RS - 232 ascii data analysis

I have a need to compare the incoming of RS-232 ascii data tables or tables for accuracy. I can generate data using the RS-232 module, but I don't know what to do with incoming data. Orders and incoming data vary. The data is a string variable. Because it varies with the command that I don't know how to compare it to a table of choice etc.


There is an error in my formula... it is based on a variable that is not really defined.


strval (substr (${STR_3}, strind (${STR_3}, "current =" "") + 10, strind (${STR_3}, "(") - strind (${STR_3}, "current =" "") + 10 ")))

the syntax is:

substr (String, start, length)

STRIND (String, search string) - gives you a number that is the beginning of the search string, must be added in advance at the end of the search string

strval (string) - transforms a string in a number

So, to deconstruct the formula

Browse to the location of the number, in this case, it is immediately after "current =", so look for this string and add 10 to advance beyond it. "

Find the location of the next bracket, look for "().

Calculate the length of the number by subtracting the position of the bracket of the position of the beginning of the number

current XXXXXXX = 42.0 (ampsx10)

^              ^      ^

A             B     C

East strind (${STR_3}, "current =" "")

B = A + 10 or strind (${STR_3}, "current =" "") + 10

C = strind (${STR_3} "(" ")")

length b = C - B or C - 10 A +.

So, using this notation, the above formula is

STRVAL (SUBSTR (STRING, A + 10, C - A + 10))

Tags: NI Products

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    OK, convert your DBL timestamp and use the following format (be sure to set the schema format display of \-codes first constant!):


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    Hey Johnny,

    Every time that you run in the loop, you recalculate the value of the difference.  When the loop is running again, it clears the value you had before.  There are tons of ways that solve you the problem.  A lot of it depends on if you need data analysis while you're in the loop.  If you want to check it after it's done running, you can connect just the difference on the edge of the while loop and turn on indexing by right-clicking on the tunnel.  This will save the value of the difference of each iteration of the while loop.  You can also save under condition maybe (maybe you only care about the difference if there is between certain values) in writing to a text file by using the writing of text file or by building an array in a structure of housing.  These are just some thoughts.

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    I don't know if I understand that measures are not clear. Here's what I think you want to do:

    (1) load data from different files in DIAdem

    To do this, you must use "DataFileLoad("E:\Customer_Requests\caracasnet\log(111231).csv","caracasnet_log","Load") call.

    You call DataFileLoad for each of the files.

    (2) you want to concatenate the groups.
    This should be no different than what you've done up to now

    (3) you want to store the data in a file (TDM).
    To do this, you must call DataFileSave (...)

    Let me know if you have any other questions...

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    Hello, Kalyie!

    Puneet.Kapoor is indeed correct, you can create an Excel macro and call from LabVIEW. An example of this in LabVIEW under help > find examples. When searching for "Excel", you will find 'Excel Macro example.' It would be more useful for the automation of your functions, or if you try to do more complex operations on your data in Excel (min and max are simple relativelty, however).

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    JsonDataAccess jda;
    QVariant jsonQVariant=jda.load(networkReply).value();
    QVariantList venueList = jsonQVariant.toMap()["venues"].toList();
    foreach (QVariant v, venueList)
        QVariantMap venueMap = v.toMap();

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      "name":"HSBC Bank",
               "city":"Kuala Lumpur",
       "stats":{"checkinsCount":2872, "usersCount":858, "tipCount":6},
            "hereNow":{"count":1,"groups":[{"type":"others","name":"Other people here","count":1,"items":[]}]},

    Try something like this:

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    bb::data::JsonDataAccess jda;
    QVariant list = jda.loadFromBuffer(jsonString);
    QVariantMap result = list.value();
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    SQL> with temp
      2  as
      3  (
      4  select '- dn=cn=9245fe4a-d402-451c-b9ed-9c1a04247482,ou=people,dc=idauth-userstore,dc=standardlife,dc=com' as val from dual
      5  )
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      7    from temp;
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    My question is, would the data through pipes to offer me a gain with my time insert statements, and if so someone could help me to implement? The current procedure is listed below, less any code validation etc. for readability. The CSV is first uploaded to a table in a BLOB file before be analyzed by the procedure.

    -- Chunk up the CSV file and split into a line at a time
      rawChunk := dbms_lob.substr(bloContent, numChunkLength, numPosition + numExtra);
      strConversion := strConversion || utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(rawChunk);
      numLineEnd := instr(strConversion,chr(10),1);  --This will return 0 if there is no chr(10) in the String
      strColumns := replace(substr(strConversion,1,numLineEnd -numTrailChar),CHR(numSpacer),',');
      strLine := substr(strConversion,1,numLineEnd);
      strLine := substr(strLine,1,length(strLine) - numTrailChar);
      -- Break each line into columns using the delimeter
      arrData := wwv_flow_utilities.string_to_table (strLine, '|');
        FOR i in 1..arrData.count
         --Now we concatenate the Column Values with a Comma
          strValues := strValues || arrData(i) || ','; 
        END LOOP;
         --Remove the trailing comma
          strValues := rtrim(strValues,',');
         -- Insert the values into target table, one row at a time
          EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'INSERT INTO ' || strTableName || ' (' || strColumns || ')
                             VALUES (' || strValues ||  ')';
        numRow := numRow + 1; --Keeps track of what row is being converted
       -- We set/reset the values for the next LOOP cycle
        strLine := NULL;
        strConversion := null;
        strValues := NULL;
        numPosition := numPosition + numLineEnd;
        numExtra := 0;
        numLineEnd := 0;
      END IF;

    Apex-user wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    I'm trying to expand your code to use more tou both current columns, but having trouble with the format here...

    1. While (l_clob) dbms_lob.getlength > l_off and l_off > 0 loop
    2. l_off_new: = instr (l_clob, c_sep, l_off, c_numsep);
    3. line (csv_split_type)
    4. substr (l_clob, l_off, instr (l_clob, c_sep, l_off)-l_off)
    5. , substr (l_clob, instr (l_clob, c_sep, l_off) + 1, l_off_new - instr (l_clob, c_sep, l_off) - 1)
    6. ));
    7. l_off: = l_off_new + 2; -to switch c_sep and line (10 sep

    How can I add more columns to this code? I'm mixed with all segments of substr and instr.

    I've done a rewrite on it (12 sec for 50,000 lines, 4 columns ~ 7 MB, 2.2 sec for 10,000 lines)

    create or replace function get_csv_split_cr (blob p_blob)

    return csv_table_split_type



    c_sep constant varchar2 (2): = "";

    c_line_end constant varchar2 (1): = Chr (10);

    l_row varchar2 (32767).

    number of l_len_clob;

    number of l_off: = 1;

    CLOB l_clob;

    -below is used only for the call of dbms_lob.converttoclob

    l_src_off pls_integer: = 1;

    l_dst_off pls_integer: = 1;

    number of l_ctx: = dbms_lob. DEFAULT_LANG_CTX;

    number of l_warn: = dbms_lob. WARN_INCONVERTIBLE_CHAR;


    DBMS_LOB.CREATETEMPORARY (l_clob, true);

    DBMS_LOB.converttoclob (l_clob, p_blob, dbms_lob.lobmaxsize, l_src_off, l_dst_off, dbms_lob. DEFAULT_CSID, l_ctx, l_warn);

    -Attention: hypothesis that there is at least a 'correct' csv-line

    -should perhaps find a better guard condition

    -Hypothesis: last column ends with the separator

    l_len_clob: = length (l_clob);

    While l_len_clob > l_off and l_off > 0 loop

    l_row: = substr (l_clob, l_off, instr (l_clob, c_line_end, l_off)-l_off);

    line (csv_split_type)

    -start of the first; occurrence - 1

    substr (l_row, 1, instr (l_row, c_sep) - 1)

    -first; second occurrence; accident - first; occurrence

    , substr (l_row, instr (l_row, c_sep, 1, 1) + 1, instr (l_row, c_sep, 1, 2) - instr (l_row, c_sep, 1, 1) - 1)

    -second; third occurrence; occurrence - second; occurrence

    , substr (l_row, instr (l_row, c_sep, 1, 2) + 1, instr (l_row, c_sep, 1, 3) - instr (l_row, c_sep, 1, 2) - 1)

    - and so on

    , substr (l_row, instr (l_row, c_sep, 1, 3) + 1, instr (l_row, c_sep, 1, 4) - instr (l_row, c_sep, 1, 3) - 1)


    l_off: = l_off + length (l_row) + 1; -to switch c_sep and line (10 sep

    end loop;



    You must change the csv_split_type also.

    Update: I had to correct, combined version of two upward.

  • How to set up a chart and store data points in a table to allow me to do the analysis with him


    I am relatively inexperienced, with the help of labview and I try to do the following with the help of an oscilloscope Tektronix TDS 2001 C but have no idea how start.

    (1) load a previously saved regarding the volts/div and setting s/div on oscilloscope

    (2) pass everything that appears on the o-scope on my computer screen

    (3) save the data table so that I can do a scan with it

    I watched some of the diagrams of block of example provided with the driver I downloaded for this particular unit but am still very confused.  Any help would be greatly appreciated

    Hello Chron0,

    I know I guess a little here, but have you downloaded a specific device of driver?  This is a good place to find the built-in drivers for third-party devices, and there is one for this particular model.  That being said, when I looked at the examples in the downloaded zip file, I saw a couple of predefined options that look like they should satisfy question #2 of your project based on the method to use to acquire a waveform (permanently, several waveforms, etc.).  Similarly, in the Public folder is a configuration of channel VI which I think should satisfy what you are wanting to do to the #1 question.

    Depending on what you are willing to do data analysis, with regard to the software used, functions, etc., there are several reporting tools in LabVIEW which will allow you to save the table and manipulate later. A good place to begin with, it will be to search for "File i/o" in the search bar helps LabVIEW and select the option under the heading "Palette."  There are several options here that I think might be useful, including writing in the worksheet.

    It will be also good to be familiar with the Finder example OR in LabVIEW.  There are examples of spreadsheets / saving data, as well as VISA, which you can do some reading on, because the interface VISA, it's how you communicate with this device (Fortunately, the driver already download it!)

    Good luck to go ahead and keep us informed here on your project!

    -Dave C

    Technical sales engineer

    National Instruments

  • Analysis of jpeg data. I can't go down in photoshop, loads of photo...


    I have pictures of the Philippines who have been downloaded on me. using the normal method. direct.
    When I try to place them in my Photoshop I get this message...
    "Could not complete your request, due to a problem, jpeg data analysis".
    This, I do not understand.
    Thank you to.

    You have pictures saved in a folder on your hard drive?

    Can you open in paint?

  • Analysis of JPEG data problem?

    Why I get the error "Could not complete your request because of a problem with JPEG data analysis" when I try to open the photo files in the elements (7,0) editor? I was able to open these files in Photoshop, a few weeks ago and now I get an error. This happens to a lot of my files. How can I fix it? Please help me!

    I found a solution, however, only for MAC users:

    Step 1: Download the image to your "downloads" folder

    Step 2: Open your "Photos" on your Mac program.  (I currently run OS El Capitan)

    Step 3: Go to your 'File' menu and scroll down to "import".

    Step 4: When the window opens, go to your folder that you have saved your photo in "downloads".  Click on the name of your photo.

    Step 5: After the opening of your photo, return to the 'File' menu, but this time click 'Export '.  It will have an arrow that goes to the right and click on "export 1 Photo... »

    Step 6: When the window opens, click on the "file type" JPEG to TIFF.

    Step 7: After you change the type of file, go down to the right of the window and click "export."

    Step 8: Click on the location you want to save the file, and then click New at the bottom right on "export".

    The file appears in the folder you selected.  I opened the files with success in different versions of Photoshop (2014 and later versions).

  • data storage


    I have a few questions about how to manage and store data.

    I am witing a calibration software where I need to display the chart with the probes.

    then table of current vs probe 10 times Ref then calculations such as average, sigma, then conversion and data storage.

    Using data from the previous program files, I have identified a type of format.

    I reproduced it as a cluster with cluster as table follows this im using as a temporary variable when acquiring and pending approval of the user.

    After that I'll have to move from cluster to a vi convert txt to be operated by another application.

    My question is:

    is it a good way cluster using rather vs. string table

    one is typed so much more easy don't make mistake affecting each measure and the data calculated in the right place

    but less if the cluster size has to change

    with an array of strings, change can be easier but it is easy to make the mistake of index and by placing it in the wrong cell

    What would you use?

    Best regards


    Attached cluster VI

    While I agree with Mark that by using the software OpenG is write a much easier configuration file (in fact you can use the variant to the ini cluster just write the table once), it seems you are actually asking how to store data, no?  In this case, the format of configuration file would seem inappropriate if you plot the data that you need another script to extract data from this format.  If you try to write data that the customer can extract, then the way you suggest (without having seen) is not unreasonable.  Have that said, you considered PDM.  There are plugins for playback of this format for several packages of data analysis (Igor, Matlab, Excel, etc.) and writing to the file in this format is child's play.  There were converters even in ascii as others have developed on this site (I have not really tested it).  Anyway, just a thought.

    Cheers, Matt

  • How to view the monthly/annual statistics in terms of time past/calories burned, broken down by each individual activity such as run elliptical/outside etc. Y at - it a third party application that can help me to collect and display these data?

    How to view the monthly/annual statistics in terms of time past/calories burned, broken down by each individual activity such as run elliptical/outside etc. Y at - it a third party application that can help me to collect and display these data?


    It is not currently possible to review the data the application integrated in activity or training on this basis. If you want Apple to consider adding this feature, you can suggest here:

    However, health and fitness data from other sources, iPhone, and Apple Watch are registered and grouped within the health on iPhone app. These data can be exported, which you may find useful to track the cumulative progress and/or analyze your activity more in detail.

    IPhone app activity also has a button for sharing (top right of the screen) that allows to share data - including social media, Messages, Mail, Notes, and a printer.

    Include third-party applications that can be useful, for example:

    Access to QS

    -"Access your HealthKit data in a table so you can Explorer using numbers, Excel, R, or any other tool compatible CSV."


    SpectaRun workouts

    -"View from the workouts of your Apple Watch on your iPhone and to export these workouts so you can download them to your favorite online running community."


    Data can also be exported directly from the application of the health (Health Data > All - Share at the top button on the right).

    Check the descriptions and support resources for third party applications for supported details of import and data analysis features.

    More information:

    Use the activity on your Apple Watch - Apple Support

    Use of the workout on your Apple Watch - Apple Support

  • How can I convert data to a string in all types of data available in Labview?

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    Use a decimal number string

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    "When the excitement of voltage, DTC Decagon sensor makes a measurement.  Three measurement values are passed for about 140 ms of excitement to the data logger as a character of flow series of ASCII.  The series is 1200 asynchronous baud with 8 data bits, no parity and one stop bit.  The voltage levels are 0-3, 6V and logical levels are (low active) TTL.  The power must be removed and repeated his request for a new set of values to pass.  The ASCII data stream contains three numbers separated by spaces.  The first number is the depth of the water in mm, the second number is the temperature in degrees Celsius, with a resolution of 0.1 degree C, and the third number is the electrical conductivity in dS/m, with a resolution of 1 dS/m.  A carriage return follows the three digits, then the character ' t "", which indicates that it is a sensor DTC, and then a control character, and finally a carriage return and supply line. ' "

    My attached VI is a little dubious-it probably looks like something that someone used for analog signals may create.  However, I was hoping it would be enough of a starting point for a more wise to work with LabVIEWer.

    Thank you very much


    The guide said in reality as a data acquisition card OR is the same as a data logger. I've never associated the two as being the same. What I think about a data logger is an autonomous instrument.

    Looking for a more details in your original post, the voltage levels are not standard. You may need a shifter level or need to find a USB-RS232 adapter for TTL levels.

Maybe you are looking for

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