,d,c,e,h,l,a):d [c] [e]}; for (q) l.hasOwnProperty (q_ _en_ _l) & & f.Timeline.addTweenProperty (q,"gradient")})(window.) AdobeEdge);

    (function(f) {function r (b, d, c, e, f, h) { (this, b,'query', c,Sub 0,Sub 0, h); }}) ="motionTween";(this.path = e) & & 1 < e.length & & 6 > e [0] .length & & (e [0] [4] = e [0] [5] = 0, e [e.length - 1] .splice (2,0,0,0)); this. keyframes = []; b = document.createElement ("div"); c = q (b); null! == document.body & & document.body.appendChild (b); c.CSS ('left','-9999px ") .css ("width","100px"); c.CSS (' transform-origin ',' 50% 50% ') .css ("- webkit - transform-origin ',' 50% 50% ') .css (" - moz - transform-origin ',' 50% 50% ') .css ("- ms - transformation-origin ',' 50% 50% ') .css (" transform - o - origin ",)

    « 50 % 50 % ») ; d = c.css ('transform-origin'). c.CSS (' - webkit - transform-origin '). c.CSS (' - moz - transform-origin '). c.CSS (' - ms - transform-origin '). c.CSS (' transform - o - original "); c.CSS ('border-width' '10px') .css ('border-style' 'solid'); c = c.css ('transform-origin'). c.CSS (' - webkit - transform-origin '). c.CSS (' - moz - transform-origin '). c.CSS (' - ms - transform-origin '). c.CSS (' transform - o - original "); null ! == b.parentNode & & (b) b.parentNode.removeChild; ce { .originIncludesBorders = d! == c} function u (b, d, c) {try{If(b [0] = d [0] & & b [1] = )}}

    (d[1])returns{x: p [0], y: d [1]}}catch(e) {var f = {}, h = c * c, a = h * c, k = 2 * a - 3 * h + 1; c = a - 2 * h + c; var g =-2 * 3 a + * h, h = a - h; f.x = k * b [0] + c * b [2] + g * d [0] + h * d [4]; f.y = k * b [1] + c * b [3] + g * d [1] + h * d [5]; return f}function e (b, d, c) {If(b [0] = d [0] & & b [1] = d [1])return{dx:0, dy:0}; var e = {}, f = c * c, h = 6 * f - 6 * c, a = 3 * f - 4 * c + 1, k = f *-6 + 6 * c; c = 3 * f - 2 * c;} var f = b [3], g = d [5]; e.dx = h * b [0] + a * b [2] + k * d [0] + c * d [4]; e.dy = [1] h * b + a * f + k * d [1] + c * g; return e}function p (b, d) {var c = b .x - d .x, e = b.y - Nathalie; return Math.sqrt (c * c + e * e)}function h (b, d, c, e, f) {var l = Math.floor ([e] c .b), a = ([e] c .b +)}

    c[e+1].b)/2-l,k=u(b,d,a),g=0;p({x:(c[e].x+c[e+1].x)/2,y:(c[e].y+c[e+1].y)/2},k) > f & & (k.b = a + l, c.splice(e+1,0,k), g = h (b, d, c, e + 1, f), g = g + h(b,d,c,e,f) + 1); lbfunction return g} {var d, c, e, f, l, a, k, g; for(d = 0; d < b.length - 1; d ++) {f = [0,0, 3 * b [d].upper.x, 3 * b [d].upper.y, 3 * b [d].lower.x, 3 * b [d].lower.y]; l = [1, 1, 3 * b [j + 1].upper.x, 3 * b [j + 1].upper.y, 3 * (1-b [j + 1].lower.x), 3 * (1-b [j + 1].lower.y)]; a = []; for(c = 0; 5 > c; c ++) e = c/4}} k = {b:e}, g = u (f, l, e), k.x is g.x, k.y = g.y, k.b = e, has [and c] = k; a: {c = a; e = p (c [c.length - 1], c [0]); var m = kSub = 0, s = m =Sub 0; g =}

    .x .x - c c [c.length - 1] [0]; var q = there there - c c [c.length - 1] [0]; for (k = 1; k < c.length - 1; k ++) if (m = {x: c [k] .x - c [0] .x, there there - c [0] y: c [k]}, m = MX * g + m.y * q, s = e * p c [k], c [0], 0.005 < Math.abs ( os(m/s))) {c = ! 1 ; Break a} c =! 0}If(c) a.splice (1.3); else for (c = 0; 4 > c; c ++) e = 3 - c, h (f, l, a, e, 0.01); f = b [d]; l = 1; s = m = q = g = k = e = c =Sub 0; for (c = 0; c <.) Length-1; c ++) 0 < [c + 1] .x - a [c] .x & & (l=Math.min(l,a[c+1].x-a[c].x));k=Math.ceil(1/l); g = 1/k; q = [] ; m = 0; q [0] = {t: 0, e:0}; for (c = 0; c < k; c ++) {for(e = c * g; e > a [m + 1] .x & & m < a.length - 2 ;) m ++; s = a [m + 1] there; 0 < a [m + 1] .x .x - a [m] & &)}

    (s=a[m].y+(e-a[m].x)*(a[m+1].y-a[m].y)/(a[m+1].x-a[m].x)); q [c] = {t:e, e:s}} 1 > .t q [q.length - 1] & & (q [q.length] = {var q =:1,e:1});f.easingTable=q}} t $ f, x = f.TransformTween, s = f.UpdateFinalizer;})} q.extend (r.prototype, x.prototype); q.extend (r .prototype, {constructor: r, getValue:function(b, d) {}, setupForAnimation:function() { (this); }}) This.points | (this. setUpPoints(),this.setUpLen2bMap (), l (this.keyframes)); this.deltas | Window.edge_authoring_mode | (this.getElementSet () .each (function() {var b =

    (this) q, c = f. $.data (this,"p_x"). 'left', e = f. $.data (this,"p_y"). 'top', h = q (this.parentElement), l = + parseFloat (b.css (c)). 0, a = + parseFloat (b.CSS (e)). 0; '%'= f $.data (this,"u_x") & & (l = l/100 * + h.width ()); '%'= f $.data (this,"u_y") & & (a = a/100 * + h.height ()); f. $ (this"deltaX", l) .data; f. $.data (this,"deltaY", a); b.CSS(c,__"0px"_).CSS (e,"0px")}),that.deltas =! (0); for (var b =this; b._prevObj & & (2! = b._prevObj.path.length | b._prevObj.Path [0] [0]! == b._prevObj.path [1] [0]: b. _prevObj.path [0] [1]! == b._prevObj.path [1] [1]);) b = b._prevObj;

    b = e(b.Path[0],b.Path[1],1e-6); this.deltaRotate=180*Math.atan2(b.dx,b.dy)/Math.PI}, computeEasing:function(b) {var d = b /this=. getDuration(),this.keyframes; var c = 0, e, f, h;} for (e = 0; e < d.length - 1 & &!) (c = e, b < = d [e + 1] .t); e ++) ; e = d [c] .easingTable; f = d [c + 1] l - d [c] l; b = (b - d [c]. t)/(d[c+1].t-d[c].t);h=Math.floor(b/(e[1].t-e[0].t));h=Math.min(e.length-2,Math.max(h,0)); { return d[c].l+(e[h].e+(b-e[h].t)*(e[h+1].e-e[h].e)/(e[h+1].t-e[h].t)) * f}, originInPx:function(b) {var d, c = {}, e is b.width (), h = b.height (), l, one; d = (b.css (' transform-origin "" ') |)}

    b.CSS (' - webkit - transform-origin '). b.CSS (' - moz - transform-origin '). b.CSS (' - ms - transform-origin '). b.CSS (' transform - o - original "). "50% 50%"). Split (' "); 0 < d [0] .indexOf ('%')? (l = parseFloat (d [0].substring(0,d[0].length-1)) / 100, a = parseFloat (d [1] .substring (0, d [1] .the ngth-1))/100,c.x=e*l,c.y=h*a):(c.x=parseFloat(d[0].substring(0,d[0].length-2)), c.y = parseFl oat (d [1].substring(0,d[1].length-2))); this.originIncludesBorders | (l = l | c.x Fokker-built/e, a = a | c.y/h,d=f.splitUnits (b.css (' border-left-width ')) .num + f.splitUnits (b.css ("border-right-width")) .num |)

    0, d * = l, b = f.splitUnits (b.css (' border-top-width ')) .num + f.splitUnits (b.css ("border-bottom-width")) .num | 0, c.x Fokker-built += d, c.y += b * a); return c}, update:function(b, d, c) {this.updateTriggered |} (this= .updateTriggered 0,this.setupForAnimation (c)); c =this.getElementSet (c); var h =this, l, p =this.tweenType, a =this.findSegment (d), k isthis.path, g =this.easeToB (d), m isthis.points [this.points.length-1] l, r, g = Math.min (1, Math.max (0, g - a));r=Math.max(1E-6,Math.min(0.999999,g)); var A = u (k [a], [a + 1] k, g), a = f (k [a], k [a + 1], r), g = 180 *.

    Math.atan2 (a.dx, a.dy) Math.PI, z, E; this._prevObj & & 2 = k.length & & k [0] [0] = k [1] [0] & & k [0] [1] = k [1] [1]? (E =! 0, z = 0): z =this.deltaRotate-g; if (0 > d | 1 < d) k = Math.atan2 (a.dy, a.dx), a 1 = < d? d 1:d, A.x += Math.cos (k) * m * a, A.y += Math.sin (k) * m * a; c. each (function() {var a = q (this), c = h.getPropertyTweenData (this, p, l), e = f. $.data (, x.dataName), g =this. parentElement, k; e.tween = h; }) If(c.animationID = h.animationID) {var a = h.originInPx (a), c = f. $.data (this,'p_x') |} 'left', m = $.data (this,"p_y"). 'top', r = A.x, u = A.y, y = f.$ .data(,"u_x").

    "px", J = f. $.data (this,"u_y"). "px", O =! window.edge_authoring_mode, K = f.$ .data (this,"doAutoOrient"), K ="true"= K? 0:'false'= K? 1: k; O & & (k = q (g), g = k.width (), k = k.height (),'%'= y & & (r = r/100 * g),'%'= J & & (u = u/100 * k)); r +='right'= c? a. x:-1 * a.x; u +=« bas »=== m ? a. there:-1 * a.y; O & & (r = 0, u = 0); r = 0. == r & & 1E-6 > Math.abs (r)? r.toFixed (6): r.toString (); u = 0! == u & & 1E-6 > Math.abs (u)? u.toFixed (6): u.toString (); E | (K || (z = 0), z = 0.01 < Math.abs (z)? z: 0, f. $.data (this,"motionRotateZ", z +'deg'), (thisSub 0,"motionRotateZ", z +)

    (( 'deg'), s.Register (h.timeline,, e)); O? {({{(( (cetteSub 0,"motionTranslateX", r +"px"), (thisSub 0,"motionTranslateY", u +'px'), s.Register (h.timeline,, e)):(q(this) .css (c, r + y), h.notifyObservers ('onUpdate', {elapsed:b, easingConst:d, property:c, value: r + y, element:e.tween}), q (this) .css (m, u + J), h.notifyObservers ('onUpdate', {elapsed: b, easingConst:d, property: m, value: u + J, element:this}))}})}, findSegment:function(b) {b =this.len2b (b *this.points [this.points.length - 1] l); b = Math.floor (b);}

    return {Math.min (Math.Max(b,0),this.path.length - 2)}, easeToB:function(b) {return this.len2b (b *this.points [this.points.length - 1] l)}, setUpLen2bMap:function() {var b = 0, d, c, e = 60 *this.getDuration () / 1E3, f =this= [], h =this.points .len2bMap, a; for(d = 0; d < h.length - 1; d ++) l h [d] = b, b += p (h - h [d], [j + 1]); c = h [h.length - 1] l = b;} this.len2bStep = e = c/e; d = b = 0; if (0, c) {for(; b < = c ;){for(; d < h.length - 1 & & b > h [j + 1] l ;) d += 1; ))} If(d > = h.length - 1)break; a = h [d] .b + (b - h [d] .l) *(h[d+1].b-h[d].b) / (l - h h [j + 1] [d] l); f.push ({l:b, b: a}); b += e} f [f.length-1] .b <

    h [h.length - 1] .b & & f.push ({t:h[h.length-1].l,b:h[h.length-1].b})}else f.push({l:0,b:h[0].b})}, setUpPoints:function() {var b =this.path, d, c, e, f; ) This.points = []; for (d = 0; d < b.length - 1; d ++) for (c = 0; 5 > c; c ++) if (4 > c | d = b.Length - 2) f = c/4, e = {b:d + f}, f = u (b [d], b [j + 1], f), provable = f.x, e.y = f.y,this.points.push (e); for (d = 1; d < b.length; d ++) for (f = b.length - d-1, c = 0; 4 > c; c ++) e = 3 - c + 4 * f, h (b [f], b [f + 1],this.points, e, 2); return this.points}, len2b:function(b) {this.len2bMap |} this. setUpLen2bMap(); var d =this.len2bMap,c=Math.min(Math.max(0,Math.floor(b/

    ((( this.len2bStep)),this.len2bMap.length - 2); return 0 = d.length? 0:1 = d.length? d [0]. ({{b: (b - d [c] l) * (d [c + 1] .b - d [c] .b) / (d [c + 1] l - d l [c]) + d [c] .b}}); f.MotionTween = r; f.Timeline.addTweenType ('query',function(b, d, c, e, f, h) {return new r ('motion', b, d, c, e, f, h)}); f.Timeline.addTweenProperty ('motion','movement'); (f.Timeline.addTweenProperty ('place','movement')})(window.) AdobeEdge);

    (function(f) {function r (e, b, d, c, f, l) {If(d & & c & & e & & e._s & & e.sym & & e.sym [d]) {var p = [], a;'object'==typeof c? a = c:(a=b.find$(c)) |}}}) (a = b.$ (c)); a.each (function() {var a = h (this), b is document.createElement ("div"), c = ._children (one), r = {}, u, x; x = q.getParentSymbol (this,! 0); }) If(u =new q(e.sym,d,e,x,l))(f|| 0 === f) & & a._children () .eq (f) [0]? 0 > f? ch.. insertAfterdownload(f) (b): ch. insertBeforedownload(f) (b): a .append (b), u.opts = u.opts | (), h.extend (u.opts, r), u.init (b), u._applyBas eStyles ((b), d (h), ( = |) ([]) .push (u), p.push (u)}); e.readyCalled & &

    p.forEach (function() {x._playAuto (a,! 0); a.getSymbolElement () .css ("position","relative")}); return p}}function u (e, b) {var d, c = b.getSymbolElementNode () user.user; for(d = e.length - 1; 0 < = d; - d) e [d] .getSymbolElementNode (user.user = c) & & e.splice (d, 1)}function e (f, b) {b = b |} []; var d = f.parentNode; f & & 1 = f.nodeType & & (b.push (d), e(d,b)); return b}function p (e, b) {b = b |} {}; var d = e.composition? e.composition._s:null, c = {}, f = h.Event ("beforeDeletion"); h.extend (f, {Symbol:e,element:e.ele,performDefaultAction:!0});}) c & & h.extend (f, c); c =;

    if (d & & (e.notifyObservers ("beforeDeletion", f), f.performDefaultAction)) {e.stop (0);} if {{(c) for (; 0 < c.length;) p (c [0], b); e.prnt & & & & u (, e), u (e.composition._s, e); e.composit ionSub = 0; e.prnt = 0; d = e.ele; q.setSymbol (h (d)Sub [0],Sub 0); b._keepElement? h (d) .empty (): () .remove (d) h e.tlCached =null; e.ele =null; e.removeObservers ()}} var h = x = f.Composition; q = f.Symbol, $l = f.An, $ f. h.extend (l.prototype, {_parents:function() {var f = []; }}) This.each (function(b, d) {e (d, f)}); return SP (FRA)}, _children:function() {var e = [];

    this.each (function(b, d) {for(var c = e, c = c |)}) [], f is d.firstElementChild;f;)c.push(f),f=f.nextElementSibling}); return ({SP (ang)}, eq:function(e) {return (this[e]) h}, add:function(e) {var b =this; h (e) .each (function(d, c) {b.each (function(b, d) {d.appendChild (c)})})}}); q.getParentSymbol =function(e, b) {var d = h (e), c = d._parents (), f = c.length, l; If((l = q.getSymbol (d [0])) & & b)return l; for (d = 0; d < f; d ++) if (l = q.getSymbol (c [d])) return l; return null} ; h.extend (l.prototype, {void:function() {var e; }) This.each (function(b, d) {for(e = d.firstChild; e;) d.removeChild (e),})

    (e=d.firstChild})}, remove:function() {var e; This. empty(); ({{ this.each (function(b, d) {(e=d.parentNode) & & e.removeChild (d)})}}); h.extend (q.prototype, {deleteSymbol:function(e) {return p(e)}, createChildSymbol:function(e, b, d, c) {If(e & & b) {"var f;' object'==typeof b? f = b: (fthis.find = $(b)) |}}}) (f =ce. $(b)) ; if (f & & f [0] & & (e = r (.composition,this,this, e, b, d, c))) {{ Return e.forEach (function(b) {}), e [0]}}, getVariable:function(e) {return this[e] .variables}, setVariable:function(e, b) {this. variables [e] = b; window.edge_authoring_mode & &}

    (this._variables [e] = b); if (e) {var d =this.getVariable (e), c ="variableChanged:"+ e, d = {variableValue:d}, f = h.Event (c); h.extend (f, {symbol:this, element:this.ele, performDefaultAction:! 0}); h.extend (f, d);} { this.notifyObservers (c, f)}return this}, getSymbol:function(e) {e =this. $(e); return q.getSymbol (e)}, getParentSymbol:function() {return q.getParentSymbol (this.ele,! 1)}, getChildSymbols:function() {return } {This. ci.slice (0): []}, playAll:function() {this. play(); for(var e =this(.getChildSymbols, b = 0; b) < e.length; b ++) e [b] .playAll ()}.

    stopAll:function(e, b) {this.stop (e, b); for(var d =this(.getChildSymbols, c = 0; c) < d.length; c++) d [c] .stopAll (e, b)}, getSymbolElementNode:function() {return this.ele}, getSymbolElement:function() {return f. $(this.ele)}, _executeMediaAction:function(e, b) {If(!)} () 'object'! ==typeof b | 3 > b.length)) {var d = b [0], c =this. $(b[1]) [0]; } If(c & & d) {var f = b [2]; e & &'object'=typeof f |} (f =null); 'play'= d? {{(f & & 0 < f.length & &«nombre»===typeof f [0] & & (c.currentTime=f[0]), ()):'pause'= d & & c.pause ()}}}, _executeSymbolAction:function(e,

    b){if(!( 'object'! ==typeof b | 3 > b.length)) {var d = b [0], c = f.Symbol. } Download(this. $(b[1])); if (c & & d) {var = b [2] h; h & &'object'=typeof h |} (h =null); ({c [d] .apply (c, h)}}}, eMA:function(e, b) {this._executeMediaAction (e, b)}}); q.prototype.getParameter = q.prototype.getVariable; ({q.prototype. setParameter = q.prototype.setVariable; h.extend (x.prototype, {createSymbolChild:function(e, b, d, c) {return r (this,this.stage, e, b, d, c)}, removeSymbol:function(e, b) {If(this.symbolInstances) {var d = q.get(e); d & & d.deleteSymbol (b)}}})}) (window. AdobeEdge);

    OK... as usual, I didn't get no help here, but if anyone runs into this problem, the solution was that the command window was causing the error because IE8 does not recognize the responsiveness.  The thing was this piece of code added to the upper part of the script in the file index.html...

    It detects all versions of IE, especially useful as IE 10 and later versions have not been called by a number more

    function detectIE() {}

    UA = window.navigator.userAgent var;

    MSIE = ua.indexOf ('MSIE') var;

    If (msie > 0) {}

    IE 10 or more-online version of back number

    return parseInt (ua.substring (msie + 5, ua.indexOf ('.))) (((', msie)), 10);


    Trident var = ua.indexOf('Trident/');

    If (trident > 0) {}

    IE 11 => the version number of return

    var rv = ua.indexOf('rv:');

    return parseInt (ua.substring (rv + 3, ua.indexOf ('.))) (((', rv)), 10);


    edge of the var = ua.indexOf('Edge/');

    If (m > 0) {}

    IE 12 => version number of return

    return parseInt (ua.substring (edge + 5, ua.indexOf ('.))) (((', edge)), 10);


    other browser

    Returns false;


    var scaleString = "width";

    {if (detectIE () == 8)}

    Alert ("this is IE8");

    scaleString = 'none ';


    else {}

    scaleString = "width";


    The variable scaleString then goes into the code already present in the index file replacing "width" (in my case, it could also be used for height and at the same time).

    scaleToFit: scaleString,

  • Questions about math broadband features


    I'm just trying to understand what advandages High Troughput Math Funtions have. I so ask a few Questions.

    I always talk about beeing inside a SCTL.

    1. in the Image you can see four functions to add. One with U32 who must use more resources than with the U16Datatype that uses mor than the U8. But my broadband Math FXP uses fewer resources than the U8 Version?

    2. who this four functions add will take less time for execution?

    3. If I add two 32 bit a number with the normal add-in and the other with broadband Add. Which functions uses less resources and who will be fastest?

    4. How would it bee if I had a Multiplication instead? When I understand the concept of a Multiplication on the right it will be done with a DSP48E. This logical block is able to multiply a little 25 number with a number of 18 bits. So the U32 multiply will use 2 DSP48Es and the other three functions would use a DSP48E.

    I guess that the U32 Version will be slower enforcement?

    Whats on the other three will be their equal execution speed, or Versions with smaller data types will be faster?

    With greetings


    @JLewis: thank you for your answer it helped a lot to understand functions HT!

  • The display and recording time elapsed during the reading of the instrument

    I've been programming Labview for a total of two days so please bear with my inexperience. I have a 9201 module that takes a reading of the voltage and it is plotted on a graph. I click on a Boolean switch and the graph starts playback and recording data every 3 seconds. When I click on that same switch I would like to start a clock. Then once the button is clicked once again I need to stop the clock and save time. I tried to use the elapsed timer function but can not understand how to operate inside my main while loop. I don't know if I need to use a subvi or something different all together. I enclose my any project that could make the issue easier to understand. Thanks in advance for any help.

    I changed your code (personally I him would not have made it, but I don't want too many changes in your code because you are a beginner in LabVIEW!).

    -Now, there are 2 loops: 1 bow for the acquisition (looped) and 1 loop for user interface operations (while loop + event structure: it is a very powerful structure in LabVIEW and you should take a look at a few examples to understand how it works)

    -You will find a registry to offset used by loop acquisition: I explain what it is in the diagram...

    -I gave you a VI that is almost the same as 'out of time' Express VI: maybe it will be interesting to try too understand that when you get more experience in LabVIEW (you will understand 'functional global variables' and "reentrancy execution": these 2 animals are used by 'elapsed time' Express VI (but also by the VI I've included, and which is almost the same thing))

    Note that I have shown the solution to 1 of the 4 graphs: you will need to do the same for the other 3. You also need to code elapsed time saving.

    Once again, the solution I gave you is very far from perfection, but with 2 days of practice of LabVIEW, it would be too complicated to explain the different architectures and the means of communication between the loops etc...

  • Cisco SCF reports the current scanning Proxy

    Dear all,

    I need a current way of the declaration of the "scanning Proxy. The reason I need it is that a number of users have reported the "Web Security Module" within Cisco Anyconnect is the transmission by proxy on the wrong country. For example, UK users in a law firm are transferred by proxy through the France where Office B is not.

    We are a global company, I want to just do a check on the rest of the environment.

    Thank you


    Hi Simon,.

    I suspect you are using ' AnyConnects more close round sensing function to allow AnyConnect WSM (Web Security Module) to send traffic to the tower which will give you the best performance based on factors such as network latency and the best way to name a few.

    A common reason that this logic can happen would be due to the binding of the ISP itself and latency plaguing the path to a single round vs the other. If there is latency in the UK tour, but not for the tour de France, AnyConnect will come the turn of France to provide you with the best service.

    You can verify this behavior specifically by running a traceroute to the towers in question and comparing the latency time. In addition, a DART bundle running in verbose mode will produce a detailed output of the stats that anyconnect used in this instance to choose the best tour. In addition, you can uncheck the option "Detect Closest Tower" and manually select the tower to use.

    CWS (wire) to declaration not currently has the ability to report on the ID of the tour or the code of the country that traffic has been handled through.

  • Hardware and software Question

    Thanks in advance for helping me understand, functionally, how Premiere Pro. I'm operating a Sandybridge 4 3.4 Ghz i7 processor, 16 GB of RAM and a Sapphire HD6870 inside a computer Windows 7 series video card. I use CS5.5 and have been for a while and enjoy it greatly. I'm looking to get into the ultra HD 4 K video business but have tried to test how well it ' l work with my current game to the top, and I'm not sure how to approach something of this kind of editing. Similar to any instance when I apply a third video effect (Magic Bullet Looks, for example), after maybe one or two seconds of playback, the video begins to chop out. I look at my material, I see that spike carrots, but certainly do not work 100% of its capacity. The RAM is about 5 use Go, leaving at least, about 10 GB free. I have the same happen to me when I imported a few sequences of R3D (no effect). Even at a resolution of 1/4 of reading, I get the same results. I've always simply imported the images and worked with her, and in cases where I have applied effects, I made just before watching. Obviously this is not ideal with 4K work long term. I wonder if there is a better way to work with these images, if I missed something, if the material is really the cause, or something else. To be fair and to identify my lack of knowledge on the subject, I do not understand which edition 'offline' is, then maybe that's my problem? It is difficult for me to say that I've always worked with Canon DSLR HD images, and he never gave me a problem, apart from the effects based stuff. Any shared wisdom would be great. Thank you again in advance.

    Hi BrianMaurer,

    Check out this PDF that came out in the calendar of CS5: orkflow - guide.pdf

    I think you will find that if you have a GPU qualified for the Mercury playback engine, you may have a 4K Cup easier time film. It is also recommended that you update Premiere Pro CS5 CS5 (5.0.3). More information on that here:

    Thank you


  • Around question number Q Q

    Hi all

    I can't use the rounded in the query in the query. I can get the entire number as:

    < cfquery dbtype = "query" >

    Select cast (myValue as integer) finalNumber

    from myQuery

    < / cfquery >

    where myValue = 65.7, but the result is 65 years old, it should be 66.

    It's a work around for this issue?

    Thank you!

    Select a static field for your q q.  Then loop through the results and update to aid querysetcell and round() coldfusion function.

  • convert bytes MB with PHP getSize

    I thought I had cracked the nut of a previous debate.

    A file works fine on my local test server.  But on the remote site, the results are an unsorted mess.

    I found a script that handles this pretty well.

    <? PHP

    class SortingIterator implements IteratorAggregate


    private $iterator = null;

    public function __construct (Traversable $iterator, $callback)


    If (! is_callable ($callback)) {}

    throw new InvalidArgumentException ("given callback is not callable!'");


    $array = iterator_to_array ($iterator);

    usort ($array, $callback);

    $this-> iterator = new ArrayIterator ($array);


    public void getIterator()


    Return $this-> iterator;



    ? >

    <! - results - >

    < ul >

    <? PHP

    function mysort ($a, $b)


    return $a-> getPathname() > $b-> getPathname().


    $it = new SortingIterator (new RecursiveIteratorIterator (new RecursiveDirectoryIterator ("PATH/MY_DIRECTORY'")), "mysort");

    {foreach ($it as $file)

    echo "" < li > < a href = "". $file. « « > ». $file-> getFilename(). "< /a > -". $file-> getSize().' bytes < /li > ';


    ? >

    < /ul >

    All I need now is a simple way to convert results getSize bytes in MB.

    Any ideas?

    Thank you

    Nancy O.

    Use the round() php function

    round (file-> getSize() / 1048576, 2)

  • Problem with the data type date

    Hi team

    I'm very confused in the associated date coversion

    for example if I have question
    Select name, hire_date from employee

    the o/p looks like this

    Suresh 24/05/1999, but if I need to display as 24-May-1999, should I use
    and please help me understand

    Function TO_NUMBER to_char TO_DATE, I bit confused in this? Please you can get a few suggestion to laymensterm

    Thank you

    If you want to present a DATE data type in a specific format, you will use TO_CHAR.
    If you want to transform a (varchar2) STRING to a DATE data type in a specific format, you will use TO_DATE.
    Never compare strings to dates
    Never compare strings to numbers
    You never rely on implicit data type conversions
    Long version:

  • Question about the BOROUGH a number to the nearest quarter

    Hi all

    Please forgive me if I am not posting this at the appropriate place, but I do not know what area he could enter (script, Javascript, Designer...) and the Acrobat Scripting forum seemed as good one place as any.

    I have the field that allows a user to enter a number with 2 decimal places 2-digit. (i.e. 12.30 or 9.78 until 24.00.) This field corresponds to the hours in a day). What I would like is to "round" the quarter of an hour. As an example, if a person enters:

    22.15 - the field would round up to 22.25

    9.78 - the field would round down to 9.75

    12.10 - the field would round down to 12:00

    .15 - would round up a.25

    .96 - would turn to 1.00

    .01 a.24 - would round up a.25

    Essentially, any number that they take place in this field (until 24:00) would be around in an appropriate manner.

    I looked at the ROUNDING FormCalc function and DATE / hour, but it doesn't look like one of those that would allow me to do what I have to do. I guess, that it should be in JavaScript, but yet again, I'm not sure.

    If someone can point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated, and if all goes well, I explained to him what I want to do it properly.


    Here is an example of code that I wrote to round a number (x) to the nearest quarter (nouveaux_x):

    var x = 22.15;
    var rounded_x = Math.floor (x);
    var x_nouveaux;

    If (x-rounded_x<=0.125) new_x="rounded_x;" 0="" -="" 0.125="" round="" down="" to="">
    ElseIf (x-rounded_x<=0.375) new_x="rounded_x+0.25;" 0.125="" -="" 0.375="" round="" to="">
    ElseIf (x-rounded_x<=0.625) new_x="rounded_x+0.5;" 0.375="" -="" 0.625="" round="" to="">
    ElseIf (x-rounded_x<=0.875) new_x="rounded_x+0.75;" 0.625="" -="" 0.875="" round="" to="">
    else x_nouveaux = rounded_x + 1; 0,875 - 1,00 round up to 1

    Edit: improved code...

  • Basic operations


    Rather than having auth based on service level. can configure us auth basic a level down to the level of operation/method? Is it possible to understand functioning url scheme? something like this work...
    Page of the administrator < web-resource-name > < / web-resource-name >
    _ < url-pattern > /MyWebservice / * Myoperation * < / url-pattern > _
    GET < http-method > < / http method >
    POST < http-method > < / http method >

    Thank you,
    Amit Joshi

    There is no specific url for each operation. the operation information is extracted from the payload soap. Basic authentication is provided by web container in WLS webservices, web container will not interpret load useful soap. If you want to force authentication at the level of operation/method, I think you should take a look at politics UsernameToken.

    xmlns:WSP = "".
    xmlns:SP = "".

    SP:IncludeToken = "" >


  • Reduction of the decimal point

    Here is my file where you can add, subtract, multiply and divide 2 numbers all at once.

    problem is sometimes the answers are to 14 decimal places.

    How can I change this so that the answers will not say 2 decimal places?

    THX in advance

    Ah ok

    in order to get

    Division.Text = roundToDecimalPlace(Number(input1.text)/Number(input2.text),2);

    to 7 decimal places, I must have

    Division.Text = roundToDecimalPlace(Number(input1.text)/Number(input2.text),7);

    is this fair?

    Yes, I am trying to scan to get a good book on Actionscripting, because I'm more of a designer to a programmer (so my problem understanding functions, but thatnks you're explanation, it was very useful)

    is that to ask here for any book recommendations?

  • display of salary

    Dear all,

    You want to display the name of the employee and the amount of the wage in astericks.
    Each asterisk means a thousand dollars.
    for example

    Name salary
    Charles Higgins *.

    Try this:

    create table test (name varchar2 (30), number (10,2)) salary

    Insert test values ('Karl Higgins' 12600);

    Select name. LPAD (' ', round(salary/1000,0) + 1,'* ') of the test;

    You can replace the round() ceil() function or floor depending on your needs. '+ 1' is to compensate the space used in lpad().

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